DSP - Ece - 5th Sem (2mark Q&A)

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- 641048.
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Question Bank
Anna University, Chennai.



Prepared by,
Prof. U. Vinothkumar, AP/ECE/Dr.N.G.P.IT

Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT

UNIT - 1
Discrete Signals and Systems- A Review Introduction to DFT Properties
of DFT Circular Convolution Filtering methods based on DFT FFT
Algorithms Decimation in time Algorithms, Decimation in frequency Algorithms
Use of FFT in Linear Filtering.
Two mark questions:
1. Define Signal.
Signal is a physical quantity that varies with respect to time, space or any
other independent variable.
It is a mathematical representation of the system
Eg y(t) = t. and x(t)= sin t.
2. Define system.
A set of components that are connected together to perform the particular
task. E.g. Filters
A System is defined as a physical device that generates a response or an output
signal, for a given input signal.
3. State the classification of discrete time signals.
The types of discrete time signals are
* Energy and power signals
* Periodic and A periodic signals
* Symmetric (Even) and Ant symmetric (Odd) signals
4. State the classification of discrete time system.
They types of discrete time systems are
* Static and Dynamic systems
* Causal and non-causal systems
* Linear and non-linear systems
* Time variant and time in-variant systems

Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT

5. Define Discrete-time system.

A discrete time system is one which operates on a discrete-time signal and
produces a discrete-time output signal. If the input and output of discrete-time
system are x(n) and y(n), then we can write y(n)= T[x(n)].
6. Define Discrete-time signal.
The signal that are defined at discrete instants of time are known as discretetime signals. The discrete-time signals are continuous in amplitude and discrete in
time. They are denoted by x(n).
7. Give some applications of DSP?
* Speech processing Speech compression & decompression for voice
storage system
* Communication Elimination of noise by filtering and echo cancellation.
* Bio-Medical Spectrum analysis of ECG, EEG etc.
8. Define sampling theorem.
A continuous time signal can be represented in its samples and recovered
back if the sampling frequency Fs 2B. Here Fs is the sampling frequency and
B is the maximum frequency present in the signal.
9. What are the properties of convolution?
* Commutative property x(n) * h(n) = h(n) * x(n)
* Associative property [x(n) * h1(n)]*h2(n) = x(n)*[h1(n) * h2(n)]
* Distributive property x(n) *[ h1(n)+h2(n)] = [x(n)*h1(n)]+[x(n) * h2(n)]
10.Define DFT.
It is a finite duration discrete frequency sequence, which is obtained by
sampling one period of Fourier transform. Sampling is done at N equally spaced
points over the period extending from w=0 to 2.
DFT is defined as X(w)= x(n)e-jwn. Here x(n) is the discrete time sequence
X(w) is the fourier transform of x(n).
11.Define Twiddle factor.
The Twiddle factor is defined as WN=e-j2 /N
12.Define Zero padding.
The method of appending zero in the given sequence is called as Zero

Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT

13.State circular convolution.

This property states that multiplication of two DFT is equal to circular
convolution of their sequence in time domain.
14.State parsevals theorem.
Consider the complex valued sequences x(n) and y(n).If x(n)y*(n)=1/N
15.List the properties of DFT.
Linearity, Periodicity, Circular symmetry, symmetry, Time shift, Frequency
shift, complex conjugate, convolution, correlation and Parsevals theorem.
16.What is the disadvantage of direct computation of DFT?
For the computation of N-point DFT, N2 complex multiplications and
N[N-1] Complex additions are required. If the value of N is large than the number
of computations will go into lakhs. This proves inefficiency of direct DFT
17.What is the way to reduce number of arithmetic operations during DFT
Number of arithmetic operations involved in the computation of DFT is
greatly reduced by using different FFT algorithms as follows.
1. Radix-2 FFT algorithms. -Radix-2 Decimation in Time (DIT) algorithm. Radix-2 Decimation in Frequency (DIF) algorithm.
2. Radix-4 FFT algorithm.
18.What is the computational complexity using FFT algorithm?
1. Complex multiplications = N/2 log2N
2. Complex additions = N log2N
19.Why FFT is needed?
The direct evaluation of the DFT using the formula requires N2 complex
multiplications and N (N-1) complex additions. Thus for reasonably large values of
N (inorder of 1000) direct evaluation of the DFT requires an inordinate amount of
computation. By using FFT algorithms the number of computations can be
reduced. For example, for an N-point DFT, The number of complex multiplications
required using FFT is N/2log2N. If N=16, the number of complex multiplications
required for direct evaluation of DFT is 256, whereas using DFT only 32
multiplications are required.

Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT

20.What is a decimation-in-time algorithm?

Decimation-in-time algorithm is used to calculate the DFT of a N-point
Sequence. The idea is to break the N-point sequence into two sequences, the DFTs
of which can be combined to give the DFT of the original N-point sequence.
Initially the N-point sequence is divided into two N/2-point sequences xe(n) and
x0(n), which have the even and odd members of x(n) respectively. The N/2 point
DFTs of these two sequences are evaluated and combined to give the N point DFT.
Similarly the N/2 point DFTs can be expressed as a combination of N/4 point
DFTs. This process is continued till we left with 2-point DFT. This algorithm is
called Decimation-in-time because the sequence x(n) is often splitted into smaller
sub sequences.
21.What are the differences and similarities between DIF and DIT
Differences: 1. For DIT, the input is bit reversal while the output is in
natural order, whereas for DIF, the input is in natural order while the output is bit
reversed. 2. The DIF butterfly is slightly different from the DIT butterfly, the
difference being that the complex multiplication takes place after the add-subtract
operation in DIF.
Similarities: Both algorithms require same number of operations to
compute the DFT. Bot algorithms can be done in place and both need to perform
bit reversal at some place during the computation.
22.What are the applications of FFT algorithms?
1. Linear filtering
2. Correlation
3. Spectrum analysis
23.What is a decimation-in-frequency algorithm?
In this the output sequence X (K) is divided into two N/2 point sequences
and each N/2 point sequences are in turn divided into two N/4 point sequences.
24.Distinguish between DFT and DTFT.




Obtained by performing sampling Sampling is performed only in

operation in both the time and time domain.
frequency domains.
Discrete frequency spectrum

Continuous function of

Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT

UNIT - 2
IIR Filter Design
Structures of IIR Analog filter design Discrete time IIR filter from analog
filter IIR filter design by Impulse Invariance, Bilinear transformation,
Approximation of derivatives (LPF, HPF, BPF, BRF) filter design using
frequency translation.
Two mark questions:
1. Define IIR filter?
IIR filter has Infinite Impulse Response.
2. What are the various methods to design IIR filters?
* Approximation of derivatives
* Impulse invariance
* Bilinear transformation.
3. Which of the methods do you prefer for designing IIR filters? Why?
Bilinear transformation is best method to design IIR filter, since there is no
aliasing in it.
4. What is the main problem of bilinear transformation?
Frequency warping or nonlinear relationship is the main problem of bilinear
5. What is pre-warping?
Pre-warping is the method of introducing nonlinearly in frequency
relationship to compensate warping effect.
6. Why an impulse invariant transformation is not considered to be one-toone?
In impulse invariant transformation any strip of width 2/T in the s-plane for
values of s-plane in the range (2k-1)/T (2k-1) /T is mapped into the entire
z-plane. The left half of each strip in s-plane is mapped into the interior of unit
circle in z-plane, right half of each strip in s-plane is mapped into the exterior of
Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT

