Passive Seismic Monitoring of Reservoirs: A Case Study From Oman

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Passive Seismic Monitoring of Reservoirs: A Case Study from Oman

A. Al-Anboori1, 3 and J-M. Kendall2

The passive monitoring of microseismic events can
provide an inexpensive and effective means of monitoring spatial and temporal variations in reservoir properties. Those microearthquakes will occur naturally because
of tectonic stresses but also can be induced through exploitation activities such as hydraulic stimulation, enhanced petroleum recovery, and fluid extraction. Such
monitoring offers insights into the dynamic state of stress
in a reservoir invaluable information for developing
effective strategies for drilling, injection, and production
Although microseismic monitoring has been used to
study geothermal fields since the 1970s, the oil industry
started to realize its potential only recently. Microseismic
monitoring was relatively uncommon in oil fields 10 years
ago, but it is now fairly commonplace in monitoring the
hydraulic stimulation of fractures, for example. The processing of such data is quite different from approaches
used in conventional reflection seismology. In fact, the
techniques used are more akin to those used in conventional earthquake seismology.
The use of microseismic data can be divided into two
broad categories: (1) the study of the source itself and (2)
imaging of the surrounding medium. Sudden stress release on faults and fractures will generate elastic waves
that will propagate into the surrounding medium. The first
step in any microseismicity study is to locate those events
as accurately as possible. Their locations and how they
migrate in time can be used to image fault planes, to infer
fault reactivation, and to monitor the propagation of perturbations to the stress field. That can be important in detecting compartmentalization in reservoirs, assessing
caprock integrity, and monitoring injection fronts. Directional variations in the pattern of energy release at

the source can be used to determine the orientation and

magnitude of the stress field and to further assess the orientation and motion of fault planes.
Given sufficient source-and-receiver coverage, microseismic data can be processed by using imaging tools
such as tomography and velocity analysis. Because both
P-wave and S-wave signals are generated and recorded,
much potential exists to determine lithologic and fluid
properties from P- and S-wave velocities and their ratios.
Furthermore, such data are suited ideally to the study of
seismic anisotropy. Unlike conventional reflection seismology, raypaths are not generally vertical, and hence,
directional variations in velocity are assessed more easily.
Perhaps the most unambiguous indicator of anisotropy is
shear-wave splitting. Measurements of such splitting can
be used to assess fracture properties, which are sensitive
to spatial and temporal variations in the stress field.
Finally, microseismic data are generally rich in frequency
content, and much potential exists to evaluate frequencydependent wave phenomena. For example, they can be
used to estimate effective Q. It also has been shown that
frequency-dependent shear-wave splitting is sensitive to
crack size, aspect ratio, and fluid properties.
In this paper, we illustrate some of the potential uses
of microseismic data in reservoir decision making through
a case study of a data set acquired in a large oil field in
west-central Oman. The intent is to illustrate the broad
range of applications of passive seismic monitoring and
to highlight the rich potential that such data sets have in
reservoir management.

The Oman data set

A recent passive seismic experiment in Oman provides one of the best monitoring arrays so far. Data were

University of Leeds, School of Earth and Environment, Leeds, U. K.

University of Bristol, Department of Earth Sciences, Bristol, U. K.
Petroleum Development Oman, Study Center, Oman.



Methods and Applications in Reservoir Geophysics

acquired by recording tools deployed in five boreholes at

depths between 800 m and 1400 m (Figure 1). The wells
lie proximal to two large graben faults that trend northeast-southwest through the center of the field. The sensor
array in each well is comprised of eight four-component
receivers (tetrahedral configuration; see Jones and Asanuma [2004]). In this paper, we present results from
the analysis of 15 days of data, during which time 641

locatable events were identified, with an average of

nearly 43 events per day. An additional 26 large events
that were recorded during a seven-day period supplement
the data set.
The monitoring covers a region of two carbonate reservoirs: an upper gas reservoir (the Natih A Formation)
and a lower oil reservoir (the Shuaiba Formation). The
Fiqa and Nahr Umr shale formations act as caprocks to
the upper and lower reservoirs, respectively. The field is
domelike in shape because of deep-seated salt movement.
Major faults in the field trend southeast-northwest or
northeast-southwest. The latter are high-angle normal
faults, a result of the extensional regime associated with
salt uplift and forming a northeast-trending graben system. The faults that trend southeast-northwest show strikeslip movement and are associated with later-stage regional
tectonics because of the collision of the Arabian and
Eurasian Plates.

