SIFE USA Competitions, Awards & Scholarships Guide
SIFE USA Competitions, Awards & Scholarships Guide
SIFE USA Competitions, Awards & Scholarships Guide
For more than 10 years, Unilever has been a proud supporter of SIFE. We believe strongly in the impact
the organization continues to have in local communities and are proud of the accomplishments of your
peers around the world.
As a company, Unilever’s mission is to add Vitality to life. We meet everyday needs for nutrition, hygiene
and personal care with brands that help people look good, feel good and get more out of life.
Over 160 million times a day, someone somewhere in the world reaches for a Unilever product. We
generate over $55 billion turnover worldwide and nearly $11 billion in the U.S. with recognized brands
such as Axe, Lux, Rexona, Ponds, Omo, Ben & Jerry’s, Bertolli, Becel, Breyers, Degree, Dove, Hellmann’s,
Lipton, Knorr, Skippy and Vaseline.
Unilever has around 170,000 employees in over 100 countries around the world and we are committed to
giving back to the communities and environments where we live and work. Through our partnerships with
local governments and organizations we play an active role in society by making vital contributions that
help improve daily living and strengthen local communities.
You and your SIFE teams share a similar mission, as you take what you are learning and use this
knowledge to help others build confidence, enhance productivity and achieve their goals. Whether you work
with small business owners or grade school children, you are truly making an incredible impact and are
helping to create a better world for future generations.
As you begin to organize your SIFE teams, develop educational projects and present the results in
competition, remember that you are developing invaluable teamwork, leadership, and communication skills
which will set you apart and provide you with outstanding experiences you can apply in the future.
On behalf of Unilever, I want to wish you the best of luck with both your academic pursuits and your SIFE
program activities. We look forward to seeing you at upcoming SIFE events and competitions.
Art Drogue
Senior Vice President, America’s Customer Development
Table of Contents
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Overall Competition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Topic Competitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2009-2010 Program Calendar
29 Walgreens’ SIFE Team Training Conference
a Hosted by Missouri State University - Springfield, MO
12 Walgreens’ SIFE Team Training Conference
Hosted by Syracuse University - Syracuse, NY
Hosted by University of Saint Thomas - St. Paul, MN
Hosted by Johnson County Community College - Overland Park, KS
19 Walgreens’ SIFE Team Training Conference
Hosted by University of North Carolina at Charlotte - Charlotte, NC
Hosted by University of Texas at Dallas - Richardson, TX
26 Walgreens’ SIFE Team Training Conference
Hosted by Kennesaw State University - Kennesaw, GA
Hosted by Metropolitan College of New York - New York, NY
4-6 SIFE World Cup 2009 (Berlin)
3 Walgreens’ SIFE Team Training Conference
Hosted by the University of South Florida - Tampa, FL
Hosted by Seattle University - Seattle, WA
Hosted by Northwest Arkansas Community College - Bentonville, AR
10 Walgreens’ SIFE Team Training Conference
Hosted by Bowie State University - Bowie, MD
Hosted by Cincinnati State Technical & Community College - Cincinnati, OH
17 Walgreens’ SIFE Team Training Conference
Hosted by Texas A&M University - College Station, TX
Hosted by Robert Morris University - Chicago, IL
Hosted by San Diego State Univerity - San Diego, CA
11 The SIFE Emerging Leader Award Entry Deadline
25 SIFE USA Regional Competition Application Deadline
1 Honors, Awards and Scholarships Entries Deadline
8 Topic Competition Entries Deadline
22 SIFE USA Regional Competition Registration Deadline
8 Jack Shewmaker SIFE Spirit Award Entry Deadline
SIFE USA Regional Competitions (continued in April) - Please see pg. 12
SIFE USA Regional Competitions
12 SIFE USA National Exposition Registration Deadline
11-13 SIFE USA National Exposition (Minneapolis, MN)
2 SIFE Service Leadership Award Applications Deadline
The SIFE Program
SIFE is an international organization that brings together the top There are many ways to organize and operate a SIFE team. Every
leaders of today and tomorrow to create a better more sustainable college or university campus is as unique as the community
world through the positive power of business. it serves. This flexibility allows each school to structure its
SIFE team in a manner that best fits its faculty, student and
SIFE’s worldwide network consists of university students, community needs. Each SIFE team has complete freedom to put
academic professionals and business leaders. in place rules and procedures to govern its own activities, beyond
those outlined in this handbook, as long as they are consistent
Working with leading corporate partners and member universities, with the SIFE Membership Guidelines.
SIFE establishes student programs on campuses around the world.
With the support and encouragement of their faculty advisors and This same flexibility applies to each team’s educational efforts.
a local business advisory board, SIFE students apply business The only parameters SIFE World Headquarters places on a team’s
concepts to develop community outreach projects that improve the educational outreach programs is that they should be designed
quality of life and standard of living for people in need. to educate others about at least one of the six SIFE educational
topics: market economics, success skills, entrepreneurship,
SIFE teams’ projects address a variety of topics, such as market financial literacy, environmental sustainability and business
economics, entrepreneurship, financial literacy, personal success ethics. Beyond this, questions as to how many projects teams
skills, environmental sustainability and business ethics. Rather choose to do, which audiences they target, whether they design
than mandating a uniform set of projects, teams are encouraged original educational material or use pre-designed material, etc.,
to work within the framework of these topics while adapting their are all left to the discretion of each team.
approach to the diverse needs of people in different communities.
The result is a program that is global in scope and purpose A set of “best practices” and suggestions for building a quality
with the flexibility and responsiveness of a community-based and sustainable SIFE team can be found in the SIFE Team
organization. Handbook, which should be used as an accompanying document
to this guide. A copy of this handbook can be requested from
The culmination of the SIFE program is an annual series of the SIFE USA Campus Programs Department or downloaded
competitions that provides a forum for teams to present the at The SIFE USA Campus Programs staff is also
results of their projects, which are evaluated by business leaders available to meet with teams individually and can provide
serving as judges. Teams compete first at the regional and personal consultation to teams as they organize and develop their
national levels, then at the international level when the national educational outreach projects.
champion teams from each country meet at the SIFE World Cup.
Sam Walton Fellows
The connections made possible through the SIFE network In order to be recognized by SIFE World Headquarters, each SIFE
are benefiting individuals and communities around the world team must have a faculty advisor. In the United States, faculty
while fostering an environment for personal and professional advisors who lead their SIFE team to a Regional Competition are
development among the participants. In addition to the recognized as Sam M. Walton Free Enterprise Fellows. Contact the
community aspect of the program, SIFE’s leadership and career SIFE USA Campus Programs Department for information on how
initiatives are designed to create meaningful opportunities for to apply for a Sam M. Walton Free Enterprise Fellowship.
learning and exchange as well as the placement of students and
alumni with companies with SIFE partner companies. To qualify as a faculty advisor, candidates must be employed by
the college or university they represent. No restrictions are made
The Individual SIFE Team as to the specific nature of the applicant’s role at the school
There are intentionally very few rules or procedures established they represent. Each SIFE team may have more than one faculty
by SIFE World Headquarters for how teams are organized and advisor. However, each faculty advisor must submit an application
structured. Rules can be found in the SIFE Team Handbook. and letter of support from their supervisor separately.
