Ebook Is Your Part Numbering Scheme Costing You Millions

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Is Your Part

Numbering Scheme
Costing You Millions?
Best Practices for Part Numbering


Manufacturers of complicated electronic products must manage, track and store
hundreds (if not thousands) of parts in their product development processes. And,
according to an independent study by EMA Design Automation, every time a new part is
added to a companys library, it can cost in some cases as much as $15k in time
and effort to qualify and rollout.
Thats serious money. And thats why choosing the proper part numbering scheme
to reference your parts is critical to your manufacturing success. Utilizing a part
numbering scheme is a standardized and efficient way to identify and track parts in your
manufacturing processes.
In Arenas fifteen years of working with manufacturers of all sizes, weve come across
a variety of approaches to part numbering and learned a great deal about the current
theories and best practices of part numbering.
Weve gathered this information in our Part Numbering eBook, and hope it helps you
determine an optimal part numbering scheme for your unique business needs.

2015 Arena Solutions, Inc. Arena and Arena Solutions are trademarks of Arena Solutions, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.
All rights reserved. Other product and company names are the property of their respective holders.

Table of Contents

01 02 03 04
Part Numbering:
An Overview

Intelligent Part
The Advantages

Intelligent Part
The Disadvantages

Non-Intelligent Part
The Advantages

05 06 07 08
Non-Intelligent Part
The Disadvantages

Considerations for
Choosing your Part
Numbering Scheme

Managing Part
Numbers In Your

Stories from the

Real World

09 10
How Arena Handles
Part Numbering


2015 Arena Solutions, Inc. Arena and Arena Solutions are trademarks of Arena Solutions, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.
All rights reserved. Other product and company names are the property of their respective holders.

Part Numbering: An Overview

There are three major part numbering scheme approaches to choose from:


Non-Intelligent This approach, also referred to as a non-significant scheme, uses part numbers that do not

provide any information about the part being represented. Non-intelligent part numbers are typically serial (pulled
in numerical order), regardless of the type of part. Using this part numbering system, a resistor could be assigned
part number 416782 the actual definition and details of the part is then documented clearly outside of the part
Intelligent This approach, sometimes referred to as a significant scheme, uses part numbers with descriptive
and informative details about the associated parts. With this type of scheme, a resistor part number may look

something like RES-100-0003 where RES stands for resistor, 100 is the resistance value in ohms and 0003
is a serialized suffix.
Semi Intelligent This approach, seeks to create some identification, in this case Resistors are 30000-00,

Integrated Circuits are 20000-00, and cables are 10000-00. This lets the reader know generally what the part is
but not the details. Those are like the non-intelligent part number documented elsewhere. Such as the description,
or parametric data fields related to the part.
If this is the first time youre learning about these scheme options, it might be hard to understand the
consequences of each approach. You may even ask yourself why anyone would opt for a non-intelligent scheme.
But the truth is, each scheme offers its own set of values and challenges, you need to identify which scheme best
aligns with your manufacturing processes from how you train the people accessing and assigning numbers to
how you manage information retrieval about parts used across your product lines.
Lets explore some of the advantages and disadvantages of these two approaches.

2015 Arena Solutions, Inc. Arena and Arena Solutions are trademarks of Arena Solutions, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.
All rights reserved. Other product and company names are the property of their respective holders.

Intelligent Part Numbering:

The Advantages


Because intelligent part numbers impart meaning about the category, source or intended

use of the part, its easy for manufacturers to see the efficiencies that come with adopting
this approach.
Some benefits to an intelligent numbering scheme include:

Better search efficiency: With intelligent numbering, you can group similar parts in your design documentation
and spreadsheets and more easily sort and search among them. You can also locate physical parts on the

stockroom floor more efficiently, since its easy to see where all the resistors are when they are all labeled with a
part number starting with RES.
Fewer errors: Because intelligent numbers specify part details, they provide a frame of reference for each part

and make it easy to find when the searcher doesnt have any information other than the part number. For example,
an engineer/technician can quickly verify whether a part meets general functional requirements by referencing the
intelligent part number.
Improved processes: The data contained in significant part numbers may allow your team to move parts through
your corporate processes more efficiently. Because parts in a class are all handled the same way, change routings,
review processes and manufacturing steps can be predefined for part number classes or categories. When a new
part of a particular type arrives, it is more apparent how that part fits into the overall design plan.

