22 Book of Ages
22 Book of Ages
22 Book of Ages
Understanding the impact of the Bible on history and its relevance for
our lives!
Is the Bible important? Have you ever wondered what the Bible’s influence
has been on you, personally, whether you read it daily or not at all? What about
others around you? Have you considered the Bible’s relevance and importance
in the shaping of Western society and culture? The fact is, the Bible has sold
more copies than all other books in history and has shaped the hands that built
this country, the United States of America. Even in the days of eroding family
values, and an academic and political backlash to remove the Bible and its
relevance, the fact is the Bible is the most important document and influence in
Western culture. It has been more influential than the U.S. Constitution, the
Magna Carta or any philosophical or political idea. The Bible is so important it
has influenced much we take for granted in the world from science, technology,
and even our political system! And, I have not even brought up the Holy Spirit
If we know why the Bible is important, then we can study the Bible
more effectively!
Over the years, I have asked people at various colleges and universities,
from students to professors, what they thought about the Bible. During those
conversations, I usually received an ear full of hostility. I would get responses
that dismiss the Bible as an antiquated book of rhetoric that has no meaning for
us in our modern age. Some of the Professors believe that the Bible was
responsible for the problems of darkness and disgust of ages past.
Savvier students would challenge me with all kinds of rhetoric such as, why
should we study such an antiquated book in an age of science and reason? Why
study a book that cannot possibly be understood, where highly educated people
fight against each other for its meaning, over which so many churches split,
cause divisions and change, form different denominations, have such different
thinking that varies so much, and has wounded so many? Why study the Bible,
when for centuries people have used it to fight against each other in wars and
violence? Why study a book that has caused countless thousands of people to
die in its crusades? Why study a book that is filled with so many myths and
contradictions? Why study a book that is boring, has no historical contribution
and has no bearing on us today?
Although God is lifted up and believed in most churches, the Bible is still
fought and argued about, and read so little. So, the same result comes to pass;
the Bible is shown to the world as a book of strife and schism, a reservoir of
conflict and division. Assumptions and rhetoric have replaced discipleship, trust,
and obedience. And, I’m not speaking about the atheists here!
Christians who claim the Bible’s truths and carry her under their arms to
church may never venture into her pages; thus, an insult may occur to their will
and intellect. Even the best intended disciples are under the duress of finding
themselves incased in fatigue and mood in its reading that scatters them from its
pages. Then, there are those who refuse to admit they do not know the Bible.
They do not know how to study the Word, and, for the sake of pride, they will
refuse to learn. They think, “I grew up in the church, I know the Bible!” Yet, they
do not. Pride is an excellent way to lift one’s self up, and arrogance makes an
effective cover to the truth.
So, who would dare venture into the arms of a book that seems to
represent so much hate and strife? Why, indeed, do we study the Bible? Why is
the Bible important? If the Bible is important to you, do you also realize it is
important to others around you, too?
Is the Bible really the ground that produces the crops of strife and
division? Are its fruits bruised and rotten with contradiction and myth? Are her
crops indigestible, having no place in the produce stand of reason? Are her
pages filled with meaningless stories that bore us, the sheep, to sleep?
Those are the principle arguments that the atheists give. They are also the
same reasons why most Christians do not read their Bible. Most Christians may
not say that the Bible is full of contradictions, but they are being contradictory by
claiming Christ but ignoring His Word. Most Christians may not personally
believe that the Bible was the cause of society’s problems, but they do not use it
to solve theirs. Most Christians may even believe that the Bible is full of treasures
and goodness for us today, but they do not harvest her crops, or use her
treasures for their table. Then we wonder why our society is failing and our
church is riddled with conflict and strife?
When we ask people in our seminars why they do not read the Bible, we
get four primary categories: 1. It is boring. 2. It is too difficult to read or
understand. 3. The Bible is too old to have any bearing on my life. 4. People fight
over it too much. Although response three and four are rare for Believers, I
believe most Christians have experienced numbers one and two first hand. I
know I have. I also have asked, how important has the Bible been to you? And
most would say a four or five on a scale of 1 to 10! And, these are the Christians
who are attending a How to study the Bible seminar!
The Bible has been important throughout the history of humanity and
society. If the Bible has been true throughout history, the question we must ask
ourselves is, is it true for me? If the Bible is the cradle for our knowledge and
growth in Jesus, we must ask ourselves, is Jesus is really true? If He is true for
me, what have I done with this truth? If He is true, and His Word is true for me,
does that mean He is true for others, too? There is an academic debate in
scholarly circles stating that the Bible can only be personal and can never, or
must never, be used to convict another person. To hold such a view is to deny
the Bible’s reality, power, promise, and relevance. It is also a denial of its past
influence and its potential continual influence.
As far as the Bible’s influence and social impact in history, did you know it
has had more influence than any person, group, philosophy, or idea—bar none?
For this argument, let us take a look at my home country, the United States of
America. The U.S. is less than three hundred years old whereas most countries
can look back at thousands of years of history. The U.S. has less productive farm
land than its neighbor, Mexico, and far less natural resources, too. So, why is the
U.S. the only super power and the world’s economic and political leader? Why is
Mexico a third world county? After all, most counties have a deeper history, more
resources, and better strategic placing. The answer is a single Book, the Book of
the ages that shaped the minds of its founders and builders and gave the
principles for America’s success. America was shaped by the Bible to create
liberty and freedom, whereas Mexico was formed from a skewed combination of
socialism and Catholicism which created corruption and oppression. Mexico has
separation of the Church and State as its foundation; the United States
does not even though many people believe it does. Mexico also has
previsions to discourage individual capitalism and industrialism the key
components for socioeconomic growth. The first objection to this argument is
that Europe has had the Bible for over a thousand years longer; why are they not
a super power? The answer is, they are—or, at least were until they fell to
bankrupt philosophies.
