Optek TOP5 Brewery Applications English

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CIP returns

CIP supply
Optimize your process I 03

In all stages of the brewing process

Content optek photometers help to ensure
optimum system performance.

TOP 5 Brewery Applications optek is the world’s leading manufacturer

of inline photometric process instrumenta-
Filter Control 11°/ 90° 04 tion. With more than 30,000 installations inline control
TOP 1 in various applications and industries, our
From Line to Lab 08 team provides the best in quality, consult-
ing, support and long-term performance,
TOP 2 Separator Control 09 world wide.

TOP 3 Yeast Management 10 High quality materials are able to withstand

the toughest process conditions, including
TOP 4 Brewhouse Turbidity 12 high temperature and high pressure appli-
cations. Cleanability is ensured using high
TOP 5 Color Measurement 13 quality polished wetted materials, superior
hygienic design as well as sapphire optical
Principles of Measurement 14 windows.

Contact 16 As a global partner to the brewing industry,

optek offers the most advanced tech-
nologies like superior signal amplication,
drift-free zero point & calibration, inline
validation support, stray light suppression,
PROFIBUS® PA, and multilingual user-
interfaces for easy on-site operations. Our
support ensures long-term satisfaction with
programs like “SpeedParts” and “SwapRe-
pair” to provide our customers sustainable
operations and minimized downtime
at the lowest cost of ownership.

Optimize your process – with optek.

04 I Filter Control – Applications

feed DTF16 color


Filter Control 11°/ 90° Filter Backwash Optimizati

Optimization Phase Separation
The optek Haze Control / DTF16 relies The optek AS16-N or AF16-N used for The Haze Control / DTF16 system may
on a dual angle scattered-light mea- feed monitoring can also be used to also be paired with an AS16-F or
surement for precise quality control optimize your lter backwash process AF16-F to measure the color of your
during nal ltration independent of by measuring the turbidity in the water, beer. This measurement controls the
color and color changes. Using this saving time, energy and conserving phase separation between beer and
sensor downstream of the lter detects water usage. water ensuring faster product change-
lter breakthroughs, preventing “out of overs while maintaining product quality
spec” product while ensuring product Filter Aid Dosage and minimizing product losses.
quality and clarity at each ltration step. Dosage of lter aids like Kieselguhr
or PVPP can be controlled with optek Filter Setup Monitor
Feed Monitoring absorption or scattered-light sensors. Using the 0° absorption channel of the
Using an optek AS16-N or AF16-N, the Optimizing lter aid usage reduces sensor DTF16, turbidity up to 500 EBC
turbidity in the feed line can be moni- costs and at the same time ensures can be measured, allowing you to moni-
tored, allowing precise feed control while consistent product quality. tor and control the lter pre-coat cycle.
preventing lter clogging or blinding. This This provides an additional opportunity
additional sensor can be connected to for lter optimization.
your Haze Control / DTF16 system with-
out need for an additional Converter.

optek Haze Control DTF16

Haze Control – Physics I 05

Why use an 11° solids content. Modern breweries Why is the reading of lab and
measurement? can now measure this parameter process sometimes different?
Forward scattered light is particle inline and thus provide the ability to The beer in the pipe is homogeneous,
size sensitive and its strength is in release beer automatically. under pressure, and at a constant
detecting particles such as yeast, temperature. In the lab, the samples
trub and Kieselguhr, efficiently Why use a 0° absorption have time to change, solids may
detecting filter breaks and filtrate measurement? precipitate, and temperature changes
turbidity caused by particles, even Using the 0° absorption channel allows will affect the solubility of colloids and
at extremely low concentrations. measurements at higher turbidity lev- with that the measurement. In addi-
11° measurements are very sensi- els, well beyond the range of the 11° tion, differences in the optical congu-
tive in this regard and correlate well or 90° results, allowing you to monitor rations of the instruments themselves,
to actual non-dissolved solids con- and control the lter pre-coat cycle as along with the calibration methods
tent, essential for proper filtration well. This provides an additional oppor- used, have an inuence
 on compara-
control and optimization. tunity for lter optimization. tive results.

Why is 11° better than the

traditional 25° measurement?
Scattered light at 11° is more spe-
cic due to a higher signal and will
detect abnormal particulate faster 90°
without the inuence
 from colloidal
material common at 25°. This also
aids in the prompt troubleshooting of
ltration problems.

