A Schumpeterian Renaissance?: Paper No. 102
A Schumpeterian Renaissance?: Paper No. 102
A Schumpeterian Renaissance?: Paper No. 102
A Schumpeterian Renaissance?
Chris Freeman
July 2003
A Schumpeterian Renaissance?
Chris Freeman
SPRU Science and Technology Policy Research
The Freeman Centre,
University of Sussex,
Falmer, Brighton,
A Schumpeterian Renaissance?
This paper endeavours to address three main questions. First, has there actually been a
Schumpeterian Renaissance? Second, if so, which of the main features of this
renaissance have been especially influential? Finally, which of these features has been
particularly contested and what has been the outcome of these debates?
Early work on the economics of invention and innovation often commented on the lack of
attention to these topics in the mainstream literature, or indeed, in any of the published
literature, e.g. Jewkes, Sawers and Stillerman (1958) or Rogers (1962). In his book on
Diffusion of Innovations (1962), Rogers reported that he could find only one study of
diffusion of industrial innovations in the economics literature and as late as 1973, in a
major survey article, Kennedy and Thirlwall still complained at the lack of attention to
The same complaint certainly could not be made today and this is indeed one indication
that there has been a Schumpeterian renaissance in the late twentieth century, continuing to
this day. Rogers (1986) himself in his later work on diffusion of innovations commented
on the rapid proliferation of studies in this field in the 1970s and 1980s. A more general
indication of the upsurge of interest in the economics literature as well as in the related
management literature is provided by the appearance of a number of new journals in the
1980s and 1990s (Table 1). This change is also evident in the numbers of papers dealing
with Schumpeterian topics in such major journals as the Economic Journal, The
American Economic Review, the Journal of Economic Literature and the Harvard
Business Review.
In the period just after his death, much of the literature concentrated on one rather narrow
aspect of Schumpeters legacy the role of large monopolistic firms in innovation (see
Kamien and Schwartz, 1975, for a summary of this debate). This was sometimes
erroneously construed as Schumpeters main contribution to economics and described as
the Schumpeterian theorem. As with several similar debates, it has been largely resolved
by various contributors to the Schumpeterian renaissance, who have shown that in the
early phases of a technological revolution typically many small firms compete, although
one or a few of these may enjoy temporary monopolistic positions and earn exceptionally
high profits. Recent evidence has confirmed abundantly Schumpeters theory of bandwagon effects in which these high profits are eroded and competed away by new entrants,
not before, however, some of them have grown into very large successful firms. In the
later stages of rapid diffusion, these profits may confer exceptional advantages in market
power, incremental innovation and scale of R&D, as has evidently been the case with
Microsoft, to take only one example from recent history. An evolutionary view of
changing technology and market structure resolves many such problems despite the
complexities of the turbulent competitive struggles and occasionally of government
intervention. Attention to the high degree of uncertainty about the outcome of such
struggles and depth of empirical analysis of their evolution has been one of the main
achievements of the Schumpeterian renaissance.
Schumpeters main point that competition from the new or improved product, process or
organisation is a more devastating form of competition than non-innovative competition
has been abundantly confirmed, absorbed and disseminated by numerous case studies of
management in almost every industry. See, for example, Crpon et al. (1998) for a
statistical approach to productivity gains from innovation, or Christensen and Rosenbloom
(1998) for the case of competition between innovative firms. So, too, has his point that
there are phases in this struggle when large monopolies do enjoy some advantages, despite
the persistent dogmatic insistence of some of his critics that they are always harmful to
technical progress and economic efficiency. Perhaps the stronger evidence of the
Schumpeterian renaissance is in the attention paid to management of innovation in
management courses, schools and textbooks (see for example, Tidd, Bessant and Pavitt
(1997) and Porter (1990) for competition in innovation between nations). Lundvall (2003)
has reported that Google came up with 5,000 references to national systems of
Historians still wrestle with the definition and evaluation of the Renaissance in Italy six
centuries ago, so that it is hardly surprising that the contemporary evaluation of the
Schumpeterian renaissance is controversial. Bibliometric evidence, although it is quite
persuasive of a considerable growth of interest in some of Schumpeters main ideas, does
not in itself demonstrate that any of his ideas became dominant in the economics
profession, nor which of his ideas have had the greatest influence beyond this profession.
