BA EnCal 3000 Controller en
BA EnCal 3000 Controller en
BA EnCal 3000 Controller en
Technical Documentation
Function, Operation,
Commissioning and Maintenance
2008 Elster GmbH
GAS-WORKS and FLOW COMP are registered trademarks of
Microsoft, Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation.
HART is a registered trademark of HART Communication
Elster GmbH
Schlostrae 95a
D - 44357 Dortmund / Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 2 31 - 93 71 10 0
Fax: +49 (0) 2 31 - 93 71 10 99
E-mail: [email protected]
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EnCal 3000
General Notes on the Structure of this Manual .................................................................................................................... v
Safety and Warning Notes ................................................................................................................................................... v
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................. 1
... view the process values of the second stream in case of a dual-stream EnCal 3000 Controller? ................. 15
... view the error listing of the Gas Quality module? ........................................................................................... 15
GW-GNET+ ............................................................................................................................................................... 71
Installation ................................................................................................................................................................. 75
Commissioning .......................................................................................................................................................... 83
Parameterization ................................................................................................................................................ 83
Maintenance .............................................................................................................................................................. 87
Annex ........................................................................................................................................................................ 93
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EnCal 3000
Attention! The following safety and warning notes must be observed at any rate:
The EnCal 3000 Controller must neither be stored at temperatures below -20C nor above +50C.
A temperature between 0C und +40C must be guaranteed during operation.
The EnCal 3000 Controller must be installed outside hazardous area 2 as it is not an explosion-proof device.
The EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph, however, is explosion-proof.
The EnCal 3000 Controller can be equipped with hardware modules that are approved as associated
electrical apparatus of category ib according to DIN EN 50020 with intrinsically safe circuits (EXMFE5 /
EXDE6 input boards). It is therefore suitable for being connected to sensors, signal transmitters and pulsers
located in hazardous areas (e.g. zone 1). It is not permitted to connect intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically
safe circuits to these modules together.
The power supply of the EnCal 3000 Controller is 24 V DC and must be secured externally by 1 A.
Connect the earthing to PE of the power supply socket for equipotential bonding.
Observe the regulations of the relevant standards, in particular the regulations of DIN EN 50014, DIN EN
50020 and DIN EN 50029.
Observe the limit values stated in the respective certificates of conformity of the boards to be connected.
(Please refer to the annex for the certificates of conformity.)
Warning: This is a Class A device that may cause interferences in living areas; you may be asked for
appropriate measures at your expense if the device is installed in such areas.
EnCal 3000
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1 Introduction
The basic configuration of the EnCal 3000 gas quality measuring system consists of the EnCal 3000 Gas
Chromatograph and the EnCal 3000 Controller (see Figure 1 below).
When running EnCal 3000 Quad is the meter is in two cases and can contain up to four analytical channels. (see Figure
2 below).
The gas chromatographs measuring technology performs the analysis independently.
You can install further controllers as an option. The subsystems communicate via Modbus with each other, with one
controller being the active unit (Modbus master) that controls the gas chromatograph (Modbus slave). The two optional
controllers act as passive units (Modbus listeners), i.e. they also read the communication at the Modbus and extract the
data relevant to them, but they do not send and process any commands.
The controllers serve as displays and data logging devices within the EnCal 3000 measuring system. As active unit the
controller also serves as control element for the gas chromatograph. It is therefore used to perform manual calibrations
or test gas runs.
As an option the EnCal 3000 Controller provides a hydrocarbon dew point calculation derived from the ISO 23874
standard and based on a C9+ analysis of the EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph.
The gas quality measurement system EnCal 3000 is described in 3 manuals
This manual deals with the controller.
Two other manuals are devoted to the hardware and the PC configuration software of the measuring element.
EnCal 3000
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Gas Chromatograph
active unit
e.g. stream 1, 2
PC for parameterization
V.24 serial
gas chromatograph:
RGC 3000
Controller (optional)
passive unit
e.g. stream 3, 4
V.24 serial
Modbus TCP
(ethernet 10Base-T)
Controller (optional)
passive unit
e.g. stream 5
V.24 serial
ethernet 10Base-T
Figure 1
Figure 2
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EnCal 3000
The EnCal 3000 Controller is part of the gas quality measuring system. Each controller can process one or two gas
streams, while it is also possible to assign one gas stream to several controllers. This makes it possible, for instance, to
distribute the data of one gas stream to several DSfG buses.
The EnCal 3000 Controller indicates the calibratable measurements superior heating value Hs, standard density rho and
the mole fraction of the gas components in the basic display of the operator panel. The font size of these measurements
is twice as large due to their significance. The EnCal 3000 Controller automatically invokes this basic display again 30
minutes after the last device operation.
The basic display shows the measurements of the first assigned gas stream in dual-stream operation. You can switch to
the corresponding display of the second assigned stream with a menu command.
The EnCal 3000 Controller is also equipped with a data logging function that logs important measurement variables. A
Long-term archive is available as a certifiable archive type, which logs the calibratable measurement variables cyclically
every 15 minutes. There is one separate certifiable Long-term archive available for each gas stream.
The data logging function logs the measurements provided by the gas chromatograph. It is also able to log further
measurement variables provided by operational supplementary functions. The measurement variables to be logged are
provided with a time mark of the data logging time and a classification criterion, the ordinal number. They are saved in a
storage area that is organized as ring storage. If the ring storage is full, each new data record overwrites the oldest one.
If the controller is the one taking on the active function within the Modbus communication with the gas chromatograph, it
can also be used to perform manual calibrations or test gas runs.
In addition to the displaying and data logging function the EnCal 3000 Controller offers a variety of operational
supplementary functions; for instance, for monitoring tasks and data communications. The certifiable functions are
isolated from each other and from the operational functions.
The controller monitors itself and all incoming measurements. If it detects an internal error or an error in the
communication with the gas chromatograph and if this error affects the accuracy of the measurement variables, this error
will be indicated by a red flashing status LED and additional clear text. During such an error the last two measurements
measured before the error will be maintained. After the error has been eliminated, the EnCal 3000 Controller switches
automatically back to the current online values.
The EnCal 3000 Controller is equipped with up to two digital data interfaces of the DSfG type (DSfG stands for Digital
Interface for Gas Metering Device), which is used by all devices in the Elster gas-net device family as described below.
The controller uses the interface labeled DSfG to provide other measuring instruments connected to the DSfG multidrop
connection and typically calibrated (e.g. flow computers) with the calibrated target variables Hs, rho and the entire
For this, the EnCal 3000 Controller operates exactly according to the method specified by the DSfG regulations. If new
measurements are available, the EnCal 3000 Controller sends a New measurements attention telegram. Data sinks
being interested in the values due to this signal have to get hold of these values by themselves by means of query
telegrams. In the EnCal 3000 Controller the transferred calibrated data is provided with an additional signature, which is
checked for integrity in the receiver. This procedure ensures the accuracy of the transferred data.
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is the generic term for an Elster device family. All gas-net devices, including future device types,
are characterized by uniformity in appearance, operation and parameterization.
Each gas-net device always covers a multitude of measurement and control functionalities.
EnCal 3000 Controllers also provide this functional variety. To keep the operation and parameterization of the devices
well-structured and user-friendly, the gas-net series is based on a modular concept. A module corresponds to a special
functionality. Each module has its own main display within the devices menu assistance, and each module has its own
group of settings within the parameter data record.
A particular module can be employed in different device types. This yields a modular system that is advantageous to the
user as a particular module can always be operated and parameterized in the same way, no matter in which device type
it has been installed.
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EnCal 3000
EnCal 3000
main plate of the
gas quality measurement unit,
stuck on.
EnCal 3000
Year of man.
Status LED
Data interface
open close
In addition to the 24 VDC mains connection up to two of the following interfaces are located on the back of the device:
DSfG interface
COM2 interface: Intended for connecting the modem for the integrated RDT. Alternatively suitable for connecting
proprietary protocols (Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, RK512 or 3964R)
TCP/IP for integration in a standard network installation (for data exchange via Modbus TCP or time synchronization
via NTP)
All process connections are implemented via process boards installed in the housing. The exact composition of the I/O
boards depends on the tasks of each individual device (single- or multi-stream gas quality measurement, number of
required output signals, etc.).
Gas quality measurement is the main functionality of the EnCal 3000 Controller. For connecting the EnCal 3000 Gas
Chromatograph via Modbus TCP the device has to be equipped with a TCP/IP module.
The following process board is only necessary for connecting the EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph via Modbus serial
A multi-functional serial MSER2 interface board. Even if more than one stream is measured, the device is only
connected via one protocol channel of the board.
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The overview below shows the typical board assignments for different operating modes.
Operating modes (OM):
Modbus TCP, connection of gas chromatograph (GC) via TCP/IP interface for single- or dual-stream operation
Modbus RTU/ASCII, connection of gas chromatograph (GC) via serial interface for single- or dual-stream operation
Unassigned board locations (BL) may contain any gas-net process boards for operational purposes. A description of the
currently available boards is provided in Chapter 7.2.2 or in Chapter 10 Technical Data.
Board locations 5 to 7 are only available in case of a 1/2 mounting width.
TCP/IP interface module required
The illustration below shows a typical rear view of a device in the narrow design for operating mode 2 as described in the
table above.
Process card (board) MSER2 in slot 1 as standard.
Further board configuration and overview of connections to be secured officially,
refer to document no. 07 00 29 040.
Document no. 07 00 29 090 shows how the connections have to be secured officially.
Card slots not used, are covered by dummy plates.
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EnCal 3000
The keypad of gas-net devices consists of a numeric keypad for entering numbers, the minus sign and decimal point
keys, and a group of four navigation keys. With these keys, you can move within the menu structure and invoke menus
and displays. In some cases you can also trigger actions or change values via the navigation keys.
The illustration below shows an overview of the keys meanings. The exact context-related meaning of each navigation
key will be explained together with the menu structure in Chapter 3.1.4.
Numeric key pad
incl. minus sign
and decimal point
Menu key:
Opens/closes a menu.
When starting from a display this means:
Pressing once opens the current display's submenu listing.
Pressing twice opens the menu listing for branching to other modules.
Pressing three times closes the menu.
The status LED on the device front is a three-color light emitting diode. The status of this LED indicates whether a gas
quality measurement error is pending or has been pending.
Please refer to the table below for the meaning of the colors:
LED status
red, flashing
yellow, flashing
green, flashing
red, permanently illuminated
yellow, permanently illuminated
green, permanently illuminated
EnCal 3000
An alarm is pending, i.e. an error has occurred that affects the correction.
A warning is pending, i.e. an event has occurred without affecting the
A green flashing light appears during the start-up phase after a mains failure.
An alarm has been pending but is no longer relevant.
It can be removed from the error listing by accepting it.
A warning has been pending but is no longer relevant.
It can be removed from the error listing by accepting it.
The device runs error-free.
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The sequence of the LED status lights in the above table corresponds to the sequence the error management keeps to:
The system always indicates the error with the highest priority. A pending error always takes precedence over an error
that is no longer relevant.
The exact meaning of the terms alarm, warning and hint is explained in Chapter 5.3.1.
The calibration switch is on the lower right side of the front panel.
The EnCal 3000 Controller is furnished with a two-level safety concept: All parameters being protected by the calibration
switch can only be changed if the calibration switch is open. Such parameters are always modified with a PC and the
GW-GNET+ parameterization software.
Open the calibration switch by turning it anticlockwise as far as it will go. This first safety level is important for devices
used for legal metrology and custody transfer. In this case, seals may officially secure the calibration switch and must
possibly be removed before.
The basic device display will automatically be invoked when you close the calibration switch.
Note: The User lock as the safety concepts second level consists of one numerical lock for each of the two contract
parties. The user lock is, in contrast to the calibration switch, implemented via the device software. This means that the
locks are defined via the device parameterization and opened or closed via the operator panel. Open locks allow the user
to access certain parameters or actions. All parameters being subject to the user locks can be changed when both locks
are or the calibration switch is open.
The display is an illuminated LCD consisting of 8 lines with 32 characters each. After approximately 30 minutes without a
keystroke, the displays background illumination switches off automatically.
This chapter describes the menu assistance and operation of all gas-net devices in general. Individual subjects have
been illustrated with examples, where appropriate. These examples refer to currently available device types; it can
therefore happen that a special menu illustrated in an example does not exist in your gas-net device type. The operating
mechanisms generally described here function in all devices in the same way.
Each module has a main display that indicates all important current values.
For example: The EnCal 3000 Controller contains, among others, the modules Gas Quality and Monitoring. The
main display of the Gas Quality module shows the current analysis data, whereas the main display of the
Monitoring module indicates the error listing.
The main display of the first module is also the basic display of the device, i.e. the display that is invoked automatically if
there has not been any keystroke for about 30 minutes.
For example: The EnCal 3000 Controller is capable of dual-stream operation, so it contains one Gas Quality
module per gas stream. The basic display of the device is the main display of the Gas Quality module of stream 1.
A display serves to indicate values. If there are more entries than can be made visible at once, little scroll arrows on the
right side indicate whether or not you can scroll upwards or downwards. The scrolling is either implemented line by line
or, if the display contains many entries, also page by page or by coherent blocks.
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EnCal 3000
Each invokable display belongs to a module within the device software and thus to an enclosed functionality. In the
display of a module, no matter which one, there are principally two different navigation targets within the menu of the
device. One target can be a subordinate display/dialog1 of the indicated module, another one the basic display of any
To be able to navigate within the menu structure as easily and quickly as possible, the Menu key
has been provided
with the following functions:
Pressing the Menu key once opens the submenu listing offered by the currently opened module display. Pressing the
Menu key again opens the menu listing containing all branching possibilities to other modules. Pressing the Menu key
again closes the menu.
The structure of a modules submenu listing depends on the current parameterization: Menu items referring to
functionalities that have not been parameterized will not be offered for selection.
For example: If the EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph is connected to only one stream, the gas quality module will
not include the Other stream menu item.
Submenus of a module either invoke further displays or dialogs in which the user can adjust values via the operator
The menu structure is tree-like: A subordinate menu item of a module can also have its own subordinate menu items.
At lower hierarchy levels of the menu tree the following menu items exist for returning to the next higher level, depending
on the context:
In a display: menu item Back
In a dialog: menu items OK / Cancel (OK also means accepting the modified values; Cancel means rejecting the
No matter on which menu level you currently are: You can move back and forth within a menu listing and select a menu
item by using the arrow keys. The selected target is presented in an inverted way, i.e. green writing highlighted in black.
Activate the menu item belonging to the selected entry by pressing the Enter key.
An example for the EnCal 3000 Controller:
Lets assume you want to check the user locks. There is an own display in the System module for this; we
therefore have to invoke the System module and branch to the module-specific submenus from there.
Lets also assume the basic display of the Gas Quality module is currently invoked. If you press the Menu key,
you will see the submenus offered by the Gas Quality module.
A dialog is a special kind of display indicating values you can edit via the operator panel.
