WP 2015 05 PDF
WP 2015 05 PDF
WP 2015 05 PDF
What explains Germanys superb export performance? Is Germanys
export behaviour very distinct compared to other European countries? We explore the organisational responses to competition of
14,000 exporting firms in seven European countries. We examine
the export business model of the median exporter and of the top
one percent exporters in each country, accounting for 20 percent
to 55 percent of total exports.
What do these firms do to become superstars? We find, first, that
the export market share of the median exporter in each of the countries to the world more than tripled (in some cases the export market share increases tenfold) for firms that combine decentralised
management with offshoring of production to low-wage countries.
Exporters which abstain from any organisational adjustment do very
badly. Decentralised management provides incentives for workers
for product improvements allowing exporters to compete on quality. Offshoring production to low-wage countries reduces costs allowing exporters to compete on price. Second, we find that Germany
is the leading quality exporter in Europe followed by Austria and
Spain. Among the top 10 percent of exporters there is no single firm
with low quality in Germany and Austria, which suggest that decentralised management has provided incentives for quality in these
countries. Third, Germanys exports are less vulnerable to price increases, while exports from France and Italy respond strongly to
price changes, and thus costs reductions via offshoring benefits
these countries most.
Dalia Marin ([email protected]) is a Bruegel Non-resident Scholar
and Chair in International Economics at the University of Munich. Jan
Schymik is a Graduate Assistant at the University of Munich. Jan
Tscheke is a Graduate Assistant at the University of Munich.
JULY 2015
1. Introduction
Many observers believe that for the recovery from the great recession of 2008-09 it is essential that
Europe regains its competitiveness, which has been lost in some of the southern European countries
because of capital inflows and a booming housing market. Since the path to improved competitiveness
via currency devaluations is closed because of the common currency, other options discussed are
lower wages in southern Europe and/or more inflation in the northern European countries.
Typically, people refer to Germany as a benchmark case of a successful adjustment from the sick man
of Europe in the 2000s to an economic powerhouse today. In this paper we want to shed more light on
these issues by examining the following questions. First, what explains Germanys superb export
performance? Has it been wage restraint as is commonly argued or something else? Second, is
Germanys export performance very distinct compared to other European countries? Third, what can
other European countries learn from the German experience? In this paper we examine the exporting
and organisational behaviour of 14,000 firms in seven European countries. We argue that the
superstar exporters of each of the seven countries have much more in common in terms of
performance than the countrys macro performance suggests, with Austria, Germany and Spain as very
successful exporting countries and France, Italy and the UK with more moderate export growth. The top
5 percent of a countrys exporters account for 69 to 86 percent of total exports in the respective
countries. Therefore, looking at these superstar exporters sheds lights on the countrys performance.
We take a closer look at the organisational choices of these superstar exporters on the one hand and
the median exporter on the other to evaluate why some of these countries have been more successful
than others. We find that Austria, Germany and Spain base their export business model on product
quality making their exports less responsive to price and cost increases. Exporting firms in these
countries introduce decentralised management as a way to incentivise workers in firms to come up
with ideas for improvements in product quality. By contrast, France, Italy and the UK base their
exporting strategy more on prices by offshoring part of their activities to low-wage countries.
We argue that the wage restraint in the 1990s certainly helped Germanys export performance but the
more fundamental reason for Germanys success is its exceptional organisational performance.
Germanys exporters offshored part of production to eastern Europe and China to gain price
competitiveness when a stronger euro and growing nominal wages started to threaten its export
performance. Moreover, German firms moved to decentralised management, empowering their
workforces to generate new ideas that improve product quality, thus making the export demand for its
products less responsive to price and cost increases. Austria based its exporting strategy almost
exclusively on quality. It experienced much larger wage increases than Germany and based its export
performance almost exclusively on decentralised management and non-price competitiveness. As a
small country with a population of 8 million, Austrias exporters are exceptionally large. Spain is
another impressive exporter in spite of the fact that the country experienced the most drastic
increases in wages in the period 2000-13. Spains nominal wages continued to grow after the great
recession of 2008-09. Its exporting strategy is based on quality improvements achieved via a
decentralised firm organisation as well as on lowering costs by offshoring production to eastern
Europe and China.
