History of The Mystery
History of The Mystery
History of The Mystery
immanent in the United States but the Sunday Law is th place identified in the Spirit of Prophecy where Seventh-day
Adventists will either choose for the mark of the beast or the seal of God and one passage in the Spirit of Prophecy,
one among many where we make a defense of that position that the message that probation is about to close is a
genuine message and there is several ways to respond to that criticism; one passage though we can begin our study
with here from Fundamentals of Christian Education, 335-336. And youll notice in here that Sister White speaks
about a day when the destiny of every soul will be fixed forever. Now if that happens by death, of course probation
closes at death thats one thing but theres also a day when a person receives the mark of the beast or the seal of God
and his destiny is fixed forever, so this statement in this passage qualifies for speaking about the close of human
probation and notice what she says about a message connected with this"But there is a day that God hath appointed for the close of this world's history. 'This gospel of the kingdom
shall be preached in all the world far a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.' Prophecy is fast
fulfilling. More, much more, should be said about these tremendously important subjects. The day is at hand when
the destiny of every soul will be fixed forever.
This day of the Lord hastens on apace. The false watchmen are raising the cry, 'All is well'; but the day of
God is rapidly approaching. Its footsteps are so muffled that it does not arouse the world from the deathlike slumber
into which it has fallen. While the watchmen cry, 'Peace and safety " 'sudden destruction cometh upon them: 'and
they shall not escape'; 'for as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.' It overtakes
the pleasure-lover and the sinful man as a thief in the night. When all is apparently secure, and men retire to
contented rest, then the prowling, stealthy, midnight thief steals upon his prey. When it is too late to prevent the evil,
it is discovered that some door or window was not secured. 'Be ye also ready: for in an such hour as ye think not the
Son of man cometh.' People are now settling to rest, imagining themselves secure under the popular churches; but let
all beware, lest there is a place left open for the enemy to gain an entrance.
Great pains should be taken to keep this subject before the people. The solemn fact is to be kept not only
before the people of the world, but before our own churches also, that the day of the Lord will come suddenly,
unexpectedly. The fearful warning of the prophecy is addressed to every soul. Let no one feel that he is secure from
the danger of being surprised. Let no one's interpretation of prophecy rob you of the conviction of the knowledge of
events which show that this great event is near at hand."
Brothers and sisters, this study of Revelation 16 will be designed to not only identify the issues and
sequences addressed in Revelation 16 but as the books of Daniel and Revelation go together as they are one, as they
bring each other to perfection, we will see that whats symbolized here in Revelation 16 strengthens the presentation
of Daniel 11:40-45 by identifying the same philosophical powers that are struggling. Only in Daniel 11:40-45, they
ultimately portray the King of the North between the seas and the Holy Mountain coming to his end which can be
understood in the geography of the Bible as the valley of Megiddo or Armageddon; in Revelation 16 we see that
these same three powers are portrayed as leading the world to Armageddon.
In The Upward Look. 277, were told this"All are to hear the last message of warning. The prophecies in the book of Revelation. chapters 12 to 18.
are being fulfilled. In the eighteenth chapter is recorded the very last call to the churches. This call is now to be
given. In the nineteenth chapter, the time is pictured when the beast and the false prophet are taken, and cast into a
lake of fire. The dragon, who was the instigator of the great rebellion against heaven, is bound and cast into the
bottomless pit for a thousand years. Then follows the resurrection of the wicked and the final destruction of Satan
and all the wicked, and the final triumph and reign of Christ in this earth."
Now, Brothers and sisters, theres an interesting part in here that you may not have caught first time
through. Sister White here identifies what portion of the book of Revelation is present truth. What portion of the
book of Revelation were supposed to focus on at the end of the world and in connection with those particular
chapters she mentions the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet and these will be the focus of our series on
Revelation 16 here today.
But let me read this sentence again, The prophecies in the book of Revelation, chapters 12 to 18 are being
fulfilled. Now the reason I want to emphasize that, Brothers and sisters, is in Adventism today theres many people
that are spending their prophetic studies looking at the seals and the trumpets that come prior to Revelation 12,
13,14,15,16,17, and 18, and what Im suggesting to you here is that Sister White is lifting up the information that
begins in chapter 12 with the overview of the Great Controversy and chapter 13, the healing of the deadly wound of
the beast of Catholicism through the power of the United States; 14, the message thats going to identify this
warning about receiving the mark of the beast. Chapter 16, speaking of these three powers that lead the world to
Armageddon; chapter 17 speaking of the relationship between the ten king confederacy, the one world government
thats raise up at the end of the world which rules for one hour with Catholicism and ultimately is destined to destroy
This is Present Truth; and of course chapter 18 she includes because part of the story is always the final
destruction of the enemy of God, modern Babylon. And if we would spend more time bringing the events of world
history into relationship with these chapters in Revelation, I think our studies would be much more fruitful, than
trying to reapply prophecies that the pioneers and Sister White understood had previously been fulfilled in the earlier
chapters of Revelation.
Now if we are going to look at modern Babylon, and that is our study, we want to go back into the very
beginning of the story of Babylon. When you are looking at a theme in the Bible you want to go all the way to where
that theme was first brought up and look at the characteristics associated with it and study them all the way through
if youre going to understand the final revelation of that theme in the Bible and what were looking at is modern
Babylon as its portrayed in Revelation 16.
So Were going to begin first in Genesis chapter 11 verse 1-9 where the initial characteristics of Babel are
mentioned and of course the Bible builds on that story from there. But there is a couple characteristics that we want
to identify here right from the outset.
And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech. And it came to pass as they journeyed from
the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for
stone, and slime had they for mortar. And they said. Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach
unto heaven; and let us make us a name. lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the
LORD said. Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing
will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their
language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the
city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth:
and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. Genesis 11:1-9.
Now what I would like us to look at here are some of the characteristics that are very early on identified
with Babel or Babylon. Of course they were building the tower out of brick and slime and we understand that this
symbolizes mans works in opposition to the alters that Gods people would build that not any cutting was to be
done on, simply stones that the Lord had provided. This was bricks that had been made by man, identifying that this
was an effort of mans own works. Of course theyre building a tower to not only save themselves from another
flood but also to reach unto heaven, to reach unto God.
So we see here illustrated symbolically a people who have build into their design an attempt to save
themselves through there own works and by doing so end up in heaven. But the characteristics that I want to note
here is that they were going to make themselves a name, and theyre going to build themselves a city and a tower.
And if we go to Revelation 13 verses 16-18 it says this,
And he causes all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand
or in their forehead and that no man might buy of sell save he that had the Mark or the Name of the Beast, or the
number of his name. Here is wisdom, let him that understandeth count the number of the Beast for it is the number
of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.
No weve understood through our study of Bible Prophecy as Adventists that the name in Bible prophecy
symbolizes the character and very early on Babel wants to get a name, they want to have a certain character and of
course this is reflected in the story of Babel that theyre through their own efforts attempting to save themselves.
This is their character in all the religions that are spawned out of the religion of Babel, and there are many, are
simply religions that have as there fundamental premise that man has within him the ability to save himself.
Now this name that comes right down to the time when the Mark of the Beast is applied is nothing more
than identifying this same character that will be developed by those who come into the fold of Babylon at the very
end. But what we want to look at more closely here now is the tower and the city that they were going to build and
in Desire of Ages 596 were told, "The tower was a symbol of the temple."
And in Acts of the Apostles 58, it says this, "Upon the foundation that Christ Himself had laid, the apostles
built the church of God. In the Scriptures the figure of the erection of a temple is frequently used to illustrate the
building of the church."
So a tower symbolizes a temple or a church, so we see that right in the very beginning of the story of
Babylon that its a religion, the tower is identifying symbolically for us that theres a religion connected with this
work to save themselves, but they were also building a city and in Bible prophecy a city represents a kingdom.
In Revelation 14:8 we see And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great
city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
Babylon thats being identified as fallen here is the kingdom of Babylon that exists at the end of the world.
In Revelation it says this, And upon her forehead was a name written. MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE
MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Revelation 17:5. And the woman which thou
sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. Revelation 17:18.
The woman being the church of Babylon is the kingdom that reigns over the kings of the earth. Theres
other places where you can see the term the Great City representing a kingdom in Bible Prophecy, but what we
want to suggest here at the outset is what was being built at Babel and which are two of the characteristics that
continued down to the very end of the world associated with Babylon is that it has a political and a religious aspect.
The Tower symbolizing the religion that was being built; its religious aspect and the city or the great city
representing a kingdom, a geo-political kingdom is what Malachi Martin says the Papacy is destined to become
when it once again rules the world and in fact the story that youll find in Revelation 13, 17 and Daniel 11:40-45 is
nothing more than a story of the healing of the deadly wound of the Papacy.
Now in Daniel 11:40-45 we see this story told from the perspective of the King of the North, the Papacy, in
Revelation we see the healing of the deadly wound of the Papacy from the perspective of the United States, the role
that it plays in forcing the world to bow to the first beast of Revelation 13, the Papacy. And in Revelation 17 we
once again the healing of the deadly wound only from the perspective of the ten king confederacy and the role it
plays as the Papacys deadly wound is healed.
And you must understand what the healing of the deadly wound is to bring this all together and its simply
this; Babylon has two aspects, a political and a religious aspect and in 1798 when Napoleon sent his general to
deliver the deadly wound, the Papacy did not cease to be a church, it simply ceased to be the geo-political power that
it had previously been when it ruled the world. If you were going to use the Bible symbols in 1798 the Papacy did
not cease to be an unclean woman of Bible prophecy but she did cease to be a beast of Bible prophecy, she ceased to
be a great city of Bible prophecy, she ceased to be that geo-political kingdom. And the story of Daniel 11,
Revelation 13, and Revelation 17 as the story of the healing of the deadly wound is simply the story about when
once again the Papacys deadly wound is healed in the sense that it once again becomes a geopolitical kingdom
ruling the world.
So one of the things that we want to understand about Babylon right from the start is that as a power it has
two sides, a religious and a political and we will talk much about this in our study. Our study here in the first part
were going to go through the history that has transpired leading up to modern Babylon and then after weve done
that, were going to look individually at the Beast and at the Dragon and individually at the False Prophet found in
Revelation 16. Were going to look at the spirits that come out of their mouth and lead the world to Armageddon.
Were going to suggest what these spirits are; and were going to demonstrate these spirits are active today;
their work to lead the world to Armageddon is in progress, in fact if you look at it closely it is beyond progress- its
almost complete and this is alarming in the sense that many in Adventism do not seem to be aware that the spiritual
guidance is happening. Now when we look at these three powers and the spirits that come out of their mouths to lead
the world to Armageddon, were going to suggest is whats being symbolically identified there is not the political
aspect of these three powers but the spiritual aspect.
And this religious and political aspect as defined right in the beginning of the Bible with Babel the tower
and the great city, is something that we need to differentiate as we look at Bible prophecy and well be doing some
of that. Now in Manuscript Release. number 17pg 18, were told this,
"God has warned His people of the perils before them. John beholds the things which will be in the last
days, and he sees a people working counter to God. Read Revelation 12:17; 14:10-13. and chapters 17 and 13. John
sees the company who have been deceived. He says, '1 saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of
the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of
devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the
battle of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his
garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.'"
Once again Sister White here is emphasizing chapters 12, 14, 17 and 13 to us as present truth. This is where
the message is, its not back in the trumpets and the seals, and she sees a people that are working against God and as
she describes this people she describes the Beast the Dragon and the False Prophet. And were suggesting here in
our study that at the end of the world, modern Babylon, the mature aspect of the story of Babylon in the Bible; the
full maturity of Babylon is modern Babylon and it is made up of three entities, the Dragon, the Beast and False
Prophet; and these three entities are the people that are working against God and His people.
Now in Review and Herald December 27.1898, Sister White says something that she says in other places
and Ill read it to you and try to relate why it seems important to me.
This is the day of the Lords preparation. He says: 'Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth,
and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.' The great work from which the mind should
not be diverted, is the consideration of our safety in the sight of God. The storm is coming, relentless in its fury. Are
we prepared to meet it? Are our feet on the Rock of Ages? Are we one with Christ, as he is one with the Father?"
Now what I want you to see in here and this isnt the only place where Sister White quotes from this
passage in Revelation 16. What she quotes here is out of the very passage where the Beast, Dragon and False
Prophet are portrayed leading the world to Armageddon and theyre portrayed in Revelation 16, in between the 6th
and the 7th plague, and some people would tell you well here the Beast, Dragon and False Prophet are located
between the 6th and 7th plagues, so evidently the work that they do to lead the world to Armageddon begins after
the plagues are falling.
And I would suggest to you that when Sister White refers to that passage in Revelation 16, and she quotes
specifically this phrase, Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, she
always places that warning before probation closes. John identifies the six plagues and then he brings in the
testimony of these three powers leading the world to Armageddon to give a warning to us that before our probation
closes, we need to recognize that the plagues are coming, recognize who the spiritual influences are that are being
used by Satan to lead the whole world to Armageddon, and make sure when these things are going on that were
wearing the righteousness of Christ in our Christian experience. So I want us to understand that even though this
warning is located in the midst of the plagues that its a warning of an event, of a movement that begins before the
close of probation. And well demonstrate that these spirits are already well under way in the world today and of
course human probation hasnt closed as of yet.
Now when John sees these three unclean spirits like frogs, many people will see that the frogs number one
characteristic is its tongue and it catches its prey with its tongue and therefore thats whats being symbolized by
the use of frogs here, and this is a very good illustration of what it may symbolize in a secondary sense but the only
place where Sister White refers to this and gives us an idea of what the frogs symbolizes, theres two places but
there almost identical and weve pulled this one out of The Publishing Ministry, pg 380. Its a little bit different than
relating the tongues of the frogs with possibly the charismatic movement. And listen with me although shes
speaking about the printing work, she is going to give us a clue about what these frogs represent symbolically.
With the immense tide of printed matter constantly pouring from the press, old and young form the habit
of reading hastily and superficially, and the mind loses its power of connected and vigorous thought. Furthermore, a
large share of the periodicals and books that, like the frogs of Egypt, are overspreading the land are not merely
commonplace, idle, and enervating, but unclean and degrading. Their effect is not merely to intoxicate and ruin the
mind, but to corrupt and destroy the soul."
Now disregarding the counsels she has about what we should be reading and whats coming from the
presses, what she says in connection with the books and periodicals that are going out, is that they are flooding the
world. Theyre overspreading the land and in order to describe this she says like the frogs of Egypt. So when we
take this one illustration that she uses about what these frogs illustrate and we take it back into Revelation 16, and
we see that John sees three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the Beast the Dragon and the False
Prophet, I would suggest to you that whatever these spirits are that come out of the mouths of these three entities, are
destined to overspread the whole world.
And as we look at these three spirits more closely youll see that this is taking place. Now in advance of our
specific study of these three entities, let us say this, were going to suggest to you that in Revelation 16 these three
powers are being illustrated in their religious aspect, not their political aspect. Their political aspect is represented in
other places in prophecy. What this passage in Revelation 16 is doing is its saying this is the religious influence of
these three powers that leads the world to Armageddon; and were going to say at the outset that the religious
influence thats associated with the dragon power is what we would call today in its most modern terminology as the
New Age Movement. The religious influence of the Beast, which we know is Catholicism, which is overspreading
the land and is leading the beast of Catholicism, is the Marion Movement; The apparitions of Mary and all those
miracles that are occurring in connection with those apparitions and the apparition sites.
And the religious influence that is leading the False Prophet of Protestant America, and Protestants
worldwide, we would suggest is the charismatic movement in its many various forms and were going to look at
those of course more in depth. But were suggesting to you that we should expect to see these influences be like
frogs, they are going to encircle the world and of course this is happening as we speak. And were going to suggest
that when we see these things happening, that we can trust in the prophetic word that were on our way to
Armageddon as a world.
Now, these three powers that were talking about are spoke about in the Spirit of Prophecy many times. Id
like to read a passage here just to remind ourselves of how they are symbolized in different ways.
"By the decree enforcing the institution of the Papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will
disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the
hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with Spiritualism, when, under the
influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and
republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we
may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near ." Testimonies. vol.
Now one of the things that I want to emphasize here is, in this passage these three powers are described as
Protestantism, the Roman power, and Spiritualism. But John in Revelation 16, describes these same three powers
but he symbolizes them different; for Protestantism he calls then the false prophet, for the Roman power he calls
them the beast, and for Spiritualism he calls them the dragon. And I just want to note in our study of prophecy here
that different prophets employ different symbols for the same thing and sometimes the same prophet will describe
the same thing in a variety of symbols so lets know that from the outset.
But lets look at Revelation 16 now, which is the focus of our study and Id like to begin in verse 19 and it
says, And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the I nations fell: and great Babylon came in
remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. Revelation 16:19.
And what we are suggesting here is that this of course is at the end of the world, its during the plague time
and here we see Babylon identified as this kingdom the great city, a city in Bible prophecy is a kingdom, but its
divided into three parts and these three parts are illustrated in verses 13-16 as the Dragon the Beast and the False
Now were suggesting and well look at our board now to try to emphasize this, is that the three-fold
makeup of modern Babylon consists of the Dragon the Beast and the False Prophet. And part of the story of Bible
prophecy is the history of how these powers have resisted God and His people through time and one of the things
that we want to note is at the tower of Babel and of course this isnt an illustration of the Tower of Babel, this is an
illustration of the logo of the European Common Market, which is their rendition of a new Tower of Babel thats
being built and the clich that the have with this logo says, Europe, many tongues, one voice which is also a
direct correlation of what we understand took place in Babylon but were using this to illustrate the resistance to
God and His people that began in the time of Nimrod.
And the religion that came out of that historical event we know as Spiritualism all the way down through
history. It has many other names because when God came down and confounded the languages of course they took
the same religion to different parts of the world only suddenly, that religion was described through many different
languages so we find the same gods with different names around the globe. But the history of Paganism or
Spiritualism beginning here at the Tower of Babel, this is the power that resisted God and his truth throughout Bible
history until there came a time period, and prophecy is very clear about this transition, where Paganism gave way to
Papalism, and theres a direct relationship that goes on between Paganism and Papalism as this unfolds Papalisms
rising and beginning its time period to rule the world in 538.
The Prophetic history associated with this tells us in Revelation 13, that the Dragon gave its seat, authority
and great power to this Beast of Papalism. So theres a direct relationship between these two powers, and what I
want you to see here if you will is that prior to the rise of the Papacy, the one power that was in the world opposing
God and His people was the Dragon Power of Spiritualism, of Heathenism, of Paganism, of any of the isms that
ultimately are nothing more than the worship of Nimrod and his wife. This was the main opposer, the only opposer
to God and His truth, but there came a time in history when Papalism rose to power and Paganism took a secondary
seat to the role that Papalism would play in resisting God and His truth.
And during this time period God and His truth suddenly had two powers. Papalism took the ascendancy but
Paganism did not die and during this time period of history up until 1798, there was suddenly two powers that were
opposing God and His truth but in 1798, when the deadly wound was given, we see another power coming on the
scene of history and the scene of Bible Prophecy and this third power is the United States of America which we can
mark its beginning at 1776, and prophecy states that in time there will come a point where the United States speaks
as a Dragon at the passage of the Sunday Law in the United States and during that same time period the United
States will use its power to force the whole world to worship the Beast of Catholicism.
But in that chapter where it says the United States will force the whole world to worship the beast of
Catholicism it also says that the whole world will worship the Dragon. What I want you to see is when the United
States begins to ascend into its role of this third power thats going to resist God and His people, that suddenly here
at the end of the world we have a three-fold makeup of modern Babylon, of the power that will ultimately stand here
at the end of the world to oppose God and His people.
It began as one, increased to two powers and in our day its three powers and we know that the United
States begins as a Lamb but it ends up speaking like a Dragon. And we know that in the early part of the history of
the United States, we could correctly call it Protestant America but there comes a time when prophetically it
becomes known as the False Prophet.
And because this study is a follow up study to our previous study the Final Rise and Fall of the King of the
North; in verse 40 of Daniel 11 we demonstrate that an alliance was formed between the Vatican and the United
States in the early 1980s; it was initiated by Ronald Reagan and we want to note that is you want to look for a time
period in history when you have a certain amount of evidence that United States is no longer Protestant America but
has become the False Prophet of Bible Prophecy; politically, one good starting point would be the early 1980s when
Ronald Reagan sent an ambassador to Rome and worked up this secret alliance with the Pope of Rome in order that
they might attack a common enemy, the Soviet Union.
And the word Protestant is a word that comes out of Christian terminology and it means to protest Rome
and when the United States formed this secret alliance with the Vatican, it ceased to be a Protestant nation. At lest
politically because its impossible to protest Rome when youve formed an alliance to her. So you can at least
partially identify that in the early 1980s the United States began to be symbolized in history as the False Prophet, as
the third entity into this three-fold power thats destined to oppose God and His people here at the end of the World.
And through their own peculiar spiritual influences are destined to lead the world to Armageddon.
Now in General Conference Bulletin, March 4. 1895, Sister White says this,
The Spiritual Powers are in Controversy- In these times of special interest, the guardians of the flock of
God should teach the people that the spiritual powers are in controversy. It is not human beings that are creating
such intensity of feeling as now exists in the religious world. A power from Satan's spiritual synagogue is infusing
the religious elements of the world. arousing men to decided action to press the advantages Satan has gained by
leading the religious world in determined warfare against those who make the word of God their guide and the sole
foundation of doctrine. Satan's masterly efforts are now put forth to gather in every principle and every power that
he can employ to controvert the binding claims of the law of Jehovah, especially the fourth commandment, that
defines who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth."
Now the reason I bring that quote in here was because if you went through our Final Rise and Fall of the
King of the North study, were suggesting that these three powers, the Dragon the Beast and the False Prophet are
striving against one another. Theyre just as Malachi Martin says in his book, Keys of this Blood, now they can
appear in Bible prophecy as if they are united, here we see all three of them in Revelation 16 leading the world to
But the truth of the matter is that when Paganism gave way and actually helped place Papalism on the
throne of the world in 538, and Papalism then ruled the world for a 1260 year time period, even though Paganism
had a specific role to play in helping Papalism get set up, there was always an antagonism between the both of them,
theyve always been striving against one another. And as we look at the history that followed the beginning of the
Papal rule in 538, as it ultimately came to its end in 1798, well see that it was from a philosophy and from money
and from guidance that took place in France, that ultimately brought the Papacy its deadly wound. And this money
and philosophy and guidance that was centered in France was coming from powers that are directly associate with
So we see Paganism striving initially with Papalism to help it sit on the throne of the world and then when
the time period for the Papacy to come to its end arrives, its Paganism that brings her down and you can see that the
philosophy associated with Paganism during that time period was atheism which ultimately matured into the
philosophy we know today as Communism. And as you trace the history of Catholicism and atheism from the
French Revolution time period to the present day youll see that theyve been striving against one another ever since
that time period and thats why its so easy to demonstrate the role that the Vatican had in bringing the Soviet Union
Now you bring the third power of Revelation 16 into this mixture and you see that certainly Protestantism
has been striving against Catholicism, thats where the term Protestantism comes from, the Protestant reformation.
And of course Protestantism is opposed to New Age when correctly applied so as we look at these symbols in
Bible prophecy and how they are used in Bible prophecy to lead the world to Armageddon and to oppose God and
His people, though sometimes they appear to be united and to be a united front against God and His people, they are
ultimately striving against one another and thats why when you get into Revelation 16 you see this ten-fold
confederacy which is nothing more than the final manifestation of Paganism, the Paganism that began back in the
days of Nimrod, that it is the power that ultimately will burn Papalism with fire and devour her flesh.
Now this story of how these three powers come and go in history and how they strive with one another is
the theme that runs through Bible prophecy and its a theme that we must look at closely if were going to
understand the relationships that they have with one another and correctly apply the symbols here at the end. Notice
this next passage, how Sister White describes this change from Paganism, to Papalism to the United States, its
similar to what we just went through on the board where these three powers end up aligned at the end of the world
but first its Paganism, then Papalism and Paganism, then the United States, Papalism and Paganism.