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Basic display of Gas Quality
As we do not want to activate a gas quality menu in our example but branch to a different module, please press
the Menu key again.
Module listing
(without listing dashes in
front of the menu name)
Now the menu shows the listing of all modules included in the device software. Press the rightward arrow key a
couple of times until the module you want to invoke is selected. Its the System module in our example.
Module listing:
The System module
has been selected.
Press the Enter key and the display of the module you have just selected will be invoked.
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EnCal 3000
Now you can probably guess how to proceed: Please press the Menu key to open the subordinate menu listing.
Our destination, the Locks menu, is the third entry in the menu listing. Therefore, press the rightward arrow key
twice to select the Locks line.
Press the Enter key afterwards to confirm your selection and invoke the related display.
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To render the operation more convenient, there are different methods of defining a new value available, depending on
the type of the value to be changed:
Directly Entering a New Numerical Value
If you want to replace individual characters only, delete the characters step by step from the right using the leftward
arrow key. Then enter the new characters via the numerical keys including decimal point and minus sign.
If it is easier to replace the entire value by a new one, just start with your entry right away: As soon as you press any
numerical key the preset value will be deleted and overwritten by the new entry.
Quit the edit mode via the Enter key. This initiates a consistency check: If you have entered a value that does not make
sense in the present context or is not permissible, you will not be able to quit the edit mode. This way, you will be forced
to correct the value you have entered.
Just press the rightward arrow key to quit the edit mode without accepting the change, for instance after a false entry.
Invoke the menu and select either OK (the new values will be accepted) or Cancel (the values will be rejected) to quit the
entire dialog.
New Value by Selecting a Value from a Listing
The device software lists possible values in case of editable values the range of which is restricted to a fixed selection.
Choose a suitable value from the listing via the arrow keys and accept it by pressing the Enter key.
For example: Opening the revision switch of an EnCal 3000 Controller. (Note: This is only possible if the locks are
open!). You can change the status of the revision switches in the Switches menu of the Monitoring module.
Therefore, go to the corresponding dialog via the Monitoring - Switches menu item.
The revision switch is marked as being closed in the above figure (Revision switch = off). Lets assume you would
like to activate the revision switch. This switch is already selected when you invoked this display, which means
you can immediately press the Enter key to get into the edit mode. A selection list opens, offering useful values (in
this case: off and on).
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EnCal 3000
Select the desired value via the arrow keys, i.e. on. The display looks like this:
Press the Enter key to quit the edit mode and invoke the menu:
In this case, too, a consistency check is performed: If you have entered a value that does not make sense in the present context or is
not permissible, you will not be able to quit the edit mode. You will have to correct your entry first.
EnCal 3000
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... view the process values of the second stream in case of a dual-stream EnCal
3000 Controller?
The EnCal 3000 Controller is capable of dual-stream operation. The basic display of the device is always the main
display of the Gas Quality module for stream A. It shows the most important analysis values of this stream. To switch to
the display of stream B (e.g. Gas Quality (2) module), please
proceed as follows:
1) Invoke the submenu listing by pressing the Menu key
once. The Other stream menu item is pre-selected.
2) Press the Enter key to confirm your selection and invoke
the main display of the desired module.
Tip: To switch back to the first stream, repeat the procedure
described above and activate the Other stream menu item again.
It is possible to discern at a glance to which stream the indicated analysis values belong by looking at the first line of the
Gas Quality display the display states either Gas quality (1) or Gas quality (2).
If the status LED is flashing red or yellow or is permanently illuminated, the error listing contains alarm or warning entries.
View the error listing by proceeding as follows:
1) Invoke the module listing by pressing the Menu key twice.
2) Press the rightward arrow key until the Monitoring menu
item is selected.
3) Press the Enter key. The main display of the Monitoring
module is invoked. The error with the highest priority level
is indicated. Scroll through the error listing by means of
the arrow keys.
4) Proceed to Chapter 5.3.2, page 50, should you need more detailed information. If you want to accept an error,
proceed to read the very next chapter.
Note: If the EnCal 3000 Controller is operated with two streams, each gas stream has its own error listing. There is,
however, only one status LED at the device. Consequently, it is not possible to distinguish by the LED to which stream a
message refers. The status LED will also flash red, for instance, when an alarm is pending for stream B, while stream A
is operating error-free.
To be able to clearly classify an error condition indicated by the status LED, it is necessary to check the error listings.
EnCal 3000
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After the Monitoring menu has been invoked, the error listing
of stream A is displayed first. This is indicated by the text Gas
Quality A in the third line.
To view the error listing of stream B, proceed as follows:
1) Press the Menu key to invoke the listing of the
subordinate menu items.
2) Press the rightward arrow key until the Next listing menu
item is selected.
3) Press the Enter key. The error listing of stream B is
shown indicated by the phrase Gas quality B in the third
There may be up to three error listings. In addition to one or
two gas quality error listings, an error listing of the Monitoring
modules message processing is also available. Always switch
to the display of the next error listing via the Next listing menu
Next Listing
Errors can only be accepted and thus removed from the gas quality error listings if they are no longer pending.
To accept such an error, proceed as follows:
1) Open the error listing via the Menu key as described
above in Chapter 4.2. If the EnCal 3000 Controller is
operated with more than one stream, please ensure that
the error listing of the desired stream is indicated. The
third line of the display indicates the stream to which the
currently invoked error listing refers.
2) Select the error you want to accept via the rightward or
leftward arrow key.
3) Press the Menu key. If the error indicated on the display
cannot be accepted, the first menu item appears as being
crossed out: Accept. If the error can be accepted, just
select Accept and press the Enter key. The error
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EnCal 3000
disappears from the error listing, and the error with the next lower priority level will be indicated on the display.3
Repeat the steps explained above to accept further errors.
Note: Accepting errors as described above only applies to errors in connection with the devices gas quality functions.
How to accept messages of the general message processing (Monitoring error listing) is explained in Chapter 5.2.
Note: The software version and check sum shown here refer
to the EnCal 3000 Controller. Please refer to the software
manual of the EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph for the steps
required for having the software version of the EnCal 3000
Gas Chromatograph indicated.
The following special feature applies to an EnCal 3000 operated with two streams: An error referring to both streams disappears from
both gas quality error listings as soon as it has been accepted in one of the listings. An example of such an error is alarm A409: Power
EnCal 3000
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The parameterization of a gas-net device contains too many settings for them to be conveniently displayed via the
operator panel. It is much easier to get a general idea of the device settings by means of the GW-GNET+
parameterization program and a PC.
1. Connect the COM interface at the PC to the DSS interface at the gas-net device using a parameterization cable. In
case of PCs without COM interface, you can connect the parameterization cable by means of a USB-to-serial
converter cable.
2. Start GAS-WORKS on your PC. Activate the communication program by clicking the Import Data interface tool in
the GW-BASE toolbar.
3. After having successfully started the communication program, you are linked with the connected device data
technology-wise. The window appearing on your screen shows some important basic device information.
4. Select the Tools tab now. Double-click the Change parameters or the Edit parameterization entry. The GWGNET+ interface will appear on the screen. This is where you can invoke and check the parameter listings of the
individual modules.
Please note: The Change parameters or Edit parameterization service programs also offer the option of changing
device settings. The current status of the protection mechanisms (calibration switch / user lock) is of course taken into
consideration. Please refer to the comprehensive online help of GW-GNET+ for further information.
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EnCal 3000
.. view archives?
Change to the display of the Data Logging module: Press the Menu key twice, move to the Data logging entry using
the rightward arrow key and press the Enter key.
Select exactly the archive information you want to view in the appearing dialog. Please refer to Chapter 5.2.2
starting on page 41 for a detailed description of the filter function.
EnCal 3000
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5 Functional Description
The EnCal 3000 Controller is a device for indicating and controlling the measurement of the gas quality (GQ) of natural
gases by the gas chromatograph (GC) of the same name (EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph). The GC uses the different
adsorptions rates of the individual components contained in the sample gas, which are separated from each other on
their way through the integrated GC column. Each components concentration is measured at the end of the column by a
detector. Each piece of gas quality data (e.g. superior heating value or relative density) can then be calculated based on
the mole fraction of each individual component. The gas quality data is determined in the GC according to ISO 69764 and
transferred to the EnCal 3000 Controller at the end of each analysis together with the values of the component fractions.
Another variable is derived from these direct variables in the EnCal 3000 Controller: the methane number (Mn).
A variable that can also be derived is the hydrocarbon dew point. It indicates the temperature at which the first
hydrocarbons condensate. The gas will partly become fluid below this temperature. All components are completely
gaseous above this temperature. The hydrocarbon dew point is indicated in Kelvin and can be determined for a
parameterized pressure or the current online pressure. In case the current online pressure is used, an upper pressure
limit can be parameterized. If the current value is above this limit, the dew point is determined for the parameterizable
substitute pressure value.
The dew point calculation is an additional option that must be purchased and activated with a license key in the
parameterization. The following basic requirements also apply to the use of this option:
The chromatograph must be able to measure all higher components up to n-nonan (C9). This is why the dew point
calculation can only be performed in combination with the C9+ version of the EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph.
The chromatograph must be parameterized accordingly for the application. A corresponding Modbus table5 and a
corresponding application6 are necessary in particular. Furthermore, the GC should be able to identify the benzol
(C6H6, benzene), cyclohexane (C6H12), methylcyclohexane (C7H14) and toluene (C7H8) components separately
from the other components so that the dew point calculation is as accurate as possible.
After the EnCal 3000 Controller has been switched on, it establishes the communication to the EnCal 3000 Gas
Chromatograph and starts to permanently poll new analysis results. As soon as new analysis results are available they
are indicated. Therefore, make sure to switch on the gas chromatograph about 30 s before the controller.
You can restart the controller during the operation of the gas chromatograph as the gas chromatograph continues the
parameterized measurement series independently. After a restart the controller indicates the last valid analysis results
from before the restart until the first valid analysis after the restart has been completed and the results have been
transferred. It may happen, however, that an analysis is being completed during the restart period of the controller. In this
case the corresponding results are not transferred.
A prerequisite for starting the measuring operation is that the helium carrier gas is applied with sufficient pressure. The
gas chromatograph contains an electronic pressure regulator that determines whether the inlet pressure is sufficient.
Another prerequisite for the operation to start is that the two modules of the gas chromatograph must have reached the
respective parameterized operating temperature. The warm-up time of a cold device can take up to 30 minutes. The gas
chromatograph waits until the operating temperature has been reached before starting to measure. Not until then can the
controller indicate valid measurements.
Observe the temperature of the gas chromatograph in the Instrument status display of the RGC 3000 (PC) software of
the EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph (cf. Chapter 3.2 in the EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph Software Manual).
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Important: Operate the EnCal 3000 Controller after commissioning only while the calibration switch
is closed! The calibration switch (rotary switch at the device front) can be sealed for safety reasons.
A closed calibration switch ensures that actions to be performed by trained and qualified staff only,
such as calibrating actions, cannot be started at the device by anybody else.
Gas Streams
The EnCal 3000 Controller can indicate the analysis results of one or two gas streams of the EnCal 3000 Gas
Chromatograph. In this case it contains one or two Gas Quality modules. The analysis results of either the first or the
second gas quality module are updated in the controller, depending on the assignment of the current analysis result of
the gas chromatograph to the respective gas stream.
As it is physically the same gas chromatograph only one communication line is necessary even for dual-stream
If the input values are disturbed, the last valid gas quality analysis performed before the occurrence of the error still
applies. The device falls back to the entire last valid analysis even if only one component is disturbed.
While in the Gas Quality modules main display, you can quickly invoke all important current data of the gas quality
measurement. The first line shows (in case of a dual-stream parameterization) to which gas stream the display refers;
the second line shows the pending error with the highest priority level in clear text. The right section of the first two lines
is reserved for displaying the calendar time with the corresponding time zone.
The last three lines of the basic display show the current values of Hs, rho and CO2 indicated in a font that is twice as
large as usual. If you scroll downwards, the display shows the mole fractions of the gas components and the analysis
time of this measurement.
The values shown in the basic display are only current and valid if the system is running error-free. This means that the
measurement is not in an alarm condition and a calibration does not take place.
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EnCal 3000
Measurements for:
Heating value superior
Standard density
Carbon dioxide
The following figure shows an example for the basic display during an error-free operation:
Measurements for:
Hexane and higher
End of analysis
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If the controller indicates the measurements of two streams, there is one main display for each gas quality module. In this
case you switch to the display of the other module via the subordinate menu item Other stream to view the other gas
Switch to the indication of all gas quality data (for the current gas stream in case of two streams) via the subordinate
menu item Measurements.
Other Stream
If you use the controller for the indication of two streams, one main display is available for each gas quality module.
Switch to the display of the other module via the subordinate menu item Other stream to view the other gas stream.
Measurements Display
The EnCal 3000 Controller has an own display for indicating all gas quality data belonging to the current gas stream.
This data comprises direct measurements as supplied by the main display and further derived measurement variables.
Invoke this display as follows:
Press the rightward arrow key until the Measurements entry is selected. Press the Enter key.
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The EnCal 3000 Controller always indicates new measurements here after the EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph has
finished a measurement within its sequence. This measuring sequence is the automatic iterative measurement of the
preset gas streams. It continues independently after you have started it once. You can start it either via the PC software
(RGC 3000) of the EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph or from the EnCal 3000 Controller as follows:
Invoke the menu and confirm the selected Start sequence entry by pressing the Enter key.
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Calibration Display
There are two different calibration types: the basic and the automatic calibration.
Both are technically identical, except for the fact that in case of a basic calibration the currently determined response
factors are saved as reference values in the EnCal 3000 Controller and serve as benchmarks for future calibrations.
The currently determined response factors are then compared with the stored reference values during the automatic
calibration. The resulting deviations are entered in the controllers Calibration archive.
You can start the basic calibration only manually. Usually, you perform it when commissioning the device for the first
time, whereas the automatic calibration is performed automatically and daily during operation at a parameterizable time.
However, you can also start it manually at the EnCal 3000 Controller or remotely via a remote operating panel or the
DSfG bus.
You have to connect the calibration gas7 properly to the gas chromatograph (Cal. channel) to ensure that the calibration
is carried out successfully (cf. Chapter 5.1.5, page 36 and Chapter 2.9 or 5.1.5 in the EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph
Hardware Manual). For this, set the high-pressure regulator to an outlet pressure of 1 to 4 bars and open the
corresponding shut-off valve, if available. If the calibration gas cylinder has not been opened yet, open it now and
perform a purge first (cf. Chapter 5.1.5, page 36).
Automatic Calibration
The calibration switch at the EnCal 3000 Controller does not have to be open for this calibration type. If user locks
have been parameterized, however, they must be open.
An automatic calibration is carried out in a fixed cycle daily at xx oclock (parameterizable) in normal measuring
conditions. You can also start this calibration type manually.
The following reactions of the controller indicate the calibration status:
The last valid gas quality data is maintained via
measurement outputs and in the basic display of the
controller, provided any data is available at all.