The primary principle that motivated the Puritans to leave England and
terraform a new world from scratch was freedom. They lived in a theocracy
where the government was oppressive and riddled with corruption. Where
religion was used to tyrannize and hold back the people. This made the people
downtrodden and demoralized. The government used the name of the Bible to
oppress the people, but this is not what the Bible taught; rather, it was what the
leaders said it taught. It was used as a sword of tyranny and not the cradle of
Truth. So, instead of spiritual growth prospering a nation, the people lived under
autocracy with oppressive agendas for limited personal gain for the select.
So, the Puritans sought to exercise the principles of Scripture, and that
principle was freedom. Freedom, human rights, and liberty are what give hope to
the individual; this builds community and fuels a successful, educated society.
The founders of America were heavily and primary influenced by Biblical
precepts. This is the idea that made America great and inspired the booming
economic prosperity. It is the Bible that gave a higher work ethic and a
government free from oppressive corruption. With oppression and corruption out
of the way, its people were given the highest standard of living the world has ever
known. This inspired cooperation, personal development, and education which
led to the advances in inventions, medicine and science. All this was from the
pages of the Bibles.
Europe was oppressed by the Holy Roman Empire after the collapse of
Rome, which collapsed after Christianity devalued into corruption and
decadence. The Bible was blamed for its collapse and oppression. The Bible was
the flag in name only—not by its precepts—in these early political systems.
Corruption reigned, and the Dark Ages followed. The Bible was not read or
studied; therefore, its exploit was in vain. It was not even allowed to be
translated. Many great men of God gave up their lives valiantly to translate the
Bible for people to know the real God and how their lives could benefit. The
political leaders fought against them vehemently and burned people like Wycliffe,
200 years before the Reformation, to the stake. The corrupt leaders were in great
fear of the Bible because the people would see they had rights and overthrow the
government, which is exactly what happened after the Bible was translated and
distributed. The Reformation succeeded because the Bible was mass-produced
by means of the new invention, the printing press, and the corrupt governments
could no longer keep the people in the Dark Ages! The quest for knowledge and
the Bible in everyday language help give birth to the Renaissance, which helped
the Reformation. The Reformation gave birth to a modern and culturally
prosperous Europe.
Most academics would counter that it was the Magna Carta that gave birth
to personal rights in 1215 A.D. The Magna Carta is considered the first binding
document that gave birth to the concept of rights and individual freedom to
people in Europe from the oppression of kings. Although it took centuries and the
Black Death in the 1300’s to be accepted and exercised, it led to the ending of
the feudal system which then led to economic and societal growth. The Magna
Carta, in fact, did as they said; however, what influenced it? The Magna Carta
tells us God grants us our Rights, our Wisdom, and our Dignity, and that all men
are free. It was totally instilled with Biblical principles and quotes; in fact, it makes
an excellent Bible Study! Here are just a few quotes: by the grace of God, regard
to God, and for the salvation of our soul, unto the honor of God, and the
advancement of his holy Church, we have granted to God, that the English
Church shall be free, God's Law is followed from our Lord, under supervision of
the Church, for God and the amendment of our kingdom, kept in good faith.
It took the Reformation in the 1500s to further challenge the world that
there can be personal freedom. The Magna Carta gave birth to modern Europe
and its prosperity. Even the French Revolutionaries who blamed the Bible for
their oppression received their quest for freedom from Biblical precepts. They
wanted liberty as taught from the Bible. But, they also blamed the Bible for their
oppression. They did not realize their King and Church were not using the Bible,
only their pride in the name of the Bible. And, if you read the U.S. Constitution,
you will see that God is the One who gives us our rights, freedoms, and liberty,
and that the Constitution is filled with Biblical ideology!
Academics will counter this argument that it was science, not the Bible
that birthed reason and Americanism. What about the pursuit of science? The
inductive Bible Study methods we teach at Into Thy Word were envisioned by the
early Church Fathers and Augustine, who searched them out from the Bible (Acts
17:10-12). The quest for Logos is the quest for reason and wisdom. The
inductive method is the primary hypothesis and logic behind real scientific
principles. Proverbs is a book dedicated to wisdom and the scientific method.
Virtually every great inventor and scientist obtained their precepts and thought
from Biblical insertion, whether avert, obscured, or subjugated.
I had professors in College and read textbooks that claimed that the
Founding Fathers of the U.S. were all or mostly all Deists. A type of pseudo
Christian religion that denounces the supernatural, denies revealed religion,
basing their belief on the light of nature and reason. Yet, with just a little research
you will find that virtually every one of the 55 writers and signers of the United
States Constitution were members and active in their Christian denominations:
29 were Anglicans, 16 to 18 were Calvinists, 2 were Methodists, 2 were
Lutherans, 2 were Roman Catholic, 1 was a Quaker and Anglican, and 1, yes
just 1 was a open Deist, Dr. Franklin who also rigorously attended and
contributed financially to various churches, and who called for public prayer. He
was not much of a Deist, just curious with the practice of faith and reason
together! The Continental Congress and the early sessions of the United States
Congress also included several hours a day of prayer and fasting! The prayers
have gone down in eminence but still continue today. A secular nation does not
pray and defiantly does not fast!
