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White Paper - Fuel Dyes

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A Study of Qunizarin (Orange Dye 2)

in Hexane as a Model Fuel Dye

A White Paper for the Fuel and Oil Industries
By Joseph E. Johnson , Ph.D.
Copyright 2010 Microspectral Analysis, LLC. All rights reserved.


A study was performed using Quinizarin 1,4Dihydroxyanthraquinone (Direct Orange 26) in
hexane to model the behavior of a fuel dye. A
stock of the dye solution was made and diluted
before measuring the full visible spectrum (400700 nm). The peak Absorption wavelength,
found at 460 nm, had a good correlation with
the Beer-Lambert Law. Additionally, the area
under the Absorption profile, from 400 nm to
550 nm, was measured and also yielded an
excellent correlation to the Direct Orange 26
dye concentration. Using both of the methods,
the Beer-Lambert Law for the peak Absorption,
and the area under the profile, one can obtain
an exceptional correlations of concentration
and identification of the specific dye.

kerosene. The color may vary from red, green,

blue, orange, and yellow, and can be identified
by the user. An example7 is the dyeing of diesel
fuel, started in the United States in 1993 under
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
regulations and expanded for tax enforcement
purposes on January 1, 1994. The diesel fuel
dyeing programs served two distinct purposes:
to identify fuel that did not meet the sulfur
content for use in highway vehicles, and to
identify Federal excise tax-exempt fuel.
Taxation also plays a large role in the dyeing of
fuels, with billions of dollars being evaded in
taxes.9 Another example is quinizarin (Direct
Orange 26) used in red diesel, along with
Solvent Red 26 dye in the United Kingdom.

Materials and Equipment

Dyes have been used to tag fuels for
identification, concentration, environmental,
and taxation purposes1-9. Most applications
include marine, aviation, heating, and
automobile fuels including gasoline, diesel, and

The materials in the study consist of Quinizarin

1,4-Dihydroxyanthraquinone (Direct Orange 26,
reagent grade, (98% pure) from Fluka
Chemicals, and spectroscopy-grade hexane
(99% pure) from Sigma-Aldrich chemicals. A
Sartorius micro-balance that weighs to the mg
quantity was used for all weighing. An i-LAB

model S560 visible spectrophotometer,

calibrated previously with a Beckman
UV/Vis/NIR Spectrophotometer, was used to
measure the transmission (T) of the dye
Absorption values (ABS) were
calculated using the conversion equation, ABS =
-log (T). Round vials (glass, 25 mm diameter)
from LaMotte were used as the sample cells.

Fig. 1 Direct Orange 26 Dye Structure

Qunizarin 1,4-Dihydroxyanthraquinone



The dye solutions were placed in the 25 mm

round vials and sealed, prior to measurements
with an i-LAB visible spectrophotometer. The
i LAB unit had background measurements
using hexane and a black water solution, for
optical purposes, before the start of sample
measurement. The background measurements
only needed to be performed once, and not
with every sample. Each sample was measured
with the LABXYZ_RV program on the unit. A
typical spectrum was obtained in ~15 seconds.
The data was transferred from the i-LAB unit to
a computer using the DATALOG software that
converting it to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
for further analysis.

Initially 0.100 g of the Direct Orange 26 was
weighed and added to 7.500 g of hexane,
forming an initial stock solution (Stock Solution
A). Stock Solution A was then stirred for 30
minutes until the dye was dissolved. Another
stock solution (Stock Solution C) was made by
diluting 1 part of Stock Solution A with 4 parts
of hexane. The prepared samples and their
concentrations in micro-moles of Direct Orange
26 in ml of hexane are listed in Table 1:
Table 1: Samples of DO 26 in Hexane



Results and Discussion

The transmission spectra of the samples are
shown in Figure 2. The Transmission curves of
the dye all follow the same trend. The
Transmission starts at ~530 nm and continues
to 700 (and probably beyond). The interesting
part of the spectrum is from 400 nm to ~530
nm. The well increases in size with dye
concentration, centering at ~470 nm. Figure 3
is a representation of the colors at each
wavelength. Figure 3 shows that the colors that
are fully transmitted for the dye sample are
reds and yellows, and the colors absorbed in
various amounts are the blues and greens.
Therefore, the sample should, and does, appear
orange. As the dye concentration decreases,
the color becomes paler.