This is from Signs of the Times. November 1, 1899 Under the symbols of a great red dragon, a leopardlike beast, and a beast with lamblike horns, the earthly governments which would especially engage in trampling
upon God's law and persecuting His people, were presented to John. Now notice what she said there- Ill go back
and start over again but what I want you to notice here is, she used different symbols once again to describe these
three powers than she used before and different than John uses in Revelation 16, but here she specifies them as
earthly governments, shes emphasizing their political aspect not their religious aspect necessarily.
Note- (Portions in brackets are in the original quote but not read by the narrator)
Under the symbols of a great red dragon, a leopard-like beast, and a beast with lamblike horns, the earthly
governments which would especially engage in trampling upon God's law and persecuting His people, were
presented to John. The war is carried on till the close of time. (The people of God, symbolized by a holy woman
and her children, were -represented as greatly in the minority. In the last days only a remnant still existed. Of these
John speaks as they which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.' )
Through paganism, and then through the Papacy, Satan exerted his power for many centuries in an effort
to blot from the earth God's faithful witnesses. (Pagans and papists were actuated by the same dragon spirit, They
differed only in that the Papacy, making a pretense of serving God, was the more dangerous and cruel foe. Through
the agency of Romanism, Satan took the world captive. The professed church of God was swept into the ranks of
this delusion. and for more than a thousand years the people of God suffered under the dragon's ire.) And when the
Papacy, robbed of its strength, was forced to desist from persecution, John beheld a new power coming up to echo
the dragon's voice, and carry forward the same cruel and blasphemous work. This power, the last that is to wage war
against the church and the law of God, was symbolized by a beast with lamblike horns."
("But the stern tracing of the prophetic pencil reveals a change in this peaceful scene. The beast with
lamblike horns speaks with the voice of a dragon, and "exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him."
Prophecy declares that he will say to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast, and
that "he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in
their .foreheads; and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the
number of his name.")Thus Protestantism follows in the steps of the Papacy..
So the Spirit of Prophecy clearly identifies and upholds this truth that these three powers all are here at the
end of the world playing their part in leading the world to Armageddon, but part of their story is how they have
related to one another and how they came into history.
Now, a very important quote for our study here, Sister Whites going to say that we have a responsibility to
trace history and prophecy and thats going to be the focus of this study as we continue, Mind, Character, and
Personality Volume 1 -PG- 346
The Bible is its own expositor. Scripture is to be compared with scripture. The student should learn to
view the Word as a whole and to see the relation of its parts. He should gain a knowledge of its grand central theme,
of God's original purpose for the world, of the rise of the great controversy, and of the work of redemption. He
should understand the nature of the two principles that are contending for supremacy and should learn to trace their
working through the records of history and prophecy, to the great consummation. He should see how this
controversy enters into every phase of human experience; how in every act of life he himself reveals the one or the
other of the two antagonistic motives; and how, whether he will or not, he is even now deciding upon which side of
the controversy he will be found.--Ed 190 (1903).
The main theme of this passage is that we need to understand the issues connected with the Great
Controversy, are we developing the character of the Lamb or the character of the Beast of Revelation 13, and we
should understand that these two powers, the Lamb and the Beast are in controversy with one another. But she says
in here that these powers that are involved with this struggle throughout history that we should learn to trace their
working through the records of history and prophecy. We should look at the records of history, compare them
directly with Bible prophecy and the only reason we would be counseled to do that is because from our study in
doing so there is a reward to be found for us as we get to the end of the world. The Lord doesnt assign any busy
In closing I want to emphasize one more thing that weve talked about a few times. And were going to
read a passage from Review and Herald; February 6, 1900. We are aware that in Nebuchadnezzars dream that the
different types of metal, the head, the shoulders represented different kingdom, in that sense they represented the
political side of these kingdoms but Sister White her points that it also represented religion and one thing tha twe
want to emphasize as were coming to an end here is that these powers that were going to be looking at that we
traced through history and prophecy all have a religious and political aspect but see if you can recognize this in this
The image shown to Nebuchadnezzar in the visions of the night represents the kingdoms of the world. ...
"While representing the kingdoms of this earth, the image that was revealed to Nebuchadnezzar also fitly
represented deterioration of religion. (We grow weak morally and spiritually, just in proportion as we forget God
"With God's word before us, with the lesson of instruction we may there learn, there is no need for us to be
deceived. We are living in a momentous period of this earth's history. The great conflict is just before us.
We see the world corrupted under the inhabitants thereof. The man of sin has worked with a marvelous
perseverance to exalt the spurious sabbath, and the disloyal Protestant world has wondered after the beast, and has
called obedience to the Sabbath instituted by Jehovah disloyalty to the laws of the nations.) Kingdoms have
confederated to sustain a false Sabbath institution, which has not a word of authority in the oracles of God.
("In the record of the vision given to John we read, The dragon was wroth with the woman (the church),
and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony
of Jesus Christ. Satanic agencies have made the earth a stage for horrors, which no language can describe.) War
and bloodshed are carried on by nations claiming to be Christian. A disregard for the law of God has brought its sure
She notes that this sequence of metals in Nebuchadnezzars image represent kingdoms geo-political
empires, but they also represent religion and as we look at the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet well notice
that all three of them have a religious and political aspect to them, the Dragon we know that its religious aspect we
can call Spiritualism but its political aspect where the Dragon manifests itself in history and our day we would call
socialism today.
If we look at the Beast of Catholicism, we know that its religious aspect is Catholicism, its political
aspect, how it is structured politically is not Socialism, its structured as a monarchy, a kingly power, the Pope of
Rome is the classic kingly power if youre looking for one. And a Monarchy is different than socialism.
And the third power that well be looking at in history is the United States, and the religious aspect is
Protestantism. Even at the end when it becomes the False Prophet, its still apostate Protestantism, it doesnt become
spiritualism or it doesnt become Catholicism, it becomes apostate Protestantism. So the religious aspect of the
United States is Protestantism and the political aspect is formed in Republicanism is now what we call a democracy.
Still whether Republicanism ideally or now democracy, its political aspect is different than a Monarchy and
different than Socialism.
Now these two aspects to these three powers are worthy of our note because sometimes in Bile prophecy
its the political aspect being portrayed, sometimes both, and sometimes simply the religious. In Revelation 16, it is
primarily the religious aspects that come out of the mouth of these entities and lead the world to Armageddon. But
as we go through history we want to be able to differentiate between those two aspects and know that all three of
them have different philosophical viewpoints on how politically they would run the kingdom, and different religious
philosophies on religion because this is some of the antagonism that allows them to strive against one another as
they mutually lead the world to Armageddon.
Revelation 16 series-2
The History Unfolds
By Jeff Pippenger
of Babel is this entity and it has two aspects, remember, a political and a religious and Paganism, Heathenism,
New Ageism, Hinduism, all the isms of the world, that ultimately are nothing more than the worship of Nimrod
and his wife, can be traced back to the religion of Babel and its overspreading of the land.
And this is why when this power is symbolized by John as the Dragon, Spiritualism, when this power is
identified by the prophets of the Bible, its identified in a plural setting because the same religion, the religion of
Nimrod, comes in many different names, whether it is Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Spiritualism, Paganism,
Pantheism; all the same religion, it just has a different name. and when you look at the political side of the Dragon
power, it to comes in a variety of isms but theyre all the same political structure which we would know as
Socialism. Socialism is also understood to be Communism, Nazism, Bolshevism, and all the isms that are just catchwords for the basic philosophy of Socialism. This is why the Dragon is portrayed as plural whereas Catholicism is
singular, both in its religious and in that it is structured as a Monarchy.
If we go back and look at the religion of Nimrod as it comes down through history, we can pick the story up
early on in history and we will start though with a recognized authority from one of those religions and his name is
Albert Pike, who is recognized as the most well respected historian of Masonry. Hes from the United States, hes
dead now of course but he wrote more about free-masonry that any of their authors and hes considered the leading
In his book Morals and Dogmas which is perhaps his most well known book, speaking of Masonry, he says
this: "By whatever name it was known in this or the other country, Masonry existed as it now exists, the same in
spirit and heart...from the cradle of the human race (ancient Babylon]." Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry; 217-218.
So Albert Pike, who is one of the leading experts on Freemasonry in the world today, traces its activities, its
religion back to the very cradle of the human race which we would identify as Babel. This is where Masonry comes
from and when you understand the worship of Nimrod and his wife, you would understand that Masonry is nothing
more than a modern day manifestation of this.
In the same book Albert Pike says this, "We reproduce the speculations of the Philosophers, the Kabalists,
the Mystagogues and the Gnostics." Ibid. 329.
Now well look at a couple of these manifestations that he mentions that were reproduced here, the Kabalists
and the Gnostics. Kabalism traces its roots back to Babylon of Nebuchadnezzars time. Now if you remember what
were dealing with here is nothing more than Spiritualism that began in the days of Nimrod and history tells us that
when the children of Israel were taken captive into Babylon for the seventy years, that many of them chose to remain
in Babylon when the call came for them to leave Babylon, and that they incorporated into their lifestyle the religion
of Babel. And little by little, when they migrated back to Israel through time or visited former relatives this religion
of Babylon migrated into the Jewish economy and it became known as Kabalism.
Kabalism, Cabalism , however you want to pronounce it, primarily found its strength in taking the spiritual
exercises from the religion of Babylon and applying them to the Old Testament, the holy book of the Jews and they
would take the passages of the Old Testament and spiritualize them in the technique that was used by the religion of
Babel. Albert Pike traces Masonry back to this Kabalism, but he also traces it back to the Gnostics and the Gnostics
was a religious sect that also sprang up in Palestine, the Jewish part of the world during the New Testament time
period, little bit before, and a little bit after.
Gnosticism did the same thing that Kabalism did except that it included in its Spiritualizing of the Bible, not
simply the Old Testament but the New Testament. It was the more modern manifestation of this same spiritual
technique that comes right out of Nimrods religion and it applied it to the Bible where you see as in New Ageism
today, where you make Jesus nothing more than a holy man, a guru for a certain millennium of time. This is the
spiritual technique that was applied by the Gnostics to the New Testament.
Albert Pike traces Masonry back to the tower of Babel and identifies other mystery religions as predecessors
which partook of the same religion and philosophy of Masonry .The occult teachings of Nimrod's religion were
spread and handed down from generation to generation eventually to be adopted by a small minority of Jews. The
occult religion of these Jews was called Kabalism which was eventually put into written form and called the Kabalah
which provided a Satanic version to the truths of the Old Testament. The religion of Kabalism was adopted by
Gnosticsm which provided the Satanic argument against the truths of the New Testament. Together Kabalism and
Gnosticism provide the occult parallel to the Old and New Testaments. Beginning with the Jews Gnosticism spread
to the Gentile world and continued to resist the truths of the New Testament church. Albert Pike states:
"The Gnostics derived their leading doctrines and ideas from Plato and Philo, the Zend-Avesta and the
Kabala, and the sacred books of India and Egypt; and thus introduced into the bosom of Christianity the cosmologic
and theosophical speculations, which had formed the larger portion of the ancient religions of the Orient, joined to
those of the Egyptian. Greek, and Jewish doctrines, which New-Platonists had equally adopted in the Occident."
Ibid., 248.
Theosophy 1: teaching about God and the world based on mystical insight. ...Buddhist and Brahmanic
theories esp. of pantheistic evolution and reincarnation. Webster Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary; 1988.
What he is saying here is that the Gnostics developed their own version of Nimrods but it brought it into the
New Testament setting, the New Testament time period. Then they took the passages of the New Testament and tried
to spiritualize them away.
Now the reason that I am choosing to trace this history and this history is easy to go document for yourself,
but I want to start here because were going to look at a group of Knights that get drawn into this environment of
Gnosticism and trace a little bit of their history.
Gnosticism flourished for centuries under many different branches of its occult religion. One branch of
Gnosticism was a military and religious order established in AD 1118 in Jerusalem by a group of French knights led
by Hughes de Payens of Champagne and Godefrol de Saint.Omer. Their stated mission was to protect pilgrims on
their way to the Holy Land during the crusades. Baldwin II. King of Jerusalem, gave these knights quarters in his
palace which was built on the site of Solomon's temple. From this they derived their name-Knights of the Temple.
This order grew rapidly and in 1128 was taken under special protection by the pope. By receiving gifts and offerings
for protecting the pilgrims the Knights of the Temple became wealthy and powerful.
At the fall of Jerusalem to Saladin in 1187 the order moved to Acre, and were forced to move again in 1291
when Acre fell to the Muslims. They then moved to Cyprus. By this time the order was no longer a military and
religious order, but had progressed into-the bankers of Europe. Pike states:
"Their watchword was, to become wealthy in order to buy the world. They became so, and in 1312 they
possessed in Europe alone more than nine thousand seigniors." Ibid. 819-820.
Seignior: A man of rank and authority; the feudal-lord of a manor. Ibid., 1063.
They began buying up the different castle properties that were in Europe at that time that because of the flow
of events were available and they became the primary owner of castles and the holdings of land that went with them
in Europe during that time period.
Now some of the lands didnt have castles on them and they were building castles and this relationship
between those who were building the castles and them grows throughout history as they became connected with the
people that build castles, which we know are Masons.
They had developed this philosophy that if they could gather the wealth of the world, they could control the
world and during the time that they were in Palestine, they had entered into the religion of Gnosticism and they kept
this secret because they were an order of the Papacy. They were under divine protection of the Pope and
Gnosticism was a type of religion that Catholicism could not put up with so they were secretly a Gnostic believing
group of people with the purpose of attempting to control the world financially.
In 1307 the Templars were charged with heresy and immorality by a former member and Philip the IV of
France began an investigation which culminated in Pope Clement V abolishing the order in 1312, and the 18th of
March, 1314 the Grand Master, Jacques de Molay was burned at the stake with three of his highest ranking officers.
And De Molay is still an order in Masonry for young children to be involved in is nothing more than honoring De
Molay. This diabolical knight is where the Masons derive the name for the special order for their young men called,
the Masonic Order of De Molay.
Now initially when the king of France accused the Templars of Gnosticism and immoral rites associated with
Gnosticism the Pope refused to believe it; and then after the King of France persisted, he did do an inquisition and
found that the charges were true and he took Jacques de Molay and other of the leaders and had them executed. But
many, if not most of the knights of the Templar seen this coming and they went underground.
When the Pope had them executed, Much of the Knights wealth was confiscated, but not all, and the order
went underground and migrated with their finances with them to a part of the world that at that time in history was
off the map, it was an untraveled part of the world outside the grasp of Rome and this was Scotland.
There are certain characteristics associated with the Knights of the Templar , they were the ones, by the way
that we read about in books or see in movies about the knights in Armour. While the Knights of the Templar were in
power before they were brought to the inquisition by the Pope of Rome, they were the most well known people in the
world. The little boys that grew up in Europe in that time wanted to be a knight of the Templar and many of their
emblems that were exclusive to their particular sect were well known and they were envied during that time. They
were someone who was looked up to in that time and then they went underground.
If you go to Scotland today, you will go to old, old towns that were built during the times when the knights
of the Templar went underground and youll find graveyards where these emblems are the only things that are on the
grave stones and this is consistent with the theology of the knights of the Templar and their Gnosticism, they would
not put their names or anything on their gravestones, theyd simply put the emblem of their sword. And in these old
towns in Scotland you can find many graveyards that have simply these knights of the Templar insignia on the
gravestones dated from that very time and you can find churches in that area that go back to that time that represent
the same kind of churches that they built.
When they fled, They never changed from their former conviction that if you can control the wealth of the
world you could control the world. In Europe after this time period there was another secret society that came into
being called the Rosicrucians in about the 15th century later on this movement turns into Freemasonry and theres a
right of free masonry thats associated with Scottish freemasonry.
The Templars also either merged or formed a new order called the Rosicrucians. Pike states:
"The successors of the Ancient Adepts Rose-Croix. ...became a Mystic Sect, uniting with many of the
Templars, the dogmas of the two intermingling." Ibid., 821.
Rosicrucian: Christian Rosae Crucis reputed founder of the 15th century movement. 1. An adherent to the
17th and 18th century movement devoted to esoteric wisdom with emphasis on psychic and spiritual enlightenment.
Ibid., 1024.
Esoteric: 1. a. Designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone. b. Of or related to knowledge
which is restricted to a small group. Ibid..424.
Then Freemasonry which they had infiltrated, begins to become prominent in Europe during this time and
particularly a branch of Freemasonry known as Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. And if we go back into the history of
the French Revolution well se that prior to the French Revolution time period there was a philosophy which was
brought into France and the primary place that this philosophy was propagated from was a branch of a secret society
associated with Freemasonry which today we know as the Illuminati.
And the illuminati not only began to propagate the seeds of Atheism which contributed to the overthrow of
France in the French Revolution but Illuminati also had the same keystone of beliefs that the knights of the Templar
did, that if you could control the wealth of the world, you could control the world.
The secret order of the Rosicrucians surfaced with a different name in London, in 1717 at the official birth of
Freemasonry. The Rosicrucians had previously infiltrated the stone mason guilds of Europe and quietly merged their
order with the Masons, while slowly assuming control of the new organization They had come out of hiding with
Freemasonry , but remained a secret organization within the Masons which would later be exposed under the name,
The Masonic historian, Albert G. Mackey, describes the Illuminati as a "secret society, founded on May 1,
1776, by Adam Weishaupt, who was professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt." Mackey:.sEncyclopedia of Freemasonry; 346. Weishaupt was also a Jesuit who some say was disillusioned with Catholicism
and there fore entered into this other secret society.
In the book. Proofs of a Conspiracy, page 60, written in 1798, John Robison states of the Illuminati;
"The express aim of the Order was to abolish Christianity, and overturn all civil government." Quoting
Weishaupt he states. "In no other way but by secret associations, which will by degrees, and in silence, possess
themselves of the government of the States, and make use of those means for this purpose," Ibid., 106.
Of course this is what it contributed to in the French Revolution.
Weishaupts plan was little by little you infiltrate the different governments of the world until the advisors of
the leaders of the governments were surrounded by people who were inside men of the illuminati and in this way you
could control the policies of the different nations of the world.
By 1782 Weishaupt was firmly established as the leader of the secret societies of Europe which were
dedicated to bringing in a one-world government. In this year Weishaupt also merged the order with a growing
banking network owned by the Rothschild family. Wieshaupt merged with the Rothschilds in order to finance the
plans and accomplish their goals of the Illuminati. Within 10 years of its inception the Illuminati was exposed and it
went underground, but continued to thrive as history marched on.
This brief history was gleaned from the book by Gary H. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, 93-110. As
Gary Kah continues his historical narrative into the 1800's he specifically identifies one of Weishaupt's main ploys to
accomplish a one-world government as "ecumenism."
Historians identify the philosophies, which were introduced into Europe at the time period of the Illuminati
as the foundation principles, which brought about the French Revolution and continued to develop into the
communism of our day.
In the world today, we know that conspiracy theories are kind of ridiculed and scoffed at and Im hoping that
as Seventh-day Adventists with the insight that we have in the Spirit of Prophecy, some of the passages where Sister
White was divinely allowed to overhear Satan and the fallen angels discussing their plans and how they would defeat
Gods work of corrupt Gods people that we realize that the spiritual powers that we are battling against as Christians
definitely have conspiracies.
They make sinister plans that they attempt to carry out without anyone else having the knowledge of those
plans. And to think that Satan, who has his representatives in mankind doesnt use these same principles is, I hope,
something that Seventh-day Adventists are very cautious about not doing because we know, in this Great
Controversy that conspiracy is one of the main ways that evil men accomplish their purposes.
I want to read just a passage out of a book here that speaks in a very logical way about what goes on in our
world today.
Governments are not nearly as important as most people think. Since we live in a post-barter economy, a
money economy; those who control the money supply effectively control the planet. Governments gave up all
attempts to coin or control money in the nineteenth century; mostly because they did not trust one another, that is, no
nation had faith that the coinage or currency of another nation was really worth what it claimed to be worth.
The great international banks stepped into this vacuum and by demonstrating more physical rectitude that
governments had in the past, became the creators of money in the modern world. After the banks had control, they no
longer needed to be quite so prime in the physical rectitude. Nobody could challenge them.
This means that governments cannot do anything, good or ill, wise or foolish, unless the banks first lend
them the money for the project. The power is in the banks. The governments survive on the permission of the banks.
If the banks cut off their credit, governments die. Any government that resists has its credit cut off and dies.
As Buck-minister Fuller stressed in his writings, this means that in the modern world, banks act and
governments only re-act to the situations the bankers have ordained. Even earlier, historian Brookes-Adam wrote of
the British financier Samuel Lloyd, in The Law of Civilization and Decay, He comprehended that, with expanding
trade, an inelastic currency must rise in value. He saw that with sufficient resources at command, his class might be
able to establish such to rise almost at pleasure; certainly they could manipulate it when it came by taking advantage
of foreign exchange.
In other words as soon as the great multi-national banks had control of the money supply, they saw that they
could manipulate cash and credit to maximize profits; they would have been rather dense if they had not seen this.
None the less, while these financiers quite sanely and legally maximize profit, the rest of us are at their mercy but we
never elected them to this position of power and by and large, we do not even know who they are.
In the present decade it costs 50 million to run a campaign for the presidency of the United States; 10 million
to run a campaign for the Senate and 5 million for the House of Representatives. This means that the US, the
strongest country in the West, is not only owned, in trillion-dollar debt to the banks, but also governed by persons
who are either millionaires or heavily in debt to millionaires.
In the words of ex-senator Pedigrew, we now have a government of the corporations, by the corporations
and for the corporations.
As Edward Ludwalk documents in his cheerfully machiavellian little text, The Coupe de Tab More
governments have been changed since World War II by the Coupe de Tab than any other method. More
governments have been changed by Coupe than all the revolutions combined. Since every Coupe is by definition a
conspiracy, this means that conspiracies have had more effect on the past 40 years of world history than all the
electoral politics and all the popular revolutions added together. This is rather ominous in a period when educated
opinion holds its infamous, nutty, eccentric, or downright paranoid to think about conspiracies at all. We are in
effect, forbidden to think about how the planet is actually governed.
If Governments cannot act without permission of the banks, without loans or lines of credit granted by the
banks, and if the US government is owned by the multi-millionaire or billionaire banking incorporate elite, and if
other governments are, more often than not, changed by conspiratorial coupe, the major potion of humanity, is
economically, politically, controlled by persons who are largely unknown to the general public, and/or have never
been elected to any office.
Democratic theory is beautiful and inspirational but it has nothing to do with the actual situation of the
people of this planet.
Brothers and sisters, its easy to document the history of this philosophy that has come down to us right out
of Babel, through the religion, but along the way in history, the knights of the Templar were first noted in history, if
there wasnt some before that were involved in this worship of Nimrod and his wife that realized that if they could
control the finances of the world, they could control the world. And history tells us that the king of France exposed
them and the Pope of Rome executed them and drove them underground. History also tells us in a few hundred years
they resurfaced in Europe and a few hundred years beyond that, they began to finance and propagate a philosophy
that we know as Atheism, which brought about the French revolution, Thus retaliating against the king of France
even though its several hundred years later, who had driven them underground.
History attests as well that after the French revolution, Napoleon took control of France and did what
amoung other things? He sent his general to the Vatican and took the pope captive thus delivering the deadly wound.
Thus carrying out the will and mandate of the people that had placed Napoleon in his position of power, as they not
only retaliated against the king of France but they retaliated against the Pope of Rome, the two power players that
had driven them underground. And we must recognize this history for what it is and since the deadly wound was
delivered in 1798, this power associated with Masonry as we know it today, and other names before that time, has
continued on.
