Understanding Ultra Narrowband Modulation
Understanding Ultra Narrowband Modulation
Understanding Ultra Narrowband Modulation
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Ultra narrowband modulation formats, in which sidebands are minimized, provide extremely bandwidthefficient methods of transmitting high-data-rate information.
Modulation advances have fueled more efficient use of bandwidth, although conventional modulation
formats still require allowance for upper and lower sidebands around the carrier frequency. Ultra
narrowband modulation, however, is an efficient form of transmitting information without using sidebands.
The modulation format, which is also known as very minimum sideband keying (VMSK) or minimum
sideband (MSB) modulation, has been in development since 1985. Although stalled since that time due to
the lack of practical filters, the modulation method is now available to system developers through the use of
filtering techniques with zero group delay.
A review of more conventional modulation formats, such as frequency modulation (FM) and phase
modulation (PM), may help when attempting to understand MSB modulation. For example, in conventional
modulation formats, changes in frequency and phase occur gradually (right-hand side of Fig. 1), compared
to the abrupt changes in frequency and phase of MSB modulation (left-hand side of Fig. 1). MSB digital
modulation utilizes a coded baseband with abrupt edges; that is, the rise/fall times are as abrupt or near
zero as possible. Some resistive-capactive (RC) rise time is inevitable, due to slew rates in integrated circuits
(ICs) and other parts of the transmitter/receiver circuitry. In practice, these changes occur during one cycle
of the intermediate frequency (IF).
For example, the frequency resulting from a modulating input signal is F = Fcarrier + f, where the
modulation frequency, f, can be calculated from the basic relationship of t = = 2ft. The modulation
frequency can also be rewritten in derivative form as f = /2t. The rise/fall time, t, is fixed by the circuit
parameters. During rise/fall times for abrupt phase modulation, there is a large /t which causes large f
(almost infinite) for a very short duration (about 1 cycle at RF). At all other times, is zero and the
frequency is constant at F = Fcarrier. A phase detector using Fcarrier as a phase reference will detect the phase
changes as positive and negative voltages, but will ignore large f. In this case, consider as being zero for
most of the bit (information) period.
The situation is different for the waveform in the right-hand side of Fig. 1. In that case, has a finite value
and lasts for the entire period of the phase change. There is a definite change in frequency for the phase
change period. Armstrong2 used this concept to produce FM from PM in 1936. If /t is caused by a sine
wave, the resulting FM is a cosine wave, since FM is the derivative of PM.
The abrupt phase change and resulting frequency change in the left-hand side of Fig. 1 was noted by
Professor Howe in 1939.1 The observation was not applied since digital-modulation techniques were not in
use at that time, and the filters needed to take advantage of the abrupt phase changes were not available.
Any bandpass filter used at the transmitter for ultra narrowband (MSB) modulation must exhibit zero group
delay to pass the instantaneous phase changes, though it may lack the bandwidth required to pass
instantaneous changes in frequency. To all intents and purposes, there is no measurable frequency change,
but there is a phase change in the carrier that is maintained constant between the rise and fall times. A
conventional, or Nyquist filter, has group delay and rise time. This causes the phase modulation to spread
out over time, and the result is FM (right-hand side of Fig. 1).
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According to accepted practice using PM to generate FM (the Armstrong method), a carrier and upper and
lower sidebands are required (Fig. 2).2 The vectors for the upper and lower sidebands counter-rotate in
phase, reaching a maximum in either direction when they are at the same phase. The upper sideband (USB)
is a signal higher in frequency than the carrier by an amount equal to the modulation frequency. The lower
sideband (LSB) is lower in frequency than the carrier by the same amount. This gives rise to Bessel products,
which are necessary to cause the vector V4 to shift in phase. There are three or more different frequencies
involved to produce the phase shift, .3
The equivalents of the USB and LSB are seen as vectors V2 and V3 when using abrupt phase modulation.
They must maintain the phase shift, , at a constant angle, hence they cannot rotate, but can only reverse. If
they do not rotate, they are not at different frequencies, but at the same frequency as the carrier V1.
Abrupt phase-angle modulation does not require any frequencies other than the carrier. There are no Bessel
products or other frequencies required to produce the phase shift. This is obvious from the mathematics. If
the modulation frequency, f is equal to /2t, and the change in the phase shift, , is zero, then f is
zero. The level of the Jn Bessel products, as referenced from a Bessel function table, is determined by =
. If = 0, there are no Bessel products other than the J0 product.3
When using a coded baseband to produce the rectangular waveform in the left-hand side of Fig. 1, and using
90-deg. abrupt phase modulation, the spectrum of Fig. 3 would result. Non-return-to-zero (NRZ)
information from a CMOS driver is used to avoid having an unfamiliar baseband code for this example (with
a data rate of 270 kb/s using random data). The dome-shaped base of the spectrum is the sum of the Fourier
frequencies associated with random NRZ data. Although the Fourier products are amplitude products only,
they do appear using this modulation method. They do not cause any phase shift and can be reduced by
zero-group-delay filtering.
