The article presents a progress report on research into using translation as an effective teaching method in a
foreign/second language class. The report includes a) research into the use of translation in the past; b) first
approach: adaptation of approaches used in translation courses; c) feedback from the trial; and d) further investigation into using translation as a second language teaching methodology. A student survey about the
initial application of translation found their range of expectations for the subject and revealed diversity in
their first and second language abilities. The students work showed the common errors they would make
even after consulting dictionaries and translation aids. As a result, translation could be understood from a
wider perspective. Finally, possible further development of the act of translating as a teaching methodology
in the advanced level second/foreign language class is discussed.
1 Introduction
This article reports and discusses the introduction of translation as a teaching methodology into
advanced second/foreign language (L2). The author was assigned to teach one subject of an advanced Japanese foreign language course consisting of language subjects which each focussed on a
particular area of Japanese development/learning. Some had an emphasis on spoken and colloquial
use of the language, some on the grammar or system of the language, etc. The subject of this study
had a focus on the following development: a) advancement of students Japanese language skills in
reading and writing, and learning skills; b) inquiry into the language systems (learning basic differences between English and Japanese); and c) in-class experiences working between two languages (and cultures), i.e. having an experience of what translation involves.
This study reports the early findings from an on-going action research project into how translation as a methodology can be integrated into an advanced Japanese language course. The present study was limited to the first three stages: a) inquiry into potentially effective use of act of
translating as a teaching methodology in the advanced level second/foreign language class, b) subject syllabus development, and, c) reflection on and evaluation of the introduction of the methodology into the actual class.
The aims of the present study were 1) to understand learners general perception of and attitude
toward the new methodology, 2) to evaluate the introductory syllabus, and 3) to seek a better way
to integrate translation into teaching. The specific question under investigation was: To what extent can the class incorporate translation activities? The aim was to inform the broader question of
whether translation can be a major methodology in today's language teaching.
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promoted teaching a new language through presenting functional equations between the first and
second language usage. A key criticism of this approach was that it could give learners the basis
from which they could generate their own expressions (e.g. Brumfit, 1981; Ellis, 2002).
2.2 Current post-communicative, cognitive paradigm
In recent years, the necessity for integration of explicit instruction into communicative approaches has become obvious. Ellis (1996) suggested that grammar teaching can enhance learner
proficiency and accuracy and assist learners to acquire the syntactic system of the language.
Brown (1994) and Larsen-Freeman (1991) discuss the need for grammar teaching along with
communicative tasks. Doughty & Williams (1998) propose that focus on form instruction should
be integrated in language teaching. The Focus on Form approach incorporates traditional synthetic
grammar teaching (form without context or discourse: formS-focused) with an analytic approach
requiring a context where the learners are engaged in communication. This involves negotiating
meaning in certain linguistic and non-linguistic contexts (FonF instruction), including a rather
overt focus on some grammatical/linguistic units (e.g. gender distinction: Harley, 1998), generating metalinguistic discussion (metatalk) using dictogloss tasks (Swain, 1998), and more implicit
attention shifting to forms during communication, i.e. learner-initiated shifts, resulting in noticing
(Long & Robinson, 1998). At the same time as these analytic developments, language use is being
seen as more of a holistic activity. In this view, language is not only understood as a communication instrument, but also as a reflection of the context in which it is used, such as the speakers L1
culture, and the sociolinguistic features of the situation (e.g. Niemeir, 2004). Constructivism, the
concept currently pervasive in the educational field, sees that individual learners construct knowledge for themselves, using their prior experience and the range of contextual elements they perceive. Such learning is also seen as a personal process (Allen, 2004).
A Constructivist approach to learning emphasizes providing authentic, challenging projects for
the learners. Projects which are meaningful to the learners, i.e. ones in which they can incorporate
their experience outside of the classroom, set in problem solving contexts, involving peers and
teacher (expert) in the learning community, appear to promote effective learning. Through interaction and negotiation in the learning community, learners construct knowledge, while the problemsolving nature of the projects demands use of higher cognitive processes (Newell & Simon, 1972),
such as reflecting on the problem and/or on their own learning, and searching for solutions (e.g.
Cunningham, Duffy, & Knuth, 1993).
One dramatic change in recent years has been the re-evaluation of L1 use in L2 instruction. In a
turnaround from Direct Method, ALM and Natural Approaches, it is now seen as potentially beneficial rather than erroneous. According to our current understanding of vocabulary storage in the
brain (e.g. the connectionist model of Macaro, 2003), bilinguals access one common storage system containing both L1 and L2 vocabulary. L1 is thus considered to assist learners comprehension
of L2 by creating more networks between nodes (ideational representation and words) in their long
term memory.
