Critical Look at The Regulation of Cyber Crime
Critical Look at The Regulation of Cyber Crime
Critical Look at The Regulation of Cyber Crime
A Comparative Analysis with Suggestions for Legal Policy
Mohamed CHAWKI *
* LL.B (1998), BA (1998), LL.M (2000), DU (2003). Member of the Council of State (Conseil dEtat). Member
of several NGOs. Phd Researcher at the School of Law, University of Lyon III, France.
[email protected]
Cybercrime cut across territorial borders, creating a new realm of illegal human activity and
undermining the feasibility--and legitimacy--of applying laws based on geographic
boundaries. Territorially-based law-making and law-enforcing authorities find cybercrime
deeply threatening. It has subjected the nation-State to unprecedented challenges with regard
to its efficacy, sovereignty and functions. However, established territorial authorities may yet
learn to defer to the self-regulatory efforts of Cyberspace participants who care most deeply
about this new digital trade in ideas, information, and services. Separated from doctrine tied to
territorial jurisdictions, new legislations will emerge, in a variety of online spaces, to deal
with a wide range of new phenomena that have no clear parallel in the real world.
Accordingly, this article seeks to address and analyse the following issues: Firstly, it
examines how cybercrime is being addressed at the national and international levels.
Secondly, it reviews the state of the existing legislative and regulatory framework and their
efficiency in combating this form of cross-border organised crime, taking the European Union
as a case study. Finally, the article will conclude by discussing the steps nations should take in
their battle against this crime.
Legislative Approaches
lawmakers, law enforcement agencies, and international institutions.7 This necessitates the
existence of an effective supra-national as well as domestic mechanisms that monitor the
utilisation of ICTs for criminal activities in cyberspace.8
This concern is shared by many international organizations, including the United Nations, the G-8, the
European Union and the Council of Europe.
See D. PARKER, Fighting Computer Crime: For Protecting Information (U.S.A, John Wiley), [1998] p. 10.
In fact, the dictionary defines cyberspace as the online world of computer networks. Merriam-Websters
Collegiate Dictionary [1997]. For the purposes of this article, the term cyberspace denotes the multifaceted
global network of computerized information exchange made possible by ICTs.
In fact, the involvement of organised crime groups in the field of computer fraud was illustrated when a
Russian group attacked one of the best known US banks in New York via data networks in 1994. Operating from
St. Petersburg, the group succeeded in causing the American bank to transfer over US$ 10 million to foreign
accounts. Monitoring and following the "money trail" of the manipulations, some of the perpetrators finally
could be arrested. The responsible security officer of the bank told the author that the arrested perpetrators
possessed false Greek and Israeli passports which were forged in a quality which could be produced in Russia
only by members of the former Russian secret service KGB. See M. LYMAN and G. POTTER, Organized
Crime (New Jersey, Prenhall); U. SIEBER, Legal Aspects of Computer Related Crime (European Commission),
[1998] p. 25.
D. PARKER, op. cit.
Mcconnell International, Cybercrime...and Punishment? Archaic Laws Threaten Global Information [Dec.,
Many of the legal challenges facing prosecutors in their pursuit of cybercriminals can be illustrated by the
destructive career of the Love Bug Virus. The virus which destroyed files and stole passwords. The virus which
also affected NASA and the CIA and raced around the world in two hours, three times faster than its Melissa
predecessor. As to the damage it inflected, estimates varied from $ 2 billion to $ 10 billion, since it is always
difficult to assess estimate the harm inflicted by cybercrime. On these points see D. HOPPER, Destructive
ILOVEYOU Computer Virus Strikes WorldWide , available at
<>( visited 25/03/2005), J. LEYDEN, LoveBug
Threatens Email Servers [ 5 May 2000], <> (visited 25/03/2005), P.
FESTA and J. WILCOX, Experts Estimate Damages in the Billions for Bug [ 5 May 2000], at:
<> (visited 25/05/2005).
In fact, the difficulty comes in defining the laws that need to be in place to allow the apprehension and
prosecution of cybercriminals. While this might be a straightforward task, it actually raises some difficult issues.
One is the scope of cyber-offences a country needs to define. Another is the extent to which these laws should be
cybercrime specific. Thus, it is necessary for a country to add a computer fraud offence if it has already
outlawed fraud. On this point see M. D. GOODMAN and S. BRENNER, The Emerging Consensus on Criminal
the right to regulate all online trade insofar as it might adversely impact local citizens. For
example The Attorney General of Minnesota, has asserted the right to regulate gambling that
occurs on a foreign web page that was accessed and brought into the state by a local
Also, the New Jersey securities regulatory agency has similarly asserted the right
to shut down any offending Web page accessible from within the state.18
On such a basis this section examines the distinct phenomenon of cybercrime.
Compare it with traditional crime and review the reports that have been conducted on its
incidence and the damage it inflicts.
See Karen Kaplan, Germany Forces Online Service to Censor Internet, L.A. Times, [ Dec. 29, 1995] , at A1;
Why Free-Wheeling Internet Puts Teutonic Wall over Porn, Christian Sci. Monitor, [ Jan 4, 1996] , at 1;
Cyberporn Debate Goes International; Germany Pulls the Shade On CompuServe, Internet, Wash. Post, [Jan. 1,
1996] , at F13 in Id.
See The Minnesota Attorney Generals Office distributed a Warning to All Internet Users and Providers,
available at <> (visited 30/03/2005).
See D. JOHNSON and D. POST, op. cit.
Id. p. 16.
In one such case in San Francisco, an electrical transformer in the basement of a building exploded, causing a
poisonous liquid coolant to be released. The computers in the building continued to operate, but the fire
department would not allow anybody to enter the building to tend to them, which rendered the information
In fact criminals may use computers, graphics software, and colour printers to forge documents. Criminals
who create automated crime software and those who purchase and use the software will be using their computers
as tools to commit crimes.
forum on Cybercrime, and a number of European states have signed the Council of Europes
Convention on Cybercrime treaty, which seeks to standardize European laws concerning
cybercrime. From this perspective, each organization and the authors of each piece of
legislation have their own ideas of what cybercrime is-and isnt. These definitions may vary a
little or a lot. To effectively discuss cybercrime in this part, however, we need a working
definition. Toward that end, we start with a board, general definition and then define specific
When speaking about cybercrime, we usually speak about two major categories of
offences: In one, a computer connected to a network is the target of the offence; this is the
case of attacks on network confidentiality, integrity and/ or availability. 27 The other category
consists of traditional offences- such as theft, fraud, and forgery- which are committed with
the assistance of/or by means of computers connected to a network, computer networks and
related information and communications technology.28 Cybercrime ranges from computer
fraud, theft and forgery- to infringements of privacy, the propagation of harmful content, the
legislation contain definitions of terms. However legislators dont always do a good job of
defining terms.
to the definition of computer crime conducted by the U.S Department of Justice (DOJ) is of
its overly broad concept. The (DOJ) defines computer crime as any violation of criminal law
that involved the knowledge of computer technology for its perpetration, investigation, or
crime, simply because a detective searched a computer data base as part of conducting an
One of the factors that make a hard-and-fast definition of cybercrime difficult is the
jurisdictional dilemma.33 Laws in different jurisdictions define terms differently, and it is
important for law enforcement officers who investigate crimes, as well as network
administrators who want to become involved in prosecuting cybercrime that are committed
against networks, to become familiar with the applicable laws. 34
Also, one of the major problems with adequately defining cybercrime is the lack of concrete
statistical data on these offences. In fact, reporting crimes is voluntary. 35 This means that the
figures are almost certainly much lower than the actual occurrence of networked-related
crime. 36
In many cases, crimes that legislators would call cybercrimes are just the same old
stuff, except that a computer network is somehow involved. The computer network gives
criminals a new way to commit the same old crimes.37 Existing statutes that prohibit these acts
D. SHINDER, Scene of the Cybercrime (U.S.A, Syngress), [2002] p. 6.
<> (visited 29/03/2005).