Source locations

Figure 1. Event locations for the Oman data set. Red stars
mark surface location of the recording boreholes. (a) Dashed
lines that trend northeast-southwest mark large graben faults
that transect the field. Blue symbols mark located events from
a two-week period, and orange symbols mark large events
from another week of data. (b) Green cubes show sensor
locations in each of the five boreholes, pink and black
symbols show the event locations in three dimensions, and
blue and orange symbols show the locations projected onto
the base of the map.

The quality of any study that uses microseismic data

is limited by the accuracy of event locations. That accuracy is controlled directly by the number and spatial distribution of receivers, accuracy of the velocity model,
quality of traveltime picks and, if necessary, accuracy in
estimates of particle-motion directions.
Until recently, most oil-field microseismic data sets
were acquired by using sensors deployed in a single borehole. Part of the reason for using a single borehole was
that sensor deployment required the drilling of a monitoring well or that the experiment resulted in one less production borehole, with both options being costly. However,
recent advancements in borehole technology have led to
the design of tools that can be deployed in producing
wells (see Wilson et al., 2004). The receiver effectively is
coupled to the surrounding rock while being decoupled
from flowing material in the well. More recently, highquality data sets have been acquired in experiments in
which receivers have been deployed in multiple wells
(Jones et al., 2004).
For a given velocity model, the delay time between
P- and S-waves can be used to estimate the distance to
the source. For a single receiver in a homogeneous medium, that distance estimate will place the source location
anywhere on a sphere centered on the receiver. Recording
the same event at three or more receivers deployed in different locations will constrain the location of the event.
However, if the receivers all lie in a single well, the
source might lie anywhere on a circle around the borehole. Locating seismic events by using sensor arrays
deployed in a single borehole therefore also requires
measurements of particle motions to determine what

Chapter 5: Production Geophysics

direction the seismic energy arrives from. To invert those

data for source locations, one needs to calculate traveltimes and particle-motion directions at each receiver,
which can be challenging in 3D models. Unfortunately,
there still will be a 180 ambiguity as to what side of the
borehole the event lies on.
The Oman data set is one of the few in which multiple
wells have been used. Hence, source locations are more
accurate and perhaps more important errors in
source location are more realistic than those obtained
from single-well data. The region has a high level of
production-related seismicity. Figure 1 shows the events
analyzed in this work. Two large border faults run through
the field and the events cluster near those features, but
less seismicity exists in the region between faults than on
the other sides of faults.
Other studies have shown that on closer inspection,
seismicity clusters on a subset of preexisting faults and is
most abundant in the shallow Fiqa Shale (Jones et al.,
2004; Bourne et al., 2006). Jones et al. (2004) also report
successful monitoring of water movement from a deep
injector well. Furthermore, the locations have helped to
delineate areas of reservoir compartmentalization, the
edges of which pose a potential drilling hazard (Jones
et al., 2004). Those findings demonstrate the links between microseismic activity and reservoir-production processes.