From the mystery religion of Babylon were spawned the secret societies which evolved into a secret
movement with plans to bring the entire world under one government with one religion reminiscent of the designs of
Nimrod. As this one world movement began to raise it's ugly head, the mystery religion of Rome was coming to the
end of its 1260 years of world domination, and the United States was beginning to rise to its position as the leader of
the world and eventually will force the world to worship a reborn Papacy. Globalism, Communism, Freemasonry and
secret societies, Catholicism, and the New Age Movement are forces which impact the understanding of what is
illustrated in Daniel II :40-45.
We have a magazine that we carry to go along with this presentation and it is produced by the John Birch
society, and I am not a member of the John Birch Society and I do not endorse every position of the John Birch
Society, and theres particularly one article in here that s written by a Catholic Priest, and the point of the article is
that those people who identify a role of world dominance for the Papacy at the end of the world are ridiculous and
have no reason to come to that conclusion. That article shouldnt be in here, but this magazine which you can write
to us and get a copy of, does an excellent job of documenting how this mystery religion, its political aspect is still in
the world today.
It talks about the people who have been the leaders of this country who have been members of organizations
that were specifically set up by the one-world bankers, the people that have been striving to bring in a one-world
government. In here as an example, is a chart that shows the executive branch of government, defense dept, judicial
branch and legislature; heres listed the different presidents, vice presidents of the United States, different people in
the state department, congress and the supreme court that have been members of these secret organizations, whos
know intent is to bring in a one world government. And we know that one world government today as the United
As we approach the end of the world, not to recognize that there is a one world government coming is not in
agreement with the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. Let me just quickly show you why I have this conviction; The
Spirit of Prophecy tells us that the Image of the Beast symbolizes the combination of Church and State. Sister White
says that the Image of the Beast will formed by the United States when the secular power is used to enforce religious
And some people dont recognize that in Revelation 13 there is two images of the Beast. If you look with me
at Revelation 13:11 it says this, and this is speaking about the United States.
And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a
dragon. And this beast weve always understood to be the United States and Sister White tells us the speaking of a
nation is the action of its legislative and judicial branches. So here we see the United States speaking as a Dragon in
the sense that it passes a Sunday Law. And the Sunday Law is the mark of the Beast, it is not the Image of the Beastits the Mark of the Beasts authority, thats what the Sunday Law is and it takes place when the United States speaks
as a dragon, when its legislative and judicial branch pass the Sunday Law.
But another thing that takes place at the same time is when the United States passes a Sunday Law it has
formed the Image of the Beast completely. The Image of the beast has reached its total maturity because the
definition of the Image of the Beast is when secular power is used to enforce religious dogma or to sustain its
institutions. So when the United States passes the Sunday Law that is being addressed here in verse 11, it
simultaneously has taken a decision where secular power of the United States is going to enforce the religious dogma
of Sunday keeping.
Verse 12 continues on describing the role that the United States will play in healing the deadly wound of the
Papacy, Verse 13 identifies that it is at this time that miraculous powers will be added to the role of the United States
and if you look closely at what the Spirit of Prophecy says about the time of the Sunday Law, it is at this time that
Sister White identifies the marvelous working of Satan beginning in earnest even though hes doing marvelous
working before that time. Hes doing marvelous working right now in the apparitions of Mary and the things that are
going on in the New Age movement, etc. But it begins in earnest at the Sunday Law.
In verse 14 we see the United States doing this- And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by [the means
of] those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they
should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
United States has made an Image to the Beast in verse 11 when it passes a Sunday Law, now its telling the
whole world to do the same, and the definition in the Spirit of Prophecy is when secular power is used to enforce
religious dogma. So this verse here demands that if the whole world is going to have an image of the beast, that there
has to be some kind of secular power that can apply force to the whole world. Theres a one-world government being
identified here. And if you remember the definition Sister White gives for the speaking of a nation and you read on to
verse 15And he (the United States) had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast
should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
This Image of the beast here in verse 15 is going to speak, in other words it is going to be a secular power
that enforces religious dogma, its going to be a secular power which can speak, which means it has a legislative and
judicial branch and we know that the world congress and the world court already exist in the United Nations.
This has been the goal of Masonry and before Masonry, if you get into the history recorded in Masonry and
these other secret societies; it had been their intent from the very beginning to bring in a one-world government.
When Adam Weishuapt was putting out his information on how this was going to happen, one of the main tools that
he intended to bring this about was ecumenism and we see today that the whole worlds religions are being brought
together in advance of the time when the United States has the world set up the Image of the Beast. In other words,
when the United States sustains and supports One World Government.
Brothers and sisters, we can see that going on in the world today. The United States in Revelation 13 has two
aspects of the power it will use to force the whole world to worship the Beast of the Papacy. One is economic and
one is military; you cant buy or sell if you dont receive the Mark- economic; youll be put to death if you dont
receive the Mark military. These two aspects are going to be carried out through the world by the United Nations
and as we look at what is going on in the world today with the United Nations we see that this is the very mode of
operation thats already being used.
A nation steps out of line from what the United Nations thinks it should be doing and it first put an economic
boycott on it; you cant buy or sell. If that doesnt bring the effect that they want then the United States and other
countries that make up the United Nations military force attack. Youll be put to death. These two characteristics are
already active in the world and theyre active in the confines of this one world government.
Now theres many ways to document this movement by secret societies through history to bring about this
one world government to rebuild the Tower of Babel, so to speak. But remember as it goes through history, it has a
religious and a political aspect. Revelation 16 is identifying the religious aspect of these three powers.
And in our next presentation well look at how the religious manifestation of the dragon power is working at
bringing in the one world government and the Dragon power is the power that weve been tracing through history.
Its the power that began in Nimrods time. Its Paganism, its heathenism, pantheism, in our day New Ageism. It
began with Nimrod, it goes all the way through time and the Dragon power at the end of the world has a religious
manifestation that is guiding and directing it in its spiritual sense but it also has a political aspect to it which we see
in the United Nations.
Now one of the books that documents this is a 1300 page marathon read called Tragedy and Hope written
by Karol Quigley. Now this book talks about the One World Government and the millennium of peace and
prosperity thats just ahead of us. It talks about the secret societies and the One World Bankers that are working to
bring this about. and the reason the name is Tragedy and Hope is those that resist this coming one world
government; for them whats coming is going to be a tragedy but for those that will enter into this one world system
with a positive aspect then its going to bring a period of hope and prosperity.
Many things are interesting about this but when Bill Clinton became nominated for President, he said in the
triumphant speech accepting the Democratic Partys nomination for President, Bill Clinton indicated that the man
who started him on the road to his new covenant was one of his history professors at George Town University.
Heres how he put it- As a teenager I heard John Kennedy summoned to citizenship and then as a student I heard
the call clarified by a professor I had named Karol Quigley. Now that is the man that wrote this book.
Karol Quigley is clearly agreeing with the history that we just went over and agreeing with the predictions
about the future that there is a one-world government coming ahead. Heres a little review on this book Dr. Karol
Quigley was a professor of history at the foreign service school of George Town University. (Hes a Jesuit. Hes
deceased now.) He formerly taught at Princeton and Harvard. He had done research in the Archives of France, Italy
and England and he was the author of the widely known text, Evolution of Civilization. When Dr. Quigley decided
to write his 1300 page book called Tragedy and Hope he knew he was deliberately exposing one of the best kept
secrets in the world.
As one of the elite insiders, he knew the scope of this power complex and he knew its leaders hope to
eventually attain total global control. Furthermore Dr. Quigley makes it clear throughout his book that by and large
he warmly supports the goals and purposes of the network. But if that is the case, why would he want to expose this
worldwide conspiracy and expose many of its most secret operations? Obviously disclosing the existence of a
mammoth power network which is trying to take over the world could not help but arouse the vigorous resistance of
millions of people who are its intended victims.
So why did Dr. Quigley write the book? His answer appears in a number of places but it is especially
forceful and clear on pages 979-80 he says in effect that it is now too late for the little people to turn back the tide. In
a spirit of kindness, he is therefore urging them not to fight the noose which is already around their neck. He feels
certain that those who do, will only choke themselves to death. On the other hand, those who go along with the
immense pressure which is beginning to be felt by all humanity will eventually find themselves in a man-made
millennium of peace and prosperity. All through his book, Dr. Quigley assures us that we can trust these benevolent,
well meaning men who are secretly operating behind the scenes. They are the Hope of the world. All who resist
them, represent tragedy hence the title for the book.
To assure us of his own unique qualification for writing this book, Dr Quigley states, I know the operations
of this network because Ive studied it for 20 years and was permitted for two years in the early 1960s to examine its
papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims; and have for most of my life been close to it
and many of its instruments. I have objected both in the past and recently to a few of its policies, but in general my
chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown and I believe its role in history is significant enough
to be known.
Brothers and sisters, I intended for this history of the Dragon Power, Paganism to be brief because it is so
easy to document in history. If you are not familiar with that documentation please get a hold of us and order this
magazine. What were saying here is that one of the influences that is striving for world domination and is destined
to oppose God and His people and at the same time is striving against the other two counterparts that go to make up
the threefold union of modern Babylon. The one weve been looking at this time is Paganism and the role that it
Brothers and sisters, Paganism in the form of the New Age, its religious aspect; the United Nations its
political aspect is alive and well in the world today. And if you havent ever looked at the charters of the United
Nations, Youll find something interesting ; the United Nations is not structured as a republican ism or democracy or
a monarchy as is the United States and Catholicism. United Nations is purely a socialistic structure. It is the type of
structure that is associated with the Dragon power of Revelation16, Paganism.
Its interesting one of the most simple and brief books that you can find on this movement is a book called
En Route to Global Occupation by Gary Kah. And one of the powerful presentations that he makes in regard to this
is he notes of how many people are identified as leaders in corporations that support and sustain the New Age
movement. How many of those leaders that you can identify as the prominent people in the New Age Movement,
Also hold prominent positions of power in the United Nations? Brothers and sisters, its easy to document this
history and as Seventh-day Adventists its easy to see that this is one of the influences that we need to come to
recognize and understand as we approach the end of the world.
"The powers of Satan are mustering for battle. Stern conflicts are before us. Press together, my brethren and
sisters, press together. Bind up with Christ. 'Say ye not. A Confederacy; ...neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid.
Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread. And he shall be for a
sanctuary to his people; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel, for a gin
and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And many among them shall stumble, and fall, and be broken, and be
snared, and be taken.'
"I am instructed to say to those who know the truth, 'Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples.
And I will wait upon the Lord, that hideth his face from the house of Jacob, and 1 will look for him. Behold, I and
the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, which
dwelleth in Mount Zion. And when they shall say unto you seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto
wizards that peep, and that mutter; should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? To the law
and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.' ..'And I saw
three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the
mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils. working miracles. which go forth unto the kings of the
earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a
thief. Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked,'-without the robe of Christ's
righteousness-'and they see his shame.'
"'Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his
name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the
increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to
order it, and to establish it with Judgment and with Justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of
hosts will perform this.'
..These subjects are of the utmost importance. Urge our people to consider them carefully. When they do
this, their minds will be so fully occupied with matters of eternal consequence that they will lose sight of the little
differences that once annoyed them. They will realize that prophecy is even now fulfilling. If the minds of the people
of God were not occupied with things of minor consequence, they would see that the signs of the times are fast
fulfilling, and that events of the greatest consequence to them are taking place in the world and in the churches
pointed out by the words. 'Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold
of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.'" Bible Training School, December 1.1902.
Revelation 16 series-3
The Buffalo Frog
By Jeff Pippenger
Welcome back to our ongoing study of Revelation 16. In our last study we traced a brief
overview of the history that has unfolded, Primarily looking at Paganism from the time of Nimrod on
down to our present day.
What we want to see by this study is that the power that began in the time of Nimrod to
confront and resist Gods people and His truth, we call the dragon force in Revelation 16. And it
continued to oppose Gods truth and Gods people essentially alone in the world until 508; and this
is part of prophetic history, this is one of the main pieces of information that has been recorded in
the book of Daniel. In 508, when the pagan powers of Europe began to work to put the Papacy on
the throne of the earth by removing the three horns of Daniel 7, at which point in 538, the 1260
years of Papal rule began, and we suddenly now have two powers that are prophetically destined
to resist God and His People.
But what we want to see in this history is that the secret societies, the mystery religions,
developed in history a belief in the power of money and they come to the conclusion that if they
can control the wealth of the world, they can control the world, although they retain there religion.
In the flow of history, the mystery religion that was represented through the Knights
Templar, is brought down by the king of France and the pope of Rome and eventually a few
centuries later, this mystery religion surfaces again in France and it is the very influence and the
behind the scenes power that brings the deadly wound to the Papacy in 1798.
During this time period of the French Revolution, which is brought about through this
philosophy of atheism, we see the third power that steps in to oppose Gods people rising into
prominence in the world in the United States which suggests in our time, to fulfill the role of the
false prophet.
If we continue the history of the Pagan and Papal confrontation down to our present time
the history that is connected with the New Age type religion as we label it today, and the One
World bankers that are attempting to bring in a One World Government. The history clearly
indicates that they were the ones that financed the Bolshevik Revolution which is part of the story
of Daniel 11:40-45 because we see in verse 40 the King of the South begins with France and then
ultimately it moves its location to Russia and Russia grows into the Soviet Union.
We see this struggle between this philosophy of Atheism, which was financed and put in
place by the Pagan forces, the mystery religions, the world bankers, and in 1989 we see this
second power, Papalism, in alliance with the third power of the United States in bringing the
demise of the Soviet Union, the prominent world power that possessed the characteristics of
atheistic communism.
In our study of Daniel 11:40-45, we see the King of the South verse 40 eliminated and he
never comes back into the story of that prophecy, but in reality hes destined to appear in a sense
because when we look more closely at his continued history we see him specifically address in
Revelation 17 when this 10 king confederacy is destined to rule the world through one kingdom for
one hour with the Beast of Catholicism. So we see that even though the Soviet Union is identified
in verse 40 of Daniel 11 as the king of the South thats swept away, it will still have an influence in
the world to the very end because its destined to set up a one world government and in our study
when we looked at Revelation 17, we see that these ten kings are going to set up a One World
government and the political apparatus that they use in that one world government is the United
Nations and we looked in that study at how the United Nations has the world divided up into 10
In our last study we looked briefly at the book Tragedy and Hope, which was written by a
Jesuit author Carol Quigly it was an inside view of these men and these powers that are attempting
to bring in this One World government from the perspective of one that believes that its the best
thing to happen. And we mentioned that Bill Clinton praise this author, who was one of his
teachers in his Jesuit University, Georgetown when he was there. He praised him because hes
the one that taught Bill Clinton his world view and its clear if youve watched what Clinton has
done as president, hes very open, he is aggressively working with those who believe the best form
of society for the world at large would be a one world government.
And since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, the world has suddenly been
confronted with the very real possibility of the United Nations moving in to set up a truly one world
government. Were being over and over bombarded through the media about the pros, the good
points of this. We see one of the Media giants, Ted Turner, recently donating 1 billion dollars to the
United Nations. Afterwards some financial analyst demonstrated that he made money by doing
this, it wasnt truly an offering, it had benefits across the line where he made money. But
nonetheless, he continued to promote the United Nations before the world so they can better
prepare us.
Heres an article about the United Nations and at the bottom of a picture of a meeting in the
Untied Nations, it says, At work, Nobody said imposing a one world government would be easy!
Its common understanding even in the secular world today that we are moving towards a
One World Government. Heres an article discussing the different roles the United Nations and the
United States has played in bringing about a One World Government and the pros and cons of it.
This is from US News and World Report Dec. 16, 1996, just speaking about the United
Nations: With the Soviet veto muted by the end of the cold war, Washington has been successful
than ever in using the UN as a tool of American diplomacy. Examine almost any major initiative
containing rogue states like Libya and Iraq promoting free trade, curbing nuclear weapon
proliferation, cultivating democracy in troubled states fro Haiti to Mozambique, and the UN is
central to the strategy.
Internationalizing its foreign policy through the UN costs the United States about 2 billion in
physical year 1996, comparable to the annualized cost of a single aircraft carrier battle group. And
as Washington ambassador to United Nations, Madeline Albright likes to point out; the UN is a
force multiplier. When the United States intervenes alone, we pay all the costs and run all the risks,
when the UN acts, we pay 1/4th of the cost and the others provide the vast majority of troops, she
says, a proponent of what she calls, assertive multi-lateralism, Albright will soon be advocating
these views from her new post as secretary of state.
Brothers and sisters, the benefits of the United Nations is promoted constantly before us
and it comes from the Clinton Political machine. We see here an article about land that Bill Clinton
has gobbled up from the sovereignty of state, set aside; and its clear that the politicians of this
country are well prepared to move in to the time when the United States has been prophesied as
telling the whole world to set up an image to the Beast, which by definition demands that theres a
one world government.
If you havent noticed in the Spirit of Prophecy how often and how seriously Sister White
talks about the secret societies, and some of the characteristics she associates with that issue, its
clear that the Spirit of Prophecy speaks to these issues. When Sister White speaks to these
issues, over and over again she refers to a passage found in Isaiah 8. Wed like to start with this
passage right now, verse 9:
9 Associate yourselves, O ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces; and give ear, all ye
of far countries: gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces; gird yourselves, and ye shall be
broken in pieces.
10 Take counsel together, and it shall come to nought; speak the word, and it shall not
stand: for God is with us.
11 For the LORD spake thus to me with a strong hand, and instructed me that I should not
walk in the way of this people, saying,
12 Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy;
neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid.
Now, brothers and sisters, over and over again when Sister Whites talking about
spiritualism, the dragon power at the end of the world, shell refer to this confederacy here that
Isaiah speaks about. And this confederacy is none other than this 10 king confederacy that we find
in Revelation 17, thats going to rule the world one hour with the Beast. But as Sister White uses
this passage of Isaiah as one of the keys to bring this information together, she lists certain
characteristics about what this confederacy is made up of.
Now, confederacy is one of the characteristics of the Pagan force. The New Agers and
spiritualists will tell you that before the flood, the world was ruled from the mystical Atlantis that
dropped into the ocean. But when Atlantis ruled the world, before the time of the flood, supposedly,
the New Agers tell us, that it had the then known world divided up into ten districts that it ruled the
world from.
Paganism takes its history to this ten-fold confederacy all the way back to mythically, before
the flood, and the first primary time we see Paganism as a kingdom illustrated in Bible prophecy,
we see Pagan Rome disintegrate into the ten kingdoms. Then as we approach the end of the
world, we once again see this ten-fold confederacy and if you saw the presentation we did on
Revelation 17 we refer to a passage in the Spirit of Prophecy where Sister White says the key
rulers and governors of this world are represented by the dragon. And she clearly identifies these
10 kings of Revelation 17 as none other than the dragon power, spiritualism.
So as we begin this presentation now we want to look at some of the passages in the Spirit
of Prophecy where Sister White identifies this confederacy, this group and look at the
characteristics noted with it because we will see that the Spirit of Prophecy confirms that one of the
characteristics of the secret societies is this amassing of wealth in order to control the many by the
few and also she addresses the philosophy that guides and directs them.
This first one is Manuscript Releases. vol. 14 151-153.
"The third angel's message increases in importance as we near the close of this earth's
history. Since the beginning of the proclamation of the first angel's message, many believers have
fallen asleep in Jesus. Faithful standard-bearers have laid off their armor, But the work advances.
Fresh workers are brought in as those who fall are laid away to rest until the coming of the Lord.
"God has presented to me the dangers that are threatening those who have been given the
sacred work of proclaiming the third angel's message. They are to remember that this message is
of the utmost consequence to the whole world. They need to search the Scriptures diligently, that
they may learn how to guard against the mystery of iniquity, which plays so large a part in the
closing scenes of this earth's history.
"There will be more and still more external parade by worldly powers. Under different
symbols, God presented to John the wicked character and seductive influence of those who have
been distinguished for their persecution of His people. The eighteenth chapter of Revelation
speaks of mystic Babylon, fallen from her high estate to become a persecuting power. Those who
keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus are the object of the wrath of this
power. John writes:
"(Rev. 18;1-8. quoted). "This terrible picture, drawn by John to show how completely the
powers of earth will give themselves over to evil, should show those who have received the truth
how dangerous it is to link up with secret societies or to join themselves in any way with those who
do not keep God's commandments.
"(Rev. 13:11-13. quoted.) Religious powers, allied to heaven by profession, and claiming to
have the characteristics of a lamb, will show by their acts that they have the heart of a dragon, and
that they are instigated and controlled by Satan. The time is coming when God's people will feel
the hand of persecution because they keep holy the seventh day. Satan has caused the change of
the Sabbath in the hope of carrying out his purpose for the defeat of God's plans. He seeks to
make the commands of God of less force in the world than human laws.
"The man of sin, who thought to change times and laws, and who has always oppressed
the people of God, will cause laws to be made enforcing the observance of the first day of the
week. But God's people are to stand firm for Him, And the Lord will work in their behalf, showing
plainly that He is the God of gods." Manuscript Releases. vol. 14 151-153.
So Sister White says the danger thats threatening the sacred work of the third angels
message is wrapped in the mystery of iniquity and part of that mystery of iniquity has to do with
these secret societies. Sister White, when she speaks of secret societies, is specific about what
she means by that and heres one from Education, 227-228, which ties in some of the
characteristics of these secret societies which we say fall in the realm of the dragon forces of
"Spiritualism asserts that men are unfallen demigods; that 'each mind will judge itself;' that
'true knowledge places men above all law; that 'all sins committed are innocent;' for 'whatever is, is
right: and 'God doth not condemn: The basest of human beings it represents as in heaven, and
highly exalted there. Thus it declares to all men. 'It matters not what you do; live as you please,
heaven is your home.' Multitudes are thus led to believe that desire is the highest law, that license
is liberty, and that man is accountable only to himself.
"With such teaching given at the very outset of life, when impulse is strongest, and the
demand for self-restraint and purity is most urgent, where are the safeguards of virtue? What is to
prevent the world from becoming a second Sodom? At the same time anarchy is seeking to sweep
away all law, not only divine, but human. The centralizing of wealth and power; the vast
combinations for the enriching of the few at the expense of the many; the combinations of the
poorer classes for the defense of their interests and claims; the spirit of unrest, of riot and
bloodshed; the world- wide dissemination of the same teachings that led to the French Revolutionall are tending to involve the whole world in a struggle similar to that which convulsed France."
Education, 227-228.
So she here identifies spiritualism with the teachings that led to the French revolution and
history teaches us that thats where atheism comes in to our study of history but she also identifies
the centralizing of wealth and power as one of the characteristics of spiritualism.
Now the philosophy that desire is whats supposed to guide us also is a characteristic of
spiritualism. Heres another passage identifying spiritualism, the dragon power, Patriarchs and
Prophets. 123-124, and this one takes us symbolically right back to the tower of Babel:
"There are tower builders in our time. Infidels construct their theories from the supposed
deductions of sciences, and reject the revealed word of God. They presume to pass sentence
upon God's moral government; they despise His law and boast of the sufficiency of human
Butting into this just briefly, when Paganism brought in atheism just prior to the French
Revolution and brought about the French Revolution and from this point on the philosophy of
atheism was in open battle with the philosophy of Catholicism, that point in history is called by
some, The Age of Reason, the enlightenment, the time when the mind was set above the
revealed Word of God. So when shes mentioning here this tower building, boasting the sufficiency
of human reason, thats what she is referring to, that very time period. Continuing on:
They, 'because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart
of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.' Ecclesiastes 8:11.
"In the professedly Christian world many turn away from the plain teachings of the Bible
and build up a creed from human speculations and pleasing fables, and they point to their tower as
a way to climb up to heaven. Men hang with admiration upon the lips of eloquence while it teaches
that the transgressor shall not die, that salvation may be secured without obedience to the law of
God. If the professed followers of Christ would accept God's standard, it would bring them
into unity; but so long as human wisdom is exalted above His Holy Word, there will be
divisions and dissension. The existing confusion of conflicting creeds and sects is fitly
represented by the term 'Babylon: which prophecy (Revelation 14:8; 18:2) applies to the worldloving churches of the last days.
