Brunet Giacchetti - Secured Drapery

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Design Software for Secured Drapery

Ghislain Brunet
Maccaferri, Inc
10303 Governor Lane Blvd.,
Williamsport, MD 21795-3116
Ph: 301-223-6910
[email protected]

Giorgio Giacchetti
Via Kennedy 10
40069 Zola Predosa
Ph: 01139051646000
[email protected]

Prepared for the 63rd Highway Geology Symposium, May 7-10, 2012

Statements and views presented in this paper are strictly those of the author, and do
not necessarily reflect positions held by their affiliations, the Highway Geology
Symposium (HGS), or others acknowledged above. The mention of trade names
for commercial products does not imply the approval or endorsement by HGS.

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Copyright 2012 Highway Geology Symposium (HGS)
All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this
publication may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means graphic,
electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage
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A secured drapery system, consisting of rockfall netting and a systematic
nailing scheme, is designed to stabilize surficial material on an exposed rock face.
The design procedure can be very complicated because the geomechanical models
are very complex or unrealistic, and obtaining accurate input data is rather
problematic. This paper presents a simple design approach for secured a drapery
system, which combines the field experience of geologists and engineers on one
hand, and the results of full scale drapery field tests on the other.
The proposed calculations assume that the rock face exists in a limit
equilibrium condition. With this approach, knowledge of parameters like cohesive
strength and friction angle that are difficult to obtain is not required. The necessary
input data are geometric measurement of the rock face and the main performance
features of the anchors and mesh. The safety factors proposed in the calculations are
based on considerations concerning the slope morphology, the weathering of the
rock mass, and the presence of additional loads such as snow or ice. In this way the
designer can easily input data and deal with uncertainties related to the real slope
The calculation procedure allows for determining both the ultimate limit
state (verification of breaking loads of the system components), and serviceability
limit state (maximum permissible deformation of the facing).
The design analysis has been implemented in the MacRo 1 software package from
Officine Maccaferri. Nevertheless, even if the software allows a quick and simple
calculation approach, onsite observations are always recommended to achieve a
good design, with the ultimate goal of protecting property and the public.

Protection against rockfall is frequently carried out with mesh facing and
patterned nails; this system, known as secured drapery (or pin drapery, or surficial
consolidation or cortical strengthening) is aimed at improving the rock face stability
(Fig. 1). This kind of intervention is typically recommended where the number of
unstable blocks is too large, and/or the unstable rock size is too small to allow the
nailing of each single rock, so that the surficial portion of slope can be compared to
a continuous unstable thickness. The unstable portion is usually thinner than 1.0 m
(3 ft) and frequently ranges between 0.3-0.6 m (1-2 ft); it can be generally estimated
by observing the thickness of the weathered / loose rock mass (typical size of the
fallen blocks is also a good indication of the dimension). A more precise estimation
approach would require a good geomechanical survey and an analysis with the
Goodman & Shi theory (Goodman and Shi, 1985) in order to size the removable
area and the average thickness of the unstable portion; A time consuming
approach that often does not make sense in common practice.
Even if the secured drapery system could improve the global stability for
slopes smaller than 1000 m2 (11,000 ft2), the solution should only be considered for
surficial stability problems. That is why the designers judgment is always required
for identifying the extent and depth of the unstable rock face. In common practice,
the secured drapery design is often dimensioned on the basis of experience and
common sense when accurate data is not available.

Fig. 1 Secured drapery system: the intervention consists of a mesh facing and
a pattern of nails. Diamond cable netting pattern is shown above.


The stabilization of the rock face is mainly achieved by inserting
reinforcement bars (nails) in the rock mass, which are then grouted and bonded to
the rock mass for their entire length. The nailing mobilizes friction and shear force
resistance along the entire length and contributes to the improvement of the
stability. When there are displacements in the joints, nail resistance is passively
generated (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 Scheme of the nailed rock mass. The anchors support the whole
unstable mass, including the net. The net has only to control the unstable rock
portion between the anchors.

The stability of the exposed rock face, reinforced with nails, is obtained by
the contribution of the steel mesh. The function of the mesh is to stabilize the
material between the nails by limiting the bulging (which may also have an
aesthetic function). the steel mesh facing has a flexible structural behavior, within
the limits of its intrinsic deformability, and works in unison with the passive action
of the nails. In fact, this type of stabilization cannot be considered as a stiff structure
(e.g. shotcrete or precast elements), which limits the blocks displacement in an
optimal approach. The design of the flexible structural facing requires a certain
consideration in order to minimize any problems related to the intrinsic properties of
the mesh and its limited applications. The punch testing method is fundamental for
modeling the transition of the forces to the nails (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 - Outdoor test facility at Pont Boset, developed by Technical University

of Torino in cooperation with Officine Maccaferri (Bertolo et Al. 2009), where
the behavior of several type of mesh restrained in a real condition has been
measured. The results showed that the deformability depends on the pattern of
the mesh, and that the mesh can work in unison with the nails when a stiff
membrane is used.

