SCORM 12 To 2004 Changes
SCORM 12 To 2004 Changes
SCORM 12 To 2004 Changes
(SCORM®) 2004
Version 1.0
Available at
This document offers a high-level overview of the key differences between SCORM
Version 1.2 and SCORM 2004.
All of the SCORM books contain their own change history sections found in the
appendices of the documents. As the individual books incorporate resolutions to defects
and enhancements reported by the ADL Community, the change history in these books
will be updated to reflect those additions.
Each book currently describes the changes based on the major specifications and
standards that each book is based on. Refer to these specifications and standards for
more information and specific requirements.
The key changes from SCORM Version 1.2 to SCORM 2004 are as follows:
• The addition of learning content sequencing capabilities as defined by the IMS
Global Learning Consortium’s Simple Sequencing (SS) specification to address
the need for dynamic presentation of learning content based on learner
• Updates to the IMS Content Packaging Specification.
• The approval of the IEEE’s ECMAScript Application Programming Interface
(API) and Learning Object Metadata (LOM) as formal IEEE standards and the
addition of updates to these items to SCORM.
• Continuing standardization efforts on the IEEE Data Model for Content Object
Communication and XML Schema Binding for LOM and the addition of updates
to these items to SCORM.
• Various editorial and technical refinements based on feedback from the ADL
Community on drafts and lessons learned in SCORM implementation.
More details about these changes can be found in this document and in the SCORM 2004
documentation suite.
Since the release of SCORM Version 1.2, certain specifications and standards
incorporated in SCORM have evolved. This section describes those underlying
specifications and standards and how they have evolved from SCORM Version 1.2 to
SCORM 2004.
• href attribute of the <resource> and <file> elements was set at 2000
• parameters attribute of the <item> element was set at 1000 characters.
• identifierref attribute of the <item> element and <dependency> element was
set at 2000 characters.
• type attribute of the <resource> element was set to 1000 characters.
• structure attribute of the <organization> element was set to 200 characters.
• version attribute of the <manifest> element was set to 20 characters.
• <schema> element was set to 100 characters.
If any of these elements or attributes contained values greater than their defined
maximum lengths, then validating XML parsers would indicate that the XML values
were invalid. These maximum lengths were not defined as maximum constraints in the
IMS Content Packaging Specification set. The lengths were to be treated as a smallest
permitted maximum (SPM), meaning that systems were responsible for supporting at
least the number of characters. These systems could support more than the defined
lengths or not (if they did not support more, the systems could do what they so desired
with the characters past the length – e.g., truncate). The change was made to the XSD to
remove these maximum lengths from the schema, which would permit values with more
than the maximum lengths to pass XML validation.
Parameter Attribute Vocabulary: The IMS Content Packaging Specification was
updated to add more information on the handling and processing of the parameters
attribute found on an <item> element. The specification was updated to provide syntax
for the parameters attribute that must be adhered to in manifests. An algorithm was also
added for construction of the final href for the given resource (if the <item> referencing
the <resource> had a parameters attribute defined).
IsVisible Attribute Clarification: The IMS Content Packaging Specification was
updated to clarify the ambiguity on the application of the isvisible attribute for <item>
elements. The specification was updated to indicate that the value only affects the item
for which the isvisible attribute is defined and not the children of the <item> element
(if the <item> element has children).
Type Attribute Vocabulary: The IMS Content Packaging Specification was updated to
relax some of the constraints defined on the type attribute (attribute of the <resource>
element). The following values are now defined in the IMS Content Packaging
Specification as valid values for the type attribute:
• The term “webcontent,” defined as content that can be hosted in or launched by a
Web browser (this includes HTML-based content, content that requires plug-in
and executables that are launched by a Web browser).
• The labels defined in Section 7 of the document “Using IMS Content Packaging
to Package Instances of LIP and Other IMS Specifications, Version 1.0
Implementation Handbook, August 2001.”
• The term “other” to be used when no other term is appropriate.
HREF File Name Format Recommendation: The IMS Content Packaging
Specification was updated to reference an IETF RFC dealing with the format and syntax
of the Href values found in a content package manifest. The IMS specification was
updated to reference RFC 2396 [10].
(Sub)Manifest Usage Best Practice Clarification: The IMS Content Packaging Best
Practice and Implementation Guide were updated to provide additional guidance and
All elements that were composed of two or more words All elements that were composed of two or more
were bound to XML with lowercase names: words were bound to XML with lower camel case
• <aggregationlevel> names:
• <lifecycle> • <aggregationLevel>
• <datetime> • <lifeCycle>
• <metametadata> • <dateTime>
• <minimumversion> • <metaMetadata>
• <maximumversion> • <minimumVersion>
• <installationremarks> • <maximumVersion>
• <otherplatformrequirements> • <installationRemarks>
• <interactivitytype> • <otherPlatformRequirements>
• <learningresourcetype> • <interactivityType>
• <interactivitylevel> • <learningResourceType>
• <semanticdensity> • <interactivityLevel>
• <intendedenduserrole> • <semanticDensity>
• <typicalagerange> • <intendedEndUserRole>
• <typicallearningtime> • <typicalAgeRange>
• <copyrightandotherrestrictions> • <typicalLearningTime>
• <taxonpath> • <copyrightAndOtherRestrictions>
• <taxonPath>
The LangString data type was bound as: The LangString data type’s binding changed to:
• <langstring xml:lang=”langcode”> • <string language=”langcode”>
The Typical Learning Time element The Typical Learning Time element XML binding
<typicallearningtime> element was bound as a was changed to <typicalLearningTime>
DateTime Data Type:
The <typicalLearningTime> element was bound as
<typicallearningtime> a Duration Data Type:
Meta-data Information Model Element: Meta-data Information Model Element:
5.9 TypicalLearningTime: DataType is Date 5.9 TypicalLearningTime: DataType Change. Type
is now Duration. Observe Duration change above.