Why use a 90°

Turbidity measurements at an 11°
angle of 90° are highly sensitive to
colloids and are used as a quality Abs.
check for the clarity of the beer. Mis-
takenly, 90° techniques have been 11°
used for process evaluations but do
not correlate to actual non-dissolved
06 I Haze Control – Technology

Control is Power.
Filtration is one of the most important steps in the brewing process. The optek
Haze Control DTF16 allows you to measure and control this crucial process and
provides real-time quality assessment. In addition to releasing beer by instrument,
there are tremendous opportunities to reduce beer loss, media usage and
production costs while increasing ltration capacity and ensuring consis-
tent product quality.

optek DTF16 Process Turbidimeter


Factory Zero Point standards currently in use in process detectors. This design does not rely on
The power behind the optek Haze plants today. This calibration is stable any coatings and maintains a clean-
Control DTF16 is the factory zero point. for the life of the instrument and does able, sanitary design. Combine this
No longer is a questionable zero media not need recalibration, providing a low ingenious design with the legendary
(process water) or offine zero proce- cost of ownership. This ensures precise, optek signal amplication stability, dual
dure required. Using known technical repeatable and reliable measurements beam ratio detectors and advanced
reference solutions and purest zero across multiple instruments and loca- Haze Control rmware and you get a
media, optek developed a factory cali- tions. User selectable units of measure drift and calibration-free process tur-
bration and a precise zero point. This and built in correlation tables provide bidity analyzer with excellent long-time
drift-free factory zero point eliminates unrivalled exibility to the brewery. performance..
the need for regular zeroing of the
instrument saving you time and money Drift-free by Design Information on Demand
and does not depend on the operator. Baseline drift of scattered-light sensors Designed for ease of use, the Haze
It also ensures that every instrument is has long been a problematic issue. Control software has seven languages
base lined identically and precisely. This This is usually caused by unwanted to choose from. In addition to the four
is invaluable when relying on multiple scattered-light, or stray light, from transmitted results, the Haze Control
instrument locations. reections
 in the sensor assembly from has a built in data logger providing you
the light source itself, worn articial with continuous trending. This data can
Factoryy Calibration coatings, or external light (i.e. sight be displayed locally and downloaded to
Each and every optek Haze Control glasses). This stray light in
uences a computer allowing
DTF16 is factory calibrated to EBC the measurement in production personnel
standards which an un- to review process con-
correlate to sistencies or track down
all other any historica
historical problems.

Communication you need

The Haze Control o offers multiple com-
predict- munication options
options. You can use up
able fashion. to four mA-outputs simultaneously to
The optek DTF16 transmit data or co
completely control the
incorporates ad- converter remotely using a standard
vanced geometry to I/O interface. Also tthe bus communi-
eliminate this problem cation PROFIBUS® PA is available to
by re-directing the integrate the system optimally in your
stray light away from the (future) bus system

optek DTF16 Process Turbidimeter

Haze Control – Congurations I 07

Haze Control units and ranges Range of Measurement Haze Control DTF16
Unit EBC Correlation 90° side scatter 11° forward scatter 0° absorption
EBC 1 0-25 0-25 0-500
FTU 4 = 1 EBC 0-100 0-100 0-2000
NTU 4 = 1 EBC 0-100 - -
ASBC-FTU 69 = 1 EBC 0-1725 0-1725 0-34500
Helms 40 = 1 EBC 0-1000 - -
ppm (DE) 6.4  1 EBC* - 0-200 -
* non linear correlation

The instrument may be set by the operator to various lower ranges which can be displayed and transmitted simultaneously.

EBC = European Brewery Convention Dry air

FTU = Formazin Turbidity Units
NTU = Nephelometric Turbidity Units installed in refrigerated cellars, con-
ASBC = American Society of Brewing Chemists densation is likely in and around the
Helms = Turbidity Unit sensor. This is addressed by simply
ppm (DE) = Parts per Million (Diatomaceous Earth) supplying dry instrument air to stan-
dard purge connections of the DTF16.
By pressurizing the internal air space
the potential for condensation is elimi-
nated. optek offers air preparation
systems to meet you requirements.

mA-OUT Relays
DTF16 AS16-N AS16-F mA-IN Remote-IN
Haze Control 0/4-20 mA 0-50 V AC
11°/90° NIR-Absorp. Color 0/4-20 mA 18-29 V DC
incl. Failsafe 0-75 V DC