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When Bessel products are present, the phase angle is related to the level of the Bessel sidebands by the
relationship 2J1 = sin (from ref. 3). If this relationship were to hold true for the Fourier products, the
phase-detected output would decrease linearly with the decrease in the Fourier sinx/x product level. Using
this formula to calculate the assumed decrease in phase angle, and comparing this with the actual detected
output level, it can be seen that the detected phase angle has almost no change.
The Fourier products are sin/x/x products that can be ignored since they produce no PM. The measured
phase angle output level from the phase detector is almost independent of these products as seen by the
measured line. Calculated and measured results are show in Fig. 4. Adding several cascaded stages of
zero-group-delay filtering does cause some loss, although optimum tuning will yield a higher output level
than shown in Fig. 4.
Fourier sinx/x products have no relationship to the detected phase angle. The zero-group-delay filters used
with MSB modulation have a bandwidth that is only 2 to 3 kHz wide, resulting in an excellent signalto-noise relationship. The narrow filter bandwidth also makes it possible to pass a single frequency (J0),
while rejecting the Fourier sinx/x sidebands.
The spectrum shown in Fig. 5 and 6 has a measured phase angle level, from the detector, that is only 2 dB
less than the measured level when no filter is used. The zero-group-delay filter reduces the Fourier product
levels by 30 dB. The level remains near that for the unfiltered signal, even when the Fourier sidebands are
reduced further. Figure 6 shows Fourier sidebands that a reduced by nearly 60 dB using three cascaded
filter sections, while the detected phase change output level is only reduced by 10 dB or less compared to
Fig. 4. NRZ data was used as the input, with random data and zero group delay filtering to reduce the sinx/x
Fourier products. There is some loss because the cascaded filter sections do introduce a small amount of
group delay, which reduces the detected phase angle.
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The Fourier sinx/x level has the characteristics of noise, the level of which varies with the bandwidth. The
spectral plots of Figs. 3, 5, and 6 were created with different spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidths.
Figure 7 shows two filters that use the crystal in the parallel mode as a large pure resistance for a single
frequency at resonance (shunt and bridge). Figures 7(c) and 7(d) show the equivalent circuit while Figs. 7(e)
and 7(f) show the impulse responses. These circuits have a rise time determined by other parts of the circuit,
not by the crystal and the coupling capacitor. The crystal does not act as a bandpass device in the circuit, but
passes the abruptly modulated input signal around it in the manner of an RF differentiator. The signal is
passed via the capacitor, ignoring the resistor. For frequencies other than the single frequency at resonance,
the circuit sees the reactance of the crystal as a load. The crystal acts as a capacitor in a capacitor voltage
divider circuit, with other impedance values making it an integrator, not responsive to short bursts.
What is the performance of the crystal filter in terms of bandwidth efficiency? Bandwidth efficiency is
defined as the bit rate per bandwidth, such as 2 b/s/Hz. Assuming the 2-to-3-kHz 3-dB bandwidth of the
crystal filter, the bandwidth efficiency is very high. For a bit rate of 270 kb/s at that crystal filter bandwidth,
the bandwidth efficiency is 100 b/s/Hz.
The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) can be determined from the formula given by Feher.4:
SNR = 2C/N or
SNR = 2(bit rate/filter bandwidth)Eb/N
Eb/N = the bit energy to noise ratio.
In this equation, is 45 deg. or 0.79 rads. For a bit rate of 270 kHz and a 3-dB filter bandwidth of 2.7 kHz,
the values are:
SNR = (0.79)2(270/2.7)Eb/n or
SNR = 62b/n
If binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) is assumed as a modulation reference standard, with SNR = Eb/n, then
MSB is better in SNR than BPSK by a significant amount (shown to be a valid assumption through
measurements of BER using VMSK). The multiplier (62) indicates that VMSK is actually SNR-efficient
enough to be competitive with orthogonal-frequency-division-multiplex (OFDM) modulation, which has a
large frequency spread. However, the large multiplier cannot be achieved in practice, since VMSK is subject
to a lower limit similar to the FM knee at about 6 dB.
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Upon casual observation, VMSK may appear to violate Shannon's Limit, although if this were the case,
VMSK would not work. It does violate Carson's Rules, and does not require the Nyquist bandwidth.
Parameter C, the system channel capacity, is obtained by multiplying the number of information samples
per second by the information per sample (p. 324 and Eq. 6-134 of ref. 5). In ref. 5, Schwarz defines channel
capacity (Eqs. 6-125 and 2-149) as:
C = (1/)log2n
Using different terms, the classic form of Shannon's equation can be expressed as:
Fb = Wlog2
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