The second line shows GQM calibrates.
A revision status is not signaled to the corrector.
A display with the actual and target values of the calibration gas to be measured appears. The actual values are still the
ones of the last calibration (see analysis time). The target values are read out of the gas chromatograph and must be
The composition of the calibration gas should correspond to the process gas, and the quality of the components must
be. 2.0 or better in order to obtain a sufficient accuracy of the instrument. Please contact Elster in advance to select the
optimum calibration gas for your application.
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entered via the PC software (RGC 3000) of the EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph (cf. Chapter 5.4 in the EnCal 3000 Gas
Chromatograph Software Manual).
If you press the Menu key again, the following submenu appears:
The calibration starts after you have confirmed this selection as soon as the currently running analysis has been finished.
The calibration always takes 14 minutes and is composed of the following periods:
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150 s purging time before the first analysis within the calibration sequence
180 s per analysis within the calibration sequence. A calibration sequence always consists of three measurements,
the first of which is dismissed. The other two measurements are averaged.
150 s purging time before the first analysis within the process gas measuring sequence that has started again.
The GQM calibrates message disappears from the display at the end of the calibration:
After the calibration has been finished the gas chromatograph automatically injects the process gas again and starts
measuring. The analysis results determined during the calibration are entered in the Calibration archive.
Confirm your selection and open the menu again. Select Cal. Cancel and confirm your selection.
The EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph interrupts the calibration now (at the end of the current analysis) and returns to the
normal operating conditions. The gas chromatograph then carries on working with the old calibration data.
The process is only aborted automatically if the inlet pressure of the carrier gas drops during the calibration. In this case,
the EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph also returns to the normal operating conditions as soon as the carrier gas is
injected again and carries on working with the old calibration data.
Basic Calibration
This calibration type can only be started manually. The calibration switch at the EnCal 3000 Controller must be open. If
user locks have been parameterized, they are ignored due to the open calibration switch.
The following reactions of the controller indicate the basic calibration status:
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A display with the actual and target values of the calibration gas to be measured appears. The actual values are still the
ones of the last calibration (see analysis time). The target values are read out of the gas chromatograph and must be
entered via the PC software (RGC 3000) of the EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph (c.f. Chapter 5.4 in the EnCal 3000 Gas
Chromatograph Software Manual).
If you press the Menu key again, the following submenu appears:
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The calibration starts after you have confirmed this selection as soon as the currently running analysis has been finished.
The calibration always takes 14 minutes and is composed of the following periods:
150 s purging time before the first analysis within the calibration sequence
180 s per analysis within the calibration sequence. A calibration sequence always consists of three measurements,
the first of which is dismissed. The other two measurements are averaged.
150 s purging time before the first analysis within the process gas measuring sequence that has started again.
The GQM calibrates message disappears from the display at the end of the calibration:
After the calibration has been finished the gas chromatograph automatically injects the process gas again and starts
measuring. The analysis results determined during the calibration are entered in the Calibration archive.
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Confirm your selection and open the menu again. Select Cal. Cancel and confirm your selection.
The EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph interrupts the calibration now (at the end of the current analysis) and returns to the
normal operating conditions. The gas chromatograph then carries on working with the old calibration data.
The process is only aborted automatically if the inlet pressure of the carrier gas drops during the calibration. In this case,
the EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph also returns to the normal operating conditions as soon as the carrier gas is
injected again and carries on working with the old calibration data.
The injection of test gases serves to check the gas chromatograph with a known gas or to measure unknown gases on a
non-routine basis. It can only be started manually.
The calibration switch at the EnCal 3000 Controller does not need to be open for this. If user locks have been
parameterized, however, they must be open.
The following reactions of the controller indicate the status of the test gas injection:
The last valid gas quality data is maintained via
measurement outputs and in the basic display of the
controller, provided any data is available at all.
The second line shows Revision/Test Gas.
The revision status is signaled to the corrector.
Inject the test gas as described below:
While in the gas quality main menu, press the Menu key and activate the Test gas command in the invoked menu.
A display with the actual and target values of the test gas to be measured appears. The actual values are still the ones of
the last test gas measurement (see analysis time). The target values are read out of the controller and must also be
entered here in this case (cf. Chapter, page 33).
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If you press the Menu key again, the following submenu appears:
The test gas run starts after you have confirmed this selection as soon as the currently running analysis has been
A test gas measurement always takes 5 minutes. It will be repeated until you interrupt it manually. A single test gas
sequence is composed of the following periods:
150 s purging time before the first analysis within the test gas sequence
180 s per analysis within the test gas sequence. A test gas sequence always consists of one measurement.
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Confirm your selection and open the menu again. Select Test gas cancel and confirm your selection.
The EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph interrupts the test gas run now (at the end of the current analysis) and returns to
the normal operating conditions.
The process is only aborted automatically if the inlet pressure of the carrier gas drops during the test gas run. In this
case, the EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph also returns to the normal operating conditions as soon as the carrier gas is
injected again.
The Revision/Test Gas message disappears at the end of the test gas run:
The analysis results determined during the test gas measurement are entered in the Test gas archive.
You can enter the reference values of the test gas (e.g. stated on the analysis certificate of the test gas cylinder) via the
Target values submenu. Afterwards, they can be compared with the current measurements during a test gas injection.
You can also have the absolute deviations calculated and indicated on the Differences display.
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A display with the actual and target values of the test gas to be measured appears.
If you press the Menu key again, the following submenu appears:
Select the Enter target values entry and confirm your selection.
A listing with the gas quality data of the test gas to be used appears. You can enter all values via the display:
To edit a value, get into the edit mode by pressing the Enter key.
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If you exit the input field by pressing the rightward arrow key, the value you have entered will not be accepted. If you exit
the input field by pressing the Enter key, however, the old value will be replaced by the new one.
Note: When leaving the menu, you have to decide again whether you want to accept the new gas quality data or return
to the previous ones.
New value has been accepted:
Old value will still be used:
To quit the Enter target values submenu, press the Menu key and choose one of these two options:
Accept all pieces of new gas quality data:
If you select OK, all values are used as new target values of the test gas. By selecting Cancel you return to the Test gas
menu without accepting values you have possibly edited before. In this case, the target values that were valid before you
have opened the Enter target values submenu are still valid.
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Different gases must be available in the station for calibration and measurement tasks. From time to time, it is therefore
necessary to connect a new gas cylinder to a gas supply connection of the EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph; for
instance, if the pressure of the calibration gas cylinder is insufficient.
To remove the old cylinder, proceed as follows:
Close the old cylinder at the main valve on top of the cylinder and unpressurize the connected gas line. You possibly
have to wait until the remaining gas has been used up or use an available venting possibility (low pressure side).
Screw the cylinder connection off the cylinder and close the cylinder with the corresponding nut.
Place the protective cap on the cylinder and fasten it.
Detach the possibly attached safety chain or clamp and remove the cylinder.
Secure the new cylinder with a chain or clamp against falling down first.
Remove the protective cap from the cylinder by unscrewing it.
Make sure that the main valve on top of the cylinder is closed.
Remove the nut from the valve connection now.
Make sure that the pressure reducing and the shut-off valve of the high-pressure or cylinder pressure regulator to be
connected are closed. Close the pressure reducing valve by unscrewing its setting screw.
10. Connect the cylinder connection of the high-pressure or cylinder pressure regulator to the valve connection of the
gas cylinder.
11. Open the main valve of the gas cylinder and adjust the outlet pressure of the high-pressure or cylinder pressure
regulator to the operating pressure needed by the gas chromatograph for the gas stream you are preparing just now.
To purge the high-pressure or cylinder pressure regulator, proceed as follows:
12. Close the main valve of the gas cylinder and wait until the high-pressure or cylinder pressure regulator has almost
drained, i.e. until the outlet pressure has almost sunk to 0 bar. Now open the gas cylinder again.
13. Repeat this draining and filling of the high-pressure or cylinder pressure regulator twice to ensure that the regulators
dead volume does not contain any gas from the previous use or any air.
14. Pay attention to the fact that the gas cylinder must be open at last to make a calibration or measurement possible.
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The EnCal 3000 Controller sets the revision status when test gas is injected. A set revision status means that the gas
quality is not measured under normal, proper operating conditions.
All entries in the Hourly mean bill archive are therefore marked with the Revision status note. Furthermore, the
Revision/Test Gas hint is generated and entered in the error listing and logbook. A termination of the test gas
measurement results in the end of the Revision/Test Gas hint with an entry in the logbook and a last entry marked
Revision in the Hourly mean bill archive. The gas quality measurement runs normally again.
You can also set the revision status manually to mark an incorrect gas quality measurement.
For this, open the menu by pressing the Menu key while in the main display:
If you press the Menu key again, the module listing appears.
Choose the Monitoring module via the rightward arrow key and confirm your selection by pressing the Enter key.
Open the submenu overview in the appearing display of the Monitoring module by pressing the Menu key.
Select the Switches submenu with the rightward arrow key and confirm your selection by pressing the Enter key.
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The revision switch has already been selected in the appearing display.
Only by quitting the Switches menu you finally confirm whether you want to accept the new switch settings or reject
them. For this, open the menu by pressing the Menu key:
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If you confirm the OK option by pressing the Enter key, you accept all switch settings as indicated now. By pressing the
rightward arrow key and confirming the Cancel option with the Enter key afterwards, you reject all changes you have
made and carry on working with the old switch settings as they were before you have opened the Switches menu.
If you have set the revision status by means of the revision switch, it will be indicated on the display just like during a test
gas run and signaled to the corrector.
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EnCal 3000 Controllers are always equipped with an integrated data logging function. The responsible Data Logging
module, however, provides only the data logging service. The actual data to be logged is generated by other modules of
the module group.
When parameterizing the Data Logging module, you only have to define which of the available archive groups shall
actually be logged and which storage depth shall be applicable. All archives defined in that way are designed as ring
storages. The data logging depth determines how many entries an archive is able to write at most. If an archive is full,
the respective oldest entry will be overwritten by each new entry.
The following sections describe the types of archive groups the individual software modules provide:
Gas Quality Module:
If two gas streams are measured, all archives of the Gas Quality module are available once for each stream.
Among others, the Hourly mean bill. archive type is available for each gas stream. The related data (superior heating
value, density, carbon dioxide and nitrogen concentrations) are cyclically logged with a time mark every hour and upon
each occurrence of an error. This archive is supplemented by the Hourly mean ext. and Hourly mean comp. archives,
which log further gas quality data every hour.
The Daily mean comp. archive logs the gas quality data daily at a defined time (when the daily archives start, i.e. at the
hour of the gas day beginning).
The Monthly mean comp. archive logs analogously the gas quality data monthly on the first day of a month at a defined
time (when the daily archives start, i.e. at the hour of the gas day beginning).
Furthermore, there are the Calibration and Test Gas archives that only log data during the corresponding actions. In case
of a calibration this is exactly one archive entry at the end of the calibration sequence; in case of a test gas run entries
are created after each analysis at regular intervals for the time the test gas injection lasts (one hour max.).
The Single analyses archive can be compared with the latter. The results of each analysis are saved in this archive
during normal operation.
Finally, a special Long-term archive is available for the gas quality measurement. This archive exclusively logs billingrelevant data cyclically together with a time mark. Another channel of the Long-term archive contains the number of the
alarm with the highest priority level that has been pending once during the last billing interval.
Monitoring Module:
The Monitoring module facilitates the compilation of process value archives (archives with any measurements).
Moreover, it runs one logbook for each stream of the gas quality measurement, where the beginning and end of all error
types (alarm, warning, hint cf. Chapter 5.3.1) are entered in clear text and together with a time mark. The internal
message processing is also provided with an additional, separate error listing (Monitoring Logbook), which can be
System Module:
The System module keeps a parameter change archive (Changed Settings archive), in which changes of the
parameterization are logged. If the device is operated with two streams, the changed settings archive logs the parameter
changes of both streams.
If individual parameters are modified, the old and new values will be logged in addition to the time mark. A completely
new parameterization will be entered in the changed settings archive as New parameterization via the data interface
when the calibration switch is open. A change of the parameterizations operational part is marked as New
parameterization (op.).
Note: You can configure the archive depth, exact composition and order of archives largely by yourself via the
parameterization. However, when changing the archive structure, you have to delete the old archives already existing in
the device.
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Before delivery, the devices have already been provided with a pre-defined archive structure corresponding to common
After the main display of the Data Logging module has been invoked, the most recent entry of the first channel of the first
archive group is always indicated first.
Choose the archive information you want to view:
The archive group type is selected at the beginning, i.e. it is highlighted in black. Press the Enter key to get into the
edit mode. A listing opens up from which you can choose the desired archive type via the arrow keys. Afterwards,
confirm your choice by pressing the Enter key.
Specify the archive channel you want to view in detail in the next selection field. Several possibilities are offered,
depending on the archive group type you have selected in the first step. For instance, you can choose between Hs,
rho, d, CO2, N2 and Z (status 8) in case of the Hourly mean bill A archive type.
You can now specify the point of time to be filtered by changing day, month, year, and time one after the other. You
get into the edit mode for each respective field by pressing the Enter key and are thus able to specify date and time
step by step. Confirm your entry by pressing the Enter key.
The next field is selected. Select the entry you want to view via the ordinal number 9 in this field. As there is an
unambiguous relation between date and ordinal number, the related ordinal number is indicated automatically after
the date has been entered (see above). If you enter a different ordinal number, the date in the second line of the
selection mask will be adjusted automatically.
Invoke the selected archive via the menu (see next section).
Status stands for a bit string that provides an overview of the EnCal 3000 Controllers status.
Each individual measurement variable of an archive group logged by a device additionally has an ordinal number for reasons of
unambiguity. The order of the ordinal numbers is arranged in such a way that the very first archive entry receives the number 1. The
ordinal number for each further entry is increased by one.
Ordinal numbers are needed, for instance, for polling archive data via DSfG.
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Time mark,
value and unit
Difference between
currently displayed
Next Channel
Previous Channel
The next/previous channel menu items serve to quickly switch over to another channel of the same archive group.
Return to the main display, i.e. to the selection mask for viewing archives, via the subordinate menu item back.
Tip: The archive representation on the display is limited due to a lack of space. To analyze larger archive
areas it is much more practical to read the archives out of the device and into a PC before; for example via
the data interface by means of the GAS-WORKS module GW-REMOTE+. You can view the data
afterwards in a table or as a diagram with the GW-DATA+ program.
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Monitoring Module
The Monitoring module basically performs the signaling and monitoring tasks of the device:
Monitoring the gas quality (-ies) for errors.
Together with the Logbook functionality (Data Logging module, cf. Chapter 5.2) the gas quality error listings serve to
analyze and remove gas quality-related errors and to be able to understand the history of the course of the error.