Questions a SIFE team may have that are not addressed in that
section are all left to the discretion of the individual SIFE
team to answer.
The Competition Process
The competitive format consists of a written annual report and a These entries will be judged prior to the SIFE USA Regional
live audio-visual presentation, which the teams present to a panel Competitions. Twenty finalists will be named and the top three
of entrepreneurs and executives serving as judges. At the United entries in each Topic Competition will receive further awards and
States competitions, teams are divided into leagues based on their recognition at the SIFE USA National Exposition.
performance in the previous year’s competition. First year “rookie”
teams are then evenly distributed among the leagues. Complete competition details can be found in the “Topic
Competition” section of this guide on pages 22-28.
The competition process begins with the SIFE USA Regional
Competitions. Every SIFE team must be approved by SIFE World Honors, Awards and Scholarships
Headquarters to compete at a Regional Competition. Regional No SIFE team exists on its own. Each successful SIFE
Champions then advance to the SIFE USA National Exposition. team can count a long list of individuals who have contributed
time, energy and creativity on its behalf. SIFE USA has
established several special honors and awards to provide teams
with the opportunity to earn national recognition for their
strongest supporters.
Each honor and award has its own entry format. All submissions are
reviewed and winners are selected by a panel of judges. Complete
details of these honors and awards can be found in the “Honors,
Awards and Scholarships” section of this guide, pages 29-40.
SIFE USA Overall Competition
Overall Competition Judging Criteria
How effectively did the SIFE team measure and demonstrate that it
created economic opportunity by helping others: Maximum
Point Value
1. Understand how a market based economic system operates?
Competition Format & Rules
Competition Format & Rules
4. Exit: 1 Minute form that must be submitted to the League Coordinator prior to
The team will have one minute to return the presentation area to competing. A sample of the form can be found in the appendix.
the original set-up and exit the room.
SIFE presentation time blocks are uniform globally; however, If a team presents or displays items that have not been screened
the only exception applies to the Final Round of competition at and pre-approved, it will be automatically disqualified from the
the SIFE World Cup and at any SIFE National Competition that competition.
has a Final Round level. For these segments, there will be no
timed set-up period. Final Round competing teams will be given
a reasonable amount of time to set-up and test their audio/visual
equipment and will receive assistance from SIFE’s technical/
production crew, especially where some of the equipment being Live Presentation Time Breakdown:
used is provided by SIFE. After these have been successfully • 7 - Minute Set-Up Period
tested, the team will be introduced and then give seven-minutes • 24- Minute Live Presentation
to distribute its Annual Reports to the judges. The remaining • 5 - Minute Question/Answer Session
segments of the Live presentation for the Final Round will
• 1 - Minute Exit
align with the time block outlined above. Teams are strongly
encouraged to have their presentation on a jump drive or CD as
back-up in case data transfer becomes necessary.
Anyone, including faculty, may assist the team with the set-up or
operation of audio-visual equipment, however, only student team Regional Competition Application
members may participate in the presentation or take questions and Registration Process
from the judges. All SIFE teams must complete a Regional Competition Application
and receive approval from SIFE to be eligible to compete at a
No team may set up any equipment in the presentation room Regional Competition. The Regional Competition Application is
before being formally introduced. All equipment must be self- due online to SIFE by January 25, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. CST.
powered or use electrical outlets inside the competition room.
If your SIFE team is approved to compete, Regional Competition
Team Biography online registration is required. The deadline for eligible SIFE
No documentation, materials, gifts or other handouts may be teams to register online is February 22, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. CST.
given to any judges with the exceptions of the team’s annual
report and a list of team members, with a brief biography of each Please refer to the appendix for more information on the Regional
team member for possible recruiting purposes. These Team Bios Competition Application and Registration process.
may not exceed five pages (front and back) and are subject to
the same dimensions as the annual report. Team Bios may not be Non-Competing Active SIFE Team Requirement
placed inside the Annual Reports and must be distributed to the SIFE wants to know what each team is accomplishing under the
judges as a separate document. SIFE brand. Active SIFE teams that do not compete at a 2010
SIFE USA Regional Competition are required to submit a text only
Additional Materials and Pre-Screening annual report (via email is fine) and a Team Data Sheet (online)
Teams are permitted to showcase project-related materials to by May 3, 2010. Failure to submit these reports will result in the
judges so long as they are not considered offensive or would cause team being suspended as of September 1, 2010.
any sort of controversy. These materials/props will be screened
and pre-approved at registration by SIFE Staff on the day of the
competition. Each team that has been approved to showcase
project related materials will be provided with an approval
Competition Format & Rules
Video/Copying Policy
By competing at any SIFE sponsored competition, each team grants
SIFE World Headquarters the right and permission to document
and publicize or otherwise utilize its annual report, audio-visual
presentation and outreach projects for illustration, advertising,
training or any other lawful purpose.
Reporting Activity
All SIFE teams must distinguish activities and results completed SIFE teams may record the presentations of other teams at SIFE
during the current year and cumulative. SIFE teams must clearly competitions under the following conditions:
define their role in projects done in cooperation with their school
or other groups including specific duties they did versus what 1. No lights are to interfere with or inhibit the presenting team.
their partners did. Procedures for documenting team activity are 2. The team videotaping should be courteous and cause the
explained in detail in the appendix of this document. The same least amount of distraction possible to the presenting team,
rules that apply for the Team Data Sheet should be followed when including no rewinding or fast forwarding of tapes or making
reporting activity in all SIFE competitive events. any other distracting noises during the presentation.
3. Set-up must be behind judge and audience seating.
Room Set-Up 4. No video footages and photos taken at SIFE events should
SIFE will provide the following equipment in each presentation be used inappropriately. Teams may treat these as resources
room: so long as they are used with respect for the people being
1. One eight foot or larger screen videotaped and photographed.
2. One extension cord
By attending SIFE events, attendees consent and grant SIFE the right to film,
video, record, or photograph him/her during the course of the event. Attendees grant
SIFE does not provide other equipment of any kind, such as permission to SIFE and its agents, employees and affiliated organizations, to use
computers, slide projectors, monitors, TVs, DVD players, carts, the media taken of me for use in SIFE publications such as recruiting brochures,
tables, etc. It is the sole responsibility of each team to secure the newsletters, and magazines, and to use such media in electronic versions on web
sites or other electronic form or media, and to offer them for use or distribution in
use of any other equipment.
other non-SIFE publications, electronic or otherwise, without notifying me. Attendees
hereby waive any right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or printed or
Presentation rooms will be locked the evening before the electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future,
whether that use is known to me or unknown, and attendees waive any right to
competition. There is no practice time in competition rooms.
royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the media.
