Unit Iv
Unit Iv
Unit Iv
Laser Metrology
Use of Laser
Principle of Laser
Michelson Interferometer
Twyman-Green Interferometer
Laser Viewers
Constructions of CMM
Types of CMM
Interferometer is optical instruments used for measuring flatness and
determining the lengths of slip gauges by direct reference to the
wavelength of light.
Machine Vision
Machine vision can be defined as a means of simulating the image
recognition and analysis capabilities of the human system with
electronic and electromechanical techniques.
It is the ability of an automated vision system to recognize well-defined
pattern and if these pattern match these stored in the system makes
machine vision ideal for inspection of raw materials, parts, assemblies
It is a three dimensional measurements for various components. These
machines have precise movement is x,y,z coordinates which can be easily
controlled and measured. Each slide in three directions is equipped with a
precision linear measurement transducer which gives digital display and
senses positive and negative direction.
laser beam. It measures at the rate of 150 scans per second. It basically consists of three
components, a transmitter, a receiver and processor electronics. The transmitter module
produces a collimated parallel scanning laser beam moving at a high constant, linear
speed. The scanning beam appears a red line. The receiver module collects and
photoelically senses the laser light transmitted past the object being measured. The
processor electronics takes the received signals to convert them 10 a convenient form
and displays the dimension being gauged. The transmitter contains a low power heliumneon gas laser and its power supply, a specially designed collimating lens, a synchronous
motor, a multi-faceted reflector prism, a synchronous pulse photo detector and a
protective replaceable window. The high speed of scanning permits on line gauging and
thus it is possible to detect changes in dimensions when components are moving on a
continuous product such as in rolling process moving at very high speed. There is no
need of waiting or product to cool for taking measurements. This system can also be
applied on production machines and control then with closed feedback loops. Since the
output of this system is available in digital form, it can run a process controller limit
alarms can be provided and output can be taken on digital printer.
1% of the measuring range When the light emitted by laser or LED hits an object, scatter
and some of this scattered light is seen by a position sensitive detector or diode array. If
the distance between the measuring head and the object changes. The angle at which the
light enters the detector will also change. The angle of deviation is calibrated in terms of
distance and output is provided as 0-2OmA. Such instruments are very reliable because
there are no moving parts their response time is milliseconds. The measuring system uses
two distance meters placed at equal distance on either side of the object and a control
unit to measure the thickness of an object. The distance meter is focused at the centre of
the object.
transmitter, receives and processor electronics. A thin band of scanning laser light is
made to pass through a linear scanner lens to render it parallel beam. The object placed
in a parallel beam, casts a time dependent shadow. Signal from the light entering the
photocell (receiver) arc proc by a microprocessor to provide display of the dimension
represented by the time difference between the shadow edges. It can provide results to an
accuracy of0.25 for 1050mm diameter objects. It can be used for objects 0.05mm to
450mm diameter; and offers repeatability of 0.1m
hands in the diffraction pattern is a (tired function of the wile diameter, wavelength of
laser beam and the focal length of the lens.
Figure shows the length measurement by fringe counting. The laser output, which
may be incoherent illumines three slits at a time in the first plane which form
interference fringes. The movement can be determined by a detector. The total number of
slits in the first plane is governed by the length over which measurement is required
The spacing between the slits and distance of the slit to the plane of the grating
depend on the wavelength of the light used.
4.1.3 Principle of Laser
The photon emitted during stimulated emission has the same energy, phase and
frequency as the incident photon. This principle states that the photon comes in contact
with another atom or molecule in the higher energy level E2 then it will cause the atom
toreturn to ground state energy level E1 by releasing another photon. The sequence of
triggered identical photon from stimulated atom is known as stimulated emission. This
multiplication of photon through stimulated emission leads to coherent, powerful,
monochromatic, collimated beam of light emission. This light emission is called laser.
Least expensive.
The interferometer and retro reflector for this system are smaller than the
standard system.