We find, first, that the export market share of the median exporter to the world is more than tripled (in
some cases it increases by a factor of 10) for firms which combine decentralised management with
offshoring production to low wage countries. Exporters which abstain from any organisational
adjustment do very badly. Decentralised management provides incentives for workers for product
improvements allowing exporters to compete on quality. Offshoring production to low-wage countries
reduces costs allowing exporters to compete on prices. Second, there is a striking variation in export
market shares for a given productivity level suggesting that organisational changes can help in
particular small and medium sized firms to increase their export market share. Third, by examining the
behaviour of the export superstars, we find that Germany is the leading quality exporter in Europe
followed by Austria and Spain. Among the top 10 percent of exporters there is no single firm with low
quality. Moreover, in Germany (and to a lesser degree in Austria) exporters with decentralised
management experience the strongest boost to their top quality exports suggesting that decentralised
management indeed provides incentives for quality. Decentralisation did not lead to improved quality
in France, Italy and Spain which may explain why some of these countries have operated with this
organisation less often. Moreover, Germanys exports are less vulnerable to price increases, while
Frances and Italys exports are vulnerable to price changes and thus offshoring to low wage countries
benefit these countries most. Fourth, offshoring is the most effective competitive strategy for Italian,
British and French exporters. Note, however, that among these three countries the most effective
offshorers are UK exporters (increasing the EMS by a factor greater than 4 compared to the "noneexporters" note, we use this term throughout this paper to refer to exporters which do not make any
organisational adjustment) and the least effective are French, German and Spanish exporters
(increasing the EMS by 50 percent compared to the "none-exporters"). Firms in the UK and Italy often
use their sourcing strategies as a way to get access to a market, while French exporters do this less
The paper is organised in the following sections. Section 2 reports some facts about the
competitiveness of European countries. In section 3 we define a firm level measure of export
competitiveness and show how the organisational choice of exporters has affected the export
performance of the median exporter. In sections 4 and 5 we look at the very large firms and try to
understand how these firms have become superstar exporters. In section 6 we examine the role of
decentralised management for product quality and non-price competitiveness. In section 7 we discuss
some possible reasons why decentralised management may not have provided incentives for product
quality in some European countries. Finally, in section 8 we explore whether the rise of Eastern Europe
and China has benefited some European countries more than others.
Several facts of Figures 1 to 3 are noteworthy. First, nominal wages in these countries appear to be
downward sticky and have not fallen after 2008 in spite of the biggest negative demand shock since
the great depression of the 1930s. Therefore, the hope that the recession will restore competitiveness
via a fall in wages in the southern European countries looks bleak1. Second, exports continued to grow
in some of these countries (like Spain, Austria, Germany after 2009) in spite of rising nominal wages.
What has contributed to this export performance in these countries?
To answer these questions we want to go deeper and to examine the export business model firms have
pursued to remain competitive in world markets. More specifically, we focus on two adjustments in
firm organisation that may help exporting firms to meet competitive pressures from foreign rivals.
Offshoring production to low wage countries reduce costs and allows exporting firms to compete on
prices. Decentralised management provides incentives for workers for product improvements which
enables exporters to compete on quality2. We start with a firm level analysis of exporting behaviour.
Economists have argued that because of these wage stickiness restoring growth in southern Europe will require more
inflation in northern Europe, see Krugman (2012) and Blanchard et al (2013)
See Marin, Schymik, Tscheke (2015) for a stylized model.
Marin and Verdier (2014) and Marin (2009) examine the role of international trade and foreign competition for
decentralized management. Bloom and van Reenen (2007) show that competition has led to better management practice.
EMS = average export value of firms in country i to region j/ total world imports to region j
In Figure 6 we show the average and median exporters market shares in world markets for each
country. Several points are noteworthy. The average EMS is driven by two things: the firm size (in terms
of turnover) and the share of output exported (the intensive margin of exports). Typically, large
countries will have many large firms (and many large exporters) with a smaller share of output
exported (they serve also a large domestic market) and thus have larger average EMSs in world
markets. The UK and France are examples of this (Table 2). In contrast, small countries will have fewer
and smaller firms (and exporters) with a larger share of output exported (as the domestic market is
The stronger vulnerability of Italys and Frances exports to prices might explain why France and Italy have been asking
the EZB to target a weaker euro. Offshoring to low wage countries may have had a larger effect on costs in Germany than the
numbers here suggest as the threat to relocate production to low wage countries have contributed to the wage restraint in
Germany via wage decentralization as Dustman et al (2014) argue.
small) and thus have smaller average EMSs in world markets. Hungary is an example of this. Table 2
illustrates this by showing the size of firms and of exporters, the share of output exported, and the
share of exporters in the total number of firms for these countries.
