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Review Article
Genetic Consequences of Antiviral Therapy on HIV-1
Miguel Arenas1,2
Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto (IPATIMUP), 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Centre for Molecular Biology Severo Ochoa, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas (CSIC), 28049 Madrid, Spain
1. Introduction
According to UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Programme
on HIV/AIDS World Health Organization, a total of 35.3
[32.238.8] million people worldwide were living with HIV-1
in 2012, indicating a 15% increase of infected people from
2001 [1]. A total of 2.3 [1.92.7] million were newly infected
during 2012, showing a 33% decline of new infections from
2001 with 3.4 [3.13.7] million. Indeed, the number of AIDS
deaths declined from 2.3 [2.12.6] million in 2005 to 1.6
[1.41.9] million in 2012 [1]. An important cause for such a
death decline is the antiretroviral therapy, usually referred to
as highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). In 2012, a
total of 9.7 million people from low/middle-income countries
received HAART and the UNAIDS expects to reach 15 million
people receiving HAART by 2015 [1]. Nevertheless, in 2013
only 34% of people infected with HIV in low/middle-income
countries (28.6 million) could receive therapy [1]. Therefore,
there are still important regional differences that should be
solved [2, 3]. On the other hand, the development of an
effective HIV vaccine is still under progress with a number
of failures [4] because of the high rate of evolution of HIV1 [5, 6]. As a consequence, up to date the only treatment for
HIV-1 is the antiretroviral drug therapy.
be predicted beforehand. Actually, this promising strategy is
commonly applied to HIV-1 vaccines design through the use
of centralized (consensus, center-of-tree or ancestral) genes
that can induce immune responses (reviewed in [17]). Such
centralized sequences could consider the immunogenetic
particularities of the diverse circulating variants in the target
population [18, 19]. However, although these centralized
vaccines generated promising antibody responses, they were
only partially effective in covering the large HIV-1 genetic
diversity. Perhaps this could be derived from the application of not enough realistic models of HIV-1 evolution
as suggested in [17]; see also [20]. Knowledge on HIV-1
molecular evolution can also be used to develop realistic
models of evolution [21, 22] that can be applied for additional
purposes such as the prediction of resistance mutations [23]
or the evolutionary reply of the viral population, genotypic
resistance testing [24, 25].
This study explores the genetic consequences of antiviral
therapy on HIV-1. First, it analyzes the influences of antiviral
therapies on the viral genetic diversity, including the particular roles of the substitution and recombination processes in
the generation of drug resistance. Then, the molecular signatures of selective pressures derived from antiviral therapies
are evaluated. A brief evolutionary analysis of the influence
of different protease (PR) inhibitors (PIs) on the PR-coding
region was performed to evaluate previous works and to
provide an illustrative example. The application of the genetic
consequences derived from antiviral therapies in the development of new empirical substitution models that could be
used for purposes such as genotypic resistance testing and
treatments design is also discussed.
obtained. In particular, for each evolutionary scenario, a
dataset includes coding sequences collected before a given
treatment and the other dataset includes coding sequences
collected after such a treatment, and both datasets come from
the same patients. As suggested by Kosakovsky Pond and
Frost [76], scenarios with sample size lower than 10 were
not considered to avoid lack of power in the evolutionary
analysis (datasets with higher sample size can generate
accurate estimates of genetic diversity and nonsynonymous
to synonymous substitution rates ratio (dN/dS) [76]; see also
[3, 77]). A total of 13 evolutionary scenarios, all the currently
available scenarios from the database, were analyzed. Namely,
a control scenario (no-treatment in both datasets, scenario
1, 1011 patients) and scenarios with the following treatments:
amprenavir (APV, scenario 2, 15 patients), atazanavir (ATV,
scenario 3, 23 patients), indinavir (IDV, scenario 4, 77
patients), lopinavir (LPV, scenario 5, 34 patients), nelfinavir
(NFV, scenario 6, 317 patients), ritonavir (RTV, scenario 7,
24 patients), saquinavir (SQV, scenario 8, 35 patients), and
the PI combinations: IDV + RTV (scenario 9, 10 patients),
RTV + SQV (scenario 10, 11 patients), and IDV + RTV + SQV
(scenario 11, 11 patients). Two additional scenarios were also
studied where patients treated with IDV are then treated with
IDV + NFV (scenario 12, 13 patients) or IDV + RTV (scenario
13, 16 patients).
