Permutation in Morse Code by Umaru Yusufu
Permutation in Morse Code by Umaru Yusufu
Permutation in Morse Code by Umaru Yusufu
International Morse Code
The International Morse Code is a system of dots and dashes that
can be used to send messages by a flash lamp, telegraph key, or
other rhythmic device such as a tapping finger. As a telegraph key
is moved up and down, it makes or breaks an electric circuit and
transmits a signal as a series of electric pulses. The telegraph was
invented by Samuel Morse in 1837. In the International Morse
Code, each letter or number is represented by a combination of
dashes and dots vocalized as dah and dit respectively. A dash is
equal to three dots in duration. A famous Morse code signal that
signifies distress could be vocalized as dit dit dit dah dah dah dit
dit dit to mean SOS an abbreviation for save our souls!
The Morse code is used in telegraph communication. In this code, the letters,
numbers and punctuation marks are represented by dots and dashes.
What you are about to read is not a story but rather a research work I am opportune
to conduct for two reasons;
I am a radio operator a telegrapher with over fifteen years experience of
transmission and reception; therefore I fully understood the nature of Morse code
I read Mathematics and when one day I visited my school library to write an
assignment my eye fell on a book written by a Russian, Mr. N. Vilenkin, titled
Combinatorial Mathematics for recreation and it was in it I discovered that the
codes were designed using a formula of Permutation, a topic in Mathematic which
could simply means rearrengement.
These two reasons guide my imaginations to write what you are about to read,
hopping that it will at the end be of use in addition to the entertaining reading,
because as you will come to realize; Morse code utilizing electricity and later
electromagnetic waves, was to be the roots of all telecommunication utilities!
Note. for you to fully appreciate the narration, if you are not professional or not a
‘’Morse code literate’’ you have to keep in view the international Morse code,
especially when you start reading where the characters are explained.
Also note, as you proceed in the narration, you will come across examples of the
characters representing either an alphabets or a numbers, I usually place the
characters in brackets for example (-…) for b.
The short and long elements can be formed by sounds, marks or pulses in
on / off key and are commonly known as “dots” and “dashes” or dits and “dats”
An audio tone
A mechanical signal
A visual signal (e.g. a flashing light) using devices like an Addis lamp
The most popular current use of Morse code is by amateur radio operators
but it is no longer a requirement for amateur licensing, however it is continuously in
use for specialized purpose.
Originally created for Samuel F.B. Morse electrical telegraph in the early
1840s, Morse code was also extensively used for early radio communication
beginning in the twentieth century, the majority of high – speed international
communication was conducted in Morse code, using telegraph lines, undersea
cables and radio circuits.
Morse code is still being used for specialized purpose, including identification
of navigational radio beacon and land mobile transmitters, plus some military
communication, including flashing light between ships for tactical operations that
avoids the emission of electromagnetic waves, which is detectable by the enemy.
In contrast, Morse and Vail’s initial telegraph, which first went into operation
in 1844, made indentations on a paper tape when an electrical current was
transmitted. Morse original telegraph receiver used mechanical clockwork to move
a paper tape. When an electrical current was received, an electromagnet engaged
an armature that pushed a stylus onto the moving paper tape, making an
indentation on the tape.
When the current was interrupted, the electromagnet retracted the stylus,
and portion of the moving tape remained unmarked.
The Morse code was developed so that operators could translate the
indentations marked on the paper into text messages. In his earliest code, Morse
had planned to only transmit numerals and use a dictionary to look up each word
according to the number, which had been sent.
However, the code was soon expanded to include letters and special
characters, so it could be used more generally. The shorter marks were called “dot”
and the longer one “dashes”, and the letters most commonly used in the English
language were assigned the shortest sequences.
What the research wish to solve was the logic used in designing these
puzzling codes, for at one time, one of the researchers had thought it were the
symbols of some heavenly bodies!
So many problems of this world are still defying any solution just as one time
man could not solve the problems of long distance communications prior to the
development of telegraphy utilizing Morse codes.
In the field of medicine for example there is still no known cure for aids.
There is also no remedy to Ozone layer leakage that is causing further worming of
the earth due to infrared light penetration to our atmosphere!
Mathematics being the “backbone” of science usually acts as bridge that link
problem to a solution as this expository research shows, when permutation with
repetition provide the necessary formula that aid in designing Morse codes.
The research intends to examine only the logic of the “element groupings” in
Morse code.
This chapter had highlights the following which serves as literature review
Despite what he had learned at Yale, Morse found when he began to develop
his idea that he had little real understanding of the nature of electricity, and after
sporadic attempts to work with batteries, magnets and wire, he finally turned for
help to a colleague at the university of the city of New York, Leonard D (c.1835) –
a professor of chemistry who was familiar with the electrical work of Princeton’s
Joseph H. (a true pioneer in the new field). Well before Morse has his shipboard idea
about a telegraph, a research has been made on ringing a bell at a distance by
opening and closing an electric circuit and had published an article, of which Morse
was unaware, that contained details suggesting the idea of an electric telegraph.
Gales help and his knowledge of this article proved crucial to Morse ‘s telegraph
system because Gale not only pointed out flows in the system but showed Morse
how he could regularly boost the strength of a signal and overcome the distance
problems he had encountered by using a relay system Henry had invented. Henry’s
experiments, Gale’s assistance and soon after, hiring the young technician Alfred
Vail were keys to Morse’s success.
Morse had enough confidence in his new system to apply for the federal
government’s appropriation and later conducted demonstrations of his Telegraph
both in New York and Washington. However Morse was forced to wait for better
times. Morse visited Europe again and tried to secure patent protection and to
examine competing telegraph systems in England.
