The Limitations of Science: A Philosophical Critique of Scientific Method
The Limitations of Science: A Philosophical Critique of Scientific Method
The Limitations of Science: A Philosophical Critique of Scientific Method
Science as an academic discipline claims indubitable knowledge. Science seems to have no bounds in
its area of study so long as it has to do with nature. As such its enterprise is not a concluded area. It is an on
going process as new discoveries are being made along its stride. Science has contributed a lot to the alleviation
and eradication of mans problems in nature. Science has put man into the understanding and manipulations of
the process of nature. With the application of scientific method many of the mysteries surrounding nature have
been dismantled. Most beliefs superstitions and myths bewitching the human mind have been eroded by the
knowledge of science.
The scientific image of the world affects every corner of human experience. It has given rise to a new
temperament, a new faith in the power of reason to reveal the structure of things, it places new demands on
political thought, ethics, religion, and psychology to establish their credentials on a similar basis.
Given the achievements of science so far, scientists believe that science can answer all philosophical
and religious questions. They believe that any question that cannot be answered using the standard of scientific
methods should be regarded meaningless or rejected (among such schools are logical positivism and logical
empiricism). Yes, science has its area of study, this has circumscribed its area of competence, and using its
method other areas of knowledge cannot be reached. Thus science has its limitations. That is, there are questions
science cannot answer. Such questions are: How is science possible? Is science universally competent? Can
science yield accurate pictures of hidden objects, mechanisms and processes? Can science discover all truth, or
are these questions to which science simply cannot be made to apply? Is science our only route to knowledge? If
science cannot operate in a given area, must we remain forever ignorant of that area? And what clams does
science have on us? Are there ever situations in which we ought to reject the deliverance of science even though
they seem rationally impeccable? These questions and others would be critically answered in the course of this
Though science claims all-round knowledge, within itself, certain things are taken for granted. The
presuppositions and assumptions of science cannot be subjected to scientific explanations. The presuppositions
or foundational bases of science tend to limit science. They are what science itself cannot explained (using its
method). This brings us to the area of metaphysics (philosophy). It is here that philosophy finds a place within
itself for the successes of science. Science as we will see rests on unchallenged assumptions which deserve
philosophical analysis. Also we will see, how metaphysics feared by scientists provides a background for
Those areas about human activities which limit scientific explanation are within the domains of
metaphysics, ethics, religion, etc. The presuppositions taken for granted by science are the metaphysical
provisions of science. So rejection of metaphysics means the destruction of the foundation of science.
The task of this writing is to critically assess the methods and operations of science with a view to
locating the limitations of science. It will attempt to answer those questions raised above concerning the
foundation of science. That is, whether science can within its domain of jurisdiction justify itself. Accordingly,
this essay will proceed with the definition of science, and the critical scrutiny of the scientific method with a
view to laying bare the presuppositions of science. The limitations of science will be seen as a critique of
scientific knowledge in this essay.
What Is Science?
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If we look at all the sciences not only as they differ among each other, but also as each changes and
grows in the course of time, we find that constant and universal feature of science is its general method, which
consists in asking. Is it so? To what extent is it so? Why is it so?
By scientific method we mean a definite procedure of carrying out scientific reasoning. In other words
it is the persistent application of logic as the common feature of all reasoned knowledge. From this point of
view, scientific method is simply the way in which we carry out experiments, test impressions, opinions, or
surmises by examining the best available evidence for and against them. Scientific method is related to the type
of object that is being investigated or studied. This means that scientific method is bound to change or vary from
one scientific subject to another. For example, the physical sciences are concerned with material objects. In the
biological sciences the objects of study are living things, chemistry studies chemicals while that of astronomy
studies about the heavenly bodies. It is therefore clear that these different fields cannot use the same method.
The methods vary and yet described as scientific. It is therefore confusing to talk of scientific method as if their
exists a uniform method that is used in all the sciences.
However, it is important that the term scientific method refers to not really the method which the
scientists use in their discoveries or experimentation. Rather, it refers to an attitude of the mind. It refers to the
sense of rigor, rationality, objectivity, thoroughness, incisiveness (or detail), logic, consistency and coherence
with which their inquiry is carried out. This attitude of mind when present in any programme of inquiry is said
to be scientific. It is only when scientific method is understood in this sense that ambiguity is minimized or
eliminated. It is in this understanding that Cohen and Nagel say but in essence scientific method is simply
the pursuit of truth as determined by logical considerations (192).
In the scientific parlance by scientific method, we mean the process of deduction and induction. That
is, the method of science is either inductive or deductive. By deductive method, we mean the pattern of
reasoning from general to particular, induction on the other hand is the pattern of reasoning from particular to
general. Modern science is often contrasted with the science of antiquity as being inductive while the latter was
deductive. Accordingly, deductive and inductive reasoning are antithetical modes of inference.
