Student: Chihab EL ALAOUI
ID: 118989
CROCS (A): Revolutionizing an industrys supply chain model for competitive
1. What are Croc's core competences?
The core competencies are the sustainable capabilities that are valuable, rare,
costly to imitate and nosubstitutable, which serve as a source of competitive
advantage for Crocs over its rivals. It distinguishes
the company from whole industrys competitors and cr
eates through that its own personality
(Ireland, the Management of Strategy, 9
From the details mentioned in the case we can figure out that Crocs
core competencies that fit with all four criteria of core competencies concept is it
highly responsive supplychain, by maintaining the flexibility to the unexpected
demands and offers of retailers, with efficiency of its distribution model and cost
advantages created. The crocs top management examined the footwearindustry
supply chain and immediately noticed its limitations. The existing supply chain
used to processrequests that companies receive from retailers at the beginning
of the year on January and manufacture thedemand supplies for the next spring
and fall seasons with some excess in order to manage any unexpecteddemand.
However, this traditional supply chain system had many deficiencies, because
retailers had tobase their requests on their forecasts which definitely will lead
either to overestimation and unsold stock and subsequently loss, or
underestimation which meant loss of potential profit. Instead, Crocs developed
arevolutionary supply chain system which strengthens its relationship with
retailers by quick response to
any fluctuations in customers demands. This result was possible due
to the heavy investment made by thecompany in its infrastructure and the
development of the supply chain with the new management through3 steps: