Time Management: Learning To Use A Day Planner
Time Management: Learning To Use A Day Planner
Time Management: Learning To Use A Day Planner
Time Management:
Learning to Use a
Day Planner
Suggestions for using a day planner are based on clinical experience rather than
empirical research. As research becomes available, these suggestions will be updated.
www.help4adhd.org 1-800-233-4050
for deficits in executive functions by helping the If you are a gadget-oriented person who learns new
individual manage time, remember responsibilities, technology easily, pick an electronic organizer. If you are
and remain organized. Many adults with AD/HD not technology-oriented, pick a paper and pencil model.
have had multiple unsuccessful experiences with day Go on an outing to an office supply store and carefully
planners, leading them to regard the task as one that is review a number of different types of day planners. They
highly aversive or even hopeless. Often, they have been come in all sizes, shapes, and colors, with different types
unsuccessful using a day planner because they have of daily, weekly, and monthly views. Carefully inspect
gone about it in the wrong way. This sheet will highlight the different types of daily, weekly, and monthly pages.
strategies for using a day planner effectively, planning
effectively, and following through on commitments.*
“Individuals with AD/HD have
This sheet breaks down the necessary skills into a
series of small steps. Each step should be taken one difficulties with ... executive
at a time, and practiced for at least one week before
beginning the next step. If a particular step takes more functions, and … may be unable to
than one week to become a regular habit, practice it for
2-3 weeks before beginning the next step. Building in fulfill their responsibilities at work
positive reinforcements or rewards may be helpful for
successfully learning each step. and at home.”