Monitoring of any logged measurements
Signaling of operating states
Log-on of process value archives (archives for measurements that can be used to replace a recording instrument)
Switching functionality
There are three different kinds of gas quality errors, which are also treated differently by the error management:
An Alarm is generated if a gas quality-relevant error has occurred. Beginning and end of an alarm are entered in the
related error listing together with a time mark (<Alarm> begins/ends).
If an alarm is no longer pending, i.e. it is no longer relevant, you can accept it at the device and thus remove it from
the error listing.
A Warning is generated if a system-relevant variable is affected by an error that does not influence the result of the
gas quality measurement (e.g. changing the time). If a warning is no longer pending, i.e. it is no longer relevant, you
can accept it at the operator panel and thus remove it from the error listing.
A Hint is generated if a measurement violates a hint limit specified by the user (e.g. upper/lower hint limits for gas
quality data, pressure, temperature).
In addition, a hysteresis can be defined to avoid fluttering messages when a measurement fluctuates around a limit
value. The message <Hint limit begins> will then only be generated or removed if the measurement is not within the
hysteresis range.
Lower hint limit
Lower hint limit
Upper hint limit
A hint is also generated if an event occurs that has no influence on the gas quality measurement (e.g. Calibration
switch open).
The beginning of a hint is entered in the error listing together with a time mark. Hints cannot be accepted and
automatically disappear from the error listing after they have ended.
A complete listing of all errors together with their classification is included in the annex to this documentation.
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Note: If the EnCal 3000 Controller is operated as dual-stream device, the error management is performed separately for
each stream. Consequently, there are also two gas quality error listings. There are alarms that are restricted to one
stream; for example, a violation of the specified range of stream A will only trigger an alarm for stream A, whereas the
error status of stream B is not affected. In addition, there are errors affecting both streams equally. Such an error, for
example the Power failure alarm, is entered in the error listings of both streams.
The status LED of the device indicates the message with the highest priority level (pending alarm, pending warning,
unaccepted alarm, unaccepted warning) according to the table shown in Chapter 3.1.2, page 8.
During multiple-stream operation it does not matter to which stream the error with the highest priority level belongs; the
status LED does not show which stream is affected. You can always obtain detailed information via the error listings.
The software of the EnCal 3000 Controller includes a revision switch to facilitate a system check by revision. You can
activate this revision switch via the operator panel at the device if the user locks are open.
If the revision switch is set, the Revision/Test Gas hint is generated and entered in the error listing and logbook of all
streams. From then on, all entries in the Long-term archive are marked with the Revision status note.
A closing of the revision switch results in the ending of the Revision/Test Gas hint with an entry in the logbook and
induces a last entry in the Long-term archive marked with the Revision note. All streams operate normally again.
An EnCal 3000 Controller supplies a whole lot of measurements from the gas quality measurement. It can also capture
measurements via analog inputs and partly also creates derived measurements. An example for such an analogously
collected measurement is a temperature value supplied by a thermostat.
In addition to monitoring measurements for hint limits and gradients, the device can also file up to 32 measurements. For
each defined measurement the minimum and maximum values measured since the last reset are indicated. You can
view these values together with the associated time marks on the display.
Note: The message and signal processing of the Monitoring module runs completely independent of the monitoring of
the devices gas quality functions. This functionality of the Monitoring module is therefore provided with a separate error
listing and an own logbook.
Please take into consideration that the rules of this message processing considerably differ from those of monitoring the
gas quality functions (see above); the acceptance mechanism is totally different, for instance. If you know the DIN 19 235
standard (Signalling of operating conditions), you may be familiar with many terms mentioned in the description below.
The message processing of the EnCal 3000 Controller is oriented towards this standard wherever it has proved to be
useful and possible with regard to the monitoring function.
The message processing in the EnCal 3000 Controller can manage up to 64 messages defined by parameterization. In
principle, there are different types of conditions to be signaled that can be mapped on such a message. You define
yourself the events that shall result in messages within the message processing when parameterizing the device.
First, the status of a digital message input (set/not set) can be evaluated as message. Messages generated by the
device itself during operation can also be included in the message processing, such as a gas quality alarm.
Second, measurements can be monitored for limit violations. This applies to measurements supplied via analog inputs or
measurements created internally, such as the superior heating value. In addition to monitoring upper and lower hint limits
as well as boundaries, you can also monitor gradients. The gradient monitoring observes measurement changes within
defined time ranges: If the difference between the largest and smallest values of a measured quantity exceeds the
defined maximum value within a parameterized time range, the condition for generating the Hint limit gradient message
has been met.
Note: All single messages referring to measurements are also pending if the corresponding input value is regarded as
being disturbed.
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Lower hint limit
Upper hint limit
The target of the message-processing concept is to combine messages in groups. Owing to group monitoring and
evaluation the monitoring itself remains clearly understandable even if the amount of signals is rather large.
You can define the scope of the related error listing by yourself, namely by determining in the parameterization for each
message whether a single message shall be entered in the error listing and logbook of the Monitoring module. Only if this
is the case, the message will be entered in the error listing as soon as it begins. There is no acceptance required for
single messages; they are automatically removed from the error listing when they end. If a message is entered in the
error listing, beginning and end of this message are also entered in the logbook. The Data Logging module can log the
logbook of the Monitoring module.
You can disable individual messages during operation, which is, for instance, rather helpful during a plant inspection. The
message processing completely disregards disabled messages, which are always considered not pending. You can
change the disable note of a message via the operator panel of the device, via the parameterization and with a DSfG
setting telegram.
Single message data (characteristics, current values) can be enquired via DSfG. Some properties are also adjustable via
DSfG, such as hint limits and gradients.10
In order to simplify the monitoring of up to 64 messages, single messages can be combined by parameterization in up to
32 groups in any composition whatever. Each group generates 3 different messages that are created by linking the
single messages contained in that group. This way, you can monitor the status of content-related messages without
getting lost in the observation of single messages.
The different message types of a group are called Group message, Held group message and Centralized message.
The DSfG data elements for message processing are included in the DSfG data element tree of the Control entity. Please ask Elster
for a precise list of the supported or used DSfG data elements, when required.
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Group message
A groups group message results from the OR operation of the single messages belonging to the group. Thus, a
group message is pending if at least one of the groups messages is pending.
A group message is not linked with an acceptance.
Held group message
The held group message only differs from the normal group message by always keeping to a holding time; for
instance, for taking the telecontrol response times into consideration. A held group message is pending at least as
long as the holding time lasts even if the normal group message ends during the holding time.
Single message M1
Single message M2
Group message
Centralized message
A special feature of the centralized message is that it can link the states of single messages with an acceptance
signal. The Acceptance required or No acceptance required property is defined as group characteristic in the
All centralized messages are entered in the logbook and error listing.
If a group is marked with No acceptance required, the result of the centralized message is always the same as the
result of the group message.
There are two different procedures for the acceptance technique and the status of the centralized message of a
group marked Acceptance required. These two procedures are described below.
Acceptance technique of centralized messages, procedure to DIN 19 235
According to this procedure, the centralized message of a group characterized Acceptance required links the
states of the single messages contained in that group with an acceptance signal.
The acceptance can either be implemented via an assigned digital input or via the Accept all menu item, i.e. via
the operator panel. An acceptance accepts all groups at once. The source of the acceptance does not matter.
The centralized message of a group classified as Acceptance required is pending if at least one single message
of the group is pending. It will only end with the end of the last single message if all pending messages have been
accepted. A currently pending single message is also considered accepted if it had been accepted before it
The fact that a centralized message is still pending after the last single message has ended indicates that at least
one of the single messages has begun again after the last message was accepted. In such a case the single
message or single messages just has/have to be accepted!
The following illustration shows how, according to procedure 1, the centralized message of a group classified as No
acceptance required differs from the one of a group classified as Acceptance required.
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Single message M1
Single message M2
Centralized message
group marked no acceptance required
(= group message)
Centralized message
group marked acceptance required
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In addition to the above-mentioned messages a message named Main signaller is also available. It usually triggers a
hooter if being routed to an output. An additional acceptance input is assigned to the main signaller.
The main signaller can include any number of groups.
It begins when a message arrives that belongs to one of the involved groups, and it ends upon acceptance, no matter
whether or not messages are still pending. You can accept it via the digital input assigned to the main signaller. Besides,
if all groups are accepted via the operator panel, the main signaller is also accepted. It begins again as soon as the next
involved message arrives.
The following illustration shows the behavior of the main signaller in connection with the acceptance (in case of one
involved group):
Single message M1
Single message M2
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EnCal 3000
The EnCal 3000 Controller is able to keep archives for process values, i.e. archives for measurements and count values.
Up to four archive groups with up to 8 channels each are available. You can determine for each archive group
individually in which conditions the contained archive channels shall be logged.
The standard procedure used is cyclic data logging (with parameterizable data logging cycles from one second up to one
Additionally or alternatively, the data logging can be made conditional on certain events detected during the monitoring of
the process values:
It is possible to link the data logging with one or more group(s) of single messages. In this case the logging takes
place upon the beginning and end of each message contained in one of the involved groups.
If the trend of a particular process value shall be logged in detail, a maximum change rate can be defined for an
archive channel. Then the entire archive group is logged each time the difference between the current measurement
and the value measured during the last data logging exceeds the maximum change rate. This way, the data is
logged more often in case of quickly changing values.
This option is also available for counter archives, which means you can define that the data logging starts each time
a count value has increased by a defined difference.
Measurements and count values are always logged additionally if the input value has been identified as being disturbed.
It is possible to freeze process value archives. If an assigned message begins, the corresponding archive continues to
log data and stops after a set number of entries has been reached. The point of time of the last entry will be marked with
hint PVA <no.> freeze begins (PVA stands for ProcessValueArchive) in the error listing and logbook of the Monitoring
module. The data logging will only be continued when the assigned message ends. Simultaneously, hint PVA <no.>
frozen also ends.
The freezing of measurement archives is useful if you are interested in how a measurement behaves if a certain event
occurs. It is possible, for instance, to link the freezing with a centralized message. Then, the freezing will be activated
upon the first beginning of any message of the group. Normal data logging will not be continued after the end of the last
message until the group has been accepted explicitly, for the centralized message only ends in this case.
In addition, you can make the logging in a process value archive conditional on a message. In this case, data is only
logged in the archive if the allocated message has been set, independent of all other conditions.
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An alarm has the highest priority level, i.e. it is of greatest importance. A warning has a higher priority level than a hint.
Cf. Chapter 5.3.1 for an explanation of the terms Alarm, Warning and Hint.
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EnCal 3000
Next listing
You can switch to the respective following error listing via Next listing. There are up to three error listings: the Gas
Quality A, the Gas Quality B and the Monitoring error listing.
The following messages are entered in the error listing of the Monitoring module:
Messages named System messages12 have top priority.
The next position shows an M-switch message if the maintenance switch has been activated.
All pending centralized messages of groups 1 to 32 are indicated below.
Pending single messages follow according to their priority level.
In order to keep the error listing clearly understandable only such single messages that have been parameterized
accordingly are entered in the error listing.
In principle, all single messages of the message processing including the M-switch message do not require an
acceptance. Only centralized messages of groups requiring an acceptance must be accepted. This means that all single,
group and centralized messages of groups that do not require an acceptance automatically disappear from the error
listing when they stop pending.
Centralized messages of groups requiring an acceptance will only end after they have been accepted and if none of the
single messages of the group is pending any longer. The messages can be accepted even before the last single
message has ended.
An EnCal 3000 Controller can have up to 32 parameterized measurements for maximum/minimum indication on file.
If you invoke the related display, the first measurement is indicated. You can switch to the display of another
measurement via the name.
The display contains the following information in detail:
Name of the shown measurement: Pressing the Enter key opens up a selection list
containing all measurement names. You can switch to the indication of another
measurement via this listing.
Line before last: Minimum value since last resetting, with time mark.
Last line: Maximum value since last resetting, with time mark.
If the associated measurement is indicated as being disturbed, the display keeps showing the last valid value. The
value is flashing in this case.
System messages are generated for instance for the events Re-start performed, Power failure, New parameterization and Parameter
changed. These messages are usually not visible in the error listing as they are pending for only one second. Other messages that are
important for the entire system, such as Interface monitoring in case of a board location error or Calibration/User switch open are more
like hints and disappear automatically from the error listing after they have ended.
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The Groups menu refers to the message processing of the Monitoring module. You can invoke the related display
only if message groups have been created. The display facilitates an overview of the event status of the messages
linked in a group. If you invoke the related display, you will see information on the first group. To switch to the display
of another group, get into the edit mode (by pressing the Enter key) and select the name of the group you want to
view from the appearing listing. Confirm your choice by pressing the Enter key again.
Name of the indicated group
First message, i.e. the message of
the group that has begun first.
The text is flashing if the message
has not been accepted via the
group yet.
If the centralized message of the invoked group is currently pending, the single message of the group that has begun
first is indicated below First message. As this is always the message that has initially caused the beginning of the
centralized message, this information helps to analyze the error condition. The message text is flashing if no
message has been accepted yet after the beginning of the centralized message.
You can read off the single message of the group that has begun last below New message. As long as the
centralized message itself is pending, the New message indication is updated upon each beginning of a new
message of the group. A New message, too, is flashing on the display until an acceptance has been performed after
its beginning.
Only if neither first nor new messages are indicated, a centralized message is not pending at that point of time.
Activate the View submenu to check the status of all single messages contained in the group:
This display provides information on the single messages contained in the group invoked before. Besides, it
provides information on the status of each contained single message. Due to the mass of information only one
single message is indicated on the display at a time.
As the Name selection list contains all single messages of the corresponding group you can switch to the
indication of any other single message of the currently selected group.
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EnCal 3000
If the seconds counter starts counting backwards, the status to be signaled is already pending. A minimum
pending time has been assigned to the single message, so the message itself will only be generated if its
status is still pending after the minimum pending time has elapsed. The counter therefore constantly shows
how many seconds of the minimum pending time are remaining. Only after the counter has reached 0, the
status indication of the message will change from Off to On.
If the status to be signaled ends before the minimum pending time has elapsed, the counter will be set to 0,
but the message will not begin.
The counter always shows 0 if a minimum pending time has not been assigned to a single message. In this
case the message begins immediately after the status to be signaled has been detected.
Whether a single message is being routed at all depends on the fact whether the message is disabled or
enabled: If a single message has been disabled, the entire subsequent message processing considers it as
not pending.
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Tip: The main advantage of the Groups View menu described here is the possibility of analyzing the status
of a group and of the single messages contained therein. This menu only provides information but does not
allow changing the properties of a single message, for instance to disable or enable a single message. For
this purpose the Single messages menu must be invoked, the display of which is structured similar to the one
described above.
Single messages
The Single messages menu refers to the message processing of the Monitoring module. It does not only serve to
indicate basic information relating to single messages but also provides the possibility of disabling such messages via
the operator panel of the device and editing limit values for single messages of the measurement monitoring.
In order to switch to the display of another single message you have to get into the edit mode (by pressing the Enter
key) and select the name of the message you want to view from the appearing listing. Confirm your choice by
pressing the Enter key again.
