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Eighteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC18

Sharm ElSheikh, 12-14 March 2015


Bakenaz A. Zeidan
Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt
[email protected]

Investigation of the behavior of dams against seismic loads is a key factor for dam safety
requirements. One of the most important problems in evaluation of seismic behavior of concrete gravity
dams is dam-reservoir-foundation interaction. Hydrodynamic pressures generated due to seismic forces
and Fluid-Structure-Soil Interaction (FSS); are inevitable. In this paper, the basic equation involved the
water-structure-foundation interaction and the effective factors are considered for concrete gravity dams.
Dam-reservoir-foundation interaction has been investigated utilizing seismic analysis. 2-D dam-reservoirfoundation coupled system is analyzed using FEM via ANSYS code. Dam and foundation are assumed to
be linear and elastic while reservoir water is considered acoustic, inviscid and incompressible. The dam
and foundation have been idealized by considering linear, elastic and plane stress conditions. The
modeling of reservoir has been carried out by fluid acoustic element and proper consideration of fluid
boundary and initial conditions. The effect of foundation flexibility has been obtained by considering
various dam-foundation rock interaction ratios i.e. modulus of elasticity of foundation to modulus of
elasticity of dam. Results show that both foundation mass and flexibility have an outstanding impact on
the behavior of dams and is necessary to consider their impact while simulating seismic response of
concrete gravity dams.

Keywords: Seismic Response; Concrete Gravity Dams; Foundation Flexibility; Dam- ReservoirFoundation Interaction, ANSYS.


During the recent years, the seismic behavior of concrete gravity dams was in the center of
consideration of dam engineers. Numerous researches have been conducted in order to determine how the
dams behave against the seismic loads. Many achievements were obtained in the process of analysis and
design of concrete dams. In this paper, we study the dam-reservoir-foundation interaction during an
earthquake. For this purpose, a two-dimensional finite element model of a concrete gravity dam including
the dam body, a part of its foundation and a part of the reservoir was made. In addition, the proper
boundary conditions were used in both reservoir and foundation in order to absorb the energy of waves at
the far end boundaries. Using the finite element method seismic analysis is performed to assess the
impact of the foundation mass and flexibility on the seismic behavior of the dam.

The methods used for the analysis of concrete dams under earthquake loading range from the simple
pseudo-static method initially proposed by Westergaard (1933) to advanced numerical methods that
include the well-known FEM. Westergaard [1] introduced an approach to determine approximately the
linear response of the dam-reservoir system by a number of masses that are added to the dam body. The
method proposed by Westergaard assumes that the hydrodynamic effect on a rigid dam is equivalent to
the inertial force resulting from a mass distribution added on the dam body. The dam-reservoir system can
be categorized as a coupled field system in a way that these two physical domains interact only at their

Eighteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC18

Sharm ElSheikh, 12-14 March 2015

interface [2]. To simplify and economize the finite element modeling of an infinite reservoir, the far-end
boundary of the reservoir has to be truncated. Sommerfeld boundary condition [3] is an appropriate
boundary condition for the truncated part of the reservoir. Hydrodynamic pressure in seismic response of
dam-reservoir interaction in time domain has been investigated [4]-[6]. Preliminary design and
evaluation of concrete gravity sections is usually performed using the simplified response spectrum
method proposed by Fenves and Chopra [7]. A standard fundamental mode of vibration, representative of
typical sections, is used in this method. This mode shape does not take into account the foundation
flexibility since it is representative of a standard concrete gravity section on rigid foundation. As an
alternative, the first mode of vibration of the concrete section could be estimated using a finite element
model with massless foundation. Fenves and Chopra [8] studied the dam-reservoir-foundation rock
interaction in a frequency domain linear analysis. In the work presented by Gaun et. al [9], an efficient
numerical procedure has been described to study the dynamic response of a reservoir-dam-foundation
system directly in the time domain. Ghaemian et. al [10] showed that the effects of foundations shape
and mass on the linear response of arch dams are considerable. The damfoundation interaction effects
are typically presented by a standard mass-less foundation model [11]. In this case, it is assumed that
the displacement at the bottom of the foundation vanishes and roller supports is placed at the vertical
sides of the foundation. The most widely used model for soil radiation damping is the one of Lysmer and
Kuhlemeyer [12]. In this model the foundation is wrapped by dashpots tuned to absorb the S and P waves.
In this model, modeling the radiation damping on the farend boundary of the massed foundation, 2- node
elements as boundary elements are used to apply the lumped dashpot on the farend nodes of the massed
foundation model. The viscous boundary condition is applied on the farend boundary of the foundation
to prevent the wave reflection form the artificial boundary of the infinite media in finite element analysis.
The most common soilstructure interaction (SSI) approach is based on the added motion formulation.
This formulation is valid for freefield motions caused by earthquake waves generated from all sources.
The method requires that the freefield motions at the base of the structure be calculated prior to the soil
structure interaction analysis [13].