2015 Arena Solutions, Inc. Arena and Arena Solutions are trademarks of Arena Solutions, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.
All rights reserved. Other product and company names are the property of their respective holders.

Intelligent Part Numbering:

The Disadvantages


While there are many benefits to using an intelligent part numbering scheme, there are also shortcomings. For this
type of system to work well in an organization, employees must be familiar with all of the different kinds of parts.
Such a scheme also demands ongoing attention and can introduce delays in your processes.

Training: Because each intelligent part number has meaning, ill-defined parts can have a big, negative impact.

Whoever assigns part numbers must be well trained in placing parts in the correct group, and be able to identify
when an incorrectly classified part is being misused because of the information implied by the part number.
Knowledge required: Often on the shop floor there isnt enough knowledge of the part and variants to be able

correctly decipher the intelligent number scheme. Essentially, the intelligent part number is useful to a small subset
of users such as the engineers that work with these parts regularly, and documentation control. So most users will
just treat the intelligent number as unintelligent. Worse, partially trained individuals may incorrectly interpret the part
number and use the part incorrectly
Ongoing maintenance: If you introduce a new part that does not fit into your current scheme, you may need to
re-evaluate your entire scheme and define a new part type. All employees who use the system must understand
and maintain the logic of the part numbering system, and part group sizes must be planned in advance. For
example, if all the significant digits in a string (0-9) have been used and you need to introduce an 11th part type into
that group, what do you do? Determine upfront how you can avoid this conundrum and when a change is required,
then be willing to spend time updating the system and training people on the changes.
Process inefficiencies: Because assigning or pulling an intelligent part number may require time and discussion,
a single person or group can become a bottleneck. And because intelligent part numbers are easily susceptible to
descriptive clutter, they can be very confusing, hard to read and difficult to remember.
Imagine, for instance, trying to recall whether a part number was intended to specify length then gauge, or
the opposite. Does R-12-06 mean the part is a 12-gauge or that it is half an inch? And is R-12-06 harder to
remember a simple number 120023? Small misinterpretations can have unpredictable consequences, and are
more likely to arise when there are inconsistencies across different types of parts.
Small design modifications can also cause confusion. When the time comes to modify an intelligently named
part whether its adding in a new description to the part number that wasnt necessary before, or modifying the
specs of a part the change can invalidate or conflict with the part numbers that already exist.
Its hard to know just how descriptive to get when creating intelligent numbers almost no one gets it completely
right the first time around. And each time you need to add a new parameter to your numbering scheme, you will
have to go back and update the numbers for all affiliated parts, dramatically decreasing the sustainability of your

2015 Arena Solutions, Inc. Arena and Arena Solutions are trademarks of Arena Solutions, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.
All rights reserved. Other product and company names are the property of their respective holders.

Non-intelligent Part Numbering:

The Advantages


Using a non-intelligent scheme involves significantly less initial planning, since part

numbers are not tied to meaningful data. You dont need to educate your full supply
chain about what each number signifies and you can ramp new employees quickly

without relying too heavily on any one person to maintain the system. Here are a few
more benefits to non-intelligent numbering schemes:
Time savings: It takes very little time to pull a sequential number for an item, so assigning a part number can

happen fast. You do not have to know anything about the part to give it a non-intelligent number. Intelligent part
numbering often requires the number assignment to go through a specific person or department that knows all
rules and variants of the part numbering rules. This can slow down part number assignment significantly which
in turn can delay long lead part ordering and delay completion of documentation for new product introductions.
Little training needed: If new employees join your organization, they will only require minimal training in order to
learn how to define a part number.