Germany and Austria appear to be exceptions from this rule. Germany, though a large country, has,
relative to its size, many small and medium sized exporters (the Mittelstand) and thus has one of the
smaller average export market shares with about 0.65 per mille (see Figure 6, Table 2). Austria, though
a small country, has fewer firms but exceptionally large exporters and thus the average EMS is 5 times
as large as Germanys. This has historic as well as political reasons. The large exporting firms consist of
the former state-owned industries which themselves originated from the German military sector
located in Austria during World War II. Moreover, in the post war period the government pursued an
industrial policy based on economies of scale encouraging the creation of large firms.5
In Figure 6 we show in addition to the average also the median export market share as a measure of
the competitiveness of the typical exporter of a country to account for the fact that the average EMS
may be driven by a few very large exporters as is suggested by a recent literature on firm
heterogeneity and trade6. Apparently, this is indeed the case. The median EMSs are much smaller
compared to the average EMSs suggesting that they are preferable as a measure of economic
performance of the typical exporter of a country. Therefore, we will continue the analysis using the
median EMSs. Furthermore, we will devote a section of the paper to the superstar exporters the top 1
percent of exporting firms in each country to understand what drives the competitiveness of the very
large firms.
Why are the firm level average EMSs so different from the OECD market shares as shown in Figure 4a?
Germanys exporters have the largest market share in the OECD and one of the smaller firm level
average EMS. The reason is that Germany has many more exporters than the other countries which add
up to a larger macro market share although the typical exporter is smaller in terms of turnover
compared to the other countries.
[Figure 6: Average and Median Firm Export Market Shares in World Markets (in per mille)]
[Table 2: The Export Market Share: Explaining the Numerator]
Note, that we are reporting simple correlations here. We show, however, that the causality runs from the organisation to
the EMS in Marin, Schymik, Tscheke (2015).
4. Firm Heterogeneity
In the previous section we have seen that the countries average EMSs are much larger than the
median EMSs, suggesting that large firms are dominating among exporters. In this section we want to
focus on these large firms. In Figure 8 we take a first look at the distribution of exporters by plotting the
correlation between the firms productivity level and the EMS of firms, thereby distinguishing firms by
organisational form. As can be clearly seen from the figure, the EMS of firms, irrespective of the
organisation chosen, is increasing substantially in productivity. This resembles the well-known fact
that more productive firms tend to be bigger in terms of sales, both at home and abroad.8 The new and
important feature of the figure though, is a striking variation in EMSs across organisational forms,
holding constant productivity. Figure 8 shows that the right choice of organisation can significantly
improve the export performance of firms. This effect can be very large in particular for the small and
medium-sized firms at the bottom of the productivity distribution. For example, "both-exporters" in
Germany from the bottom 25 percent of the productivity distribution have EMSs about eleven times as
high as "none-exporters".
[Figure 8: Export Market Share by Organisational Form for different Productivity Levels]
This is a well known fact, see Bernard et al (2007) and Mayer and Ottaviano (2007) for rich countries and Freund and
Pierola (2015) for developing countries.
6. Product Quality
6.1 A subjective measure of perceived quality
In the previous sections we assumed that decentralised management goes hand in hand with better
product quality and offshoring leads to lower prices and costs. In this section we want to explore
whether we find evidence for this. We start with Figure 11 which asks the question: Do exporters with
top quality products operate significantly more often with a decentralised organisation compared to
low quality exporters? In Austria, Germany, Spain and the UK between 21 to 28 percent of firms who
ranked their product quality as top compared to the market average use decentralised management as
an organisational form. In these four countries exporting firms with low quality (firms which ranked
their product quality below 70 in the quality spectrum between 0 100) use significantly less often a
decentralised organisation. Moreover, in Austria, Germany, and the UK offshoring firms are significantly
more often low quality exporters (Germany: 37 percent low vs 20 percent top, Austria: 55 percent low
vs 26 percent top, UK: 47 percent low vs 20 percent top) suggesting that offshoring exporters in these
countries rely on low costs to stay competitive in export markets. However, France, Italy and Spain do
not follow this rule. In these three countries offshoring firms appear to be often top quality exporters.
