This document outlines the syllabus for Math 428 Section B1, a Graph Theory course taught in the summer of 2014. The course will be taught by Nishali Mehta and meet Monday through Thursday from 10:10am to 12:05pm in room SEC 208 on the Busch campus. Assessment will include 5 homework assignments, 3 quizzes, 15 groupwork assignments, 2 midterms, and a comprehensive final exam. Calculators will not be permitted on quizzes and exams. Grades will be posted online and the overall curve determined after all assessments are complete.
This document outlines the syllabus for Math 428 Section B1, a Graph Theory course taught in the summer of 2014. The course will be taught by Nishali Mehta and meet Monday through Thursday from 10:10am to 12:05pm in room SEC 208 on the Busch campus. Assessment will include 5 homework assignments, 3 quizzes, 15 groupwork assignments, 2 midterms, and a comprehensive final exam. Calculators will not be permitted on quizzes and exams. Grades will be posted online and the overall curve determined after all assessments are complete.
Original Description:
Syllabus for the Mathematics Course Math 428, Graph Theory at Rutgers University.
This document outlines the syllabus for Math 428 Section B1, a Graph Theory course taught in the summer of 2014. The course will be taught by Nishali Mehta and meet Monday through Thursday from 10:10am to 12:05pm in room SEC 208 on the Busch campus. Assessment will include 5 homework assignments, 3 quizzes, 15 groupwork assignments, 2 midterms, and a comprehensive final exam. Calculators will not be permitted on quizzes and exams. Grades will be posted online and the overall curve determined after all assessments are complete.
This document outlines the syllabus for Math 428 Section B1, a Graph Theory course taught in the summer of 2014. The course will be taught by Nishali Mehta and meet Monday through Thursday from 10:10am to 12:05pm in room SEC 208 on the Busch campus. Assessment will include 5 homework assignments, 3 quizzes, 15 groupwork assignments, 2 midterms, and a comprehensive final exam. Calculators will not be permitted on quizzes and exams. Grades will be posted online and the overall curve determined after all assessments are complete.
Email: [email protected] Office: Hill 208 (Busch campus) Office hours: Mon 9 10am, Tues 12:15 1:15pm, Wed 12:15 1:15pm Course: Math 428: Graph Theory Time: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs 10:10am 12:05pm Location: SEC 208 (Busch campus) Textbook: Graphs and Digraphs (5th edition) by Chartrand, Lesniak, and Zhang Homework: 80 points. There will be five homework assignments due each Tuesday and worth 16 points each. Problems to be turned in will be posted on Sakai. Students may work together on homework, but each student must turn in his or her own assignment. Homework must be submitted on the due date in one of two ways: (1) a hard copy in class or (2) online via Sakai by 11:59 pm. Late and emailed assignments will not be accepted. Assignments submitted online must be in .doc, .docx, .pdf, or .jpg format and clear enough to be readable. Quizzes: 48 points. There will be three quizzes throughout the semester worth 16 points each. Quizzes will take place at the beginning of lecture. Quiz dates are listed on the course calendar. Groupwork: 72 points. There will be 15 groupwork assignments worth 6 points each. The lowest 3 scores will be dropped. At approximately the halfway point in lecture, students will work individually or in groups for 10-15 minutes to complete a short worksheet. An absence will result in a score of 0 and count as a dropped score. Groupwork dates are listed on the course calendar. Midterms: 100 points each. There will be two midterms, tentatively scheduled for Mon, June 9, and Mon, June 23. Both midterms will take place during lecture and will be 80 minutes long. Final Exam: 200 points. The final exam will take place on Thurs, July 3 , 10:10am 1:10pm in SEC 208 (the usual lecture room). The final exam will be comprehensive, covering all material from the entire semester. Calculators: Calculators will NOT be permitted on quizzes and exams. Students may use them on homework. Grading: Total of 600 points possible. All grades will be posted online on Sakai at The curve will be determined after the final exam and overall scores have been totaled. Quiz and Exam Policy: Students must take quizzes and exams at the scheduled times. In general, no make-ups will be given. In case of emergency, please notify the lecturer as soon as possible and provide sufficient documentation. Bring a Rutgers ID to each exam, as the person proctoring may ask to see it. Disability Services: Students with disabilities should register with the Office of Disability Services (ODS), located in Lucy Stone Hall A145 on Livingston campus and online at Students should also discuss their situation with the lecturer to make any necessary arrangements.