"Many seek to make a heaven for themselves by obtaining riches and power. They 'speak
wickedly concerning oppression; they speak loftily' (Psalm 73:8), trampling upon human rights and
disregarding divine authority. The proud may be for a time in great power, and may see success in
all that they undertake; but in the end they will find only disappointment and wretchedness."
Patriarchs and Prophets. 123-124.
So these characteristics of atheism, of the accumulation of power, of the accumulation of
wealth, mans reason above the revealed word of God, the tower building, all characteristics of
spiritualism. Another one, Selected Messages, book 2.131:
"In the revelation of His righteous judgments, God will break up all these associations;
Shes referring to a passage in Isaiah 8:9 and onward, this unholy association this unholy
confederacy that takes place at the end of the world.
"In the revelation of His righteous judgments, God will break up all these associations; and
when the judgment shall sit and the books be opened, there will be revealed the un-Christ-likeness
of the whole confederacy. Those who choose to unite with these secret societies are paying
homage to idols as senseless and as powerless to bless and save the soul as are the gods of the
Now brothers and sisters, shes just making a comparison there to their confidence, their
religious confidence with the idols of the Hindus and its in reality it is the same worship as the
Hindus, because no matter what name you put on the New Age movement or the Hindu religion or
the Buddhist religion; its pantheism, its all spiritualism, its all the religions of the worship of
Nimrod and his wife it goes back to the tower of Babel. Continuing on:
Those who choose to unite with these secret societies are paying homage to idols as
senseless and as powerless to bless and save the soul as are the gods of the Hindus.
"These societies offer some advantages which, from a human point of view appear like
great blessings, but not so when judged by the Lord's measurement. Behind their apparent
advantages are concealed satanic agencies. The larger the income drawn into the treasury, the
more and deeper is the evil. The ungodly gain, which has enriched these societies will, when
traced out in all its bearings, be seen to be a curse. The words which Eliphaz spoke to Job are true
in respect to these associations; 'I saw him "taking root," but I "cursed his habitation"' (Job 5:3).
They are Satan's traps, his net to entangle souls." Selected Messages, book 2.131.
These associations shes speaking of, its this unholy confederacy in Isaiah and she ties it
in with the secret societies, she ties it in with the gods of the Hindus, thats the religion, with the
large incomes that are amassed for their own power, clearly Sister White is identifying this one
world government power that is so obvious in the world today.
Another one is found in Review and Herald July 18. 1907:
"God has given me this message to bear to those who are out of line: 'Associate
yourselves, O ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces; and give ear, all ye far countries: gird
yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces; gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces.
Take counsel together, and it shall come to naught; speak the word, and it shall not stand: for God
is with us. For the Lord spake thus to me with a strong hand, and instructed me that I should not
walk in the way of this people, saying, Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them to whom this people
shall say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid:
"In these last days, there are arising strange fallacies and man-made theories which God
declares shall be broken in pieces. The spirit of covetousness has led men to seek worldly
advantage, and by extravagance and display they have tried to hide their wicked deeds, which
they have done in order to reach their object. Men occupying high positions of trust have revealed
this unlawful desire for gain; they have practiced extortion and robbery, and have gratified the evil
passions of their hearts, until our cities are corrupted through their wickedness. God has declared
that he will uncover these works of deceit and robbery by their own working. In some cases the
judgments of God have already fallen heavily on these cities.
This hiding is addressing the secret societies and the secret dealings that go on in the
world banking systems. Heres one from Testimonies, vol. 1, 297:
"I was directed to this scripture as especially applying to modern spiritualism: Colossians
2:8: 'Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men,
after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.'.. Testimonies, vol. 1, 297.
Now the philosophy that comes with modern spiritualism is both a religious and a political
philosophy; the religious philosophy is spiritualism of course and pantheism; and the political
philosophy is socialism. So Colossians 2:8 is telling us to beware of spiritualism and its twin sister
socialism and beware of being corrupted through the rudiments of the world, and if you you look up
the word rudiments, it says:
Rudiments: a basic principle. Rudimentary: consisting in first principles, of a primitive kind.
Websters Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, 1988, 1029.
SO what we are to beware of is the philosophy that came right out the very cradle of the
world civilization, which I would suggest is beware of the philosophy, both political and religious
that comes out of Babel; thats the warning of this text! And this philosophy that comes out of
Babel, is none other than the philosophy of the dragon represented by the 10 kings of Revelation
16 and 17 represented as the dragon power on 1/3rd of the three-fold make up of Modern Babylon.
Another one that helps identify the characteristics of the dragon is Evangelism, 617-618,
here she quotes Isaiah 8:9-13, this is the passage that identifies this end time confederacy:
"The Lord declares through the prophet Isaiah: ' Associate yourselves, O ye people, and ye
shall be broken in pieces; and give ear, all ye of far countries: gird yourselves, and ye shall be
broken in pieces; gird yourselves, -and ye shall be broken in pieces. Take counsel together, and it
shall come to nought; speak the word, and it shall not stand: for God is with us. For the Lord spake
thus to me with a strong hand, and instructed me that I should -not walk in the way of this people,
saying, Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy;
neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid. Sanctify the Lord of hosts Himself; and let Him be your fear,
and let Him be your dread.' Isaiah 8:9-13.
"There are those who question whether it is right for Christians to belong to the Free
Masons and other secret societies. Let all such consider the scriptures just quoted. If we are
Christians at all, we must be Christians everywhere, and must consider and heed the counsel
given to make us Christians according to the standard of God's Word." Evangelism, 617-618.
Brothers and sisters, the history of the Masons and on back into the history of the Gnostics
and Cabalists is the history of how Paganism continued to weave its way down through history and
its well documented. We can see today the political arm of the dragon forces already has the
political arm of the United Nations in place. Were already passing laws in the United Nations that
supercede the sovereignty of different nations in virtually every aspect of our living, whether it be
our banking or the environmental issues, or any issue we can address.
The political structure for this final one world government is already in place, and the
politicians that are willing to promote and put it in place, are in line. What were suggesting is that
in Revelation 16 where we see the dragon the beast and the false prophet, which have spirits that
come out of their mouth leading the world to Armageddon, were suggesting that just as the
political aspect of the dragon is fully in place, just waiting for a few more historical events before
this one world government is implemented; at the same time the religious aspect of this dragon
power is well about its business of bringing the world to Armageddon.
We want to give you just one illustration of this, and were going to tell you a story about a
myth in the American Indian history that has been well documented and is several hundred years
old, and were going to show you how this is a New Age prophecy, not simply an American Indian
prophecy, but the ramifications of whats going on in the fulfillment of this prophecy are alarming in
the sense that the conclusion of this prophecy is very, very similar to the conclusions that the
apparitions of Mary are bringing to the Catholic world.
Were going to find that the spirit thats guiding the dragon forces of the world, which no
doubt theres more people that would fall in the category of spiritualism in the world than there is in
Catholicism. The spirits thats guiding the dragon forces is leading them to the same place in
history that the spirit thats guiding the Papal Beast of Revelation 16 through the apparitions of
Now, brothers and sisters, Sister White says that the final movements will be rapid ones
and before we look at this American Indian prophecy and consider it, last year (1996) there was a
special on television that identified some of the supernatural manifestations that are occurring
around the world and in one brief part of this secular program, they addressed an occurrence that
took place in India in just a few days time. You have to call it a satanic miracle, there was no way
to explain the phenomenon and it was genuinely established.
It took place in India and it got to the extent that they closed down the stock market in India,
they shut down the government because they realized it was going on. It is important to note how
quickly a miracle like this swept the world, because what we need to understand that as we
approach the end the miracles will not only be occurring, but they have the potential of bringing a
great mass of people into agreement very quickly. We need to be aware that these end time things
can come very quickly.
What happened was that several of the idol statues began drinking milk that was offered to
them. Millions of people flocked to see the phenomenon. Video footage clearly shows milk held to
the mouths of the idols being absorbed into the idol. The amount of milk was very large and
repeated over and over. This could not be explained from natural causes.
Brothers and sisters, whatever the statues drinking milk is supposed to signify, Im not sure
but I am sure of this in 72 hours this event swept the word and its unexplainable by human
standards. I know that the world at large is being conditioned right now for these kind of
The alarming thing about it is, that while the world is being conditioned by these things that
are going on in the realm of spiritualism and New Age, most of us in Adventism arent even aware
they are going on. At the same time the apparitions of Mary are conditioning the Catholic world for
this same type of end-time scenario.
Now if youre not familiar with the story of where the Peace Pipe came from, in the
American Indian History, were going to tell you that at this time; and Im sure that if youre a citizen
of the United States that youve heard about the Peace Pipe.
But the Peace Pipe is one of the highest relics of the worship of the American Indians and
were going to tell you a story that can be found in many of the Indian heritages and its been
recorded for years and its the story of how they received the Peace Pipe, supposedly a gift from a
holy lady that brought it to them. The story is the called the White Buffalo Lady and the Peace
Pipe is the gift she brought to the American Indians.
19 generations ago, you take what you consider a good generation, whether its 30 years or
forty years, somewhere over 500 years ago;
19 generations ago, during a time of famine, two Indian braves were out hunting outside
the camp when they met a beautiful maiden dressed in white and carrying a bundle. (Virtually
every Indian tribe has this legend, and they all have similar, though not identical details.) As the
two braves approached the maiden one of the braves had lustful thoughts about the maiden and
she and he were covered by a cloud that disappeared shortly after, leaving the foolish brave as a
pile of worms and bones. (When you read the different accounts of these two braves, they seem to
be a symbol of the wise and foolish virgins? Does one accept the message of the return as sacred
or unholy?)
The second brave spoke with the maiden, who asked to be taken into the camp to speak
with the Chief. Her voice was as music. In the teepee of the chief she provided the chief with the
bundle, "the peace pipe." which was inside the bundle, and a prophecy.
I want to read a passage that describes what she says the peace pipe represents because
I want you to understand that the religion of the American Indians is none other than the religion of
the New Age is youre familiar at all with the premises of the New Age movement, you will hear
their religion reflected in this story as the white buffalo lady describes what the peace pipe is meant
to signify.
After the mysterious woman said this, she took from the bundle a pipe and also a small
round stone which she placed upon the ground. Holding the pipe up with its stem to the heavens
she said, With this sacred pipe you will walk upon the earth for the earth is you grandmother and
mother and she is sacred. Every step that is taken upon her should be as a prayer.
The bowl of this pipe is of red stone; it is the earth. Carved in the stone and facing the
center is a buffalo calf who represents all the four leggeds who live upon your mother. The stem of
the pipe is of wood, which represents all the growth upon the earth. And these twelve feathers that
hang from where the stem fits into the bowl are from the spotted eagle; they represent the eagle
and all the wingeds of the air. All these people and all the things of the universe are joined to you
who smoke the pipe. All send their voices to Wonka-Tonka the Great Spirit. When you pray with
this pipe, you pray for and with everything.
The Wankan woman then touched the foot of the pipe to the round stone which lay upon
the ground saying with this pipe you will be bound to all your relatives, your grandfather and father;
your grandmother and mother; this round rock; which is of the same red stone as the bowl of the
pipe, your father Wanka Tonka has also given you. It represents the earth; your grandmother and
mother where you will live and increase. All of this is sacred, so do not forget.
As she set forth the purpose of the peace pipe she described it as the way in which the
Indians should pray, for in the smoke their prayers would ascend. (Counterfeit to the incense, and
the prayers of the saints?) She described the different components of the pipe in clearly new age
terms, referring to the red earthen bowl of the pipe as symbolic of "Mother and Grandmother Earth,
which is Sacred;" the buffalo carving on the bowl was symbolic of all "the four-leggeds" on mother
earth; the wooden stem is symbolic of plants on mother earth; the twelve feathers symbolized "the
wingeds" of the earth; and she stated "all these peoples (four leggeds and wingeds) are joined to
you who smoke the pipe. All send their voice to Wanka Tanka, the Great Spirit. When you pray
with this pipe you pray for everything."
As she gives them this description of the peace pipe, she presets them with the peace pipe
and the bundle it came in as a gift, and then she reads a prophecy.
Then she left a prophecy, and youll find different variations, depending on which Indian
tribe you get the prophecy from. But the prophecy is generally the same and when you hear the
prophecy, youll realize that the peace pipe that we have understood as the peace pipe for years,
really is not best identified as the peace pipe, it should be identifies as the ecumenical pipe.
The prophecy goes that it is said at the end of time this white buffalo lady would return. And
when she returns, there would be five years of increasing disasters and crisis, and at that time the
American Indians which were alive at that time were to seek to come together with the other
religions of the world and to strive to become one religion because the end of that five years of
disasters, would be followed by a great era of peace. Now thats a brief synopsis of the prophecy.
She said she would return to mark the beginning of this five years of troubles. During this
five years the Indians were to seek to come into harmony and unity with the other religions of the
world in spite of the great crisis. (In this sense the peace pipe. is more accurately the ecumenical
pipe.) After leaving the gifts and the prophecy she left the tribe, and as she turned to say farewell
she changed into a white buffalo. She then walked 200 yards and rolled over and changed into a
black buffalo, then walked 200 yards and rolled over and changed into a red buffalo, then walked
200 yards and rolled over and changed into a yellow buffalo. (These colors symbolize the different
tribes of mankind.)
The prophecy also said that when she returned, she would come back as a white buffaloe.
The prophecy also stated that the white female buffalo would be born to white people in the center
of the United States. Now if you figure 19 generations and 30 years a generation, and Im not sure
how the American Indians calculate how many years in one of their generations, but even a 30
year generation, youre well over 500 years ago that this prophecy took place which is well before
any white people lived in the United States. So this is one characteristic of the prophecy which is
worth considering.
The prophecy also said that the father of the white buffalo calf would have to give his life for
the her.
In their religion theyve been looking forward to this time for several hundred years and they
have handed down this peace pipe from one holy man to another holy man until there is one holy
man today that is supposedly the direct descendant of the first Indian holy man that kept this white
buffalos gift of the peace pipe and they kept the bundle. And the bundle and the peace pipe got
separated about a hundred years ago at the battle of wounded knee and the bundle disappeared;
the peace pipe remained with the holy man.
Recently at an auction in the southern United States another holy man, not the one that
possesses the peace pipe, heard this bundle had turned up at an auction and he went down and
he purchased this bundle and well take you into the story as it has been unfolding in our day and
On August 20,1994. "Miracle." the white buffalo was born in Janesville, Wisconsin which is
as the prophecy required, in the center of the United States. The interesting thing about this is this
was a white family like the prophecy said, they raised buffaloes, but there have never been known
a female white buffalo to ever be born. Its a genetic impossibility according to any one who has
done any research into the birth of buffaloes. They can have male white buffaloe born and the last
time that they ever heard of a female white buffalo was several hundred years ago. So it was a
genetic impossibility for this white buffaloe to be born, its not albino if you are wondering.
There has only been a couple white buffalo known to be born this century, but both died at
birth or shortly thereafter, Both were male. The last reported female white buffalo was born 600
years ago and died in about 20 hours.
When Miracle was born to the Heider family in 1994, they knew nothing of these legends
and were simply raising buffalo to sell as meat. As soon as she was born, the word got out and
Indians from around North America began pilgrimages to the Heiders farm to say prayers and
leave offerings attached to the fence around Miracles coral. The pilgrimages continue to this day
bringing people from all faiths, from the entire globe!
The prophecy said there would be 5 years of increasing disasters. This buffalo was born in
1994. Now in 1990, the disasters in the United States reached an all time record for one year. That
record was broken in 1991, and the disasters in 1992 broke the record in 1991. the disasters of
1993 exceeded 1992, and the disasters of 1994 exceeded 1993 and the disasters of 1995
exceeded 1994, and the same with 1996. (this was written in 1997) I dont have the statistics yet
but I have watched what has gone on this year and I am sure this will exceed the cost of 1996.
But it is clear that we are in a time period when the disasters are just accelerating in
agreement with this prophecy, this buffalo was born in 1994 and it said the disasters would
increase, and at this time the American Indians were to seek to come together with the other
religions of the world in order to usher in an era of peace.
Now the prophecy said five years of increasing disasters, and if you take 1994 and add five
years it comes to 1999, which is the ushering in of what the New Agers would call the Age of
Aquarius. The year 2000, the New Age. So this prophecy not only comes at the right time but it
comes with the birth of a female white buffalo which is a genetic impossibility.
Because it was an impossibility and the people who had this buffalo born to them knew
nothing of the prophecy at that time, they intended to have a sperm sample and a blood sample
taken on the bull of this buffalo to determine how this could happen.
Six days after the birth of Miracle, a medicine man (Floyd Hand) called the Heiders and told
them that the legend stated that the father of Miracle must give his life for the calf, and also that he
had a dream which identified that the bull would soon die, and in the dream he saw a black object
in the bulls abdomen. The medicine man counseled that if they wanted to get an analysis of the
semen and blood, they should do it immediately for he would soon die. (They wanted the analysis
to determine the genetics involved in the production of a white calf.) The Heiders knew nothing at
this time of the legend and laughed off the weird telephone call, from a weird medicine man. Four
days later the bull fell over dead. When an autopsy was performed they found the bull had suffered
internal bleeding which formed a large blood clot in his abdomen. The blood clot had turned black.
Just in agreement with this holy mans dream.
What this means to Seventh-day Adventist Christians is not much, but what it meant to the
New Age movement was phenomenal. AS soon as this story was released, American Indians from
all over began making pilgrimages to this farm and as the people who own this calf realized that
this is a sacred relic to the Ameican Indians, they opened their farm and from what I could tell
when I visited there theyve bough into the New Age belief structure.
The Heiders have cooperated with the religious and sacred desires of the Indians as this
saga has unfolded, which in itself is a miracle when we consider it was to be born to a white
person. How easy would it be to predict a white person 19 generations ago, and how easy would it
be to find a white person raising buffaloes. And how easy would it be to have those white people
be willing to turn their farm over to the foreign religious rites of the Indians. Many white people
would certainly not cooperate. Many would no doubt sell the buffalo, for it could be sold for millions
to the Indians or others. (They have had offers in the million dollar price range.) What if it had been
born to white racists? What if it was born to strong Bible believers? Would they support and sustain
the new age worship which has taken place in connection with the white buffalo? Janesville,
Wisconsin qualifies as the center of the United States.
Since its birth the pilgrimages continue and the Indians still appear on a regular basis to
perform sacred rites in connection with the buffalo, but not only Indians but new agers, and
Catholics also. This year at a service called the Unity gathering (Ecumenical?) over 650 religious
leaders from around the globe attended the three-day worship service. Now theyd been having
many sacred gatherings there, and at that prayer gathering they had 650 religious leaders from
around the world and went through ceremonies and usher in this prophecy. Among those 650 was
the Dalai Lama, now if youre not familiar with who the Dalai Lama is, he is to spiritualism what the
pope is to Catholicism, the symbolic king of world spiritualism! The head of the dragon forces
made his pilgrimage there to work in this ecumenical 3 day celebration that took place there.
These people leave prayer offerings on the fence of the coral, I have a picture of these
prayer offerings left by Indians, Hindus, Buddhists and many people from all around the world.
From time to time they take these off and keep them and people just keep bringing them over and
over again from people coming to see this site.
The (ecumenical) peace pipe the white buffalo maiden brought has been handed down for
19 generations and is perhaps the most sacred idol to the American Indian. It is this legend that all
Indians derive their understanding of the peace pipe from. The bundle the maiden brought was
stolen from the Indians in the massacre of Wounded Knee; yet in the recent past a medicine man
found out the bundle had been placed on auction in South Carolina, and the medicine man went to
the auction and retrieved this sacred idol for the Indian nation.
In 1995 an Indian holy man appeared at the Heider's farm and sat down beneath a oak tree
for three days waiting for another Indian holy 'man to arrive which possessed the sacred peace
pipe. The first holy man, (Floyd Hand) wanted to assess if the second holy man. (Arvol Looking
Horse) was spiritually mature enough to receive and protect the sacred bundle and thus reunite it
with the sacred peace pipe, which he possessed. Their association has continued and soon it is
expected that Floyd Hand will give the sacred bundle to Arvol, thus bringing these two premier new
age idols of the American Indians, and spiritualists of the entire world, back together. Not only is
the prophecy being fulfilled perfectly, but its ecumenical implications are being marked by the
historic saga of the peace pipe and sacred bundle.
The birth of Miracle occurred around the time period of the earthquakes in California and
Japan, and the prophecy stated the catastrophes and crisis would only accelerated until the era of
peace. This is the identical message another unholy spiritual lady is bringing through the
apparitions of Mary .
Now, brothers and sisters, they dont have any genetic reasons why this female white
buffalo is still alive because female white buffaloes arent supposed to be born and when they do
they are supposed to die.
According to the prophecy when the white buffalo was born she would go through the same
color changes as did the white buffalo prophetess, which brought the peace pipe and message.
Miracle changed colors to black in January of 1995, then red in June of 1995, then yellow in
November of 1995. The prophecy said she would eventually turn back to white. When I viewed her
in May of 1996 her rump was beginning to change back to white. (Buffaloes do not change colors!)
All these changes have been photographically documented. At the end of the five years of crisis
Miracle will supposedly, turn back into the maiden and usher in the era of peace. With her birth in
1994 five years of disasters brings us to 1999-just in time to begin the so-called Age of Aquarius!
One of the things I would like you to remember about this unfolding prophecy that has the
markings of a satanic miracle, is that this prophecy has been in existence for hundreds of years.
Its something that demonstrates that Satan has been planning his final movements against God
for quite some time. Hes been doing whatever it takes to bring these prophecies to pass right on
time. The idea that this white buffalo was prophesied to appear in the center of the United States, I
think you would agree that Wisconsin is the center of the United Sates; that it would come to a
white family, and the prophecy existed before there were white people in the Americas; is
overwhelming. The idea that it was born white, a female and lived, and then it would go through
color changes.
Revelation 16 series-4
Frog of the Fortress God
By Jeff Pippenger
Back to our continued study of the three powers that make up modern Babylon and
were looking at the spirits that are guiding them and the world to Armageddon. In our last
presentation we finished looking at the political aspect of the dragon and looked at the
spiritual aspect which today we know as the New Age movement, which encompassed all the
religions that go to make up spiritualism today.
We identified that there are miracles presently happening within the realm of
spiritualism that are preparing its adherents and others for the deceptions and the end time
events which weve so clearly been warned about in the Spirit of Prophecy. In this portion,
were going to look at the spirit which is guiding the forces of the beast power, Catholicism.
Wed like to remind you that one of the quotes we began with in this study is as
" All are to hear the last message of warning. The prophecies in the book of
Revelation, chapters 12 to 18, are being fulfilled. In the eighteenth chapter is recorded the
very last call to the churches. This call is now to be given. In the nineteenth chapter, the time
is pictured when the beast and the false prophet are taken, and cast into a lake of fire. The
dragon, who was the instigator of the great rebellion against heaven, is bound, and cast into
the bottomless pit for a thousand years. Then follows the resurrection of the wicked and the
final destruction of Satan and all the wicked, and the final triumph and reign of Christ in this
earth." The Upward Look, 277.
I want to emphasize one more time that Spirit of Prophecy has identified chapters 1219 as the chapters in Revelation that are present truth unto us today and its there where the
focus of our study should be as we compare the events around us with the prophetic word in
order to identify that were here at the end of the world.
Now to start this study, into the spirit thats guiding the beast of Catholicism, we would
like to read a passage from Manuscript Releases, vol. 18, 29-31.
" As we near the close of time, there will be greater and still greater external parade of
heathen power; heathen deities will manifest their signal power, and will exhibit themselves
before the cities of the world and this delineation has already begun to be fulfilled.
Now if you are not aware of it, I dont know where youve been, but around the world
today these heathen deities are appearing and manifesting and some may not want to call
the apparitions of Mary a heathen deity, but nonetheless they are, and as Seventh-day
Adventists we have to understand them as that.
