PC100 KJ
PC100 KJ
PC100 KJ
Name of the Group: Control & Instrumentation
Name of the Course: PG Diploma in Industrial Automation System Design
Course Code:
PC 100
Starting Date:
Preamble: Stiff competition, higher quality standards and growing concerns of safety &
environmental damage have pushed the Industrial sector to adapt state-of-the-art
Automation Techniques for effective utilization of resources and optimized performance of
the process plants. Recent trend of merging control systems associated with both factory
and process automation demands knowledge from diverse fields. Automation applications
span plant automation, discrete and batch process control, embedded machine control and
manufacturing production line automation. The industrial automation applications include
automation of time critical systems that demand precise real time readings and control.
Qualified automation engineers are needed to meet these requirements of designing
appropriate automation systems. But, one need to have knowledge of diversified fields
such as PC/ PLC based Control, Instrumentation, H/W, S/W, Networking, Industrial AC
Drives, Machine Vision, DCS, SCADA/HMI, High speed data acquisition, RTOS etc., to
become a successful automation engineer.
Objective of the Course: This course is aimed at making an Engineer with appropriate
experience; a qualified designer of Industrial automation systems with the use of PLCs,
PACs, Industrial Field Instruments, Industrial PCs, SCADA/HMI, Data-acquisition boards,
Machine vision, robots, Microprocessor based instruments, and related Software. The
course also includes an industrial oriented project work during which the student will be
working on specific assignments of his/her choice.
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Course Structure:
The course consists of the following modules as given in the table below.
PC100: PG Diploma in Industrial Automation System Design ( 24 weeks )
Sub Modules
Measurements with Industrial Field Instruments
Data Acquisition Systems,
Process Plant Control & Automation System Design,
Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC),
Automation System Integration &Engineering
24 Weeks
Modules PLC & PID Controllers,
Industrial Data Communications
Industrial Drives & Robotics
SCADA/HMI System Development
Distributed Control System (DCS)
Project Work
Other Information
a. Course Fee:
General Category Applicants: Course Fee is Rs 70,000 + Service tax @ actual. The
course fee can be paid in installments as given below.
SC/ST Category Applicants: Course Fee is waived for SC/ST students. However
they are required to remit refundable security deposit of Rs.8,000 which will be
refunded only after successful completion of the course. This amount will be
forfeited, if the student fails to complete the course successfully.
b. Course Fee Installment Structure:
Fee Installment structure for PG Diploma program is as follows:
For General Candidates:
Advance Fee
Last Date
to pay Fees
1st Installment
Rs.29,900 /-
2nd Installment
Rs.39,900 /-
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* Above fees is inclusive Service Tax @ prevailing rate (14%) and revision if any will be
applicable at the time of payment.
Students can also pay the full fees of Rs 79,800/- (Rs 70,000/- + Service Tax) in advance.
For SC/ST Candidates:
Security Deposit Rs.8,000 /- ( pay only after publishing the 1st selection list)
Last Date to
pay Fees
Course Fee is waived for SC/ST students. However they are required to remit refundable
security deposit of Rs. 8,000 which will be refunded only after successful completion of
the course. This amount will be forfeited if the student fails to complete the course
c. Eligibility:
ME /M.Tech or BE /B.Tech in Electrical/ Electronics/ Instrumentation/ Chemical
Engineering/ Applied Electronics and Instrumentation/ Instrumentation & Control/
Electronics & Communication/ Mechatronics / Computer Science. Final year
students# of above disciplines also may apply.
# On the date of counseling/ admission, final year students have to produce the
originals of course completion certificate & mark lists up to and including the last
semester/ year examination. Only those candidates who have passed all the
semesters/ year examinations of their qualifying degree on or before the date
of counseling are eligible for admission.
