The Bass Education Project
The Bass Education Project
The Bass Education Project
42 captures
20 Feb 99 - 22 Oct 12
Fingering Charts
Cognitive Objectives
the Bow
Psychomotor Objectives
Instrument Selection
Placing the Bow on the String
>Playing music is a physical (psychomotor), emotional (lymbic), mental (cognitive) and spiritual process.
>Learn to work the instrument, not just to learn a piece of music.
> Learn how to practice.
>All nerve cells have the capacity to learn.
>Anything you learn, whether theoretical or practical, can become part of your musical vocabulary, to be called upon at any time,
just as any other word, thought, or idea.
>Learn the vocabulary and conventions of many styles of music so you can say yes to many calls for work. Everyone needs a bass
Cognitive Objectives:
>Know what notes are under every finger in every position.
>Know the intervals between each finger position within one hand position.
Psychomotor Objectives:
>Relaxed and proper approach to the instrument
>Relaxed and proper bow rest (right hand and arm)
>Relaxed and proper left hand position (left hand and arm)
>Bow Control (tone production and articulation)
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The Bow:
Bows are made of wood (usually pernumbucco or xxxxx ) or fiberglass and have bleached or unbleached hair. The are two types of
bass bows, French, similar to a cello bow using a similar grip, and German, with a larger frog to accommodate an underhand grip.
Bow selection is personal. The choice between German and French bow is arguable and boils down to physical comfort and bow
control. After that, the main concern in bow selection is to choose a bow that has a comfortable weight and balance and that is
straight (not warped). Again, seek the assistance of someone knowledgeable about any particular bow.
Select quality strings (recommended: Flexocore Original or Flexocore `92) for all purpose playing, xxxxxx for strictly classical playing
and Spirocore for strictly jazz or amplified playing).
Also, select a quality rosin (recommend Carlson or xxxxxx); it should be sticky, not powdery and you should be able to leave a
fingerprint in the face of it if you press on it with your thumb.
Again, a $350 plywood bass set up with good strings, a decent bow and good rosin can perform as well as an investment of
thousands of dollars.
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clockwise towards the player. The left knee can be used to slightly adjust the angle at which the bass faces towards or away from the
player. With the player's right foot comfortably flat on the floor, the fingerboard should be about parallel to the right thigh.
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The Right Arm and Hand
The right hand holds the bow.
Though there is a choice between German and French bows, most students who are converted from other string instruments will feel
most comfortable with a French bow.
While most people refer to the hold on the bow as the "bow grip", this phraseology carries a connotation that evokes a visual image
and a psychomotor response that is detrimental to effective bow technique. A more appropriate phrase, resonant with the desired
result is "bow rest".
The bow rest for the bass bow is similar to that of the cello bow, with some slight differences. There are, however, more pronounced
differences from that of the violin or viola right hand.
Holding the bow:
1. Have the student, sitting or standing up straight, let their right arm and hand at rest.
2. If the student's arm seem tense and not relaxed, have them gently shake out the tension from their arm and
come to rest.
5. Practice using varying amounts of bow (full bow, half bow, about three inches of bow).
6. Practice starting at different points in the bow (middle, down bow starting near the tip, up bow staring near the frog).
Note: Often, due to the physics of the construction of basses, tone production on the A-string is difficult and sounds raspy. This is
called a "wolf" and is remedied somewhat by a "wolf suppressor".
Also, a cognitive/psychomotor note: We have established that the driving energy comes from the upper arm and that the joints act as
shock absorbers. In order to successfully execute the above variations, another concept must be learned and several learned
concepts must be integrated. The fingers have an additional job. They are the "sensors" That is why we place the fleshy parts of our
fingers on the bow, that is where most of the nerve endings are. The fingers sense the friction at the contact point providing
information as to what psychomotor movements are required to produce the desired sound.
The parameters that we vary to achieve different sounds (loud, soft, fuzzy, warm) are:
bow placement, bow speed, and weight. Think of these three parameters as a 3-way balance. If you change one, you must make
adjustments in the others to maintain an equilibrium. Be aware of subtle sound and physical feeling differences as you vary these
parameters. (When varying "weight", do not press into the string, allow more or less of the full weight of your arm, hand and bow to
rest on the string).
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Bass Fingering Charts
Half Position
First Position
Between 1st and 2nd Position
Second Position
Third Position
Between 3rd and 4th Position
Fourth Position
Fifth Position
Between 5th and 6th Position
Sixth Position
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