The next objection from the academics is that John Locke (1632-1704), a
Philosopher, Political Scientist, Historian and Physician was the main influencer
of our Founding Fathers. Well they are correct for the most part. Locke was the
most influential philosopher in the 1760-1780’s as was Jonathan Edwards. Locke
was a committed Christian who emphasized faith and rational thinking (Letters
concerning Toleration) and pleaded for religious liberty. He emphasized in his
main work “Of The State of Nature," that people “will reasonably acquiesce to the
institution of some government in order to avoid self-destruction.” He also
emphasizes that government had to have a system to realize and control our
natural "sinful" state so tyranny and corruption can be avoided. This was realized
and accomplished by the “Checks and Balances” of our three government
branches, Legislature, Judicial and Executive. So no one branch has control and
for extra redundancy the Founding Fathers, influenced by John Calvin, instituted
two legislative bodies, Congress and the Senate.
The skeptics then counter that the Bible says nothing about personal
freedom, liberty, and the establishment of government. Well they probably never
read it, here are just a few passages: Genesis 41:25-57; Deuteronomy 16:18-17:
20; 2 Samuel 5:3; 2 Chronicles 17:7-9; 23:3, 11; Jeremiah 34:8-11; Daniel 1:3-
20; Romans 13:1-7! The Founding Fathers clearly recognized that justice and
civil authority are legitimate extensions of Divine Law (Natural law) through a
covenant relationship with Almighty God. The establishment of a civil government
which exists primarily to administer justice is from Biblical precepts. The Bible
gives us rather explicit guidance on basic rules of adjudication, rules of judicial
procedure, rules of evidence, rules for capital punishment, and guidelines for the
establishment of an appellate system.
“Third World” countries, where people are starving in the streets, do not
operate on Biblical principles. They do not have freedom and liberty as their
mantra. So, they do not have truth or tolerance for free thinking. In fact, they are
infused with corruption—corruption that removes hope and that oppresses the
people. I have traveled and personally researched this thesis all over the world. I
have seen India produce more food than it needs, yet many of its people starve
and are oppressed in a caste system based on religious dogma. I have seen my
neighbor, Mexico, do the same. I was in Russia just before and after the collapse
of communism and saw how corruption and organized crime took over. I held
babies who died in my arms and saw several families crowded into a single
studio apartment.
I have seen the same diversity of success versus social breakdown within
the same economic and social issues. Take a close look at countries with the
same culture and resources that have split. One side flourishes while the other is
reduced to dire poverty and oppression. Just take a look at North Korea versus
South Korea, East Germany versus West Germany and Haiti verses the
Dominican Republic. For the most part, it is the same people groups and same
social situations at the start. Then they split; one side in an oppressive regime
with communist or social ideology, and the other side with liberty and freedom
stemming from the Bible. On which side would you rather live? You did not see
people fleeing from West Germany into East Germany, nor do you see people
fleeing from South Korea into North Korea. Do West Germany and South Korea
have to build walls and security systems to keep the people in? We have to ask
why that is, and why would we not want to build a political system that creates
cooperation and not corruption!
Haiti and the Dominican Republic are a part of the same Caribbean island,
yet two distinctive nations. One side is a hot vacation spot filled with freedom,
beauty and prosperity the other side people are rioting, starving and oppressed.
One side has a Biblically based constitution the other a totalitarian regime.
Another case is when President Lincoln with the Emancipation Proclamation
freed the slaves most were given the opportunity to establish their own country
back in Africa with better resources and opportunity then their forefathers had.
Seems like a great opportunity, fortunately just a small percentage took
advantage of this. Those who left established Liberia, and this country never
ventured from its fourth world status. The people are destitute, impoverished,
hopeless and in constant civil chaos. The Slaves that stayed in America even
given the oppression and prejudice they received had it a hundred times better
than those who left.
Did you know it is the Bible that birthed most of the world’s written
languages that were used to build community? All over the world, from Russia to
tiny islands in the South Pacific where no written language existed before, Bible
translators gave most of the world its language. From language came society.
India, for example, was a county of numerous feudal, languages and religious
systems all fighting and competing with one another; the English missionaries
united India and gave to the masses written languages, such as URDU and
Hindi. Prior Sanskrit, the only other written language that I am aware of, was
reserved for the highest caste and priests only. The county realized from the
missionaries that it could have freedom and liberty, and even though Gandhi was
not a Christian, he used Christian and Western precepts to obtain India’s
freedom without bloodshed and formed a Western-based constitution. All India
has to do now is remove the corruption and adhere to their constitution to
become a political and social success complete with prosperity and liberty. The
Bible made, and can continue to make, this possible!
Even though the U.S. courts may disagree and secular thinking professors
and activist judges will fight with all their might against the Bible’s influence
throughout history, the fact remains that the Bible is the foundation to American
and Western society. The Muslims know this better than we do; that is why they
so passionately hate us. They do not want freedom, democracy and liberty; they
want theocracy and jihad. Which would you rather live under, oppression, or
liberty? If you want a country to prosper, you first have to get rid of the corruption
and give the people liberty, rights, and freedom, and the Bible tells us how. This
allows the people to work together to build a society; when they are oppressed,
only the oppressor lives well—and on the backs of the oppressed! The Bible is
important in history to social and economic growth. Imagine what it can do for
your personal growth!
What about the Inquisition and Crusades? Again, the Bible was used in
vain by corrupt people who were getting their insights from Islam and jihad. “Kill
the infidel,” “subjugate the people,” as well as “take over Jerusalem,” and “burn
the heretics,” are Islamic principles—not Biblical! What about slavery? Many
Christians approved of salary and tried their hardest to use Scripture to defend it.
But, their arguments stemmed from pride and were financially based, not
Scripturally. It was the Abolitionists, who were devout Christians, who gave rise
to freedom for the salves; and, a great President, infused with Biblical principles,
gave the slaves their freedom at great cost. In fact, slavery was banned in
Europe in the first millennium by the Church, and did not rise again until corrupt
and greedy people exploited the New World and subjugated its people for
personal gain. Slavery, as practiced in Europe and the U.S., is not a Biblical
position; freedom is!