It is possible to maintain the quality of interference fringes over longer distance
when lamp is replaced by a laser source. Laser interferometer uses AC laser as the light
source and the measurements to be made over longer distance. Laser is a monochromatic
optical energy, which can be collimated into a directional beam AC. Laser interferometer
(ACLI) has the following advantages.
High repeatability
High accuracy
Long range optical path
Easy installations
Wear and tear
Schematic arrangement of laser interferometer is shown in fig. Two-frequency
zeeman laser generates light of two slightly different frequencies with opposite circular
polarisation. These beams get split up by beam splitter B One part travels towards B and
from there to external cube corner here the displacement is to the measured.
This interferometer uses cube corner reflectors which reflect light parallel to its
angle of incidence. Beam splitter B2 optically separates the frequency J which alone is
sent to the movable cube corner reflector. The second frequency from B2 is sent to a
fixed reflector which then rejoins f1 at the beam splitter B2 to produce alternate light and
dark interference flicker at about 2 Mega cycles per second. Now if the movable reflector
moves, then the returning beam frequency Doppler-shifted slightly up or down by f.
Thus the light beams moving towards photo detector P2 have frequencies f2 and (f1
f1) and P2 changes these frequencies into electrical signal. Photo detector P2 receive
signal from beam splitter B2 and changes the reference beam frequencies f1 and f2 into
electrical signal. An AC amplifier A separates frequency. Difference signal f2 f1 and
A2 separates frequency difference signal. The pulse converter extracts i. one cycle per
half wavelength of motion. The up-down pulses are counted electronically and displayed
in analog or digital form.
4.3.1 Michelson Interferometer
Michelson interferometer consists of a monochromatic light source a beam
splitter and two mirrors. The schematic arrangement of Michelson interferometer is
shown in fig. The monochromatic light falls on a beam splitter, which splits the light into
two rays of equal intensity at right angles. One ray is transmitted to mirror M1 and other
is reflected through beam splitter to mirror M2,. From both these mirrors, the rays are
reflected back and these return at the semireflecting surface from where they are
transmitted to the eye. Mirror M2 is fixed and mirror M1 is movable. If both the mirrors
are at same distance from beam splitter, then light will arrive in phase and observer will
see bright spot due to constructive interference. If movable mirror shifts by quarter
wavelength, then beam will return to observer 1800 out of phase and darkness will be
observed due to destructive interference
Each half-wave length of mirror travel produces a change in the measured optical
path of one wavelength and the reflected beam from the moving mirror shifts through
360 phase change. When the reference beam reflected from the fixed mirror and the
beam reflected from the moving mirror rejoin at the beam splitter, they alternately
reinforce and cancel each other as the mirror moves. Each cycle of intensity at the eye
represents l/2 of mirror travel. When white light source is used then a compensator plate
is introduced in each of the path of mirror M1 So that exactly the same amount of glass is
introduced in each of the path.
To improve the Michelson interferometer
(i) Use of laser the measurements can be made over longer distances and highly
accurate measurements when compared to other monochromatic sources.
(ii) Mirrors are replaced by cube-corner reflector which reflects light parallel to
its angle of incidence.
(iii) Photocells are employed which convert light intensity variation in voltage
pulses to give the amount and direction of position change.
4.3.2 Dual Frequency Laser Interferometer
This instrument is used to measure displacement, high-precision measurements of
length, angle, speeds and refractive indices as well as derived static and dynamic
quantities. This system can be used for both incremental displacement and angle
measurements. Due to large counting range it is possible to attain a resolution of 2mm in
10m measuring range. Means are also provided to compensate for the influence of
ambient temperature, material temperature, atmospheric pressure and humidity
4.3.3 Twyman-Green Interferometer
The Twyman-Green interferometer is used as a polarizing interferometer with
variable amplitude balancing between sample and reference waves. For an exact
measurement of the test surface, the instrument error can be determined by an absolute
measurement. This error is compensated by storing the same in microprocessor system
and subtracting from the measurement of the test surface.