2.3 L1 use in L2 instruction and translation
This study reports and discusses the results of introducing translation as a teaching methodology into an advanced L2 program. The ultimate goal of the study is to explore effective ways of
using the act of translating to promote these learners' better comprehension of L2 texts, spoken
or written. Teaching translation as an end goal in itself, therefore, has been excluded from the
study, and translation as product and the study of translation processes both fall outside its scope.
Thus, in the intervention reported here, the learner's text a translation into L1 was evaluated as
to whether or not it clearly showed the learner had understood the original L2 text, rather than as
an end product in its own right. The reverse sentence translation, from L1 to L2, was used to raise
awareness of how not only sentence structure, but also parts of a sentence, carries the meaning of
the sentence as a whole.
Using the act of translating process approach to promote advanced learners' comprehension
of L2, had the further advantage of eliminating issues surrounding translation, such as choosing
between different methods (literal or oblique translation: e.g. Vinay & Darbelnet, 2000), interlingual decision making (e.g. shifting cohesion: Blum-Kulka, 2000), matters beyond written text (political, cultural decision making), and translator related issues (translator motivation and intension:
e.g. Hatim & Mason, 1990).
To be successful, the act of translating requires understanding of the original text, and linguistic and non-linguistic abilities and skills to recreate the original text meaning in another language.
Thus, in the current post-communicative, cognitive paradigm, translation as a teaching method in
the second/foreign language class has the following potential strengths:
1) It naturally creates more opportunities for the learners to focus not only on meaning, but also on the form of the text;
2) working back and forth between L1 and L2 can naturally bring not only explicit attention to
the form and meaning of the text, but also discussion on linguistic and non-linguistic forms;
3) the act of translating can provide the learners with holistic challenging projects, involving
problem-solving, and integrate linguistic, cultural, and pragmatic knowledge beyond communicating using language.
Taking into consideration 1) the built-in strength of the act of translating as a methodology as
set out here; 2) the rigorous translation and feedback style of vocational/professional courses (e.g.
Nida, 1991; Baker, 1992); 3) the benefit of using L1 to learn L2; 4) expected learner variables in
the advanced class (levels and constructs of learners language proficiency, their learning styles,
their interest, their motivation, etc); and, 5) the course objectives stated in the introduction, the
researcher drafted the course syllabus for introducing the act of translating as a teaching methodology set out in the following section.
An overview of the course is provided first. Following that, student responses to the survey and
the researcher-teachers reflection on student learning are presented, and the findings from the
pilot study are then set out and discussed. Finally, the possibilities for the future development of
translation as a second language teaching methodology are suggested.
3 An introduction of act of translating as a method into teaching Japanese as a second language
3.1 Setting
Translation activities were introduced into a subject taken by advanced learners who had finished a core course of language study. The core course for Japanese has four levels and learners
must complete one year of study for each. At entry each student is placed at the appropriate level
after taking a placement test. The subject taught in the pilot study was among the 4th level subjects.
The advanced class had 26 students, which made it rather large. The duration of the subject was 12
weeks long, taught consecutively over three months. Translation was introduced at the beginning
of the course and translation activities were used intensively for the first half of the course. The
goals of the subject were firstly a) further development of students Japanese language skills, b)
learning basic differences between English and Japanese (inquiry into the language systems), and,
c) in-class experiences working between two languages and cultures. The following section presents discussion of only the use of translation as a teaching methodology.
3.2 Introduction and use of act of translating for teaching
The first half of the course included Part A) teacher-led in-class activities (translating mostly in
pairs and groups) and Part B) semi-independent project work consulting with the teacher (outside
of the class, semester long project).
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Aspect of content to be evaluated
Amount/frequency of assessment
Types of assessment
Materials used in class
Descriptive judgment
difficult but manageable
just right
just right
rather liked
More than the half of the learners (59%: 10 out of the 17 who had come with some expectations for the subject) had expected the subject to provide some basic training in translation between L1 and L2, in this case, English and Japanese. About one third (35%) expected more four
skills development (language use in class), and another one third expected to develop their language knowledge (structure and grammar) so as to become fluent in L2. Some thought the subject
would have had more emphasis on culture and social contexts of language, and a few expected
metalinguistic, cognitive learning.
Activities the learners liked and disliked:
The students were asked what factors they did or did not like in the in-class activity list provided. The following is a summary of their responses.