Competition Schedule
2010 SIFE Regional Dates and Locations
Monday, March 15 Tuesday, March 16 Wednesday, March 17 Thursday, March 18 Friday, March 19
Orange County
Hilton Orange County Costa
3050 Bristol Street
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Phone 714-540-7000
Fax 714-540-9176
Rate $119 S/D/T/Q
Monday, March 22 Tuesday, March 23 Wednesday, March 24 Thursday, March 25 Friday, March 26
Monday, March 29 Tuesday, March 30 Wednesday, March 31 Thursday, April 1 Friday, April 2
Charlotte Dallas
The Westin Charlotte Hilton Anatole Hotel
601 South College Street 2201 Stemmons Freeway
Charlotte, NC 28202 Dallas, TX 75207
Phone (704) 375-2600 Phone 214-748-1200
Fax (704) 375-2623 Fax 214-761-7520
Rate $189 S/D/T/Q Rate $129 S/D/T/Q
Monday, April 5 Tuesday, April 6 Wednesday, April 7 Thursday, April 8 Friday, April 9
Atlanta Chicago
Marriott Marquis Hyatt Regency O’Hare
265 Peachtree Center Ave. 9300 W. Bryn Mawr Ave.
Atlanta, GA 30303 Rosemont, IL 60018
Phone (404) 521-0000 Phone (847) 696-1234
Fax (404) 586-6299 Fax (847) 698-0139
Rate $119 S/D/T/Q Rate $120 S/D/T/Q
San Francisco
Westin Market Street
50 Third Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone 415-974-6400
Fax 415-543-8268
Rate $129 S/D/T/Q
Media Policy 2. Each judge takes the Judges’ Oath, committing to providing
The official SIFE photographer, videographer and members fair and quality assessments of the teams’ overall programs
of the mass media approved by SIFE have full access to all (see page 26 of the 2009-2010 SIFE Team Handbook for a
presentation rooms at any time. This includes the use of lights copy of the Judges’ Oath).
and necessary equipment. All teams should be prepared for 3. During each presentation, judges will assess the quality
the possibility of members of the mass media taping or taking and sustainability of the SIFE team’s initiatives, using the
pictures of their presentations. Penalty for violating this rule is Individual Team Evaluation (ITE) Sheet to take notes and
automatic disqualification. assign scores (see page 27-28 of the 2009-2010 SIFE Team
Handbook for a sample of the ITE Sheet).
Misbehavior 4. One or more veteran judges will be appointed as a League
Misbehavior is unacceptable because it defames the profile of a Coordinator and will serve as the facilitator of the room,
SIFE student and as a result, the SIFE organization. The SIFE ensuring that the team presentations begin on time and that
National Office reserves the right to determine what unacceptable all judges are on-track and have been present for all the
behavior is, but it should be noted that this includes, but is not presentations (in order for their votes to count during the
limited to: use of foul language, physical battery, intoxication, scoring process).
harassment, defaming other teams/judges/attendees/hotel staff, 5. At the conclusion of the last presentation, judges then
tampering with and/or destruction of venue or SIFE property, participate in the scoring process, at which time they use
etc. The student and/or team involved in such negative activities their notes on the ITE Sheet, as well as information learnt
may be disqualified/suspended/expelled from participation at the through team annual reports and presentations, to vote on how
particular event or the overall SIFE program. The SIFE National effectively the teams measured and demonstrated that they
Office will determine the specific penalty from each action on created economic opportunity by helping others through the
a case by case basis and an official letter may be sent to the topics of: Market Economics, Success Skills, Entrepreneurship,
institutional administrator(s), notifying them of the incident and Financial Literacy, Environmental Sustainability, and Business
requesting their assistance in ensuring that it does not reoccur. Ethics. They also evaluate teams on how successfully they
developed and executed a strategy to ensure the long-term
Observers sustainability of their team and educational programs. Each of
Upon approval from SIFE USA, non-competing SIFE teams are these 7 criterion is worth 20 points, for a total possible score
invited to attend any SIFE Regional Competition, SIFE National of 140. Note: ITE Sheets will be returned to teams within 2
Competition and the SIFE World Cup as observers. Registration weeks of a competition.
is required. Please contact your Campus Program Manager or
the SIFE USA Campus Programs Department for information on Important Notes
how to register. The scoring process is a closed session - open only to judges and
led by the trained League Coordinator and/or SIFE staff member.
Understanding the Judging Process Judges are not permitted to consult with one another or influence
SIFE believes that the more knowledge teams have of their points the votes of others. Neither are they permitted to hold discussions
of evaluation and the scoring process, the better-prepared and or consult with SIFE staff. Although teams will be assessed and
successful they can be. In an effort to provide insight on this, the scored on their programs and not presentations, SIFE does permit
following illustrates an outline of SIFE’s judging process at all judges to offer feedback on annual reports and audio/visual
competitions: presentations. However, no point value is awarded for the latter.
All voting results are reviewed and verified by SIFE staff who use
1. Judges are taken through an in-depth orientation process, an official scoring process and Score Verification Sheet provided
at which they are introduced to SIFE’s overall program and by SIFE World Headquarters.
trained on how to best evaluate the competing teams.
SIFE USA Regional Competitions
Regional Competition Expenses In the event that a SIFE USA Regional Champion team is unable
All expenses, with the exception of any meals provided by SIFE, are to fulfill this competition requirement, the 1st Runner-up team
the responsibility of the individual SIFE team. from its Regional Competition league will be invited to compete in
its place at the SIFE USA National Exposition. If the 1st Runner-
It is the responsibility of each SIFE team to make room up team is also unable to attend, the 2nd Runner-up team from
reservations for the Regional Competition it will attend. When the same Regional Competition league will be invited.
calling to book rooms, teams should request the SIFE room block
and the SIFE rate. Competition Pairing Process
There will be a minimum of five teams per league. Historically,
Reservations must be made 4-6 weeks in advance of the the number of teams named as SIFE Regional Champions
competition date to ensure receipt of the SIFE rate. Room blocks advancing to the SIFE USA National Exposition has been
are automatically released by the hotel after that time. determined using the formula on page 15. Any changes to this
process will be announced during the spring semester.
No-Show Policy
In the even that a SIFE team does not show up to compete at
the regional competition they have registered to compete at and
has not informed the SIFE USA Campus Program Department of
their decision to not compete, the team will be subjected to the
following penalties:
SIFE USA Regional Competitions
SIFE USA Regional Competition Formal Complaint Process
SIFE wishes to uphold the integrity and transparency of every SIFE Formal Complaint Filing Process:
competition. If you feel that a competition rule has been violated If you or your SIFE team did not learn of the suspected violation
by another SIFE team or that your SIFE team was treated unfairly, in a way which allowed for the issue to be immediately addressed,
please report the violation to the most senior member of the SIFE you and/or your SIFE team may file a formal written complaint. All
USA Staff immediately so that the issue can be addressed with the complaints must be submitted within 30 days of the suspected
participants and/or individuals witness to the violation. violation.
On-site Complaint Filing Process: Submit an official letter of complaint detailing the violation to:
Contact the Regional Vice President, SIFE USA Programs to report Bernard J. Milano
the violation. In the event the Regional Vice President, SIFE USA Chairman-SIFE Rules Committee
Programs is not on site, contact the most senior member of the c/o KPMG Foundation
SIFE USA Staff in attendance. 3 Chestnut Ridge Road
Montvale, N.J. 07645
On-site Complaint Handling Process: or via email to [email protected]
Complaints submitted on-site will be reviewed by the Regional
Vice President, SIFE USA Programs or the most senior member of Complaint must include full name and contact information of the
the SIFE USA Staff on site in consultation with the Regional Vice individual(s) filing the formal complaint and name of the college/
President, SIFE USA Programs. university at which the individual is an active student, faculty
advisor or administrator. Anonymous complaints will be disregarded.
