TEMENOS Product Brochure PDF
TEMENOS Product Brochure PDF
TEMENOS Product Brochure PDF
It is relatively easy to choose a system that
will meet todays requirements. What is
more difficult is choosing a system that
has the flexibility and support to meet
ones demands far into the future.
Changing a core system is an expensive
and time-consuming project and the
efficient organisation will do this as
infrequently as possible.
Open Standards
What do we mean by open standards?
TEMENOS T24 runs on:
Open hardware
Open database
Open J2EE application server
Open user interface through browser,
Open connectivity through XML and
Web Services
Open C language code
Open Java development environment
Non-Stop Processing
Local Development
All solutions offer some degree of
independence from their supplier. For
example, the client will use parameters to
define their charge tariffs and interest
rates without needing support from the
package supplier when these simple
product conditions change. However, as
your demands become more complex,
simpler packages will not offer the
flexibility necessary to support all the
changing requirements. You will be forced
to turn to the package supplier for
support, introducing delay and cost to the
change process.
3 Virtual financial institutions that base
their growth on aggressive marketing and
the latest technology, providing huge
reductions in overheads. This is a growing
trend and these financial institutions look
to vendors who share their vision to both
establish and support this dynamic
banking initiative.
slow down.
Navigating through
a complex world.
Customer Relationship
The customer is the heart of any financial
institution and is the heart of
TEMENOS T24. Customer information is
created only once and all activities,
business, history and contact are based on
the unique customer profile. This enables
the institution to have an immediate, realtime and complete view of the customer
at all times.
In addition to the streamlined
management of customer information,
centralised customer management allows
product-wide views of customer activity,
holdings, and exposures. With
TEMENOS T24 a complete customer
view is at your fingertips and is
coordinated across your institution.
Process Management
In any institution the need to efficiently
define, manage and execute standard
processes is fundamental. With tools for
the definition of workflow plus
full-featured capabilities for image and
document management, the most
complex requirements are easily
supported. Whether capturing scans of
identity documents during account
opening or defining and executing
complex Loan Origination processes,
Risk Management
Accurate and complete understanding of
risk enables the financial institution to
control its positions and to competitively
price its products. The TEMENOS T24
core offers flexible risk management
support for market and credit risk.
It includes real-time positional analysis
including gap, sensitivity and VaR.
Credit risk includes comprehensive risk
structures covering all products with full,
real-time updating.
A strong collateral and margin system
also supports collateralised lending and
margin trading.
Since the very first banking applications,
it has been crucial that systems can
interact. That is why TEMENOS T24
supports not only technical connectivity
but also business messages and data. From
price feeds and deal capture to SWIFT
messages and local clearing, TEMENOS T24
has unmatched flexible connectivity. With
this central connectivity comes
application-wide access without the need
to re-implement similar connections
across all business areas.
All our connectivity options are
technically advanced and exploit the latest
standards such as XML-based messaging
and web services. This makes connections
simpler and less expensive to develop and
more reliable in operation.
Adapting to change.
Not just responding
to it.
Management Information
& Profitability
TEMENOS T24s Management
Information system is a comprehensive
and institution-wide data warehouse
specifically designed for providing
information on positions and profitability
encompassing a wide variety of views
such as customer, department, officer
and product.
Profitability is shown net of funding and
operational costs, enabling the institution
to clearly derive and understand the true
contribution that each customer,
department or product is making to the
bottom line.
Enterprise Console
The Enterprise Console provides the IT
function with the ability to understand
and control TEMENOS T24s operation
at all times. It includes facilities to
monitor queues, response times and
activities in real-time. Warnings are issued
regarding exceptions such as unusually
long response times, unusually high
backlog on queues etc. The console
enables TEMENOS T24s activities to be
started and stopped according to time and
workload. The TEMENOS T24 Enterprise
Console may be controlled from other
enterprise-wide management systems.
Savings Products
In a competitive market the ability to
create and manage new products
separates the winners from the losers.
TEMENOS T24 offers the ability to create
and manage savings products and
accounts with incredible flexibility.
Adaptable charges, thresholds, interest
tiers and many more options can be
combined to make the product right for
the market. In conjunction with the
centralised CRM processes, cross-selling
of services can increase campaign success
and product sales.
The challenges to develop and maintain a
competitive and efficient treasury
operation have never been greater. The
flexibility to obtain volume on existing
products while mastering new products,
techniques and regulations requires
a flexible system and a provider at the
forefront of treasury operations.
Front Office
TEMENOS T24 is at home in the front
office as an integrated treasury
management solution. It presents
comprehensive dealer desktop, risk
management and performance
measurement capability across the full
range of physical and derivative treasury
instruments. Deals can be priced and
captured through the front office or
imported from external sources. The query
engine provides analysis and reporting,
producing result sets comprising any data
contained in the database.
Middle Office
The goal of the middle office is to analyse
and manage market, currency and credit
risk. Without real-time tools and an
instantaneous view of positions the
market quickly outpaces this task.
In the middle office TEMENOS T24
provides a fully managed transaction
lifecycle and exceptions processing from
deal capture, amendment, reversal,
confirmations, settlement, risk analysis,
mark-to-market and accounting, to
enable proactive real-time management of
Treasury Operations.
TEMENOS T24 enables modelling of
financial markets based on the derivation
of underlying yield curves based on
market quotations for specific
instruments. Instruments can be chosen
to provide a good indicator of the
expected yield at different maturities.
Scenarios incorporate assumptions about
possible market shifts. NPV calculated
under user scenarios may be compared
with NPV calculated at the market to
give an understanding of how potential
market changes will affect PL. Parametric
VaR provides continuous monitoring of
risk on trader positions and guidance on
efficient hedges. Traders may be required
to keep exposures within specified VaR
limits and the system will generate
routine reports of limits, exposures and
exceptions. Historical VaR measures
vulnerability to repetition of specific
patterns of risk which have occurred in
the past, providing a check on
parametric estimates.
3 Prepared for anything.
From the use of SWIFT messages and support for central utilities,
TEMENOS T24 automates key processes to ensure a quick and
efficient back office operation.
Back Office
Wholesale Banking
Corporate Banking is undergoing a
number of marked changes that will
fundamentally alter the nature of
wholesale banking. The ever-expanding
needs of large and medium size
institutions for real-time information and
access to sophisticated products and
services at lower cost is driving the need
for a diverse product. Even long-standing
correspondent banking services present a
competitive offering. With this structural
change TEMENOS T24 makes the
difference in every business area by
offering more.
Trade Services
Globalisation has led to an increase in
international activity in every aspect of
business. To excel in the commercial
marketplace, institutions have to offer the
services your clients demand. TEMENOS
T24 provides full functionality in trade
service from international payments, to
risk products in trade finance.
Processing of International payments
and remittances is a standard feature of
the integrated payments infrastructure
and allows efficient and streamlined
cash management.
TEMENOS T24 provides you
unparalleled functionality with
international trade instruments such as
Letter of Credit guarantees, Bills of
Exchange and Drawings. These
applications provide processing logic for
both import and export products.
In conjunction with superior
connectivity and the ability to efficiently
create and send instructions, documents,
and payments using networks such as
SWIFT, TEMENOS T24 optimises the
flow of information and money at
a reduced cost, ultimately increasing
customer satisfaction.
Sub head
TEMENOS Headquarters SA
18 Place des Philosophes
CH-1205 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 708 1150
Fax: +41 22 708 1160
To find out more about a TEMENOS office near you, please visit