HC4301 x - - 2 3 - -

x x -
HC4402 4 3 - -
x - x

HC4321 x - - 2 3 2 7

x x -
HC4422 4 3 2 7
x - x

HC4351 x x - 2 3

HC4452 x - x 4 3
08 I Filter Control – From Line to Lab


Line and Lab: The 11° forward angle is very sensitive Using the optek DT9011 the sample is
One optical design to particle size so it is an indicator of placed in a water bath and measured
Two of optek newest products are abnormal particulate such as Kiesel- 250 times during one rotation, fol-
specically designed for the beverage guhr and yeast. In addition it corre- lowed by advanced data analysis. This
industry. The optek DT9011 is an “In lates very well to actual non-dissolved eliminates the effects of bottle color
the Bottle” bench top turbidimeter. The content while the 90° side-scatter and shape, as well as scratches, seams
process sensor DTF16 is intended as a angle provides sensitivity to colloids and other imperfections in the sample
true real-time QA/QC turbidity analyzer and haze. Using the 11° forward scat- bottle. 90°
that can eliminate lab assessments ter angle is more specic  than 25°and
all together. Both products measure at eliminates false high readings due to
both a forward scatter angle of 11° as haze, because it is nearly independant
well as the side scatter method of 90°. of colloidal turbidity. Any ltration is-
sues, whether recipe, process or equip-
Both results are displayed and record- ment related can now be diagnosed 11°

ed simultaneously. The measurement much easier by knowing the nature of Abs.

signals of the laboratory system match the turbidityy constituents. 11°
the optek DTF16 series inline turbidi-
meters, allowing validation of process
readings to the lab. The 90° angle pro-
vides the colloidal haze measurement optek Haze Control DT9011
for clarity assessment. Either angle can Laboratory Turbidimeter

be read in EBC or FTU. The 11° angle

can be read in ppm or ASBC and at the
90° angle Helms or NTU units are also
possible. Measuring at both angles
provides lab personnel with consider-
ably more data when analyzing nished
beer turbidity.
Separator Control I 09



Outlet (Centrate) Control Feed Control
Centrifugal separators equipped with Adding a second NIR abssorption optek C4000 Photometric Converter
a NIR absorption based photometer based photometer AF16-N or AS16-N
AF16-N or AS16-N on the outlet, can to the feed line, and measuring incom- yeast back into the claried process
eliminate needless discharges and ing loads directly, allows immediate re- stream. With this instrumentation
initiate them only when solids (yeast) sponse to varying process conditions, constant beer quality can be ensured.
carry-over is detected in the centrate including diverting high solids slugs to Control the turbidity inline without the
stream. Counting the frequency of prevent plugging up a separator bowl. need for sample taking and manual
these discharges is an indicator of in- One mishap like this costs more than dosing and save time and money.
coming solids loads, which can be used the analyzers used to prevent it. Of
to adjust the ow rate to allow maxi- course proper beer/yeast interface Concentrate Control
mum separation performance in high detection upstream will also prevent The concentrate stream of a separator
load conditions, and allows maximum unacceptably high solids loads from can be equipped with a NIR absorp-
throughput at low load conditions. shutting down a separator. In some tion based photometer AS16-N or
Optionally, a scattered light sensor breweries, claried
 streams are bright AF16-N using a very short optical path
TF16-N can be installed instead of a enough for release. In this case a length to accurately correlate absorp-
NIR absorption sensor to ensure low- scattered light sensor TF16-N would tion measurements directly to weight-
est measuring ranges, this obviously be used for turbidity QA as well as for percent. This enables yield measure-
depends on your application. separator control. ment and control of product quality.