Upon review of the complaint, if the violation can be resolved in a
timely matter at the Regional Competition, the individual(s) filing Formal Complaint Handling Process:
the on-site complaint will receive a verbal ruling by the Regional 1. Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the filing individual(s) will
Vice President, SIFE USA Programs or the most senior member of receive written confirmation of the complaint being received
the SIFE USA Staff in attendance at the event. within 30 days of receipt.
If the violation can not be resolved in a timely matter at the 2. Formal appeals will be reviewed by the SIFE Rules Committee
Regional Competition, or if you disagree with the outcome of the which is a sub committee of the SIFE Executive Committee with
immediate addressing of the suspected violation, you and/or your written findings being submitted to the filing individual(s) within
SIFE team may appeal the decision to the SIFE Rules Committee. 30 days of the receipt of the appeal. Decisions of the SIFE
All appeals must be submitted within 30 days of the suspected Rules Committee are final.
SIFE USA National Exposition
The number of leagues in the opening round of competition is dependent upon the number of Regional Champions named in the current
competition year.
League #1
League #2
League #3 Semi-Final League #1
League #4
League #5
League #6
League #7
League #8 Semi-Final League #2
League #9
League #10 Final Round League
League #11
League #12
League #13 Semi-Final League #3
League #14
League #15
League #16
League #17
League #18 Semi-Final League #4
League #19
League #20
SIFE USA National Championship Awards
SIFE USA National Exposition Complaint Process
SIFE wishes to uphold the integrity and transparency of every Formal Complaint Filing Process
SIFE competition. If you feel that a competition rule has been If you or your SIFE team did not learn of the suspected violation
violated by another SIFE team or that your SIFE team was treated in a way which allowed for the issue to be immediately addressed,
unfairly, please report the violation to the most senior member you and/or your SIFE team may file a formal written complaint. All
of the SIFE USA Staff immediately so that the issue can be complaints must be submitted within 30 days of the suspected
addressed with the participants and/or individuals witness to violation.
the violation.
Submit an official letter of complaint detailing the violation to:
On-site Complaint Filing Process: Bernard J. Milano
Contact the most senior member of the SIFE USA Staff in Chairman-SIFE Rules Committee
attendance at the event to report the violation. c/o KPMG Foundation
3 Chestnut Ridge Road
On-site Complaint Handling Process: Montvale, N.J. 07645
1. Complaints submitted on-site will be reviewed by the or via email to [email protected]
SIFE Rules Committee.
2. Upon review of the complaint, if the violation can Complaint must include full name and contact information of
be resolved in a timely matter at the National the individual(s) filing the formal complaint and name of the
Exposition, the individual(s) filing the on-site complaint college/university at which the individual is an active student,
will receive a verbal ruling by the SIFE Rules Committee. faculty advisor or administrator. Anonymous complaints will be
3. The decision of the SIFE Rules Committee is final. disregarded.
SIFE World Cup
The National Champion from the United States will be invited to Date & Location
compete against the other SIFE National Champion teams from SIFE World Cup 2009
around the world for the title of SIFE World Cup Champion. The October 4-6, 2009
competition allows teams to share best practice examples from Berlin, Germany
across the globe and ultimately determine who is doing the best
job creating economic opportunity. SIFE World Cup 2010
October 10-12, 2010
The event is a spectacular exhibit that highlights the rich diversity Los Angeles, CA
of languages, cultures, and ethnicities represented within SIFE
and gives all in attendance a unique opportunity for cultural Expenses
exchange and understanding. All expenses, with the exception of any meals provided to the
competing teams, are the responsibility of the individual SIFE team.
All SIFE teams may observe with prior approval from SIFE World
Headquarters. Registration is required. Registration
To register for the SIFE World Cup contact the SIFE USA Campus
Programs Department.
Topic Competitions
Market Economics Competition
Each team will be evaluated on the following (1100 character Online entries will be judged prior to the SIFE USA Regional
limit per question): Competitions by a group of representatives from SIFE Partner
1. Needs Analysis Companies. Finalists will be announced at the SIFE USA Regional
a. Describe the need that was addressed by your project. Competitions. The top three teams will be recognized during the
b. Describe who your target audience was. SIFE USA National Exposition.
c. Describe why you chose to focus on this need.
2. Project Analysis Awards*
a. Describe the project your team created and implemented National First Place: $3,000 & Trophy
to address the above need. National Second Place: $2,000 & Trophy
b. Describe why this project best fit the needs of the target National Third Place: $1,000 & Trophy
audience. Finalist (20): $1,000 & Plaque
3. Success Analysis
Non-sponsored competitions will not provide prize money, but trophies will be
a. Describe the way in which your team measured the
awarded. Partially sponsored competitions will award pro-rated prize money, and
success of the project. trophies will be awarded.
b. Describe why your team chose the measurement tool(s)
used for the project. Online Finalist Entry
c. Outline the results of the project based on the All entries must be completed by February 8, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.
measurement tool(s) used. CST. Reports received after this time will not be considered.
Time Frame for Project Email verification will be sent upon receipt of online entries by
The project submitted for this Topic Competition may be the SIFE USA Campus Programs Department. Any team that
completed any time during the academic year. completes an online report for this competition but does not
receive this verification should contact the SIFE USA Campus
Eligibility Programs Department immediately.
All active SIFE teams are eligible to enter and must compete at a
2010 SIFE USA Regional Competition to win. Failure to compete Judging Criteria Fulfillment
will result in forfeiture of the award and prize money. The project submitted for the Market Economics Topic
Competition also fulfills judging criteria #1 in the Overall
*As of 9/1/09 a sponsor for the Market Economics Competition has not been
identified. SIFE is actively working to secure a sponsorship for this competition and
will notify teams as soon a commitment is received. However, should there still not
be a sponsor at the time the winners are announced then the awards menu will be
adjusted to include only trophies and no prize money. If a partial sponsor is named
then the awards menu will be adjusted to include trophies and reduced prize money.
Robert Half International Success Skills Competition
All active SIFE teams are eligible to enter and must compete at a
2010 SIFE USA Regional Competition to win. Failure to compete
will result in forfeiture of the award and prize money.
Entrepreneurship Competition
Each team will be evaluated on the following (1100 character How to Enter
limit per question): Teams entering the Entrepreneurship Competition are required to
1. Needs Analysis submit an online entry form describing the educational project
a. Describe the need that was addressed by your project. conducted that met this criteria.
b. Describe the business that was targeted and/or helped
by your project. Online entries will be judged prior to the SIFE USA Regional
c. Describe why you chose to focus on this need. Competitions by a group of representatives from SIFE Partner
2. Project Analysis Companies. Finalists will be announced at the SIFE USA Regional
a. Describe the project your team created and Competitions. The top three teams will be recognized during the
implemented to address the above need. SIFE USA National Exposition.
b. Describe why this project best fit the needs of the
business. Awards*
3. Success Analysis National First Place: $3,000 & Trophy
a. Describe the way in which your team measured the National Second Place: $2,000 & Trophy
success of the project. National Third Place: $1,000 & Trophy
b. Describe why your team chose the measurement tool(s) Finalist (20): $1,000 & Plaque
used for the project.