Deductive logic (reasoning) is believed to be concerned with the conditions under which particular or
instantial propositions are inferable from universal premises. Inductive logic (reasoning or method), on the other
hand, is conceived as dealing with those inferences which enable us to derive universal conclusions from
particular or instantial premises (Cohen and Nagel 273). Most of the scientific truths are arrived at through
inductive method. In contrasting inductive reasoning with deductive reasoning, A.F Uduigwomen says
While induction is the hallmark of science, deductive is regarded as the hallmark of logic (72).
The insistence of modern science in inductive method is the acclaimed superiority of inductive method
over deductive method. Such claim holds that inductive method of scientific inquiry is integrally connected with
the discovery of scientific laws and theories. The advocates buttress their claim by saying that whereas the
inductive method enables us to make a leap from the finite data of observation to a law covering all that are (i.e
known present) and all that will or could be (i.e predicted future), deductive method can never advance to
knowledge of the hitherto unobserved (Uduigwomen 73).
Modern science uses inductive method in arriving at its truth. The function of science is to establish
general laws covering the behaviour of empirical events or objects with which the science in question is
concerned, and thereby to enable us to connect events, and to make reliable prediction of events as yet unknown.
This process is known as inductive reasoning. All empirical sciences use this pattern of reasoning. Bringing
induction to the simplest clarity, we mean a justification of a universal statement after the examination or
observation of a finite number of cases. Inductive inference is described therefore as leading from premises
about particular cases to a conclusion that has the character of a general law or principle (Bronowski 10). The
conception of how scientific laws or theories are arrived at is called inductivism.
In inductive inference, we are given the impression that all the premises are probabilistic and as such
the conclusion will be probabilistic. For example, we say that the statement
A is a Raven and it is black
B is a Raven and it is black
So far all Ravens observed are black and we therefore conclude that every Raven is black. Here we find
that we have started with a particular and then to a more inclusive observation and then a general leap which
says that all ravens are black. The danger here is that the next raven open to our observation may not be black.
And one recalcitrant instance destroys the conclusion (Cohen and Nagel 278).
In scientific inquiry, it is taken that inductive inference from antecedently collected data leads to
appropriate general principles but a close examination shows that all such generalizations are not conclusive but
rather highly probabilistic. The following steps are found in an ideal scientific inquiry
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We can summarize the discussion of conception of scientific method by noting its three main
components: hypothesis, deduction and tests. A hypothesis (theory) is formulated to account for the observed
facts, from this general hypothesis we deduce a particular conclusion or as yet unobserved (inferred) fact; the
particular conclusion is then tested and inferred fact is observed, the hypothesis is said to be confirmed. It is the
confirmation of hypothesis through repeated tests that provide the ground for the formulation of laws.
The process of inductive method of science provokes a lot of questions. How valid is scientific
method? Is it not a presupposition of science? Can the method of science (inductive reasoning) be justified
(verified) as it is claimed to be the hallmark of science? On what foundation is the method of science? On what
foundation is the method of science built? How can we possibly arrive at a hypothesis about unseen or
unseeable entities? Is this not a problem of discovery? Those questions about inductive method will be critically
assessed in the subsequent sections of this essay. Our next point of critical inquiry is the presuppositions of
science as embedded in scientific method.
In science, it is taken that with scientific method in operation (via naturalist concepts) all areas of
inquiry would be answered competently. To some extent scientific explanation has promised well but there are
areas science cannot completely claim knowledge of. If science justifies through explanation, (testing) of natural
phenomena, then are natural phenomena the only reality? Are there no other areas of which science is
incompetent to explain? Can science justify the base upon which it thrives? Can science justify some of its
assumptions taken for granted or even the method it uses? Is there any metaphysical undertone in the method of
science? These will we find out by critically looking into the presuppositions of science.
From at least 17th century it has been recognized that some of the principles necessary to science are
not empirically provable. It was David Hume who argued convincingly that the uniformity principle could not
be proven by any means available to human. Yet most scientific generalizations depend on the assumption that
nature is uniform. We cannot establish by experiment that nature is uniform, and that principle is not obviously
analytical. We could see if explanation and prediction depend on general principles which rest on this
uniformity principle, then scientific results will always be less than absolutely proven. There will always be at
least a bit of ineradicable tentativeness to scientific results.
It has been argued that in order to preserve the rationality of itself, science requires some basic
principles. These principles are the presuppositions which anchored on metaphysics, accepting Humes
conclusions concerning the logical and empirical unprovability of uniformity, Kant argues that various
categories and principles of thought were built into the very structure of our minds and into the very operation of
our conception. It is in this respect that G.O Ozumba argues in one of his lectures:
However, it is important to understand that the term scientific method refers to not really the method
which Scientists use in their discoveries or experimentation. Rather it refers to an attitude of mind.
Supportively pushing this argument further, John Ziman argues that the credibility of science cannot
be decided by formal logic, or by appeal to computer program, it depends on intuitive human capabilities such
as pattern recognition, problem solving, and the interpretation of language (91).
