A MENTAL EXERCISE B y Wallace D Wattles

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Published on Jan 20, 2013

Wallace Wattles: A Mental Exercise from http://www.johnvincentblog.com - This is

an eyes closed process that Wallace Wattles created to help you think in the ce
rtain way set to a natural soundscape with an alpha Binuaral Beat A Mental Exerc
ise by Wallace Wattles from The Science of Being Great is brought to life for th
e modern age.
Wallace Wattles works were published by Elizabeth Towne publishing, Wattles regu
larly contributed to The Nautilus magazine as well as writing his own treaties a
nd books. His last three book The science of getting rich, the science of being
well and the science of being great (where this exercise come from) are a culmin
ation of Wallace's work as a speaker and writer.
All is right with the world. It is perfect and advancing to completion. I will c
ontemplate the facts of social, political, and industrial life only from this hi
gh viewpoint. Behold, it is all very good. I will see all human beings, all my a
cquaintances, friends, neighbours, and the members of my own household in the sa
me way. They are all good. Nothing is wrong with the universe; nothing can be wr
ong but my own personal attitude, and henceforth I keep that right. My whole tru
st is in God.
I will obey my soul and be true to that within me that is highest. I will search
within for the pure idea of right in all things, and when I find it I will expr
ess it in my outward life. I will abandon everything I have outgrown for the bes
t I can think. I will have the highest thoughts concerning all my relationships,
and my manner and action shal1 express these thought s. I surrender my body to
be ruled by my mind; I yield my mind to the dominion of my soul, and I give my s
oul to the guidance of God.
There is but one substance and source, and of that I am made and with it I am on
e. It is my Father; I proceeded forth and came from it. My Father and I are one,
and my Father is greater than I, and I do His will. I surrender myself to consc
ious unity with Pure Spirit; there is but one and that one is everywhere. I am o
ne with the Eternal Consciousness.
Form a mental picture of yourself as you want to be and at the greatest height t
hat your imagination can picture. Dwell upon this for some time, holding the tho
ugh: "This is what I really am, it is a picture of my own soul and I am becoming
this in outward manifestation."
I appropriate to myself the power to become what I want to be, and to do what I
want to do. I exercise creative energy; all the power there is, is mine. I will
arise and go forth with power and perfect confidence; I will do mighty works in
the strength of the Lord, my God. I will trust and not fear, for God is with me.

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