Non-sponsored competitions will not provide prize money, but trophies will be
c. Outline the results of the project based on the
awarded. Partially sponsored competitions will award pro-rated prize money, and
measurement tool(s) used. trophies will be awarded.
As of 9/1/09 a sponsor for the Entrepreneurship Competition has not been identified.
SIFE is actively working to secure a sponsorship for this competition and will
notify teams as soon a commitment is received. However, should there still not be
a sponsor at the time the winners are announced then the awards menu will be
adjusted to include only trophies and no prize money. If a partial sponsor is named
then the awards menu will be adjusted to include trophies and reduced prize money.
HSBC Financial Literacy Competition
Judging Criteria All active SIFE teams are eligible to enter and must compete at a
How effectively did the SIFE team measure and demonstrate 2010 SIFE USA Regional Competition to win. Failure to compete
that it created economic opportunity by helping others develop will result in forfeiture of the award and prize money.
the personal financial management skills necessary to achieve
financial independence? How to Enter
Teams entering the HSBC Financial Literacy Competition are
Each team will be evaluated on the following (1100 character required to submit an online entry form describing the educational
limit per question): project conducted that met this criteria.
1. Needs Analysis
a. Describe the need that was addressed by your project. Online entries will be judged prior to the SIFE USA Regional
b. Describe who your target audience was. Competitions by a group of representatives from HSBC. Finalists
c. Describe why you chose to focus on this need. will be announced at the SIFE USA Regional Competitions. The
2. Project Analysis top three teams will be recognized during the SIFE USA National
a. Describe the project your team created and implemented Exposition.
to address the above need.
b. Describe why this project best fit the needs of the target Awards
audience. National First Place: $3,000 & Trophy
3. Success Analysis National Second Place: $2,000 & Trophy
a. Describe the way in which your team measured the National Third Place: $1,000 & Trophy
success of the project. Finalist (20): $1,000 & Plaque
b. Describe why your team chose the measurement tool(s)
Non-sponsored competitions will not provide prize money, but trophies will be
used for the project. awarded. Partially sponsored competitions will award pro-rated prize money, and
c. Outline the results of the project based on the trophies will be awarded.
measurement tool(s) used.
Online Finalist Entry
Online Resources All entries must be completed by February 8, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.
Your is a public access website available for CST. Reports received after this time will not be considered.
adults to learn about managing one’s financial resources. The site
presents 14 core areas of financial information in an easy-to-navigate Email verification will be sent upon receipt of online entries by
format with articles, interactive examples, handy calculators, and the SIFE USA Campus Programs Department. Any team that
links to related websites. SIFE teams may want to use the site in completes an online report for this competition but does not
financial education projects for those age 17 and above. SIFE teams receive this verification should contact the SIFE USA Campus
should also visit for resources Programs Department immediately.
and information about teaching financial literacy. When applicable,
SIFE teams are encouraged to work in partnership with their local Judging Criteria Fulfillment
HSBC representative in the implementation of their project. The project submitted for the HSBC Financial Literacy Topic
Competition also fulfills judging criteria #4 in the Overall
Sealed Air Business Ethics Competition
Co-Sponsor: Eligibility
All active SIFE teams are eligible to enter and must compete at a
2010 SIFE USA Regional Competition to win. Failure to compete
will result in forfeiture of the award and prize money.
How to Enter
Teams entering the Campbell’s/Sealed Air Business Ethics
Judging Criteria Competition are required to submit an online entry form
How effectively did the SIFE team measure and demonstrate that describing the educational project conducted that met this
it created economic opportunity by helping others understand criteria.
that the long-term success and prosperity of a market economy,
businesses and individuals are dependent on ethical business Online entries will be judged prior to the SIFE USA Regional
practices? Competitions by a group of representatives from Sealed
Air. Finalists will be announced at the SIFE USA Regional
Each team will be evaluated on the following (1100 character Competitions. The top three teams will be recognized during the
limit per question): SIFE USA National Exposition.
1. Needs Analysis
a. Describe the need that was addressed by your project. Awards*
b. Describe who your target audience was. National First Place: $3,000 & Trophy
c. Describe why you chose to focus on this need. National Second Place: $2,000 & Trophy
2. Project Analysis National Third Place: $1,000 & Trophy
a. Describe the project your team created and Finalist (20): $1,000 & Plaque
implemented to address the above need.
Non-sponsored competitions will not provide prize money, but trophies will be
b. Describe why this project best fit the needs of the awarded. Partially sponsored competitions will award pro-rated prize money, and
target audience. trophies will be awarded.
3. Success Analysis
a. Describe the way in which your team measured the Online Finalist Entry
success of the project. All entries must be completed by February 8, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.
b. Describe why your team chose the measurement tool(s) CST. Reports received after this time will not be considered.
used for the project.
c. Outline the results of the project based on the Email verification will be sent upon receipt of online entries by
measurement tool(s) used. the SIFE USA Campus Programs Department. Any team that
completes an online report for this competition but does not
Online Resources receive this verification should contact the SIFE USA Campus
To help you with your Business Ethics project, the Sealed Air Programs Department immediately.
Corporation is providing teams with reference information, such as
codes of conduct, value statements and leadership models. These Judging Criteria Fulfillment
real corporate examples will provide you with insight in to ethical The project submitted for the Sealed Air Business Ethics Topic
best practices that you can apply to your projects. To access the Competition also fulfills judging criteria #6 in the Overall
Sealed Air Corporation resources, please visit Competition.
When applicable, SIFE teams are encouraged to work in partnership
with their local Sealed Air representatives in the implementation of *As of 9/1/09 a second co-sponsor for the Business Ethics Competition has not been
identified. SIFE is actively working to secure an additional co-sponsorship so this
their project. competition is fully funded and will notify teams as soon a commitment is received.
However, should there still not be a second co-sponsor at the time the winners are
Time Frame for Project announced then the awards menu will be adjusted to include trophies and reduced
prize money amounts.
The project submitted for this Topic Competition may be
completed any time during the academic year. When applicable,
SIFE teams are encouraged to work in partnership with their local
Sealed Air representatives in the implementation of their project.
Waste Management Environmental Sustainability Competition
How to Enter
Teams entering the Waste Management Environmental
Judging Criteria Sustainability Competition are required to submit an online entry
How effectively did the SIFE team measure and demonstrate that form describing the educational project conducted that met this
it helped others make environmentally sustainable personal and criteria.
business decisions?