Consequently, the viewpoint of this article is a purely personal one and certainly would not
claim to be definitive. It is however based on about fifty years of research and discussion
from the time of Schumpeters death (1950) until the present day. This has been sufficient
to convince this author that Schumpeters central ideas: that innovation is the crucial
source of effective competition, of economic development and the transformation of
society, have become very widely accepted. They were, of course, neither original to
Schumpeter, nor unusual for Germany in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Reinert
(1995, 2002) has argued convincingly that they were actually quite widespread among
German economists both before and during the Methodenstreit. Schumpeter himself
acknowledged his debt both to Marx and to Schmoller, while other ideas, such as the
expression Creative Destruction have been traced to Sombart.
The formulation of the young Marx and Engels in their exuberant Communist Manifesto
(1848) has scarcely been improved upon either by Schumpeter or his followers, as a
succinct summary of some of the most significant features of capitalist economies:
The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionising the instruments of
production and thereby the relations of production and with them the whole relations of
society Constant revolutionising of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social
conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation, distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all
earlier ones.
Despite their total disagreement on the source and role of profit and ownership under
capitalism, Schumpeter derived his theory of the erosion of profit margins during diffusion
of innovations also from Marx.
It should be noted that Schumpeter took the side of Menger in the Methodenstreit and
repeatedly during his lifetime insisted on the value of Walrasian equilibrium theory
(Freeman and Lou, 2001: 43-44). This has caused some of his biographers and critics to
describe his theory and indeed his whole life as a paradox (Allen, 1991: 4). Nevertheless,
it is quite understandable that Rosenberg (1994: 41) should insist on his point that
Schumpeter made a more radical challenge to neo-classical orthodoxy than any other
twentieth century economist. Although his work was indeed paradoxical, the renaissance
of his influence in the last twenty years, has certainly not been based on equilibrium theory
but on his evolutionary dynamics. Several recent authors have emphasised that
Schumpeters method was a pluralistic combination of the historical institutional
perspective of Schmoller with the use of formal analytical techniques (Ebner, 2000;
Shionoya, 1991). This combination is believed to be in the tradition of Schmoller himself.
The discussion is partly semantic but be this as it may, the Schumpeterian renaissance
derives from his evolutionary ideas. And as Dahren (1984) put it: Schumpeterian
dynamics is characterised by its focus on economic transformation (page 25).
However, the Schumpeterian renaissance has not simply been based on a more widespread
recognition of the importance of innovation. Although this was certainly a major feature
of most of his work, if it had been the only one, then others would deserve more credit
than him. His distinctive contribution was based on his recognition of some special
features of the innovative process in the evolution of capitalist societies, notably the
clustering of innovations and the explosive growth of new firms and industries based on
these clusters. He described this evolution as a succession of industrial revolutions and it is
the recognition of this historical process which has characterised the Schumpeterian
renaissance, just as Dahmen (1984) foresaw in his theory of structural change and
development blocks.
The clustering of inventions and innovations, of the inputs and the outputs of research and
development activities, has been apparent from all the work on measurement of scientific
and technical activities which has proliferated since Schumpeters death. Early work was
mainly concerned with the measurement of inputs into innovative projects and indirect
measures of inventive output, especially patent statistics, which had of course been
available for centuries but seldom used much by economists until the proceedings of the
first major conference on The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity (Ed. Nelson,
1962) became available. This Conference was a herald of the Schumpeterian renaissance
and was followed by a brilliant demonstration by Schmookler (1966) of the use of patent
statistics for economic analysis. He maintained that the appearance of clusters of patents
in various industries after major productive investment in those industries demonstrated
that invention and innovation were generally demand-led and not technology-led. This
initiated a fruitful debate among Schumpeterians, even though the most influential paper
concluded that Schmooklers interpretation of clustering was mistaken (Mowery and
Rosenberg, 1979) since the clustering measured the numerous follow-through inventions
of the rapid diffusion phase of innovation rather than the crucial original inventions and
This debate and several others in the 1960s and 1970s also began to make use of the newer
statistics of science and technology which were becoming available, culminating in the
systematic measurement of innovations themselves (Arundel et al. 2003). Before these
most recent developments surrogate measures of innovative activities, such as R&D
statistics, provided a valuable additional impetus to the new wave of Schumpeterian
research in such areas as the relationship between innovation and economic growth,
innovations and international trade performance or innovations and profitability.