For the structure on the rigid foundation, the input seismic acceleration gives rise to an overturning
moment and transverse base shear. As the rock is very stiff, these two stress resultants will not lead to any
(additional) deformation or rocking motion at the base. For the structure founded on flexible soil, the
motion of the base of the structure will be different from the free-field motion because of the coupling of
the structure-soil system. This process, in which the response of the soil influences the motion of the
structure and response of the structure influences the motion of the soil, is referred to as soil-structure
interaction (SSI) presented by Wolf (1985) [14]. The objective of this paper is to assess the impact of
foundation flexibility and dam-reservoir-foundation interaction on seismic response of high concrete
gravity dams. A two-dimensional (2D) finite-element (FE) model is used to investigate the effects of
foundation flexibility and dam-reservoir-foundation interaction on the seismic response of a typical nonoverflow concrete gravity dam section with full reservoir. The dam height is 110 meters, the downstream
slope is 0.9:1, and the upstream face is assumed vertical. The crest of the dam is 10 m wide, and a
rectangular section is assumed for the top 10 m of the monolith. Standard material properties are assumed,
with unit density of concrete = 2400 kg/m3, and modulus of elasticity Es= 24 GP. Radiation damping in
the foundation is not considered in the current study. In this study, a dam-reservoir-foundation system is
analyzed linearly using ANSYS code. The dam-reservoir interaction is solved by a coupled solution
procedure while Sommerfeld boundary condition is applied at the reservoirs far-end truncated boundary.
The foundation is defined as a different part from the structure with different modulus of elasticity. In the
present study, a time domain seismic analysis of the problem is developed by coupling the finite element
method for the infinite reservoir, infinite foundation and finite dam domain. An efficient coupling
procedure is formulated by using the coupling coincide nodes method. The effect of foundation flexibility

Eighteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC18

Sharm ElSheikh, 12-14 March 2015

has been obtained by considering various dam-foundation rock interaction ratios Ef/Ec i.e. modulus of
elasticity of foundation Ef to modulus of elasticity of dam concrete Ec. Figure 1 shows the problem


Applying the standard Galerkins method to simulate of dam-reservoir-foundation interaction is
performed. The discretized structural dynamic equation including the dam and foundation rock subjected
to ground motion can be formulated using the finite-element approach as [15]:
Where Ms, Cs and Ks are the structural mass, damping and stiffness matrices, respectively, ue is the
nodal displacement vector with respect to ground and the term QPe represents the nodal force vector
associated with the hydrodynamic pressure produced by the reservoir. In addition, e and g are the
relative nodal acceleration and nodal ground acceleration vectors, respectively. The term Q is referred to
as the coupling matrix. The discretization of hydrodynamic pressure equation to get the matrix form of
the wave equation as [15]:
Where Mf, Cf and Kf are the fluid mass, damping and stiffness matrices, respectively and Pe; e and g
are the nodal pressure, relative nodal acceleration and nodal ground acceleration vectors, respectively.
The term
is also referred to as the transpose of the coupling matrix. The dot represents the time
derivative. Equations (1) and (2) describe the complete finite-element discretized equations for the damwater-foundation rock interaction problem and can be written in an assembled form as [15]-[17]:

Where Kfs = -Q and Mfs =

. Equation (3) expresses a second order linear differential equation
having unsymmetrical matrices and can be solved by means of direct integration methods.


