Project Guidelines Sem3 - 2014-2015 Edit (Student Copy)
Project Guidelines Sem3 - 2014-2015 Edit (Student Copy)
Project Guidelines Sem3 - 2014-2015 Edit (Student Copy)
Department of Mathematics
Poster Presentation:
(i) Must be written on ONE piece of Mahjong paper.
(ii) Format in Mahjong paper must have the following items:
Project Report:
(i) General Layout: The project paper should have the following:
Cover page
Table of contents
Conclusion (incorporating Islamic values)
(f) References
Task/work distribution
Length of report: 15-20 pages
(ii) The following information must be on the front page of the project
(a) Title
(b) Group number
(c) Names and matric numbers of the group members
(iii) Typing format:
(a) Font size: 12 (Times New Roman or Arial)
(b) Spacing: 1.5
(c) Page number: top of the page on the right side
SM ~ 27062014 edit MG
Math I (MAT0114) Student copy
Project Guidelines
Math I (MAT0114)
Department of Mathematics
SM ~ 27062014 edit MG
Math I (MAT0114) Student copy
Project Guidelines
Math I (MAT0114)
Department of Mathematics
(iv) Contents
(a) Choose an application of any topic covered in Math 1 (MAT0114).
Eg.: Linear Equations: Sale Choices (Application problem as shown below)
(b) Write the objectives of your project.
(c) Explain the mathematical concepts involved with calculations and
appropriate diagram. You may use visual aids such as graph, diagram,
excel calculation etc. Please note that there is no real need to find
solutions to complicated problems.
(d) Present your results.
(e) Write a conclusion for your report. Ensure that you incorporate some
Islamic values in the conclusion.
(f) Provide all citations (the quoting of a book or author) and references.
3. All members of the group must be involved in the project work and in the oral
presentation. Clearly show the TASK distribution for each member in your
4. For the poster presentation, each group is given about 10 minutes to present
their work. Five (5) minutes to present the poster orally and five minutes for
Question & Answer.
5. The project paper must be an original work. Plagiarism is not accepted and if
found guilty,
the group will be heavily penalized.
SM ~ 27062014 edit MG
Math I (MAT0114) Student copy
Project Guidelines
Math I (MAT0114)
Department of Mathematics
SM ~ 27062014 edit MG
Math I (MAT0114) Student copy
Project Guidelines