Focal mechanisms and

stress tensor estimation
In addition to obtaining better source locations, an
advantage of recording microseismic data in multiple
boreholes is that the data can be used to study source
mechanisms. That is not possible with receivers deployed
in close proximity to one another in a single borehole; it
generally requires receivers in more than one well. Faultplane solutions or images of focal mechanisms reveal the
orientation of the fault and its sense of failure. Furthermore,
multiple fault mechanisms can be inverted for principal
stress directions (e.g., Gephart and Forsyth, 1984). Those
are standard procedures in more conventional earthquake
Few previous studies have had the geometry and data
coverage to study source mechanics. Fault-plane solutions and moment tensors have been analyzed by using a
data set acquired during hydraulic fracturing in the Carthage gas field in east Texas (Eisner and Sileny, 2004;
Rutledge et al., 2004). Events from an interbedded
sand-and-shale sequence in the Cotton Valley Formation
show strike-slip faulting along vertical fracture trends
confined to the more competent sandstones. This paper
shows how such analyses of source mechanisms provide


insights into style of faulting and fluid flow caused by

We have determined 43 reliable fault-plane solutions
for the Oman field. Al-Anboori et al. (2006a) summarize
the methodology used in determining fault-plane solutions. We use the polarity of P- and S-wave arrivals and
the relative amplitudes of the P, SH, and SV signals to
determine the fault-plane solutions by using the methodology outlined in Snoke et al. (1984).
A key control step in the analysis is the use of reflectivity modeling to assess the reliability of the solutions.
Determining fault-plane solutions with downhole data is
considerably more challenging than with more conventional surface recordings. The signals can arrive from
above or below a receiver, and with structurally complex
sedimentary structures, considerable complications can
be associated with ray multipathing and head-wave arrivals. The synthetics for the Oman data set show that faultplane solutions can be retrieved uniquely by using signal
polarities and amplitude ratios with receivers in as few as
three wells. It is difficult to determine fault-plane solutions confidently for distant events because of contamination from first-arriving head waves.
A transition in the style of faulting appears to correlate with lithology and proximity to the major graben
faults in the field. Shear movements near the easternmost
graben fault show depth-dependent faulting mechanisms
(Figure 2) a transition from oblique thrust faulting with
a strike-slip component in the Fiqa caprock to pure thrust
faulting in the gas-charged Natih A reservoir and a transition from strike-slip faulting in the Nahr Umr caprock to
more normal faulting in the oil-bearing Shuaiba reservoir.
Given the normal graben faults and the extensional regime
that the field is experiencing (Litsey et al. 1986), the normal faulting regime in the Shuaiba reservoir is perhaps

Figure 2. Summary of fault-plane solutions shows variations

in source mechanisms for events confined to the Fiqa, upper
Natih, Nahr Umr, and Shuaiba Formations.


Methods and Applications in Reservoir Geophysics

not unexpected. The observed thrusting in the Fiqa caprock (with a significant strike-slip component) and in the
Natih A reservoir is believed to be related to subsidence
and deformation because reverse fault mechanisms are
expected above compacting zones (Segall, 1989). The highest potential for compaction is the chalky Natih zone,
where soft and heterogeneous units are present and pressure is reduced because of gas depletion. In addition, the
faulting regime appears to be related to lithology because
both shale caprocks (Fiqa and Nahr Umr) show significant strike-slip components.
The fault-plane solutions also can be used to predict
the stress field in the four horizons, assuming that maximum, intermediate, and minimum stress orientations are
parallel to the P- (pressure), B- (null), and T- (tension)
axes, respectively. Al-Anboori et al. (2006a) show that
the P-axis is predominantly horizontal in Fiqa and Natih
A, subhorizontal in Nahr Umr, and subvertical in Shuaiba.
The maximum stress direction therefore is predicted to be
subhorizontal in the Fiqa, Natih A, and Nahr Umr and
subvertical in the Shuaiba. However, the subhorizontal
P-axis in Fiqa, Natih A, and Nahr Umr varies greatly in
azimuth, rendering estimation of maximum stress azimuth difficult.
In Natih A, Nahr Umr, and Shuaiba, subvertical stress
is more constrained and is predicted to represent minimum, intermediate, and maximum stress, respectively.

Figure 3. Example of a correction for shear-wave splitting.

(a) Isolated fast and slow shear waves. (b) Particle motion,
which is elliptical because of the time lag between fast and
slow shear waves. (c) Fast and slow shear waves with the
time lag removed, resulting in (d) linearized particle motion.
In practice, the splitting parameters are determined by a grid
search over delay time and fast shear-wave polarization (see
Teanby et al., 2004b).