Even long before official innovation surveys, much painstaking work on individual
industries had already provided convincing evidence of clustering and explosive growth
directly related to these clusters (e.g. Hofbauer, 1966). On a broader canvas, historians too
had used economic statistics to confirm some of Schumpeters points, especially on the
growth of leading industries in technological revolutions (Table 2). In the most recent
period the semi-conductor industry and the computer industry in several countries both had
growth rates which far exceeded those of other industries. As in previous revolutions, this
rate was several times more rapid than the average growth rate of industrial output (Table
This last point reminds us that the actual course of events in the real economy has probably
been more persuasive than any theoretical arguments or historical statistics. The effects of
the diffusion of information and communication technology (ICT) have been so obvious to
almost everyone that it has become quite difficult for opponents of Schumpeters theory of
successive technological revolutions to sustain their argument, at least in this case. The
successive spurts of innovation and growth in the electronics industry, the
telecommunication industry, the computer industry and the Internet have made the ICT
revolution a commonplace and the expressions Information Society and Knowledge
Economy have passed into general use (e.g. Castells, 1996, 1997, 1998). The numerous
books and papers on this topic are testimony to the Schumpeterian renaissance, whether or
not they acknowledge his direct or indirect influence.
Whilst there are relatively few people who would be ready to defend the proposition that
there has not been an ICT revolution, surprisingly there are still a few who cling to the
notion that there never was an industrial revolution in Britain in the first place, although
the evidence of contemporary observers, of artists and writers, of artefacts and of
economic statistics is almost as strong as in the contemporary revolution. However, some
of the most authoritative and best-known historians have used and defended an essentially
Schumpeterian framework, particularly with respect to the first industrial revolution
(Hobsbawm, 1964 and 1962; Landes, 1969 and 1993). The compelling evidence of the
industrial statistics is discussed in Freeman and Lou, 2001: 24-31. Schumpeter himself
confronted early exponents of the idea that there never was an industrial revolution and
whilst conceding that there was a little substance in their ideas, nevertheless gave them a
firm if gentle rebuff (Schumpeter, 1939, Vol. 2: 253-255).
Whilst to speak of a Schumpeterian Renaissance does imply that the general spirit of his
work and his main ideas have become a significant influence on the general climate of
ideas, it certainly does not imply that every one of his propositions and theories have been
accepted. Nor is that what he himself would have wished. On the contrary, he was quite
emphatic that he did not want a school of disciplined followers, but expected that further
research on innovation, whilst enriching and reinforcing some of his ideas would falsify
others. This has indeed been the general outcome of the Schumpeterian renaissance,
which has usually been marked by a lack of dogmatism and a readiness to accept the
evidence of new empirical research studies.
both functions; in others, they were usually different people with the Business Innovator
being that person in the management and organisational structure who acted as the
champion for the technical innovator.
All of this was very much in Schumpeters tradition, but the results of research
demonstrated increasingly that the role of incremental innovations was extraordinarily
important and that users of innovation played a key role in this process of incremental
improvement. Schumpeters remarks about the automobile would apply even more to the
computer and to other products of the earlier revolutions as well (see, for example,
Mowery and Nelson, 1999).
Studies such as that of Hollander (1965) on the source of productivity gains in the rayon
industry, in successive generations of Du Pont plants showed that incremental process
innovations were just as important as incremental product innovations. These perceptions
were further enhanced by the research of Lundvall and his colleagues at Aalborg on userproducer interactions and innovations (Lundvall, 1985). Arrows seminal paper on the
economic implications of learning by doing (1962) and the Aalborg work on learning by
user-producer intervention led to the general acceptance of these ideas by the economics
profession and management theorists. Lundvall himself extended his theory to the study of
another sphere of influence of the Schumpeterian renaissance the national system of
innovation (see his chapter in Volume .. of this work).
So influential was the evidence of the empirical research on innovation that it led some
scholars to argue for the abandonment of the distinction between incremental innovations
and more radical innovations, as well as between innovations and their diffusion
(Silverberg, 2002) and between invention and innovation. However, even though these
boundaries are difficult to draw, Schumpeters distinctions have proved valuable in
conceptual terms, especially in relation to inventions.