In the past, several authors have carried out tests of samples with different
sizes and restrained within different test frames (Ruegger R., & Flum D., 2000;
Bonati & Galimberti, 2004; Muhunthan B. et Al., 2005). The most interesting tests
have been developed in Pont Boset (Aosta Italia), where a realistic restraint is
formed by a pattern of 3.0 m x 3.0 m (10 ft x 10 ft) nails, similar to that frequently
adopted for the consolidation of rock and soil slopes. A punch device plunging at
45 on the mesh plane (Fig. 4) was installed to reproduce rock movement (Bertolo
et. al. 2007; Bertolo et. al. 2009).

3.0 m

Fig. 4 - Punch device at Pont Boset test facility

The test results have demonstrated the poor correlation between laboratory
tests with small size samples and real site behavior, highlighting the necessity to
reproduce the real conditions in which the mesh is applied (Majoral et Al., 2008).
Secondly, the results have demonstrated that certain meshes develop resistance
appreciable forces only after they have reached a displacement of several decimeters
(one or more feet) with negligible load. For example, the displacement of the punch
device under load for hexagonal mesh, at 0.4 m (16 inches), is half that of a
diamond mesh with high tensile resistance wire (Fig. 5). Given this behavior, it is
obvious that the rock displacements engage nails in a passive intervention, where
the facing elements do not yet offer a stabilizing contribution. Stabilizing will only
start when the selected mesh generates load transfer to the nail, usually after few
decimeters of displacement.

Figure 5 Load-displacement curve of punch tests on 3.0 m x 3.0 m net

samples. The non-linear behaviour can be clearly seen. For loads less than 10
kN, deformations are in the order of 200 to 600 mm, depending on the net type.
This behaviour allows the gradual but continuous detachment of blocks from
rock mass.

Despite a lack of evidence, it is often mistakenly assumed that pre-stretching

of the facing allows active pressures to develop which contribute to stabilization of
the slope. Pre-stretching of the facing is theoretically carried out by pre-tensioning
the nails, which is done by screwing down the nut on the nail plate, so that the mesh
is pushed into concavities of the ground surfaces, or by tangentially stretching the
mesh on the edges of the revetment. In the first case, the nail tensioning does not
provide advantages, since any pressure from the plate to the mesh or soil will
necessarily generate equal and opposite forces, which will pull out the nail, so there
is no stabilizing force developed in the system. In the second case, pre-stretching
could be implemented on planar surfaces in principle, but if the nails are already
installed, or if the ground surface is just uneven, tension is almost impossible to
obtain because of the frictions on the asperities (Ferraiolo and Giacchetti, 2004). In
both these cases, the intrinsic deformability of the mesh invalidates the effect of the
Therefore, even if it was possible to pre-stretch the mesh, the forces developed would be tangential to the mesh plane, and some pressure could be developed
only against the protuberance of the cavity next to the nail area. However, there are
non-relevant pressures on the soil between the nails, so it is possible to lift the mesh
from contact with the ground, simply by using the fingers.

Some important implications for the design approach of the structural flexible
facing came out as corollaries of the above:

From the geomechanical point of view, the mesh has a passive behavior
where it needs to be solicited before generating any resistance forces. It
cannot be modeled as shotcrete which is made to transmit almost uniform
pressures on the ground surface by means of the nails.

The difference of behavior between meshes depends upon the way the fabric
is manufactured and not upon the steel grade of the wire. The membrane
stiffness plays a primary role into the facing choice; the higher the stiffness
is, the more effective the facing is. Therefore, the tensile strength has
marginal importance in the mesh choice, because the tensile stresses acting
on the mesh are almost always 3 times lower than the nominal tensile
strength of the mesh.

The overlapping of a cable net on the mesh facing is always recommended.

The cable netting, which is much stiffer than the mesh, reduces the
membrane deformability and helps to distribute the stress on the mesh
generated adjacent to the nails. That is why a mesh with cables woven into
the fabric performs the best (Fig. 5).

With flexible structural facing, the nails could have difficulty cooperating
with each other in consolidation of the surface, which depends on mutual
interlocking of the blocks near the nails; that is why nail spacing should
never exceed 3.0 m, because with larger spacing, each anchor is working
independently of the other.