That might imply that vertical stress increases with depth,

as would be expected if pore pressure remains hydrostatic.
That also might suggest that the vertical stress is below
the maximum and minimum horizontal stress (TH, Th) in
the Fiqa and Natih A, that it increases above Th but
remains below TH in Nahr Umr, and finally that it exceeds
both horizontal stresses TH, Th in Shuaiba.
Although source locations can delineate fault reactivation and directions of rupture, analysis of fault-plane
solutions reveals the sense of motion on the fault, orientation of the stress field, and variations in fault mechanics
with lithology. That is important information for several
reservoir-management decisions, including assessing wellbore stability and predicting sites of potential shear
failure of casing, and it might prove useful for groundtruthing geomechanical models.

Studies of shear-wave splitting

Studies of anisotropy are useful because they provide
insights into lithologic fabric and the alignment of grain
boundaries, pores, cracks, and fractures. For example,
anisotropy resulting from mica alignment will be sensitive to variations in compaction in shales, which can be
useful in assessing shale-gas and caprock sealing properties. The preferred orientation of cracks, fractures, and
joint sets also will lead to anisotropy. P-waves propagate
faster parallel to fractures than in crosscutting directions
and hence are sensitive to permeability anisotropy. In
general, anisotropy results from a superposition of various effects. Indeed, one of the difficulties in its interpretation is discrimination among competing mechanisms
(Kendall et al., 2007).
Perhaps the easiest way of detecting anisotropy by
using microseismic data is through evidence of shearwave splitting (Figure 3). Two orthogonally polarized and
independently traveling shear waves will propagate in
anisotropic media. The delay time (Et) between the fast
and slow shear waves is proportional to the magnitude
and extent of the anisotropy. Polarizations of the fast (G)
and slow shear waves are indicators of the anisotropic
symmetry of the medium. Measurements of those two
splitting parameters (Et and G), coupled with observations
for a range of propagation directions, can be used to characterize the anisotropy. One of the advantages of using
microseismic data to study anisotropy is that the sources
often are well distributed around receivers.
Evidence of shear-wave splitting in microseismic
data sets has been used to infer spatial and temporal variations in fracture properties and hence variations in the
stress field. For example, Teanby et al. (2004a) find evidence for that in a data set from the Valhall field in the
Norwegian sector of the North Sea. They interpret the

Chapter 5: Production Geophysics

shear-wave splitting as having been caused by an orthorhombic anisotropy resulting from superposition of vertical fractures on a mud rock with a simple transversely
isotropic symmetry. They observe temporal variations in
the magnitude of the shear-wave splitting during the twomonth period of the experiment (Figure 4). Despite that
provocative result, the experiment was too short in duration to determine whether temporal variations were caused
by production and/or tidal effects. Careful comparison
with production data and geomechanical reservoir models
is needed to understand such effects better.

Figure 4. Example of temporal variations in shear-wave

splitting for effectively colocated events. The data, which are
from the 1997 Valhall experiment, show a pronounced
variation in delay time between fast and slow shear waves.
From Teanby et al., 2004a.


The Oman data set has yielded nearly 2500 measurements of shear-wave splitting, but only 400 of them produced reliable results. The highest values of anisotropy (as
much as 10%) occur in the fractured upper parts of the
carbonate gas reservoir, whereas the smallest values (~1%)
occur in the lower, nonproducing, unfractured parts of the
same formation (Figure 5). The Fiqa Formation shows
moderate amounts of anisotropy (35%). Interestingly, the
anisotropy also seems to be controlled by proximity to the
large border faults, the largest magnitudes lying southeast
of the easternmost graben fault and the lowest lying in the
region between the two faults.
Care must be taken in interpreting the results of shearwave splitting from such data. Figure 6 illustrates the

Figure 5. (a) Cross section and (b) map view of variations in

anisotropy throughout the Oman field. Circles show the
average anisotropy along the raypath and are plotted at the
midpoint between the source and receiver. The depth section
is oriented northwest-southeast, crosscutting the graben
faults. Green and blue symbols mark regions of strong
anisotropy; orange and red mark regions of weak anisotropy.


