The Lack of Association Between Components of Metabolic Syndrome and Treatment Resistance in Depression
The Lack of Association Between Components of Metabolic Syndrome and Treatment Resistance in Depression
The Lack of Association Between Components of Metabolic Syndrome and Treatment Resistance in Depression
DOI 10.1007/s00213-013-3085-x
Received: 25 July 2012 / Accepted: 25 March 2013 / Published online: 12 April 2013
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
Rationale Although a number of studies investigated the
link between major depressive disorder (MDD) and metabolic syndrome (MetS), the association between MetS and
treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is still not clear.
Objectives The aim of the study was to investigate the
relationship between TRD and MetS and/or components of
MetS and cardiovascular risk factors. Given the high prevalence of both conditions, the hypothesis was that TRD
would be significantly associated with MetS.
Methods This cross-sectional study included 203 inpatients
with MDD, assessed for the treatment resistance, MetS and
its components, and severity of MDD. Diagnoses and evaluations were made with SCID based on DSM-IV, National
Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III
criteria, and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale.
M. Sagud : A. Mihaljevic-Peles
School of Medicine, University of Zagreb and Clinical Hospital
Center Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Keywords Major depressive disorder (MDD) . Treatmentresistant depression (TRD) . Metabolic syndrome (MetS) .
Components of the metabolic syndrome . Cardiovascular risk
S. Uzun : O. Kozumplik
Department of General Psychiatry, Clinic for Psychiatry Vrapce,
Zagreb, Croatia
B. V. Cusa : S. Kudlek-Mikulic
Department of Psychiatry, Clinical Hospital Center Zagreb,
Zagreb, Croatia
M. Mustapic : D. Muck-Seler : N. Pivac (*)
Division of Molecular Medicine, Rudjer Boskovic Institute,
PO Box 180, HR-10002, Zagreb, Croatia
e-mail: [email protected]
I. Barisic
Department of Nephrology, Dialysis Unit, Clinical Hospital Center
Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a complex and highly
heterogeneous disorder with significant morbidity and mortality. In spite of the growing number of different antidepressant drugs, treatment-resistant depression (TRD) remains an
important public health issue, with an estimated 12-month
prevalence of 2 % in general population, for a stage 2 of
treatment resistance (Nemeroff 2007). Treatment resistance
has been related to a greater number of psychiatric hospitalizations (Shah et al. 2002), and higher medical costs compared
This cross-sectional study was conducted at the University
Hospital Center Zagreb, Department of Psychiatry, and
University Clinics for Psychiatry Vrapce, Zagreb, Croatia,
and included 203 inpatients older than 18 years and hospitalized with the primary diagnosis of MDD. Patients were
hospitalized according to the discretion of the attending
physician, mostly due to severe depression which did not
respond to the current treatment. In addition, some patients
were hospitalized due to suicidal risk. Clinical diagnosis of
MDD on admission was further confirmed by the psychiatrists, using a SCID according to DSM-IV criteria (APA
1994). The severity of depression was evaluated using the
17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS)
(Hamilton 1960). The retrospective medical record review
including previously diagnosed psychiatric and medical
comorbidities, and psychiatric and medical drug treatments,
both current and prescribed during the previous 12 months,
was also used. Demographic data, family, medical and psychiatric histories, and smoking habits, were recorded from
the clinical interview with the patient and from medical
Treatment resistance prior to study entry was defined
according to Souery et al. (1999) as a failure to achieve as
a minimum 50 % reduction from baseline scores on HDRS
after no less than two courses of antidepressant monotherapy for at least 8 weeks (Little 2009), with full antidepressant dose (i.e., 2040 mg/day for fluoxetine or its
equivalent). Antidepressant drugs mostly prescribed were
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors, followed by tianeptine, mirtazapine,
bupropion, reboxetine, and maprotiline. Excluded were
patients diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective
disorder, bipolar disorder, or organic mental disorder. We
also excluded patients who had MDD with psychotic features and/or have received any mood stabilizers and/or
antipsychotic drugs, in any dose, in the previous 12 months.