The Single messages display is basically identical with the display of the Groups View menu described above.
The parameterized limit value is indicated as additional information in case of a message derived from measurement
The Limit menu item indicates the currently set limit value of the limit monitoring or the maximum permissible
change of a measurement within a parameterized monitoring period when monitoring gradients.
This dialog allows disabling single messages via the operator panel. You can also edit the limit value to be monitored
in case of messages of the measurement monitoring directly at the device. The user locks, however, must be open
for such actions to be carried out.
Disabled messages
The Disabled messages menu refers to the message processing of the Monitoring module. The corresponding
display lists all currently disabled single messages. Additional information indicated on the display comprises the type
of the message, the actual message status before the disabling, and possibly the counter for a monitored minimum
pending time.
Pressing the Enter key opens the
selection list containing all currently
disabled messages.
The Disabled messages menu described here merely provides information. Please switch to the Single messages
menu (see above) if you want to disable or enable a single message.
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The Integrated RDT) module implements the data connection between the EnCal 3000 Controller and a remote center.
The center accesses the data traffic as a logical equal-access station via the integrated RDT during an established data
connection. The data transmission is implemented according to the DSfG specification by means of a Class B DSfG
If the device is equipped with a DSfG interface, further devices can be connected via this interface. If such a local DSfG
bus exists, the connection to the center not only refers to the communication with the entities of the EnCal 3000
Controller but with the entire local DSfG bus traffic. With respect to data communications, the RDT integrated in the
EnCal 3000 Controller thus completely replaces an independent DSfG RDT as other devices connected via DSfG can
also use it.
The parameterization assigns an own bus address (EADR) to the internal Center via RDT entity.13
The data connection can use one of the following transmission media:
Public switched telephone network or GSM wireless network (hardware requirements: modem, COM2 interface)
Independent of the data transmission type, the data connection established by the integrated RDT offers multiple
diagnostic and information gathering possibilities. For example, it is possible to poll archive data from a remote location.
The RDT, however, can also be parameterized in such a way that a special event (e.g. a gas quality measurement
alarm) will trigger a call at the center. This works as follows: According to the DSfG specification, the entities generate
attention telegrams in case of special events that are forwarded to all other stations in form of multi-address messages.
You can define for each station separately that the center will be informed in case of particular generated telegram
Re 1) Data connection via modem and telephone line or GSM wireless network
The data connection usually uses either the public or the company telephone network. If a system is not connected to a
public switched telephone network, a connection can be implemented via the GSM wireless network. An external modem
is connected to the COM2 interface of the EnCal 3000 Controller for connection to the respective telephone network.
In order to check the access authorization of the center, the integrated RDT manages the bus identifier and password of
the center (Center identifier). A login procedure is carried out during a call connection. If errors occur during this
procedure, each side is authorized to interrupt the connection by hanging up for in this case a faulty connection or an
unauthorized access can be assumed.
The remote center is only linked via the integrated RDT during an established telephone connection. If the transmission
of attention telegrams has been parameterized, the center will spontaneously be called and informed. For this, the
integrated RDT has to know the centers telephone number.
It is also possible to synchronize the internal device time via the integrated RDT if a server reachable by telephone that
provides the time via telephone in accordance with a defined protocol. Should you be interested, please consult Elster to
clarify the usability of this functionality in your case.
Please refer to Footnote 21, page 56 for the attention telegram types.
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The Mode menu item indicates the current operating mode of the RDT (TCP/IP connection, dial modem analog, dial
modem GSM, null modem). Status indicates the current RDT status:
The RDT not in operation status may have the following causes:
1. During start up it turned out that the TCP/IP interface is either not available or electrically defective.
Additional message: TCP/IP socket/module fault.
2. Hardware error: wrong interface module. Additional message: Module W3150 not recognized.
TCP error
(TCP/IP operation only)
No modem
(modem operation only)
Modem initialization
(modem operation only)
Basic status
During operation it turned out that the TCP/IP interface is electrically defective. Additional message: TCP/IP
socket/module fault.
The No modem status can have two causes:
1. No modem has been connected.
2. The modem initialization has failed. After some time the system will try to initialize the modem again, i.e.
it changes to the Modem initialization status again (see below).
The RDT tries to initialize the modem directly after start-up. The RDT status changes to Basic status after
successful initialization.
The integrated RDT is ready for operation but is currently not connected to the center.
not connected
(modem operation only)
Call attempt
(TCP/IP only)
Call connection
An external call comes in. The telephone connection is established. The modems are setting up the
connecting protocol.
Identification phase
During the Identification phase the center and bus identifiers are exchanged and checked. The data
(not in case of a null connection via the modems has already been established.
The operator is informed about when the telephone connection was established. Moreover, the telephone
number of the station to which the connection has been established is indicated, provided the number is
known. In case of a TCP/IP connection the display shows the host IP and the dynamically allocated port
number instead.
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EnCal 3000
Transparency mode
Connection set-up and login procedure have been completed successfully. Exchanging data is possible.
The operator is informed about when the telephone connection was established. Moreover, the telephone
number of the station to which the connection has been established is indicated, provided the number is
known. In case of a TCP/IP connection the display shows the host IP and the dynamically allocated port
number instead.
The RDT has attempted to call the center, but the connection could not be established. Now the dialing is
interrupted by a parameterized Call delay time before a new call will be initiated. The display also indicates
which call delay time is currently pending and how long it will last.
The maximum number of call attempts can be parameterized. If the connection has not been established yet
after this number of call attempts was performed, the RDT is put into a long-term block. All attention
telegrams are rejected as long as the long-term block lasts.
The integrated RDT calls the phone number for the telephone retrieval of the time standard. Additional
(modem operation and information is provided on the number of call attempts and the telephone number of the time server.
telephone time query This status only occurs if time synchronization by time query calling has been set in the parameterization of
the RDT.
Time query synch.
(modem operation and
The connection to the parameterized phone number for the telephone time query has been established. The
time is now being enquired. This status only occurs if time synchronization by time query calling has been set
in the parameterization of the RDT.
Those calls are counted during which the following error has occurred: Both stations have
established the connection logging. The login procedure, i.e. the checking of the access
authorization by center and bus identifiers, has not started at all.
Incoming / outgoing calls with login Indicates the number of calls to which the following applies:
The connection has been established via the stations, but the login procedure, i.e. the checking of
the access authorization by center and bus identifiers, has failed.
Failed after redialing (only relevant
in case of modem operation)
Those calls are counted during which the following event has occurred: The stations have
established the connection logging and the login procedure has been completed successfully.
However, no data was exchanged as the center did not switch into the transparency mode.
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The GSM display indicates whether a connection to the wireless network is currently established and, if so, it also
indicates the measured data signal quality. The data signal quality is indicated as integer on a scale of 0 to 31 according
to the convention of the modem manufacturers. The corresponding value is additionally indicated in dBm (see table
The minimum data signal quality level depends on the type of the connected wireless modem. Please refer to the
corresponding modem manual for further information.
Synchronization (only if time synchronization is carried out via telephone time query)
A synchronization of the internal device time can also be carried out via the integrated RDT if a server is reachable by
telephone that provides the time via telephone in accordance with a defined protocol. If this functionality is used, the
Synchronization display contains additional information on the status of the time query.
The subordinate menu contains the following item:
Synchronize now
With the menu item synchronize now the internal device time can be synchronized immediately. This is only
possible if the synchronization status is waiting for end of interval or dialing pause. If the calibration switch is
closed, it is impossible to start synchronize now.
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EnCal 3000
System Module
The System module comprises all basic functionalities of the EnCal 3000 Controller.
Inputs (optional)
One such basic functionality of the System module is the processing of the input information and transfer of this
information to other modules. The availability of input channels depends on the process board equipment of each
individual device. Please refer to Chapter 7.2.2 for further information to the different input boards.
The System modules display offers a special menu for viewing the source as well as the raw and final values of an input
signal (cf. Chapter 5.5.2). There is also an own diagnosis display for protocol input channels.
Outputs (optional)
The EnCal 3000 Controller normally does not contain any output boards.
However, there are several process boards that provide output channels available (cf. Chapter 7.2.2).
The EnCal 3000 Controller provides a special menu for viewing and checking outputs (cf. Chapter 5.5.2). Checking the
outputs is only possible if the locks are open.
DSfG (optional)
DSfG is a digital interface especially developed for data communications between gas meters (such as gas-net devices).
The EnCal 3000 Controller can be equipped with a DSfG interface as an option. The DSfG bus is connected via the
connector labeled DSfG on the back of the device.
TCP/IP (optional)
The TCP/IP interface is used for integrating the device into a standard network installation (for data exchange via
Modbus TCP or time synchronization via NTP).
The parameter listing of the EnCal 3000 Controller contains various parameters that are not subject to the calibration
lock but protected against willful changes by an operational safety mechanism. This protection mechanism is called user
or numerical lock. One lock of up to 6 digits can be defined for each of the two contract parties. These locks are opened
and closed via the keypad (cf. Chapter 5.5.2). The device parameterization specifies the locks that shall be valid.
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The usability of these procedures in dependence on local conditions has to be clarified in advance with Elster.
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EnCal 3000
Name of the input channel: serves to identify the channel and is parameterized
Phys. Value
The final value of the respective physical variable with physical unit
Input Value
To switch to the display of another channel get into the edit mode (by pressing the Enter key) and select the name of the
desired input value from the appearing listing. After you have confirmed your choice by pressing the Enter key, the
display of the selected board will be invoked.
The Outputs system menu enables you to view the assignment and current status of the output channels, similar to the
input channels display. After you have activated the corresponding menu item, details of the first defined output channel
will be presented:
Name of the output channel: serves to identify the channel and is parameterized
Phys. Value
The final value of the respective physical variable with physical unit
Output Value
In case of analog values: value for the current output (in mA) calculated on the basis of the final value
In case of messages: output contact closed / open
In case of pulse outputs: frequency in Hz, number of pulses retained in the pulse buffer
Test Value
Get into the edit mode by pressing the Enter key to switch to the display of another channel. A listing with the names of
all parameterized output channels appears. After you have chosen the desired output channel and pressed the Enter
key, the display of the selected channel will be invoked.
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Output testing
In addition to just viewing the current process values you can also test the output channels. This means that you
can output any current value between 0 and 20 mA via an analog output for testing purposes. You can set a
message output to Contact closed or open, and you can have pulses being output via a pulse output for testing
reasons. However, only one output can be switched into the test mode at the same time.
Proceed as described below:
Select the desired output channel, and press the Menu key afterwards.
To quit the test mode, press the Menu key again and confirm the Test off menu item.
Note: You can also quit the test mode by quitting the current display, for instance via Back or by selecting a different
When measurement and signal transmitters are connected via digital protocols, the Protocols display offers an overview
of the most important protocol data, for example data on pressure and temperature sensors connected via HART
protocol, on gas meters with encoder totalizer, and on ultrasonic gas meters via Q.Sonic or SICK protocol. The Protocols
display also supplies the most important information on the synchronization of the internal time via GPS or NTP for
diagnostic purposes.
Note: The Protocols display is not intended for host protocols being processed by the Data Exchange module; please
refer to the corresponding module display for information on these protocols.
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EnCal 3000
The following table shows the display structure in case of HART/encoder/Q.Sonic or SICK protocols:
Name of protocol channel
Board / channel indication
In case of HART protocol:
Board / channel / HART address indication
In brackets: Number of successful communication operations; counts continuously upwards when the
communication is working.
If an asterisk * appears between the board/channel indication and the number of successful communication
operations, the data transmission is disturbed (this indication possibly considers a maximum number of
admissible communication errors).
For example:
Name of protocol channel
When an asterisk
appears here, the communication is disturbed. At the same time the counter for successful
Vf / Vr / Vfs / Vrs:
SICK gas meter; transmitted totalizers: measuring volume undisturbed forwards (Vf),
measuring volume undisturbed backwards (Vr), measuring volume disturbed forwards (Vfs),
measuring volume disturbed backwards (Vrs)
The shown value is only a valid current value if the data communication is not disturbed, i.e. there is no asterisk
in the fourth line between the board/channel indication and the number of successful communication operations
(see above).
All pieces of data shown in further lines are intended for diagnosis by experts; please refer to the documentations and
specifications of the respective measuring instrument manufacturers or contact Elster.
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The Protocols display is structured as shown below in case of time synchronization via GPS or NTP: :
Current UTC:
Universal Time, Coordinated: derived from the latest synchronization via GPS and counted upwards
based on the device time
Name / I/O
Sync. Data
Name of the input channel to which the GPS receiver has been connected as well as board/channel
Name of the TCP/IP socket used for time synchronization
Counter for incoming telegrams
Status indication, valid in undisturbed conditions
Counter for successful synchronizations transferred to the System module
Device time of the last successful synchronization (considers time zone and daylight savings time
Position specification (only in case of GPS)
The stratum value is a measure for the number of computers to the time reference in the NTP
Only in case of time synchronization via NTP:
Protocol-internal diagnostic information
Clk. Ident.
Clk. Offset
Rndtr. Delay
Operating mode:
The operating mode17 determines the transmission speed on the DSfG bus. Caution: If several devices are
connected to the bus, you have to select the operating mode depending on the slowest station. If the bus
communication does not work, the EnCal 3000 Controller may have been parameterized with a baud rate that
is too high.
page 66
9600 baud
19200 baud
38400 baud
57600 baud
115200 baud
EnCal 3000
Own stations:
Own stations lists the bus addresses (EADRs18) of the EnCal 3000 Controllers internal entities19.
Known stations:
Known stations indicates the EADRs of all bus stations currently known to the EnCal 3000 Controller. If a
general polling20 has not yet taken place or there is no local DSfG bus available, only the stations within the
EnCal 3000 Controller can be known as being connected to the bus.
Bus activity: :
This line indicates the last activities on the bus. The last 32 activities can be shown, with the very last one
always being indicated on the far right.
The abbreviations have the following meanings:
Upper case letters and special characters:
A,...,Z,,,, ,_
The EnCal 3000 Controller has received a telegram from this DSfG address.
Lower case letters and special characters:
The EnCal 3000 Controller has sent a telegram to this DSfG address.
Upper case letters highlighted in black:
The EnCal 3000 Controller has received an attention telegram of this type21.
Lower case letters highlighted in black:
The EnCal 3000 Controller has sent an attention telegram of this type21.
EADR is the address by which a station identifies itself in the DSfG bus traffic. The upper case letters A to Z and some special
characters are used as bus addresses. An unambiguous address assignment is required for a faultless data communication.
According to DSfG terminology an Entity is an enclosed functionality within a device. One single entity is not necessarily identical with
an enclosed device, as a device may contain different entities with their own DSfG bus addresses. A gas-net F1 flow computer for
instance contains one or two Correction entity (-ies) (one per stream), one Data logging entity and additionally one Center via RDT
entity if the integrated RDT is used.
Each DSfG bus system must contain one station that controls the data communication. This station is called Bus master and has the
EADR _. General polling means addressing all permissible bus addresses to update the station list.