No single point of failure: With non-intelligent part numbering, you can have multiple people pulling part
numbers, and your company can continue to run efficiently if someone is out sick or leaves the company.

Simple maintenance: It is easy to maintain a non-intelligent scheme, since as its essentially a sequential list.

2015 Arena Solutions, Inc. Arena and Arena Solutions are trademarks of Arena Solutions, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.
All rights reserved. Other product and company names are the property of their respective holders.

Non-intelligent Part Numbering:

The Disadvantages


Using a non-intelligent part numbering scheme isnt error-proof, and mistakes can happen especially if data entry

is involved. Here are a few more reasons why managing similar parts with a non-intelligent scheme can be difficult:
More time intensive to manage numbers: Without common prefixes, you may need to track additional

metadata to define your parts and use that information to group or search among parts. You may even require a
business system in order to search for parts based on description, name, size or another relevant attribute.

Part Numbering Strategies




Better Search Efficiency

Time Savings

Fewer Errors

Little Training Needed

Improved Processes

No Single Point of Failure

Simple Maintenance



More Time Intensive to Manage Numbers

Knowledge Required
Ongoing Maintenance
Process Inefficiences

2015 Arena Solutions, Inc. Arena and Arena Solutions are trademarks of Arena Solutions, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.
All rights reserved. Other product and company names are the property of their respective holders.

Considerations for Choosing your

Part Numbering Scheme


Now that weve walked through the advantages and disadvantages of both part numbering schemes, lets

consider how your organization will use and manage these part numbers. After all, it can be difficult to switch from
one part number system to another, especially if your team is already familiar and comfortable with an existing
If you are just getting started with part numbering and need to decide how to structure your part number system,
consider the following questions:
What will you use part numbers for within your organization? Get feedback from your team
(engineering, operations, supply chain, purchasing) and consider their suggestions on how to
structure the system.
Does the part number need to carry data with it in order to enable other business practices?
In general, engineering and design teams tend to prefer intelligent part numbering schemes
because the descriptive names can help them identify parts more quickly. On the other hand,
your operations department may prefer the efficiency and universality of non-intelligent numbering
Will part numbers be handed off to suppliers or contract manufacturers, or perhaps across
different business systems? If so, does that other business system have data type and size
restrictions? Its worthwhile to consider the needs and requirements of members outside your
immediate organization.
How do your business operations influence your part numbering needs? An original equipment
manufacturer (OEM) that creates its own part numbers has entirely different business needs than
a company downstream in the supply chain.
Will your current system support your part numbering needs? Can you maintain your part number
system with your existing tool or will your part number system be more effective by bringing
another system into the mix?
Some automated processes are very particular about the formatting of a part number, such
as the number of characters in the part numbering string, when integrating to other business
systems. If this is the case, your part numbering format must be consistent and uniform in order
to make sure integrations between your business systems dont break down.
Many manufacturing circles today still hold on to the belief that intelligent part numbering schemes are better at
managing parts than non-intelligent schemes, this is starting to change. More manufacturers today are finding the
effort to maintain descriptive-dependent part numbers not worth the assumed benefit, and are instead turning to
automated tools to generate serial part numbers.

2015 Arena Solutions, Inc. Arena and Arena Solutions are trademarks of Arena Solutions, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.
All rights reserved. Other product and company names are the property of their respective holders.

Managing Part Numbers in

Your Business


In order to implement a numbering scheme successfully, you must establish good processes for generating part
numbers and use a system that is well equipped to manage part numbers.