The PG Diploma certificates shall be issued to only those who produce the original
or provisional degree certificate, the original mark lists and complete all the
modules of PC100 program successfully as per the course requirements.
d. Number of Seats : 50
SC/ST candidates and Persons with disabilities are eligible for seat reservation as per
existing rules.
e. How to Apply :
Students are advised to apply in the prescribed Application Form available with the
course brochure/course prospectus or downloaded from our website. Filled-in
application forms along with a Demand Draft (or pay-in-slip) of * Rs.1,000/- drawn
in favour of Director, NIELIT, Calicut, Payable at State Bank of India, NIT Campus
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Demand Draft to be drawn in favour of Director, NIELIT, Payable at State Bank of India,
Calicut NIT Branch (2207). The DD should reach here before the last date to apply.
Through any branch of SBI (where this format is accepted) using the pay in slip available in
our web site. The original counterfoil should reach here before the last date to apply.
The fees can be paid directly into our account from any bank where core banking facility is
available. The details required for direct payment are as given below.
The depositor should obtain the UTR Number/Journal No from the branch while depositing
3 cash directly into our account. Depositor should also obtain the counterfoil duly filled up
and signed by the staff with seal of the bank through which the amount was deposited. The
following details should reach here before the last date to apply.
1. Name of the Depositor
2. Name of the Student
3. Date of Payment
4. Amount Deposited
5. Name of Bank/branch through which amount deposited
6. Purpose Course ID Advance Deposit/Hostel Rent/Installment Fee etc.
7. Proof of Deposit (counterfoil/acknowledgement in original)
8. UTR Number
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The fees can be paid through the SBI Collect Payment Gateway as well:
Please click the SBI Collect hyper link to enter the payment gateway.
Select State of Corporate/Institution as Kerala
Select Type of Institution Educational Institutions and click on Go button
Select Educational Institutions Name as NIELIT and click Submit button
Select Payment Category as Course Fee
Enter all the fields including amount payable and follow the instructions
The following details should reach here before the due dates.
1. Name of the Depositor
2. Name of the Student
3. Date of Payment
4. Amount Deposited
5. Purpose Course Name:
6. UTR Number
The Institute will not be responsible for any mistakes done by either the bank
concerned or by the depositor while remitting the amount into our account.
f. Selection of candidates :
Selection of candidates who have the requisite qualifying degree will be based on
the percentage of marks in their qualifying degree subject to eligibility and
availability of seats. Selection of candidates who have completed the course but
expecting the results shall be based on the aggregate percentage of marks
mentioned in their final mark list and on the availability of seats. In case the
aggregate percentage of marks is not given in the final mark list, the sum of marks
from the first to last for all the semesters/ years shall be considered as the
aggregate marks.
The selection lists are prepared based on the details given by the applicant at
the time of submitting the application.
The admission to the course shall be based on the following criteria:
The applicants should have the requisite eligibility criteria as mentioned under the
heading Eligibility. In the case of final year students, they must have passed all
the semesters/ year examinations of their qualifying degree at the time of
counseling. Selection list of students will be prepared and published in our website
as follows.
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First selection list will be prepared based on the applications received on or before
03rd September 2015. The additional selection list will be prepared, if there are
vacant seats, based on the applications received on or before 14th September 2015
and excluding the applicants included in the first selection list.
First selection list:
The first selection list of applicants will be finalized and published in our website on
05th September 2015. After that seats will be available only against any vacancy
that arises and will be published in the additional selection list.
The students have to verify their selection to the program from our website.
No separate call letters will be sending to the students for admission.
The selected students in the first selection list have to take provisional
admission on or before 14th September 2015 by paying the advance fee (The
mode of payment and how to submit proof of payment will be given in the
respective selection lists). Their admission shall be confirmed only after verifying
their original certificates on the counseling date (21/09/2015).
Additional selection list:
The additional selection list of students will be finalized and published in our
website on 15th September 2015, based on the vacancy that arises from the first
selection list.