D. SHINDER, op. cit. p. 6.
Daved GARLAND argues that todays world of crime control and criminal justice was not brought into
being by rising crime rates or by a loss of faith in penal-welfarism, or at least not by these alone. These were
proximate causes rather than the fundamental processes at work. It was created instead by a series of adaptive
responses to the cultural and criminological conditions of late modernity- conditions which included new
problems of crime and insecurity, and new attitudes towards the welfare State. But these responses did not occur
outside of the political process, or in a political and cultural vacuum. On the contrary. They were deeply marked
by the cultural formation that he describes as crime complex ; by the reactionary politics that have dominated
Britain and America during the last twenty years; and by the new social relations that have grown up around the
changing structures of work, welfare and market exchange in these two late modern societies. On this point see
D. GARLAND, The Culture of Control: Crime and Social Order in Contemporary Society (David Garland,
University of Chicago), [2001].
D. SHINDER, op. cit. p. 6.
For example, the Internet is a non-secure network with more than one hundred million users around the world.
addition to the increased scale of criminal activity the cybercrime offers, it also has a tendency
to evade traditional offence categories. While some of its categories consists of using ICTs to
commit traditional crimes, it also manifests itself as new varieties of activity that cannot be
prosecuted using traditional offence categories. 52
The dissemination of the Love Bug virus illustrates this. Virus experts quickly traced
this virus to the Philippines. Using Information supplied by an Internet service provider,
agents from the Philippines National Bureau of Investigation and from the FBI identified
individuals suspected of creating and disseminating the Love Bug.53 However, they ran into
J. LEYDEN, Love Bug Suspect Released (, [ May 2000], available at:
<> (visited 29/03/2005).
See M. D. GOODMAN and S. BRENNER, op. cit. p. 153.
Studies of cybercriminals reveals seven significant profiles. Unfortunately, however, no criminal fits
exclusively in any one profile. Instead, the profiles overlap one another in fuzzy relationships. (A) Pranksters; (b)
Hackers; (c) Malicious hackers; (d) Personal problem solvers; (e) career criminals; (f) extreme advocates; (g)
malcontents, addicts, and irrational and incompetent people.
See 1999 Report on Cybertalking ( US Department of Justice), [ 1999] available at:
<> (visited 29/03/2005).
See M. D. GOODMAN and S. BRENNER, op. cit. p. 154.
D. PARKER, op. cit. p. 10.
See Mcconnell International E-Lert, Combating Cybercrime : A Proactive Approach [ Feb. 2001], available at:
<> ( visited 29/03/2005).
See UNESCO, Les Dimensions Internationales du Droit du Cyberespace (Paris, Economica), [2000].
D. PARKER, op. cit. p. 10.
with the participation of the San Francisco branch of the Federal Bureau
conducted in 2004 reports the results questionnaire administrated to 494 computer security
practitioners in U.S corporations government agencies, financial institutions, medical
institutions and universities. One area the survey explores is security breaches; the
questionnaire asks the respondents if they have experienced breaches of information security
in the last year.
In fact, some surveys dont focus on the incidence of cybercrime, but on the extent to which the public is
concerned about cybercrime. May be on the theory that public opinion is an important driver of national policy.
In a February 2001 survey of Americans, two contradictory views emerged: The first is that many Americans do
not trust their government and its agencies very much. Yet the second strong strain of opinion is that Americans
are quite willing to grant to law enforcement agencies and the FBI the right to intercept the email of criminal
suspects, perhaps because Americans are concerned about crime, especially new ways to perpetrate crime using
the Internet. While a majority of Americans approve of email interception to fight crime, only 21% of all
Americans have heard about Carnivore, the FBIs digital surveillance tool. On this point see Pew Internet and
American Life Project, available at <>(visited
<>. (visited 29/03/2005).
<>. (visited 29/03/2005).
<> (visited 29/03/2005).
See Cybercrime Soars in the UK, available at <> (visited 29/03/2005).
In Japan and china, studies showed high increases in cybercrime. 70 From its part, the
Australian version of the CSI/FBI survey 2004 found that: more respondants organizations
experienced electronic attacks that harmed the confidentiality integrity or availability of
network data or systems (49% in 2004 compared to 42% in 2003).71 It also remarked that:
Most of these attacks were again sourced externally (88%) compared to internally ( only
36%) , but fewer respondents experienced external attacks compared to 2003 ( 91%) .
survey showed that: Infections from viruses, worms or Trojans were the most common form
of electronic attack reported by respondants for the third consecutive year. They were the
greatest cause of financial losses and accounted for 45% of total losses for 2004.
In fact, the
value of these surveys is perhaps more anecdotal than scientific. 74 As almost everyone
concedes, it is difficult to gather accurate cybercrime statistics.
states: In reality, we have no valid statistics on cybercrime frequency or size of loss. Even if
there were valid statistics on cybercrime, beyond helping with actuarial insurance rate
structures and legislation, they would be of little use to a particular organization for its own
risk assement. Each organizations circumstances differ significantly from the average
incident represented in the statistics. Unfortunately, the limited surveys that are conducted on
cybercrime are often conducted by individuals who are unfamiliar with cybercrime. Each
survey respondent has a different definition of cybercrime and may be unaware of what
See M. KABAY, Studies and Surveys of Computer Crime ( Norwich), [ 20001], available at:
%20surveys%20of%20computer%20crime'> (visited 30/03/2005).
See Deloitte and Victoria Police Computer Crime Survey [2004], p. 3.
In 1999, the Australian survey found that the attacks perpetuated appear to be random, spur of the moment
attacks, with no discernible pattern detected in more than 70% of the cases. According to respondents, the most
likely motivation for an attack was curiosity (71%). The attacker was most likely to be a disgruntled employee or
an independent hacker. On this point see M. D. GOODMAN and S. BRENNER, op. cit. p. 156.
Most experts believe that common forms of computer related crime are significantly
underreported because victims may not realize that they have been victimized, may not
realize that the conduct involved in a crime, or may decide not to complain for reasons of
embarrassment or corporate credibility. 79 Other reasons for the under-reporting of cybercrime
are that Further problems arise with the mass victimization caused by offences such as virus
propagation, because the number of victims are simply too large to identify and count, and
because such programs can continue creating new victims long after the offenders have been
caught and punished.
national crime statistics will be the fact that transnational computer related crimes are, by
definition committed in or have effects in at least two States risking multiple reporting or no
reporting at all.