The learners in class :
All materials
didnt like
Overall the learners appeared happy with the translation activities. One learner preferred fewer
sentence translation exercises, while summarization practice provoked different reactions among
the learners.
Most of them
Reading (1)
More business
& formal language use (1)
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Planning stage: by the time they had been through the planning stage, the students were clear
about what they were doing for their project. The teacher was involved in the planning stage, and
discussed with them their plans to ensure a) a match between their aims and their action plans, b)
the appropriateness to their current L2 level, and c) the manageability of the project within the
given time.
Independent work period: some students were very organized, and proceeded week by week,
receiving feedback from the teacher from time to time. Some continued to toss about different
ideas on how to put their plans into action for a while, even after they submitted their plans. Some
had to rush through all the work toward the end of the semester. All of them managed to submit by
the due date. Written feedback was provided on individual project work.
3.4 Test Results
The students were tested twice 1) immediately after the initial 6 week translation practice and
2) after another 6 weeks interval1. To have more insight into their translation processes, the first
test was examined to see what types of errors were commonly made.
In the test, the students chose one of two passages, each based on one of the two topics they
had had translation practice with. Seven students chose the current topic (shown as 1 in the choice
column in Table 6) and 19 students did the social topic. The test was marked on a) overall quality
of translation and b) numbers of errors found in the translation. Students had been allowed to use
bilingual dictionaries in the test.
Table 6 below shows the quality of their translation (overall scores: out of ten) and location of
their errors. The errors were divided into the following categories (see Table 6): 1) extra meaning
added by the reader (example: was translated as innocent people instead of civilians in a
war article); 2) missing words; 3) loan words (example was understood as news, not as
needs); 4) Voc-synonym (example; AFP was understood as AFP communication, instead of
AFP correspondence); 5) voc-antonym (they chose an opposite word), 6) voc-wrong (word choice
completely out of context); 7) expression-wrong (collocation wasnt understood properly such as
in ); and 8) syntactic misunderstanding (e.g. subjects of clauses were changed due to
not understanding the sentence structure).
No of
Table 6: Error types found in translation test immediately after six week translation practice
As Chart 1 below shows, the large proportion of the errors stemmed from vocabulary problems
(61% in total) and more or less every students work included some vocabulary errors despite their
being allowed to use dictionaries. However, syntactic errors appear to be more detrimental to their
translation quality. Students who performed better in their translation work tended to interpret further, whereas the translation of lower performing students contained missing parts or misunderstanding of some expressions.
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errors in translation
m is sing, 7%
extra, 9%
syntax, 23%
loan word,
voc-antonym ,
Chart 1: Errors in translation test immediately after six weeks translation practice
The students performed better with the essay translation (7.5/10 average) than sentence level
translation (6.6/10 average).
4 Discussion
The above results from the questionnaire survey and tests, and observation by the researcher
will be discussed to explore the learners general attitudes/perceptions toward the new methodology, assess the introduction of the methodology into the class, and improve the use of translation
as a teaching method in L2 class.
4.1 Assessment of the first introduction
Understanding learners general attitudes/perceptions toward the new methodology:
The students in the subject were more driven by their interest in Japanese (57.1%) than by
qualification (23.8%) and job prospects (14.3%): see Table 1. Their expectations included structure-grammar related learning (35%), four skills development (35%), some basic training in
translation between L1 & L2, in this case, English and Japanese (59%), cultural-social learning
(24%), and meta-linguistic, cognitive learning (12%).
From the questionnaire results, the cohort can be said to be typical of general advanced language classes, with a variety of expectations, language background, and L2 abilities. The learners
expected some kind of general advanced Japanese language class involving substantial amount of
translation activities.
With even the above general orientation to and expectation for the subject, the students generally liked using translation as a teaching methodology for the large part of the subject (i.e. to use
translation as a tool to advance their Japanese: average 3.81: range 3-5 in Table 2). However their
perceptions toward the amount, frequency and types of assessment were varied (see Table 2).
Since assessment is a crucial factor for most tertiary students in deciding how to approach a sub-
ject and how much effort to put into it, how to assess the students learning assisted by act of
translating to be acceptable to both teacher and students needs further study.
About half of the learners (48%) found the materials challenging but manageable, and a few
(10%) found them too easy. The rest felt they were just fine. This is to be expected, in particular
for translation, where multiple abilities such as L1 and L2 proficiency, reading comprehension
skills, and writing skills are demanded. Therefore, continuing inquiry into teaching and assessment
materials for the subject is required.