unit circle in z-plane and the imaginary axis of each strip in s-plane is mapped on
the unit circle in z-plane. Hence the impulse invariant transformation is many-toone.
7. What is Bi-linear transformation?
The bilinear transformation is conformal mapping that transforms the splane to z-plane. In this mapping the imaginary axis of s-plane is mapped into the
unit circle in z-plane, the left half of s-plane is mapped into interior of unit circle in
z-plane and the right half of s-plane is mapped into exterior of unit circle in zplane. The Bilinear mapping is a one-to-one mapping and it is accomplished.
8. How the order of the filter affects the frequency response of Butterworth
The magnitude response of butterworth filter is shown in figure, from which
it can be observed that the magnitude response approaches the ideal response as the
order of the filter is increased.
9. What is the importance of poles in filter design?
The stability of a filter is related to the location of the poles. For a stable
analog filter the poles should lie on the left half of s-plane. For a stable digital filter
the poles should lie inside the unit circle in the z-plane.
10. How analog poles are mapped to digital poles in impulse invariant
In impulse invariant transformation the mapping of analog to digital poles
are as follows,
* The analog poles on the left half of s-plane are mapped into the interior of
unit circle in z-plane.
* The analog poles on the imaginary axis of s-plane are mapped into the unit
circle in the z-plane.
* The analog poles on the right half of s-plane are mapped into the exterior
of unit circle in z-plane.
11.What is impulse invariant transformation?
The transformation of analog filter to digital filter without modifying the
impulse response of the filter is called impulse invariant transformation.
12.Where the j axis of s-plane is mapped in z-plane in bilinear
Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT

The j axis of s-plane is mapped on the unit circle in z-plane in bilinear

13. State the frequency relationship in bilinear transformation?
= (2/T) tan (/2)
14.Compare the digital and analog filter.
Digital filter

Analog filter

Operates on digital samples of

the signal.
It is governed by linear
difference equation.
It consists of adders,
multipliers and delays
implemented in digital logic.
In digital filters the filter
coefficients are designed to
satisfy the desired frequency


Operates on analog signals.

It is governed by linear
difference equation.
It consists of electrical
components like resistors,
capacitors and inductors.
In digital filters the
approximation problem is
solved to satisfy the desired
frequency response.

15.What are the advantages and disadvantages of digital filters?

Advantages of digital filters
High thermal stability due to absence of resistors, inductors and
Increasing the length of the registers can enhance the performance
characteristics like accuracy, dynamic range, stability and tolerance.
The digital filters are programmable.
Multiplexing and adaptive filtering are possible.
Disadvantages of digital filters
The bandwidth of the discrete signal is limited by the sampling
The performance of the digital filter depends on the hardware used to
implement the filter.

Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT

UNIT - 3
FIR Filter Design
Structures of FIR Linear phase FIR filter Fourier series - Filter design
using windowing techniques (Rectangular Window, Hamming Window, Hanning
Window), Frequency sampling techniques Finite word length effects in digital
Filters: Errors, Limit Cycle, Noise Power Spectrum.
Two mark questions:
1. What is FIR filters?
The specifications of the desired filter will be given in terms of ideal
frequency response Hd(w). The impulse response hd(n) of the desired filter can be
obtained by inverse fourier transform of Hd(w), which consists of infinite samples.
The filters designed by selecting finite number of samples of impulse response are
called FIR filters.
2. What are the different types of filters based on impulse response?
Based on impulse response the filters are of two types 1. IIR filter 2. FIR filter
The IIR filters are of recursive type, whereby the present output sample
depends on the present input, past input samples and output samples.
The FIR filters are of non- recursive type, whereby the present output
sample depends on the present input, and previous output samples.
3. What are the different types of filter based on frequency response?
The filters can be classified based on frequency response. They are,
Low pass filter
High pass filter
iii) Band pass filter
iv) Band reject filter.
4. What are the techniques of designing FIR filters?

Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT


There are three well-known methods for designing FIR filters with linear
phase. These are 1) windows method 2) Frequency sampling method 3) Optimal or
mini-max design.
5. What is the reason that FIR filter is always stable?
FIR filter is always stable because all its poles are at origin.
6. What are the properties of FIR filter?
1. FIR filter is always stable.
2. A realizable filter can always be obtained.
3. FIR filter has a linear phase response.
7. Write the steps involved in FIR filter design.
Choose the desired (ideal) frequency response Hd(w).
Take inverse fourier transform of Hd(w) to get hd(n).
Convert the infinite duration hd(n) to finite duration h(n).
Take Z-transform of h(n) to get the transfer function H(z) of the FIR
8. What are the advantages of FIR filters?
Linear phase FIR filter can be easily designed.
Efficient realization of FIR filter exist as both recursive and nonrecursive structures.
FIR filters realized non-recursively are always stable.
The round-off noise can be made small in non-recursive realization of
FIR filters.
9. What are the disadvantages of FIR filters?
The duration of impulse response should be large to realize sharp cutoff
The non-integral delay can lead to problems in some signal processing
10. What is the necessary and sufficient condition for the linear phase
characteristic of an FIR filter?

Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT


The necessary and sufficient condition for the linear phase characteristic of
an FIR filter is that the phase function should be a linear function of w, which in
turn requires constant phase and group delay.
11. When cascade form realization is preferred in FIR filters?
The cascade form realization is preferred when complex zeros with absolute
magnitude less than one.

12.What are the conditions to be satisfied for constant phase delay in linear
phase FIR filters?
The conditions for constant phase delay are
Phase delay, = (N-1)/2 (i.e., phase delay is constant)
Impulse response, h(n) = -h(N-1-n) (i.e., impulse response is
13. How constant group delay & phase delay is achieved in linear phase FIR
The following conditions have to be satisfied to achieve constant group
delay & phase delay. Phase delay, = (N-1)/2 (i.e., phase delay is constant) Group
delay, = /2 (i.e., group delay is constant) Impulse response, h(n) = -h(N-1-n)
(i.e., impulse response is antisymmetric)
14.What are the possible types of impulse response for linear phase FIR
There are four types of impulse response for linear phase FIR filters
Symmetric impulse response when N is odd.
Symmetric impulse response when N is even.
Antisymmetric impulse response when N is odd.
Antisymmetric impulse response when N is even.
15. List the well-known design techniques of linear phase FIR filters.
There are three well-known design techniques of linear phase FIR filters. They
Fourier series method and window method
Frequency sampling method.
Optimal filter design methods.
Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT


16.What are the desirable characteristics of the frequency response of window

The desirable characteristics of the frequency response of window function are
The width of the main lobe should be small and it should contain as much
of the total energy as possible.
The side lobes should decrease in energy rapidly as w tends to .

17.What is Gibbs phenomenon (or Gibbs Oscillation)?

In FIR filter design by Fourier series method the infinite duration impulse
response is truncated to finite duration impulse response. The abrupt truncation of
impulse response introduces oscillations in the passband and stopband. This effect
is known as Gibbs phenomenon (or Gibbs Oscillation).
18.Write the procedure for designing FIR filter using frequency-sampling
Choose the desired (ideal) frequency response Hd(w).
Take N-samples of Hd(w) to generate the sequence
Take inverse DFT of to get the impulse response h(n).
The transfer function H(z) of the filter is obtained by taking z-transform
of impulse response.
19.What are the drawback in FIR filter design using windows and frequency
sampling method? How it is overcome?
The FIR filter design using windows and frequency sampling method does
not have Precise control over the critical frequencies such as w p and ws. This
drawback can be overcome by designing FIR filter using Chebyshev
approximation technique. In this technique an error function is used to approximate
the ideal frequency response, in order to satisfy the desired specifications.
20.Write the characteristic features of rectangular window.
The main lobe width is equal to 4/N.
The maximum side lobe magnitude is 13dB.
The side lobe magnitude does not decrease significantly with increasing

Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT


21. List the features of FIR filter designed using rectangular window.
The width of the transition region is related to the width of the main lobe
of window spectrum.
Gibbs oscillations are noticed in the passband and stopband.
The attenuation in the stopband is constant and cannot be varied.
22. Write the characteristic features of hanning window spectrum.
The main lobe width is equal to 8/N.
The maximum side lobe magnitude is 41dB.
The side lobe magnitude remains constant for increasing w.