Figure 5 In-situ test on a net installed in real conditions, (Pont Boset Facility
test). A stiffer mesh can be obtained by inserting cables in the netting.
The design of secured drapery is not at all easy because of numerous
variables, including topography, rock mass properties, joint geometry and
properties, mesh type and related restraint conditions. Often the solution to the
problem may require complex numerical modeling which is not practical for every
project, especially if the design is aimed at interventions of modest size and scope.
Because of that, at the present, limit equilibrium models are the preferable design
method; they can be simplified by estimating the rock mass displacement. Taking
this into consideration and incorporating field experience, Officine Maccaferri has
developed MacRo1, a limit equilibrium approach for the design of secured drapery.
The procedure is quite rough, but it is sufficient when considering the low accuracy
level of the input data, the reliability of the results and the speed of the calculations.
Considering passive behavior, the nail calculation must assume the unstable
portion of the slope lies in condition of limit equilibrium, where the safety factor is
equal to 1.0. Therefore, the resisting forces have the same value of the driving
forces and the following equation is true:

Resisting forces = W sin = driving forces

W = weight of the unstable rock mass to be consolidated
= inclination of the slope surface, where the sliding of the unstable rock mass can
Using the resistance criteria of Barton-Bandis for the joints, equation [1] can be
rewritten to describe the improved stability condition (Hoek and Brown, 1981):
Wsin c sin tan + R W (sin + c cos )


R = stabilizing contribution of the nails

c = seismic coefficients
= residual friction angle of the joint
Setting tan 1 (friction angle = 45), and posing the safety factors for reducing
the stabilizing forces (RW) and increasing the driving ones (DW), the stability
condition would be:

W sin (1- c) / RW + R W DW (sin + c cos )


FSslp > = FDslp


FDslp = (W sin + c cos ) DW = Sum of the driving forces
FSslp = ((W sin ) (1- c)) / RW + R = Sum of stabilizing forces
Equation [3] allows for determining the nail force that consolidates a rock mass in
the limit equilibrium state. It is a conservative equation and is simple to use since
the only geotechnical variable is the inclination of the sliding plane. The safety
coefficients (RW, DW) depend on several factors. The rock mass features affect the
size of the stabilizing forces, so that their safety coefficient can be described as

THl describes the uncertainties in determining the surficial instability

thickness s. Its value ranges between 1.20, when the estimation is based
on a geomechanical survey, and 1.30, when it is based on rough

WG describes the uncertainties in the unitary weight determination of the

rock mass. Usually it is assumed to equal 1.00, but if there are severe
uncertainties (e.g. when the density is not homogeneous, as in flysch
rock masses) it can be assumed to equal 1.05.
BH describes the uncertainties related to the rock mass behaviour. High
erodibility of the rock surface can cause necking of the nails and
weakness of the whole system. Usually the value is assumed to equal
1.00, but if there are severe environmental conditions or the rock mass is
easily weathered, it can be assumed to equal 1.05.

External conditions, especially slope morphology, play an important role in the

magnitude of the driving forces, whose safety coefficient is defined as

MO describes the uncertainties related to slope morphology. If the slope

is very rough, then the mesh facing is not in good contact with the
surface, and the unstable blocks can freely move; in that case a safety
coefficient of 1.30 should be applied. If the slope surface is even, the
mesh facing lies in better contact with the ground; in the case, the
unstable block movement is limited, and a safety coefficient of 1.10 is
OL describes the uncertainties related to additional loads applied on the
facing system. The additional loads could be related to the presence of
ice and snow, or to vegetation growing on the slope. Usually it is
assumed to equal 1.00, but if severe conditions are foreseen, it can be
assumed to equal 1.20.

The reinforcing nail bars work principally in proximity to the sliding joint,
where it is subjected to shear stresses together with tensile stresses. The resisting
force R, due to the bar along the sliding plane, is derived utilising the maximum
work principal:

1 +
1 +


m = cotg ( + )

m 2



= the angle between the bar axis and a line perpendicular to the sliding joint.
It is equal to
= 90 - o , where o is the drilling inclination referenced to the horizontal.
= sliding surface dilatancy
Ne = bar strength (elasticity limit condition) = ESS adm = ESS ST / ST
ST = coefficient of reduction for the steel resistance.
ESS = effective area of the steel bar = / 4 ((fe - 2 fc)2- fi2)
fe = external diameter of the steel bar
fc = thickness of corrosion on the external crown
fi = minor diameter of the steel bar

In accordance with the Barton Bandis resistance criteria, the value is

approximated as
JRC log

plan =

ix iy s cos
ix iy

= inclination of the most unfavourable sliding plane

plan = sliding plane tensile stress

JRC = joint roughness coefficient =

L g ( 0 .02 JRC 0 )

JCS = joint uni-axial compression resistance =

Lg ( 0.03 JRC 0 )

JCS0 = joint compression strength referred to the scale joint sample

JRC0 = roughness referred to scale joint sample
L0 = joint length (assumed to be 0.1 m for lack of available data)
Lg = sliding joint length (assumed to be equal to vertical nail spacing of 1.0 m
for lack of available data).

Please note that the roughness values and the uniaxial compression resistance
should be estimated on the most unfavourable joints.


The evaluation of nail length considers the following:
a) The nail plays the most important role in superficial consolidation of the
slope. Its length must be deeper than the instability thickness, and should
allow the bar to reach into the stable section.
b) The steel bar and the grout are exposed to weathering actions (ice, rain,
salinity, temperature variations, etc.).
The minimum theoretical length is derived by
Lt = Ls + Li + Lp
Ls = length in the stable part of the mass = P / ( drill lim / gt)
Li = length in the weathered mass = s / cos dw

LP = length of hole with plasticity phenomena in firm part of the rock mass. It is assumed
to equal 0.3 m (1.0 ft).

drill = diameter of the hole for the bar
lim = adherence tension between grout rock
gt = safety coefficient of the adhesion grout rock
P = pullout force; it is the greater of the following:
PMesh = ((WSbar - WDbar) cos ( + o)) ix = pull out force due to the mesh
PRock = (FSslp R FDslp) cos (+ o) = pull out force due to the slope

The length of the nail now has a preliminary value. The final suitable length of the
bars has to be evaluated during drilling and confirmed with pull out tests.


Some secondary blocks could slide among the nails on a plane with inclination
, where is smaller than the slope inclination , and push on the mesh facing. The
maximum block size pushing per horizontal linear meter of facing depends on the
thickness s and the vertical spacing iy between two nails.
Since the load pushing is asymmetric and the mesh deforms unevenly, the forces
acting on the facing are represented with the following simplified scheme (see
Figure 6):
F - the force developed by the blocks sliding between the nails on a plane
inclined at .
T - the force acting on the facing plane, which rises when the sliding blocks
push on the facing. The force can develop because there is a large friction
between mesh and blocks, and a pocket is formed. The facing, which is
considered to be nailed on the upper part only, reacts to T with the tensile
resistance of the mesh.

M the punch force developed by the blocks perpendicular to the facing

plane. The force is developed since there are several lateral restraints, like
the nailing (strong restraint) and the next meshes (weak restraint). The
magnitude of M largely depends on the stiffness of the mesh: the higher
the membrane stiffness of the mesh is, the more effectiveness the facing

In the case of the mesh, the ultimate limit state is satisfied when
Tadm - T > = 0
Tadm = admissible tensile strength of the mesh
The admissible tensile strength of the mesh would be
Tadm = Tm / MH
Tm = Tensile resistance of the mesh
MH = safety coefficient for the reduction of the tensile resistance of the
mesh. Taking into account the inhomogeneous stress state of the loaded
mesh, the minimum safety coefficient should be not lower than 2.50.

Fig. 6- Scheme of the forces acting on the mesh

The stress T on the mesh depends on the force pushing on the mesh (M see figure
6), which can be calculated using the same principles as formula [3]
M = F sin () ix = (Mbdrv Mbstb) sin () ix
Mbdrv = (Mb sin + c cos ) DW = driving forces
Mbstb = (Mb sin (1- c)) RW = resisting forces
Mb = V = weight of the unstable rock mass
V = maximum unstable volume between nails which is calculated by the

1 2
iy tan( )

(Case A): if ( arctan (s/iy)) and <

V =

(Case B): if < ( arctan (s/iy))

V = iy s
2 tan( )
V = 0.5 s2 / tan()

(Case C): if < ( - arctg(s/iy))

if M/ix /sin () p) < Mb sen

T = M / ix / sin () p

else T = Mb sen

p arctg (bulg / 1.5) = angle of deformation of the mesh.
Zbulg = displacement related to the punch load M. It is directly measured
from Maccaferris test experiences.


The serviceability limit state provides information concerning the following:
- required maintenance activity on the facing;
- risks of stripping because of anchor necking;
- interference between infrastructure and facing as consequence of
excessive displacements.

The serviceability limit state is satisfied if

Bulg - Zbulg >= 0

= Dmbulg / mbulg = admissible displacement

Dmbulg = maximum design displacement

mbulg = safety coefficient. Its value ranges between 1.50 (facing installed
properly on a slope with an even surface) and 3.00 (facing installed
improperly on a slope with uneven morphology).
bulg = deformation of the facing as derived from the results of Maccaferri tests
on the base due to punch force M.
Secured drapery is an effective consolidation system for rock slopes, and is
recommended where the surficial weathered portion of slope can be compared to a
continuous unstable thickness. Both laboratory testing and field performance give
evidence that the secured drapery reacts to rock mass displacements, and that one of
the most important properties of the mesh facing is the membrane stiffness. The
calculation approach, which has necessarily been introduced with some
simplification, has been implemented in the MacRo 1 software package, which uses
safety coefficients related to field experience.

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