Patients who received less than two antidepressant drug
trials for the current depressive episode were also excluded.
Presence of MetS was diagnosed according to the
National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment
This cross-sectional study was conducted at the University
Hospital Center Zagreb, Department of Psychiatry, and
University Clinics for Psychiatry Vrapce, Zagreb, Croatia,
and included 203 inpatients older than 18 years and hospitalized with the primary diagnosis of MDD. Patients were
hospitalized according to the discretion of the attending
physician, mostly due to severe depression which did not
respond to the current treatment. In addition, some patients
were hospitalized due to suicidal risk. Clinical diagnosis of
MDD on admission was further confirmed by the psychiatrists, using a SCID according to DSM-IV criteria (APA
1994). The severity of depression was evaluated using the
17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS)
(Hamilton 1960). The retrospective medical record review
including previously diagnosed psychiatric and medical
comorbidities, and psychiatric and medical drug treatments,
both current and prescribed during the previous 12 months,
was also used. Demographic data, family, medical and psychiatric histories, and smoking habits, were recorded from
the clinical interview with the patient and from medical
Treatment resistance prior to study entry was defined
according to Souery et al. (1999) as a failure to achieve as
a minimum 50 % reduction from baseline scores on HDRS
after no less than two courses of antidepressant monotherapy for at least 8 weeks (Little 2009), with full antidepressant dose (i.e., 2040 mg/day for fluoxetine or its
equivalent). Antidepressant drugs mostly prescribed were
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors, followed by tianeptine, mirtazapine,
bupropion, reboxetine, and maprotiline. Excluded were
patients diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective
disorder, bipolar disorder, or organic mental disorder. We
also excluded patients who had MDD with psychotic features and/or have received any mood stabilizers and/or
antipsychotic drugs, in any dose, in the previous 12 months.
Patients who received less than two antidepressant drug
trials for the current depressive episode were also excluded.
Presence of MetS was diagnosed according to the
National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment
The demographic data in patients with TRD and non-TRD are
presented in Table 1. There were significant differences in age,
number of depressive episodes, duration of illness, and number of previous suicide attempts between patients with or
without TRD (Table 1). TRD patients were significantly (p=
0.001) older, had significantly (p=0.002) higher number of
previous episodes of depression, significantly (p=0.001) longer duration of MDD, and significantly higher number (p=
0.005) of suicide attempts than non-TRD patients (Table 1).
The percentage of subjects in non-TRD group that had 0, 1, 2,
or 3 suicide attempt(s) was 75.3, 16.7, 6.0, and 2.0 %, respectively; while in TRD patients it was 47.2, 41.5, 9.4, and 1.9 %,
Age (years)
Number of episodes
Duration of disease (years)
Total HDRS scores
Number of suicidal attempts
Current suicidality (HDRS item 3 scores)
One-way ANOVA
p value
N number of patients
<6.1 mmol/l
6.1 mmol/l
>1.3 mmol/l women; >1.0 mmol/l men
1.3 mmol/l women; 1.0 mmol/l men
<1.7 mmol/l
1.7 mmol/l
Blood pressure
<135/85 mm Hg
135/85 mmHg
Waist circumference
<88 cm women; <102 cm men
88 cm women; 102 cm men
Metabolic syndrome
<27.50 kg/m2
27.50 kg/m2
<5.2 mmol/l
5.2 mmol/l
<3.0 mmol/l
3.0 mmol/l
Atherogenic index 1 (Cholesterol/LDL ratio)
<4.0 women; <5.2 men
4.0 women; 5.2 men
Atherogenic index 2 (LDL/HDL ratio)
<2.3 women; <3.0men
2.3 women; 3.0 men
The results of the present study showed that MetS occurred
similarly in patients with or without TRD, and that distribution
of patients with the presence of particular components of the
MetS (elevated glucose, elevated TG, low HDL, elevated
blood pressure, and increased waist circumference), or alteration in other variables of cardiovascular risk (BMI, LDL,
cholesterol, atherogenic index 1 and 2) did not differ significantly between patients with and without TRD. Marginally
increased glucose levels were found more frequently in
patients with TRD compared to non-TRD patients, but the
significance was lost after Bonferroni correction.