On such a
basis the obvious problem that survey results include only the respondents of people who
agreed to participate.83 Before basing critical decisions on survey information, it is important
to find out what the response rate was; although there are no absolutes, in general we aim to
trust survey results more when the response rate is high.84 However, response rates for
there is a little doubt that these offences constitute a threat to industry investment and assets,
and to safety and confidence in the information society.
necessary that substantive law in the area of high tech crime is approximated.
leaders called during the special EU-summit in Tampere (1999) for common definitions,
incriminations and sanctions in the area of high tech crime.
See A. MILES, Bug Watch: The Fight Against Cybercrime [20 April 2001]. Available at:
<> (visited 31/03/2005).
For a full study, see F. CILLUFFO and al., Cyber Threats and Information Security (CSIS), [May 2001].
See M. D. GOODMAN and S. BRENNER, op. cit. p. 160.
See J. BURREN, European Commission Wants to Tackle Cyberime [10/01/2001]. Available at:
<>( visited 31/03/2005).
hacking started with compromising telephone systems and stealing telephone services. 95 It
soon spread to computers and networks. When we extend this term to the individuals who
practice the art of hacking, however, the definitions become murkier. The Oxford English
Dictionary (1998) defines hacker as a person who or thing that hacks or cuts roughly or a
person whose uses computers for a hobby, esp. to gain unauthorized access to data.
In his book The Hacker Crackdown Brice STERLING takes a rather positive view of the
activity, explaining that the term hack can signify the free-wheeling intellectual exploration
of the highest and deepest potential of computer systems. 96 Hacking can involve the heartfelt
conviction that beauty be found in computers, that the fine aesthetic in a perfect program can
liberate the mind and spirit.
Recent studies of actual hacker crimes reveal that there are many misconceptions about hackers? In one
instance, members of the U.S military, testifying before the U.S Armed Services Committee in Congress in 1994,
described a master spy that posted a major threat to U.S security. The military chiefs feared that an East
European spy ring had successfully hacked into American Ai Defence systems and learned some of its most
well-guarded intelligence secrets. A 13-month investigation however, revealed that a 16-year-old British music
student was responsible for the break-ins. The culprit, known as the Datastream Cowboy, had downloaded
dozens of military files, including details of ballistic missile research and development, and had used a
companys network in California for more than 200 logged security breaches-all using a $ 1,200 computer and
modem. He was tried and convicted in 1997, and fined $ 1,915 by a London court. After his conviction, the
media offered the musical hacker considerable sums for the book and film rights to his story, but he declined,
preferring to continue his musical studies and concentrate on wining a place in a leading London orchestra. On
these points see D. PAKER, op. cit. p. 164.
See D. PAKER, op. cit. p. 158.
On the history of hacking see J. CHIRILLO, Hack Attacks Encyclopaedia: A Complete History of Hacks,
Cracks, Phreaks and Spies (Canada, John Wiley), [2001] p. 1.
See B. STERLING, The Hacker Crackdown (Batman Books) pp. 50 -51.
See M. D. GOODMAN and S. BRENNER, op. cit. p. 146.
See E. RAYMOND, The New Hackers Dictionary (U.S.A, MIT Press).
Some information has distinct monetary value. This is a unique kind of information that requires great
security. Indeed, the threats to monetary information encompass the full spectrum of crime: Fraud, larceny,
extortion, sabotage, forgery, and espionage focus on it. In the cyberspace, for example, we encounter real,
negotiable money in bank account balances or as e-cash or cybercash. Each amount of money consists of
optionally the name of a country and its currency symbol, numeric characters, and a decimal point. An ordered
set of these symbols and characters represents an amount of monetary credit in an account. When you spend
some of this money electronically, the balance in the computer account or smart card is debited by the
appropriate amount, and the balance in the merchants account in another computer is credited with that amount.
Owners may require different degrees of security for monetary information, depending on differences in its
values, representations, and media. Thus, we need to consider the informations value to various individuals to
identify where and how to apply security. The choices of security controls may depend on the means of
converting from one representation or medium to another. See D. PARKER, op. cit. p.40.
A. NAGPAL, Cyberterrorism in the Context of Globalisation (India, UGC sponsored National Seminar on
Globalization and Human Rights), [September 2001].
password cracking,
in the field of telephone and telecommunications technology (such as ISDN), hacking does
not only affect classic computer systems but also increasingly telephone lines, answerphones
and voice-mail-systems.108 Telephone hackers dial themselves into the telephone companys
local phone exchanges and are thus able to eavesdrop on the digitally led conversations in a
respective part of town. In the US, besides other confidential information, especially the
numbers of telephone access cards (so-called calling cards) are eavesdropped on, which are
then resold.109
In fact, when information is sent over computer networks, it gets converted into hex and broken into lots of
packets. Each packet is identified by a header, which contains the source, destination, size of packet, total
number of packets, serial number of that packet, etc. If a hacker wants to see this information, he uses Packet
Sniffing technology that reconverts the data from hex to the original. This technology is like putting the
equivalent of a phone tap on a computer. Sniffing can be committed when a packet leaves the source or just
before it reaches the destination. For this, the hacker would need to know only the IP Address (the unique
number that identifies each computer on a network). A packet sniffer can log all the files coming from a
computer. It can also be programmed to give only a certain type of information - e.g. only passwords. On this
point see Id.
TEMPEST (Transient Electromagnetic Pulse Emanation Standard) technology allows someone not in the
vicinity to capture the electromagnetic emissions from a computer and thus view whatever is on the monitor. A
properly equipped car can park near the target area and pick up everything shown on the screen. There are some
fonts that remove the high-frequency emissions, and thus severely reduce the ability to view the text on the
screen from a remote location. This attack can be avoided by shielding computer equipment and cabling. See Id.
A password is a type of secret authentication word or phrase used to gain access. Passwords have been used
since Roman times. Internal to the computer, passwords have to be checked constantly. So, all computers try to
"cache" passwords in memory so that each time a password is needed the user does not need to be asked. If
someone hacks into the memory of a computer, he can sift the memory or page files for passwords. Password
crackers are utilities that try to 'guess' passwords. One way, the dictionary attack, involves trying out all the
words contained in a predefined dictionary of words. Ready-made dictionaries of millions of commonly used
passwords can be freely downloaded from the Internet. Another form of password cracking attack is 'brute force'
attack. In this attack, all possible combinations of letters, numbers and symbols are tried out one by one till the
password is found out. See Id.
Also known as buffer overrun, input overflow and unchecked buffer overflow, this is probably the simplest
way of hacking a computer. It involves input of excessive data into a computer. The excess data "overflows" into
other areas of the computer's memory. This allows the hacker to insert executable code along with the input, thus
enabling the hacker to break into the computer. See Id.
See U. SIEBER, op. cit. p. 43.
See D. PAKER, op. cit. p. 82.
includes viruses, Trojan horses, worms, script attacks and rogue Internet code. 112 Computer
viruses have been around for almost as long as computers.
formally defined by Fred COHEN 1984, while he was performing academic experiments on a
Digital Equipment Corporation VAX computer system. 114 Fred Cohen is the best known as the
inventor of computer viruses and virus defence techniques. 115
Actually, a computer virus is a specific type of malicious code that replicates itself and inserts
copies or new versions of itself in other programmes, when it is executed with the infected
control to the virus which is stored in the memory. 117 Whenever the program transfer
instruction is executed, it dutifully transfers control to the virus program, which then executes
the replaced instructions and performs its work of inserting itself in other programs.
are presently more than 10, 000 identified viruses affect the PC and Apple operating systems.