Whether you use an intelligent or non-intelligent part numbering scheme, it is important to make sure you do
not duplicate part numbers. Using the exact same part number for two entirely different parts can cause serious
problems such as delays on the manufacturing line, confusion over the bill of materials (BOM) record and incorrect
part ordering all problems that ultimately impact your bottom line.
While using the same part number for two different parts seems like an obvious pitfall to avoid, it can happen when
more than one person has the authority to create a part number.
To avoid duplication issues like this, manufacturers have found a variety of ways to manage their part numbering
systems. Note: some are more effective than others.
Paper log record This is a quick and easy way to generate a part number. With this method, one person is in
charge of assigning part numbers to help prevent duplicate part number creation. However, relying on a single

person to generate all the part numbers may create a bottleneck and a single point of failure in your manufacturing
Excel spreadsheet or Access database These tools allow for quick part number generation, but make it

difficult to keep data under control due to the limited lock and security restrictions. The variety of number formats
in Excel may also confuse your numbering scheme and make it difficult to keep your part number structure
consistent, especially if your scheme incorporates symbols such as dashes.
Business tools There are tools that support part numbering needs without the pitfalls of methods mentioned

Managing BOM and Part Numbering in Excel

2015 Arena Solutions, Inc. Arena and Arena Solutions are trademarks of Arena Solutions, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.
All rights reserved. Other product and company names are the property of their respective holders.

Managing Part Numbers in

Your Business


Bill of materials software: Several BOM software products allow you to generate either intelligent or non-intelligent
part numbering schemes. And because there are minimal restrictions on formatting your part numbering system,
part numbers can contain letters, delimiters, spaces, hyphens and other characters.

With a BOM management system like Arena PLM, you can share your product data with suppliers and contract
manufacturers and give them access to part numbers with supporting detailed data including suppliers and
manufacturer part numbers. This helps prevent duplicate part numbers and allows for a more robust way to group
parts, since parts can be defined for a category and sub-category.
Often, manufacturers find that the tools they used when starting out, such as a paper log or Excel spreadsheet,
are not robust enough to scale as they grow, and they opt to move to a BOM management solution that will enable
them to more efficiently manage part numbering. The transition from Excel to BOM software is easy and many
BOM systems are equipped to accept part numbers from an Excel spreadsheet into the system.

Managing Your BOM with Arena PLM BOMControl

2015 Arena Solutions, Inc. Arena and Arena Solutions are trademarks of Arena Solutions, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.
All rights reserved. Other product and company names are the property of their respective holders.


Stories from the Real World

In our work with hundreds of manufacturers over the past decade, weve come to find that hearing real stories from
real manufacturers is the best way to get a sense of what might work best for you and your organization. Below are
several first-hand accounts of experiences with part numbering schemes, courtesy of your manufacturing peers.

One manager, involved in a merger between two companies with different part numbering schemes, decided that
an intelligent scheme would help best ease the transition.
Luckily, the database system was capable of utilizing both [schemes], but training became the key
to being
able to adapt workers, buyers, accounting, sales, etc As people in the organization were
trained to work with both systems in their respective areas, they began to see more advantages of
the intelligent system. The ability to search, identify, expand, and build upon the foundation of the
intelligent system allowed it to be more efficient.

The truth is, you never know what may happen in business, so choosing a nimble part numbering scheme is
always a smart idea. Here is another take on why it is important to think long-term when choosing a scheme.
Over many years, part numbers can be duplicated for other parts thus corrupting long term
(and confusing long term customers) so master product naming systems must be aware
of older but still live parts and their naming. Sounds simple. Mix in the M&A activity, and part lists
that are out-of-context with supplier or industry, and things get very messy.

Despite the benefits of an intelligent part numbering scheme, weve heard several frustrations with the downsides
of intelligent schemes.
run into numbering intelligence that ended up being wrong for the part, but it had already
beenI have
shared. Correcting the number would have [unwanted] rippling effects.
Some even feel that intelligent schemes are obsolete in todays automated world.
part numbering methods grew from the need to interject more information in a small area or
giving the user the ability to file and locate parts quickly in a non-computer based world. Not so
much of a problem today.

We have too much experience with intelligent numbering systems to think they are a good
to part numbering. Dont put intelligence in the number; use other fields to capture
parameters to reflect the information you deem necessary regarding the item. Otherwise you WILL
go down that rabbit hole.

