CWD - Event Record Solution - 03 - Aug11 PDF
CWD - Event Record Solution - 03 - Aug11 PDF
CWD - Event Record Solution - 03 - Aug11 PDF
Ver. Aug2011_03
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What we Provide
A solution to efficiently and economically handle
Network Data within your enterprise.
To address clients problems where traditional
RDBMS Database applications and appliances
solutions fall short in offering agility and flexibility.
Enabling telco, finance, government and retail
environments to dynamically access information
in near real-time where previously it was locked
away for over-nite processing.
Clean, common format data is what all your
business systems need. We provide that.
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About 3 years ago, Oracle was just too slow to handle the
volume of event transactions (almost 1 Billion per day) which
was increasing month on month. Only small space for hardware
was available. The user needed access to data in near real-time
and expected query responses in < 1minute drawing against 6
months of historic data (approx 180 Billion records).
To maintain Raw Data integrity and granularity. AND the user
had no suitable system admin skills to do periodic maintenance.
What resulted was a software framework that included loosely
coupled, modular generic functions incorporating;
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Our Telco
Solutions (1)
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Our Telco
Solutions (2)
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Iu (CS/PS),
Our Telco
Solutions (3)
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experience activity
High end data analytics, charting and presentation of
query results
Custom reports and alerts to provide CxO level with
ANSWERS to a specific set of questions that the
business systems take too long to deliver
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Event Records are now the source for many other purposes;
CWD Provides;
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CWD Architecture
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Location Compliance
A solution that complies with the government directive
issued May 2011.
The method provided is Link Aggregator-Intelligent
Location Caching with Continuous Location Technology
Utilises the telcos existing infrastructure to reduce cost
Collects data from; A- Abis / IuCS IuPS - Iub Gi, Gn,
Gp, Gb, Gy interfaces
The solution allows for various options for the carrier to
implement revenue generating incentives, such as;
Network Optimisation
Home Zone Billing
LBS (opt-in) Advertising
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Network Assurance +
Customer Experience
A facility to discover and passively extract selected
customer events in the telco operational network
Rapidly identify, alert and enable NOC engineers to resolve
potential issues before they become serious outages
A facility to assist to assure the quality and performance of
IP services, a means to apply DPI and establish KPI triggers
and alerts.
A facility to store (mass data) and redistribute (data flow) to
BSS / down-line business applications in near-real time.
Ensuring data integrity and consistency across the primary
business applications.
A near-real time audit control tool to monitor network
anomalies and report through MIS to internal Audit
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The contents and information contained herein are privileged,
confidential or otherwise protected by disclosure and is intended
only for the individuals who receive this from Clearwater Data, and
or any others who have been specifically authorized to receive
it. Any unauthorized dissemination, copying or use of the contents
is strictly prohibited and may be in violation of law.
The contents contained herein are considered highly confidential
information regarding Clearwater Data Pte Ltd (Singapore).
proprietary software, methodologies, strategy and organization
and are intended for informational purposes only.
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Thank You
Steve Cook
Product Manger
[email protected]
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