Already during his lifetime, Schumpeters theory of Business Cycles was strongly
contested (Kuznets, 1940) and he was disappointed by the reception accorded to what he
thought of as his major contribution to economic theory his two volumes on Business
Cycles (1939). During the Schumpeterian renaissance his work on this topic has continued
to be the subject of heated controversy. As is well-known, it was Schumpeter who
introduced the expression Kondratieff Cycles into the literature to designate those longterm fluctuations in economic growth which the Russian economist, Nikolai Kondratieff
had identified and analysed in the 1920s. Schumpeters contribution was to explain these
cycles in terms of successive technological revolutions. Unfortunately, he failed to analyse
satisfactorily either the timing and the phases of the technological revolutions or the timing
of the related, but necessarily later phases of the associated business cycles. Treating them
as synchronous has led to a great deal of confusion.
Since his death, while his theory of successive technological revolutions has been very
influential, his attempt to defend the nature and periodicity of the Kondratieff cycle has
encountered continuous strong criticism (e.g. Solomou, 1987; Rosenberg and Frischtak,
1984; and see Lou and Reijnders (eds) for a set of papers on the statistical debate).
Although it has been prolonged and sometimes heated this debate has also been an
important part of the Schumpeterian renaissance and has led to some fruitful outcomes as
well as to the refutation of some of Schumpeters own ideas about business cycles. In the
early days of the Econometrics movement, Kondratieff was welcomed into the
Econometrics Society and his work was taken very seriously by leaders of the movement,
such as Frisch and Tinbergen, as well as by Schumpeter. Partly because of Schumpeters
efforts his work gave a lasting impetus to qualitative and historical research on long-term
fluctuations in economic development, as well as the purely quantitative analysis which
preoccupied many of his critics.
The same is true of Schumpeters own work on business cycles despite the heavy criticism
which it has encountered. In their discussion of the numerous contributions to long wave
theory, Freeman and Lou (2001) distinguish three main streams of analysis: model
analysis, statistical and econometric analysis and historical analysis (Table 3). Whilst they
themselves believe that a synthesis of the historical approaches is likely to be the most
fruitful for evolutionary economics, they nevertheless emphasise the positive stimulus
which the whole Schumpeterian debate on business cycles has given to economic theory as
well as to the elucidation of appropriate statistical techniques in the analysis and modelling
of economic fluctuations.
Recent new work with the Cambridge Growth Model (Khler, 2003) suggests that there
may still be hopeful results to be achieved by a synthesis of the various techniques shown
in Table 3. This work further indicates the increasing need to integrate the environmental
dimension with long-term analysis of this kind. This could help to remedy a major
weakness of the Schumpeterian renaissance: lack of sufficient attention to this dimension
of economic and structural change.
Finally, there has been a major positive development arising from the recent
Schumpeterian work on long wave analysis: new work on financial capital and
technological revolutions (Perez, 2002). The work of Perez not only makes a major
contribution to the resolution of several of the major problems arising in the prolonged
debate about the timing of technological revolutions and business cycles, it also provides
for the first time a set of ideas which fill one of the major gaps in the Schumpeterian
renaissance: the role of credit creation in Schumpeterian evolution. Neither Schumpeter
nor the neo-Schumpeterians had hitherto related the evolution of credit creation to the
evolution of new technologies (see Perez, 2002 and her chapter in Volume . of these
three volumes).
Like Fagerberg (2003), this chapter concludes that the Schumpeterian renaissance has
been a real phenomenon. Its main feature has been the resurgence of ideas about
innovation, including industrial revolutions. Although it has led to heated debate, these
have themselves been a constructive contribution of the renaissance and have enriched
evolutionary theory in economics. Fagerberg (2003) was justified in his view that the ideas
of the neo-Schumpeterian evolutionary economists, although departing in some respects
from Schumpeters own ideas, were nevertheless strongly influenced by the
Schumpeterian renaissance.
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Table 1
The Schumpeterian Heritage : Journals dealing mainly with Innovation and
Management of Innovation
Date of Inception
1951 or 1965?
Research Policy
Industrial Innovation
Cotton (UK)
Steel (USA)
Automobiles (USA)
Model T (Ford)
Source: Authors estimates based on data in Freeman and Lou (2001)
Regulation Schools
(others: Braudel