Ratzsch argues that there are a lot of philosophical assumptions which characterize science. And in
spite of over years criticisms against such foundation, science has not been able to extricate itself from
metaphysics. Though science claims to be empirical, the standard of its empiricality cannot be justified.
The following assumptions according to Ratzsch characterize science (17).
1. It has been historically assumed that nature is understandable. Were there no prospect of understanding
nature, we would have less motivation to study it. This is what is called faith.
2. It is also a presupposition of science that nature is uniform, that processes and patterns which we see on
only limited scale (since we have not examined all of creation, (nature) nor have we seen it during its entire
existence) hold universally. Were that regularity not assumed, we could have no reason to think that
laboratory events observed here and now could tell us about processes in the interior of distant star far in
the past.
3. Nor could there be any grounds for believing that casual connections discovered yesterday would still hold
tomorrow, that nature is predictable or that scientific results should be reproducible. (Here, Ratzsch traces
this faith in the universality and stability of the basic rules of nature back at least to the Ancient Greek).
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It is also a presupposition of science that observable patterns in nature provide keys to unobservable
patterns and processes eg. Atom, molecules etc. The scientists have faith and confidence of the existences
of these entities on the basis of larger scale things that human can see: Cloud chamber tracks and so forth.
Stressing further, Ratzsch argues that although those presuppositions are widely accepted, the metaphysical
systems which originally supported them are not, and so philosophers and scientists in this century have
looked for justifications for them. Sometimes they have wondered whether there are any.
Similar concerns have arisen over the objectivity, rationality and empiricality that are thought to
characterize science. Why should science have those properties? Against this question, it has been argued
that the nature of science must reflect the construction of reality, and that in some ways those properties of
science are such reflections.
Ratzsch equating science with the Christian belief in God, sees the presuppositions of science as faith
in God. Just like certain beliefs in Christianity cannot be logically and empirically be established, science
assumes those fundamentals in order to justify its enterprise. It is on this basis that Ratzsch says.
The presupposition of rationality could be explained-because the world is the creation of a person who
created with wisdom. We expect pattern, regularity and uniformity and we anticipate the understandability (at
least in principle) of the world and the elegance of its pattern especially since the creator of the order in nature
also created our reason (18).
Having in a nut-shell scrutinized the presuppositions of science, we will go further to critically justify
their cognitive relevance in the practice of science. This leads us to the next section (limitations of science)
which is the main task of this writing.
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We appreciate science in the light of its progress in the enhancement of human life, and in providing to
some extent explanation of phenomena. Scientific progress requires that more and more new information
(discoveries) will be added to mans knowledge of the world. Science is a great expedient by which the
environment is subjugated to our will.
The basic aim of science (as appreciated) is the description, explanation and hence the prediction of
natural phenomena for the betterment of the living condition of man. To some extent science has been able to
tackle a lot of mans problems. A few examples justify this assertion. With adequate explanations regarding
earths movement, man can now boast of a good astronomical and metrological knowledge of the world, thus
making possible the forecast of whether for aviation and farm production. Very heavy ships are used for
transportation, exploration, fishing and warfare today as a result of Archimedes explanation of why and how
objects float (Uduigwomen 53). The achievements are numerous and inexhaustible.
As pointed out in this writing, scientific method is concerned with verification and conformability. And
it is the confirmation of hypothesis through repeated tests that provides the ground for the formulation of laws.
The formulation of laws (generalizations) constitutes the end product of scientific method.
In view of this, the importance of scientific method can be summarized thus: scientific method
minimizes the shock of novelty and the uncertainty of life. And scientific method is one of the effective ways of
strengthening the love of truth. It forestalls arbitrariness and enhances investigative vigor. It develops the
intellectual courage to face difficulties and to overcome illusions. It is the way to increase the general body of
tested and verified truth. Scientific method limits our pretensions and supplies us with corroborated truth. Above
all, the spirit of scientific method will continue to hunt other fictitious means of attaining the truth. (40) It is in
support of these values that A.F Uduigwoem writes: Among other achievements science has to a large extent
liberated man from dogma and superstition in the study of nature and man (154).
However, science has its shortcomings or negative achievements especially in the area if
depersonalization and alienation of man from his environment. Although it is not the position of this paper to
give a detailed discussion of the pros and cons of science, mention should be made on them. For instance the
memories of the destructions by the two world wars are pointers to this. The threat of nuclear warheads and
environmental pollution have not given a good picture of scientific achievements.
Having shown on the areas where science is competent, we are of the view that such achievements
should not be overemphasized. Science as highlighted above is not the only avante garde to knowledge. The
prominence given to science has challenged other areas of knowledge to the extent that philosophers have to
turn back to critically assess the competent of science. It has been made clear in the course of this essay that
science is an aspect of knowledge and therefore cannot tell us everything.
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