Alternative Medicine

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Actually, the use of alternative medicine seems to be increasing. People are

opting to use this type of treatments because they found on it options that isnt
present in conventional medicine. The alternative medicine help people to cure
their diseases and feel good. Because of that, most of the conventional
medicine treatment are including this therapies in their patients. Also, some
educational institutions have begun to offer courses of this kind of medicine.
To start, what is the meaning of alternative medicine?
The alternative medicine is a type of treatment that cure the diseases and pain,
but dont belongs to the conventional medicine.
Some doctors considered this type of practices uneffective because there isnt
evidence that confirm it results. But, on the other hand, there are some doctors
that incluyed this treatment in his therapies. Even the doctors are
recommending alternative medicine to relieve the pain.
More than the half of the poblation in developed countries are using this
medicine to cure a lot of diseases. This is because the alternative medicine
provides health benefits and the people feel more active in theis treatments,
there are more options and methods to cure their pain and this medicine give
they a healthy mind.
Alternative medicine is different from the conventional medicine in some aspect:
1) treatments thinking in the patient: alternative medicine has a intimate and
prolonged contact with the patient that makes people feel more comfortable with
their therapies.
2) Thinking in people like a entire person: this is because to cure the diseases,
should be considered all the symptoms of the disease to get a effective
3) Alternative medicine suposed a influence of the psychology: the psychology
and the medicine works together to cure the diseases and the pain. For
example, it has been demonstrated that people who has cancer and received
this kind of treatments, improve their mood and their disposition to cure their

There are a lot of types of alternative medicines that can be classified into
different groups:

1) Global medical systems: are types of alternative medicine that contains little
groups of other medicines. For example, the traditional chinese medicine that
contains philosophy, psychology, and more.
2) Mind-body medicine: in this medicines, the connection between the body, the
mind and the spirit is very important to keep healthy.
3) Biological medicine: medicine that use herbs, vitamins and minerals for the
therapies. This sustains help peolpe to get a balance in the organism.
4) Body practices: the manipulation or movement of the body. This is important
because you can balance your body. For example, the lymphatic massage, the
therapeutic massage.
5) Energetic medicine: this group use the energies to cure diseases. For
example the magnoteraphy, that is a magnetisim treatment, and the Reiki, that it
a spiritual treatment.
Alternative medicine most used are:
1) Acupuncture: the acupuncture is a therapy thar consist in put needles in
different areas of the body to restore the health and comfort of the people. This
is a therapy that has been used around five thousand (5000) years. This
treatment is usefull to relieve the pain and the anxiety.
2) Homeopathy: this therapy consists to use little substances diluted to provoke
the symptoms of the disease. This is mean that to cure the disease, we have to
use the disease. This is usefull to reestablish the immune system to cure the
disease. This treatment has been used for twenty ages.
3) Aromatheraphy: consist in use natural oil from aromatic plant. This help
peolpe to increase their confort. The oils are applied with massage or inhaling.
4) Bach Flowers: consist in 38 thirty eight natural infusions from native flowers.
This infusions contain therapeutic property getting the armony and confort in the
people`s emotions. It can be applied in drops or creams.
5) Meditation or Yoga: consists in use technics that develop the mind and
influence the body. This therapy favor the mood and the comfort of the people,
and also revitalize the body.
6) Massage: consist in manipulate the body to relieve the pain and tension.
Also, estimulate some areas to get a better circulation.

Otras prcticas aparentemente menos complejas son el Reiki, la aromoterapia, el quiromasaje, etc. Hoy en da
se asume que todas las medicinas trabajan en forma complementaria, por lo cual a futuro se tiende a hablar
de una Medicina Integrativa.

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