In the present study, in order to satisfy the continuity conditions between the fluid and solid media at
the boundaries. The nodes at the common lines of the fluid and the plane elements are constrained to be
coupled in the direction normal to the interface. Relative movements are allowed to occur in the
tangential directions. This is implemented by attaching the coincident nodes at the common lines of the
fluid and the plane elements in the normal direction. At the interface of the fluid-structure system, only
the displacements in the direction normal to the interface are assumed to be compatible in the structure as
well as the fluid. The fluid is assumed to be linear-elastic, incompressible, irrotational and nonviscous. A
typical concrete gravity dam is chosen as a case study. The dam is 110 m high and its thickness varies
from 10 m at the crest to 100m at the foundation level. 2-D finite element model is implemented via
ANSYS code version 14 [18]. No absorption is considered at reservoir bottom. The depth of the reservoir
is considered 100 m. Since the extent of the reservoir is large, it is necessary to truncate the reservoir at a
sufficiently large distance from the dam. A length of reservoir equivalent to two times its depth is chosen
for adequate representation of hydrodynamic effects on the dam body. The depth of foundation of 150 m

Eighteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC18

Sharm ElSheikh, 12-14 March 2015

is taken into account in the calculations. The dam and foundation materials are assumed to be linearelastic, homogeneous and isotropic. A two dimensional (2D) finite element model (PLANE 182) is used
to model dam body and foundation soil. A two dimensional (2D) finite fluid element model (FLUID 29)
is used to model the reservoir water. The employed Finite Element mesh is shown by Figure 2. The effect
of foundation flexibility has been obtained by considering four dam-foundation rock interaction ratios i.e.
modulus of elasticity of foundation to modulus of elasticity of dam Ef /Ec= 0.5, 1, 5 and 500.


The material properties for the concrete gravity dam, foundation soil and reservoir water are presented
as follows:
Table 1. Material Properties


Isotropic Elasticity
Poissons Ratio
Isotropic Elasticity
Poissons Ratio
Wave Velocity
Wave Reflection

24 GPa
2400 Kg/m3
24 GPa
2400 Kg/m3
1000 Kg/m3
1440 m/s

The selected gravity dam is simulated including dam-reservoir-foundation interaction using the Finite
Element discretization shown in Figure 2. Linear transient dynamic analysis adopted in ANSYS code
version 14 is implemented. In order to investigate the effects of dam-water-foundation on the time history
response of gravity dams, the linear earthquake response of the selected dam is determined for the
specified case. A static analysis is initially implemented and then, the dam is subjected to the El-Centro
NS record of Imperial Valley earthquake (1940) shown in Figure 3 in upstream-downstream direction.


Numerical results for the seismic response of dam-reservoir-foundation interaction shown by Tables 2
to 4 and Figures (4) to (14) are discussed in the following sections. Analysis of the effect of foundation
flexibility on seismic response of concrete gravity dams is performed for four values of foundation
flexibility ratio Ef /Ec =0.5, 1, 5 and 500, where Ef refers to foundation modulus of Elasticity while Ec
refers to concrete modulus of elasticity. In the present analysis, the ratio of Ef /Ec =500 represents very
rigid foundation while the ratio of Ef /Ec = 0.5 assigns for very flexible foundation.