Evaluating the introductory teaching
A) Teaching materials & tests
Sentence level translation:
The sentence level L1 to L2 translation exercise had two goals: to learn basic differences between the two languages at grammar and vocabulary levels, and thus to provide basic translation
skills. A group of sentences with a particular grammatical target was given each time.
The majority of students were bored with the exercise, even while recognizing that it was helpful for learning Japanese. It appears that to be accepted, such an exercise would need to create a
better learning situation. The exercise in this study was form-focused (formS-focused), so group
learning was used to do the exercise to approximate to focus on form (FonF instruction, e.g.
Doughty & Williams, 1998). Students were expected to discuss a Japanese target point for each
class, generating metatalk (like Swain, 1998), and to translate those sentences into English in
group. The translation was intended to assist them to articulate how the target item is used in Japanese. However, meanings of sentences in the exercises were probably too distant from their day to
day life, and they couldnt relate what they did in class to their actual life. As a result, the students
were neither interested nor able to internalise and integrate target expressions into their L2 system.
An alternative explanation for the lack of popularity and effectiveness of the exercises is that
they did not contain any learner-initiation (e.g. Long & Robinson, 1998). The exercises might
have worked better if the goals had been negotiated with the students more at the beginning of the
course, instead of leaving them to work out some of the goals through doing the exercise. Another
possible cause might have been the direction of translation. Even though students were asked to
translate very simple sentences (e.g. this bus will take you to Central station), the L1 into L2 translation prevented them from utilising a large part of their knowledge, enabling them to access only
ideation available in both L1 and L2, but not that only available in L1.
Sentence level translation L2 to L1 also needs to be employed in the syllabus to determine
whether the main cause of the not-so-enthusiastic reception from the students was either a) the way
the exercises were implemented or b) the direction of translation.
Passage level translation:
Newspaper articles on a current topic and a long internet text on social issues were better received by the cohort than sentence level exercises. Students interest in the current topic varied
widely, but interest in the social issues varied less widely. The former provided an easier access to
vocabulary and there were similar articles in English available. However, unfamiliarity with Japanese newspaper articles caused difficulty for some students. In the small test, they had a choice
between two passages based on the content they had learnt on the two topics. Only seven out of 26
chose the passage on a current topic.
The test analysis revealed that syntactic errors caused more damage to their translation than
vocabulary errors. All had some background and vocabulary knowledge on the passage topics, and
they were also familiar with the styles of both passages, and could prepare for the test to some extent. Background knowledge, dictionary use and familiarity with the written styles definitely
helped them to translate the test passages well. However, differences in syntactic skills contributed
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to the range of marks. Possibly their previous translation practice in class minimised differences in
background knowledge of the topics and familiarity with the written styles, and the availability of
dictionaries helped them all with the vocabulary. Therefore, differences in syntactic skills had
more impact on translation outcomes.
It would be very interesting to see how learner translation outcomes are affected when they are
tested on passages which are syntactically controlled but about different topics to those they had
practised on.
The test taken after six week class learning was examined to explore the nature of students
translation. Their translation indicated that almost every students work included some vocabulary
errors even though they were allowed to use dictionaries. Indeed, a large proportion of the errors
stemmed from vocabulary problems. However, the translation quality was affected more by syntactic errors. Thus students with less grammatical skills did not perform as well as those who possessed good grammatical skills. Better performers demonstrated a tendency to interpret further
(over-interpretation) and poor performers had parts missing.
Semi-independent vocabulary learning:
The projects of those students who were successful in this section were perceived to be authentic and meaningful, and the task presented a good challenge. Through the vocabulary building project, they managed to connect classroom learning to the outside world (Allen, 2004). Consequently,
they found themselves motivated and that doing the project had meaning. Those who were not
successful in the independent learning failed to set their own goals and independent work did not
extend beyond the classroom. As a result, they could not incorporate higher cognitive processes
(Newell & Simon, 1972) such as reflecting on the problem or searching for solutions (Cunningham
et al 1993). Students with lower Japanese proficiency tended to achieve less from the experience.
The researcher received very positive individual verbal comments after the subject was over.
Students all said it had been interesting and very different from other subjects in the language
course. Some said that they would continue their vocabulary learning beyond the subject. Those
who were able to connect vocabulary to area knowledge appeared to enjoy the activities.
B) Approach
The goals of the Japanese L2 class in this study had been: a) further development of students
Japanese language skills, b) learning of basic differences in English and Japanese (inquiry into the
language systems), and c) in-class experiences working between two languages.