It has following advantages
It avoids undesirable feedback of light reflected of the tested surface and the
instrument optics.
Static tests
Dynamic tests.
Static tests
If the alignment of the components of the machine tool are checked under static
conditions then the test are called static test.
Dynamic tests
If the alignment tests are carried out under dynamic loading condition. The
accuracy of machine tools which cut metal by removing chips is tested by two types of
test namely.
Geometrical tests
Practical tests
Geometrical tests
In this test, dimensions of components, position of components and displacement
of component relative to one another is checked.
Practical tests
In these test, test pieces are machined in the machines. The test pieces must be
appropriate to the fundamental purpose for which the machine has been designed.
The dimensions of any work piece, its surface finishes and geometry depends on
the accuracy of machine tool for its manufacture. In mass production the various
components produced should be of high accuracy to be assembled on a non-sensitive
basis. The increasing demand for accurately machined components has led to
improvement of geometric accuracy of machine tools. For this purpose various checks on
different components of the machine tool are carried out.
4.5.2 Type of Geometrical Checks on Machine Tools.
Different types of geometrical tests conducted on machine tools are as follows:
1. Straightness.
2. Flatness.
3. Parallelism, equi-distance and coincidence.
4. Rectilinear movements or squareness of straight line and plane.
5. Rotations.
Main spindle is to be tested for
1) Out of round.
2) Eccentricity
3) Radial-throw of an axis.
4) Run out
5) Periodical axial slip
6) Camming
inspection methods.
4.6.1 Types of Measuring Machines
1. Length bar measuring machine.
2. Newall measuring machine.
3. Universal measuring machine.
4. Co-ordinate measuring machine.
5. Computer controlled co-ordinate measuring machine.
4.6.2 Constructions of CMM
Co-ordinate measuring machines are very useful for three dimensional
measurements. These machines have movements in X-Y-Z co-ordinate, controlled and
measured easily by using touch probes. These measurements can be made by positioning
the probe by hand, or automatically in more expensive machines. Reasonable accuracies
are 5 micro in. or 1 micrometer. The method these machines work on is measurement of
the position of the probe using linear position sensors. These are based on moir fringe
patterns (also used in other systems). Transducer is provided in tilt directions for giving
digital display and senses positive and negative direction.
4.6.3 Types of CMM
(i) Cantilever type
The cantilever type is very easy to load and unload, but mechanical error takes
place because of sag or deflection in Y-axis.
(ii) Bridge type
Bridge type is more difficult to load but less sensitive to mechanical errors.
(iii) Horizontal boring Mill type
This is best suited for large heavy work pieces.
Working Principle
CMM is used for measuring the distance between two holes. The work piece is
clamped to the worktable and aligned for three measuring slides x, y and z. The
measuring head provides a taper probe tip which is seated in first datum hole and the
position of probe digital read out is set to zero. The probe is then moved to successive
holes, the read out represent the co-ordinate part print hole location with respect to the
datum hole. Automatic recording and data processing units are provided to carry out
complex geometric and statistical analysis. Special co-ordinate measuring machines are
provided both linear and rotary axes. This can measure various features of parts like
cone, cylinder and hemisphere. The prime advantage of co-ordinate measuring machine
is the quicker inspection and accurate measurements.
The retro reflector is a polished trihedral glass prism. It reflects the laser
beamback along a line parallel to the original beam by twice the distance. For distance
measurement the F1 and F2 beams that leave the laser head are aimed at the
interferometer which splits F1 and F2 via polarizing beaming splitter. Component F1
becomes the fixed distance path and F2 is sent to a target which reflects it back to the
interferometer. Relative motion between the interferometer and the remote retro reflector
causes a Dopper shift in the returned frequency. Therefore the laser head sees a frequency
difference given by F1-F2 F2. The F1-F2 F2 signal that is returned from the
external interferometer is compared in the measurement display unit to the reference
signal. The difference F2 is related to the velocity. The longitudinal micrometer
microscope of CMM is set at zero and the laser display unit is also set at zero. The CMM
microscope is then set at the following points and the display units are noted.1 to 10mm,
every mm and 10 to 200mm, in steps of 10mm. The accuracy of linear measurements is
affected by changes in air temperature, pressure and humidity.