If the Bible is true to history, then it is true to you and it is also true to
others. This may be a bad argument in logic, but not in the scope of Who the
Influencer is—and that is the God of Ages employing and empowering His Book
of Ages! Without the Book of Ages, we are left with Imperialism, Feudalism,
Communism, Socialism, Dictatorships, and Oppression—all of which are heinous
and do not work either to the benefit of humanity or to God’s glory! Without the
Book of Ages, your life will have no hope, no prosperity and the society you live
in is meaningless, destitute, and destined to destruction and chaos!
1. Richard J. Krejcir, Into Thy Word, Writers Club Press, Lincoln NE, 2001
2. U.S. Constitution
3. The Magna Carta 1215 A.D.
4. Excerpts of the Federalist Papers 1770-1800
5. John Locke, Letters concerning Toleration, 1692
6. John Locke, (1632-1704) Of The State of Nature 1690
7. John Locke, Two Treatises of Government, 1690
8. Dr. K. Alan Snyder, If The Foundations Are Destroyed: Biblical Principles And
Civil Government, Principle Press, 1994
9. John Eidsmoe, Christianity and the Constitution, Baker Books, Grand Rapids,
10. Richard L. Perry and John C. Cooper, Sources of Our Liberties, William S.
Hein & Co., Inc., Buffalo, NY, 1991
11. Daniel J. Elezar, Covenant & Polity in Biblical Israel, Transaction Publishers,
New Brunswick, N. J.,1995
article ©1998
13. Vishal Mangalwadi, The Quest for Freedom and Dignity: Caste, Conversion
and Cultural Revolution, manuscript © 2001
14. Latourette, Kenneth Scott. A History of the Expansion of Christianity. 7 vols.
New York and London: Harper & Brothers, 1937-45, Grand Rapids,
Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1970
15. David Ingersoll, Richard Matthews, and Andrew Davison, The Philosophic
Roots of Modern Ideology, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2001
16. William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Law of England, 1769
17. Thomas Sowell, The Vision of the Anointed, Basic Books, NY, 1995
18. Norman Cousins (ed.), In God We Trust, Harper and Brothers,NY,1958
19. Chidester, David. Christianity: A Global History, San Francisco, Harper,
2000 Cross, Frank L. and Elizabeth Livingston.
20. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 3rd ed. Oxford, University
Press, 1997
21. Irvin, Dale T. and Scott W. Sunquist. A History of the World Christian
Movement. Vol. I. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 2001
22. Hastings, Adrian, ed. A World History of Christianity. Grand Rapids,
Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1999
23. Noll, Mark A. Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of the
Church. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Book House, 2000
24. Sanneh, Lamin. Translating the Message: The Missionary Impact on
Culture, Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1989
25. A Dictionary of Asian Christianity. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B.
Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2001
26. Walls, Andrew F. The Cross-Cultural Process in Christian History.
Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books; Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 2002
27. England, John C. The Hidden History of Christianity in Asia. Delhi: Indian
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; Hong Kong: Christian
Conference of Asia, 1996
28. Ariarajah, Wesley. Hindus and Christians: A Century of Protestant
Ecumenical Thought. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans
Publishing Company, 1991
29. Ahlstrom, Sydney E. A Religious History of the American People. New York;
New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1972
30. Bediako, Kwame. Christianity in Africa: The Renewal of a Non-Western
Religion. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press; Maryknoll, New York:
Orbis Books, 1995
31. Anderson, Gerald H., ed. Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions. New
York, Macmillan Reference USA, 1998
32. Grafe, Hugald. History of Christianity in India, Vol. IV, Part 2. Bangalore,
India: Church History Association of India, 1992
33. Christianity in Latin America. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1989
34. Ivereigh, Austen, ed. The Politics of Religion in an Age of Revival:
Vaporis, N.M., ed. 2000
35. Orthodox Christians and Muslims. Brookline, Massachusetts: Holy Cross
Orthodox Press, 1986
36. Waardenburg, Jacques, ed. Muslim Perceptions of Other Religions: A
Historical Survey. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999
© 2004 originally titled “Why Should We Study the Bible,” 1991, revised 2001,
2004 R.J. Krejcir Into Thy Word Ministries www.intothyword.org
Before we can get into what the Bible says about itself, we need to clear
the skeptics away. First, you need to remember that the Bible is not merely one
book, but a library of 66 books, all with a unifying theme and purpose that is all
divinely inspired by our Lord. This is important because the primary objections for
using the Bible to claim authority for itself is considered a logical fallacy by
academia and educated skeptics. To them, it would be just plan dumb to
consider the Bible relevant because of its age and using just “one source” (itself)
to prove itself. It would be like quoting a single magazine article which says it
holds all of the truth, and using that same article to prove it, versus using scores
of separate research and information to state the case. Using one source is what
crazy people and cult leaders do! But, the Bible is not just one book! So, there is
no logical fallacy in using Scripture to support Scripture!
Let me give our scientific friends a thought; in the scientific field of physics,
the Holy Grail quest is to find a theorem to unify all the fields of physics and
natural law, to tie all of these scientific statements of facts such as gravity, things
measured, and things observed together in one neat package. Sound easy?
Well, all of these fact-based sciences contradict one another, and sometimes
even themselves! This would include quantum mechanics, Newtonian law and
string theory, to Einstein’s relativity. This quest is call the “Unified Field Theory.”
Some of the brightest minds that have ever existed, such as Steven Hawking and
Einstein himself, spent all of their professional lives in search of it, but no one can
find it. Why is this important or relevant? Because, all those disciplines of science
“facts” contradict one another! The Bible does not; and it was written over a
1,500-year period of time. Even Shakespeare, author of the greatest English
works of literature of all time, does not come close! So, we can take a confident
look into God’s Word to see what the Bible says about itself!