The data appear to suggest that in these three countries top quality alone is not sufficient for exporting.
Successful exporters of top quality goods have to offshore production abroad to meet the price
competition from foreign rivals. Note also, that there is a sizable share of "none-exporters" with top
quality in most countries (that neither offshore nor decentralise).
[Figure 11: Organisational Choice by Top Quality Exporters (in percent of exporters)]
Next, we want to know whether decentralised management does indeed provide incentives for quality.
We consider decentralised management to provide incentives for quality if it results in an increase in
the export market share of top quality goods. We first look at the median exporter in Figure 12a. This
appears to be clearly the case for Germany with top quality "dec-exporters" and top quality "bothexporters" boosting their respective export market shares to 0.2 per mille compared to the median of
0.07 per mille (a factor of almost 3). In Spain, Italy and the UK "dec-exporters" and "both-exporters"
also boost their top quality export market shares. Interestingly, in Spain and Italy, some of the "offexporters" are also of top quality.
We now look at the top 10 percent of exporters in Figure 12b. In Austria and Germany, we see only top
quality exporters across all organisational forms. To belong to the top 10 percent of exporters you have
to be a top quality exporter no matter how you organise. But still, for these two countries, the "dec-
exporters" are clearly the most successful exporters. Similar to the median exporter, for the top 10
percent exporters in Spain, Italy, and the UK offshoring and top quality go together. Note also, that in
Spain, France and Italy, decentralisation does not appear to provide incentives for product quality. In
France, there is no single top 10 percent dec-exporter with top quality goods. In Spain and Italy,
decentralisation creates more low quality goods than goods of top quality. This might explain why
France and Italy very seldom decentralise their management10.
[Figure 12a: Export Market Share by Top Quality Exporters]
[Figure 12b: Export Market Share by Top Quality Exporters among the Top 10 percent of Exporters]
An obvious question is why does decentralised management not provide incentives for quality in these countries? We
postpone an attempt to answer to a later section.
across all countries. Even in Germany, our leading quality exporter, "off-exporters" and "both-exporters"
gain most in the homogenous sector (but not in the differentiated industry in which "dec-exporters"
and "both-exporters" gain most).
We now proceed by making the definition of differentiated vs homogenous good tighter. We define a
good to be differentiated if the elasticity of substitution is in the bottom 10 percent range and it is
homogenous when it falls in the top 10 percent range. We show the results in Figure 13b. Now the
"both-exporters" in the differentiated and the homogenous industries gain most across all countries
except Austria. But in Germany, our leading quality exporter, the export market share of the "decexporters" and the "both-exporters" in the differentiated industry are boosted most. Also in Spain the
"both-exporters" in the differentiated industry gain most, while in France the off-exporter in the
homogenous sector gain most. For the other countries we get a less clear cut result.
[Figure 13a: Export Market Shares: Homogenous vs Differentiated Goods (above and below median
elasticity of substitution), in per mille]
[Figure 13b: Export Market Shares: Homogenous vs Differentiated Goods (top 10 percent, bottom 10
percent of elasticity of substitution), in per mille]
We conclude from this analysis that Germany remains the top quality exporter according to the two
quality measures, the subjective firm level quality measure as perceived by firms as well as the
industry level measure of the elasticity of substitution. German exporters use decentralised
management to provide incentives for product quality, and this leads to higher export market shares
for exporters with top quality goods and in sectors where top quality is more important. Spanish and
Austrian exporters also decentralise their firm organisation, but this does not provide incentives for
quality to the same extent as in Germany. France (and to a lesser extent Italy), on the other hand, does
not put its export priority on top quality goods, the demand for its export goods shows a high
responsiveness to price changes and thus by lowering costs offshoring to low wage countries benefits
France most.
See Bloom, Sadun, van Reenen (2012), and Bloom and van Reenen (2007).
Marin (2010, 2011) argues that the opening up of Eastern Europe after the fall of communism allowed Germany to deal
with its severe human capital shortage by offshoring the skill intensive part of the value chain to Eastern Europe.
and British "off-exporters" sourcing from the EU15 actually reduces their export market share
compared to "off-exporters" who do not source from the EU15. In contrast, Austria and the UK firms can
increase median EMSs substantially when sourcing in the US (UK: +75 percent, Austria: 257 percent),
while the other countries gain only little or even lose (Italy) from sourcing in the US.