Performance of CMM
Since environmental effects have great influence for the accuracy testing, including
thermal parameters, vibrations and relative humidity are required.
These machines are best suited for the test and inspection of test equipment, gauges
and tools.
For aircraft and space vehicles, hundred percent inspections is carried out by using
These are ideal for determination of shape and position, maximum metal condition,
linkage of results etc. which cannot do in conventional machines.
CMM can also be used for sorting tasks to achieve optimum pairing of
components within tolerance limits.
CMMs are also best for ensuring economic viability of NC machines by reducing
their downtime for inspection results. They also help in reducing cost, rework
cost at the appropriate time with a suitable CMM.
4.7.1 Advantages
Accuracy is more.
4.7.1 Disadvantages
Probe while moving in X and Y direction may not be square to each other.
Mechanical system can be divided into four basic types. The selection will be
depends on the application.
1. Column type.
2. Bridge type.
3. Cantilever type.
4. Gantry type.
All these machines use probes which may be trigger type or measuring type.
This is connected to the spindle in Z direction. The main features of this system are shown in
o The buckling mechanism is a three point hearing the contacts which are arranged at
1200 around the circumference. These contacts act as electrical micro switches.
o When being touched in any probing direction one or f contacts is lifted off and the
current is broken, thus generating a pulse, when the circuit is opened, the co-ordinate
positions are read and stored.
o After probing the spring ensures the perfect zero position of the three-point bearing.
The probing force is determined by the pre stressed force of the spring with this probe
system data acquisition is always dynamic and therefore the measuring time is shorter
than in static principle.
4.8.2 Measuring type probe system
Parallel to the axes 1, 2 and 3 and by three rotational deviations about the axes 4, 5
and 6.Similarly deviations 7-12 occur for carriage and 13-18 occur for Z carriage and
the three squareness deviations 19, 20 and 21 are to be measured and to be treated in
the mathematical model.
Moving the probe stylus in the Y direction the co-ordinate system L is not a straight
line but a curved one due to errors in the guide.
Similarly the deviations of all three carriages and the squareness errors can be taken
into account.
The effect of error correction can be tested by means of calibrated step gauges.
(ii)Axial motion accuracy
a. Linear displacement accuracy
b. Straightness
c. Perpendicularity
d. Pitch, Yaw and roll.
The axial length measuring accuracy is tested at the lowest position of the Z-axis.
The lengths tested are approximately 1/10, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5 and 4/5 of the measuring range
of each axis of CMM. Tile test is repeated five times for each measuring length and
results plotted and value of measuring accuracy is derived.
The main features of CNC-CMM are shown in figure has stationary granite
measuring table, Length measuring system. Air bearings; control unit and software are
the important parts of CNC & CMM.
These command statement include set up, part datumcontrol, feature construction,
geometric relations, tolerance, output control and feature measurements like
measurements of lines, points, arcs, circles, splines, conics, planes, analytic surfaces.
(2) Pre- processor
The pre-CMM processor converts the language source file generated by CMM
interface into the language of the specified coordinate measuring machine.
(3) Post-CMM processor
This creates wire frame surface model from the CMM-ASCII output file
commands are inserted into the ASCJI-CMM output file to control the creation of
CAD/CAM which include points, lines, arcs, circles, conics, splines and analytic
4.10.2 Flexible Inspection System
FIS is the Real time processor to handle part dimensional data and as a multi
programming system to perform manufacturing process control. The input devices used
with this system are CMMs;
Microprocessor based gauges and other inspection devices. The terminal provides
interactive communication with personal computers where the programmes are stored.
The data from CMMs and other terminals are fed into the main computer for analysis and
feedback control. The equality control data and inspection data from each station are fed
through the terminals to the main computer. The data will be communicated through
telephone lines. Flexible inspection system involves more than one inspection station.