Bypass Blend Control

In some cases a scattered light sensor
TF16-N instead of a NIR absorption
based photometer
tometer AF16-N or AS16-N
can be use eful for yeast concentration
control. A bypass line is used to dose
a certain amount of unltered
 beer or

optek AF16 Single Channel Absorption Sensor

10 I Yeast Management

Yeast Pitching This sensor often can double as a Correlation of Absorption

whirlpool outlet monitor, or a cold to million cells / mL
and inexpensively using a technique break monitor, depending on its NIR absorbance is directly propor-
called differential NIR absorption. This location in the brewhouse. The tional to the concentration based on
method uses two sensors. The rst or down-stream sensor AS16-N would Lambert-Beer’s Law. Correlations to
upstream sensor is a single channel, be located after the yeast injection cell count are easily done with any
NIR absorption based photometer point, prior to any air injection. This repeatable laboratory method. Mul-
AS16-N used to “baseline” the wort sensor measures the combined yeast tiple product functions in the C4000
turbidity. and wort stream. Simply subtract the allows multiple correlations for dif-
baseline result from the combined ferent yeast strains if required.
stream result to get pure injected
yeast content.

With a simple comparison to the lab,

the correlation to cell count can be
programmed directly in the C4000
converter and displaye ed simultane-
ously. Multiple strains with different
absorption / cell counnt ratios can also
be accommodated by using additional
product congurationss. There are a
total of 32 product denition set-ups

optek AS16 Single Channel

Absorption Probe
Yeast Management I 11

In fermenting, AS16-N probes have the
unique ability of mounting directly in
the fermentation vessel or directly in a optek C4000 Photometric Converter
bypass line via different adaptors. Prop-
erly located, the entire fermentation
cycle can be monitored in real-time, in the tank outlet, or in the recovered or Beer / yeast interface, yeast recovery
allowing optimization of the process. spent yeast line. When the yeast is re- also typically uses the AS16-N inline
Tanks can be released automati- moved from the beer the turbidimeter sensor. However, for basic interface
cally rather than waiting hours for lab will determine the interface between applications, where the interface detec-
samples to indicate proper occulation. the yeast and beer. In the past this tion is the only objective, optek offers
Feedback on any recipe inuences
 of was accomplished by time / volume or a lower cost probe style sensor in the
yeast cell growth can also be seen. In visual inspection. Since the set points AS56-N. Its lower power lamp mod-
larger cellars, saving 6-10 hours per are adjustable the optimal cut-off level ule also allows for up to four AS56-N
fermentation cycle can add up quickly, can be obtained to provide the most series probes to be multiplexed in one
adding valuable fermentation capacity, ef
fcient operation. This reduces prod- C4000 based system, thus making the
without adding a single fermenter. uct loss and provides a more uniform measurement point cost even more
product for ltration.
Beer / Yeast Interface,
Yeast Recovery
Many breweries are using large vertical
fermenters or multi-purpose tanks.
One of the main advantages of these
tanks is avoiding extra product trans-
fers. However, settled yeast must be
removed. A turbidity sensor is installed

optek AS16 Single Channel Absorption Probe

12 I Brewhouse Turbidity

Wort Clarity Monitoring More importantly, it can automati-

Lauter tun run-off clarity has tradi- cally react to any husk bed upsets, or
tionally been a hands-on monitoring elevated solids concentrations due to
operation performed by brewery per- bed cuts. Depending on the normal
sonnel; however, this is now commonly clarity levels achieved, this measure-
done with a scattered-light based ment result can also be correlated to
photometer TF16-N. % TSS (total suspended solids), which
can then be combined with ow data to
The measuring ranges depend on the create a % TSS - ow weighted average.
clarity levels reached and on measure- Control of this stage of the process
ment expectations. This instrument offers predictable downstream solids
continuously monitors solids con- content for both operational effciency,
centrations in the extract stream to and avor / clarity stability.
automatically indicate a switch to ow

forward to the brew kettle when the Mash Filter Monitoring
desired clarity level is reached.
Using a mash lter for clarifying the
wort makes the turbidity measurement
optek TF16-N Scattered Light
Dual Channel Turbidity Sensor
even more important. Achieve better
product quality by decreasing
produ losses and improv-
ing lter lifetime. Filter
breaks can be immediately
de using a scattered
light based photometer,
type TF16-N to monitor very
low particle concentrations
precis up to a broad turbid-
ity range using
usin the absorption signal
simultaneously. Automated alarms will
signal a breakthrough.
breakt Filter set-up
cycle duration can also be
time & CIP cyc
Color Measurement I 13