Methods and Applications in Reservoir Geophysics

Figure 6. Variations in P-wave velocities and shear-wave splitting plotted on upper-hemisphere projections. The center of the
hemisphere corresponds to vertical wave propagation, whereas the perimeter of the hemisphere shows azimuthal variations in
horizontal velocities (normally those in the bedding plane). (a) Maximum and minimum P-wave velocity and P-wave anisotropy
100 t (Vmax Vmin)/Vave also are given below each hemisphere. (b) and (c) show variations in shear-wave splitting on a lowerhemisphere projection. Shear-wave splitting is expressed as a percent and is defined as 100 t (Vsfast Vsslow)/Vsave for a given
direction of wave propagation. (b) Maximum and minimum splitting are given below the hemispheres. (c) Ticks on the hemispheres show polarizations of the leading (fast) shear wave for a given direction of wave propagation. The top row shows results
for rock where anisotropy is controlled by microcrystal alignment (see details in Kendall et al., 2007). The bottom row shows
anisotropy in the same rock, but vertically aligned cracks, oriented left to right across the page, are superimposed on the intrinsic
crystal anisotropy. The cracks do not significantly change the magnitude of the anisotropy, only the symmetry of the anisotropy.
The uncracked sample has a nearly vertical transverse isotropy symmetry, whereas the cracked sample has a nearly orthorhombic

trade-off between fracture-induced anisotropy and more

intrinsic anisotropy caused by alignment (see discussion
in Kendall et al., 2007). As fracture-induced anisotropy
starts to dominate, subhorizontally propagating shear
waves will be very sensitive to the dip of a fracture set but
not to the strike. The opposite is true for waves that travel
nearly vertically. Al-Anboori et al. (2005) discuss that
in detail.
The average fracture dip is 73 for the Oman data set.
The dominant strike of the fast shear wave is approximately
15, but there is a secondary orientation of approximately
84 (Figure 7). The north-northeastsouth-southwest orientation agrees with the regional present-day direction
of maximum stress and is prevalent in the gas-producing

top part of the Natih Formation. The secondary fracture set

is a production-related feature associated with secondary
faults in the field and is prevalent in the Fiqa Shale and the
lower parts of the Natih Formation. Finally, a subset of the
data that image the middle parts of the Natih shows dominant fast shear-wave polarization of 45.
The bulk of the anisotropy observed in the Oman field
can be attributed to fracture alignment. With more data,
spatial variations in the magnitude of the anisotropy
potentially could be used to help delineate more heavily
fractured regions. That might be important for finding
trapped oil and gas in compartmentalized zones. The symmetry of anisotropy and hence orientation of fractures can
be used to help guide drilling programs.