5.2. Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Recombination. Several
genetic statistics were applied to study the influence of PIs on
the genetic diversity of the PR-coding gene. (i) The overall
sequences divergence was computed with MEGA 6.0 [78].
(ii) Nucleotide diversity () was estimated by using the
pairwise nucleotide differences per site [79]. These metrics
considered indels as missing data. (iii) The genetic distance
between the two datasets of each evolutionary scenario was
computed by the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence [80] and
considering indels as missing data and as an additional state.
This distance provides a comparative analysis of nucleotide
diversity distributions across sites between two datasets [81].
Briefly, the results show that almost all PIs lead to higher
levels of sequences divergence, pairwise nucleotide diversity,
and nucleotide diversity distribution across sites. Except
for LPV and NFV, all PIs increased the overall difference
between sequences (Figure 1(a)). Similar results are derived
from the estimates of nucleotide diversity although here only
LPV presented low levels of nucleotide diversity variation
(see Figure S1 in Supplementary Material available online at The highest levels of
diversity were generated from treatment with APV, IDV, and,
especially, PIs combinations. However, the increase of diversity could be caused by the emergence of resistance mutations
but also by mutations derived from the natural evolution of
the gene. Therefore, it is interesting to evaluate the correlation
between the variation of diversity and the corresponding
time period between samples. Figure 2(a) suggests that
there is no correlation between these parameters, which is
supported by a low correlation coefficient ( = 0.056). For
example, the control dataset (no-treatment) does not present
increase of diversity despite its long time period (11 months),
whereas treatment with APV generated one of the highest
/APV r = 0.016
/IDV r = 0.060 /IDV, RTV, SQV
/RTV, SQV r = 0.258
r = 0.001
r = 0.084
r = 0.056
/ r = 0.0003
/LPV r = 0.069
Evolutionary scenario
distance (%)
Sequence difference
variation (%)
Evolutionary scenario
Evolutionary scenario
with the Fixed Effects Likelihood (FEL) method [76] implemented in the Hyphy package. Notice that this ML-based
method provides very accurate estimates [76] and it is
commonly used in population genetics and virus evolution
(e.g., [3]).
Figure 3 shows the variation of global dN/dS estimates
from datasets collected before and after a treatment. All the
PIs promoted increased estimates of dN/dS, especially when
the treatment is based on PIs combination. By contrast, in
absence of treatment the estimated dN/dS declined with time.
At the local level, almost all the PIs promoted an increase
of significant ( value < 0.05) PSSs along the PR-coding
sequence (Figure S2 and Table S4, Supplementary Material).
In general, a large number of NSSs were detected in all
datasets (Table S4) without showing a clear relationship with
the presence or absence of treatment. All these results are
discussed in the next section.
6. Concluding Remarks
The fast population range contractions and fragmentation
produced during the therapy can reduce the overall diversity
of viral strains [29] and, by contrast, the emergence of
resistance mutations caused from the rapid evolution of HIV
allows preserving or increasing the levels of nucleotide diversity of viral protein-coding genes of the drug target. Indeed,
resistance mutations can be rare, but also recurrent enough
until they reach resistance, and can generate positive selection
driving the fixation of favorable viral strains [23, 67]. At this
level two opposite selective pressures seem to act. While most
of sites evolve under strong purifying selection, probably
caused by the hosts immune system and the therapy, other
sites evolve under diversifying selection, probably caused
by the viral molecular adaptation to the new environment
established by the therapy, and can present complex residueresidue interaction networks suggesting dependent evolution
among sites [23, 70].