In line with the other studies (Carney and Freedland
2009; Souery et al. 2007), treatment resistance was present
in approximately one third of our patients with MDD.
Patients with TRD were older, had a longer duration of
disease, higher number of both depressive episodes and
suicide attempts, as well as increased current suicidality,
compared to non-TRD patients. MetS was observed in
33.5 % of patients which is in agreement with the 24
36 % prevalence of MetS in patients with depression
(Koponen et al. 2008; Pannier et al. 2006). To the best of
our knowledge, this is the first study investigating the association between TRD, MetS, and its components. Although
both TRD and MetS appear with high frequency in patients
with MDD, our results did not show that MetS occur more
frequently in patients with TRD.
Table 3 Multivariate logistic
regression analysis in patients
with MDD with TRD as dependent variable adjusted for age
and sex
There are several factors that should be discussed. In general, our sample was characterized by patients with relatively
late age of onset of MDD (both TRD and non-TRD patients
experienced their first episode after the age of 40 years). Given
that patients with TRD were older, vascular etiology could
also have contributed to MDD onset and the development of
treatment resistance. Preclinical vascular disease (Muldoon et
al. 2007) was associated with blunted central serotonergic
function, measured by prolactin response to citalopram in
healthy volunteers (Muldoon et al. 2006). Altered serotonergic function, such as decreased postsynaptic 5-HT-2A receptors in the dorsal regions of the prefrontal and the anterior
cingulate cortex, were observed in antidepressant-free TRD
patients (Baeken et al. 2012). However, the results of the
present study show no differences between patients with and
without TRD in the frequency of components of MetS, BMI,
and both atherogenic index 1 and 2. These findings strongly
argue against the differences in vascular pathology between
patients with and without TRD.
Few studies investigated the association between lipid levels and antidepressant response. In one study (Papakostas et
al. 2003), a higher TG level was found in patients with TRD
compared to non-TRD patients. Elevated cholesterol levels
were associated with poor treatment response to noradrenergic
antidepressants in TRD patients (Papakostas et al. 2003). A
poor treatment response and high cholesterol levels were also
observed in patients with MDD treated with SSRI fluoxetine
(Iosifescu et al. 2005) or paroxetine (Muck-Seler et al. 2011).
Moreover, nonresponders to paroxetine had increased baseline cholesterol, LDL, TG levels, and LDL/HDL ratio compared to responders to paroxetine (Muck-Seler et al. 2011).
The discrepancies with our findings could be due to different
methodological issues. In contrast to the inclusion criteria in
the present study, our earlier study (Muck-Seler et al. 2011)
included patients who were drug-free, nonsuicidal, had no
diabetes, and did not receive cholesterol-lowering drugs.
Furthermore, patients in the previous studies (Iosifescu et al.
2005; Muck-Seler et al. 2011) were younger compared to
patients included in the present study, suggesting that
Odds ratio
95 % CI
p value
The results of the study did not confirm the hypothesis that
MetS, its components, or variables of cardiovascular risk
factors, would be found more frequently in patients with
TRD compared to non-TRD patients. Although methodological and sample size limitations do not allow definitive
conclusions, and given the long-term health consequences
of both MetS and TRD, the relationship between components of MetS and TRD deserves further investigation in
adequately powered studies.
Acknowledgments This study was supported by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, grants nos. 098-0982522-2455;
098-0982522-2457; 109-1083509-3513; and 108-1083509-3511.
Conflict of interest Authors declare no conflict of interest.
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