Online entries will be judged prior to the SIFE USA Regional
Each team will be evaluated on the following (1100 character Competitions by a group of representatives from Waste
limit per question): Management. Finalists will be announced at the SIFE USA
1. Needs Analysis Regional Competitions. The top three teams will be recognized
a. Describe the need that was addressed by your project. during the SIFE USA National Exposition.
b. Describe the person and business that was targeted and/or
helped by your project. Awards
c. Describe why you chose to focus on this need. National First Place: $3,000 & Trophy
2. Project Analysis National Second Place: $2,000 & Trophy
a. Describe the project your team created and National Third Place: $1,000 & Trophy
implemented to address the above need. Finalist (20): $1,000 & Plaque
b. Describe why this project best fit the needs of the person
Non-sponsored competitions will not provide prize money, but trophies will be
and business. awarded. Partially sponsored competitions will award pro-rated prize money, and
3. Success Analysis trophies will be awarded.
a. Describe the way in which your team measured the
success of the project. Online Finalist Entry
b. Describe why your team chose the measurement tool(s) All entries must be completed by February 8, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.
used for the project. CST. Reports received after this time will not be considered.
c. Outline the results of the project based on the
measurement tool(s) used. Email verification will be sent upon receipt of online entries by
the SIFE USA Campus Programs Department. Any team that
Time Frame for Project completes an online report for this competition but does not
The project submitted for this Topic Competition may be receive this verification should contact the SIFE USA Campus
completed any time during the academic year. SIFE encourages Programs Department immediately.
teams to use the name of the sponsoring company when
conducting their project for this Topic Competition. When Judging Criteria Fulfillment
applicable, SIFE teams are encouraged to work in partnership The project submitted for the Waste Managment Environmental
with their local Waste Management representatives in the Sustainability Topic Competition also fulfills judging criteria #5 in
implementation of their project. the Overall Competition.
Honors, Awards & Scholarships
Honors, Awards & Scholarships
Faculty Honor
Jack Kahl Entrepreneurial Leadership Award for the February 1, 2010
Sam M. Walton Free Enterprise Fellows of the Year
Student Recognition
SIFE Service Leadership Award August 2, 2010
Student Scholarships
Jules & Gwen Knapp SIFE Ambassador Scholarship February 1, 2010
Alvin Rohrs Servant Leadership Scholarship February 1, 2010
SIFE Emerging Leader Award January 11, 2010
Robert J. Verdisco Retail Scholarship February 1, 2010
SIFE Student Leader Scholarship in Honor of the SIFE Alumni of the Year February 1, 2010
Jack Shewmaker SIFE Spirit Award
SIFE Service Leadership Award
Criteria Recognition
The SIFE Service Leadership Award is presented on an SIFE students recognized as Service Leadership Award
annual basis. To qualify for this award, applicants must fulfill winners will receive:
the following criteria during the academic year in which they are 1. A special designation in their online account.
applying: 2. A certificate recognizing their accomplishment.
1. Be an active member of a SIFE team.
2. Register as an official SIFE student participant at Entry Deadline
3. Complete a minimum of 100 hours of service through All applications for the Service Leadership Award must be
participation in SIFE activities. approved by Sam Walton Fellows by August 2, 2010 at
5:00 p.m. CST.
This is a self-nominated award. Students who believe they
have fulfilled the above criteria may apply to receive this award
through their online account. Each applicant’s Sam Walton Fellow
will be required to verify they have met the award criteria.
Jules and Gwen Knapp SIFE Ambassador Scholarship
Qualified applicants will be evaluated based on:
1. How significant a difference they have made in the success
of their SIFE team.
2. How significant a difference they have made in helping others
succeed in the free enterprise system through their personal
SIFE participation.
3. How well they have demonstrated outstanding leadership.
4. How well they have demonstrated superior communication skills.
5. How well they have demonstrated the ability to be a team
leader and a team player.
Purpose 6. Ho well they have demonstrated exemplary character.
To recognize the leadership, teamwork and communication skills 7. Financial need.
developed in SIFE students.
Application Process
Award Applicants must submit the following information online:
The recipient of the scholarship will receive a $10,000 scholarship 1. Cover page with name, school, address, SIFE team awards, etc.
to be used for educational purposes at the college or university he/ with no reference to race or gender.
she is attending on a full-time basis. The recipient will be recognized 2. An official college transcript.
as the Knapp SIFE Ambassador for the year in which they receive the 3. One-page essay on how SIFE has changed the applicants’ life.
scholarship. As the Knapp SIFE Ambassador the recipient will receive 4. One-page essay on how the applicant has changed someone
training from SIFE USA and may be asked by SIFE to represent the else’s life through SIFE.
organization on campuses and/or at events throughout the academic year. 5. One-page recommendation from the applicant’s Sam Walton
Possible Additional Awards 6. One-page recommendation from two other people of the
Two additional $2,500 scholarships will be awarded to eligible students. applicant’s choice.
Students receiving additional scholarships will be named a Knapp SIFE 7. One-page resume.
Student Leader for one year and may be asked by SIFE to represent the
organization on campuses and/or at events throughout the academic year. Selection Process
1. A panel of at least two SIFE Board members and a
Qualifications representative of Jules and Gwen Knapp will review the
Applicants must: applications and select three finalists.
1. Be enrolled at a four-year college or university. 2. The three finalists will be interviewed by this same group at
2. Be a registered SIFE team member who competes at a SIFE the SIFE USA National Exposition.
USA Regional Competition during the year of application and 3. The winner will be announced at the SIFE USA National
the year the award is to be paid. Exposition.
3. Be a SIFE Service Leadership Award recipient during the
year of application. Entry Deadline
4. Continue on the SIFE team at the same school and earn the SIFE All entries must be received through the online application
Service Leadership Award the year the scholarship is paid. process by February 1, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. CST.
5. Be a sophomore or junior at the time of selection in order to
use the funds for his/her junior or senior year.
6. Have and maintain at least a 3.25 GPA or its equivalent.
7. Be a United States citizen.
*If qualifications two, four and six are not maintained during the year the scholarship
is paid, the recipient will forfeit the full amount of the award.
Alvin Rohrs Servant Leadership Scholarship
*If qualifications one and four are not maintained during the year the scholarship is
paid, then the recipient will forfeit the full amount of the award.
Qualified Applicants will be evaluated based on:
1. How well they have used their leadership position to first
serve the needs of their teammates, helping them to grow
as individuals and to ultimately become servant leaders
2. How well they have created an environment that encourages
listening, collaboration, trust and the ethical use of influence
and decision-making.
3. How well they have, through this process, led their team to an
increased level of success.
The SIFE Emerging Leader Award
Applicants will be evaluated based on how effectively they were
able to unite their team around a shared purpose and through
their leadership influence elevate the individual performance of
their fellow team members and the overall impact achieved by the
SIFE team.
Robert J. Verdisco Retail Scholarship
Award 3. Résumé limited to one page (1) and must contain the following:
Sponsored by Unilever and the Retail Industry Leaders Association • Business/Work Experience. Include paid, volunteer, full and
(RILA), the recipient of this award will receive a $5,000 scholarship part time positions. Provide name of organizations, dates of
for tuition at the college/university the recipient is attending for employment, position held, description of responsibilities
the 2010-2011 academic year. In addition, the recipient will have and accomplishments.
the opportunity to attend and be recognized at the annual RILA • SIFE Team Experience. Include length of time on team,
conference in 2010.* positions held, SIFE USA Competitions participated in and
any leadership responsibilities.
*SIFE will pay for all travel related expenses associated with attending the • Internships. Provide name of organization, dates of
conference for the recipient. internship, supervisor’s name, description of projects on
which you worked, knowledge gained and how this
In addition, the recipient’s SIFE team will receive: experience will impact your retail career.