The act of translating was used in the classroom to promote L2 comprehension by these advanced learners. The students translation work was treated as follows:
Translation as a final product (i.e. teaching translation as its end goal) was not evaluated;
Learner's translation (L2 to L1) was evaluated as to whether or not it demonstrated comprehension of the original L2 text;
Learner's translation (L2 to L1) was treated as evidence of resulting comprehension and indicator of the comprehension process; and
Reverse sentence translation (L1 to L2) was used to raise awareness of how sentence structure and parts of sentences carry meaning.
The fundamental premise of the approach was that positive inclusion of L1 in classroom instruction creates a potentially powerful learning environment for already advanced L2 learners to
further their reading and writing skills in L2.
The students translated essays and sentences in class and as homework, and were tested on
their essay and sentence comprehension. Analysis shows the following points need to be taken into
account and certain aspects explored further in order to advance the effectiveness of using translation as a method in such classes:
1) Translation between L2 and L1 includes not only L2 language skills but also L1 literacy
and background knowledge on the topics to a large extent. Therefore, materials which can
absorb a range of learner variables need to be developed. Alternatively, class activities
should be structured so that learners can adjust their translation task to their level.
2) Students demonstrated insufficient interest towards the exercises using sentence level translation. Before including sentence level translation in future, the possible causes of the negative response need investigation to discover whether the problem is due to: a) irrelevant
topics and content of the sentences used; b) direction of the translation; and c) formats for
the exercises.
3) Students showed very different knowledge and interest in the current topic, whereas they
more commonly were interested in the social topics. It is not certain whether the difference
in current or social topics, or their familiarity with the contents or sentence style, resulted in
the different reception of the two areas. Further research into how to grade the difficulty of
translation tasks on articles should be undertaken.
4) Semi-independent project work also demonstrated substantial variation in students vocabulary learning. The spread between successful and unsuccessful learners was wider in this
task than in the other two types of in-class translation practice. This suggests that semiindependent work can assist good learners better. However, it can also result in leaving
weaker learners further behind, so the optimal amount of semi-independent work in the
course needs further investigation.
5) The test analysis showed that every student had some sort of vocabulary problem even
when using dictionaries and a reasonable amount of background knowledge. It also showed
syntactic errors had more impact on the quality of their translation. In an L2 class where
act of translating is used as a teaching method, vocabulary, syntax and their relation could
be learned effectively by focusing on where the learners have demonstrated insufficient understanding by failing to translate appropriately.
4.2 Next step to improve the use of translation as a teaching method for L2 class
This study was conducted in the form of a pilot run of a subject using translation as a main
teaching method. The objectives were to obtain 1) information regarding students perceptions of
translation as a teaching method and, 2) feedback from the teaching so as to provide further direction on how to develop the methodology so as to realise its potential effectiveness. The particular
question was, to what extent can the class incorporate translation activities (i.e. can it be a major
methodology?). Feedback from the students and teacher observation show a definitely positive
attitude towards developing act of translating as a major method. The results of the study suggest
that the following are the potential strengths of the method for raising students Japanese text
a) developing information networking in the brain;
b) developing learner self-assessment of appropriateness of their L2 tagged information;
c) encouraging utilisation of available resources (e.g. Frch & Kasper, 1983: interlanguage
based achievement strategy use);
d) providing opportunities to focus on form;
e) making available input likely to become intake through interaction between L1 and L2;
f) widening the scope of language learning: inclusion of own cultural context and the sociolinguistic nature of the original text; and
g) providing a hands-on approach which expands L2 learning,
The findings from this pilot study suggest that some syntactic structures/expressions can be
more proactively focused on, to provide more opportunities in terms of focus on form (d above), in
order to develop information networking in the brain (a). By doing so, the students utilise available
resources (c), and have opportunity to assess the appropriateness of their L2 tagged information (b),
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as well as include the cultural and sociolinguistic nature of L1 and L2 into learning. This is a
hands-on approach to expand L2 learning (g), resulting in making available input likely to become
intake (e).
To conclude, considering the theoretical potential, positive reception from the students, the actual outcomes and findings from this first implementation, translation as a main teaching methodology is feasible, and appears potentially an effective method for teaching L2. At the same time,
the introduction has revealed issues which need to be studied to further understand the dynamics of
integrating translating in second/foreign language teaching.
The results for passage translation for each test were (mean 76.5; standard deviation 9.5) for Test 1 and for
Test 2 (mean 73.7; standard deviation 8.03). The averages were similar and the Pearsons correction for the
two tests was (r =.714) and thus not so strong. Overall Test 2 was thus more difficult for the cohort, and some
students did better with the topic in Test 1 and others with topics in Test 2.
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