The objective of the flexible inspection system is to have off time multi station
automated dimensional verification system to increase the production rate and less
inspection time and to maintain the inspection accuracy and data processing integrity.
4.10.3 Machine Vision
A Vision system can be defined as a system for automatic acquisition and
analysis of images to obtain desired data for interpreting or controlling an activity. It is
atechnique which allows a sensor to view a scene and derive a numerical or logical
decision without further human intervention. Machine vision can be defined as a means
of simulating the image recognition and analysis capabilities of the human system with
electronic and electro mechanical techniques. Machine vision system are now a days
used to provide accurate and in expensive 100% inspection of work pieces. These are
used for functions like gauging of dimensions, identification of shapes, measurement of
distances, determining orientation of parts, quantifying motion-detecting surface shading
etc. It is best suited for high production. These systems function without fatigue. This is
suited for inspecting the masks used in the production of micro-electronic devices.
Standoff distance up to one meter is possible.
4.10.4 Vision System
The schematic diagram of a typical vision system is shown. This system involves
image acquisition; image processing Acquisition requires appropriate lighting. The
camera and store digital image processing involves manipulating the digital image to
simplify and reduce number of data points. Measurements can be carried out at any angle
along the three reference axes x y and z without contacting the part. The measured values
are then compared with the specified tolerance which stores in the memory of the
locations are determined and the image is segmented into distinct region.
Image Interpretation
This involves identification of on object. In binary system, the image is
segmented on the basis of white and black pixels. The complex images can he
interpreted by grey scale technique and algorithms. The most common image
interpretation is template matching.
4.10.5 Function of Machine Vision
Lighting and presentation of object to evaluated.
It has great compact on repeatability, reliability and accuracy.
I.ighting source and projection should be chosen and give sharp contrast.
Images sensor compressor TV camera may he vidicon or solid state.
For simple processing, analog comparator and a computer controller to convert
the video information to a binary image is used.
Data compactor employs a high speed away processor to provide high speed
processing of the input image data.
System control computer communicates with the operator and make decision
about the part being inspected.
The output and peripheral devices operate the control of the system. The output
enables the vision system to either control a process or provide caution and
orientation information two a robot, etc.
These operate under the control of the system control of computer.
Part-A (2 Marks)
1. Name the different types of interferometer?
2. Name the common source of light used for interferometer
3. What is crest and trough?
4. What is wavelength?
5. What is meant by alignment test on machine tools?
6. List the various geometrical checks made on machine tools.
7. Distinguish between geometrical test and practical test on a machine tool.
8. What are the main spindle errors?
9. Write the various tests conducted on any machine tools
10. Why the laser is used in alignment testing?
11. Classify the machine tool test.
12. What are the different types of geometrical tests conducted on machine tools?
13. What is CMM?
Part B (16 Marks)
1. With neat sketch explain the various types of CMM based on its construction. Write the
advantages of computer aided inspection.
2. Explain the construction and working principle of laser interferometer with neat
diagram? Explain the use of laser interferometer in angular measurement.
3. Explain with a neat sketch the working of talysurf instrument for surface finish
measurement. What is the symbol for fully defining surface roughness and explain
each term?
4. Describe in detail the method of checking roundness by using Roundness Measuring
Machine. State its advantages.
5. Sketch and describe the optical system of a laser interferometer.
6. Define explain the working principle of Tomlinson surface meter with a neat
sketch. Define straightness. Describe any one method of measuring straightness of
a surface.
7. Explain how the straightness error of a Lathe bed is checked using a Auto-collimator
8. With neat sketches, explain the significance of some important parameters used
for measuring surface roughness. Why so many parameters are needed?
9. How surface finish is measured using LASER. How the angle is measured using a
laser interferometer?
10. Discuss the steps involved in computing flatness of surface plate.
11. How are CMMs classified with respect to constructional features? Sketch and
state their main applications, merits and demerits.