We now turn to the low cost sourcing regions eastern Europe, China&India, and Latin America. "Offexporters" from France and Spain gain most from sourcing in eastern Europe compared to "offexporters" who do not source from this region. They double their median export market share when
they source in eastern Europe. Italy increases its EMSs by 41 percent, Austria by 67 percent and
Germany by 58 percent by sourcing in eastern Europe, compared to "off-exporters" of the same
country who do not source from this region. Hence, sourcing in eastern Europe may explain why export
growth was particularly pronounced in Spain.
The biggest gainers from sourcing in China&India are "off-exporters" from the UK and Austria. Their
EMSs increases by over 70 percent compared to "off-exporters" which do not source from this region.
"Off-exporters" from Spain, Germany and France benefit only modestly from sourcing in the
Chinese/Indian markets as compared to "off-exporters" who do not source from this region. Thus, the
spectacular success of German firms is not based on access to cheap inputs in the Chinese market,
while access to Chinese inputs has helped UK and Austrian exports to grow substantially.
The gain from sourcing in Latin America is spectacular for France (it increases its export market share
in Latin America by 531 percent compared to "off-exporters" who do not source in Latin America). But
also Austria (244 percent) and Italy (200 percent) benefit, while UK firms lose out.
Summing up, the biggest gainers from offshoring to low wage countries are Austria (in Latin America,
the US, China&India, and eastern Europe) and the UK (US and China&India). Germany does not appear
to get special access to a particular market by sourcing there. France and Italy increase their EMSs
most from sourcing in Latin America and eastern Europe, while Spain gains most from eastern Europe
and the US. This might explain why Spanish export growth exceeded that of the other countries.
Surprisingly, for the export performance of Spain, France, and Italy in China&India sourcing there is not
very important.
See Marin, Rousova, Verdier (2013) for the factors that determine whether firms transplant their business model to
different markets.
8. Conclusion
In this paper we examine the role of firm organisation for the competitiveness of European countries.
We develop a firm level measure of competitiveness by calculating the export market share of the
median exporter and of the export superstars in seven European countries. We find that European
firms can triple their export market share when they meet competition with foreign rivals by
introducing decentralised management and by offshoring production to low wage countries.
Decentralised management improves product quality and offshoring to low wage countries reduces
costs. Firms in Europe follow a distinct pattern of export business models. Germany is the world leader
in exporting high quality goods. Among the top 10 percent of German exporters there is no single firm
with low quality. Germany is effective in incentivising workers to improve quality when they
decentralise management. The focus on quality in Germanys export business model explains why
Germany can afford price increases without losing too much export market share. Frances and Italys
export business model has a focus on price. Their exports respond to price changes and offshoring
production to low wage countries has benefited these countries most. This explains why these two
countries frequently offshore to low wage countries even when their products are of high quality. In
France and Italy decentralised management has not been effective to improve product quality which
may explain why these two countries only rarely operate with this organisation.
Index (2000=100)
United Kingdom
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Source: Comtrade, Eurostat
Index (2000=100)
United Kingdom
Source: Eurostat
Index (2000=100)
United Kingdom
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Source: OECD
Notes: The OECD export market share measures the degree of importance of a country's manufacturing industry within the total
manufacturing exports of the OECD. It is calculated by dividing the exports of manufacturing goods of the country by OECDs total
merchandise manufacturing exports.
Index (2000=100)
United Kingdom
Source: OECD
Notes: The OECD export market share measures the degree of importance of a country's manufacturing industry within the total
manufacturing exports of the OECD. It is calculated by dividing the exports of manufacturing goods of the country by OECDs total
merchandise manufacturing exports and presented as an index with base year 2000.
Domestic Firms
in percent of exporters
Notes: Values are the share of firms with a given type of organisation. none: neither decentralised nor offshoring, dec: decentralised firm, off: offshoring firm, both:
decentralised and offshoring firm (categories are mutually exclusive). A firm is considered to be offshoring when it responds "Yes, from abroad" to the question: "In 2008
has the firm purchased raw material or any intermediate goods for its domestic production?". A firm is considered to be decentralised when it responds "decentralised:
managers can take autonomous decisions in some business areas" to the question "With reference to strategic decisions which of the following statements better describe
your firm situation?". EFIGE sample weights are used throughout.