UNIT - 4
Fixed point and floating point number representations ADC
Quantization- Truncation and Rounding errors -Quantization noise coefficient
quantization error Product quantization error - Overflow error Round-off noise
power - limit cycle oscillations due to product round off and overflow errors
Principle of scaling
Two mark questions:
1. What do finite word length effects mean?
The effects due to finite precision representation of numbers in a digital
system are called finite word length effects.
2. List some of the finite word length effects in digital filters.
Errors due to quantization of input data.
Errors due to quantization of filter co-efficient
Errors due to rounding the product in multiplications
Limit cycles due to product quantization and overflow in addition.
3. What are the different formats of fixed-point representation?
Sign magnitude format
Ones Complement format
Twos Complement format.
Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT


In all the three formats, the positive number is same but they differ only in
representing negative numbers.
4. Explain the floating-point representation of binary number.
The floating-point number will have a mantissa part. In a given word size
the bits allotted for mantissa and exponent are fixed. The mantissa is used to
represent a binary fraction number and the exponent is a positive or negative
binary integer. The value of the exponent can be adjusted to move the position of
binary point in mantissa. Hence this representation is called floating point.
5. What are the types of arithmetic used in digital computers?
The floating point arithmetic and twos complement arithmetic are the two
types of arithmetic employed in digital systems.
6. What is truncation?
The truncation is the process of reducing the size of binary number by
discarding all bits less significant than the least significant bit that is retained. In
truncation of a binary number of b bits all the less significant bits beyond b th bit are
7. What is rounding?
Rounding is the process of reducing the size of a binary number to finite
word size of b-bits such that, the rounded b-bit number is closest to the original unquantized number.
8. Explain the process of upward rounding?
In upward rounding of a number of b-bits, first the number is truncated to bbits by retaining the most significant b-bits. If the bit next to the least significant
bit that is retained is zero, then zero is added to the least significant bit of the
truncated number. If the bit next to the least significant bit that is retained is one
then one is added to the least significant bit of the truncated number.
9. What are the errors generated by A/D process?
The A/D process generates two types of errors. They are quantization error
and saturation error. The quantization error is due to representation of the sampled
signal by a fixed number of digital levels. The saturation errors occur when the
analog signal exceeds the dynamic range of A/D converter.
10. What is quantization step size?
Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT


In digital systems, the numbers are represented in binary. With b-bit binary
we can generate 2b different binary codes. Any range of analog value to be
represented in binary should be divided into 2 b levels with equal increment. The 2b
levels are called quantization levels and the increment in each level is called
quantization step size. If R is the range of analog signal then, Quantization step
size, q = R/2b
11. How the digital filter is affected by quantization of filter coefficients?
The quantization of the filter coefficients will modify the value of poles &
zeros and so the location of poles and zeros will be shifted from the desired
location. This will create deviations in the frequency response of the system. Hence
the resultant filter will have a frequency response different from that of the filter
with un-quantized coefficients.
12. What is meant by product quantization error?
In digital computations, the output of multipliers i.e., the product are
quantized to finite word length in order to store them in registers and to be used in
subsequent calculations. The error due to the quantization of the output of
multiplier is referred to as product quantization error.
13. Why rounding is preferred for quantizing the product?
In digital system rounding due to the following desirable characteristic of
rounding performs the product quantization
The rounding error is independent of the type of arithmetic
The mean value of rounding error signal is zero.
The variance of the rounding error signal is least.
14. What are limit cycles?
In recursive systems when the input is zero or some nonzero constant value,
the nonlinearities die to finite precision arithmetic operations may cause periodic
oscillations in the output. These oscillations are called limit cycles.
15. What is zero input limit cycles?
In recursive system, the product quantization may create periodic
oscillations in the output. These oscillations are called limit cycles. If the system
output enters a limit cycles, it will continue to remain in limit cycles even when the
input is made zero. Hence these limit cycles are also called zero input limit cycles.

Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT


16.What is dead band?

In a limit cycle the amplitudes of the output are confined to a range of
values, which is called dead band of the filter.
17. Define noise transfer function (NTF)?
The Noise Transfer Function is defined as the transfer function from the
noise source to the filter output. The NTF depends on the structure of the digital
18. How the sensitivity of frequency response to quantization of filter
coefficients is minimized?
The sensitivity of the filter frequency response to quantization of the filter
coefficients is minimized by realizing the filter having a large number of poles and
zeros as an interconnection of second order sections. Hence the filter can be
realized in cascade or parallel form, in which the basic buildings blocks are first
order and second order sections.
19. What are the two types of limit cycles?
The two types of limit cycles are zero input limit cycles and overflow limit
20. How the system output can be brought out of limit cycle?
The system output can be brought out of limit cycle by applying an input of
Large magnitude, which is sufficient to drive the system out of limit cycle.
21. What is saturation arithmetic?
In saturation arithmetic when the result of the arithmetic operation exceeds
the dynamic range of number system, then the result is set to maximum or
minimum possible value. If the upper limit is exceeded then the result is set to
maximum possible value. If the lower limit is exceeded then the result is set to
minimum possible value.
22. What is overflow limit cycle?
In fixed point addition the overflow occurs when the sum exceeds the finite
word length of the register used to store the sum. The overflow in addition may
leads to oscillation in the output which is called overflow limit cycle.
23. How overflow limit cycles can be eliminated?
The over flow limit cycles can be eliminated either by using saturation
arithmetic or by scaling the input signal to the adder.
Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT


24. What is the drawback in saturation arithmetic?

The saturation arithmetic introduces nonlinearity in the adder which creates
signal distortion.
25. What are the two types of quantization employed in a digital system?
The two type of quantization in a digital system are truncation and rounding.
26. What is the range of error in rounding?
The rounding error is same in all the three types of fixed point
representation. The range of rounding error is [-2-b/2] to [+2-b/2].
27. Explain the fixed point representation of binary numbers.
In fixed point representation of binary number in a given word size, the bits
allotted for integer part and fraction part of the numbers are fixed. Therefore the
position of binary points is fixed. The most significant bit is used to represent the
sign of the number.
Binary point

Sign bit

bi-bits for integer

bf-bits for fraction

Fig. Fixed point representation of binary numbers.

28. How the input quantization noise is represented in LTI system?
The quantized input signal of a digital system can be represented as a sum of
un-quantized signal x(n) and error signal e(n) as shown in below fig.
h x(n)
Fig. Representation of input quantization noise in an LTI system
What is mean by coefficient inaccuracy?
In digital computation the filter coefficients are represented in binary. With
b-bit (excluding sign bit) binary we can generate only 2 b different binary numbers
and they are called quantization levels. Any filter coefficients has to be fitted into
any one of the quantization levels. Hence the filter coefficients are quantized to
Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT


represent in binary and the quantization introduces errors in filter coefficients.

Therefore the coefficients cannot be accurately represented in a digital system and
this problem is referred to as coefficient inaccuracy.
30. What are the assumptions made regarding the statistical independence of
the various noise sources in the digital filter?
The assumption made regarding the statistical independence of the noise
source are,
Any two different samples from the same noise source uncorrelated.
Any two different noise source, when considered as random processes are
iii. Each noise source is uncorrelated with the input sequence.