Each DSfG telegram contains a character for the telegram type (TTY). The telegram type identifiers of the currently valid attention
EnCal 3000
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The DSfG menu contains the following subordinate menu item in master operation:
General polling
If one of the entities within the EnCal 3000 Controller is the bus master (the station with the EADR _), you
can trigger a general polling via this menu item. If there is no master operation, the menu cannot be activated.
After you have activated the Locks menu item, a display is invoked indicating the current status of the user locks. The
display is empty if no lock has been defined. New lock digits must always be defined by parameterization. .
The submenu contains the following items:
Open locks
This menu item is crossed out if all locks are open. If at least one lock is closed, you can activate the Open
locks menu item by pressing the Enter key. A dialog will be invoked in which you can enter the numerical
If only one lock has been defined, only one line appears here.
Select the lock you want to open in the first step. Get into the edit mode via the Enter key as usual and enter
the locks string of digits.
Confirm the code by pressing the Enter key. If the entered string of digits is incorrect, you cannot quit the edit
mode via the Enter key. You have to correct the code first (or quit the menu via the rightward arrow key).
It is also possible to change the status of just one of two locks. Press the Menu key after you have
successfully entered the numerical lock(s). Open the locks via OK or leave them closed by confirming Cancel.
Close locks
All defined locks are closed.
This menu item appears being crossed out and is thus not selectable if all locks are closed. If the calibration
switch is open, all locks are automatically open, too, and cannot be closed.
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EnCal 3000
Set clock
A free setting of the device time is only possible if the calibration switch is open. The Set clock menu item is therefore
invisible if the calibration switch is closed.
The display of the Set clock menu looks as follows:
You can re-enter time and date step by step via the numerical keypad in the edit mode, i.e. after you have pressed the
Enter key.
The time zone menu item offers a selection list (summer/winter time) for you to choose the seasonal time zone as soon
as you are in the edit mode.
It is also possible, however, to operate the device throughout the year without a seasonal time change. The seasonal
time change can be prevented by parameterization. In such a case, the phrase not used appears next to Time zone, and
you cannot get into the edit mode here.
After having set the time correctly, invoke the menu. Return to the main display without accepting the new time via
Cancel. Accept the new time by confirming OK.
Synchronize clock
The Synchronize clock menu item is visible even if the calibration switch is closed. It is, however, protected by the user
lock (numerical code). You can adjust the time once within 24 hours by up to 20 seconds via Synchronize clock. Enter
the desired time adjustment in seconds (with a positive sign for setting the clock forwards and with a negative sign for
setting the clock backwards). Afterwards, invoke the menu and confirm OK.
You cannot enter a synchronization time that is outside the permissible range in the Synchronize clock dialog. This way it
is ensured that with the Synchronize clock menu item no Clock synch. failed alarm or warning can be triggered.
In principle, re-synchronizations are only allowed once within 24 hours if the calibration switch is closed, even when the
adjustment is within the permissible range of 20 seconds. This regulation is independent of the synchronizing source
(entry via operator panel, DSfG, telephone time query, NTP or GPS). Therefore, if synchronization has already been
performed once within the ongoing 24-hour interval by any source, each further manual synchronization attempt will be
rejected. The phrase Clock synch. rejected is then indicated in the bottom line of the display for about 10 seconds.
Even if the entered adjustment is permissible, it will not be accepted immediately. Setting the clock forwards will only be
performed at the 2nd second of a minute whereas setting the clock backwards at the 57th second of a minute. That is why
the setting will possibly not be carried out before the following minute starts. This prevents the generation of a minute
change caused by Synchronize clock, which possibly triggers an archive entry. As long as the time adjustment has not
been carried out yet, the bottom line of the display shows the phrase Clock synch. delayed. This message will be
replaced by Clock synch. executed at the moment the adjustment starts.
Display test
You can check whether or not the display and the status LED function correctly by performing the display test After you
have activated the Display test menu item, the pixels of the display are alternately switched on and off. At the same time
the status LED shows all three colors after each other.
Finish the display test via Back.
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The DSfG protocol is a digital data protocol that has been particularly developed for communication between gas meters
in gas measuring and regulating stations. If the EnCal 3000 Controller is equipped with a DSfG interface, all important
measurements and characteristics are provided via DSfG protocol. The contents of DSfG data elements can be internally
queried and provided without a physical DSfG interface, too.
A PLC (programmable logic controller) is installed in many gas measuring and regulating stations. Its tasks are the
closed- and open-loop control of the station and the telecontrol connection to a remote center.
A PLC usually uses digital communication protocols such as 3964R/RK512 (e.g. in case of Siemens S5/S7) or ModbusRTU (e.g. in case of Cegelec Modicon).
In addition, there are non-DSfG-capable external meters that can be connected to the EnCal 3000 Controller and provide
their measurements via MODBUS protocol, for example.
An interfacing of proprietary protocols or a conversion between DSfG and proprietary protocols is therefore often
necessary in practice (gateway functionality).
These tasks are accomplished by the DSfG and Data Exchange modules of the EnCal 3000 Controller software.
As this rather complex functionality exists in several Elster device types, it is described by a separate documentation.
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EnCal 3000
The parameterization of the EnCal 3000 Controller is performed with a PC and the GAS-WORKS software system like in
case of all our devices.
All devices are parameterized with the same GAS-WORKS module called GW-GNET+22.
The next two chapters explain in general terms how to create or edit a complete device parameterization using GWGNET+ and how to export it to the device. It is rather easy to learn how to work with the parameterization program. As
soon as you have mastered the techniques, you only need to know the meaning and effect of each adjustable parameter
no matter which device type is actually concerned. We therefore have enclosed a complete parameter list with
additional information in the annex to this documentation.
For a detailed description of the parameterization program, please refer to the context-sensitive online help of GWGNET+ which is activated by the F1 key. It describes other editing methods the parameterization program offers as
Important Note: Parameters protected by the calibration lock can only be edited via a PC and not at the operator panel,
even if the calibration switch is open.
The following brief description particularly refers to a parameterization changing parameters protected by the calibration
Start GW-BASE from the Windows environment by double-clicking the lantern icon.
Invoke the GW-GNET+ module by clicking the New Create gas-net parameterization tool in the toolbar. Alternatively, select the Tools New Create gas-net parameterization menu item from the main menu.
Answer the question regarding the standard parameterization with No (selected) first. Select the device type you
want to parameterize in the appearing dialog and the version number of the device software in the next step.
Choose the existing standard parameterization (e.g. one stream or two streams) on which the new parameter
data record shall be based in the following dialog.
After you have confirmed your selection by clicking OK, the GW-GNET+ interface is activated.
The Modules and Linkages window contains each module included in the device software with its name and icon.
Double-clicking the corresponding line activates a dialog listing all parameters that belong to the module concerned.
Adjust the settings according to your requirements.
Please refer to the GAS-WORKS CD-ROM, which is part of the delivery scope of each device of Elster, for further information on the
GAS-WORKS program system with all the possibilities it provides. All GAS-WORKS components can be installed from this CD.
It is possible to change the device parameterization or single parameters via an established data connection between the computer
and the device. This is advantageous with respect to different situations: For instance, you can exchange operational parts of the
parameterization in the GW-GNET+ Edit parameterization mode, even if the calibration switch is closed. In the Change parameters
mode, parameters characterized as online-changeable can be edited without restarting the device.
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Important Note:
When completing the parameterization, you have to pay attention to the consistency of the data record. Our devices are
equipped with functional groups, or modules, that are largely independent of one another. In some cases modules provide
other modules with the values to be processed. For this reason you have to ensure that the respective cross-references are
correct each time you edit a parameter.
An example for such a linkage is the cross-reference in the Integrated RDT module to the channel to be used for the modem
operation. This input channel is defined in the System module.
The type of an integrated RDT is first of all a characteristic of an input channel via which the remote data transmission shall
be performed. It is thus parameterized in the System module under Board assignment. It is the seriaI interface in our
example. The data of the serial interface must be transferred to the Integrated RDT module, however, for the module to be
able to implement the remote data transmission. The Integrated RDT module must therefore know which interface it has to
evaluate for the modem connection type. This is why we choose COM2 for the use serial port parameter in our example.
When creating a new parameterization with GW-GNET+, you are offered several standard parameterization options. These
standard parameterizations are consistent and contain all necessary references. This, of course, also applies to the
parameterization preset by the manufacturer before delivery.
If you delete or fundamentally change a parameterized input value being used in a different context, all linkages to this value
become invalid and are automatically deleted by the parameterization program. You will receive a corresponding message
indicating which linkages you have to set up again afterwards to render the parameterization consistent again.
For example: You want to change the connection type of the integrated RDT from Modem to TCP in the parameterization.
For this, change the presence of the serial interface in the System module from Yes to No and the presence of the TCP/IP
connection from No to Yes. The parameterization program tells you the following: Module: Integrated RDT. Following
linkage has been deleted: General parameters. Use serial port. If you go to the Integrated RDT module now, you will see
that the use serial port parameter is set to unassigned in the General parameters branch. Change the Connection type from
Modem to TCP and choose the input channel of the TCP/IP connection under use serial port. The linkage to the RDT input
channel is now assigned correctly.
The online help provides more detailed information.
Go through all modules in this way until all adjustments meet your requirements.
Select File Save as and enter the file name under which the parameter data record shall be saved in GASWORKS. Close GW-GNET+; for instance via File Exit.
The parameter data record is now in the worksheet of GW-BASE. Before exporting it to the device, you have to drag
it into a suitable hierarchy of the GAS-WORKS data management24.
Connect the DSS data interface at the device to a COM interface of the PC using a parameterization cable.
Alternatively, you can also use a USB-to-serial converter cable to connect the parameterization cable.
10. Mark the parameter data record and select the Data Export menu item from the main or context menu of GASWORKS.
11. The communication program starts.
The window appearing on your screen shows the information Data transfer into gas-net device.
As soon as the transmission has been completed, the device will be re-started. The message Data transfer into
gas-net device vanishes from the communication window, and the type plate of the connected gas-net device is
indicated instead, stating the most important device data.
Close the communication program now.
To drag a data record from the worksheet into a hierarchy, proceed as described below:
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You can read out the current parameterization of an EnCal 3000 Controller via the data interface and edit it afterwards.
Import the parameterization as follows:
1. Connect the DSS data interface of the EnCal 3000 Controller and the COM interface of the PC using a
parameterization cable. Alternatively, you can also use a USB-to-serial converter cable to connect the
parameterization cable.
Start GAS-WORKS on your PC if you havent done so before. Activate the communication program by clicking the
Import Data interface tool in the GW-BASE toolbar.
After having successfully started the communication program, you are connected to the device as regards data
technology. The window appearing on your screen contains some important basic device information.
Mark the Parameterization data record and click the lantern icon.
A Save as dialog box appears asking for the file name under which the data record shall be saved in GAS-WORKS.
After you have entered the name and confirmed your entry by clicking OK, the reading in of the data starts.
As soon as the reading in has been finished, close the communication program via the File Exit main menu item.
The parameter data record is filed in the GAS-WORKS worksheet under the specified file name. Before starting GWGNET+, you have to file this data record away in the hierarchy, as worksheet data records cannot be processed further.25
This is how to edit an existing parameter data record:
Edit the parameterization according to your requirements. Please observe the notes in Chapter 6.1, page 72.
Save your adjustments: By clicking Save you save the data record under its old name.
If you select Save As, you can enter a new file name. The created data record is saved in the GW-BASE worksheet
in this case and must be filed away in a suitable hierarchy.
Close GW-GNET+ and export the modified parameterization as described in Chapter 6.1, steps 8-11.
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The GW-GNET+ program includes some additional service programs fulfilling different tasks relating to the devices. The
range of available service programs depends on the device type.
For changing individual parameters via the data interface during an established data connection to the
Note: For instructions, please refer to the GW-GNET+ online help.
For changing the parameterization during an established data connection to the device.
Purely operational parts of the parameterization can be changed this way even if the calibration switch is
Note: Please refer to the GW-GNET+ online help for instructions.
Totalizer setting
As this device type does not contain any totalizers, this help program has no function.
Snapshot function
As this device type does not contain any totalizers, this help program has no function.
Delete archives
Facilitates the deletion of archives of the gas-net device when the calibration switch is open.
Starts GW-REMOTE+ via the data interface, if installed. Facilitates data access to all devices connected
via DSfG; for instance, for reading out archive data and viewing current data.
These programs can only be activated if a data connection is established via the DSS data interface.
Proceed as usual:
1. Start GW-BASE on your PC.
2. Connect the DSS interface of the gas-net device to a COM interface of the PC using a parameterization cable.
Alternatively, you can use a USB-to-serial converter cable to connect the parameterization cable.
3. Start the communication program by clicking the Import Data interface tool in the GW-BASE toolbar. After the data
connection to the device has been established, the type plate of the connected device appears on the screen.
4. Select the Tools tab. The appearing tab lists all available service programs.
5. Start the desired program by double-clicking.
The functional range of the service programs is manageable and practical. The operation is thus rather easy. A
comprehensive online help is also available for each program. It can be activated via the Help Content menu item or
by pressing the F1 key.
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7 Installation
The EnCal 3000 Controller device is designed for mounting in a 19-cabinet and is available with mounting widths of 1/3
or 1/2. Please pay attention to a mounting depth of 170 mm (with connectors: approximately 220 mm) to guarantee the
accessibility of the terminals on the back. We recommend mounting the device in a swing frame.
The EnCal 3000 Controller must be installed in an explosion-free installation area (electrical operating area)
according to protection class IP 20.
Ensure that the device is in de-energized conditions before connecting the transmitter, supply, signal and data lines.
Any modification of the wiring is only permitted if the supply is disconnected!
Connect the transmitter and signal lines to the EnCal 3000 Controller using plug-in screw terminals, each of which is
located in a cable terminal box. Connect the power supply via fixed screw terminals. Data lines have to be connected to
the corresponding SUB-DB9 connector housings.
Please pay special attention to intrinsically safe circuits. Before switching on the supply, make sure the connectors for
the Pressure and Temperature inputs are plugged in as only then a thread measure of 50 mm can be guaranteed, which
is required by the relevant guidelines. The connector for the connection of these sensor lines can be secured by official
stickers or, alternatively, by a seal wire and a seal for the billing-relevant transfer.
Consider the relevant installation regulations when arranging the wiring. The lines must be tensile stress-free and must
be provided with a bend protection if the device is mounted in a swing frame. Dimension the cable length in such a way
that there is no tensile stress on the cable during the swinging of the swing frame.
We recommend conducting the lines coming from the transmitters on transfer terminals into a control cabinet and
connecting them from there to the EnCal 3000 Controller. However, these terminals have to comply in part with the
explosion protection regulations and must possibly also be sealable.
Process Boards
The process board equipment of an EnCal 3000 Controller depends on the tasks the device is supposed to accomplish.
Generally, the maximum number of boards depends on the mounting width of the device housing: Housings with a
mounting width of 1/3 accommodate up to four process boards whereas housings with a mounting width of 1/2 mounting
accommodate up to seven process boards.