7.1. Effect of Foundation Flexibility on Gravity Dam Displacement

Maximum horizontal crest, toe and heel displacements for all ratios of Ef /Ec are summarized in Table 2
and Figure (4). It is clear that the effect of foundation flexibility on dam displacements is significant for Ef
/Ec ranges between 0.5 and 5 while no significant effect for ratios greater than 5 is observed. Maximum
horizontal crest displacement is 9.369 cm for Ef /Ec =0.5 while least displacement equals 2.809 cm for Ef
/Ec = 500. Figure (5) shows a typical time history for horizontal crest displacement for Ef /Ec =1. Maximum
horizontal dam base displacement follows the preceding analysis of crest displacement. Maximum

Eighteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC18

Sharm ElSheikh, 12-14 March 2015

horizontal toe displacement is 3.144 cm for Ef /Ec =0.5 while least displacement equals 0.0000174 cm for
Ef /Ec = 500. Figure (6) shows a typical time history for horizontal dam toe displacement for Ef /Ec =0.5.
Maximum horizontal heel displacement is 3.233 cm for Ef /Ec =0.5 while least displacement equals
0.0000225 cm for Ef /Ec = 500. Figure (7) shows a typical time history for horizontal dam heel
displacement for Ef /Ec = 5. Results indicate that the foundation flexibility has a significant impact on
dam displacements. Maximum displacements are associated with ratios of Ef /Ec less than unity (Ef /Ec
=0.5), while least displacements are obtained for very rigid foundation (Ef /Ec =500).
Table 2. Results for Maximum Dam Displacement

Ef /Ec

Max. Horizontal crest

displacement m

Max. Dam toe horizontal

displacement m

Max. Dam heel horizontal

displacement m

7.2. Effect of Foundation Flexibility on Dam Stresses

Results for maximum principle, normal and shear stresses at both dam toe and dam heel for all ratios
of Ef /Ec are summarized in Table 3 and Figures (8) and (10). It is clear that the effect of foundation
flexibility on dam stresses is significant for Ef /Ec ranges between 0.5 and 5 while this effect decreases
significantly for values greater than 5. For the present case study of full reservoir, maximum stresses are
developed at dam toe as shown by Table 3. Figure (8) shows that maximum principal stress at dam toe is 3425.2 KPa for Ef /Ec =0.5 while least stress equals -1158.6 KPa for Ef /Ec = 500. Figure (9) shows a
typical time history for principal stress at dam toe for Ef /Ec =1. Figure (10) shows that maximum normal
stress at dam heel is -1778.9 KPa for Ef /Ec =0.5 while least stress equals -1067.3KPa for Ef /Ec = 500. In
addition, Figure (10) shows that maximum shear stress at dam heel is -750.33 KPa for Ef /Ec =0.5 while
least stress equals -462.41 KPa for Ef /Ec = 500. Figures (11) shows a typical time history for normal stress
at dam heel for Ef /Ec =0.5 while Figure (12) shows a typical time history for shear stress at dam heel for
Ef /Ec = 5. Results indicate that the foundation flexibility has a significant impact on dam stresses.
Maximum stresses are associated with ratios of Ef /Ec less than unity (Ef /Ec =0.5), while least stresses are
obtained for very rigid foundation (Ef /Ec =500).
Table3. Results for Maximum Stresses

Stress at toe
Ef /Ec



Stress at heel
Shear KPa




Shear KPa

Eighteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC18

Sharm ElSheikh, 12-14 March 2015

7.3. Effect of Foundation Flexibility on Hydrodynamic Pressure

Results for the effect of foundation flexibility on hydrodynamic pressure for all ratios of Ef /Ec are
summarized in Table 4 and Figures (13) to (15). It is clear that foundation flexibility has no significant
effect on hydrodynamic pressure for all ratios of Ef /Ec.. Figure (13) shows the time history of
hydrodynamic pressure at dam base for Ef /Ec= 1. Figure (14) shows the time history of hydrodynamic
pressure at 80% of reservoir depth for Ef /Ec =5. . Figure (15) shows the time history of hydrodynamic
pressure at 50% of reservoir depth for Ef /Ec =500. For all ratios of Ef /Ec, the results are the almost the
same. This result can be explained as the hydrodynamic pressure is mainly a function of the reservoir
height and the earthquake severity which are the same for all ratios. The presence of foundation in dam
modeling does not affect significantly the hydrodynamic pressure..
Table 4. Results for Maximum Hydrodynamic Pressure in KPa