Notes: Values are the share of firms with a given type of organisation. none: neither decentralised nor offshoring, dec: decentralised firm, off: offshoring firm, both: decentralised and offshoring firm (categories are
mutually exclusive). A firm is considered to be offshoring when it responds "Yes, from abroad" to the question: "In 2008 has the firm purchased raw material or any intermediate goods for its domestic production?". A
firm is considered to be decentralised when it responds "decentralised: managers can take autonomous decisions in some business areas" to the question "With reference to strategic decisions which of the following
statements better describe your firm situation?". EFIGE sample weights are used throughout.
Notes: Export Market Share: Average and median firm's export value/total imports of the world for the firm specific set of industries.
Values represent weighted average or median over all exporters of a country. EFIGE sample weights are used throughout.
Export Market
(in percent)
(in percent)
Turnover of
(in th. US-$)
Turnover of all
(in th. US-$)
Number of
/Number of
(in percent)
Notes: Export Market Share: Average firm's export value/total imports of the world for the firm specific set of industries. Exporters: all
firms that "sold abroad some or all of its own products/services in 2008". EFIGE sample weights are used throughout.
Notes: Export Market Share: Median firm's export value/total imports of the world for the firm specific set of industries. none: neither decentralised nor offshoring, dec: decentralised firm, off: offshoring firm, both:
decentralised and offshoring firm (categories are mutually exclusive). A firm is considered to be offshoring when it responds "Yes, from abroad" to the question: "In 2008 has the firm purchased raw material or any
intermediate goods for its domestic production?". A firm is considered to be decentralised when it responds "decentralised: managers can take autonomous decisions in some business areas" to the question "With
reference to strategic decisions which of the following statements better describe your firm situation?". Numbers above bars are ratio of group specific median to country median. E.g. Offshoring exporters in Italy have
a median export market share about 1.5 times as high as the median (across groups) Italian exporter. EFIGE sample weights are used throughout.
Figure 8: Export Market Share by Organisational Form for Different Productivity Levels
(in per mille)
Notes: Export Market Share: Average firm's export value/total imports of the world for the firm specific set of industries. none: neither decentralised nor offshoring, dec: decentralised firm, off: offshoring firm, both:
decentralised and offshoring firm (categories are mutually exclusive). A firm is considered to be offshoring when it responds "Yes, from abroad" to the question: "In 2008 has the firm purchased raw material or any
intermediate goods for its domestic production?". A firm is considered to be decentralised when it responds "decentralised: managers can take autonomous decisions in some business areas" to the question "With
reference to strategic decisions which of the following statements better describe your firm situation?". Numbers above bars are the ratio of group specific values to average (for a given percentile). E.g. Offshoring only
firms between the 25th and the 50th percentile in the German productivity distribution have an export market share about 2.3 times as high as the average export market share of all German firms in the same
productivity range. EFIGE sample weights are used throughout.
Figure 8: Export Market Share by Organisational Form for Different Productivity Levels (continued)
(in per mille)
Notes: Export Market Share: Average firm's export value/total imports of the world for the firm specific set of industries. none: neither decentralised nor offshoring, dec: decentralised firm, off: offshoring firm, both:
decentralised and offshoring firm (categories are mutually exclusive). A firm is considered to be offshoring when it responds "Yes, from abroad" to the question: "In 2008 has the firm purchased raw material or any
intermediate goods for its domestic production?". A firm is considered to be decentralised when it responds "decentralised: managers can take autonomous decisions in some business areas" to the question "With
reference to strategic decisions which of the following statements better describe your firm situation?". Numbers above bars are the ratio of group specific values to average (for a given percentile). E.g. Offshoring only
firms between the 25th and the 50th percentile in the German productivity distribution have an export market share about 2.3 times as high as the average export market share of all German firms in the same
productivity range. EFIGE sample weights are used throughout.
Notes: Export value of top firms in percent of total exports (EFIGE). Total EFIGE exports of a country are the sum of firms export values multiplied by EFIGE absolute weights. EFIGE absolute weights tell how many
firms of the population are represented by a given sampled firm. Thus, adding up weights for a given country sample yields the total number of firms in the population. Weights are chosen to match data on firms from
EUROSTAT in terms of size and industry distribution. Firms belonging to the same sector/size cell share the same weight.