• $1,000 project grant • Honors, Awards, Special Recognition.
SIFE Student Leader Scholarship in
Honor of the SIFE Alumni of the Year
Purpose Criteria
To recognize SIFE students whose life direction has been Qualified applicants will be evaluated based on:
positively impacted as a result of their involvement with SIFE. 1. How significant a change in direction has the applicant’s life
taken through their involvement in SIFE?
Award 2. How likely is this change to impact the future of the applicant?
Five $1000 scholarships will be awarded.
Selection Process
Qualifications A panel of at least three past recipients of the SIFE Alumni of the
Applicants must: Year Award will review the applications and select the recipients.
1. Be a registered member of a SIFE team that competes at a
SIFE USA Regional Competition during the year of application Entry Deadline
and the year the award is to be paid. All entries must be received through the online application
2. Continue his/her SIFE participation at the same school or process February 1, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. CST.
transfer to a school with an established SIFE team and earn the
SIFE Service Leadership Award the year the scholarship is paid.
*If qualifications are not maintained during the year the scholarship is paid, then the
recipient will forfeit the full amount of the award.
Application Process
Applicants must submit the following information online:
1. Cover page with name, school, address and email.
2. Nomination letter from the applicant’s Sam Walton Fellow.
3. An essay (two-page maximum) describing themselves, how the
direction of their life has been positively impacted through
their joining and participating in SIFE and how they feel that
this change will impact their future.
SIFE Alumnus/Alumna of the Year Award
Sponsored by American Greetings
The nominee must have been active in SIFE, including previously
participating in a SIFE USA Regional Competition, and must have
graduated at least five years prior to being nominated for the award.
Most Supportive Business Advisory Board Member of the Year Award
To recognize the Business Selection Process
Advisory Board member who A panel of at least three SIFE Board members will review the
did the most outstanding job of applications and select the recipient.
assisting a SIFE team.
Only one Business Advisory Board Member nomination per school
will be allowed.
The nominee must be from an active SIFE team that competes at Recognition
a 2010 SIFE USA Regional Competition. The recipient of this award will be recognized at the SIFE
USA National Exposition and will receive a plaque.
The following information must be submitted online: Entry Deadline
All entries must be received through the online application
1. A cover page including the name of the award, the college/ process by February 1, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. CST.
university name and the name of the nominee.
2. A letter (two pages or less) listing the reasons the team
believes the individual they are nominating has supported their
SIFE team and why he/she deserves the award. Team members
and the Sam Walton Fellow must sign the nomination.
Qualifications Recognition
The nominee must be from an active SIFE team that competes at The recipient of this award will be recognized at the SIFE
a 2010 SIFE USA Regional Competition. USA National Exposition and will receive a plaque.
Most Supportive Dean or Department Chair of the Year Award
Qualifications Recognition
The nominee must be from an active SIFE team that competes at The recipient of this award will be recognized at the SIFE USA
a 2010 SIFE USA Regional Competition. National Exposition and will receive a plaque.
2010 Regional Competition Application and Registration Process
SIFE USA Regional Competition standards that must be met for a SIFE team to be eligible to compete:
1. Have a minimum of 10 active SIFE student members
2. All SIFE student members must be individually registered at
3. Each SIFE team must have completed and be able to show results on at least 3 educational outreach projects that fit the SIFE
judging criteria by the Regional Competition (refer to page 8 of this guide for the SIFE judging criteria)
4. Complete the online SIFE USA Regional Competition Application by January 25, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. CST
Regional Competition Registration can be found by logging into your account at
2010 Regional Competition Application
City:____________________________________________________________________ State:__________________________________________
*Refer to page 12 of this guide for locations and dates
*Please note that SIFE reserves the right to cap a Regional Competition. If you are not sure which location you will be attending please determine
that before you complete this application.
Number of Active SIFE Student Members:___________________________________________________________________________________
Number of SIFE Student Members Expected to Attend Regionals:_ _____________________________________________________________
*Remember that all students must be registered to attend Regionals
Sam Walton Fellow(s) Attending Regionals:__________________________________________________________________________________
*Please check all that will be attending
Name(s) of Administrators Attending Regionals:______________________________________________________________________________
*Please check all that will be attending
Please include a brief description for three SIFE projects. If your SIFE team has more than three projects, please choose only three to
Please note: Projects not completed by the date of the Regional Competition you will be attending will not be considered in the approval of your application.
Project Description #1
Target audience:
Need for project:
Outputs of project (Quantitative Results):
Outcomes of project (Qualitative Results):
Completion date:
Project Description #2
Target audience:
Need for project:
Completion date:
Project Description #3
Target audience:
Need for project:
Completion date:
Completing the Team Data Sheet
The SIFE Team Data Sheet helps us keep track and report Number of School Aged Children (5-18)
on the progress of our SIFE teams around the world. Please Directly Impacted
complete the form online at before attending a Count the number of 5-18 year olds directly impacted by your
SIFE Regional Competition. If not competing, submit this report projects. After completing the total column, use the six educational
by April 1 annually. Please contact the SIFE USA Program topics to classify how these students were most impacted. If a
Department with any questions. project meets more than one criteria the sum of the students in each
of the six topics will not equal the number in the total column.
Below are some definitions and instructions to assist you in
completing the data sheet: Number of College Students Directly Impacted
Count the number of college students directly impacted by your
Number of Active Team Members projects. After completing the total column, use the six educational
An active team member is defined as a SIFE student who topics to classify how these students were most impacted. If a
has registered on the SIFE website, contributes 10 hours of project meets more than one criteria the sum of the students in each
service to SIFE, and participates in SIFE team projects or in the of the six topics will not equal the number in the total column.
efforts contributing to the furthering of the team any time from
September 1, 2009 through August 31, 2010. Number of Community Members Directly Impacted
Count the number of community members directly impacted
Number of Projects by your projects. Exclude college students and school aged
Count the total number of projects your team completed children from this category. After completing the total column,
during the academic year and place that number in the total use the six educational topics to classify how the community
column. Next, classify each one of those projects into one of the members were most impacted. If a project meets more than one
six educational topic categories. Categorize each project by which criteria the sum of the community members in each of the six
of the six educational topics it most closely fits. If a project meets topics will not equal the number in the total column.
more than one criteria the sum of the six topics will not equal the
number in the total column. Number of Print Media News Stories
Document only the number of actual campus/local/regional/
Please keep in mind that if a team develops a single project, national print news stories that featured a project conducted by
regardless of how many times it presents it, it only counts as your SIFE team. Do not document how many people the stories
one project. reached in these numbers-only the number of stories. After
completing the total column, use the six educational topics to
Hours of Team Involvement classify what the stories were about.
Count the total number of hours your team spent directly
impacting others through SIFE projects and place that number in Number of Radio News Stories
the total column. After completing the total column, use the six Document only the number of actual campus/local/regional/
educational topics to classify how your team spent its time. If a national radio news stories that featured a project conducted by
project meets more than one criteria the sum of the hours in the your SIFE team. Do not document how many people the stories
six topics will not equal the number in the total column. reached in these numbers-only the number of stories. After
completing the total column, use the six educational topics to
Number of BAB Members Involved classify what the stories were about.