In addition, a few viruses affect other operating systems such as UNIX. There are, however,
no known viruses that attack the large-scale mainframe computer operating systems. 119 There
are, however, no known viruses that attack the large-scale mainframe computer operating
systems. This probably because the virus makers have easy access to the desk top and laptop
computing environments, and because of the proliferation and casual exchange of software for
these environments. 120
On such a basis, a calamitous virus may delete files or permanently damage systems. A
Trojan horse masquerading as a utility or animation may copy users IDs and passwords, erase
files, or release viruses.121 The program may also be used for blackmail, with activation of a
See R. GRIMES, Malicious Mobile Code, Virus Protection for Windows (OReilly), [August 2001] p. 2.
See D. SCHWEITZER, op. cit. p. 44.
On this point see experiments with computer virus. Available at <>
(visited 25/03/2005).
See D. SCHWEITZER, op. cit. p. 44.
See E. SKOUDIS, Malware, Fighting Malicious Code (Prentice), [2003] p. 25.
Although viruses cannot be activated in data files because these files are not executed as programs, viruses
can be activated through execution of imbedded or attached macro programs that accompany data file
documents. When a user executes a word processor program (e.g Microsoft Word) to open a file for viewing, the
embedded to attached macro programs are automatically executed to format the data contents. Macros can be
infected with macro viruses that also execute when the user opens a file. This type of virus (most notably,
Microsoft Word Concept) is becoming increasingly common. The bizarre Maddog virus, for example, changes
the letter a to e throughout infected documents tat happen to be in use at 8 PM on any day. See D. PARKER, op.
cit. p. 84.
Id p. 83.
See M. D. GOODMAN and S. BRENNER, op. cit. p. 146.
original software which was issued by the producing company was already infected with a
virus. While viruses only spread in host programs, worm programs attack other computer
systems independently.124 An illustrative example for the possible dangers is the American
Internet worm-case. In this case a young computer scientist created an extremely complex
virus which consisted of several programs. The virus was injected into a Department of
Defence research computer system. Due to a design error it replicated wildly in a similar
manner as a worm, ultimately jamming more than 6,000 computers. Although the virus
caused no actual damage to any files, it cost many thousands of employee hours to locate and
erase this virus.
Michelangelo. 131
1.3.3 Online Fraud
See U. SIEBER, Legal Aspects of Computer Related Crime, op. cit p. 49.
This virus, when it was first noticed on 26th March 1999 was the fastest spreading virus the world over. The
virus by itself was quite harmless. It merely inserted some text into a document at a specified time of the day.
What caused the maximum harm was that the virus would send itself to all the email addresses in the victim's
address book. This generated enormous volume of traffic making servers all over the world crash.
In its activities it was similar to Melissa, but there was one major difference. ExploreZip, first discovered in
June 1999, was not a virus but a Trojan. This means that it was incapable of replicating itself. Thus, the Melissa
virus had more far reaching presence. Also, ExploreZip was more active. It not only hijacked Microsoft Outlook
but also selected certain files and made their file size zero - reduced their data to nothing. Those files were then
of no use to the user and they could not be recovered.
The Chernobyl, or PE CIH, virus activates every year on the 26th of April - on the anniversary of the
Chernobyl, Ukraine, nuclear power plant tragedy. The virus wipes out the first megabyte of data from the hard
disk of a personal computer thus making the rest of the files of no use. Also, it also deletes the data on the
computer's Basic Input-Output System (BIOS) chip so that the computer cannot function till a new chip is fitted
or the data on the old one is restored. Fortunately only those BIOSes, which can be changed or updated, face a
threat from this virus.
This virus was originally written in New Zealand and would regularly display a message, which said, Your
PC is stoned. Legalize Marijuana.
This virus is also called Falling Letters or 1701. It initially appeared as a Trojan horse in the form of a
program designed to turn off the Num-Lock light on the user's keyboard. In fact, what it did was to make the
characters on the screen drop in a heap to the bottom of the screen.
This virus is titled after famous Italian Renaissance artist Michelangelo Buonarroti. It gets activated every
year on the artist's birthday - 6th March.
It is difficult to determine when the first crime involving a computer actually occurred. The computer has
been around in some from since the abacus. It is known to have existed in 3500 B.C. In 1801 profit motives
encouraged Joseph Jacquard, a textile manufacturer in France, to design the forerunner of the computer card.
This device allowed the repetition of a series of steps in the weaving of special fabrics. So concerned where
Jacquards employees with the threat to their traditional employment and livelihood that acts of sabotage were
committed to discourage M. Jacquard from further use of new technology. A computer crime had been
committed. On this point see J. WELLS, The Computer and Internet Fraud Manual (Austin, Texas), [2002] p. 3.
Investigations show that online auction complaints represent the largest category for internet fraud statistics.
On this point see <> (visited 26/03/2005). At the same time it is
argued that the amount of internet fraud is tiny compared with the number of transactions which take place. See
M. BICHLER, The Future of E-Markets: Multidimensional Mechanisms (CUP), [2000] p. 131.
Id p. 8.
Although data and information are synonymous according to most dictionaries, some people like to think of
data as raw information or as collections of symbols that are not structured and labelled for people to use. Data
security is usually synonymous with information security. Some organizations, however, use data security to
mean the administration of computer security. Such as password assignment to users, and information security to
mean the management of information security, such as establishing security policies and control standards.
Some years ago, the U.S. Secret Service (the department responsible for the odd combination of protecting
the President and tracking down counterfeiters) determined the new colour laser printers as being a significant
threat, what with their ability to produce almost perfect copies of paper money. Based on this, the Secret Service
However, one of
products in a false or misleading manner, or may take orders and money, but fail to deliver the
goods.149 Or he may supply counterfeit goods instead of legitimate ones.150 One of the most
famous types of fraud is investment fraud.151 Thousands of online investment e-mails have
appeared on the Internet in recent years. Many offer investors seemingly unbiased information
free of charge about featured companies or recommending stock picks of the month. While
legitimate online e-mails can help investors gather valuable information, some e-mails are
tools for fraud.
In fact, some companies pay the persons who send online e-mails cash or
securities to tout or recommend their stocks. While this is against the law, the federal
securities laws require the e-mails to disclose who paid them, the amount, and the type of this
payment.153 However, many fraudsters fail to do so. Instead, theyll lie about the payments
they received, their independence, their so-called research, and their track records. 154 The emails masquerade as sources of unbiased information, when they stand to profit handsomely
if they convince investors to buy or sell particular goods. 155
(E) Electronic-Mail Forgery
salary payments program to ensure that no pay-slips were printed for payments to the fictitious employees so that
the payment did not appear in the checklists produced by the computer. By further manipulation of the program
which produced the company's accounting summaries and balance sheets, the perpetrator finally succeeded in
having the embezzled amounts deducted from the income tax to be paid to the tax office. Thus, the sums did not
appear as deficient amounts in the companys accounting summaries and balance sheet. Cited by U. SIEBER,
Legal Aspects of Computer Related Crime, op. cit p. 52.