Now this particular study is a follow-up study to Daniel 11:40-45 a study we call the
Final Rise and Fall of the King of the North and in that study we looked at Daniel 11:30-36
as verses which the pioneers identified as verses which describe how Papal Rome came into
power at the beginning of the Dark Ages and we said that verses 32-35 were describing the
persecution that takes place after the Papacy comes to rule in the Dark Ages. In Daniel 11:36
we see a verse that most Bible commentators say is the verse that Paul uses to paraphrase
the passage in 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4 where he talks about the man of sin.
Our contention is that from verse 30 onward to the end of the chapter, the main
subject is the Papacy. Now some take verse 37 and onward and suggest that its describing
France and the French Revolution, some people say Turkey but we believe with what we
understand to be sound reasoning that if verse 36 is describing the characteristics of the
Papacy, 37-39 is as well.
What we want to look at in the beginning of this study here is a verse here in Daniel
11 that will help us identify whats going on in Catholicism today as we are at the end of the
world. In verse 36 it talks about the king that exalts himself and we would suggest that this is
the Man of Sin, the man that sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. And
we submit to you that this narrative of the Papacy simply continues in verse 37. Neither shall
he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall
magnify himself above all. And certainly the Papacies characteristics is this magnifying itself
above all and Bible commentators that understand this verse to be describing the Papacy
would say that he doesnt regard the desire of women is identifying the celibacy as one of the
rules of the Papacy, but a better understanding I feel is this; the Desire of women which
likely refers to Christ, as faithful women down through history until the birth of Jesus, longed
to be the one chosen to be the mother of the Messiah. So this power doesn't regard the God
of their fathers, or Jesus, or any God, because he sets himself above all Divine authority.
38 But in his estate shall he honor the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers
knew not shall he honor with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
This verse has been a mystery to Bible commentators through the years because it
says here that if this is the Papacy that in his estate, and that Hebrew word means the
pedestal, the base. In the very heart of the Papacy, they would honor a God of forces and if
youre familiar with the Papacy it is nothing more than Paganism with a Christian garb put
upon it. It is simply taking the worship of Nimrod and his wife and Christianizing it.
Estate: 3653; same as 3651 a stand i.e. pedestal or station :-base, estate.
And he said unto me, To build it. an house in the land of Shinar: and it shall be
established, and set there upon her own base. Zechariah 5: 11.
base: 4369; same as 4350; a spot: -base.4350: fem, of 4349; a pedestal also a spot:base.
So when the commentators tried to come to grips with who this god of forces that the
Papacy was destined to honor in verse 38, they drew a blank, because there was no god of
forces in antiquity. But that word forces is translated more correctly, the god of fortifications.
No pagan deity had been known as a god of fortifications and virtually every aspect of
Roman Catholicism can be directly traced back to a prior type of worship thats found in
But even though there is not a god of fortresses in pagan history, there is a goddess
of fortresses. And you can see pictures of this goddess of fortresses and if you look closely at
the picture this lady has on her head a castle that is similar to the tower of Babel, but more
important to the symbolism is this tower is turreted which identified the wall that would
surround a city and allow for defenders of the castle to fight off those that were trying to
overtake the city. And this hat that this goddess had on her head was identifying the goddess
that was worshipped for being the one that created fortresses.
In the mythology of the worship of Nimrod and his wife, it was none other that
Semiramis that was identified as the one that invented the fortresses that gave protection to
the people during the time of Nimrod and Semiramis.
In the picture you can see that this goddess has many breasts and she was
worshipped as the mother of gods and she was a fertility goddess and these many breasts
were symbolizing that. The reason that we want to bring this out is that in verse 38, it says in
his estate, or in the very heart of Catholicism, shall he, the Papacy honor the goddess of
fortresses and this is an allowable translation, hell honor Semiramis the goddess of
paganism thats associated with fortresses. Notice this from the book the Two Babylons by
"In Daniel 11:38, we read of a god called Ala Mahozine*-i.e., the 'god of fortifications.'
Who this god of fortifications could be, commentators have found themselves at a loss to
determine. In the records of antiquity the existence of any god of fortifications has been
commonly overlooked; and it must be confessed that no such god stands forth there with any
prominence to the ordinary reader.
But the existence of a goddess of fortifications, every one knows that there is the
amplest evidence. The goddess is Cybele, who is universally represented with a mural or
turreted crown, or with a fortification, on her head. Why was Rhea or Cybele thus
represented? Ovid asks the question and answers it himself; and the answer is this: The
reason he says, why the statue of Cybele wore a crown of towers was, 'because she first
erected them in cities.' The first city in the world after the flood (from whence the
commencement of the world is often dated) that had towers and encompassing walls, was
Babylon; and Ovid himself tells us that it was Semiramis, the first queen of the city, who was
believed to have 'surrounded Babylon with a wall of brick. Semiramis, then, the first deified
queen of that city and the tower whose top was intended to reach to heaven, must have been
the prototype of the goddess who 'first made towers in cities.' When we look at the Ephesian
Diana, we find evidence to the very same effect. In general, Diana was depicted as a virgin,
and the patroness of virginity; but the Ephesian Diana was quite different. She was
represented with all the attributes of the mother of gods, and, as the mother of gods, she
wore a turreted crown such , as no one can contemplate without being forcibly reminded of
the tower of Babel. Now this tower-bearing Diana is by ancient scholiast expressly identified
with Semiramis. When, therefore, we remember that Rhea or Cybele, the tower-bearing
goddess, was, in point of fact, a Babylonian goddess, and that Semiramis, when deified, was
worshipped under the name of Rhea, there will remain. I think, no doubt as to the personal
identity of the 'goddess of fortifications.'
* "In our version, Ala Mahozim is rendered alternatively 'god of forces,' or 'gods
protectors.' To the latter Interpretation. there is insuperable objection, that Ala is in the
singular. Neither can the former be admitted; for Mahozim, or Mauzzim. does not signify
'forces,' or 'armies,' but munitions,' as it is also given in the margin-that is 'fortifications.'
Stockius, in his Lezicon, gives us a definition of Mahoz in the singular, robur. arz. locus
munitus. and in proof of definition, the following examples:-Judges 6:26. 'And build an altar to
the Lord thy God upon the top of this rock' (Mahoz, in the margin "stong place"); and Daniel
11: 19, 'Then shall he turn his face to the fort (Mahoz) of his own land.'" The TWO Babylons,
29-31. Alexander Hislop.
He will honor her with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
Now in Bible time if you remember in our earlier discussion about how the languages were
confused at Babel, and the people who went to the different parts of the earth with different
languages continued the same worship but it had been changed in the sense that the names
for the religious practices and deities were changed because the languages had changed,
and in Bible times in Ephesus, Semiramis was still worshipped the primary god in Ephesus
but her name was Dianna. And Dianna was none other that the Ephesian version of
Semiramis and Dianna was considered to be the mother of the gods and she also was given
the attributes of the one that invented fortresses. She is the goddess of fortresses and its
interesting that early in the history of the Catholic church, there was a council at Ephesus.
Ephesus was the seat of the worship of Diana-equivalent to the Old Testament
Ashteroth, the fertility goddess. The worship involved temple prostitution, and great
licentiousness. Diana was known as "the great mother," or "the great mother of the gods." It
was at the Council of Ephesus, in 451 A.D., for the first time, that the church incorporated into
its worship the virgin mother of Christ and assigned to the Virgin Mary, the title "mother of
God." This is the direct descendent of the worship of Dianna of Ephesus, which is none other
than Semiramis.
And verse 38 in Daniel 11 is doing nothing more than identifying that in the heart of
Catholicism a god that the previous fathers of the Christian religion had not honored, the
mother of god, Semiramis, was going to be incorporated into their religion, she was the
goddess of fortresses. Through time this goddess if you follow on into verse 39 would be
increased with glory and Catholicism would honor it with gold, and silver, and with precious
stones, and pleasant things.
Now, brothers and sisters, if youre not aware of it, today the fastest growing religion
in the world is the Marian movement. I have here a book by the Marian movement of priests
and this religion, although its a branch of Catholicism, the worship of the mother of god,
supposedly. Is sweeping the world. At the printing of this book and it is a few years old,
theres over 5,000 priests in the Marion movement alone that believe they are receiving direct
messages from Mary or Joseph or Jesus that correspond to the ushering in of the millennium
of peace.
Here is a paper from Tacoma, Washington, and it says, Virgin Mary honored in
Tacoma procession. Protestant America, the virgin Mary is appearing and being worshipped.
Here is an article from US News and World Report from Oct 27th 1997, theres a
picture of people who are looking for the apparitions of Mary that occur in Georgia once a
month. The second sabbath of the month, they have over 500,000 people come to this town
in Georgia to witness the apparitions each month. Now this is Protestant America!
At the same time that these apparitions are occurring, we see the media of the world
lifting up the idea of Mary over and over to those that are out in the world. Heres one from
Newsweek, The meaning of Mary; the struggle over her role grows within the church.
Now this one is of interest in my mind for this reason; this book called Thunder of
Justice, you may have heard of, this is probably the most well known Catholic book that
documents the history of the apparitions of Mary in this century, and it puts forth certain
conclusions about the prophecies that Mary has been bringing to the world. It says that shes
bringing four different conclusions that theres going to be first a warning, a great miracle
in the near future, then a chastisement and then an era of peace.
In our last presentation we emphasized the information that came through the white
buffalo lady because its here in what Mary is saying that there is a great similarity. A
chastisement, a great time of trouble according to Mary that will precede this era of peace
and this is in agreement with what this white buffalo lady said.
But this book documents the occurrences of the virgin Mary around the world
consistently around the world the information keeps coming through these prophets and
seers that are seeing Mary, that there is first going to be a warning, a miracle, a great
chastisement and the thousand year millennium reign of peace.
We wont look in detail at these prophecies but we will say this, a magazine that came
out in August of 1997, Newsweek, is going to a secular audience where the book is designed
for a Catholic audience, and this magazine article does nothing more than give a very nice
synopsis of what this book says. You see, brothers and sisters, the world at large, not just
Catholicism, is being conditioned to understand and recognize the prophecies that the virgin
Mary is supposedly bringing in these apparitions.
Now when I say prophecies, let me remind you that these prophecies are satanic
miracles, they are not simply imaginations although there is a lot of faked apparitions no
doubt and many of these things are just peoples emotions but some of the things that are
going on are beyond coincidence.
Here is a brief synopsis of a book called the Final Hour which is one of the many
Catholic books which documents the apparitions of Mary, and in this book it lists prophecies
that were given to some Rwandan seers in 1981. They received messages from 1981 to
1989, and in those messages that these Catholic seers were receiving from Mary, whos
appearing in Rwanda at that time period, they were shown terrifying glimpses into the future
trees in flames, rivers of blood, many abandoned, decapitated corpses, they saw pictures of
people killing each other and bodies thrown into the rivers, bodies without their heads and
just a tremendous blood-bath that was supposed to occur in Rwanda.
Now, brothers and sisters, if youve watched the past history of whats gone on in
Rwanda in the past 10 years, you realize that what these visionaries were shown in 19811989 time period was well in advance of the events that have recently taken place in Rwanda
and yet they were very accurate.
One of the descriptions that when you read about the blood-bath that has occurred in
Rwanda, that always comes up, is how the rivers there would be full of bodies without heads.
Now certainly Satan knew that he had created the circumstances where he could bring about
this civil war and he had the ability to forecast them and make sure they took place. But thats
not an argument against what were saying, which is, the messages that Mary is bringing are
definitely inspired of Satan but he is doing great advanced ground work to make sure these
things come to pass in order that those who are following these messages will be swept in to
the delusions and the predictions which he is making.
Brothers and sisters, in this book is a listing of where the apparitions have occurred,
and at what time and the history of this book begins in the year 1531, where there was an
apparition in Guadeloupe Mexico, it was a very important apparition, has to do with abortion
believe it or not. Here you can see listed off year by year, city by city, where apparitions have
occurred. One and pages covers the time from 1531 to 1980, and from 1980 till 1991 we
suddenly have a whole page and this only goes up to 1991.
Brothers and sisters what this book demonstrates is that over and over again in
different places around the world, the virgin Mary is appearing and brining these messages
that is conditioning the world to make choices when certain things happen that are designed
to prevent the 3 angels messages from occurring.
Were going to look at just one little miracle that appears in connection with these
apparitions, because when were talking about the apparitions, its not simply the appearance
of Mary and her bringing messages, theres other miracles that are invariable associated with
it, in Conurs, Georgia, there was a time when in a clear blue sky, there suddenly it was
raining rose petals, everywhere, and that was on film. The scent of roses many times
accompanies the apparitions of Mary. Another miracle that occurs many times is
phenomenon in the sun where it dances in the sky, or flashes, or people that are taking
photography will get the film developed and therell be some kind of supernatural picture
portrayed in the photograph which they just thought was a normal photograph.
But another miracle thats taking place in conjunction with these miracles is the
stigmata. And if youre not familiar with the stigmata, it comes in a variety of ways, it is in the
Catholic understanding, those that supernaturally experience the wounds of Christ.
Supernaturally there have been people that will bleed from the palms of their hands and from
their feet and from the slash in the side that Christ received on the cross and maybe the
crown of thorns he was wounded with before the cross. They will suddenly begin bleeding
this. Some only bleed the wounds of Christ in the hands, some bleed all the wounds, some
bleed for days upon end and some bleed only at certain times of the year.
We have a brief film from a secular news program of one of these stigmatists that
bleeds these wounds of Christ, and once again remember that the reason we are taking
information from the secular sources is that part of what we are trying to share here about
these spirits of Revelation 16 that are leading the world to Armageddon is that the world is
being conditioned to these things as we speak. This is consistent with Revelation 16:12-14 in
that one of the characteristics that accompanies the work of the United States forcing the
whole world to worship the beast of Catholicism is the supernatural satanic miracles that its
allowed to do and these miracles are already conditioning the world for these end time
This news clip tells of a lady from Syria, that each year on Good Friday bleeds the
wounds of Christ and they make comments about this. One of the things to remember is that
Syria is not known as a Catholic country. Yet in the Arab world, these phenomena of Mary
are occurring just as well as in the Christian or Catholic world. They are also occurring in Asia
in the Hindu, Buddhist world anywhere you go, the apparitions of Mary are occurring and
many times we will find the miracle of the stigmata associated with the people who are
receiving these apparitions.
It is clear in this secular news clip that the people describing the event feel that it is
genuine and a clearly supernatural event. [It is interesting also that they always have some
kind of weird ghostly music to accompany such news stories that rises in crescendo with the
main points of the narration especially at the mention of the Catholic church.]
These kind of events are occurring as we speak, if you were to go into a catholic
bookstore you would find many, many books similar to these, that are just tracking whats
being said by Mary, where shes appearing and giving their conclusions about where these
messages are taking us.
There is another occurrence that is happening in conjunction with these apparitions,
the idols of Mary that are bleeding blood and that visionaries, as they call those who are
receiving the messages from Mary say that the reason the statues and pictures are bleeding
blood is because of the great sin in the world, Mary is crying blood to call us back to a life of
repentance and service to the Lord.
Now what were suggesting here is that Daniel 11:30 to the very end of the chapter is
nothing more than a description of the Papacy and in verse 31 we see the abomination that
maketh desolate set up, we have always understood that as Seventh-day Adventists this is
identifying the beginning of the 1260 year Papal rule that is known as the Dark Ages, In verse
36 we see nothing more than a narrative describing the characteristics of the haughty
arrogance of the Papacy and the worship that it imposes and the belief that it has the
authority to change the law of God.
By the time we get to verse 38, whats brought into this narrative is that the Papacy is
going to begin to honor a goddess of fortresses, which is none other than Mary, Now in the
books like Keys of this Blood, that speak of the present pope of the Roman church, its clear
that he views the virgin Mary and her messages as the guiding influence of not only the
Catholic church but of his papacy. He has been miraculously saved, he believes, through the
assassination attempt by the powers of the virgin Mary and after that event he went to
Fatima Portugal to give homage to the virgin of Fatima that he believes that saved him.
In this book, and this is just one many books that speaks of Fatima, and we would like
to return your thoughts to the information we went through in the study on the King of the
North on Daniel 11:40-45. We know that in verse 40 although the king of the south is
identified prophetically in the beginning of verse 40 as France, because France was the
power that at that time controlled spiritual Egypt, which was atheism, and France wrote
Atheism into its constitution. We note that in that verse there came the time when Russia the
premiere power that controlled spiritual Egypt in 1917 Russia wrote into its constitution
communism as well, atheism.
We mark 1917 as a very important historical event in the course of the king of the
south this is the Bolshevik revolution; this is when the last king of the south is established in
Russia. After WWII hes expanded to the Soviet Union and many historians that talk about
the Bolshevik revolution call it the October revolution because it took place in October, but if
you study the information of the apparitions of Mary that are occurring in the world today,
youll find without a doubt, the commentators to a man will say that the most important
apparition of this century is the apparition that took place in Fatima Portugal in 1917.
It occurred over a several month period, the virgin Mary supposedly appeared to three
children during that time period and she promised that in October of 1917 the same month as
the Bolshevik revolution on the 13th of that month that she would return and perform a miracle
so that everyone that wanted to believe that the messages that she had left with the three
children were could believe them and that they were genuine.
For the preceding months, at first the children that had met an angel and then began
meeting with the virgin Mary thereafter, the children were disbelieved that they were having
any kind of supernatural encounter, but each month they would go to the appointed place in
Fatima they would meet with the virgin Mary and she would commune with them and given
them information and they received three secret messages and well talk about those
messages briefly here in a moment.
But on the 13th of October, there had been so much contention about these ongoing
miracles that there was a crowd of fifty to 100 thousand people to see if the virgin was really
going to perform a miracle. Now this is 1917 and it was in Portugal, it was dirt roads and
when the time came for this miracle to be performed, you need to remember one other factor;
Portugal was at that time a communist country communism was the opposing force to
Catholicism at that time they were in a struggle and the communist government had no
sympathy for the supposed miracles that were taking place with these Catholic people so
early on they even tried to incarcerate these children to prevent them from meeting with the
virgin Mary. They were released but by the time October 13 1917 arrived the children were
free and they were going to meet at the place and see the miracle, which the virgin had
promised them and there was between 50 and 100 thousand people there to witness this
There were also reporters from every newspaper in Portugal, which were there to
debunk this supposed miracle. On the day that the miracle was supposed to take place it had
been raining and raining, it was muddy and wet and there was mud and water standing in the
road. The people went out to where the miracle was supposed to occur and at the time the
clouds parted in the sky and the sun appeared. Suddenly the sun started dancing back and
forth. This is similar to many of the apparition sights around the world that testify to this same
phenomenon and they have video recording that you can see the sun dancing in the sky and
technologist say it is not faked footage.
In 1917 in Fatima Portugal this was going on and suddenly the sun began to spin and
throw off colors and when it threw off blue that whole ground and all the people would be
illuminated in a blue color and then when it threw off the orange everything would be orange
and it went through a series of colors. Then suddenly the sun began to fall to the earth and
between 50 to 100 thousand people went face down into the mud. And the sun stopped
before it hit the earth those people thought the end of the world was here but when the sun
stopped and returned to its place in the sky, they were all converted to this Mary of Fatima.
When the sun returned to the sky, the people got up off the ground, and suddenly
there was a wind. They could feel the wind and they could hear the wind but if they looked
around at the bushes and the leaves on the trees nothing was being shaken by the wind but
you could hear it and feel it. And as they began to look around they realized that the ground
was totally dry and their clothes that were recently in the muddy water and had been rained
on for several hours were totally dry. All those people left the place believing that they had
seen the greatest supernatural miracle of all times.
If you want to go and see testimony to verify that this took place, the best place to
look at it is in those communist newspapers of those days, because the reporters that
reported on this event even though they knew that they were taking positioned contrary to
what they had been ordered to testify about, they gave this testimony; something took place
there of a supernatural nature.
The reason that I said that these Catholic authorities view this as the most important
apparition of the century, was because there were three messages left with these three
children a brother and sister were among these three children and they died shortly thereafter
and only one lives on. She is a lady that is in a convent, she was told that she would live until
these end time events that have been portrayed in these messages take place. Shes still
alive, shes very elderly, and she must be about 80 some years old.
The three message that these children were given, two of them were openly
accounted for, they were common knowledge but the third was a secret. But they all had to
do with the first one was the bringing of the communist government of Portugal into the fold
of Catholicism and the others had to do with dedicating the country of Russia to the virgin
Mary and this had to be done by a pope. The pope had to call a conclave where he brought
all the cardinals and bishops together and at one time they would all dedicated Russia to the
Virgin Mary. And if they would do this, if a pope would do this, that the world would be saved
another great war and many other errors and great crisis that would come from a lack of
doing this.
These messages were given right before the time that the Bolshevik revolution took
place. So these were predictions about the impact that communist Russia was going to have
in the world before Russia was even communist. These messages were given to the children
before the miracle so therefore when they were given these messages it was still czarist
Russia but the month that the miracle occurred, communist Russia began and in agreement
with that of course we see WWII. And we see in the history of Catholicism that popes that
came to rule after that time period, refused to call that conclave where the cardinals and
bishops came together and dedicated Russia to the virgin Mary and because of this spirit
message that was a secret, and is still much under discussion about whats contained in the
secret, its in a special box in the Vatican and each new pope has the right to go in and read
this secret and he can have an understanding of what it is and how hes supposed to relate to
But from the Catholic scholars that have pulled out from bits and pieces of this and
that what this third secret was about is that if the popes were unwilling to call this special
conclave and dedicate Russia to the virgin Mary that the world would have to go through a
great chastisement at the end prior to the ushering in of the millennium of peace.
Now brothers and sisters, this is echoing the prophecy of the white buffalo lady. The
present pope believes in the apparitions. Not every pope has been supportive of the
apparitions of the Virgin Mary but he believes in it.
When this occurred in 1917, Fatima Portugal was just a small dusty town and now it
has a great Cathedral because the people who began to worship Mary at Fatima raised
money to build a great center of pilgrimages and theres a school there for Catholicism. The
way they raised money to bring this about was they made a little virgin of Fatima statue and
they sold it to raise money and they had such great success that they decided they would
build a great big statue of the Virgin of Fatima and they sent it around the world after it was
built and it went to 17 countries and every country it went to there were miracles when it
Egypt, when It arrived there the church it went to suddenly the virgin Mary began
appearing at this church. One country that had been in a civil war, when it arrived the civil
war stopped. In Brazil when it arrived a flock of doves landed at the foot of the statue and
though thousands of people walked around the Fatima statue in the square the doves never
left and never ate or drank for two weeks and if you know about doves, brothers and sisters,
they dont go without water for 2 weeks without dying but those doves stayed alive.
Every where that it went these miracles were performed and finally it came to the 17th
country which was Poland and the communist government said we dont want it and they
sent it home. And the 16 countries that it had just been at called the communist government
of Poland and said, you really should have received that statue, it was a great blessing and
they put pressure on the Polish communist authorities and they said OK, we will take the
SO they went to the cardinal of Poland at that time, cardinal Whycinski, and they said,
well take the statue, weve had second thoughts and Whycinski said, we dont want the
statue, we want to build a church. And they had an argument back and forth about that, and
the communist authorities said OK, you can build a church. And for the first time since WWII
a Catholic church was erected inside the domain of a communist country, inside the domain
of the Soviet Union, inside the domain of the king of the south. Inside the domain of the
power that began its history in 1917, the very year that the miracle of Fatima had occurred
and of course Catholicism directly relates this to this Virgin of Fatima statue that was refused
by the communists authorities.
Now when the statue was built the story goes, and of course in Catholicism stories
about their miracles, you can find different varieties about it, the story goes, that when this
church was built, the bishop that had overseen the building of this church he erected a large
cross in front of it and the communist authorities came and tore it down. He rebuilt it and they
tore it down and this happened about three or four times and finally he this bishop put the
cross back up and the communist authorities gave up and many Catholic historians say that
this is the event that broke the communist mentality in Poland to where they did not have the
upper psychological hand over Catholicism and this is first turning point that started the wave
that ultimately brought solidarity into existence and brought Poland down and with Poland
down the whole Soviet Union was swept away.