Why should we listen to a Book? Why is the Bible to be our authority for
faith and practice—for life? Because, God tells us so! God is the author and has
given it to us so we can, as the Army says, “be all you can be!” So, again, some
would ask, why should we heed this instruction; what right does the Bible have to
rule over us? Well, it does not rule over us; God, as Creator, has chosen His right
to exercise divine guidance and authority, and has given us the institutions in
written form, the Bible. As it is “God breathed,” the Bible is the only infallible,
authoritative truth we have; thus it is true in all that it says and what God requires
of us. The Bible is actually the voice of God to His children—us. Thus, because
He is God and we are not, we should, we must, submit to His authority through
His Word. He has the right to command, and we are his troops called to proclaim
His glory.
On the dark side, we must be aware that many people, including some
Christian leaders, misuse the Bible for their own gain and pronounce their
authority into it. The Reformers freed the Bible from the captivity of those who
would not allow her pages to be read. We have to remember that the Bible can
never say what it does not, or mean what it does not. Yet so many replace the
truth of His Word with human lies, manipulation, and deception. We must free the
Bible from those who dare tread their will upon its pages, and hide its truth for
self-gain and self-gratification. We must claim God’s Word for what it is, His
Word, His authority, and His right to command and teach us.
There are three primary objections to the Bible. They all fall under the
premise that people generally do not want to venture into it because of a fear of
being convicted. I had a good friend who was a committed Christian who said he
did not like to read the Bible. His fear was he would be convicted to become a
missionary in a far off place and be miserable. I told him that God would never
call you to something that you are not gifted and suited for and that if he did
indeed receive a call to go to Outer Mongolia (his greatest fear); he would also
have the burning desire and the gifts to go there. But, we like to cover up our
fears of being convicted with arguments of reason and logic. That is to say, if we
can prove our point, we do not have to listen to it. If we can put down the Bible,
then we can elevate ourselves, so we can think and do as we please. We do not
need to be convicted by a book that is untrue. As for my friend, he dove into the
Bible, and learned all that he could. What I find so funny is, he ended up in
Russia, and he loved it!
First: The objection that the Bible is full of contradictions and myths.
This was my first objection. I became a Christian and tried to read the
Bible and I was stuck. I did not understand it. I found it confusing. And, I was no
idiot; in fact, I was taking graduate courses in Nuclear Theory, Relative Field
Theory, and Quantum Mechanics. I was 16 at the time (yes I was an egghead-
geek), and the Bible was mysterious to me. The Bible I was reading was the one
my Grandmother gave me at my confirmation. It was a beautiful leather Bible
with very thin parchment. The text font was very small and you could see the
back side almost as well as the front. It was also the King James Version. The
combination of antiquated language, small print, and paper that was hard to read
compounded with my dyslexia caused an unreadable document. No wonder I
found it difficult. Then, a friend gave me the “Good News” Bible and the words
and precepts flowed like a well-written, exciting novel. However, for years I
refused to read the Good News Bible or any translation that to me did not look
like a “real” Bible.
The objection I have heard over the years is, “the Bible is for pastors; I just
do not understand it”. When I ask them to tell me about the Bible that they are
reading, I find as it was as with me, that the translation is too old and the print too
small. And, sometimes they start with Revelation, and get confused. Yes, there
are parts of the Bible that are hard to understand, but over 95% is as crystal clear
as the daily newspaper. So, if you can read the newspaper, you can read the
This always dumbfounds me. The Bible is filled with stories of wonder and
excitement. What grand Hollywood epic has more special effects than Genesis or
Exodus? What TV soap opera has more excitement, sex, and betrayal than that
of Judges? What novel have you read that has the elements of passion, wonder,
crime, betrayal, lust, remorse, and heroism, with deep philosophy and truth?
Shakespeare himself said he could never top the Bible; no one ever has; no one
ever will. So, if you find the Bible boring, then life and death are boring. The
excitement of love and the remorse of death are of no consequence. There has
never been anything in all of human history that has so much for so many. The
fears, struggles, problems, and solutions that the Bible characters face are what
we face. They may not have had a flashing 12:00 on their VCR, but all that there
is in life that matters, such as relationships, life, death, and the pursuit of life is
what they had, and is what we have and deal with daily, too. The Bible is alive
and incredibly exciting; if you find it boring, then switch to a better translation, and
reboot your attitude.
The objections concerning the Bible are neutered, castrated from any
threat to the reasonable mind. There are no contradictions in it, it is as readable
as any magazine, and it is definitely not boring. The Bible has been relevant and
impacting throughout history, and without it, humanity is destined to destruction.
The question is, what is stopping you from examining its pages?
There are three forces that pound and tear at the foundation of a growing
Christian: pride, laziness, and dishonesty. And, the result of those three is usually
the lack of motivation. I struggle with it. Sometimes I just do not feel like reading
the Bible or even getting out of bed, and I am a pastor, and the director of a
ministry that promotes Bible reading. Yet, we all can be besieged with the lack of
desire. That is when we need to drop to our knees in prayer and seek His face!
There is also a labor factor that is required for any endeavor, and the Bible is no
different than any other reading. To read a novel, you have to first be willing to
sacrifice the money to go buy it, then set aside precious time for its reading, and
then gather the necessary effort to be able to begin. Then, after all that expense,
time, and effort, you still need to remain committed so you will be able to finish it.
It is the same with the Bible!
As for study, well, study is even more labor intensive. So, when we fail to
get into His Word, it is more of an unwillingness to work at it. Are you committed
to a magazine or a novel? Is the time and effort put forth for People or Hot Rod
the same as for your devotions? How much time do you spend watching TV?