See C. RAMBERG, Internet Market Places, The Law of Auctions and Exchanges Online (Oxford, Oxford
University Press), [2002] p. 36.
Normally when thinking about the term, the English auction comes to mind. This is an auction initiated by a
seller where higher and higher bids are made orally by bidders. When no further bids are heard the auctioneer
lets the hammer fall and the highest acquires the item offered As we see nowadays in the cyberspace, there are
many types of transactions that in different ways resemble this English auction. There are actually many
examples of Internet marketplaces which may be operated by an independent intermediary or be set up by the
party taking the initiative in the transaction. Example of interesting change sites are eBay, Bidlet,, Metalsite, and Autodaq.
See M. D. GOODMAN and S. BRENNER, op. cit. p. 147.
Internet Fraud, How to Avoid Internet Investment Scams, available at:
<> (visited 26/03/2005).
world of malicious and instructive activity on the Internet. 161 Meloy and Gothard defined it, or
as they prefer to call it obsessional tollowing, as an abnormal or long term pattern of threat or
harassment directed toward a specific individual. 162 The pattern of threat or harassment was
further clarified as being more than one overt act of unwanted pursuit of the victim as being
harassing, although more than one may seem generous rendering of a long term pattern.
Meloy furthers states that in distinction to legal definitions, was designed to further scientific
investigation and clinical understanding.164
Cyberstalking, also called online stalking or online victimisation, shares important
characteristics with offline stalking.165 The similarities are that, first, the majority of cases
involve stalking by former intimates, although stranger stalking certainly occurs in the real
world and in cyberspace; second, most victims are women and most stalkers are men. 166 And
third, stalkers are believed to be motivated by the desire to control the victim. Major
differences include, first, offline stalking requires the stalker and victim to be located in the
same geographic area whereas cyberstalkers may be located in the same city or across the
country; second, technologies make it easier for a cybertalker to encourage third parties to
harass and/or threaten a victim; and third, technologies lower the barriers to harassment and
threats, and a cyberstalker does not need to physically confront the victim.167
In fact, the word stalk has the meaning of both the act of following ones prey and walking stealthily. To label
someone a staker has been, at least from the sixteenth century, to imply he or she a prowler or a poacher. When
the media appropriated the word to describe those who pestered and harassed others they provided a new focus
for this ancient indictment. Stalking is now a part of our culture language. It has become a category with which
we describe and understand our experiences. If someone is repeatedly followed by a stranger, or is distressed at
receiving numerous unwanted letters from an estranged partner the, in todays world, they are likely to describe
themselves as being staked. Looking back over their life they may now recall having been stalked in the past. In
California, a 50-year-old former guardused the Internet to solicit the rape of a women who rejected his
romantic advances[He] terrorized his 28-old-victim by impersonating her in various Internet chat rooms and
online bulletin boards , where he posted , along with her telephone number and address, messages that she
fantasized of being raped. On six occasions, sometimes in the middle of the night men knocked on womens door
saying they wanted to rape her.
As US Attorney General Janet Reno noted in the report prepared by the Department of Justice in 1999, many
of the attributes of the Internet low cost, ease of use and anonymous nature- make it an attractive medium for
fraudulent scams, child sexual exploitation and cybertalking. She also noted that while some conduct involving
annoying menacing behaviour may be a prelude to stalking and violence and should be treated seriously. On this
point see J. BOON, Stalking and Psychosexual Obsession (UK, John Wiley), [2002] p. 202.
See P. MULLEN, Stalkers and their Victims (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press), [2000], p. 7.
See J. BOON, op. cit. p. 202.
successfully hacked into the controls for the huge Roosevelt Dam on the Salt River in
Arizona, USA.175 He might have released floodwaters that would have inundated Mesa and
Tempe, endangering at least 1 million people.
Indian web sites were defaced.177 Messages relating to the Kashmir issue were pasted on the
Embezzlement, which involves misappropriating money or property for the own use of
the perpetrator, that has been entrusted to him by someone else. 180
Unlawful appropriation, which differs from the embezzlement in that the criminal was
never entrusted with the valuables but gains access from outside to company and
transfer funds or modifies documents.
Plagiarism, which is the theft of someone elses original writing with the intent of
passing it off as ones won.
On this point see D. SHINDER, op. cit. p. 24.
For example an employee who uses his or her legitimate access to the companys computerized payroll
system to change the data so that he is paid extra, or who move funds out of company bank accounts into his
won personal account.
In fact, the unauthorised copying and use of computer programs often called theft of software or software
piracy at first involved, in accordance with the historic development of computer technology, the copying of
individual software which frequently contains important internal company know-how. Therefore software theft
overlaps with computer espionage in many cases. For example, the German debit collection program case" is
an example for the copying of individual software which led to the first decision of the Bundesgerichtshof
concerning the possibility of copyright protection: Because of the copying of its central computer program and
the following low-price sales by the perpetrator, the victimised debit collection company got into a situation that
threatened its existence. See U. SIEBER, op. cit. p. 45.
In March 2002, federal agents arrested a Jacksonville, Florida man for identify theft in connection with
stealing personnel records of 60,000 Prudential Insurance Company employees from a computer database. The
man was a former IT employee for Prudential, and he attempted to sell the database information over the Internet
for the purpose of obtaining fraudulent credit cards using the stolen identities. See Press Release, U.S
computer crime studies applying scientific research methods were conducted in the 1970s.
These studies verified a limited number of cases and suggested that many more have gone
undetected or unreported. 185 In the United States, the Senator Abraham RIBICOFF introduced
the first proposed federal computer crime legislation in 1977: Federal Computer Systems
Protection Act.
It then died in
Reports of
computer codes, including the Michelangelo and fictitious Good Times viruses, have added to
the folkore of computer crimoids.191 The vulnerabilities of information society and the
Department of Justice.
See D. SHINDER, op. cit. p. 50.
See D. PARKER, op. cit. p. 11.
M. D. GOODMAN and S. BRENNER, op. cit. p. 161.
See <> (visited 31/03/2005).
M. D. GOODMAN and S. BRENNER, op. cit. p. 161.
D. GRIFFITH, The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986: A Measured Response to a Growing Problem,
(43 VAND. L. REV), [1990] 453, 456.
See R. HOGGE et al., Computer Invasion of Privacy Under the Virginia Computers Crime Act [Jan. 2001].
Available at:
%20Kutz%20, %20computer%20crime%20in%20virginia'> (visited 31/03/2005). See also L. BECKER,
Electronic Publishing: First Amendment Issues in the Twenty-First Century , 13 Fordham Urb. L.J. 801 [1985].