Count the total number of Business Advisory Board
members that assisted in the planning or execution of your SIFE Number of TV News Stories
projects during the current year and place that number in the Document only the number of actual campus/local/regional/
total column. After completing the total column, use the six national TV news stories that featured a project conducted by
educational topics to classify how the BAB members were most your SIFE team. Do not document how many people the stories
utilized. If a project meets more than one criteria the sum of the reached in these numbers-only the number of stories. After
six topics does not necessarily have to equal the number in the completing the total column, use the six educational topics to
total column due to overlap. classify what the stories were about.
Annual Report Project Verification Form
Every team must submit a completed Project Verification Form in order to compete at a SIF EUSA Regional and National Competition.
This form must be signed by the team’s Sam Walton Fellow, one student and one other administrator (dean, department chair or
institution president). If a team’s faculty advisor is also an administrator, the form must be signed by another administrator. The
Project Verification Form serves as an internal audit of projects and activities at all levels of SIFE competition: regional, national,
and at the SIFE World Cup. Failure to submit this form may result in a team not being eligible to compete.
SIFE ___________________________________, hereby confirms that all projects
(Clearly Print Full Name of Institution)
presented are legitimate and were implemented as stated in its Annual Report.
By appending our signatures to this form we acknowledge and agree that:
• Falsely, consciously & deliberately over-stating the reach, impact and/or qualitative/quantitative results of any
project is an offence.
• It is an offence to plagiarize, claim or present a project that our team did not implement or did not contribute to.
• We will clearly define our role in projects done in cooperation with our school and other groups including specific
duties we did versus what our partners did.
• With regards to continuing projects, we will indicate in our audio visual presentation and annual report the
specific activities undertaken within the current program year, thereby clearly differentiating actions taken this
year from those of previous years.
• We will provide any additional information and support documentation about our projects upon request by the
SIFE office.
• Annual Reports have been reviewed by the Team President, Faculty Advisor and an Institutional Administrator.
• We will make available the stipulated number of copies of our annual report to the SIFE office.
• This form applies to Annual Reports presented this year at all levels of SIFE competitions, including regional,
national, continental, and the SIFE World Cup.
Total hours of team involvement during this year:
SIFE Team Data Sheet Total hours of team involvement that the team spent directly impacting
others on each specific topic:
(If a project meets more than one criterion the sum of the hours in the six topics
will not equal the number in the total column.)
Entrepreneurship: Hours
(2 or 4 Year Degree College/University) Total number of business advisory board members involved with projects
that addressed each specific topic:
Total number of projects that directly addressed each specific topic:
Total number of school aged children (5 – 18) directly impacted relating to
(If a project meets more than one criterion the sum of the six topics will not equal each specific topic:
(If a project meets more than one criterion the sum of the students in each of the
the number in the total column) six topics will not equal the number in the total column)
Market Economics: School Aged Children
Success Skills: Projects Financial Literacy: School Aged Children
(If a project meets more than one criterion the sum of the students in each of the
six topics will not equal the number in the total column)
Business Ethics: Projects
Entrepreneurship: College Students
Total number of community members directly impacted during this year:
Total number of community members directly impacted relating to each Total number of radio stories relating to each specific topic: Total media reached:
specific topic: Step 4 of 7 – Data Sheet Entry
(If a story addressed more than one topic, please list under all topics) (Reach is the estimated number of unduplicated persons who viewed/listened to International Countries SIFE Team Partnered With
(If a project meets more than one criterion the sum of the community members in a specific station at least once for five minutes during the average week for the
each of the six topics will not equal the number in the total column) reported period of time. For print media this equals circulation.) List any international countries your SIFE team worked with:
Market Economics: Radio Stories
Market Economics: Community Members Date: Media Source: Total media reach relating to each specific topic: International Countries:
(If a story addressed more than one topic, please list under all topics)
Success Skills: Community Members Success Skills: Radio Stories Step 5 of 7 – Data Sheet Entry
Date: Media Source: Revenue Summary
Entrepreneurship: Community Members Market Economics: Media Grants and Gifts:
Entrepreneurship: Radio Stories
Financial Literacy: Community Members Date: Media Source: Success Skills: Media Endowment Earnings:
Environmental Sustainability: Community Members Financial Literacy: Radio Stories Entrepreneurship: Media SIFE Team Business(s):
Date: Media Source:
Business Ethics: Community Members Financial Literacy: Media Campus Funding:
Environmental Sustainability: Radio Stories
Total number of businesses that your SIFE team directly consulted: Date: Media Source: Other:
Environmental Sustainability: Media
Total: (Calculate Total)
Total number of print media stories printed in local/regional/national Business Ethics: Radio Stories Business Ethics: Media
publications about your projects: Date: Media Source:
Step 6 of 7 – Data Sheet Entry
Total number of print media stories relating to each specific topic: Total number of TV news stories that were broadcast on Step 2 of 7 – Data Sheet Entry Jobs and Internships
(If a story addressed more than one topic, please list under all topics) local/regional/national television markets about your projects: Business Advisory Board Members
Did any of your SIFE students receive jobs or internships this academic year
Market Economics: Print Media Stories Total number of TV news stories relating to each specific topic: as a result of their participation in SIFE? If so, please enter the following
Please list the name, title and company of all your Business Advisory
Date: Media Source: (If a story addressed more than one topic, please list under all topics) information:
Board members:
Success Skills: Print Media Stories First Name:
Date: Media Source: Market Economics: TV News Company:
Date: Media Source: Last Name:
Entrepreneurship: Print Media Stories Type of Position:
Date: Media Source: Success Skills: TV News Title:
Date: Media Source: Step 7 of 7 – Data Sheet Entry
Financial Literacy: Print Media Stories Verify all information and submit report
Date: Media Source: Entrepreneurship: TV News
Date: Media Source: Step 3 of 7 – Data Sheet Entry
Environmental Sustainability: Print Media Stories Colleges/Universities and Community Organizations SIFE Team Partnered
Date: Media Source: Financial Literacy: TV News With
Date: Media Source:
Business Ethics: Print Media Stories List all colleges/universities and community organizations that your SIFE
Date: Media Source: Environmental Sustainability: TV News Team has partnered or collaborated with. (i.e. Junior Achievement,
Date: Media Source: Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club etc.)
Total number of radio stories that were broadcast on local/regional/national
radio markets about your projects: Business Ethics: TV News College/University or Community Organization
Date: Media Source: Name:
Working with SIFE USA to complete a W-9 form
*Changes to status, address, name, etc is the sole responsibility of the individual/school.
Pre-Screening Form
This form verifies that the ___________________________________ SIFE Team has been pre-approved to showcase project
related materials during their audio/visual presentation at a 2010 SIFE USA National Exposition.
By signing this form, the team understands that they are allowed to show the items to the judges but are not permitted to
actually give the items to the judges. The team also understands that any items they may have for sale are not permitted to
be sold until after the Awards Ceremony at the end of the day.
(Sam Walton Fellow, Signature) (SIFE Team Leader, Signature) (SIFE Staff Member, Signature)
The Jack Shewmaker SIFE World Headquarters
Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center
Jack Kahl Entrepreneurship Center
1959 East Kerr Street
Springfield, MO USA 65803