Did you know that half of a sitcom is 15 minutes, and all it takes is 15 minutes a
day for you to read though the entire Bible in a year?
The above objections are mere excuses that cloak us from responsibility.
Our fallen nature is to be lazy and seek the easy way out, and it will get in the
way of being His disciple more than any other hindrance we could ever face.
Even in the mist of harsh persecution, the Bible and Christian growth flourishes. I
used to sneak Bibles into Russia, and would see hunger for the Word as I never
have felt or seen personally—in others or myself. Now, the long iron curtain has
fallen and we are training those once hungry Christians to teach the Bible. Do
you have that hunger to know His Word? If not, what is stopping you? With me, it
was pride and the thought that I already knew it!
Do you realize that if you are a Christian, and have read the entire Bible,
you are in the minority? Does this scare you? Well, it should! If you study the
Bible yourself, you are in an even greater minority that even most pastors do not
fall into! Yet, all of them would have an opinion of the Bible, teach, and make
decisions based on their understanding of the Bible. If you were not scared
before, you should be now! Do you realize that most seminaries are turning out
pastors who are Biblically illiterate? They may, at best, have taken just a couple
of classes in Bible—if any at all. I took all of the Bible courses that were offered
when I was in seminary, but I felt poorly prepared. Fortunately, I undertook the
study of His Word myself. I was fortunate to go to a good seminary—Fuller, in
Pasadena—that gave me a good foundation and the tools to be a good exegete
(how to study the Bible), but they did not teach me all that was in it. It was up to
me to take the tools that I had learned and apply them so I could be a good
exegete. But, many pastors are going into their pulpits ignorant, either not
knowing the tools or how to use those tools.
This is why a lot of pastors are not leading Bible studies in our churches,
and why so few churches even have a Bible study. In one church I served, there
was only one adult Bible study, and an ex-missionary led it. Everyone else felt
they were too old and/or busy to lead one. A godly woman, who was 100 years
old at the time, led the one and only Bible study at that church! She was a true
saint and committed to Christ as Lord; the rest of the church simply did not get it!
It is sad that a lot of pastors feel that they are not able to lead Bible studies, and
even discourage others from doing so, lest they may be “shown up!” Now, you
should be terrified!
The Bible has been debated much and read little over the centuries. All
kinds of theology have been excavated from its pages. Great nuggets of
inspiration have been found in the precepts of its truth, while other schemes,
falsehoods, and crazy doctrines have been cleverly placed where they do not
belong. The quest for grandstanding and sensationalism to gather as many
followers as possible has clouded the pulpit and airways from the Truth. Where
truth once reigned, comes confusion and spurious doctrines. Yes, people follow
the personalities and charisma of its leaders, but where is the Truth; where is the
Word; where is the discipleship?
On the positive side, we have seen the rising interest in home Bible
studies since the early 1970s, which, for some strange reason, were a rarity in
the U.S. beforehand. We have seen the development of dozens of new
translations, Bible helps, resources, and even software that cuts research time to
a mere fraction compared with the past. There are more ministries (including Into
Thy Word) that are teaching and distributing His precious Word more than ever
before in history. On the dark side—at the same time, more and more people are
going astray from His Word more than ever before.
So, what has happened? We have the same Spirit, the same Word, more
and greater resources, more translations, more ministries, and more Bible
studies than ever before. Yet, many churches close their doors every year, and
people are leaving the church. More false doctrines are spreading and taking
over the truth more than ever before, too. So, we have more resources and more
Bible studies, yet fewer churches and more false doctrine; this does not make
sense. Or, does it? To the committed disciple and Bible lover, this is extremely
frustrating. I sometimes even wonder if it is worth the time and effort to teach
truth when false teaching is so enticing and claiming so many.
So, why? How do two contradictory events make sense? When something
good of God begins to work, Satan and our evil, fallen nature will synergistically
combine to thwart it. We may not sit down in a dark, smoke filled room in the
back of a bar to hedge a deal with a guy in a red suit smelling of brimstone, but
nevertheless, the results are the same. Satan pulls out all the stops, and we seek
to glorify ourselves and try to get into the action, even if we have to make stuff up
to get our piece. This, too, synergistically combines with the lack of solid Bible
leaders and Bible knowledge to produce a weak church, ripe for false teachings
and political power plays. (I can only guess that all those great resources just
look good on the shelf, when they need to be put in action.) All these factors,
joined together, result in thousands of people each year leaving the church hurt,
confused, and disillusioned.
So, when all the home Bible studies and resources were spreading, Satan
was too, and is there in force with his entourage (demons) to manipulate the
results. And, many leaders were there too, arguing, spreading confusion,
backstabbing, and engaging in their own manipulation. The home Bible studies
and the expository preaching from the pulpit are to teach the truth of God’s most
precious Word. And, this has been happening, as many great churches have
sprung up while others rekindled their call. In the most part, the home Bible
studies have been essential, and must build and continue. But, we need to be
aware that at the same time of growing Bible studies, human, fallen thinking is
walking hand in hand with Satan to spoil the work of our Lord. Personal political
agendas and power quested individuals are entering in the Bible study and pulpit
with a self-purpose mentality to take the spotlight away from God in most of His
churches. How many sermons have had the pastor’s experience and stories as
their central focus; how many Bible studies have been led by leaders with their
own agenda? As I travel around and speak and teach in churches, I am
astounded at the degree of “self-worship” and “pastor worship” that is in the
church. Either the pastor is worshiped or the pastor is on trial in the court of pew
sitters who do not want to be convicted. And, there is lack of Christ’s shed blood
being lifted up and preached. We have to not only continue home Bible studies,
but also reform them, train the leaders, and infuse a passion for the truth of His
Word so that the focus becomes growth and discipleship, not personalities,
personal agendas, or even programs.