Altogether, only up to four boards of the EXMFE5, EXDE6 and MSER2 types can be employed in the same device.
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Important Note: The EXMFE5 input board is approved as an associated electrical apparatus of category ib
according to DIN EN 50020 with intrinsically safe circuits. This is why sensors and signal transmitters located
in hazardous areas (e.g. zone 1) can be connected to this board. A mixed operation of intrinsically safe and
non-intrinsically safe circuits is not permissible for such an input board!
Intrinsically safe pulsers in NAMUR technique can be connected to the first three channels of an explosionproof EXMFE5 input board. These channels can also be used as message input channels. You can also
connect an encoder totalizer to the first input channel for digital transmission of original meter readings.
Connect the signals for channels 1 to 3 to terminals Z1+, Z1-, Z2+, Z2-, and Z3+, Z3-.
The inputs are intrinsically safe. Use shielded cables for a better interference suppression. The maximum cable length is
100 m at a cross section of 1.5 square mm. If the cables are longer, you have to ensure that the lines are installed
separately from other conducting lines to avoid interferences.
Each EXMFE5 board also has one intrinsically safe temperature sensor input in 4-wire technique to be connected to
terminals I+, U+, U- and I- according to the Pt100 specification.
The board is also equipped with an intrinsically safe input for measuring sensors (e.g. a pressure sensor) in 4 to 20 mAtwo wire-technique (terminals P+ and P-).
This fifth channel of the EXMFE4 input board can also be used for the parallel connection of up to 4 measuring sensors
using a HART interface (multi-drop procedure)26. For the sensors, only the HART polling addresses from 1 to 4 are
allowed; make sure that the address assignment is unambiguous and corresponds to the assignment in the
parameterization of the gas-net device.
Important Note: In general, each modification of the wiring is only permitted after the supply has been disconnected.
This means in particular in case of HART sensors that the HART polling addresses must be adjusted individually in the
sensors before connecting them together to the corresponding input channel at the gas-net device in de-energized
conditions. When the device starts up again afterwards, all connected HART sensors are polled once for the device to
find out the current polling addresses.
If you changed the polling addresses later, the gas-net device could not identify the individual sensors correctly.
The device supplies the measuring sensors with power. For this, shielded cables must be used with the shielding being
fitted only at the device but not at the sensor. If the cross section is 1.5 square mm, the cable should not be longer than
100 m; otherwise, it must be guaranteed that it is installed separately from other conducting lines to avoid interferences.
The cable shielding for all transmitter lines is placed on the SH terminal at the EXMFE5 input board.
Please consult Elster if you want to connect sensors via HART protocol and the cable is longer than 50 m.
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EnCal 3000
The MSER2 serial process board provides two interfaces supporting V24 (RS232) as well as RS422 and
RS485. The table below shows the assignment of the individual pins:
RS232: Transmitted data
RS232: Received data
RS422/RS485: Received data (B)
RS422/RS485: Received data (A)
RS422/RS485: Transmitted data (B)
RS422/RS485: Transmitted data (A)
Signal ground
If the communication with the EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph is realized via Modbus serial (RTU or ASCII) over RS232
or RS485 the device contains a MSER2 board.
Other applications of a serial MSER2 channel are the connection of a host computer via RK512/3964R or MODBUS
protocol or the connection of a GPS receiver for time synchronization.
When RS422 or RS485 is used, a terminating resistor of 120 ohms may be required in the receiver between RXB
and RXA, depending on the cable length.
In case of RS485, you have to externally connect RXB to TXB and RXA to TXA.
Pay attention to the individual protocol specifications. For instance, there are protocols that render a connection via
RS485 impossible (e.g. in case of RK512).
Important note: The EXDE6 input board is approved as an associated electrical apparatus of category ib
according to DIN EN 50020 with intrinsically safe circuits. This is why signal transmitters located in hazardous
areas (e.g. zone 1) can be connected to this board. A mixed operation of intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically
safe circuits is not permissible for such an input board!
The channels of an explosion-proof EXDE6 input board can be connected to intrinsically safe pulsers in
NAMUR technique. They can also be used as message input channels, and it is possible to connect a
transmitter for totalizers to the first one of these input channels for the digital transmission of original meter
Connect the signals for channels 1 to 6 to terminals Z1+, Z1- to Z6+, Z6-.
The inputs are intrinsically safe. Use shielded cables for a better interference suppression. The maximum cable
length is 100 m at a cross section of 1.5 square mm. If the cables are longer, you have to ensure that the lines
are installed separately from other conducting lines to avoid interferences.
The cable shielding for all transmitter lines is placed on the SH terminal at the EXDE6 input board.
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A multi-functional MFE11 input board is equipped with 8 digital message inputs 0/24 V DC; however, it is also possible to
use these channels as pulse inputs with a maximum input frequency of 25 Hz. Connect the inputs at terminals D1+ to
D8+ with the common ground D-.
In addition, the MFE11 input board provides 3 analog inputs for the connection of measuring sensors with 0/4 to 20 mA
output signals. Connect the inputs via terminals A1+ / A2+ / A3+ with the common ground A-.
The analog inputs of the MFE11 board are electrically isolated from the digital inputs. Besides, all channels are
electrically isolated from the rest of the system. Connect the cable shielding for the inputs to the SH terminal.
The AE12 input board offers 12 analog inputs for the connection of measuring sensors with 0/4 to 20 mA output
signals. Connect the inputs via terminals I1+ to I12+ with the common ground I-. Connect the cable shielding to
the SH terminal.
A multi-functional MFA8 output board contains one PhotoMos output for the output of a message as break
contact (D1a/D1b). In addition, there are three PhotoMos outputs for the output of additional messages or
volume pulses (D2+/D2-, D3+/D3-, D4+/D4-). The output assignment can be parameterized as desired within a
certain range.
The MFA8 output board also provides four analog outputs for the output of measurements. Current limits can be
parameterized in a range of 0 to 20 mA. The corresponding terminals are marked I1 to I4 with the common
ground I-.
The message and pulse outputs are electrically isolated from each other and from the rest of the system; the
analog outputs are electrically isolated from the rest of the system but not from each other.
Connect the cable shielding for the outputs to the SH terminal of the board.
The analog output assignment can be parameterized as desired.
The digital DA12 output board has 12 transistor outputs for the output of messages or volume pulses (to be
connected to terminals D1,,D12 with the common reference point COM). Connect the cable shielding for the
outputs to the SH terminal.
The LMFA7 output board offers 3 digital outputs: one relay output (active break contact) for the output of a
message and two transistor outputs for the output of messages or pulses. Connect the outputs via terminals D1,
D2, D3 with the common ground DC.
Furthermore, the LMFA7 board is equipped with four 0/4 to 20 mA analog outputs (terminals I1, I2, I3, I4 with the
common ground I-).
The terminals named LA and LE on top of the board are reserved for later expansions (LA = fiber-optics output,
LE = fiber-optics input).
Connect the cable shielding to the SH terminal of the board.
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EnCal 3000
The DSS serial interface in form of a SUB-DB 9 female connector on the front panel serves the connection of the EnCal
3000 to other devices, such as a PC. The technical data is stated in the annex. An interconnecting cable to the PC can
be delivered as accessory. A standard COM connection (one-to-one connection) is not permissible.
The DSfG interface at the EnCal 3000 Controller is a SUB-DB 9 male connector located on the back of the device.
Secure the connector with screws.
The TCP/IP interface is an RJ45 socket on the back of the device. It facilitates the communication via Ethernet with
10/100 MBit/s and thereby integrates the device in a standard network installation. In addition to time synchronization
based on the NTP protocol, remote inquiries and the Modbus-TCP protocol for exchanging data with external devices are
also possible via the TCP/IP interface.
The IP address, subnet mask and gateway address must be parameterized for an adequate integration in the existing
network infrastructure. Pay attention to the fact that the IP address must be unambiguous in the subnet. Ask the network
administrator for the subnet mask and gateway address.
The use of an STP CAT5 network cable (not transposed) is mandatory.
The pin assignment of the RJ45 socket corresponds to the general Ethernet standard.
The TCP/IP interface adjusts itself automatically to the network transmission rate.
The COM2 interface is a serial interface to RS232 and can be used as protocol interface for the connection of a host
The corresponding pin assignment is as follows:
Pin No.
Signal Name
Data Carrier Detect
Receive Data
Transmit Data
Data Terminal Ready
Signal Ground
Data Set Ready
Request to Send
Clear to Send
Ring indicator
If the functionality of the integrated RDT via modem or serial direct connection is used, connect the modem or the nullmodem cable to the COM2 interface.
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The connection of a wireless modem requires special attention and thus some preparations that must be accomplished
before you can actually commission the device:
Provider Selection / Preparation for Antenna Selection
The first step is the selection of a suitable provider for the use of the wireless network, considering the area coverage
and service rates. The providers data service must use the RLP protocol for data backup. The converter (gateway) of
the provider must offer an error protocol conversion according to MNP4 and V42, respectively.
In order to be able to select the correct antenna, check the data signal quality on site; for instance, check the field
strength by means of a normal mobile phone.
Also check the installation possibilities for the antenna. Especially consider the characteristics of the building. An
external installation is always preferable. Attention is to be paid to the stations environment. In case of stations
located within built-up areas an antenna that can be protected against vandalism might be useful.
It is also important to measure the distance between the antenna and modem to be able to order an antenna cable
with the required length.
Component Composition
As soon as you have finalized the contract with the provider you have to apply for the data service. Furthermore,
make sure that the data service will be released by the scheduled commissioning date and that the chip card is
available, too.
Select the antenna depending on the determined data signal quality and preferably after consultation with Elster.
The following specifications are guidelines:
Field Strength
Suitable Antenna
Medium to low
Flat omnidirectional antenna, also for external mounting and for mounting on metal
The length of the antenna cable to be ordered depends on the distance between modem and antenna.
Commissioning the Wireless Modem
Have the PIN number at hand, if required.
After having installed the antenna, connect it to the modem using the antenna cable. The antenna must be aligned to
the maximum receive level, except for the case that the antenna is an omnidirectional one.
Note: The further commissioning of the integrated RDT with wireless modem is described in Chapter 8.3 from page
It is especially important for the further proceeding to enter the correct PIN number of the SIM card in the
parameterization data record of the gas-net device.
Also observe the following notes on the correct power supply connection of a Siemens M20 or TC35 wireless
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From left
to right:
1: earth (ground)
2: unassigned
3: +24 V
4: unassigned
5: unassigned
6: +24 V
The illustration shows a Siemens M20 wireless modem, but holds by analogy for the Siemens modem type TC35.
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8 Commissioning
This chapter briefly describes the most important aspects of commissioning an EnCal 3000.
The functionality of the EnCal 3000 Controller can be completely configured via a parameter data record. Unauthorized
persons must therefore be prevented from changing these parameters. In order to guarantee this protection, the EnCal
3000 Controller is provided with a two-level security system consisting of the Calibration lock (official safeguarding) and
the Locks (user locks, password protection).
Calibration Lock
The calibration lock physically consists of a sealable rotary switch on the front of the device. Open the calibration switch
by turning it anticlockwise as far as it will go. For additional safeguarding, the device generates hint H800: Calibration
lock open when the calibration switch is open.
Opening the calibration lock enables the operator to access all device parameters.
User Lock
The user lock consists of one (numerical) lock for each of the two contract parties and is implemented via the software.
This means that the locks are defined by the device parameterization and opened or closed via the operator panel. Open
locks allow the user to access specific parameters or actions that are editable directly at the device. All parameters being
subject to the user locks can be modified when both locks are or the calibration switch is open.
Use a PC to create a complete parameterization or edit existing parameters (except for a few). Create the parameter
data record using the GW-GNET+ parameterization software. The calibration switch has to be open during the import of
a complete parameterization via the DSS data interface.
Note: Please refer to Chapter 6 for brief instructions on the parameterization by means of GW-GNET+. Please refer to
the GW-NET+ online help for a comprehensive description of the parameterization program.
Operational parameters can also be changed by means of GW-GNET+ via the data interface, even if the calibration
switch is closed. In case of password-protected parameters, however, the user locks must be open.
Checking the Settings
It is possible to check the complete set of parameter settings of gas-net devices by means of the GW-GNET+
parameterization program (cf. Chapter 4.4 for brief instructions). The billing-relevant parameters of the EnCal 3000
Controller are very important. They can be invoked at the operator panel to facilitate an effective supervision of the
device configuration (cf. Chapter 4.4 for brief instructions on how to view the device configuration).
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Parameterize the settings for the integrated RDT (together with all other parameters of the gas-net device) using the
GAS-WORKS module GW-GNET+. Please pay attention to the consistency of the parameter data record.
Different procedures are necessary for commissioning the integrated RDT, depending on the operating mode (dial-up
line, GSM wireless modem or TCP/IP network).
Dial-up line
GSM wireless
TCP/IP network
Dial-up line:
Remove the DSfG connector on the back of the gas-net device if a local DSfG bus exists.
Connect the modem and COM2 interface at the gas-net device using the supplied V24 cable. Pull the telephone plug out
of the TAE socket outlet.
Switch the supply voltage of the gas-net device off and on again.
Switch to the basic display of the Integrated RDT module.
The current status of the RDT is visible here. The device will try to initialize the modem directly after start-up.
If the initialization fails, you will regularly receive No modem status messages between the individual initialization
attempts. Check the modem settings of your parameterization in this case.
Once the initialization has been successful, the status indication will change from Modem initialization to Basic status.
If there is a local DSfG bus, plug in the connector marked DSfG on the back of the gas-net device.
Perform a general polling at the device representing the bus master, i.e. which contains the entity with the EADR _.
Invoke the DSfG menu (System module) at the gas-net device, if this hasnt happened yet. You can view the station list
here and compare it with the planned bus configuration.
Call your center and verbally announce the connection test. Switch the device off and immediately on again; this way you
avoid the call delay times that may have been activated already and thus a waiting period. Then plug the cable into the
TAE socket outlet.
If a routing job has already been pending, the RDT establishes the connection to the center. If this is not the case, you
have to trigger an event that induces the RDT to call first; for instance, an alarm in the gas-net device.
The main menu of the Integrated RDT module indicates the RDTs status change. Once a data connection has been
established and data has been exchanged, the RX and TX LEDs keep flashing irregularly on the back of the device.
After the connection to the center has been terminated successfully, check the telephone connection in the other
direction. This means that the call has to originate in the center. The connection is implemented as described above.
Afterwards, the center staff should release the telephone connection.
If an entity of the gas-net device is the bus master, initiate the general polling via the operator panel at the device:
Switch to the main display of the System module.
Invoke the menu and select the subordinate menu item DSfG.
Press the Menu key again and confirm the subordinate menu item General polling.
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Remove the DSfG connector on the back of the gas-net device if a local DSfG bus exists.
Disconnect the wireless modem from the supply and pull the V24 cable off the EnCal 3000.