Beer Color is Important the software features
ures of the C4000
The use of precision color sensors photometric converter.
before the llers can provide color The optek sensor AF26, dual channel
dosing control and quality control absorption based photometer
photometer, is ideal
based on specic color aspects of the for this application. Simultaneously,
brands. Single or dual beam colorim- the reference channel can monitor
eters congured
 to monitor to specic
 trub and cold break if the AF26 is stra-
visible wavelengths can offer con- tegically located after the wort cooler.
tinuous inline monitoring to minimize
sampling, lab analysis. A consistent Color Dosing
visual impression for the end custom- The color of some beers will be
ers is as important as the possibillity adjusted using i.e. malt extract or rye
for product identication. malt beer. Dosage can be controlled
using an optek sensor. The color of the optek AS16 Single Channel Absorption Probe
Wort Color beer is measured and automated sig-
Wort color is also measured using nals i.e. relays can be used to trigger
absorption. However, beer color is pumps to start dosing the color into product is essential to maintain a
measured using visible light (VIS) at the beer stream. After the dosage, the protable
 business; however the costs
430 nm. In the brewhouse this poses color can be veried
 by a secondary go beyond the product alone. Water as
a problem as background turbidity sensor. Color of dark and bright beers, the push-out medium is also a com-
(solids) will also absorb light at as well as the color of high gravity modity and has an inherent cost to
430 nm. To compensate for this beer after blending can be controlled. procure and treat. Product and water,
with optek you can measure at two along with yeast, going needlessly
wavelengths, one at 430 nm and a Interface Detection / down the drain are a large contributor
reference wavelength in the NIR (Near Phase Separation to plant ef
fuent and the costs to treat
Infrared). Precise process interface detection it. Local municipalities may also be in-
with a single channel VIS absorption volved; applying charges to the volume
Subtracting the absorbance signal based photometer (optek AS56-F of ef
fuent and even nes if solids load
of the reference channel from the or AF56-F) is the easiest and least or BOD limits are exceeded. Gaining
primary, visible channel signal gives a expensive technique available to brew- control of plant interface functions not
pure color measurement. This result is ers today to reduce product losses. In only makes sense, it’s also environ-
then correlated to ASBC or EBC, using a large brewery, the sheer number of mentally friendly.
change-over operations can cost the
brewer thousands of hectoliters of
product and by-products each week.
In today’s economy, recovering this
14 I Principles of Measurement

Lamp Detector(s)

Probe AS16 / AS56

VIS- and NIR-Absorption,
Single Channel Concentration and Abs.
Color Measurement

Sensor AF16
VIS- and NIR-Absorption,
Single Channel Concentration and
Color Measurement

Sensor AF26
VIS-Absorption, Abs.

Dual Channel Color Measurement with Abs.

Turbidity Compensation

Sensor TF16 11°

Scattered-light, Dual Channel
Turbidity Measurement Abs.


Sensor DTF16
Triple Beam Scattered-light Optical Design
11°/ 90° Scattered-light
with Light Compensation and additional
Absorption Measurement for high 11°

I 15

optek Advantage:
Control is Power
Today, more than ever, the need for
process optimization, product recov-
ery, cost reduction, and reduced waste
is the key to a successful business.
Real-time data from reliable process
scale analyzers from optek is essential
to gain complete process control, real-
ize optimization potential and ensure

A brewery can’t manage what it

doesn’t measure.

... and above all else:

Thank you for brewing!
Here at optek we are all your
customers too!
16 I Contact

Germany Singapore
optek-Danulat GmbH optek-Danulat Pte. Ltd.
Emscherbruchallee 2 25 Int’l Business Park
45356 Essen / Germany #05-109-f German Centre
Phone: +49-201-63409-0 Singapore 609916
inline control Fax: +49-201-63409-999
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +65 6562 8292
Fax: +65 6562 8293
E-Mail: [email protected]
optek-Danulat Inc. Russian Federation
N118 W18748 Bunsen Drive optek-Danulat
t k GmbH
Germantown WI 53022 / USA Liter A, Room 911, 26-N
Phone: +1 262 437 3600 Kolomjazhskij Prospekt 33
Toll free call: +1 800 371 4288 197341 St. Petersburg
Fax: +1 262 437 3699 Phone: +7 812 380 72 47
E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: +7 812 380 72 05
E-Mail: [email protected]
optek-Danulat bv
Grote Brugse Grintweg 12a
4005 AH Tiel / Netherlands
Phone: +31 -344 -683800
Fax: +31 -344 -653950
E-Mail: [email protected]

Please visit our website for contacts of our local distributors in other countries.

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