Error Spotting
Error Spotting
Error Spotting
grammar. It is a very natural tendency but error-spotting is not an art that one cant master. It is
just a matter of swearing by some guidelines and practice! Here are 26 tips for error spotting in
1. Certain nouns possess a singular form but still represent plurality and thus, take a plural
verb when used in a sentence.
E.g. Cattle, peasantry, people, clergy, police.
2. Certain nouns always take the plural verb because their form is always plural.
E.g. Scissors, trousers, spectacles, thanks, premises.
5. Certain nouns, especially of the collective category, are used as singular when they
specify a unit.
E.g. Public, team, committee, government, audience, orchestra, company, jury.
6. Certain nouns, especially of the collective category, are used in plural when they specify
a difference of opinion or class.
E.g. Public, team, committee, government, audience, orchestra, company, jury.
8. The word whoseis used for living people and which is used for non-living things or
12. After the word Know, how, what or when should be used before using the infinitive.
13. If the verb indicates a purpose, an infinitive must be used and if the verb indicates a
cause, a gerund must be used.
14.As is not used with verbs like appointed, elected , considered, called but it is used
with the word regard.
15. Adverbs should not be confused for adjectives. An adjective describes the characteristic of
the subject while an adverb describes the action of the verb.
16. Question tags are always the opposite of the sentence which means that if the sentence is
positive, the question tag is negative and vice versa.
18. A pronoun after like, unlike and let takes an objective case.
19. The relative pronoun thatis used instead of who or which after adjectives in the
superlative degree.
20. To show equality asis used both before and after the adjective.
21. Even thoughMore than oneindicates a plural sense, it agrees with a singular noun and
takes a singular verb.
Hardly had the teacher left the room than the pupils started enjoying. (Incorrect)
Hardly had the teacher left the room when the pupils started enjoying. (Correct)
24. Lestmust be followed by should or by nothing at all and Such must be followed by
25. Unless expresses a condition and is always used in the negative sense. Thus not is
never used with unless.
Unless you do not work hard, you will not excel in the examination. (Incorrect)
Unless you work hard, you will not excel in the examination. (Correct)
26. Whendenotes a general sense and while implies a time duration of doing something.
After reading these amazing Error spotting techniques, do practice some exercises on the same to
get a good grip on the topic. Keep looking this space as we would be coming up with more
related articles to make your preparation journey easy.