The evolutionary analysis included in this work supported such considerations. It also showed that different PIs
can promote different influences on the genetic diversity
of the viral PR-coding gene. For example, IDV and APV
induced the highest levels of diversity (among treatments
with a single PI) and PIs combination induced very high
levels of genetic diversity, especially when 3 PIs are applied
jointly. As noted, this increase of diversity can be related with
the emergence of resistance mutations [33]. The reason why
some inhibitors induce more diversity than others requires
complex structural analysis of enzyme-inhibitor interactions,
which is an important topic of research [89, 90]. On the other
hand, absence of recombination breakpoints was found in
the analyzed PR-coding genes. This could be caused by limitations to detect recombination under low genetic diversity
levels [59] or just because recombination was not required to
generate drug resistance. Indeed, recombination could occur
in other genomic regions [63] (i.e., recombinants with breakpoints in Gag and Pol may present selection against [63, 91]).
Concerning molecular adaptation, the results showed that the
wild evolution of the virus presents an overall decrease of the
global dN/dS, without PSSs and where most of sites evolved
under significant purifying selection. This is probably caused
by the sharp purifying selection induced by the hosts immune
system. On the other hand, PIs often promoted an overall
increase of the global dN/dS (see [23, 68] and Figure 3), which
is most of times accompanied by the emergence of significant
PSSs along the gene (see [23] and Figure S2). As expected,
the largest dN/dS increase occurs under treatments with PIs
combination (see [23] and Figure 3). These signatures of
molecular adaptation are related with the amount of genetic
diversity induced by the PIs and indicate the primary importance of adaptation in the evolutionary process of the PRcoding gene under PIs. On the other hand, a large number of
codons evolved under negative (purifying) selection, which
indicates the presence of strong selective pressures, as noted
probably caused by the hosts immune system and the therapy.
Understanding molecular evolution of the virus can help
us develop more realistic models of HIV evolution [23, 69,
71], correlate the disease progression with the evolution of
the viral population [28, 92], and predict resistance (i.e., by
genotypic-resistance testing [24, 25, 93, 94]) and common
ancestry [18], or vaccine design [1719]. Nevertheless, HIV1 evolution is complex and other phenomena should also be
taken into account as much as possible in the models, for
example, different hosts immune responses, clinical stage,
HIV-1 compartmentalization [95], or infection with multiple
viral variants, although the latter presents an overall low
incidence [53, 96].
Since antiviral therapies affect genetic diversity of the
virus by strong selective pressures, models of HIV-1 evolution
should accommodate such effects in order to mimic these
scenarios for purposes such as robust genotypic resistance
testing and treatments design. Importantly, models of HIV-1
evolution should be as realistic as possible in order to provide
accurate predictions. A possibility could be the consideration
of a fitness landscape (e.g., [97]) to develop parametric
models. However, the design and computation of a realistic
fitness function are too convoluted due to complex processes
that affect viral genetic diversity such as antiviral therapies (as
noted in this paper). An easier, but less robust, alternative can
be the development of scenario-specific empirical models.
As shown in this paper, different therapies must be modeled
with different models of evolution since different therapies
can promote different genetic consequences in the virus.
Much more research is needed (i.e., the consideration of
associations between observed genotypes and phenotypic
resistance in models of HIV-1 evolution) but my impression
is that HIV-1 therapies will benefit from more consideration
of evolutionary information.
Conflict of Interests
The author declares that there is no conflict of interests
regarding the publication of this paper.
The author wants to thank three anonymous reviewers for
insightful comments. This work was supported by the Spanish
Government through the Juan de la Cierva Fellowship JCI2011-10452 and by the Portuguese Government through the
FCT Starting Grant IF/00955/2014.
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