UNIT - 5
Multi-rate signal processing: Decimation, Interpolation, Sampling rate
conversion by a rational factor Adaptive Filters: Introduction, Applications of
adaptive filtering to equalization.
Two mark questions:
1. What is multi-rate signal processing?
The theory of processing signals at different sampling rates is called multirate signal processing.
2. Define down sampling.
Down sampling a sequence x(n) by a factor M is the process of picking
every Mth sample and discarding the rest.
3. What is mean by up-sampling?
Up-sampling by a factor L is the process of inserting L-1 zeros between two
consecutive samples.
4. If the spectrum of sequence x(n) is X(ejw), then what is the spectrum of a
signal down-sampled by factor 2?
Y(ejw)=(1/2)[X(ejw/2)+ X(ejw((w/2)-)]
Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT


5. If the Z-transform of a sequence x(n) is X(z) then what is the Z-transform

of a sequence down-sampled by a factor M?

Y(z)= (1/M)



6. If the z-transform of a sequence x(n) is X(z) then what is the z-transform of

a sequence up-sampled by a factor L?
Y(z)= X(zL)
7. What is the need for anti-imaging filter after up-sampling a signal?
The frequency spectrum of up-sampled signal with a factor L, contains (L-1)
additional images of the input spectrum. Since we are not interested in image
spectra, a low-pass filter with a cutoff frequency wc = (/L) can be used after upsampler. This filter is known as anti-imaging filter.
8. What is the need for anti-aliasing filter prior to down-sampling?
The spectra obtained after down-sampling a signal by a factor M is the sum
of all uniformly shifted and stretched version of original spectrum scaled by a
factor (1/M). If the original spectrum is not band limited to (/M), then downsampling will cause aliasing. In order to avoid aliasing the signal x(n) is to be band
limited to (/M). This can be done by filtering the signal x(n) with a low pass
filter with a cutoff frequency of (/M). This filter is known as anti-aliasing filter.
9. Define Sampling rate conversion.
Sampling rate conversion is a process of converting a signal from a given
rate to a different rate. Sampling rate conversion by a rational factor (L/M) can be
achieved by first performing interpolation by the factor L and then performing
decimation by the factor M.
10. What is multirate DSP system?
The discrete time system that employs sampling rate conversion while
processing the discrete time signal is called multirate DSP system.
11. What are the various basic methods of sampling rate conversion in digital
The basic methods of sampling rate conversion are decimation (or
downsampling) and interpolation (or upsampling).

Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT


12. Give any two applications of multirate DSP system.

1. Sub-band coding of speech signals and image compression.
2. Oversampling A/D and D/A converters for high quality audio systems
and digital storage systems.
13. Write some advantages of multirate processing.
1. The reduction in number of computation.
2. The reduction in memory requirement.
3. The reduction in finite word length effects.
14. What is anti-aliasing filter?
The low pass filter used at the input of decimator is called anti-aliasing
filter.it is used to limit the bandwidth of an input signal to (/D) in order to prevent
the aliasing of output spectrum of decimator for decimation by D.

15. What is an anti-imaging filter?

The low pass filter used at the output of an interpolator is called antiimaging filter.it is used to eliminate the multiple images in the output spectrum of
the interpolator.
16. Write a short note on sampling rate conversion by a rational factor.
When sampling rate conversion is required by a non-integer factor, then
sampling rate conversion is performed by the rational factor [I/D]. In this method,
the signal is first interpolated by an integer factor I, then passed through a low pass
filter with bandwidth minimum of [(/I), (/D)], and finally decimated by an
integer factor, D.
17. What is poly-phase decomposition?
The process of dividing a filter into a number of sub-filter which differ only
in phase characteristics is called poly-phase decomposition.
18. Write a short note on multistage implementation of sampling rate
When the sampling rate conversion factor I or D is very large then the
multistage sampling rate conversion will be computationally efficient relalization.
In multistage interpolation, the interpolation by I is realized as cascade of
interpolators with sampling rate multiplication factors I 1,I2,IL, where I= I1x I2 x
x IL.
Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT


In multistage decimation, the decimation by D is realized as a cascade of

decimator with sampling rate reduction factors D 1, D2,.DL, where D= D1 x D2
x..x DL.

Prepared by Prof. U. Vinothkumar AP / ECE/ Dr.NGPIT

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