Chapter 5: Production Geophysics


shear-wave splitting
In many reservoirs, fracture orientation, density,
size, and connectivity control reservoir production.
Studies of source mechanisms and shear-wave splitting
provide insights into fracture orientation and density but
offer little information about fracture size and connectivity. Work by Chapman and coworkers (e.g., Maultzsch
et al., 2003) has shown that the frequency dependence
of shear-wave splitting can be very sensitive to those
At low seismic frequencies, a material with aligned
inclusions will behave like a homogeneous anisotropic
medium, but at higher frequencies, the inclusions will
behave as discrete scatterers. Poroelastic effects are more
subtle. For example, aligned fluid-filled fractures in a
porous medium will exhibit frequency-dependent anisotropy. At high frequencies, the inclusions will be isolated
and the effective anisotropy will be smaller, whereas at
low frequencies, the inclusions effectively are interconnected and the anisotropy will be larger.
Microseismic data are typically rich in frequency
content, making them ideal for studies of frequencydependent wave phenomena, such as Q estimation. The
frequency content of the Oman data set is somewhat variable with depth and lithology but is generally between 10
and 400 Hz. The P-waves have higher frequency content
than the S-waves.
Al-Anboori et al. (2006b) describe the analysis of frequency-dependent shear-wave splitting in the Oman data
set. Data are filtered with a one-octave passband (i.e., a
constant ratio of high to low frequencies of 2). Then the
splitting parameters are estimated for each frequency band.
The results reveal lithology-dependent variability in the
nature of frequency-dependent shear-wave splitting.
Figure 8 shows the results for the Fiqa Shale and
Natih A carbonate, including a best-fit inversion for fracture size based on the Chapman (2003) model. Results for
events confined to the Natih A carbonate formation show
a clear and fairly consistent pattern of frequency-dependent shear-wave splitting. Results confined to the Fiqa
Shale Formation show no evidence of frequency-dependent shear-wave splitting. The Chapman (2003) model
that best fits the results for the Natih A Formation suggest
that the anisotropy is caused by cracks or fractures that
have an average length of approximately 2 m and high
fracture density of 0.07 to 0.23, as might be expected for
a reservoir with hydrocarbon production facilitated primarily by fractures.
In contrast, results for the Fiqa suggest that the anisotropy is caused by fine-scale cracks less than 1 mm in size
with a moderate fracture density of 0.03 to 0.05, as might
be expected for a caprock that is acting as a seal for the

Figure 7. Rose diagram of the strike of fast shear-wave

polarization for waves that propagate subvertically. Two
average orientations are visible, one at 15 and one at 84.

reservoir. Al-Anboori et al. (2006a), who explore the robustness of those results by using a grid search over misfit
between model parameters (fracture size and density),
find that those parameters are constrained well.

Summary and future work

These results show how microseismic data can be
used to infer faulting and stress regimes within reservoirs
and fracture characteristics such as size, density, and orientation. Figure 9 summarizes the results and demonstrates that fault mechanisms and anisotropy are sensitive
to lithology and fractures. Such information is obviously
useful in reservoir management. We have analyzed only a
limited amount of data from the Oman field. With more
data, we can assess not only spatial but also temporal
variations in stress-related properties of the field.
As passive seismic monitoring becomes more commonplace, the size and quality of data sets will improve.
With ever larger data volumes, there is considerable incentive to automate the analyses. De Meersman et al.
(2006) have developed an automated approach for picking traveltimes and particle motions. They show that a
semiautomated repicking of P-wave and S-wave arrival
times and array-based P-wave polarization analysis improve the accuracy of locations. That also removed some
of the subjectivity of manual picking. However, this arraybased analysis requires waveform coherency across the
recording arrays, which will not be possible if events lie
too close to the receivers. It is also possible to automate


Methods and Applications in Reservoir Geophysics

Figure 8. Analysis of frequency-dependent shear-wave splitting in (a) events confined to the Fiqa Formation and (b) events
confined to the Natih A Formation. Data measurements are shown with errors as black dots. The splitting magnitude is
converted to percentage of anisotropy, assuming anisotropy is distributed evenly along the raypath. Results for the best-fitting
crack model based on the poroelastic model of Chapman (2003) are shown as a gray line. The best-fit fracture length and crack
density are indicated in the top right of each diagram.

shear-wave splitting analysis, especially once S-wave

traveltime picks have been made (Teanby et al., 2004b).
It is much cheaper and logistically simpler to record
microseismic events with receivers deployed at the surface. However, microseismic events are generally very
weak and therefore difficult to observe with surface sensors. However, it is increasingly common for large surface arrays to be left in place for time-lapse surveys. If
such arrays are left to record passively between surveys,

stacking methods can be used to accentuate subtle events

buried in noise on single traces. That is an inherently 4D
problem that is computationally intensive because events
must be located in space and time. Nevertheless, recent
studies have produced promising results (Duncan, 2005;
Chambers et al., 2007).
As a community, we are only starting to scratch the
surface of potential uses for passive seismic monitoring
as a reservoir-management tool (Maxwell and Urbancic,