Because no one scheme can address all the issues that arise when managing part numbers, some manufacturers
recommend hybrid schemes in order to get the best of both worlds.

2015 Arena Solutions, Inc. Arena and Arena Solutions are trademarks of Arena Solutions, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.
All rights reserved. Other product and company names are the property of their respective holders.

Stories from the Real World (Cont.)


I think the answer lies in semi-intelligent numbering. Have high-level categories to indicate
and some basic technical tenets. The rest should be included in the description. It is still
good to look at a part number starting with 53and know its a cable.

The right solution ultimately depends on the company itself its unique size, market, supply chain and operational
In our complex world of global design, manufacturing, and business coupled with the constant
of business acquisitions and mergers, no one system will be the final answer. Its a question
of optimizing the system for what is known, some of the unknowns, but mostly for the situation at

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to part numbering, so Arena offers tools that are flexible enough to handle
whatever part numbering system you choose. Whether youre just getting started or are migrating from an existing
management system, we can help you manage part numbers as part of your larger product lifecycle management

Your Arena PLM Administrator can create

Number Formats to apply to various item types,
creating a standard for your part numbering

Your Arena PLM Users can use the part

numbering wizard to quickly create item
numbers for your parts based on your
previously created Number Formats.

2015 Arena Solutions, Inc. Arena and Arena Solutions are trademarks of Arena Solutions, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.
All rights reserved. Other product and company names are the property of their respective holders.


How Arena Handles Part Numbering


Manufacturing a product is multi-faceted: engineering changes occur, parts become obsolete, compliance

requirements change, suppliers run out of stock and markets evolve. With all this activity, manufacturers need a
systematic way to track, organize and share product information. And thats where Arena comes into play.
Arena PLM BOMControl
BOMControl, a cloud-based solution for bill of materials (BOM) and change management, bridges the gap

between design, engineering and manufacturing with a controlled, centralized way to manage changes to product
data. With up-to-the-minute accurate product information that can be accessed anytime, and from anywhere in
the world, BOMControl reduces scrap, speeds time to market and makes it easy to include strategic partners,
suppliers and contract manufacturers in the product development process.
BOMControl is flexible enough to support all different types of part numbering schemes. You can transfer your
existing part numbering scheme or establish a new one when you get started. Part numbering schemes in
BOMControl can be defined for a category or sub-category and can use formats as basic as a sequential series of
numbers and as complex as a series of meaningful fields. Part numbers can contain letters and numbers and can
be formatted with delimiters, spaces, hyphens and other characters.
BOMControl integrates with other systems like computer aided design (CAD), electronic design automation (EDA),
product data management (PDM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP). You can minimize data entry errors by
connecting BOMControl to the other tools youre using and pushing part numbers between them automatically.

2015 Arena Solutions, Inc. Arena and Arena Solutions are trademarks of Arena Solutions, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.
All rights reserved. Other product and company names are the property of their respective holders.




As you have seen, selecting a part numbering scheme is truly one of the key strategic decisions a manufacturer

must make. We hope this overview has given you some food for thought, and that youll join the Arena community
in our ongoing conversations about part numbering and other manufacturing best practices.

About Arena
Arena pioneered cloud-based PLM, Arenas suite of PLM and supply chain solutions enable
engineering, manufacturing and their extended supply chains to speed prototyping, reduce scrap,
streamline their supply chain, improve margins, and collapse time to market. Based in Foster
City, Calif., Arenas PLM applications simplify bill of materials (BOM) and change management for
organizations of all sizes, and the company has been ranked as a Top 10 PLM provider and Top
5 Supplier Collaboration solution. Arena also holds a spot on National Association for Business
Resources San Franciscos Best & Brightest Companies to Work For List for 2014.
Find out how Arena can help you achieve success and take your company from chaos to calm.
Sign up for a demo at www.arenasolutions.com/plm-demo

2015 Arena Solutions, Inc. Arena and Arena Solutions are trademarks of Arena Solutions, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.
All rights reserved. Other product and company names are the property of their respective holders.


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