D. PARKER, op. cit. p. 11.
Data protection legislations were enacted and have been constantly revised
and updated, protecting the citizens right of privacy with administrative, civil, and penal
regulations in (1973) in Sweden, (1974) in the United States of America, (1977) in the Federal
Republic of Germany, (1978) in Austria, Denmark, France and Norway, (1979) and (1982) in
Luxembourg, (1981) in Iceland and Israel, (1982) in Australia and Canada, (1984) in the
United Kingdom, (1987) in Finland, (1988) in Ireland, Japan and the Netherlands, (1991) in
Portugal, (1992) in Belgium, Spain and Switzerland, (1995) in Spain, and (1997) in Italy and
Greece.194 Additional data protection laws can be found in many federalist jurisdictions (e.g.
criminal provisions, which protect visible, tangible, and physical objects against traditional
crimes, in the advent of cybercrime. 197 These new legislations addressed the new capabilities
of cybercrimes to violate traditional objects through new media, to protect intangible objects
such as computer software.198 Many countries enacted new laws fighting computer-related
economic crime (including unauthorized access to computer systems). Legislations against
computer-related economic crime were enacted since 1978 in the United States of America (in
state legislation) and in Italy, since (1979) in Australia , (1981) in the United Kingdom, (1984)
in the United States of America (federal level), (1985) in Canada and Denmark, (1986) in the
Federal Republic of Germany and in Sweden, (1987) in Austria, Japan and Norway, (1988) in
France and Greece, (1990) in Finland and the United Kingdom, (1992) in the Netherlands,
(1993) in Luxembourg, (1994) in Switzerland, (1995) in Spain and again in Finland, and
(1997) in Malaysia.199 In countries such as Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany or
Portugal, Law 10/91 of 29 April 1991 on the Protection of Personal Data with Respect to Informatics, amended
by Law 28/94 of 29 August 1994; for Spain, Art. 18 para. 4 of the Constitution and Law 5/1992 for the
Regulation of the Automated Processing of Personal Data (LORTAD) of 29 October 1992, and Article 197
Criminal Code (Law No. 10/1995 of 23 November 1995); for Sweden, chapter 2 Article 3 para. 2 Instrument of
Government (i.e., Constitution) as amended 1988; the Data Protection Act of 11 May 1973 (Law No. 289),
amended 1979, 1982, 1986, 1990 and 1992); for Switzerland, Federal Data Protection Act of 19 June 1992; for
the United Kingdom, the Data Protection Act of 12 July 1984; for the United States of America, the Privacy Act
1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a) and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act 1986 (codified at 18 U.S.C. 1367,
2232, 2510-2522, 2702-2711, 3117, 3121-3127).
See U. SIEBER, Legal Aspects of Computer Related Crime, op. cit p. 28. Also see for Austria, the Criminal
Code Amendment Act of 1987 (Bundesgesetzblatt 1987/605); for Australia, Section 408e of the Queensland
Criminal Code as amended in 1979, Sections 222, 276 of the Northern Territory Criminal Code as amended in
1983, Section 115 of the New South Wales Crimes Act 1900 in its application to the Australian Capital Territory,
as amended in 1985, the Crimes (Computers) Act No. 36 of 1988 of Victoria, as well as additional legislation
passed in the Australian Capital Territory, the Commonwealth, New South Wales, the Northern Territory, South
Australia and Victoria; for Canada, The Criminal Law Amendment Act 1985 (S.C. 1985, c. 19); for Denmark,
the Penal Code Amendment Act of 6 June 1985 on Data Criminality; for Germany, the Second Law for the
Suppression of Economic Crime of 15 May 1986 (Bundesgesetzblatt I, 1986, p. 721); for Finland, the Laws
Amending the Criminal Code No. 769/1990 of 24 August 1990 (first phase of the total reform of the Criminal
Code), and No. 578/1995 of 28 April 1995 (second phase of the total reform of the Criminal Code); for France,
the Law on Infringements in the Field of Informatics of 5 January 1988; for Greece, Law No. 1805/88 of
protection for computer programs were enacted in (1972) in the Philippines, (1980) in the
United States of America, (1983) in Hungary, (1984) in Australia, India and Mexico, (1985) in
Chile, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Japan, and the United Kingdom, 1987 in
Brazil, Canada and Spain, (1988) in Canada, Denmark and Israel, (1989) in Sweden. 204
A fourth wave of reform legislation with respect to illegal and harmful contents started
in a few countries in the 1980s, but are expanding rapidly since the triumphant rise of the
Internet began in the mid-1990s. Legal amendments adapting traditional provisions on the
dissemination of pornography, hate speech or defamation to computer-stored data were passed
in the United Kingdom in (1994) and in Germany in (1997). 205 Special provisions clarifying
30 August 1988; for Italy the Amendment of 1978 to Section 420 Penal Code (concerning attacks to public
utility plants and research or data processing facilities); for Luxembourg, Law of 15 July 1993 Aiming to
Reinforce the Fight Against Economic Crime and Computer Fraud; for Malaysia, Computer Crime Law of 1997;
for the Netherlands, Dutch Computer Crime Act of 23 December 1992, as amended in 1994 and 1995; for Japan,
the Penal Code Amendment Act of 1987; for Norway, the Criminal Code Amendment Act of 12 June 1987; for
Spain, Criminal Code 1995 (Law No. 10/1995 of 23 November 1995), especially Articles 248.2, 256, 264.2, 278
et seq.; for Sweden, Section 21 Data Protection Act of 4 April 1973, and the Criminal Code Amendment Act of
July 1986 (Law No. 123); for Switzerland, 1994 Revision of Property Crime Provisions; for the United
Kingdom, the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act of 1981, and the Computer Misuse Act 1990 of 29 June 1990,
draft for a new Section 15a Theft Act 1968; for the United States of America, the Credit Card Fraud Act of 1984
(Publ. L. 98-473) and the Counterfeit Access Device and Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984 and the
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 (both codified as amended at 18 U.S.C. 1029-1030) as well as State
legislation in every state but Vermont. For a comparative analysis of the various laws see Sieber, The
International Handbook on Computer Crime, [1986], pp. 42 and seq.
See U. SIEBER, Legal Aspects of Computer Related Crime, op. cit p. 29.
In Europe, methods for performing mental acts are not regarded as patentable inventions. Due to this
principle, Article 52 (2) and (3) of the European Patent Convention (EPC, Munich, 1973) excludes patentability
of computer programs as such. In most European countries this limitation of patentability can be found in the
national patent legislations. See, for example, for Austria, Section 1 (2) No. 3 Patent Law, amended 8 June 1984
(Bundesgesetzblatt 1984/234); for France, Sections 6 and 11 Patent Law No. 68-1 of 2 January 1968, modified
by Law No. 78-742 of 13 July 1978 and Law No. 84-500 of 27 June 1984; for Germany, Section 1 (2) No. 3
and (3) Patent Law of 5 June 1936, amended on 16 December 1980; for Italy, Section 12 Patent Law No. 1127 of
29 January 1939, modified by Law No. 338 of 22 June 1979; for the United Kingdom, Section I (2) (c) of the
Patents Act 1977. See Id.
M. D. GOODMAN and S. BRENNER, op. cit. p. 164.
This field of law includes minimum obligations for security measures in the
interest of privacy rights or in the general public interest. It also covers prohibitions of
specific security measures in the interest of privacy rights or of effective prosecution of
crimes, such as limitations of cryptography. 208
On such a basis, the adaptation of legislations to new forms of cybercrime resulted in a
multitude of different legal questions, which can be traced back to six main series of
cybercrime legislation: The Protection of privacy (2.1.1), the protection of economic criminal
law (2.1.2), the protection of intellectual property (2.1.3), and finally the protection against
illegal contents (2.1.4). The following section will differentiate between these main fields of
these legislations.