Morse’s system has an automatic sender consisting of a plate with long and
short metal bars representing the Morse code equivalent of the alphabet and
A signal is “on” when the Knob is pressed and “off” when it is released. The
length and timing of the short and long pulses are entirely controlled by the
1. All correspondence between two stations begins with the call signal. For
calling, the calling station shall transmit the call sign (not more than twice) of the
station requirement then the word DE followed by its own call sign, the appropriate
abbreviation to indicate a priority telegram, an indication of the reason for the call
and the signal “K” which means “over” and refers to: “I had finished transmission / I
understood what you transmit and I now invite you to respond.”
Unless there are special rules peculiar to the type of apparatus used, the call
shall always be made at hand speed.
2. The station called must reply immediate by transmitting the call sign of the
calling station, the word DE followed by own call sign and the signal “K”,
If the station called is unable to receive, it shall give the wait signal. If it
expects the wait to exceed ten minutes, the reason and probable duration shall be
When a station does not reply, the call may be repeated at suitable intervals.
When the station called does not reply to the repeated call, the condition of
circuit must be examined.
6. The end of the transmission shall be indicated by the cross signal “AR” (. -. -.)
Followed by the invitation to transmit signal K (-. -).
7. The end of work shall be indicated by the station that transmitted the last
telegram. The correct indication is the end of work signal “VA” (…-.-)
The only methods used were historical and descriptive. For the historical, we
depends on digging historical facts available in internet and for the descriptive, we
depends on a translated book from Russian by George (1972) titled
described how the formula of permutation with repetition was used to designed the
I had carefully grouped the codes according to the type and number of
elements per alphabet or number and using the formula for number of permutation
with repetition had found out the logic suggested in the Vilenkin’s book is correct.
The dot and dashes (see above) used to design the symbols, totals 132
elements (for both Alphabets and Numbers) varied out of the two (dot and dash) out
of these, 69 are dots and 63 are dashes.
Then, there are also 2 element groups, three element groups and four
element groups.
Those formed by only dots or by only dashes i.e. “I” and “M” respectively.
Those formed by the combination of the two i.e. “A” and “N” beginning with a
dot and a dash respectively.
Those formed by only dots or by only dashed i.e. “S” and “O” respectively.
Those beginning with two same elements and ending with the other i.e. “G”
and “U”
Those beginning and ending with either a dot or a dash and the other in the
middle i.e. “R” and “K”.
Those with more dots (H, B, F, L and V) out of which “H” has no dash in its
elements but “B”, “L”, “F” and “V” have single dash each, at the beginning, as a
second element, a third element and the fourth element respectively.
(b) Those with more dashes (J, Q, and Y) with 3 dashes and one dot each .The
dots are located as the first, second and third elements respectively.
(c) Those with two dots and two dashes (C, P, X and Z).
“C” has began with a dot followed by a dash and then repeated the sequence,
ending with a dot.
“P” began with a dot and end with a dot with two dashes in the middle.
“X” which began with a dash and end with a dash with two dots in the middle.
“Z” that began with two dashes and ends with two dots.
Also, why for instance, do some characters require only a single element i.e.
“E” and “T” as a symbol – while others require more?
Can’t we form all by maximum of only 4 elements to save time? Since each
word has to be spelt?
Now let’s look at the questions from the angle of what we want in the first
There are 26 Alphabets (A-z) and 10 digits (0-9) for numbers – making a total
of 36 characters using two elements a dot and a dash, the science of permutation
being one of several possible arrangements of things in mathematics could be
This system of coding alphabets and other writing symbols can be utilized to
have a symbol for each of the characters (alphabets, numbers and combing the
alphabet codes to designs punctuation marks).
Why? Because;
It should be noted here that only 12 out of the 16 possible different types of
arrangements were chosen, the remaining 4 were not utilized, these are(---.), (----),
(..-- ) and (.-.-) to have been vocalize as dah dah dah dit, dah dah dah dah, dit dit
dah dah, and dit dah dit dah respectively.
(.----) for 1
(..---) for 2
(…--) for 3
(….-) for 4
(…..) for 5
(-….) for 6
(--…) for 7
(---..) for 8
(----.) for 9
(-----) for 0.
Also note that most frequently used characters were assigned codes with
more dots where the choice is available to minimize time of transmission and for
the same season, there were more dots than dashes in the total number of the
elements allocated to the Alphabets.
It should also be noted that as the numbers progresses from one to five the
number of dots at the beginning increases while those of the dashes decreases until
the number five is reached which has only dots, and similarly as the numbers from
six progresses further the number of dashes at the beginning increases while those
of the dots decreases until the digit zero is reached which has only dashes with no
single dot. These I believe were deliberately designed to reduce ambiguity that may
arise in conducting telegraphy because as experience had shown, as one receives
numbers it is instantly recognize as above or below the digit number five, by first
element in the five element code used for coding numbers if the code began with a
dah or dit respectively.
The codes where designed using the formula for the number of permutations
with repetitions 2n, where 2 represent the two elements in the set (a dot and a dash)
and n represent the number of elements (single or combination) in the character.
It should be noted here however that there exist a five – digit code for
telegraph communications that make use of five symbols (elements) for every latter
but that is not part of these work.
It has a special device for shifting from letters to numerals and back again.
1. N. Vilenkin (1972)
Combinatorial Mathematics for recreations, Page 11.
ELEMENT- A unit represented in this work by either a dot or a dash referred above
MORSE CODE- A code of a signal using short and long sounds or flashes of light
referred above also
NUMBER – Symbol of quantity