r 0.8
s 0.6
s 0.4
o 0.2






Wavelength (nm)




Fig. 2: Transmission Spectra of Direct Orange 26 Dye in Hexane and also Hexane








Fig. 3 Color Representation of Spectra

Figure 4 shows the complementary Absorption

spectra for the dye samples. Note that the
Absorption peak gets flatter as the Direct

Orange dye concentration decreases. Selecting

a peak wavelength of Beer-Lambert Law could
be made at 460 nm, with the blank, hexane

readings being subtracted from the sample

values. The Beer-Lambert plot is shown in

Figure 5.

Fig. 4 Absorption Spectra of Direct Orange 26 Dye in Hexane and also Hexane

Figure 5 shows a good correlation (R2 >0.99) for

a straight line fit, with the greatest variance
being in the middle of the line. Practically, one
could just use a spectrophotometer to obtain
the peak and then use a Beer-Lambert Law to
calculate a concentration. However, one could
add another orange dye or a combination of
dyes (i.e., yellow and red) to also get a linear
correlation at the desired wavelength, in this
case 460 nm. To ensure that the correct dye, as
well as concentration is used, one can do a peak
ratio or an area under the curve calculation. A
peak ratio method involves taking the
Absorbance values at two wavelengths and
dividing one by the other. In the case of Figure

6, the peaks used are at 450 nm and at 500 nm.

The correlation is roughly 90%, R2=0.90, with
potential errors attributed to the peaks being
taken on the actual shoulders of the
Absorption profile. Another way to ensure the
correct dye is being used is to take an area
under the curve and relate that to
concentration. The area under a curve method
takes out the peak ratio errors of having
sensitive readings on the shoulders. In this
case, the Absorbance values from 400 nm to
550 nm (less hexane background) were added
and plotted against the concentration of the
corresponding Direct Orange 26 dye. An

exponential fit has an excellent correlation

(R2=0.9996) in Figure 7.

Fig. 5 Beer-Lambert Plot of Direct Orange 26 Dye in Hexane at 460 nm

Fig. 6 Peak Ratio of ABS at 450 nm/ABS at 500. Correlation is for an exponential fit.

Fig. 7 Area Under the Curves for ABS from 400 nm to 550 nm. Correlation is for an exponential fit.

A model system for fuel dyes was made by
using Direct Orange 26 dye (Quinizarin or 1,4Dihydroxyanthraquinone) with hexane. The
results show the Beer-Lambert method may be
used to determine the dye concentration at 460
nm. The Direct Orange 26 dye also exhibits a
unique fingerprint over the visible spectrum

that may be determined by using a peak ratio

analysis, performed here at 450 nm and 500nm,
or an even better correlation using the area
under the Absorption curve- from 400 nm to
550 nm for this dye. Used to its full potential,
the i-LAB visible spectrophotometer may be
used to rapidly obtain outstanding dye
concentration and identification for fuels and
other non-aqueous solvents.

1. ASTM D 2392, Test Method for Color of Dyed Aviation Fuels
2. ASTM D156, Saybolt Color of Petroleum Products (Saybolt Chromometer Method)
3. ASTM D 1500, Test for ASTM Color of Petroleum Products (Lubricating Oil)
4. ASTM 1209, Color of Clear Liquids (Platinum-Cobalt Scale)
5. ASTM D5386, Color of Liquids using Tristimulus Values
6. ASTM D 6045, Color of Petroleum Products by the Automatic Tristimulus Method
7. Revenue Enhancement Through Increased Motor Fuel Tax Enforcement, Stephen J. Baluch, Program
Manager, Fuel Tax Evasion Program, U.S. Department of Transportation-Federal Highway
Administration; Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington,
D.C., January 1996
8. Study of the Feasibility and Desirability of Using Motor Fuel Dyes and Markers, Federal Highway
Administration, Report FHWA-PL-93-022, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1993
9. National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Report 623, Identifying and Quantifying Rates of
State Motor Fuel Tax Exemption, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2008

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