<relation> Element
The <identifier> element found as a child of the The <identifier> element is no longer reserved. The
<relation> element was reserved and not permitted to be <identifier> element was also changed to include
used in a meta-data instance. two subelements:
• <catalog>
• <entry>
The <identifier> element has a smallest permitted
maximum (SPM) of 10.
The <catalogentry> element existed. The <catalogentry> element has been deleted from
the LOM information model and binding. The
The <catalogentry> element contained two subelements:
subelements of <catalogentry> moved to be
<catalog> and <entry>.
subelements of <identifier>.
The <catalog> element existed as a subelement of The <catalog> element moved to be subelement of
<catalogentry> and was described as: “The name of the <identifier> and the definition changed to: “The
catalog (i.e. listing identification system).” name or designator of the identification or
cataloging scheme for this entry.
The Entity element existed and was bound as <person>. The element’s name changed to <entity> element
XML binding changed to <entity>.
The Entity element’s XML binding looked liked:
<person> <entity></entity>
<vcard></vcard> vCard format was more formally specified.
No format was defined.
<classification> Element
The <classification> element was required for Content In SCORM 2004, the <classification> element was
Aggregation and SCO meta-data. updated to be optional for all of the Meta-data
Application Profiles.
The Taxon Path element was represented as The Taxon Path element is now represented as
<taxonpath> element. <taxonPath> element.
The <source> child element of the <taxonpath> element The <source> element was update to change the
had a <langstring> child element: <langstring> element to a <string> element with a
<taxonpath> optional language attribute:
<source> <taxonpath>
<langstring></langstring> <source>
</source> <string language = “language”></string>
</taxonpath> </source>
The <taxon> element was recursively nested: This recursive binding was changed to a flattened
<taxonpath> structure:
<taxon> <taxonpath>
<taxon> <taxon><taxon>
<taxon></taxon> <taxon></taxon>
</taxon> </taxon></taxon>
</taxon> </taxonpath>
The <entry> child element of the <taxon> element had a The <entry> element was update to change the
<langstring> child element: <langstring> element to a <string> element with a
<taxon> optional language attribute:
<entry> <taxon>
<langstring></langstring> <entry>
</entry> <string language=”language”></ string>
</taxon> </entry>
ADL has provided an XML Stylesheet Language Translation (XSLT) to translate meta-
data that was bound using IMS Learning Resource Metadata Version 1.2.1 to IEEE
This section of the document describes the changes required to products based on the
changes to the SCORM Run-Time Environment (RTE). As mentioned before the key
source of these changes has been the standardization of the components of the API and
SCORM Run-Time Environment Data Model. Since the release of SCORM Version 1.2,
the Aviation Industry CBT Committee (AICC) submitted their specification set to the
IEEE to begin the standardization process. During this time, the IEEE LTSC decided to
begin the standardization process on two aspects of the submission from AICC:
o JavaScript Application Programming Interface
o Data Model used for Content Object Communication
The two standards that have been created since then are as follows:
o IEEE P1484.11.1 – Draft Standard for Data model for Content Object
o IEEE 1484.11.2 – Standard for ECMAScript API for Content to Runtime Service
This section describes the changes to SCORM 2004 based on this standardization
process. To balance the need to support existing implementations with the need to make
technical corrections and support emerging practice, the IEEE standard:
o Selectively includes those data elements from the CMI specification that are
commonly implemented;
o Renames some data elements taken from the CMI specification to clarify their
intended meaning;
o Modifies the data types of data elements taken from the CMI specification to
reflect ISO standard data types and internationalization requirements;
o Removes some organizational structures used in the CMI specification to group
data elements that are specific to the AICC community of practice and not
generally applicable; and
o Introduces some data elements not present in the CMI specification to correct
known technical defects in data elements taken from that specification. Correct Responses and Learner Response Data Type and Format
Several changes have been made to the formats of the characterstrings that are used to
represent the cmi.interactions.n.correct_responses.n.pattern and
cmi.interactions.learner_response data model elements. The SCORM Run-Time
Environment now defines a specific format for the different types of interactions. Refer
to the SCORM Run-Time Environment book for more details on the format of these
The Sequencing and Navigation book is new to SCORM. This book was added to the
SCORM to describe ADL’s application profile of the IMS Simple Sequencing
ADL has also put together a suite of tools that can be used by content developers in
transitioning their SCORM Version 1.2 products to SCORM 2004. The tools being
developed include:
• SCORM Version 1.2 to SCORM 2004 Conversion API Wrapper
• SCORM Version 1.2 to SCORM 2004 Generic Run-Time Wrapper
• SCORM Version 1.2 to SCORM 2004 Content Package Manifest XSLT
• SCORM Version 1.2 to SCORM 2004 Meta-data XSLT
These tools are in place to help developers begin to transition their SCORM Version 1.2
content to SCORM 2004. It is anticipated that the ADL Community will begin to
produce other tools that will convert content from SCORM Version 1.2 to SCORM 2004.
It these tools are developed, it is strongly recommended that these tools be brought to the
attention of the ADL Community as a whole in the 3rd Party Tool section of