The students in the additional list have to come directly to the centre on the date
of counseling for admission. Their admission shall be confirmed only after verifying
their original certificates/ mark lists and after payment of the Advance & first
installment of fees, on the counseling date (21/09/2015).
g. Counseling/Admission : 21st September 2015 @ 9:30 am, NIELIT Calicut.
h. Admission Procedure :
Students who have been selected for counseling/admission are required to report to
the Institute on the prescribed day by 9:30 hrs along with the following
1. Attested Copies of Proof of Age, Qualifications, etc..
2. Original Certificate of the above
3. Two copies of photograph and one stamp size photograph for identity card.
4. SC/ST Certificate and two attested copies (if applicable)
5. Income Certificate (if applicable)
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The students on reaching the Institute are required to meet the Front Office
Councilor (FOC). The FOC then directs the student to the Course Coordinator. The
student gets the enrollment form verified by the Course Coordinator and then meets
the FOC who shall direct the student to the Accounts for payment of fees. A student
is thus admitted.
i. Discontinuing the course:
No fees under any circumstances shall be refunded in the event of a student
discontinuing the course.
j. Course Timings :
The classes and labs are from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM and 2:00 PM to 5.25 PM, Monday
to Friday.
k. Location and how to reach :
NIELIT Calicut is located very close to NIT campus and is about 22Kms from the
Calicut (Kozhikode) city. A number of buses (Buses to NIT via Kunnamangalam) are
available from "Palayam Bus Stand and KSRTC Bus Stand". The bus stop at our
Institute is called "Panthrand" and is one stop before NIT. The bus fare is around
Rs.17/- from Calicut City to NIELIT.
Calicut (Kozhikode) is well connected by Rail, Road and Air form different parts of
the country. The maximum and minimum temperatures range between 350C and
l. Course enquiries :
Students can enquire about the various courses either on telephone or by personal
contact between 9.15 A.M. to 5.15 P.M. (Lunch time 1.00 pm to 1.30 pm).
Telephone Numbers:
Training Officer
PC-100 Course Coordinator
Office Fax
E-mail (Training Officer):
E-mail (PC100-Coordinator):
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On or before 23/11/2015
n. Placement :
Usually students contact companies directly by sending resumes in response to job
advertisements and get placed. Partial list of our past students, who joined various
companies through their own competencies are given in Annexure I. It is observed that
Industrial Automation companies generally prefer to recruit male candidates.
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q. Lab Facilities
Industrial process controllers& Field instruments
PLCs (Allen Bradley, SIEMENS & ABB ), SOFTPLC
Intellution iFIX SCADA, NI LabVIEW SCADA module & SCADA Hardware
Distributed Control Systems (DCS) - ABB Freelance 800F
Profibus, DH 485, HART based Devices
NI LabVIEW Professional Development System
NI LabVIEW GPIB and Foundation Fieldbus Interface
NI LabVIEW IMAQ Vision System and FPGA Module
Image inspection system
Data acquisition systems with PCI, Ethernet Fieldpoint I/O and NI Compact RIO
Programmable Automation Controller (PAC)
Smart Instruments with HART/ Foundation Fieldbus interfaces
Training Plants set up with real sized industrial instruments and controlled through
Industrial Robots (Scorbot ER VII, Mitsubishi RV M1)
AB power flex 40 and ABB ACS550 AC drives
ABB DCS800 DC drive, Labvolt AC and DC drive trainers
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r. Course Contents :
Measurements with Industrial Field Instruments, Data Acquisition Systems, Process
Plant Control & Automation System Design, Programmable Automation Controllers
(PAC), Automation System Integration &Engineering Concepts
PC based hardware and software for Data Acquisition Systems (DAS) and
Automation system structure & functional Levels
Standard instrumentation signal levels
Selection of sensors/transducers for Industrial application
Functions of industrial signal conditioners
Signal conditioning requirements of common transducers
Intelligent transmitters/sensors
PC Based Data Acquisition System Design
PC Based Data Acquisition & Control (DAQC) I/O Devices
PC Based DAQ System Buses
Graphical programming for data acquisition, signal processing, Control.