So what I am hoping you are seeing, brothers and sisters, is that this event of Fatima
in 1917, not only corresponds to the month and year that the king of the south was
established in history but they continued to but heads with one another as history unfolded
and here we are today and the messages that Mary is brining around the world is saying that
we have a time of crisis to go through before this era of peace and the reason that the world
has to go through this great chastisement is because the popes sent the messages came to
the children of Fatima never honored the messages by dedicating Russia, the king of the
south, to the virgin Mary. And because they didnt do that, whats ahead of us is that great
It is interesting to note that the bishop back there in Poland that went through this
psychological game with the communist authorities, today is know as Pope John Paul II. He
is what we would call the king of the north at this time and he was directly involved with this
struggle with the king of the south at that time and its directly connected with this goddess of
fortresses that was going to continue to grow and influence the power and strength of
Now, the history of this struggle continues on, we find that Catholic authorities believe
that it was from the Soviet Union that an assassin was hired to kill the present pope, of
course, he was wounded, but in that regard the Soviets believed that he was the one man
that had the political savvy and the political power to bring the Soviet Union down, and sure
enough, when you go back into history and you look at it, it was this particular pope that
played that hand in alliance with the United States and Ronald Reagan.
Now when the pope was shot and he was taken in the hospital, he said that the
miracle that we described took place in Fatima in 1917 reoccurred outside his hospital
window. And he realized that he was the pope that was destined to fulfill the cataclysmic
events and the events that are in this third secret that is in the Vatican. And he sent for that
message thats in the Vatican while he was in the hospital and he re-read it and we have a
pope now that believes that he is being guided and directed buy the messages of Mary
especially as they have come from Fatima Portugal in 1917. He believes that hes the pope
that will usher in these end time events associated with these messages.
Now if you look closely in the messages that Mary is bringing to the world and these
are satanic messages, brothers and sisters, Im not endorsing them, but the year thats the
most significant for things to fall apart in these messages is 1998, which is very close.
The solemn thing about that is not to put any weight to what Satan is saying, but its
clear to see that as you start looking at the prophecies which hes brought to the New Age
movement and to Catholicism through Mary, that hes down ground work way in advance
hes attempting to accomplish things for his own purposes and much of what he says has
come to pass as he would like it to come to pass.
Were suggesting that Revelation 16 is identifying three spiritual influences that come
out of the dragon of spiritualism, out of the mouth of the beast of Catholicism and were
suggesting that whats coming out of the mouth of Catholicism is the messages that come
from Mary and that these messages are leading Catholicism and the world to Armageddon.
What were trying to emphasize here is not only that these three powers of Revelation
16 are leading the world to Armageddon but these are the same three powers that are
illustrated in Daniel 11:40-45 as struggling against themselves through history and prophecy
in order to bring the king of the north in Daniel 11 to the point to where he comes to his end
and none will help; Which is Daniels way of describing Armageddon.
If youve ever wondered how the Moslem world will be drawn into the Sunday Law its
interesting to consider the virgin of Fatima because in the Moslem world they do not worship
idols, the only possible idol is a statue of a woman in a Moslem mosque and they will insist
they are not worshipping her they just reverence her. This statue can identify one of two
ladies in Moslem history, one is the height of motherhood and the other is the height of
daughterhood and thats the only idols or statues youll find in Moslem worship.
Now one of these ladies in history that they uphold for the ideal mother, is none other
than Mary, the mother of Jesus. And Mary is held in high regard in the Koran. Shes spoken
of in the Koran in good terms and in some Moslem temples youll find a statue of a woman
that is designed to nothing but uphold motherhood as represented by Mary.
Now the other woman that the statue can represent is Mohameds niece, which lived
with Mohamed and performed the function of a daughter and she represents the ideal
daughter. What do you suppose her name is? Fatima. And we see in the Moslem world that
theyre being prepared for these end time events by the icons that exist within their religion
because the one idol that you may find in their worship is the virgin Mary or specifically Mary
of Fatima.
Brothers and sisters, Revelation 16 and the three spirits that are leading the world to
Armageddon, are well under way. And the spirits that are guiding these different aspects of
modern Babylon, may have different manifestations in order to meet those religions where
theyre at, but theyre pretty consistently telling the same story. That theres going to be a
millennium of peace in the year 2000, before that time you can look for great disasters, great
Now that may be all false prophecy. We have no reason accept that as anything but
false prophecy but brothers and sisters, that isnt out of line with what the Spirit of Prophecy
says. We can expect crisis to escalate in order to prepare the people of the United States to
turn to the legislators of the land to enforce a Sunday Law and the only part that were not
expecting is the millennium of peace. Were expecting the return of Jesus Christ.
And brothers and sisters, its easy to see that were very close to the end and as we
take up the third spirit of Revelation 16, in our next study were going to look at the spirit
thats guiding the false prophet of Revelation 16 because that movement is well underway in
our day as well.
"Through paganism, and then through the Papacy, Satan exerted his power for many
centuries in an effort to blot from the earth God's faithful witnesses." Signs of the Times,
November 1, 1899.
"This compromise between paganism and Christianity resulted in the development of
'the man of sin' foretold in prophecy as opposing and exalting himself above God. That
gigantic system of false religion is a masterpiece of Satan's power-a monument of his efforts
to seat himself upon the throne to rule the earth according to his will." The Great
Controversy, 50.
Revelation 16 series-5
The Miraculous Deception
By Jeff Pippenger
Welcome back to our ongoing presentation on Revelation 16. Were going to take up
the part that we entitled the Miraculous Deception where we look at the spirit that is coming out
of the mouth of the false prophet.
" All are to hear the last message of warning. The prophecies in the book of Revelation.
chapters 12 to 18, are being fulfilled. In the eighteenth chapter is recorded the very last call to
the churches. This call is now to be given. In the nineteenth chapter, the time is pictured when
the beast and the false prophet are taken, and cast into a lake of fire. The dragon, who was the
instigator of the great rebellion against heaven, is bound, and cast into the bottomless pit for a
thousand years. Then follows the resurrection of the wicked and the final destruction of Satan
and all the wicked, and the final triumph and reign of Christ in this earth." The Upward Look.
Now weve tried to emphasize that Sister White here is telling us that the present truth
message for Adventism today is in chapters 12-18 of Revelation and part of that story is the
three-fold make up of modern Babylon which John the Revelator symbolized as the Dragon,
the Beast and the False Prophet.
Weve been saying that in Revelation 16 when the warning is encapsulated between
the 6 and 7th plague, to made sure that we have Christs righteousness on (lest we walk
naked) that the aspect of the Dragon and the Beast and the False Prophet thats being
recorded there for us is emphasizing the religious aspect of those three powers. The religious
spirit that will guide the different followers of these three different branches of modern Babylon.
SO far weve looked at a little bit of the miraculous predictions and miracles that are
taking place in the realm of the Dragon, spiritualism, thats preparing them for virtually the
same kind of mindset about whats going to take place at the end of the world as is occurring in
the domain of the Beast, the Papacy which is being guided by the apparitions of Mary.
Weve touched on the truth that Sister White says the frogs symbolize the
overspreading of the land and we see that these miracles that are taking place in the Beast
domain through the apparitions of Mary are around the world. Theyve been going on for many
years but theyre increasing and how many are occurring and how many different areas they
are occurring at.
In this study were going to look at the spirit that we believe is guiding the False Prophet
which we understand to be apostate Protestantism in the United States, but also Protestantism
in the world at large, but primarily located here in Protestant United States as far as its starting
point and were suggesting that that spirit is the charismatic movement. We will look at a
couple aspects of that.
Now, youll notice that this warning in Revelation 16, about the Dragon the Beast and
the False Prophet leading the world to Armageddon. Its certainly underlined with the theme of
the close of probation, being sandwiched in between the testimony of the plagues which take
place after human probation closes. And this study is nothing more than a follow up to the
study of Daniel 11:40-45, a series that we do entitled, Final Rise and Fall of the King of the
North. One of the most important understandings from that study is that probation is about to
We believe that part of the warning message that is designed by God to awaken His
people at the end is this truth that probation is about to close, that Christ is about to finish His
work in the Most Holy place. And He designed this truth to be understood by His people, not as
a scare tactic, but as a reality check, to emphasize the seriousness of the message that we
were raised up to proclaim, Is really coming in line now, time is running out and those of us that
are going to be among those that give this final warning message have to take seriously every
piece of information that the Lord has revealed to us and put it into our experience through the
power of the Holy Spirit.
We believe at Future for America, that the final work that well be allowed to do will be
medical missionary work. We believe its the entering wedge in these final hours and so we
dont want to down play medical missionary work in any way but in order to contrast the
message that were emphasizing here with nearness of the close of probation and end time
events, with the medical missionary works, were going to read a passage where Sister White
does mention both of these thoughts, just to emphasize that the focus of our study is on track.
Manuscript Releases. vol. 14. 161-164:
"Satan will work the miracles to deceive those who dwell upon the earth. Spiritualism
will do its work by causing the dead to be personated.
[and one of those deads thats going to personated, we believe is Mary. Mary is
certainly being personated around the world and this is nothing more than a manifestation of
spiritualism that is guiding the Catholic adherents to their conclusion at end time events. And
we would suggest that if this White Buffalo phenomenon ultimately turns back into the White
Buffalo Lady, that once again well have a manifestation of a demon presenting himself as
some kind of spiritual guide.] Continuing:
Spiritualism will do its work by causing the dead to be personated. Those religious
bodies who refuse to hear God's messages of warning will be under strong deception, and will
unite with the civil power to persecute the saints.
Now were suggesting here that the Protestants here in America will be the major
players initially in the Sunday Law test that will reject the truths that sustain the Sabbath of the
Lord and theyre going to be under strong delusion. Certainly the Sabbath test is going to purge
Adventism as well and in fact, Adventism, those who will not stand faithful at the Sunday Law
test, will in one sense be the first to come totally under this strong delusion, but the Spirit of
God is as we speak being withdrawn from the earth and there are many around us in
Adventism and in the fallen churches of Protestantism that no doubt have already, in the Lords
understanding crossed the line to where they are under deception, delusion and they are fully
willing to unite with the civil power to bring about the Sunday Law.
This is a process thats transpiring. So this is the context in this passage that Sister
Whites talking about, and as were looking at the spirit that comes out of the mouth of the false
prophet, the spiritual side of the False Prophet, we need to remember that its political side, the
democracy of the United States is where the Sunday Law issue will first be initiated and its
political movement and its spiritual movement are directly related and Sister White here is tying
these two together. Continuing:
Those religious bodies who refuse to hear God's messages of warning will be under
strong deception, and will unite with the civil power to persecute the saints. The Protestant
churches will unite with the papal power in persecuting the commandment-keeping people of
God. This is that power which constitutes the great system of persecution which will exercise
spiritual tyranny over the consciences of men. 'He had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as
a dragon: Though professing to be followers of the Lamb of God, men become imbued with the
spirit of the dragon. They profess to be meek and humble but they speak and legislate with the
spirit of Satan, showing by their actions that they are the opposite of what they profess to be.
This lamb-like power unites with the dragon in making war upon those who keep the
commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. And Satan unites with
Protestants and papists, acting in consort with them as the god of this world, dictating to men
as if they were the subjects of his kingdom, to be handled and governed and controlled as he
pleases. ...
"When the last decision has been made, when all have taken sides, either for Christ
and the commandments or for the great apostate. God will arise in His power, and the mouths
of those who have blasphemed against Him will be forever stopped. Every opposing power will
receive its punishment. "(Jeremiah 25:30-33, quoted}. "The foregoing thoughts are just a few
which I have written out in a crude way. It is not necessary for me to go into further particulars.
I know you will understand these things. The reason why I write thus is that others, who know
not what they are about, may come to their senses. The Lord has given each man his
appointed work. But the special work called medical missionary work is absorbing so much that
the greater and far more essential and important work of giving the message of warning to the
world has been hindered. This message is to be proclaimed at our camp meetings, and in a
most earnest and decided manner. The trumpet is to give a certain sound. And whenever the
truth has been proclaimed and people have been awakened and converted to the truth, they
are at once to unite in enterprises of charity. Wherever Bible truths have been presented, a
work of practical godliness is to be commenced. Wherever a church is established, true
missionary work is to be done for the helpless and suffering in that place." Manuscript
Releases. vol. 14. 161-164.
So brothers and sisters, Sister White, when speaking about the issues connected with
how Protestant America is fully going to disconnect from righteousness and through the
Satanic leading of the Dragon power and the Papal power, force the legislators to pass a
Sunday Law and begin to persecute Gods people, she says this is the message above the
other messages that are important in Adventism that is to be emphasized at our campmeetings
and at places where we go and speak.
Now I want to say again, were not trying to down-play medical missionary work, but we
are trying to emphasize that the truths that were discussing here are solemn and serious.
Some people have placed the three powers of Revelation 16 that lead the world to
Armageddon off in the future, and what were seeking to demonstrate here briefly is that these
spiritual influence from these three powers are already actively bringing a catalyst into their
own particular movements thats taking their people up to Armageddon as we speak.
Youll notice there that when she was speaking about how the Protestants of the United
States would unite with civil power, she says those who refuse to hear Gods message of
warning will be under strong delusion and one of the things that we want to emphasize here at
the beginning of our study of the False Prophet, is that anyone that would take the time to look
at the condition of Protestant America would realize that theyve already set themselves up for
strong delusion. Theyve developed a criteria for identifying prophecy or identifying the truth of
the Word of God that is no longer in agreement with the Word of God. And when you dont
have the Word of God as youre guide in spiritual matters, you are adrift without a compass and
they are already there.
One of the ways Id like to demonstrate this is by referring to part of a survey that was
done and recorded in The Christian Times. June 13,1996,. The survey was done by the Barma
research Group among professed born again Christians and the conclusions of these results
are frightening if you understand Biblical Truth the way Seventh-day Adventists understand it. If
you know that when Protestant America is about to bring about a Sunday Law, its because
they are under a delusion and a deception and you know that before that time they have to
have prepared themselves for that delusion and deception by turning away from the Word of
God. This survey is one piece of evidence that thats already taken piece.
A survey by the Barma Research Group found of professed born again Christians
brought forth some enlightening conclusions: 87% say their religious beliefs are very important
to them, yet 84% of them hold many non- Biblical views; [Now the criteria of what Non-Biblical
views were in this survey were not Adventist criteria, its just overall Protestant criteria, so their
non- Biblical views would no doubt be even higher. But the point is, we have almost 9 out of 10
of the Protestants of the United States saying, Its very important what my religion means to
me, but that same 9 out of ten hold false doctrine although they say its important not to.]
49% [half] believe the devil is not a real being but a symbol of evil; [brothers and sisters,
if youve read the final chapters of Great Controversy, you know that one of the things that
Satan exults in most is when he has people that believe hes just a symbol of evil and half the
Protestants in the United States believe that. They no longer recognize Satan as a living, active
evil being thats in controversy with God.]
39% believe that if a person is generally good or does enough good things in his life
they will go to heaven; [They have no concept of obedience or disobedience, its just whether
youre good and we know that when were phrasing those things in those terms as human
beings, whats good, is what I think is good. So there are no longer with any kind of conviction
thats coming from the word of God, saying to their soul that youre walking out of the will of the
Lord here.]
30% accept Jesus as a great teacher, but do not believe He came back to life; [brothers
and sisters 3 out of ten Protestants in the United States dont believe in the resurrection of
Jesus Christ. They are in for some large deceptions when they believe they are Christians and
take some of those most essential truths and cant bring them into their understanding.]
29% believe Jesus sinned while He lived among men; [brothers and sisters, it would
appear to me if they believe that that they just have not been studying the Bible and one of the
conclusions were trying to draw here is that Protestant America is no longer studying their
29% say there are some sins which God will not forgive; 26% do not believe they have
a responsibility to tell others of their beliefs; [I wonder if it isnt a higher percentage in
Adventism today that do not believe they have a responsibility to tell others about their beliefs.]
15% do not believe the Bible is totally accurate; [and if you dont believe the Bible is
totally accurate and you carry it to its logical conclusion, you certainly cant have faith in the
Word of God.
34% said they have read the Bible in the last week. The Christian Times. June 13,
1996,. [and the way you understand that statement, brothers and sisters, is 34% of Protestants
in the United States, said that within the last week they read the Bible and the other 66 %
havent read it in the last week. So 3 or 4 out of ten Protestant Christians in the United States
are reading their Bible on a weekly basis, not a daily basis and the other 66 % dont read their
Bible on a weekly basis and yet here we are at a time period when Satan is about to
accomplish the most miraculous deception of all time.
The reason that we started here with our study is that we want to look at the influence
that is guiding Protestant America and were suggesting that influence is the charismatic
movement and one branch of the charismatic movement that has been much in the news for
quite some years now that we want to look at rather closely is the Holy Laughter movement
which really began in earnest in Toronto, Canada.
Now the holy laughter movement, the founders of it, came from a movement in
Charismatic Christianity called the Vineyard movement, and please remember that term the
Vineyard Movement, because were going to tie something in with this later and as Sister
White said that the frogs symbolize the overspreading of the land; if you watched when the holy
laughter movement began in Toronto, it began to spread everywhere. Here is an article after
the fact where it had popped up in Australia, and it popped up in England and it began popping
up all over the world.
Now the Toronto Blessing where this holy laughter movement is taking place the
reason that it began to pop up all around the world is because people from all around the world
came to Toronto to have this experience for themselves and then they took it back to their local
place were they live. Brothers and sisters, Toronto, Canada is a big city, but the number one
tourist attraction in Toronto is the Toronto Blessing. People coming from all over the world to
attend these religious services where holy laughter takes place.
We want to look at this book; its an analysis of the holy laughter movement written by
James A. Beverly, who is a theologian from a Christian University in Canada, Professor
Beverly is one of Canadas leading scholars of contemporary religion. This provocative study of
the Vineyard Movement offers a tough but redemptive analysis of the promise and perils of
Charismatic Christianity. This report is the place to start for careful investigation of holy
laughter and the Toronto blessing. James A Beverly is professor of theology and ethics at
Ontario Theological seminary in Toronto, Canada, he has specialized for twenty years in the
study of modern religious movements.
So this man is in the protestant world a recognized leader in religious movements and
he wrote this book because he wanted to do a study on what was taking place in the Toronto
Blessing. And he was not a follower of the Vineyard movement or the Toronto Blessing, this is
supposed to be a report to come to a conclusion about whether or not this movement is of God.
In a passage of the book, pg. 68-69, is where he describes the phenomenon that takes
place during the holy laughter movement and we want to read this to you so that youll
understand what were talking about in this charismatic experience. This is not simply the loud
music, and the speaking in tongues, and the collapsing on the floor; its more.
Well just take some snippets from these pages as this expert was anylizing this
manifestation that has been sweeping the world:
" At a typical evening rally. during ministry time you can expect to see a large number in
the crowd 'slain in the Spirit. People simply falling backwards. ... "Some people dance at this
point during the worship. ...
"Occasionally, one or two people will run during the service, these are sometimes called
'Jesus laps.'
"Weeping is also common. ... "One of the more controversial signs is Holy Laughter.
People laugh during various parts of the worship, and this powerful experience of laughter can
sweep the entire crowd, even during preaching time. Several times the preaching has been
stopped or cut short because of the pervasiveness of the laughter. ...
"Other manifestations have caused even greater bewilderment. For, example, many
people in worship engage in high-speed shaking of their hands, arms, or head. Others make
various chopping and swinging motions.
"Still others have roared like lions or barked like dogs. I have personally heard both in
various meetings. I also heard one man making noises like a cow. Others have reported people
oinking like pigs and crowing like roosters. ...
"Frequent examples are also cited of people drunk in the Spirit. At several Airport
meetings in January 1995, people gathered to watch a man from Liverpool who was said to be
'drunk as a skunk." Holy Laughter and the Toronto Blessing, James A. Beverly. 68-69.
Now, brothers and sisters, the deacons in the Toronto Blessing church, part of their
responsibility is to give people who have become drunk in the Lord, rides home, because
theyre really drunk, and theres one passage in here where a lady left there and she was drunk
for a couple days, so drunk that when she was supposed to be preparing and serving a meal
for her people that were coming over, she could not walk, she just couldnt do it.
Its such an emotional experience; its overwhelming you physically have not control of
yourself. The leader of this revival is Rodney Howard-Browne, called the Holy Ghost Bartender.
Refer to Book.
The conclusion of this study is whats frightening and theres a few little passages from
this book that we want to pull out from this Christian expert that analyzed this movement and
youve seen what we just read is a brief analysis of what goes on during this religious
experience and hes there investigating it and hes going there to decide whether you can put
the seal of approval on this or not, and heres some of the things that he points out along his
way to come to his conclusion, which well look at in a minute. This is from pg. 136:
Theres a significant difference in the concept of a modern day Christian Prophet from
the concept of an Old Testament Prophet. It is widely assumed by those who believe prophecy
still occurs, that such prophets can make mistakes, even false prophecies. In other words, a
Christian prophet can make errors just like someone who has the gift of teaching, like a good
preacher who has a bad day in the pulpit, of like someone with the gifts of discernment who
makes an unwise judgment. In other words, the gift of prophecy today, does not seem to
demand inerrancy in prediction.
Some writers even contend that New Testament prophets make mistakes in prophetic
speculation, this perspective, of course, must not be reduced to absurdity. Advocates of
modern day prophecy admit that a high rate of false prophecies suggest that someone may
have missed his or her calling, likewise all Christian prophets nave to be rooted in obedience to
Jesus Christ as their share in the gift of prophecy.
What we want to emphasize here is this expert on religious movements in the
Protestant world, is professing that a Biblical prophet doesnt have to be correct all the time.
You see, brothers and sisters, like our survey says, Protestant Christians are no longer
studying the Word of God and theyve got to the point where they dont have the protection of
demanding that someone that theyre going to receive information from, in a prophetic sense,
has to be 100% correct and 100% in agreement with the Bible.
What were saying here is when Sister White says those religious bodies that will unite
with the Papacy in bringing about a Sunday Law will be under strong delusion, when Protestant
America has reach a point where they can say a prophet, a modern day prophet, doesnt have
to be correct all the time theyve reached a point where this delusion can take place.
Heres another point that he builds as hes heading towards his conclusion of the
Toronto blessing: Pg. 149:
I mentioned earlier that further probing the Toronto Blessing with regard to the Biblical
test is necessary. I also suggest that in any such analysis we should not claim that the
Vineyard in general is unbiblical, in evangelical Protestant circles one can hardly issue a
stronger judgment of group than to say they do not believe the Bible. Since the reformation a
consensus has emerged among evangelicals as to what constitutes the heart of Biblical faith.
A firm commitment to certain Biblical convictions brings fundamental unity with other
Christians. In the last several decades there is also recognition of common ground between
orthodox Catholics and evangelical Protestants on the core principles of Biblical revelation. The
association of Vineyard churches stand in solid agreement with other Christian groups on the
central and classic themes of Holy Scripture. Given this, whatever misuse, neglect or
misinterpretation of the Bible takes place out of the Toronto Blessing, should be raised in good
faith to Vineyard leaders and others. Similarly, Vineyard members and Toronto Blessing
participants have every right to speak about their concerns and criticisms in regard to failings
concerning scriptures that they observe in other denominational groups.
In other words, this gentleman is reaching the conclusion about whether the holy
laughter movement is of God or not, one of the criteria he puts together with a
misunderstanding of the requirements of a Biblical prophet, is that he will not hold up a pure
doctrinal test from the word of God. Hes accepting the ecumenical solution that there is certain
core beliefs that someone has to profess to, and if they do then even if they have a few things
that seem out of place to other Christians, its no reason to accuse them of being not Christians
and therefore no reason to accuse them of not being led by the Lord.