Chapter 5: Production Geophysics


2001). The broad range of potential

applications of microseismic monitoring can be summarized as follows:

FTUJNBUJOH NBHOJUVEF BOE PSJFOtation of the stress tensor

potentially mitigating wellbore
t JNBHJOHGBVMUBOEGSBDUVSFPSJFOtations and their reactivation
t DIBSBDUFSJ[JOH TFJTNJD BOJTPUropy, which can be used to determine anisotropy parameters for
processing and to assess lithology and fracture-set properties,
including orientation, density, Figure 9. Summary of the key results derived from this study of microseismic
and size
activity using analysis of fault-plane solutions and shear-wave splitting. The shale
t TUVEZJOHGMVJEQSPQFSUJFTCZVTJOH caprocks show mechanisms with strong strike-slip components. The oil-producing
frequency-dependent wave char- Shuaiba shows normal faulting, whereas the upper Natih shows reverse faulting.
acteristics (e.g., Q estimation and Anisotropy is strongest in the heavily fractured upper parts of the Natih Formation
frequency-dependent shear-wave and weakest in the nonproducing lower parts of the formation. The cause of the
anisotropy is attributed to microcracks in the Fiqa Shale and meter-scale fractures
t NPOJUPSJOH JOKFDUJPO GSPOUT TVDI in the upper parts of the Natih. Data coverage was insufficient to study anisotropy
in the Nahr Umr and Shuaiba.
as water, CO2, and steam
especially in tight-gas shales and sands
Al-Anboori, A., J-M. Kendall, D. Raymer, and R. Jones,
2005, Microseismic monitoring and spatial variations
in anisotropy, an example from Oman: 67th Conference
ous zones
, 2006a, Spatial variations in microseismic focal
mechanisms, _____ field, Oman: 68th Conference and
Microseismicity studies already are used routinely in
Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts, A048.
monitoring fracture propagation caused by hydraulic stimuAl-Anboori, A., J-M. Kendall, and M. Chapman, 2006b,
lation. Some key areas for future development include
Fracture-induced frequency-dependent anisotropy,
better assessment of the state of stress in tight-gas shales
_____ field, Oman: 68th Conference and Exhibition,
and sands and monitoring long-term CO2 sequestration in
EAGE, Extended Abstracts, A047.
underground reservoirs. Understanding microseismicity
S. J., 2006, Monitoring reservoir deformation on
is linked intimately to understanding the fluid and geomeland Evidence for fault reactivation from microchanical properties of a reservoir. Future work will see
seismic, InSAR and GPS data: 68th Conference and
modeling that links reservoir fluid flow, geomechanics,
Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts, E026.
and seismic properties and will use those results to help
Chambers, K., J. M. Kendall, O. Barkved, S. Brandsbergguide data analyses.
Dahl, and G. A. Jones, 2007, Imaging micro-seismicity
using surface sensors: 69th Conference and Exhibition,
EAGE, Extended Abstracts, A039.
Chapman, M., 2003, Frequency-dependent anisotropy
due to meso-scale fractures in the presence of equant
We are grateful to Petroleum Development Oman
porosity: Geophysical Prospecting, 51, no. 5, 369370.
and the Oman Ministry of Oil and Gas for support and
De Meersman K., M. van der Baan, and J-M. Kendall, 2006,
permission to present the microseismic data. We thank
Signal extraction and automated polarisation analysis
Mike Payne, Daniel Raymer, Quentin Fisher, and James
of multi-component array data: Bulletin of the SeismoWookey for construc tive comments that improved the
logical Society of America, 96, no. 6, 24152430.


Methods and Applications in Reservoir Geophysics

Duncan, P. M., 2005, Is there a future for passive seismic?:

First Break, 23, no. 6, 111115.
Eisner, L., and J. Sileny, 2004, Moment tensors of events
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Jones, R. H., and H. Asanuma, 2004, The tetrahedral geophone
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Casey, G. Lloyd, and W. Ben Ismail, 2007, Seismic
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