analysis & presentation using Measurement and Automation Software
Developing data acquisition and instrument control applications using LabVIEW
Control system design and simulation using LabVIEW
Design of Instrumentation Loops, ISA Symbols & Diagrams
Digital controllers design and implementation
Actuators/ Final control elements
Instrument Control& Connectivity
Automation System Engineering Concepts
Field wiring and noise consideration of analog signals
Introduction to Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC)
PAC architecture using NI hardware and software
Data Acquisition & Control with RTOS (NI Fieldpoint I/O, cRIO)
RTOS based Industrial Applications
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PLC programming with Allen Bradley SLC500 series (SLC5/02 & SLC5/04), RS
Logix 500 Software, Emulate500 Software
Allen Bradley CompactLogix Series PLC (1769 L23), RS Logix 5000 Software
SIEMENS SIMATIC S7 controllers (CPU 412-2PN, CPU 314 & 315-2 DP)
SIEMENS IM151-1 High Feature, Siemens Touch Panel TP 177B
SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional programming Software
ABB AC500 PLC System, PM 581-ETH CPU
ABB Software PS501-PROG Control Builder
Programming with IEC 61131-3 Languages
System design with PLC
Comparison of different brands of PLCs
Fundamental process control techniques
Controller tuning methods
Introduction to Industrial Networking
Analog and Digital Communications on Plant Floors
RS232-422-485 standards
PLC to PLC & PLC to PC communication
Profibus, DH-485 and Foundation fieldbus
Introduction to SCADA
Different Systems in SCADA like Field Instrumentation, RTUs, communication
Networks and Central Monitoring Stations
Intellutions iFIX SCADA Software
National Instruments LabVIEW DSC (Datalogging & Supervisory Control)
HMI Development, Data Processing, Control Algorithm Programming
Modem connectivity & SCADA protocols
Network Communications, Communication with RTUs
Data Acquisition with Cards and PLCs/RTUs
Database Connectivity
SCADA development for Small Scale Pilot Plants (Case Study)
OPC (OLE for Process Control) Configuration
Comparison of different SCADA packages
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MIND, www.motherson.com
MIND, www.motherson.com
MIND, www.motherson.com
MIND, www.motherson.com
MIND, www.motherson.com
GES Infotech, Trivandrum
Fusion Electronics, Bangalore
Captronic Systems, Bangalore
Captronic Systems, Bangalore
Dynomerk Controls, Pune
Fusion Electronics, Bangalore
Fusion Electronics, Bangalore
Dynomerk Controls, Pune
Dynomerk Controls, Pune
Fusion Electronics, Bangalore
Dynomerk Controls, Pune
Fusion Electronics, Bangalore
CEMA Automations India Pvt Ltd
Captronic Systems, Bangalore
Merill Life Science, Vapi
Captronic Systems, Bangalore
Captronic Systems, Bangalore
Fusion Electronics, Bangalore
Fusion Electronics, Bangalore
BASE Automation Technologies Pvt Ltd, Chennai
VRL Automation Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
INTACT Automation Private Limited, Pune
Bushan Steel, Orissa
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Raghav Tharani. M. L
Veerendra Chowdary B
Srinath. R
Mathews Paul
Govardhana Reddy Chintala
Sumith Mathew
Arun Joy.C
Shameer Muhammed
Siddharth Pradhan
Sudhanshu Vaidya
Ankit Singhvi
Apurv Singh
Jyotiska De
Priyank Shrivastava
R. Baranitharan
Rajeswara Kumar
Rajesh Pawar
Gautham. R
Chandra Sekhara Pandian
Bharathi Mani. B
Shahul Hameed M
Sujith Rajan
Md. Mujibur Rahaman
Narayan Lal Prajapat
Ankit Sharma
Niraj Prasad Singh
Jebin Geo Jacob
Jibin A Kader
Reni Martin
Abdul Ishad Khan
Ainal Abdul Azeez
Sandeep Jain
Sourav Lahariya
Sathish. G
Lijo Cherian
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Prashob P K
Pankaj Kumar
Muthuvel. P
S. Karthick
Deepak Chittora
Suyash Kulkarni
Satish Kumar Verma
Ravindra Vedula
Vipin Das.k
Anwar Sadhique. K
Ashif. A. A
Rajendra kumar
Able Mathew
Shabeer Backer
Sankar Rajeev Sankar
Tobey Daniel
Aju Mathew C
Pranakrushna Sahu
Christopher Frederick
Sandeep. N
Kumara Guru
Praveen. K
Dipin. N
Deepak Singh
Anish Wilson
Ajmal Ahmed
Kiran kumar V
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