I have to confess; I too have struggled with this, as I was very arrogant
and condescending in my early pastoral days. In the opposite sense of Biblical
ignorance, I overpowered people with the Word. I figured since I was so much
smarter and educated, I had all the answers. I would engage in conversations
with my rhetoric skill, while my ears took a break. Maybe I had good answers, but
I was not listening or being encouraging to people. And, when I taught, my
teaching came across as patronizing. I even swooped in to take over Bible
studies that were defective instead of discipling those already in the lead. I may
have even crushed hearts and calls when I was supposed to lift up and glorify
Christ. I would speak so highly above people’s heads that no one understood
what I was saying. God had to swat me a few times before I got it right. I had to
learn—it is about Christ and not about me. It is His Word, and I am just His
The result of our political games and lifting of ourselves instead of the Lord
has created an enigma in place of the Word. In the early days of Billy Graham’s
ministry, all he had to do was say, “the Bible says…” and people had a general
grasp of its contents and that it was indeed His Word. Today, when Billy Graham
says “the Bible says...” most people will wonder what Bible; what is in it; whose
opinion; whose interpretation. Has Billy changed his message? No. Has the Bible
changed? No. We have created the enigma of argument in place of a solid,
comforting foundation of truth—as it is. No longer does the Bible present a
unified identity. To the non-Christian, it is a document of conflicting and changing
meanings. It no longer makes sense; it is a piece of clay that can be sculptured
to our own image and needs.
This not only hurts our outreach endeavors, but the church as well!
Because, even though we have all these wonderful ministries and resources,
very few people are actually reading the Bible and using those resources,
especially the leaders in the church! As a former church growth consultant, I was
amazed at the lack of basic Bible understanding when I conducted leadership
retreats and had church leaders develop vision and direction from God’s Word.
Many could not find the books of the Bible nor had even a basic understanding of
the theological principles of the denomination that they were representing. That is
why people in denominational conventions promote crazy stuff such as
homosexuality and re-imaging God, because they do not know better. They
infuse their agenda over God’s. The church has forgotten to train and disciple its
people so they can know Him better and be poured out to Him (John 14-15; Gal.
2:20: Phil.1:6; 3:10).
If the leaders are not grounded Biblically, then we are in trouble. Because,
they are making decisions based on human reasoning and not God’s—for God’s
house! This scares me. I sat through many, many committee and council
meetings over the years and listened to some of the most foolish discussions and
circles of rhetoric—with nothing getting done for Him. These same elders had no
devotional life, did not know the Word, and, I would guess, did not care. Their
position was political—as whom they were in society and not who they were in
Christ. So, the decisions they made seriously hampered the church. It amazes
me how this goes on and on; I guess people just do not get it, and are blinded by
their arrogance and Satan’s influence.
The why of studying the Bible is to bring our mindsets in line with His truth.
We cannot do that when we refuse to yield ourselves to our Lord. We cannot do
that when pride and arrogance are piloting at the helm, or apathy is running the
bridge. We can not ignore the Bible’s relevance in history or in our personal lives.
If we do, we will have closed off churches and will reap corrupt governments and
broken and hopeless lives. Remember, He is Lord—not co-pilot, or vice
president, or divine bellhop. He is God and Creator and King of the universe who
loves us and desires the best for all of us. Thus, when we yield ourselves to His
precepts, we are giving Him glory which is the primary fruit from studying the
• The study of the Bible matters! We must study the Bible because it is the
foundation for life. God even commands us to study
His Word as the priority before we do anything else
(Deut. 6: 6-9).
• Because we are to fear, trust, understand, and respect Him (Prov. 1:7; 3:5:
• As a Christian, we need to live a life of distinction; and the only way to receive
the knowledge of that distinction is to get into the
• We do not want to be “barcode” Christians who do not care what is in the box
because only the label matters, or that Christianity is
just “fire insurance” from hell!
• We must seek out the truth and the answers that we need from the final
authority, and not the ways of the world!
• If we do not study the Bible, then we set ourselves up as the final judge and
authority, and not God. We will lead ourselves to
societal corruption and personal loss of freedom and
hope—all leading us down the road to hell made from
the paving of false truths and distractions.
• The cults place their authority elsewhere, and not in the Word!
• The Bible brings us in line with His Holiness, and with reality! Science may
have explanations, but they change completely every
few years. However, the Word of God never changes.
What a great comfort!
• Science can never explain love, justice, peace, goodness, purity, or sin
because you cannot quantify it in a microscope or
scientific instrument! Why we do what we do cannot
be scientifically measured and hypothesized; that is
why there are so many theories in science and
psychology and they are always changing!
• The Bible is read much, but studied little! Be the person who reads and
studies it, and apply the precepts to all aspects of
your life!
• The Bible gives us a greater reality that cannot be seen, but is clearly felt, and
to deny it would be like living in Huntington Beach in
Southern California and never seeing the ocean!
Yes, indeed the study of the Bible does matter so we do not become the
counterfeiters to His truth!!!
What does the Bible itself say regarding the importance of Bible study? A
lot; but, for this article, we will take a look at two passages, one in the Old
Testament, and the other in the New. Both of these passages are the foundation
to scores of centuries-old theological works. They convey to us the power and
importance of what is important in life—why we do things, how we can do things
right, and what we can do to be the best we can be. The basic “meaning of life”
The first important passage is Deuteronomy 6:4-9, “Hear, O Israel: The
LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I
give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk
about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you
lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind
them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on
your gates.” (NIV)
This verse starts out what is called the Shema; it means to hear what God
has to say. This saying was, and still is the Jew’s rallying cry to know their Lord.