Ef /Ec

At dam base

At 0.80 H

At 0.50 H

The present work is an attempt to assess the effect of flexibility of the foundation on the seismic
response of a concrete gravity dams. Results indicate that the foundation flexibility has a significant
impact on dam stresses. Maximum displacement and stresses are associated with foundation flexibility
ratios Ef /Ec less than unity, while least responses are obtained for very rigid foundation with Ef /Ec=500.
Results assure that in simulating dam-reservoirfoundation interaction problems, the ratio of Ef /Ec =500
can be recommended to represent the case of fixed foundation with an acceptable accuracy. Results assign
that flexibility of foundation has almost no significant effect on hydrodynamic pressure.

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Chopra A. K. (1967) Hydrodynamic pressures on dams during earthquakes, ASCE Journal of
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Sommerfeld A. (1949) Partial Differential Equations in Physics, Academic Press, New York.
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Millan, M. A., Young, Y. L. and Prevost, J. H. (2007) The Effect of Reservoir Geometry on the
Seismic Response of Gravity Dams, Earthquake Eng. Struct. Dyn. 2007; 36:14411459.


Eighteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC18

Sharm ElSheikh, 12-14 March 2015

Bakenaz A. Zeidan (2013) Hydrodynamic Analysis of Concrete Gravity Dams Subjected To

Ground Motion 9th Symposium of ICOLD European Club. Club IECS201310-12 April, Italy.
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Reservoir Bottom Absorption and Dam- Water-Foundation Rock Interaction, Earthquake
Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 12:5, 663-680.
Fenves, G., And Chopra, A. K., (1985) Effects Of Reservoir Bottom Absorption And Dam-WaterFoundation Rock Interaction On Frequency Response Functions For Concrete Gravity Dams
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol. 13, 1985, Pp. 13-31.
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Wolf J. P. (1985) Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction, Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
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Coupled System, International Symposium on Dams in a Global Environmental Challenges,
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Zienkiewicz, 0.C. and Taylor, R.L. (1991) The Finite Element Method; 4th Edition McGrawHill.
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ANSYS software manual, version 14.


Eighteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC18





Sharm ElSheikh, 12-14 March 2015


Figure 1. Dam-Reservoir-Foundation Idealization

Figure 2. Finite Element Mesh for dam-reservoir-foundation model

Figure 3. Horizontal Acceleration record of the El-Centro earthquake


Eighteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC18

Sharm ElSheikh, 12-14 March 2015



Max. hz. displacement m








Ef/ Ec ratio

Figure 4. Effect of Foundation Flexibility on Gravity Dam Displacements

Figure 5. Time History for Horizontal Crest Displacement for Ef/Ec=1.

Figure 6. Time History for Horizontal Dam Toe Displacement for Ef/Ec= 0.5



Eighteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC18

Sharm ElSheikh, 12-14 March 2015

Figure 7. Time History for Horizontal Dam Heel Displacement for Ef/Ec= 5.

Max. Stress at damtoe KPa


Principal Stress
Normal Stress
Shear Stress




Ef/ Ec ratio

Figure 8. Effect of Foundation Flexibility on Stresses at Dam Toe

Figure 9. Time History for Principal Stress at Dam Toe in KPa for Ef/Ec=1



Eighteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC18

Sharm ElSheikh, 12-14 March 2015

Max. Stress at damheel KPa


Principal Stress
Normal Stress
Shear Stress





Ef/ Ec ratio

Figure 10. Effect of Foundation Flexibility on Stresses at Dam Heel

Figure 11. Time History for Normal Stress at Dam Heel KPa for Ef/Ec=0.5

Figure 12. Time History for Shear Stress at Dam Heel for Ef/Ec= 5


Eighteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC18

Sharm ElSheikh, 12-14 March 2015

Figure13. Time History for Hydrodynamic Pressure at dam heel for Ef/Ec= 1

Figure14. Time History for Hydrodynamic Pressure at 0.8 of reservoir depth for Ef/Ec=5

Figure15. Time History for Hydrodynamic Pressure at 0.5 of reservoir depth for Ef/Ec=500


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