Notes: Export Market Share: Average firm's export value/total imports of the world for the firm specific set of industries. Top exporters are
defined in terms of export value. none: neither decentralised nor offshoring, dec: decentralised firm, off: offshoring firm, both: decentralised
and offshoring firm (categories are mutually exclusive). A firm is considered to be offshoring when it responds "Yes, from abroad" to the
question: "In 2008 has the firm purchased raw material or any intermediate goods for its domestic production?". A firm is considered to be
decentralised when it responds "decentralised: managers can take autonomous decisions in some business areas" to the question "With
reference to strategic decisions which of the following statements better describe your firm situation?". EFIGE sample weights are used
Notes: none: neither decentralised nor offshoring, dec: decentralised firm, off: offshoring firm, both: decentralised and offshoring firm
(categories are mutually exclusive). A firm is considered to be offshoring when it responds "Yes, from abroad" to the question: "In 2008 has
the firm purchased raw material or any intermediate goods for its domestic production". A firm is considered to be decentralised when it
responds "decentralised: managers can take autonomous decisions in some business areas" to the question "With reference to strategic
decisions which of the following statements better describe your firm situation? Decisions in your firm are...". eb is a subjective measure of
product quality as perceived by firms from the survey question: "Now please think of the product category your main product belongs to. If
we rank the maximum quality available in the market for this product equals to 100, how would you rate the quality of your own product?".
EFIGE sample weights are used throughout.
Notes: Export Market Share: Median firm's export value/total imports of the world for the firm specific set of industries. none: neither
decentralised nor offshoring, dec: decentralised firm, off: offshoring firm, both: decentralised and offshoring firm (categories are mutually
exclusive). A firm is considered to be offshoring when it responds "Yes, from abroad" to the question: "In 2008 has the firm purchased raw
material or any intermediate goods for its domestic production". A firm is considered to be decentralised when it responds "decentralised:
managers can take autonomous decisions in some business areas" to the question "With reference to strategic decisions which of the
following statements better describe your firm situation? Decisions in your firm are...". eb is a subjective measure of product quality as
perceived by firms from the survey question: "Now please think of the product category your main product belongs to. If we rank the
maximum quality available in the market for this product equals to 100, how would you rate the quality of your own product?". EFIGE
sample weights are used throughout.
Figure 12b: Export Market Share by Top Quality Exporters of Top 10% Exporters
(in per mille)
Notes: Export Market Share: Median firm's export value/total imports of the world for the firm specific set of industries. none: neither
decentralised nor offshoring, dec: decentralised firm, off: offshoring firm, both: decentralised and offshoring firm (categories are mutually
exclusive). A firm is considered to be offshoring when it responds "Yes, from abroad" to the question: "In 2008 has the firm purchased raw
material or any intermediate goods for its domestic production". A firm is considered to be decentralised when it responds "decentralised:
managers can take autonomous decisions in some business areas" to the question "With reference to strategic decisions which of the
following statements better describe your firm situation? Decisions in your firm are...". eb is a subjective measure of product quality as
perceived by firms from the survey question: "Now please think of the product category your main product belongs to. If we rank the
maximum quality available in the market for this product equals to 100, how would you rate the quality of your own product?". EFIGE
sample weights are used throughout.
Figure 13a: Export Market Share for Differentiated versus Homogeneous Sectors
differentiated sector: < median, homogeneous sector: > median
(in per mille)
Notes: Export Market Share: Median firm's export value/total imports of the world for the firm specific set of industries. Numbers above
bars are the ratio of the group specific median to the median across groups (for a given sub-sample). Firms are homogeneous if the elasticity
of substitution belongs to highest 50% in its country and are differentiated if the elasticity of substitution belongs to the lowest 50% in
its country. The elasticities of substitution are calculated at the sectoral level from Broda, Greenfield and Weinstein (2006).
none: neither decentralised nor offshoring, dec: decentralised firm, off: offshoring firm, both: decentralised and offshoring firm (categories
are mutually exclusive). A firm is considered to be offshoring when it responds "Yes, from abroad" to the question: "In 2008 has the firm
purchased raw material or any intermediate goods for its domestic production". A firm is considered to be decentralised when it responds
"decentralised: managers can take autonomous decisions in some business areas" to the question "With reference to strategic decisions
which of the following statements better describe your firm situation? Decisions in your firm are...". eb is a subjective measure of product
quality as perceived by firms from the survey question: "Now please think of the product category your main product belongs to. If we rank
the maximum quality available in the market for this product equals to 100, how would you rate the quality of your own product?". EFIGE
sample weights are used throughout.