Check whether the V24 cable is plugged in the modem. Test the antenna installation (has the antenna been
Insert the chip card in the modem if you havent done so yet.
Switch off the gas-net device and plug in the V24 cable at the COM2 interface. Switch the GSM modem and gas-net
device on again.
Change to the basic display of the Integrated RDT module. The current status of the RDT is visible here. The device will
try to initialize the modem directly after start-up.
If the initialization fails, you will regularly receive No modem status messages between the individual initialization
attempts. Check the modem settings of your parameterization in this case.
Once the initialization has been successful, the status indication will change from Modem initialization to Basic status.
If the status indication shows the text RDT not in operation, the SIM card could not be recognized (for instance, because
the card is defective or the PIN has not been parameterized correctly). In such a case, the integrated RDT remains
deactivated until the next start-up of the device will take place.
Check the modems data signal quality via the Integrated RDT GSM menu (cf. Chapter 5.4.2, page 58).
If there is a local DSfG bus, plug in the connector marked DSfG on the back of the gas-net device. Perform a general
polling at the device representing the bus master, i.e. which contains the entity with the EADR _.
Invoke the DSfG menu
(System module) at the gas-net device. You can view the station list here and compare it with
After the connection to the center has been terminated successfully, check the telephone connection in the other
direction. This means that the call has to originate in the center. The connection is implemented as described above.
Afterwards, the center staff should release the telephone connection.
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TCP/IP Network:
Remove the DSfG connector on the back of the gas-net device if a local DSfG bus exists.
Remove the network connector from the respective socket at the gas-net device.
Switch to the main display of the Integrated RDT module.
It shows the current status of the RDT. The device will try to initialize the integrated network module directly after startup.
If the initialization fails, you will regularly receive Module error status messages between the individual initialization
attempts. Check whether your gas-net device is actually equipped with a network module.
Once the initialization has been successful, the status indication will change from Initialization to Basic status.
If there is a local DSfG bus, plug in the connector labeled DSfG on the back of the gas-net device. Perform a general
polling at the device representing the bus master, i.e. which contains the entity with the EADR _.
Invoke the DSfG menu (System module) at the gas-net device if this has not happened yet. It is possible to view the
station list here and compare it with the planned bus configuration.
Now plug the network connector in the corresponding socket at the gas-net device. Call your center and ask for the
connection test. The center staff then has to establish a connection to the IP address of your RDT with their data polling
tools (which must support DSfG connections via network) and check the data polling. Once the connection has been
successful, the main menu of the Integrated RDT module indicates the status change of the RDT. Afterwards, the center
staff should release the telephone connection.
After the connection has been successfully established by the center, the network connection has possibly to be checked
in the other direction afterwards. This step has only to be taken if DSfG-related events shall spontaneously be signaled to
another center via the network. This center must be able to receive DSfG calls via network. In this case the RDT wants to
establish the connection. To initiate such a connection request, you have to trigger an event first that induces the RDT to
call; e.g. an alarm in the gas-net device. The connection will then be established as described above.
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9 Maintenance
The EnCal 3000 Controller does not require much maintenance.
Battery Replacement
The device battery mainly runs down when the device is switched off. The battery consumption can be neglected as long
as the device is switched on.
The battery should therefore be replaced after 5 years when in the meantime the device has been switched off for a
longer period of time. Otherwise it is sufficient to replace the battery after 10 years at the latest.
If the battery must be replaced, it should only be replaced by a service engineer or trained expert for safety reasons.
For a replacement, it is necesarry to open the housing of the gas-net device.
Proceed as described below:
A battery of the following type is required: lithium 3V CR AA.
Save the device parameterization by reading it out with GAS-WORKS, to be on the safe side. Read out the archives,
Disconnect the supply voltage.
Loosen the 4 fixing screws on the back of the device.
Slightly withdraw the mounting rail.
Attention: The boards are sensitive! Avoid any contact with other components!
The battery compartment is (seen from behind) on the board located back at the top on the far right side. Detach the
cover strap of the battery compartment with a screwdriver. Remove the old battery. Now you have 15 minutes for
replacing the battery. During these 15 minutes a capacitor guarantees a data backup. Insert the new battery.
Note: When inserting the battery, pay attention to the correct polarity: The positive pole (+) must point downwards! A
wrong polarity will not be noticed at first, but during the next power failure lasting more than 15 minutes the device
data will be lost!
Re-assemble the device and connect the supply voltage.
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Three pulse or message inputs [EEx ib] IIC. When being used as pulse inputs, the board is suitable for the
connection of LF and HF pulsers similar to DIN 19234 for gas meters, with max. 5 kHz; automatic level adaptation
by channel. The first channel is also suitable for connecting an encoder totalizer.
Temperature sensor input for a PT100 in 4-wire technique; [EEx ib] IIC; the maximum measuring error is 0.05 %
of the measurement in a range of -10 to +60C and at an ambient temperature of 0 to 40C.
Measuring sensor input 4 to 20 mA; [EEx ib] IIC; the maximum measuring error is 0.05 % of the measurement in a
range of 4 to 20 mA and at an ambient temperature of 0 to 40C.
This channel can alternatively be used for the connection of up to 4 measuring sensors with HART interfaces (multidrop).
Six pulse or message inputs [EEx ib] IIC. When being used as pulse inputs, the board is suitable for connecting NF
and HF pulsers similar to DIN 19234 for gas meters, with max. 5 kHz; automatic level adaptation per channel. The
first channel is also suitable for connecting an encoder totalizer.
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Each interface can be configured to RS232, RS485 or RS422 by a suitable assignment of the interface terminals.
Implemented protocols: Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, Siemens 3964R, Q.Sonic ultrasonic gas meter protocol of
Elster. Furthermore, it is possible to connect a FLOWSIC ultrasonic gas meter of SICK/MAIHAK or a GPS receiver
for time synchronization.
Eight digital inputs that can be used as message inputs 0/24V DC or pulse inputs with a maximum input frequency
of 20 Hz.
Three measurement inputs 0/4 to 20 mA; the maximum measuring error is 0.1 % of the measurement in a range
of 0 to 20 mA and at an ambient temperature of 0 to 40C.
Three PhotoMos outputs (max. 28.8 V DC 120 mA) for messages or pulses of max. 25 Hz.
Four analog outputs 0/4 to 20 mA for measurements; max. load impedance: 300 ohms. The error is 0.1 % of the
output value in a range of 4 to 20 mA and at an ambient temperature of 0 to 40C.
Twelve transistor outputs (max. 28.8 V DC 150 mA) for messages or pulses of max. 25 Hz.
Two transistor outputs (max. 28.8 V DC 90 mA) for messages or pulses of max. 25 Hz.
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Other Interfaces
DSS data interface for the connection to the COM interface of a PC (for parameterization when commissioning and for
archive polling).
Optional COM2 interface (serial interface to RS232C): Intended for connecting a modem with a maximum transmission
rate to V.34 bis (33600 baud) and data compression to V.42 or NMP5 when the integrated RDT is used. An integrated
RDT is also possible via a serial direct connection (null-modem cable at COM2).
Alternatively, the COM2 interface can be used as protocol channel for connecting a host computer.
Optional TCP/IP interface in form of an RJ45 socket; facilitates data communication via Ethernet with 10/100 MBit/s and
thereby integrates the device in a standard network installation. In addition to time synchronization based on the NTP
protocol, remote inquiries and the Modbus-TCP protocol for exchanging data with external devices are also possible via
the TCP/IP interface.
Optional DSfG interface for data transmission between gas-net devices. Correction and data logging archives pollable
via DSfG.
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11 Annex
11.1 Error Listing of the Gas Quality Module
The following listing describes all error messages that can appear on the error listing(s) of the gas quality
measurement(s). The reaction of the device to gas quality-relevant errors is also explained.
The error classification follows the DVGW-Arbeitsblatt G485 (DVGW G485 technical rule) and thus complies with the
DSfG specification. The letter in front of the error number classifies the priority level of the error: A stands for alarm, H for
hint, and W for warning.
A407 Re-start performed
The Re-start performed alarm is always generated during the first start-up of the EnCal 3000 Controller after a software update.
If this alarm occurs during normal operation, however, a software problem has occurred in the device. A faultless operation of the device
is no longer guaranteed in this case.
A409 Power failure
The EnCal 3000 Controller generates the Power failure alarm in case of a mains failure. It is pending until the device starts up again
after the mains has returned. During this time the incoming analysis information (from the GC) is not evaluated.
A423 Interface monitoring
If the Interface monitoring alarm is pending, the device software is not able to recognize an interface or board. This happens, for
example, if a board is defective. A faultless operation of the device is no longer guaranteed.
A604 Timeout
The A604 alarm is generated if the data communication between the EnCal 3000 Controller and the gas chromatograph is disturbed for
more than 10 seconds. This can be caused, among others, by a power failure or failure of the gas chromatograph.
A647 GQM disturbed
The GQM disturbed alarm signals a general gas quality measurement problem. It is generated if the parameterized alarm limits for
a component
the superior heating value
the density
or the estimated sum
have been violated.
(See EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph - Software Manual, Chapter 4.7 Definition of Alarms).
H760 GQM calibrates
The GQM calibrates hint is generated if the calibration of the EnCal 3000 Gas Chromatograph starts (automatically or manually). The
hint ends as soon as the calibration is finished.
change all parameters, i.e. also the billing-relevant parameters, online with a PC and the GAS-WORKS software or to export them
to the EnCal 3000 Controller as new parameterization
This is why the calibration switch should always be closed during normal operation.
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EnCal 3000
Gas quality 1 / 2
Other stream
Start sequence
(dual-stream only)
Cal. start
Basic cal. start
Cal. cancel
Test gas
Enter target values
Test gas start
Test gas cancel
Data logging
(Archives and Logbook)
(Error listing, Measurements)
Integrated RDT
Accept (all)
Next listing
Single messages
Disabled messages
Next channel
Prev. channel
Reset all
RDT statistics
GSM (wireless modem only)
(PTB time query only)
(basic device data)
Device configuration
Set clock
Synchronise clock
Display test
Test on
Test off
General polling
Error statistics
Clear statistics
Menu items for functionalities that are not parameterised are not displayed.
Following modules are not listed in the menu overview shown above:
- DSfG(-Requester) and Data exchange (Host communication ) for the gateway functionality
(this display is meant for diagnosis by experts only)
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12 Bibliography
ISO 12213-3 / ISO 12213-3: Natural gas Calculation of compression factor
DIN EN 50014, DIN EN 50020 and DIN EN 50029
DIN 19 235: Measurement and control; signalling of operating conditions
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13 Index
Pressure sensor 76
Accept all 50
Temperature transmitter 76
Accept errors 50
Controller 3, 89
Acceptance required 46
Counter archives 49
AE12 78
Creating a parameterization 71
Alarm 43
Cylinder change 36
Archive groups
Types 40
DA12 78
Data interface DSS 79
Counters 49
Data logging 40
Delete 74
Measurements 49
Process values 49
View 42
View 19, 41
Automatic Calibration 26
Basic Calibration 28
Basic display
general 8
Battery replacement 87
Bibliography 107
Board assignment 6
Disabled messages
Menu 54
Disables messages 54
Disabling single messages 45
Display 8
Calibration 26
Measurements 24
Test gas 31
Display test 69
DSfG 61
Automatic calibration 26
Bus activity 67
Basic calibration 28
Operating mode 66
Calibration 26
Calibration switch 8
Opening 83
Centralized message 46
Stations 67
View settings 66
DSfG attention telegram
type 67
DSfG bus address 67
Certificate of conformity 96
DSfG entity 67
Changed settings archive 40
DSfG interface 61, 79
COM2 interface 79
DSfG menu 66
Commissioning 83
Integrated RDT 84
DSfG requester 70
DSfG requester module
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Function 70
DSS 79
Dual-stream 15, 22
Earthing 75
Editing a parameterization 73
EnCal 3000
Controller 3, 89
Gradient monitoring 44
Acceptance required 46
No acceptance required 46, 47
Group message 46
Held 46
Groups 45
Menu 52
GSM 56
GSM wireless modem
Gas chromatograph 1
Antenna 80
Signal quality 60
Installation 75
EnCal 3000 Controller
Operating 7
View and design 5
EnCal 3000 Rechner
Technical Data 89
Error listing 43, 50, 93
Monitoring module 51
Service programs 74
HART transmitter 76
Held group message 46
Hint 43
Hysteresis 43, 45
View 15
Accept 16, 50
Accept all 50
View 15
EXDE6 77
Importing a parameterization 73
Input board
AE12 78
EXDE6 77
Exporting a parameterization 72
MFE11 78
Inputs 61
View 62
Installation 75
First message 52
Integrated RDT 56
Gas chromatograph 1
Gas quality 21, 22
Gas quality measuring System 1
Gas quality module(s)
Display and operation 22
Function 21
Gas streams 22
Commissioning 84
History 59
Statistics 59
Integrated RDT module
Display and Operation 58
Function 56
Keypad 7
gas-net Introduction 4
Line connection 75
General polling 68
LMFA7 78
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EnCal 3000
Locks 8, 83
Closing 68
Function 61
Opening 68
View status 68
Main display
Data logging 41
Gas quality 22
Dual-stream 15, 22
Ordinal number 41
Other stream 24
Switch display 15, 24
Output board
DA12 78
LMFA7 78
MFA8 78
Outputs 61
general 8
Testing 64
Integrated RDT 58
View 63
Monitoring 50
Main signaller 48
Maintenance 87
Measurement archives 49
Measurement failures
Parameterization 71
Fall-back strategy 22
Measurements 24, 44, 51
Resetting 52
Menu structure 95
Short description 71
Creating 71
Message processing 44
MFA8 78
MFE11 78
Exporting 72
Importing 73
seconds counter 53
Modem 56
Editing 73
Module 4
Parameterization 83
Monitoring 43
Pin assignment
Monitoring module
COM2 79
Power supply 75
Function 43
MSER2 77
M-switch 47
Connection 76
Primer 15
Process value archives 49
Freezing 49
Nachrichtentyp 67
New message 52
No acceptance required 46, 47
Null modem 57
Operating 7
EnCal 3000
Display 64
Purging 36
Null modem 57
via modem or GSM 56
page 111
via TCP 57
RDT history 59
RDT statistics 59
Revision 37
Function 44
Revision switch
Function 44
System module
Display and operation 62
Main display 62
Target values
Calibration gas 27, 29
Entering 33
Test gas 31, 33
Funktion 94
TCP 57
TCP/IP interface 79
Technical Data 89
Temperature transmitter input
Connection 76
Schlsser 94
Second stream 24
Switch display 15, 24
Test gas 31
Injection 31
Time synchronization
Seconds counter 53
Methods 62
MSER2 77
View and design 5
Software version
View 17
Revision/Test gas 31, 37
Status bit string 41
Status LED 7
Warning 43
Warning notes v
Wireless modem M20 / TC35
Connection to 24 V 81
Streams 22
Synchronize clock 62, 69
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