29b Legal Medicine
29b Legal Medicine
29b Legal Medicine
( Legal Medicine )
Legal medicine and forensic medicine are synonymous and commonly used
A branch of medicine means which deals with the application of medical knowledge
to the purposes of law and justices;
Strictly, legal medicine means medicine applied to legal cases, while forensic
medicine refers to the use of medical science to elucidate or clarify legal problems;
Medical jurisprudence is that branch of law which deals with the organization and
regulation of the medical profession, with the contractual obligations existing
between practitioner and his patient, and with the duties imposed on the practitioner
by the state.
To acquaint medical and law students and practitioners of the recent advances of the
forensic medicine and the medico-legal system and procedure adapted in different
Lack of adequate facilities e.g. remote areas without proper equipment and supplies
- They are not conscious yet of the value of scientific evidences.
Medical Evidence
5. approximate age
6. supposed profession
7. description of the body
The Law of Multiplicity of Evidence is true in the case of
identification. The greater the number of similarities or dissimilarities,
the greater is the probability for the conclusion to be correct.
Identification of Person
Changes in the eyes
Left or right handedness
Degree or nutrition
- Red indians
- Flat head
- Malayan
- Round head
Stature a person ceases to grow after the age of 25.
- method of appropriating the height of a person
e.g. measure the distance between the tips of the middle fingers of both
hands with the arms extended laterally will equal the height.
Teeth most convenient of identifying a person is with the use of a dental diagram or
Tattoo marks
Deformities congenital or acquired, e.g. harelip, cleft pal.
Birthmarks- e.g. Mongolian blue sports, nevus sports
Injuries leaving permanent result- amputations, improper union of fractured bones
Scars- recent (2-3 weeks) vascular, red to pink color more than 6 months oldbloodies, while glistening surface, e. g. surgical scar, gunshot wound, burns
Tribal marks
Sexual organs circumcision, uterus and breast my indicate previous pregnancy
Blood group especially if unusual
4. The courts \and others authorized had, since the immemorial, taken cognizance of its
importance and reliability as a means of identification.
* femur
* humerus
Determination of the Duration of Internment
Determined by the nature and presence of the soft tissues and the degree of erosions
of the bones
Ordinarily, all the soft tissues in a grave disappear within a year.
presence or absence of soft tissues still adherent to the bones
Firmness and weight, brittleness, dryness of the bones
Degree of erosion of the surface of the bones
By the changes in the clothing, coffin and painting
Virginity- a condition of the female who has not experienced sexual intercourse and
who genital organs have not been altered by carnal connection.
Defloration- is the laceratin or rupture of the hymen as a result of sexual intercourse.
Carnal Knowledge- the act of a man in having sexual bodily connection with a
RAPE- elements of the crime
1. the offender had carnal knowledge of a woman
2. the carnal relation was made by the offender with the offended under any of
the following circumstances:
offender under any of the following circumstances :
4. Chemical energy
5. Radiation/ radioactive substance
6. Atmospheric pressure change
vital reaction- the sum total of all reactions of tissues and organs for which
activities of living cells are necessary. It is the response of living tissue to an existing
stimulus; this differentiates ante- mortem from post- mortem bodily injuries
defense wounds- the results of a persons instinctive reaction of self-protection
Classification of WOUNDS
1. As to Severity:
a. Mortal wounds- death follows immediately after infliction or shortly
wounds involving the heart and large blood vessels
wounds involving the brain and upper part of the spinal cord
wounds involving the lungs
wounds involving the stomach, liver spleen and intestine
e. extensive injury- involves a greater area beyond the site of applied force with
manifest extension from the location of the place where force was applied.
6. As to the Regions or Organs of the Body Involved:
a. head and neck
b. chest, etc.
7. Legal Classification
a. mutilation- the intentional act of lopping or cutting off any part or parts of the
living body: if without intent, classify as physical injury
b. serious physical injuries- shall be committed by wounding beating or
assaulting another so that if any one of the three acts is not present, there can
be no serious physical injury.
c. Administering injuries substance or beverages- no intent to kill.
d. Less serious physical injuries and maltreatment- incapacitated for labor or
require medical attendance for 10 days or more but no more than 30 days
e. Slight physical injuries and maltreatment- incapacitated for labor or require
medical attention from one to nine days
4. Punctured wound
5. Wound by powder explosion
6. Mutilation
7. avulsion
wound of ENTRY
Near contact to six inches fire: severe tearing, bursting and blackening
of the wound, of entrance, gunpowder tattooing much more prominent,
surrounding area may be contused, shape may be stellate, cruciform or
with severe laceration and do not show any manifestation of the
gunshot wound, the diameter is very much larger than the diameter of
the missile.
wound of EXIT
The ODD AND EVEN RULE in Gunshot Wounds
Death by Asphyxia
- Asphyxia is the general term applied to all forms of violent death which
results primarily from the interference with the process of respiration
or to the tissue or both has been reduced to below normal level.
- Asphyxia by hanging : asphyxia by strangulation: asphyxia by
suffocation; asphyxia by submersion or drowning; asphyxia by
compression; asphyxia by breathing irreparable gases.
From level viewpoint, abortion is the willful killing of the fetus in the
uterus, or violet explosion of the fetus from the maternal womb and
which results to the death of the fetus.
That the fetus dies either as an effect of the violence used, drug
administered or the fetus expelled before the term of its viability.
Kinds of Abortion:
1. Spontaneous or natural abortion- occurs without any form of
inducement or intervention
2. Induced abortion- abortion which will not take place had it not
been for the some form of inducement or intervention
the killing of child less than three days old; must be the result of a voluntary,
conscious and free act commission.
Paternity is the civil status of the father with respect to the child begotten by
Filiation I the civil status of the child in relation to its mother or father
Kinds of children:
Legitimate children (proper) those born in lawful wedlock or within 300 days
after the dissolution of marriage
Legitimated children legitimization is defined as a remedy or process by which
a child born out of lawful wedlock and are therefore considered illegitimate are
by fiction of law considered legitimate.