2.1.1 The Protection of Privacy
Legislations against infringements of privacy have been adopted in most European countries
with data protection laws of more or less general character. An analysis of these acts shows
that different international actions have already achieved a considerable uniformity in the
general administrative and civil law regulations of the national privacy laws. In spite of this
tendency, some differences in these regulations can be remarked. These differences concern
the legislative rationale, the scope of application, the procedural requirements for starting the
processing of personal data, the substantive requirements for processing personal data, and
finally the respective control institutions.209 On such a basis a comparative analysis to the
protection privacy will distinguish four main categories of criminal privacy infringements,
which can in particular be found in the European privacy laws: infringements of substantive
privacy rights (a), infringements against formal legal requirements (b), infringements of
access rights (c), and neglect of security measures (d).
The category of crimes against privacy is constituted by infringements of substantive
privacy rights and includes the following offences: 210
See U. SIEBER, op. cit p. 32.
See U. SIEBER, op. cit p. 64.
The storage of incorrect data. This act in most countries is covered by the general
offences of information and in some countries by additional statutes within the
privacy laws.
Law no. 675 of 31 December 1996, on the protection of individuals and other subjects with regard to
processing of personal data Italian Data Protection Act, governs the processing of personal data, when the
processing takes place Italy. The Italian Data Protection Act ensures the respect of the rights, fundamental
freedoms and dignity of natural persons, particularly with regard to privacy and personal identity.
See U. SIEBER, op. cit p. 68.
Most of the respective provisions are contained in the general data protection acts cited by U. SIEBER in
chapter I, fn. Id. For more information see, for Austria, Section 50 (1) of the Data Protection Act; for Denmark,
Section 27 (1) No. 1 and 2, Section 27 (2) No. 4 Private Register Act; for Germany, Section 44 of the Federal
Data Protection Act of 1990; for France, Sections 41 and 42 of the Act on Data Processing, Data Files, and
Individual Liberties; for Italy, Sections 34-39 of the Data Protection Act; for Luxembourg, Sections 32, 37 of the
Act Regulating the Use of Nominal Data; for Sweden, Section 20 (1), (2), (6) Data Act; for the UK,
Sections 5 (5); 6 (6); 10 (9); 12 (10) of the Data Protection Act; for the USA, Section 522a para. i (2) of the
Privacy Act 1984.
See Luxembourg section 34 of the Act Regulating the Use of Nominal Data. For Sweden, see section (20) 5
Data Act.
See, for the USA, the Freedom of Information Act 5 U.S.C. 552.
See Denmark, section 27(1) no. 2 Private Registers Act. Luxembourg, section 36 of the Act Regulating the
Use of Normal Data. Also see for Italy, article 36 of Data Protection Act, article 36(2) of the new Italian Data
Protection Act.
See U. SIEBER, op. cit p. 69.
Such as computer softwares.
unauthorized access, the access itself may well constitute a criminal offence. In response to
the new cases of hacking, many countries developed new statutes protecting a formal
sphere of secrecy for computer data by criminalising the illegal access to or use of a third
persons computer or computer data. Legislation covering wiretapping and unauthorised
access to data processing and communication systems
Canada, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, the United Kingdom
laws which have been proposed demonstrate various approaches, which range from
provisions criminalising mere access to DP-systems,226 to those punishing access only in
cases where the accessed data are protected by security measures, 227 where the perpetrator has
M. WASIK, Crime and the Computer (Oxford, Rendon Press Oxford), [1998] p. 70.
In fact, the definition of the term computer in most countries often suffers from overbreadth. It includes for
example handheld calculators, new kitchen stoves and electronic typewriters. These problems are avoided in a
1983 Tennessee statue which defines computer in terms of function as a device that can perform substantional
computation, including numerous arithmetic or logic operations, without intervention by a human operator
during the processing of a job. See Tennessee Code An. Section 39-3-1403(2).
It became quite clear after the decision of the House of Lords in Gold and Schifreen that there was no specific
criminal offence en England which could be used to deal with the unauthorized use of a legitimate users
password or the use of a false password to gain access to information stored in a computer. There is no general
offence of impersonation in English law and none of the traditional property offences in the Theft Act 1986 and
1978 can be made out on these facts. It had been through by some ( R.A.BROWN) that an offence under the
Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981 might be utilize in such a case, but a prosecution under this statue, while
proving successful at trial, ultimately resulted in the convictions being overturned on appeal. This meant a
substantial limitation on the prospects for successful prosecution of the hacker or other computer misuser, where
no dishonest or malicious intent at the time of access could be proved, and where no offence consequent upon
access had been committed. On this point see M. WASIK, op. cit. p. 71.
See for Canada, Article 342.1 Criminal Code ; for Denmark, Section 263 (2) and (3) Penal Code, for
Germany Section 202a Penal Code; for Finland, chapter 38 Section 8 of the Penal Code (as amended 1990); for
France, Article 462-2 Criminal Code, amended in 1988; for Greece, Article 370 C (2) Criminal Code, as
amended in 1988; for the Netherlands, Article 138a (1), (2) Criminal Code, amended 1992; for Norway,
Section 145 Penal Code, amended 1987; for Spain, Article 256 Criminal Code 1995; for Sweden, Section 21
Data Protection Act; for the UK, Sections 1, 2 Computer Misuse Act 1990; for Switzerland, Article 143bis
Criminal Code; for the USA, the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (18 U.S.C. 2510-2521,
2701-2710, 3117, 3121-3126), the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984 and 1986 (codified at
18 U.S.C. 1029, 1030) as well as different state laws.
Australia, Denmark, England, Greece and the majority of states of the United States of America.
Germany, the Netherlands, Norway.
or evidence.233
An industrial spy may be looking for secret information on a Microsoft project managers
laptop that specifically relates to the companys future and hush-hush longhorn operating
system. 234 Depending on what the information is, it could evolve into evidence. For example,
a phone number stored in a PDA address book could belong to a known drug dealer and
become supporting evidence for a criminal case.
there are two other important concepts in computer espionage: The activity is typically
unauthorized and unknown. In most cases, the victim is not going to give explicit or implicit
permission to have someone snoop through his computer.236 Exceptions might be in the
workplace in which employee monitoring takes place. In general, spies can be lumped into
In Japan, according to articles 235, 252 and 253 of the penal Code, the
definition of the intention of unlawful appropriation has been widened, and now includes the
intent to use property only temporarily; nevertheless. Japanese law still requires the taking of
tangible property and cannot be applied if data are accessed via telecommunication facilities.
In the United States, some courts regarded computer data as property in the sense of
traditional larceny provisions and in many states the legislatures have defined computer data
or trade secrets as property or a thing of value, to enable the application of the larceny
provisions or new general provisions on computer crime. 241 As a result of the differences in
the nature of corporeal property and intellectual values, the difference between traditional
property rights and intellectual property rights, as well as the difference between traditional
theft of tangible things and the theft of information, M. SIEBER declares that a theory of
property should be denied for the general protection of intellectual values.242 He also argue
Consider a study released in 2002 by the American Society for Industrial Security, U.S Chamber of
Commerce, and PricewaterhouseCoopers, a survey of Fortune 1000 corporations and 600 small to mid-sized U.S
companies: (a) Forty percent of the companies that reported to the survey reported having episodes of known or
suspected loss of proprietary data; (b) Proprietary information and IP losses accounted for between $53 billion
and $ 59 billion; (c) Economic spies are looking for information; they most commonly target research and
development, customer lists and related and financial data; (d) Despite the potential impact of possibly
successful attacks, only 55 percent of the responding companies aid their management was concerned about
information loss and were taking precautions to prevent it. The implication of this is a significant number of
managers underestimate or dont understand the risks and costs of data theft. See Id, and for more information on
the differences between legitimate competitive intelligence and illegal espionage, visit the Society of
Competitive Professionals Web Site at <>.