Figure 13b: Export Market Share for Differentiated versus Homogeneous Sectors
differentiated sector: bottom 10th percentile, homogeneous sector: top 10th percentile
(in per mille)
Notes: Export Market Share: Median firm's export value/total imports of the world for the firm specific set of industries. Numbers above
bars are the ratio of the group specific median to the median across groups (for a given sub-sample). Firms are homogeneous if the elasticity
of substitution belongs to the top 10th percentile in its country and are differentiated if the elasticity of substitution belongs to the bottom
10th percentile in its country. The elasticities of substitution are calculated at the sectoral level from Broda, Greenfield and Weinstein (2006).
none: neither decentralised nor offshoring, dec: decentralised firm, off: offshoring firm, both: decentralised and offshoring firm (categories
are mutually exclusive). A firm is considered to be offshoring when it responds "Yes, from abroad" to the question: "In 2008 has the firm
purchased raw material or any intermediate goods for its domestic production". A firm is considered to be decentralised when it responds
"decentralised: managers can take autonomous decisions in some business areas" to the question "With reference to strategic decisions
which of the following statements better describe your firm situation? Decisions in your firm are...". eb is a subjective measure of product
quality as perceived by firms from the survey question: "Now please think of the product category your main product belongs to. If we rank
the maximum quality available in the market for this product equals to 100, how would you rate the quality of your own product?". EFIGE
sample weights are used throughout.
Index (2000=100)
United Kingdom
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Source: Comtrade, Eurostat
Notes: Eastern Europe includes: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic and
Index (2000=100)
United Kingdom
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Index (2000=100)
United Kingdom
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Source: Comtrade, Eurostat
Notes: Numbers are the share in percent of offshoring exporters sourcing from a specific region. Multiple responses possible, numbers do
not add up to 100%. Latin America: Antigua, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba,
Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guayana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru,
Dominican Rep., St. Kitts-Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Suriname, Trinidad Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela. eastern Europe: Bulgaria,
Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary. EFIGE sample weights are used
Notes: Export Market Share: Median firm's export value/total imports of the world for the firm specific set of industries. No: offshoring
exporter does not source from this region. Yes: offshoring exporter sources from this region. A firm is considered to be offshoring when it
responds "Yes, from abroad" to the question: "In 2008 has the firm purchased raw material or any intermediate goods for its domestic
production". Latin America: Antigua, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba,
Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guayana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru,
Dominican Rep., St. Kitts-Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Suriname, Trinidad Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela. Other EU: Bulgaria, Cyprus,
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary. EFIGE sample weights are used
Notes: Regional Export Market Shares: Median firm's export value to a given region/total regional imports for the firm specific set of
industries. none: neither decentralised nor offshoring, dec: decentralised firm, off: offshoring firm, both: decentralised and offshoring firm
(categories are mutually exclusive). A firm is considered to be offshoring when it responds "Yes, from abroad" to the question: "In 2008 has
the firm purchased raw material or any intermediate goods for its domestic production". A firm is considered to be decentralised when it
responds "decentralised: managers can take autonomous decisions in some business areas" to the question "With reference to strategic
decisions which of the following statements better describe your firm situation? Decisions in your firm are...". Latin America: Antigua,
Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada,
Guatemala, Guayana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Rep., St. Kitts-Nevis, St. Lucia,
St. Vincent, Suriname, Trinidad Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela. Other EU: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland,
Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary. EFIGE sample weights are used throughout.
Notes: A firm is considered to be decentralised when it responds "decentralised: managers can take autonomous decisions in some business
areas" to the question "With reference to strategic decisions which of the following statements better describe your firm situation?". Family
Managed: firms share of managers related to the controlling family is higher than the national average. Exporters with Family Executives
(not CEO): firm has family members in the executive board, but top CEO is not a member of the family. Trust: "Generally speaking, would
you say that most people can be trusted (1) or that you can't be too careful in dealing with people (0)". We use the average responses for
NUTS-1 region of the exporter, source: European Value Survey.
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