This verse also points to the imperative of the next two verses that, in a nutshell,
are about memorizing and knowing and doing God’s Word. God is commanding
us to teach ourselves and our children His Word, so that it penetrates our hearts,
minds and will—that is, every aspect of who we are. And, then, we are to write it
down and bind it to all our daily aspects of life. That call is still for us today.
Paul, in this passage, gives us a similar call to heed God’s Word. Here is
the call to scrutinize, understand, and then apply Scripture. This is the basic
inductive precept. This passage is not an instruction to give the Bible the
occasional “once over.” It is the clear, uncompromising call to continue in our
studies constantly and passionately.
So, I decided to share with him, in a kind and gentle manner, what
Scripture calls us to do. I did not want to quench his enthusiasm. But, he just
went on and on how Paul was not educated. I tried to explain to him that Paul
graduated from the highest academia of his day and was educated as all of the
disciples were. But, he would not listen. So, I gave him some books on
discipleship; he said he did not need them. I asked him if he read the Bible, he
said he does. But, he reads just his favorite passages (out of context) over and
over. He will not read through a whole book, because the Holy Sprit told him he
was anointed and did not have to! So, I just keep him in prayer.
Now, what if this young man was discipled and was teaching God’s Word?
Then his audience would go away with “substance”, “profitable for teaching!”
The context of this passage in Timothy is that he was writing to correct false
teaching, people misleading others with twisted Scriptures out of context. The
Bible clearly states that a person without knowledge is ignorant. And, when we
are without wisdom, we are a fool. It does not come to us magically. Paul had a
special “anointing” and was preaching before the advent of the New Testament.
Paul was also well educated, as all the apostles and early church preachers were
—even the fishermen! Peter went to a rabbinic school as all Jewish children did
then. They learned the O.T. Scriptures as well as learning to read and write. The
Jews believed in a firm education for all of their people. I know a lot of Bible
commentators like to pick on Peter as an example of a non-educated person
teaching others, but this is not true. Just check up on Jewish history and
customs. If he were not educated, how did Peter write? He could not have done
so without the training he had. Yes, we have the Holy Spirit, but the Spirit uses
the Word, too!
These two Scriptures call us to live our lives as pleasing to our God, as
countless other passages do, such as Proverbs 1, “…fear the Lord...”, which is
the understanding and vigorous reverence of God. It is not the fear a child has of
what is under the bed. It is the wow, the wonder, awe, and majesty of God. And,
this understanding is wisdom to deal with life, to make the most out of what He
gives us in our gifts and opportunities.
These passages give us the reason and the opportunity. We can teach
ourselves and each other to bring the Word of life in to all that we do. And, we
can rest in the assurance that the Word is directly inspired; it is His words to be
put into our actions, by His guidance and support. Thus, the opportunity is given
to us to seize His Word so we can be wise and live our lives with purpose,
direction, and meaning. In this way, we can impact our society with dignity and
liberty, giving hope and showing the Way. Or, we can ignore Him, as most
people do, and live in a meaningless rut, or, as the Bible says, to be foolish. Or
worse, we can be teachers of the Word yet refuse to be discipled ourselves,
exchanging the truth of the Word for our arrogance and wanderlust!
The Bible is not just about a list of dos and don’ts, but a love letter that lets
us know what is best. The Bible does this by its honesty with its characters, how
they failed and how they succeeded. It shows us how we are to view God and
each other, how we are to conduct ourselves, and how we are to measure our
ideas and activities. It contains all we need to know for salvation and godly
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door
will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and
to him who knocks, the door will be opened (Matt 7:7)”.
“He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you
hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me (John 14:24)”.
“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to
all without finding fault, and it will be given to him (James 1:25).”
We can make the Bible real in our lives; so, let us not be filled with fear or
with apprehension, but put our discouragement away and have confidence that
we can go before God by the power of His Spirit, through His Word!
So jump in and envelop yourself into the study of God’s Word. You may
start off with Genesis or with Matthew or John. You may want to do a little OT
and NT each time in which case I recommend the “One Year Bible” by Tyndale.
Check out our Bible reading charts and how to information, we are here to help
We must be people who remove the objections, and study the Bible. We
have to be willing and able to build the bridges to create the right common
ground, so people can get more out of what is in the Bible. We also need to look
at how we can avoid the counterfeit teachings and self-grandstanding that takes
places in a lot of our churches and airwaves. We have to know the real One and
avoid the distractions. We have to end the apathy, arrogance, confusion and
falsehoods coming out of the church and keep the focus on the message of
preaching Christ crucified. And we did this because it is about Him not us! All
this is centered on the crucial point why we study the Bible. And that ‘WHY’ is
because we need to study the Bible to bring our mindsets in line with His truth.
We cannot do that when we refuse to yield ourselves to our Lord. We cannot do
that when pride and arrogance are piloting our helm, or apathy running the
bridge. And when we do get what we are supposed to do, we are then able to
yield ourselves to His precepts. And when we are giving Him glory we are
fulfilling our call and dispensing the primary fruit from studying the Bible.
© 1991 originally titled “Why Should We Study the Bible,” revised 2001, 2004
R.J. Krejcir Into Thy Word www.intothyword.org
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Richard Joseph Krejcir is the Director of ‘Into Thy Word Ministries, ’a Missions
and discipling ministry. He is the author of several books including, Into Thy
Word as well as numerous articles, curriculums and solid Biblical resources. He
is also a pastor, teacher, speaker and a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary
in Pasadena California and currently completing his Ph.D in practical theology.
He has amounted over 20 years of pastoral ministry experience, mostly in youth
ministry, including serving as a church growth consultant.