This is the kind of reasoning that this expert in the Protestant world is bringing to bear
as he analyzes the holy laughter movement. So as he gets to his conclusion whether or not the
holy laughter movement is of God, and like he said earlier, people making noises like cows, like
pigs, like roosters, doing Jesus laps, drunk in the lord. Hes reaching his conclusion, he says
I hope that the multitudes will continue to come to Toronto, for renewal. Pg. 156
He doesnt want to see this come to an end!
As much as Ive been critical of many aspects of holy laughter and the Toronto
blessing, I would be disappointed if the renewal meetings shut down. pg. 161.
Brothers and sisters, the surveys are telling us that Protestant America is no longer,
according to Adventist understanding, using the Word of God as their guide, therefore they are
prepared for a deception. And their authorities are looking at manifestations of a spirit that
obviously doesnt bear the credentials of the Divine and theyre accepting this position.
Let me read one more thing; pg. 162: Fundamentally, neither the Toronto Blessing, nor
the holy laughter revival should be understood as something a parallel in the work of God
today. Rather both realities are simply two ways among countless others that God uses to
manifest His gracious and creative salvitic work through Jesus Christ our only Saviour and
Lord. The notion that the holy laughter revival or the Toronto blessing represent something
unique, derives more from wishful thinking and an erroneous theology of the spirit that any
thing else. One can probably recognize every wonderful aspect of both movements without
giving in to the temptation of elitism and self absorption; something that manifests so often in
famous renewal movements.
He spent some time to go back over other charismatic so-called revivals that have
taken place in history and basically makes a defense that the holy laughter movement is just
another time when the Lord is seeking to bring about a revival in His work.
We have here a testimony from a Christian that was not charismatic, in the Florida area
that had an FM radio station. And the leader of this movement, this Rodney Howard Brown was
going to be interviewed on this radio station and this is a testimony of what took place in Jan
(1995) at this radio station when Randy Clark visited.
Now, in earlier presentations I want to remind you about how the statues of spiritualism
were drinking milk and how quickly this phenomenon swept the world and we need to keep all
of this study in the context of the final movements will be rapid ones. But in regard to the
charismatic movement and the influence that it has with Protestant America, we need to
recognize that the manifestations that take place within the charismatic movement can happen
just as quickly as in the movement of spiritualism.
And this particular testimony gives evidence to this. What Im reading is a statement by
this non-charismatic FM Christian radio station announcer and it will describe itself; but notice
how this experience that accompanies the holy laughter movement comes into this radio
Dear friend of Christian FM 92;
I had already put the finishing touches on my first letter of 1995. I really liked it. It was
full of optimism and inspirational resolutions for the New Year. It will never make it to the
printer. Instead I am compelled to offer you a testimony and witness as to a most remarkable
day. I pray that it will serve to encourage those who seek God and terrify those who oppose
January 6, 1995 began in a rather ordinary way. It was Friday and it has been a busy
week but I was looking forward to a slow day. As I was leaving the house I actually told my
wife, Theres not much on my calendar, I may try to take the afternoon off and come home
I had agreed to interview a pastor from St. Louis, Randy Clark, that morning. Randy
was the guest speaker at the tabernacle churchs renewal services nightly and since the Tab
is a good friend of FM 92 and many other area churches were participating in the meetings, we
had decided to clear a slot on the morning show for a brief interview.
My guest was one of the leaders of the so-called Toronto revival. I had read about the
Toronto meetings, but frankly, Ive heard a lot of revival rumors over the years and learned not
to pay much attention. Normally I dont do interviews myself but I was feeling cautious and let
the morning guys know Id be there.
The interview was innocent enough at first; the subject turned to a discussion of the
Holy Spirits manifest presence in a meeting as opposed to His presence that dwells within our
hearts always. Rather suddenly something began to happen in the control room. It began with
Greg; he was seated behind me listening and for shuddering sobs that he attempted to muffle
with his hand. It was hard to ignore and Randy paused in mid sentence to comment, You cant
really se him but God is really dealing with the fellow behind you right now.
I looked over my shoulder just in time to see Greg loosing control; he stood up only to
crash to the floor directly in front of the console, where he lay shaking for several minutes.
I dont know if you have ever tried to conduct a radio interview in such circumstances,
but let me assure you, I never have. I was mortified, we have always attempted to avoid any
extremes at FM 92, so it was difficult to explain to our listeners what was happening.
I had always known Greg to act like a professional, so I knew something was seriously
going on. I did my best to recover the interview under the embarrassing circumstances; I
thanked the guest and wrapped it up, and thought of ways to kill Greg later.
And when we had a guest minister in the station we ask him to pray for the staff. Before
Randy Clark left, we asked him to say a word of prayer. We formed a circle and began to pray
for the staff one by one. My eyes were shut but I heard a thud and opened them to see Bart
Mazzorella prostrate on the floor. He had fallen forward on his face. What amazed me was that
Bart was known to be openly skeptical. He simply did not accept such things.
Within seconds, another, and another staff person went down. Even those that
remained standing were clearly shaken. When they prayed for me, I did not fall down; what did
happen was an electric sensation shot down my right arm and my right hand began to tremble
uncontrollably. My heart pounded as I became aware of the powerful sense of what can only
be called Gods manifest presence. Remember, our staff is not primarily charismatic. We are
Episcopalian, Nazarene, Evangelical, Pentecostal and a couple of us not quite sure.
While personally associated with an Assembly of God church, I am quite skeptic when it
comes to weird stuff. I dont watch many evangelists on TV because too often Im turned off by
what I see. This was completely new to us. Randy was scheduled elsewhere so after just a few
minutes of prayer, he thanked me graciously and left quickly.
Our remained in the control room staring at each other wide-eyed and hovering over
Bart who still appeared unconscious on the floor. He was completely immobile for over half an
hour. There was a sweet atmosphere of worship in the room, so I told someone to put one of
those integrative worship CDs on the air while we continued to pray together.
I thought the atmosphere would abate after a few minutes and return to normal, but
instead our prayers grew more and more intense. The room became charged in a way I simply
cannot describe. After an hour of this we realized that it was ten thirty, the time we normally
share our listeners needs in prayers.
I switched on the mike and found myself praying that God would touch every listener in
a personal way. After prayer, with great hesitation I added, This morning God has really been
touching our staff so we have been spending the morning praying together. If you are in a
situation right now where youre facing a desperate need, just drop by our studios this morning
and well take a minute to pray with you.
This was the first time wed ever made such an invitation. This is where everything went
haywire. Within a few minutes a few listeners began to arrive. The first person I prayed with
was a tall man who shared with me some tremendous needs he was facing. I told him I would
agree with him in prayer.
As I prayed for his needs a voice in my head was saying, Its a shame you dont
operate in a real spiritual gift of power. Heres a man who really needs to here from God and
youve got nothing worth giving him. I continued to pray but I was struggling. I reached up with
my right hand and touched his shoulder when suddenly he shook and flumped to the floor. He
lay there without moving for over two hours. I was shacked and shaken.
Two others had arrived at this point, staff members were praying with them. Suddenly
they began weeping uncontrollably and slumped to the floor. The scene was repeated a dozen
times in the next few minutes.
It didnt matter who did the praying, whenever we asked of the Lord He immediately
responded with a visible power and the same manifestations occurred. I didnt know whether to
be terrified or thrilled but clearly something completely unusual was going on.
A young man cautiously entered the room and began to tell us he was just happening to
be scanning the radio dial when he heard something about prayer. He reported that he was
immediately overcome with conviction. Years before hed been contemplating going into the
ministry and hed attended a couple of years at a Christian college but he had since strayed
from God. As a chill of conviction swept him, he felt God suddenly telling him it was now or
never. He drove to the station. We prayed with him to receive Christ as Lord and afterward he
too slumped to the floor.
One by one they came; we continued to play praise-oriented music and every hour,
sometimes on the half hour, wed invite people to come. Fairly early in all this we ran out of
room. The radio station floor was wall-to-wall bodies; some weeping, some shaking, some
completely still. People reported that it was like a heavy lead apron had been places over them.
They were unable to get up all they could do was worship God.
Fortunately our office are inside the complex at Central Assembly, sp when the crowd
began to grow we moved across into the church leaving the radio station literally wall to wall
with seekers. Some teachers at __Christian school had heard what was happening and asked
to pray for certain children they had been bringing in the room. AS we prayed for the kids,
many began to shake and fall on the floor. Some would begin to utter praises to God, others
lay completely immobile for periods of over half an hour.
If youve ever tried to make a seven-year-old lay still, you know its a miracle. A few
simply experienced nothing at all. By now I was convinced that we were experiencing a bona
fide movement of God. I had read about such manifestations experiences being common in the
revival meetings of great men like Jonathan Edwards and John Wesley. Id also read of the
great campmeeting revivals of the early 1800s where thousands upon thousands experiences
being slain. But I never imagined that I would really live to see it.
The crowd continued to grow and lines began to form. The power of God continued to
fall on those coming. It was almost like being in a dream. I would look up and see our staff
members eyes red, face puffy, hands trembling with the fire in their eyes and the power of God
upon them. I couldnt believe it was the same people I knew and worked with. In a matter of
hours something we never ever dreamed of, much less aspired to, was happening
The floor in front of the sanctuary was soon covered with men and women, boys and
girls. The aisles began to fill as we were pushing aside chairs for more floor space. Usually one
of our staff would catch the person as he fell, but on quite a few occasions we were caught by
surprise and people fell hard on the floor. Frankly, we had no idea what we were doing. I am
not sure I wanted to learn.
At some point I looked up and saw a local Baptist pastor walk in the door. I must
confess that my first though was, oh boy, Im in trouble. I knew this brother to be a genuine
man of God, nevertheless I was concerned about how a fundamental, no nonsense Baptist
might take all these goings on. Besides, I didnt have any explanations to offer.
I walked up to greet him; he just silently surveyed the room and with a tone of voice just
above a whisper said, This is God. For years I have been praying for revival, This is God.
Within minutes more local pastors began to arrive, Lutheran, independent, Assembly of
God. Word of what was happening spread like wildfire. As the pastors arrived, they were
cautious at first, but within just minutes they would often begin to flow in the same ministry. The
crowd was growing and pastors began to lay hands on the seekers. Where once again the
power of God would manifest and the seeker would often collapse to the ground. It did not
seem to matter who did the praying. This was a nameless, faceless, spontaneous move of
God. There were no stars, no leaders and frankly, there was no organization. Its hard to plan
for something you have no idea what might happen.
Eventually, word of what was occurring reached Fred Grew, the Melbourne pastor who
had brought Randy Clark to the station earlier that morning. He and Randy along with several
other Melbourne pastors jumped in the car and headed down to Marel? beach. At this point we
started broadcasting live from the church. As the group from Melbourne arrived, more and
more people began to show up asking for prayer. It seemed like there were always more than
we could get to.
Amazingly unchurched, unsaved people were showing up. I got a fresh glimpse of the
power of radio as person after person told us. Im not really part of any church. A few were
skeptical at first and later found themselves kneeling in profound belief.
Sometimes people would rise up only to frantically announce to us that they had been
healed of some physical problem. One womans arthritic hands found relief. Neck pains, jaw
problems, stomach disorders, and more, were all reported to us as healed.
We had received at least a dozen verified, credible, reliable comments from people who
told us, that when they switched on the radio, they were suddenly, unexpectedly overwhelmed
by the presence of God even when they didnt hear us saying anything. Several told up that the
manifest presence of God was so strong in their cars that they were unable to drive and were
forced to go off the road.
This falling aspect of this manifestation was the most visible manifestation, but it was
not falling that was important. What was important was the fact that people were raising up with
more love for God in their hearts than ever before they were being changed. Ive lost count of
the numbers of people who told me of the change God worked in their lives.
Its hard to imagine the impact this had on our staff. It seems like God had almost given
me a new staff composed entirely of men and women with tremendous zeal for God. What is
occurring in our local churches is even more amazing. My phone is ringing with the calls of
excited pastors. At least a dozen area churches from completely different ends of the
theological spectrum are already experiencing this powerful movement in their church.
The leaders of many, many local fellowships have been visiting these churches to
check it out and they too are being touched to take it back with them. Its almost like a tidal
wave has hit this area of Florida.
If you are skeptical, I understand and forgive you. I might have thrown a letter like this
one away just a few days ago. I share this only to try and offer a faithful rendition of what really
has happened. I only ask that you remain open to whatever God wants to accomplish trough
Christian history is full of accounts of those times when God elected to visit His people.
When He has, entire nations have sometimes been affected. I believe you will agree. Our
nation is ripe for such a revival. For such a time as this, let us look to God with expectancy.
finally says the Moral Majority has accomplished its task, we see Pat Robertson raised up the
Christian Coalition, which began with 50,000 members, those people who were supporting Pat
Robertson in his bid for presidency. Their numbers have doubled every year since 1989. they
are the largest polling block in the United States today, the Republicans and Democrats do not
have representatives in every voting precinct in the United States, but the Christian Coalition
The Christian Coalition in 1994 took and put their people in Congress and totally changed the
makeup of Congress and in the 1996 election, they did not loose any seats, they gained more
seats. The anylists that watch Congress today tell us that if those that were put in office by the
Chirstian Coalition would unite with the Catholics that are in Congress, they can pass any law
that they want. So we can see the political side of the False Prophet is being solidified and at
the same time we see this spirit that comes out of the False Prophets mouth is accelerating in
its charismatic experience that is designed to bring about unity among the different
denominations of Christianity.
In our next presentation were going to look at what we would consider a third way, we see
Jerry Falwell kick off the attack, Pat Robertson takes up the attack next with the Christian
Coalition, and Im not suggesting that Pat Robertsons influence is waning, but today we see a
movement that we know as the Promise Keepers and were going to look at that a little bit in
the closing of this entire study in our next presentation.
There is one thing I want you to consider in the mean time, the founder of the Promise
Keepers, Bill McCartney, not only was he a Catholic, but he was converted from being a
Catholic into a particular movement in Protestant Christianity and this movement is known as
the Vineyard Movement and the Vineyard movement is the identical movement that the holy
laughter movement comes from. So there is a bind here that is worth recognizing and
considering the source.
Revelation 16 series- 6
By Jeff Pippenger
I have here a newspaper speaking about a recent meeting of Promise Keepers in
Washington DC. Men packed revival in DC. On the back page we see a picture of a mall at
Washington DC that is full of men that were attending this rally. Youll notice the subtitle here,
Reconciliation is theme of Washington Rally.
Perhaps the most ominous thing about the Promise Keepers being in the news as much
as they are; and they are in the news, magazine after magazine is covering whats going on
with Promise Keepers. The most ominous thing part about what theyre bringing to the
Christian world today isnt their call for Christian men to uphold their responsibility in the home
and the nation, its this call for unity, its this ecumenical emphasis that they have.
As we mentioned in our last section, Promise Keepers leader, Bill McCartney, although
hes a former Catholic, he left Catholicism to go into the Vineyard Movement, and one of the
main premises of the Vineyard movement is a call to tear down the walls of doctrines that
separate and divide the different Christian brethren and a call to come together on the
doctrines we agree upon in order to have unity and from this unity, God can use the Christian
church and this Christian force to work a change in America which is declining morally.
This book is entitled the 7 Promises of a Promise Keeper, this is their guide-book more
than any other book and it lists 7 things that Promise Keepers should seek to uphold as they
come together in this experience. We are going to look at a few things out of the promises that
are listed in here.
The promise that is the most concern for us is promise # 6; which says a man and his
brothers, a call to unity; this chapter was written by Bill McCartney. Were going to take some
snippets out of this book and see what Promise Keepers mean by unity because its not the
unity that is based upon the Bible, the unity is based on coming together on common points of
doctrine, the unity that Sister White said would be taking place in Protestant America just
before the Sunday Law.
Promise Keepers and ecumenism:
"The body of Christ comprises a wide diversity of members. There are many
denominations, various styles of worship, and representatives from all walks of life." Seven
Promises a Promise Keeper: 155.
The body of Christ is made up of many denominations, you know theres a passage in
the Spirit of Prophecy where Sister White says that we should repeat over and over again why
we are Gods denominated people. God has a denominated people that make up the body of
Christ but it does not consist of many denominations. From page 169:
"Why did Promise Keepers select 'racial and denominational barriers' when it focused
on Christian unity? The primary reason is our sense that the Lord led us to embrace this truth.
We must be obedient.
" Alone we can't change much; you can't, either, But together, with a million brotherscommitted Promise Keepers, we can influence a nation. We can demonstrate that what history,
the political process, and the legal system could not do, faith, obedience, repentance and unity
in Jesus can change." Ibid. 169.
Now brothers and sisters, the motivation according to Bill McCartney for attempting to
bring men together in this fashion was that United States was in moral decline and it was
threatening this nation, the world and families and our Christian heritage, so the purpose was
to try and seek some solution to stop this moral decline. And at the recent gathering in
Washington DC, much of the statements that came out of Promise Keepers organization had to
do with emphasizing that they had no political intentions, this was strictly a spiritual gathering
but here in the book that was written long before that gathering in Washington, its very clear:
Alone we can't change much; you can't, either, But together, with a million brothers-committed
Promise Keepers, we can influence a nation. So do not believe the PR that theyre putting out.
They have an agenda to return the United States to some so-called moral position that it
formerly was in and even that is open for discussion whether thats a true premise to even seek
to accomplish, but they are intending to do it by using a political force that is very common in
the United States today, its getting your political voting block together as Christian Coalition
has done and then put pressure on.
If you want to put pressure on, the place to put pressure on, as far as your numbers, is
Washington DC, Where they were in October with a million men. And brothers and sisters,
Senators and congressmen were out there rubbing shoulders with them, and making speeches
with them, because the senators and congressmen, whether they are Republican or Democrat
they all have one thing in common, they want the votes, so theyll be out there rubbing
shoulders with them.
Still just pulling examples out of this book about what theyre calling unity, it says this:
"Okay, then, what can we do? If we're convinced that God desires unity among all
believers, each of us needs to reach out to brothers who are of different denominational and
ethnic backgrounds." Ibid. 170.
A quick reading of that is OK, theres nothing wrong with reaching out to anybody, and
sharing present truth with them but this is not the underlying intent of Promise Keepers, its to
come together irregardless of differences.
Now in the opening chapters of this book, each chapter was written by a different leader
in Promise Keepers in this particular book. Randy Philips, whos the president of Promise
keepers, he asked a Question that hes going to follow up with his chapter. I threw this in here,
because as we looked in our last study, the pastor there at Brownsville revival in Florida and
the expert Protestant theologian that did a research on holy laughter, both of these sources
cite that they believe that United States and Protestant Christianity is on the verge of a revival.
So when this Randy Phillips in this book puts as a subtitle in his chapter, Why Now? what hes
asking is, why now should Promise Keepers come together, what is the reason for it? and well
look at his answer.
In the opening chapter in a passage subtitled, Why Now? After citing the phenomenal
growth of Promise Keeper meetings Randy Phillips answers his question; "Why now? Why
would men sacrifice the time and effort? Why were so many willing to make such profound
commitments to change? What had shifted so much that now men were open to Jesus? After
prayerful consideration, I could reach only one inescapable conclusion: We are on the
threshold of a spiritual awakening." Ibid. 3.
Brothers and sisters, Protestant America, as our survey pointed out, is no longer using
the Bible as their guide of life, and Sister White points out that those who will not receive the
truth for this time are going to be brought under strong delusion. Protestant America wont
receive the truth thats contained in the three angels messages that Adventism has been
presenting for 150 years, but theyre at the point now where theyve rejected that final warning
message to the world, to where they are barely looking at their Bible on a weekly basis.
Theyre willing to accept as modern Christian prophet, someone who makes errors in
their prophecy; theyre willing to accept as a manifestation of the Holy Spirit people being drunk
in the lord and oinking like pigs; and one of the reasons that they are willing to accept this is
because they all sense that they are on the verge of a spiritual revival and who without any
foundation in the Word of God wants to be the one who opposes the work of God that youre
sensing is on the way?
So brothers and sisters, this strong delusion that we have understood is to take place in
the United States during the Sunday Law crisis, Satan has done masterfully his work of
preparation to get it ready.
Speaking about this threshold of spiritual awakening this Randy Philips says this:
In describing the spiritual commitment necessary to fulfill this awakening this coming
together "based on what they have in common," Ibid.. 6, is set forth:
"Based on what they have in common," is a quote of his words the previous promise is
a paraphrase but that had to be thrown in there because that is like taken right out of the Great
Controversy, brothers and sisters. The Protestants and the Catholics of America are to come
together on the points of faith that they hold in common. This is what Promise Keepers is
suggesting that they need to do in different denominations of the world in order to accomplish
this spiritual awakening.
But never forget that this spiritual awakening that they are sensing they are on the
verge of, is in agreement and accompanying this force that they expect to bring to bear
politically to turn this country around. Now here the level of setting aside the differences of
doctrine that they have between the different denominations listed, and this is just a paragraph
that tries to describe how you worship this way and you that way and its all OK. And this is a
very interesting point of worship, this is from pg, 19: In this paragraph its saying, heres one
thing we need to do, we need to redeem the worship that centers on the Lords table.
"Redeeming worship centers on the Lord's Table. Whether your tradition celebrates it
as Communion, Eucharist, the Mass, or the Lord's Supper, we are called to this center piece of
Christian worship." Ibid. 19. 24
Brothers and sisters, they are willing to say that communion is just another expression
of the Eucharist. Sister White informs us that the largest reason that those that were slain by
the Catholic Church during the Dark Ages were slain is for their refusal to accept the
blasphemous position of the Eucharist. The Protestant today in the United States have
forgotten what Protestant means; to PROTEST Rome! And theyre willing to take what during
the Dark Ages was the most blasphemous position of the Papacy and say that its just another
expression of the communion or the Lords Table or Mass.
Brothers and sisters, we are living in very serious and very solemn times. In the next
year and a half, Promise Keepers has 38 major gatherings scheduled all across this country. It
isnt subsiding, its growing, its developing branches for the ladies that are involved to come
together and its too close to what has been described in the Spirit of Prophecy that would take
place before the Sunday Law to set aside as just a new curiosity in the Protestant world.
1st the moral Majority arises in the Reagan years while this secret alliance is formed
with the Vatican; as soon as that wave subsides the Christian Coalition gets under way, the
Christian Coalition brings its force to bear on the United States and its still there and as its
reaching a crescendo we see this new movement of Promise Keepers arise and out of Promise
Keepers we can trace its very inception back to Bill McCartney, hes the founder of it; and his
reference point for his Christian experience to promote promise keepers comes out of the
Vineyard Movement and the Vineyard Movement is the same spiritual reference point that we
get the Holy Laughter movement that is spreading like frogs around the world today.
What were suggesting to you in this study is that in Revelation 16 the Beast the Dragon
and the False Prophet that are leading the world to Armageddon that its taking place and that
the books of Daniel and Revelation go together and that when we in a previous study, which if
you havent read, that you will avail yourself of, when we look at Daniel 11:40-45, we see a
story that begins in verse 40 between the King of the South, the King of the North and
ultimately a third character comes in as symbolized in chariots, ships and horsemen, which we
identify as the United States.
And we see in these 3 symbolic powers in verse 40, none other than the Beast, the
Dragon and the false Prophet of Revelation 16, only we are seeing their political aspect. Were
seeing the story of how these three powers struggle politically to lead the world not in Daniel 11
to Armageddon but in Daniel 11, these three powers lead the world to a geographical position
of between the seas and the glorious holy mountain which is geographic area that Bible
commentators will tell you is the valley of Jezreal with the same implications, the same
geographical connotations as Armageddon.
Daniel 11:40-45 is nothing more than Daniels piece of information about how these
three powers strive against one another beginning in the 1798 time period and ultimately lead
the world to the point where there are just two classes; those that serve the Lord and those that
And Revelation 16 is telling that same story, same three powers, only their spiritual side
leading the world to Armageddon and we have suggested in the previous study of Daniel 11,
that when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1989, that this was the wakeup call for Seventh-day
Adventists, that these final rapid movements had begun.
