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SHORTS IN Edited by Joe Shrimpton

DIRECTOR Joe Shrimpton
STARRING Saskia Adams,
More Evidence of Putting Introducing fresh actors, Tom Shaw, Tom Copland
Teens in a Bad Light From Saskia Adams, and Tom SCREENPLAY Saskia Adams
the makers who brought you Copland. When most people DISTRIBUTOR Cannonball
Coma and Deception earlier think bout the youth of today Productions
this summer. The two in Britain, several things come RUNNING TIME
directors have bee A film to mind. Being without a care IN SHORT Emotional,
that will inspire the young in the world, the stereotypical ferocious teenagers
generation to want to teenagers life consists of
become young film parties, drinking and having a
makers and actors. This good time all round.
Sometimes these care free
edgy film defines some actions end in fatal
stereotypical teenagers in consequences and this film
Britain today n brought depicts it very well. A film that
together to make a new, will inspire the young
cutting edge, long awaited generation to want to become
teen drama, based on the young film makers and actors.
likes of TV shows such as This edgy film defines some
Skins and The OC entitled, stereotypical teenagers in
Driven Away, to be released Britain today.
this winter.

‘Driven Away sets up and

displays ferocious clout of
Director Joe Shrimpton
a Tyler spots that Jake is
shouts out for teens, making
getting a bit friendly with
teen drama never to be
Summer, this then reflects
forgotten. Summer Davis an
upon an argument. This
ordinary teenage girl is
however is no ordinary
having her one and only 18th
argument as the two boys
birthday party whilst her
start to argue with each
parents have had to go away
other and end up squaring
for a few days. However
up to each other in the
there is some dispute at the
middle of the street. Not
party as Summer is in a
only have they been drinking
difficult position as two boys
all night they both stupidly
really like her, unfortunately
decide to get into there cars
she is part of a love triangle.
with the intention of
Tension starts to build from
crashing into each other
the beginning as Summer
head on. Both characters are
starts to give out her
pumping with anger, until
invitations at school, one of
Summer runs out off her
the male characters Tyler
house in the middle of the
Spencer gets jealous as Jake
street as the two head lights
Davis offers to give her a lift
get closer and closer to each
home. Later on that night at
other until Jake swerves and
Excellent Good Fair

The short has three main actor Tom Shaw who played
characters who play the the role of Jake Davis is no
most important roles new comer to the short film
‘A much throughout. Tom Copland
who plays Tyler Spencer
industry as he is currently
working and producing other
authentic look at made his first appearance in short films which we will be
the film industry, this also reviewing in the near future.
young life style goes for Saskia Adams who The cast for this production
played Summer Davis as she are used very well and are
than Skins and made an awesome debut so important to that all
and we hope to see her important target audience.
The OC’ again later on in the year in The film was set in Ilkley,
plenty of other short films. West Yorkshire filmed in
However three different locations, and
these were a house for the
party which really
contributes that this film is
meant for teens using a tight
isolated compact
environment where
something bad is going to
happen. A secondary school
is used again to create the
teenage aspect and lastly
the car scene was used on a
private road where the cars
could go head to head as
you see in the film itself. The
short film overall is off a very
high standard as it fits the
purpose of the teenage life
really well, not only
attracting the teen audience
but showing the adulthood of
Director Joe Shrimpton the elder audience what accusing them off all the bad
explained to us why the film teens do and how things are aspects in today’s world”.
is so unique and has such a in there kind of culture and “Overall I have really
Driven Away can be viewed
solid conception towards the life style. This short has all enjoyed making this short
at http://shrimpton-
teenage audience. “Whilst kinds off concepts within it joea2.blogspot.com/
and I hope to provide you , ENJOY
directing this film I have to do with teens, looking at an experience
with more shorts in the of teenage
really enjoyed being drinking, partying, just future. life and just prepared to be
Driven Away.
involved within it as I have looking at all the aspects
always been a fan of teen which all may look extremely
dramas and what effects negative, however the aim
they have on us and other of this is to show teens what
people around us in today’s drinking etc can do to
society”. “I think that this themselves, which may
short is so unique as there is make them re-think about
no other short out there there life style and make it
which contains all aspects of better for themselves”. “I
a teenage life rounded up would also like to think that
under five minutes”. “Not the elder audience can learn
only was it so important to from this short as well by
target the teen audience but supporting teens instead off

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