And the next thing to take place in these sequence of verses is a Sunday Law in the
United States. And were saying that Daniel and Revelation go together and brothers and
sisters, its easy to show that the spirit that comes out of the Dragon, the Beast and the false
Prophet; the miracles of the New Age movement being the spirit of the Dragon; the miracles
and prophecies of Mary and apparitions of Mary being the spirit of the Beast of Catholicism and
the miracles and manifestations that are going on in the Charismatic movement in Protestant
America; theyre underway.
Now theyre all underway today and what were suggesting in our study of Daniel 11:4045 is that when we see the collapse of the Soviet Union in verse 40 and understand that verse
41 is the next thing to happen and verse 41 is the Sunday Law in the United States. That it is
this piece of information out of the prophecy that was designed by God to begin to bring Gods
people into this final revival experience because if you and I, brothers and sisters, truly and
honestly believe the Sunday Law is imminent in the United States and we remember that Sister
White says the movements for Sunday legislation are going on in darkness.
We may not see the Sunday Law being argued in the senate and the house of
representatives today but prophetically by faith we know that that movement is alive and well
and its moving forward and we can see legal precedence being set in the judicial high court of
the United States and we can see laws being written by these Christian Coalition congressmen
that are designed to overturn rulings that every one knows is going to bring the breach in the
wall of separation of church and state. We can see all these other events if we truly believe that
these indicators are in agreement with prophecy then that kind of information brings the final
revival and is in agreement with how Sister White says the final revival would come.
She says that when the books of Daniel and Revelation are better understood among
us that therell be seen a great revival. One of the strengths of this presentation of Daniel 11 is
that it agrees with Revelation where Sister White says Daniel and Revelation are one book,
they compliment one another, they bring each other to perfection.
So as we see the spirit of the false prophet the spiritual side of apostate Protestantism,
today is wrapped up in a revival, which is obviously not consistent with the fruit of the Holy
Spirit. Its just beyond the ability to be a movement that is of God. And we see Protestant
America totally prepared to receive this, and we see how quickly its happening, and how its
also playing into the push for ecumenism, then we need to go back to the Great Controversy
464 and factor in that if the books of Daniel and Revelation go together; and if these three
powers of Revelation 16 are nothing more than the same three powers that are in Daniel 11:40;
only one political view, one spiritual view, but these books go together, but what Daniel 11 tells
us is that the Sunday Law is immanent.
Then if we are seeing these spirits in Revelation 16 leading the world to Armageddon
then that means this final revival that comes to Gods people during the Sunday Law crisis
must be just about here.
And then lets look at this statement from Great Controversy 464:
"Notwithstanding the widespread declension of faith and piety, there are true followers
of Christ in these churches. [the fallen churches] Before the final visitation of God's Judgments
upon the earth there will be among the people of the Lord such a revival of primitive godliness
as has not been witnessed since apostolic times. [Sister White says thats our greatest need,
this revival of primitive Godliness. And she says that when we understand the books of Daniel
and Revelation there will be seen this revival.]
The Spirit and power of God will be poured out upon His children. At that time many
will separate themselves from those churches in which the love of this world has supplanted
love for God and His word. Many, both of ministers and people, will gladly accept those great
truths which God caused to be proclaimed at this time to prepare a people for the Lord's
second coming.
The enemy of souls desires to hinder this work; and before the time for such a
movement shall come, he will endeavor to prevent it by introducing a counterfeit. In those
churches which he can bring under his deceptive power he will make it appear that God's
special ~~ blessing is poured out; there will be manifest what Is thought to be great ~ religious
interest. Multitudes will exult that God is working marvelously for them, when the work is that of
another spirit. Under a religious guise, Satan will seek to extend his influence over the Christian
world." The Great Controversy, 464.
Brothers and sisters, Daniel 11 tells the story of these three powers leading the world to
a position between the seas and the Glorious Holy Mountain where the worlds divided into two
classes. Revelation 16 talks about these three powers leading the world to Armageddon. The
spirit that comes out of the mouth of the false prophet is the charismatic movement which today
the people in the Protestant world will tell you its bringing a revival, a great religious awakening
to Protestant America.
But they cant tell whether it is or isnt because they are no longer studying the word of
God. But we can. And when we see this false, counterfeit religious revival taking place in this
time period of earths history, what it tells us is the true revival is immanent because this is
Satans attempt to destroy the true revival. But it is going to come, the promise is that it will
come, were right on the verge of it.
So in this sense the testimony of Revelation 16 is in total agreement with the testimony
of Daniel 11, brothers and sisters, in the setting of the close of probation, right there in the
midst of the testimony of the seven last plagues is a warning that during the time period that we
can see the spirits of these three powers doing there work of leading their followers to
Armageddon, we need to have the garments of Christs righteousness on! Were in a time
period when we cannot afford to be in any other condition as a Christian. Were living in too
dangerous of a time.
We spent some time at the beginning of this study considering the political side of the
Dragon. This is probably the most misunderstood of these three powers in Adventism in my
mind. Some people we talked about the book tragedy and hope, written by a Jesuit college
professor that had access to the mystery religion One World Illuminati group of individuals that
have been seeking to bring about a One World Government. He had access tot their secret
files and this book is nothing more than a description of how he believes and they plan to bring
in a One World Government by the year 2,000. {editors note- here again we see evidence that
the 4 angels have been holding back the plans of men,}
The tragedy and Hope title meaning tragedy for those that resist the system; theyre
going to meet with a tragedy according to this author because theyre going to have to be
eliminated and yet he believes this One World Government is the hope of the world. Thats
where the title comes from. This Carol Quigley that wrote this book is a man that Bill Clinton
praises as the one that taught him his worldview of how the world is to be set up.
We know that many people in Adventism and outside Adventism do not believe in these
conspiracy stories and we recommended a magazine produced by the John Birch society and
were not endorsing the John Birch society, were simply suggesting that much of their
information is sound and this particular magazine is one of the most concise overviews of this
history connected with the One World movement that Ive found and you can get this through
us. And were saying that the evidence is available to demonstrate that the political aspect of
the Dragon, being socialism is still active. Its attempting to bring about a One World
We would also recommend you look at our presentation of Revelation 17 because we
believe that the ten kings that are illustrated in Revelation 17 as ruling the earth for one hour
with the Beast, are nothing more than Johns symbolizing this confederacy that takes place at
the end of the world. The United Nations has the world divided up into ten districts that its
going to be ruled from. And this story of the Dragons effort to bring about a One World
Government in connection with apostate Protestantism and the Beast.
Apostate Protestantisms story we find in Revelation 13; the United States is going to b
the power that forces the whole world to worship the Beast of Catholicism but its also going to
be the power that tells the world that they should set up an image of the beast. Definition of the
image of the Beast meaning, when secular power is used to enforce religious dogma or sustain
religious institutions.
So if the world is going to be forced by the United States to set up an image of the
beast, according to the definition in the Spirit of Prophecy, what the image of the Beast is, that
it means that the whole world will have to have a secular power that has the ability to force the
whole world to worship this religious dogma of the Beast. In other words, its going to have to
have a One World Government set up.
In Revelation 13:15 it says that United States will have the power to make this world
image of the beast speak; Sister White says the speaking of an nation is the action of its
legislative and judicial branches, so this world image of the Beast, obviously, according to the
symbols given in the Spirit of Prophecy and the Bible, is going to at least be made up of a
judicial and legislative branch and certainly the united nations has a judicial world court and a
legislative branch.
But it is not structured like United States, a democracy, nor is it a monarchy like
Catholicism, the United Nations if you care to look closely at its guidelines and its structure and
constitution is a socialistic set up. This is the politics of the dragon and we talk throughout our
presentations about Malachi Martin identifying the same three powers, the Dragon, the beast,
and the false prophet that we see as the King of the South, the King of the North and the
chariots, ships and horsemen of Daniel 11 vintage. Hes talking about a race between the
Soviet Union, socialism, the dragon; United States, apostate Protestantism, the false prophet;
and Catholicism, the Beast; as a race that theyre having is whos going to control the world
through a One World government by the year 2000, theres information out there that
demonstrates that this race is under way, the same three power that the Books of Daniel and
Revelation identify are the three powers that are striving to make this happen today.
All these things are coming together, and in bringing this presentation to conclusion I
want to read something out of a book that was just recently released its called the City on a
Hill by Michael Reagan, this is Ronald Reagans son. This book was released in 1997 and the
structure of this book is Michael Reagan, Ronald Reagans sons defence for the plans of the
political belief structure of Ronald Reagan, Hes making a defence for it and saying that the
things Ronald Reagan believed in and promoted while he was president are the things that are
going to still work for the United States is they would return to the Reagan years.
And how he structures literarily his book, is he will take little passages from speeches
by Ronald Reagan to introduce the theme in the chapter or an entire chapter, hell quote a little
bit of a Ronald Reagan speech and then hell comment about it. Michael Reagan is the number
1 nighttime radio talk show host in the United States. Hes well known as a political analyst,
hes a conservative, but hes also well known as mainstream. People are not going to throw
criticism his way like they would John Birch Society criticism, where John Birch society being
so right wing that its taking these conspiracy theories about the New World Order and
fabricating them and has some kind of ulterior motive. Michael Reagan is not going to get that
kind of criticism. Hell be criticized as a conservative republican certainly but hes not anyone
who is on the fringes. Hes not a Jesuit theologian as is Malachi Martin, who wrote Keys of this
Blood. Hes not going to take that kind of criticism.
But he makes in one chapter here a very nice presentation of the truth about the intent
of the United Nations and as we bring our study or Revelation to a close on how these three
powers are leading the world to Armageddon. The Dragon power in my mind is the most
misunderstood of these different prophetic entities and were not looking here at the spirit of the
Dragon, which is primarily identifies in Revelation 15, but we want to emphasize that there is a
political aspect to the Dragon power, Its type of government is socialistic and that its designs
are that by the end of this millennium to have a One World government in place in witch it
intends to bring an era of peace to the world.
Its intentions may be good, but its a legitimate, verifiable truth of history that this long
term planning that went on to accomplish this went on for a few hundred years. And that the
people involved at the top level of their involvement, they have specific agenda which they are
bringing to pass.
And we want to close with this chapter out of this book City on a Hill by Michael
Reagan, and the chapter is called Shining City or Global Neighbourhood. Then hes going to
read a couple quotes from Ronald Reagan.
Our own sovereignty is not for sale. Ronald Reagan; 1st inaugural address, Jan. 20,
It was the leadership here at home that gave us strong American influence abroad and
the collapse of imperial communism. Great nations have responsibilities to lead and we should
always be cautious of those who would lower our profile. Because they might just wind up
lowering our flag Ronald Reagan, speech before Republican National committee Feb. 3rd
Michael Reagan continues- The brightest symbol of hope for the world is found in New
York City, no not that glass walled, slab-shaped building on the East River; its the lady with the
torch in New York harbour. America not the UN is the shining city on a hill. We need to be
reminded of Ronald Reagans words when he rededicated the Statue of Liberty in 1986.
Call it mysticism if you will, but Ive always believed there was some great Divine
providence that placed this great land here between two great oceans to be found by a special
kind of people from every corner of the world with a special love for freedom and a special
courage that enabled them to leave their own land, leave their friends and their countrymen
and come to this new and strange land to build a new world of peace, Freedom and hope.
(Ronald Reagan)
Michael Reagan continues: Americas mission in the world is to point the way to peace
and freedom and hope. The blessings of liberty are the birthright of all people all around the
world. This is why Abraham Lincoln called this great land the last best hope of man on earth.
Here in this country we have been called to show the world what freedom means, what
freedom costs and what freedom accomplishes in the world.
America is industrious brilliant and prosperous because she is free. Yes the UN and
international cooperation and multi-national peace keeping forces do have a place in the world,
but we should never view the UN as a super government to which America owes allegiance.
America is a sovereign nation and Americans are a sovereign people. While we care
about the world, we should not be the caretakers of the world. We must not submit our
sovereignty to the UN nor should we isolate ourselves from the rest of the world. We must lead
the world; that is our mission as citizens of this city on a hill.
The Clintonesetas dont see America as a shining city. The vision of Bill Clinton ans his
team of globalists is not to magnify the light of Americas freedom but to magnify the power pf
what they call the World body, the United Nations.
The organization that was chartered in 1945 as a co-operative family of nations is on its
way to becoming a super government. The Clinton vision of the New World Order was spelt out
by Strobe Talbot, Clintons Oxford roommate and deputy secretary of state in a magazine piece
he wrote shortly before Clinton was elected.
In birth of the global nation time-July 20, 1992, Talbot predicted, Nationhood as we
know it will be obsolete. All states will recognize a single global authority. Citizens of the world
will have assumed real meaning.
And its understandable that the idealists of the left would romanticize this idea of a
borderless world. After all, if there were no nations, thered be no need for nukes. Maybe this
utopian deal is one reason the left is so stubbornly opposed to what is obviously a good idea,
FBI. A star wars missile defence is designed to preserve national sovereignty and security. If
we render Nukes obsolete with FBI technology, we dilute the urgency to unite the world under
a single socialist government.
From ??, to Bill Clinton, todays opinion leaders scorn conspiracy kooks who worry
about globalism. They lump all discussion of the one world government in the same category
with black helicopters, the illuminatti, Elvis sightings and UFOs hiding in the tail of the hale-bot
But the fact is, right here in the real world, the United Nations commission on global
governance has completed a three year study, with plans to implement global government by
the year 2000. You wont read about it in your newspaper or hear about it on CNN, but you can
read the entire plan for yourself in a 410 page UN report Our Global Neighbourhood,
published by Oxford University, or you can download the entire document from the Global
Governance website at http://www.cgg.ch/fulltext.htm [weve looked there brothers and sisters,
and it is there now in 2002]
Continuing- It begins with a disclaimer that the UN global governance plan does not
imply world government or world federalism, but the rest of the book is a blueprint for exactly
that, a One World Government build around a global civic ethic based on a set of core values
that can unite people of all cultural, political, religious or philosophical backgrounds.
Believe it! The New World Order is going to be in your face before you know it! the
following is how the One Worldists plan to do it. They will impose socialism and equality of
outcome on an entire planet through global trade and economic policy.
GAP is the first step in that direction. The plans are being drawn for the creation of a
UN economic security council that would centralize all international finance, industry and trade
policy under one global authority. Existing agencies such as the world bank, the world trade
organization and the international monetary fund would function under the auspices of the
Economic Security Council consisting of 23 individuals chosen from around the world.
The globalists will impose global taxation to fund the UN [this is starting now-2002] and
redistribute wealth on a global scale. Global tax schemes range from individual income taxes
on the entire world population, to taxes on all the international financial transactions which is
projected to produce 1.5 trillion annually, about 150 times the currant UN budget.
America was founded as a revolt against taxation without representation. The day an
American president and an American congress and American people submit to global control
and global taxation, America is history, sianara, out of here, gone!
summit was that beloved humanitarian, Fidele Castro who spoke glowingly of the need for
more government imposed birth control.
The food summit hypes a crisis where no crisis exists. The world is not getting hungrier
every day. While the world population has doubled since 1960, the percentage of those without
enough to eat has dropped from 35% to 20%. Food has become about 40% cheaper in real
adjusted for inflation terms throughout the world. Dooms-dayers say the world is running out of
room and resources, the truth is that the entire population of the planet could be comfortably
housed within the borders of the State of Texas, placing only 8 people to an acre and each
family could sustain and feed itself by devoting as little as 20% of its space to raising food with
artificial light and hydroponics, the raising of food in nutrient enriched water.
Thanks to rapid advances in agricultural technology, food can be produced more
abundantly and efficiently today than ever before, but the UNs world food summit would put a
stop to that. The solution of world hunger is not centralized control of food production or
elimination of pesticides. Nor is the solution to abort more of the worlds children. The solution is
freedom! Nicholas Everstott of the American Enterprise Institute put it this way, Political
freedom is the enemy of famine and economic liberty is the foe of hunger. He points to Viet
Nam as proof of the value of freedom in feeding people:
For years after the Viet Nam war the collective state controlled farms and communist
Viet Nam could not produce enough rice to feed the people of the country. In 1986 the
government conducted an economic experiment. Breaking up collectives and giving people
their own land to farm while allowing food prices to find their own level.
Three years later, Viet Nam had become the third largest exporter of rice in the world.
The power of freedom. If you want to see the world get rid of government price controls, import
quotas and subsidies, feed the world with freedom.
The UN also plans to strip America of its world leadership position. In the UNs global
neighbourhood, veto power and permanent status would be striped from the five permanent
nations of the US security council, China, France, Great Britain, Russia and the United States.
This would dilute if not abolish the leadership role of America. Also the Economic security
counsel would collect the wealth produced by the citizens of developed nations and redistribute it to developing societies.
The Clinton administration is helping to sponsor the 1998 world conference on global
governance and can be expected to campaign hard to elect liberal democrats to congress in
1998 so that the UN global governance treaties and agreements can be more easily ratified.
The world needs the illumination and moral leadership of the shining city on a hill, but
there are those in many Nations and with our own government who want to place a shroud
over the city and hide its light its light from the world. Shut up and pay up, is the message of
global beurocracy to the shining city.
The United Nations doesnt want our influence, just our affluence. From former US
secretary general Butrose Butrose Gowly? To new secretary Kaffe Anon?; from Bill Clinton to
??, we have been hearing about the US debt of 1.4 billion to the United Nations, some in UN
beurocracy have been floating plans to cut off our UN voting rights, slap us with late charges
and ban citizens from holding UN jobs if the congress doesnt cough up. But the fact is, the US
doesnt owe the UN a dime. Instead the UN owes the American taxpayers big-time!
Our globalist president, Bill Clinton is trying to shame his own country, calling America
the biggest piker in the UN. But the US has always been more than generous with the bloated,
wasteful, anti-American world beurocracy. Our normal UN assessments, our 25% of the
operating budget and 31% of peace keeping costs. The next largest contributor is Japan, with
an assessment of 14% of the budget. Only Russia, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy,
Spain and Canada contribute more than 2%. But on top of our normal assessment, the US
provided some 6.6 billion in logistical and other support to the UN from 1990 to 1995.
Of that money the global bean counters on the east river credited 1.8 billion against
their so-called debt. Of the remaining 4.8 billion the UN reimbursed up for less than 80 million.
Those are general accounting office figures, so we should not write a check for 1,4 billion to the
UN, we should deduct that amount from the 4.8 billion credit the UN now owes, then submit an
invoice for 3.4 billion.
Who has been spending all this American money on dubious peace keeping missions,
it wasnt the US congress, through the legal appropriation process! No, this money came out if
the budgets of various federal agencies including the department of defence, without
congressional approval, which is at least improper and probably illegal. The Clinton
administration looted the budget of these agencies in order to sustain the global governance of
the UN.
At a White House press conference on March 8, 1987, Sarah McKlendan of the
McKlendan news service lobbed this mush-ball question to Bill Clinton, Large segments of our
citizens believe that the United Nations is taking over whole blocks of counties in Kentucky and
Tennessee. They believe that youre going to give our army to Russia and all that baloney. Can
you do something about this? Because its hurting the Unity of the United States.
The question set off gales of laughter throughout the White House press chore and put
a smile on Clintons face. I dunno, Clinton chuckled, because the people who believe that
think Im the problem. Were all laughing about it, but there is a non-insubstantial number of
people that believe there is a plan out there for world domination and Im trying American
sovereignty over to the UN. Let me just say this, for those that are worrying about it I would say
that there is a serious issue here that every American has to come to grips with; the issue is,
we live in an interdependent world. We have to co-operate with people. Were better off when
we do. Were better off with were better off with the United Nations. Were better off when
these countries can work together. So I just think that for folks that are worried about this out in
the country, they need to be thinking about how were not going to give up our freedom, our
independence. But were not going to go it alone for the 21st century either, were going to work
together and we have to.
President Clintons answer is not a denial, its an admission! We live, he says, in an
interdependent world and were better off with the UN and we cant go it alone. He laughs at
the suggestion that he is ceding the American sovereignty to the UN but he doesnt deny it.
Because he cant; his actions shows that this is exactly what hes doing; surrendering to an
alien power our own hard-won leadership position in the world; our wealth, our young men and
women in the armed forces, our national parks, our historic sites, our authority over our own
environmental policies, food policies, population policies, economic and trade policies and
America must make a choice because there is no middle ground. We can either
become the shining city on the hill that Ronald Reagan envisioned or we can cross Bill
Clintons bridge into the 21st century; a bridge to a brave new world of global governance in
which the light of the shining city is snuffed out by the darkness of a global socialist beurocracy.
Will America continue to be the last, best hope of man on earth? Or will America
become a memory of what almost was and what could have been? MY friend, we will decided
that question.- end of Michael Reagans chapter.
Now brothers and sisters, Michael Reagans perspective on end-time events is not the
Adventist perspective on end-time events. But the idea that the United Nations is intending to
bring the world under its control in the very near future is even acknowledged by someone who
is mainstream. Its easy to see. This is in agreement with Bible prophecy. The times in which
we live are the times in which Revelation 13 is being fulfilled when the United States is about to
fore the whole world to worship the beast of Catholicism. The whole world is going to set up
this image of the beast.
And this world government that will control things will be on a socialistic platform as
pointed out by Michael Reagan. Not only does Michael Reagan not have the Adventist
perspective on this event, even though he has some very keen insights on what is transpiring
in the world, youll find that Michael Reagan is one of the most outspoken supporters of the
Promise Keepers in the United States. So we see, some men, outside of Adventism, have
some glimpses of what truth is, at the same time they are being drawn into these other
influences that Satan has orchestrated and set in motion.
Brothers and sisters, the only people that have the availability of information that can
give clarity to the things that are going on today, are the people that are living by the Bible and
the Spirit of Prophecy. Thats you and I. WE have responsibility to those in the world that care
about issues but dont have proper perspective. We have a responsibility to begin raising that
warning message. Sister Whites warned were going to have to do in hard times that which we
could have done in easy.
And our prayer at Future for America is that these studies on prophecies that are
demonstrating that probation is about to close, that a Sunday Law is imminent, will inspire you
as members of Gods church at the end of the world, to set aside those things that so easily
beset all of us that the Lord might use us fully to begin giving the final warning message to
those people that would respond to it, if they would just see it lived in our lives and hear it
proclaimed by us.
" A great crisis awaits the people of God. A great crisis awaits the world. The most
momentous struggle of all the ages is before us. Events, which for more than half a century we
have, upon the authority of the prophetic Word, declared to be impending, are now taking place
before our eyes. ...
"While the Protestant world is making concessions to Rome, and danger is increasing
on every hand, let us arouse to comprehend the situation, and to see the contest before us in
its true bearings. Let the watchmen lift up the voice, and give with clearness the message,
which is present truth for this time. 'For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall
prepare himself to the battle?' Let us show the people where we are in prophetic history, and
seek to arouse the spirit of true Protestantism, awaking the world to a sense of the value of the
religious liberty they have so enjoyed." Signs of the Times, November 28, 1900.
"The lamb-like horns and dragon voice of the symbol point to a Striking contradiction
between the professions and the practice of the nation thus represented. The speaking of the
nation is the action of its legislative and Judicial authorities. By such action it will give the lie to
those liberal and peaceful principles, which it has put forth as the foundation of its policy. The
prediction that it will speak 'as a dragon,' and exercise 'all the power of the first beast,' plainly
foretells a development of the spirit of intolerance and persecution that was manifested by the
nations represented by the dragon and the leopard-like beast. And the statement that the beast
with two horns causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast:
indicates that the authority of this nation is to be exercised in enforcing some observance which
shall be an act of homage to the papacy ." The Great Controversy, 442.
"In this time of prevailing iniquity, the Protestant churches that have rejected a 'Thus
saith the Lord,' will reach a strange pass. They will be converted to the world. In their
separation from God, they will seek to make falsehood arid apostasy from God the law of the
nation. They will work upon the rulers of the land to make laws to restore the lost ascendancy
of the man of sin, who sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. The Roman
Catholic principles will be taken under the protection of the state. The protest of Bible truth will
no longer be tolerated by those who have not made the law of God their rule of life." Review
and Herald December 21, 1897.