In 1995, a subsidiary of Chevron was sued for sexual harassment over an e-mail that circulated through the
company entitled 25 Reasons Why Beer is Better Than Women. The case was settled out of court for $2.2
million, and Chevron now monitors employee e-mail. In July 2000, Dow Chemical fired 50 employees and
disciplined 200 others for accessing online pornography. In October 1999, 40 employees at Xerox were fired fir
surfing forbidden Web sites. Whether employees like it or not, employee monitoring has become a commonly
used management tool. See Id.
See for Belgium section 461 Penal Code; for Italy sections 624, 646 Penal Code.
See SIEBER, Legal Protection of Computer Data, Programs and Semiconductor Products A Comparative
Analysis with Suggestions for Legal Policy, in International Chamber of Commerce [1988], pp. 7 et seq.
Reform laws strengthening penal trade secret protection have been enacted recently in
Canada, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United
States.244 This meaning of trade secret protection and fair competition is in harmony with the
modern American information theory which rejects the static property-theory and turns to
procedural relationship-theories and entitlement-theories by looking at the relationship
between discloser and disclose.245 However, M. SIEBER argues: it can be said that criminal
trade secret law and civil unfair competition law are less developed in Anglo-American
countries (especially in Canada) as well as in Asian countries (especially in Japan), than in
continental Europe. In Japan, e.g., the amendments to the Unfair Competition Act enacted
in 1990 did not include any penal sanctions. 246
In order to achieve an international consensus M. SIEBER recommends that legal
systems in their penal codes establish penal trade secret protection backed up by adequate
civil provisions concerning unfair competition.247 These penal and civil provisions should
generally apply to all trade secrets and not be limited to the computer and data processing
In the United Kingdom, the Audit Commission has conducted four triennial
On this point this e.g., for Denmark, the qualifications in Section 263 and 264 Penal Code, amended in 1985;
for Germany, Section 17 of the Act Against Unfair Competition, amended in 1986; for Sweden, Section 21 Data
Protection Act, chapter 10 Section 5 Criminal Code, Protection of Trade Secrets Act 1990; for Switzerland,
Article 143 Criminal Code; for the USA, The Economic Espionage Act of 1996 (18 U.S.C. 1831-1839). Id.
See U. SIEBER, op. cit p. 85.
[sic], or other interference with the course of data processing, that influences the result of
data processing thereby causing economic loss or possessor loss of property of another
person, or with the intent of procuring an unlawful economic gain for himself or for another
However this definition is broad in scope. It would appear for example that the
proposed offence would be committed by a person who wrongfully uses another partys cash
dispensing card to withdraw funds from a bank account. Although there can be little doubt
about the criminality of such conduct, the involvement of the computer is purely incidental. 253
In most areas of traditional legal interests, the involvement of computer data does not cause
specific legal problems. The respective legal provisions are formulated in terms of results and
it is completely irrelevant if this result is achieved with the involvement of a computer or
not.254 However, even in this area computer-specific qualifications are proposed in some
countries.255 When examining the field of financial manipulations, the situation will be
different: Many countries
property. The statutory provisions are not applicable if the perpetrator appropriates deposit
money. In many legal systems, these traditional provisions also cause difficulties, as far as
manipulations of cash dispensers are concerned.
The statutory provisions of fraud in most legal systems demand a deception of a person.
They cannot be used when a computer is cheated. The statutory definitions of breach of
trust or abus de confiance which exist in several countries such as in Belgium, Germany,
Japan, France, or Switzerland only apply to offenders in high positions and not to punchers,
operators or programmers; some provisions also have restrictions concerning the protected
objects. On such a basis, many European countries looked for solutions de lege lata which did
See Recommendation No. R (89) 9 adopted by the Council of Ministers on 13 September 1989.
Id p. 28.
C. REEDS, op. cit. p. 246.
See U. SIEBER, op. cit p. 81.
For example the USA.
For example Greece, Luxembourg and Germany.
towards the view that copyright is the most appropriate from the protection for computer
See U. SIEBER, op. cit p. 84.
See Council Directive of 14 May 1991 on the legal protection of computer programs
See U. SIEBER, op. cit p. 85.
C. REED, op. cit. p. 104.
Following a period of consultation which ended in December 1988, a Directive on the Legal
Protection of Computer Programs (The Software Directive) was adopted by the Council of
Ministers on 14 May 1991.
and 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001
on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information
society. 274
(ii) Protection of Semiconductor Products
With regard to the miniaturisation of computers and the development of fifth generation,
computers, the technique of integrated circuits has become more and more sophisticated. 276
Due to the possibilities of copying the topography of semiconductor products, there is a
demand for an effective protection of these products in order to stop unauthorised
reproduction. 277
In many countries, the determination of laws required to protect semiconductor products was
difficult. In the United States a special protection for computer chips was provided by the
Semiconductor Chip Protection Act of 1984.278 Special laws protecting the topographies of
semiconductor products were also adopted in Europe. For example in Denmark, Germany,
91/250/EEC, OJ L122, 17 May 1991, p. 42.
Council Directive 92/100/EEC of 19 November 1992 on rental right and lending right and on certain rights
related to copyright in the field of intellectual property (OJ L 346, 27.11.1992, p. 61). Directive as amended by
Directive 93/98/EEC.
Council Directive 93/83/EEC of 27 September 1993 on the coordination of certain rules concerning copyright
and rights related to copyright applicable to satellite broadcasting and cable retransmission (OJ L 248, 6.10.1993,
p. 15).
Council Directive 93/98/EEC of 29 October 1993 harmonising the term of protection of copyright and certain
related rights (OJ L 290, 24.11.1993, p. 9).
Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of
databases (OJ L 77, 27.3.1996, p. 20).
Available at <> (visited at 01/04/2005).
Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence, are still in development, though there are
some applications, such as voice recognition, that are being used today. The use of parallel processing and
superconductors is helping to make artificial intelligence a reality. Quantum computation and molecular and
nanotechnology will radically change the face of computers in years to come. The goal of fifth-generation
computing is to develop devices that respond to natural language input and are capable of learning and selforganization.
See U. SIEBER, op. cit p. 85.
See D. LADD and al. Protection for semiconductor chip masks in the United States : analysis of the
Semiconductor Chip Protection Act of 1984 ( USA, Munich : Deerfield Beach), [2004].
In Brooktree
Corporation v Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (1988) No. 88-1750-E (cm) (SD Cal 13
December 1988), the court noted that both parties agreed that if the defendant could produce
an adequate paper trial establishing reverse engineering the appropriate standard for
infringement would be that the two masks were substantially similar.
However, the US
Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in this case held that a paper trail does not
conclusively prove a reverse engineering defence under the US Act. The Court explained that
the statue does not excuse copying where the alleged infringer first tried and failed to reserve
engineer a chip without copying.
defence can be established by the sheer volume of paper, pointing out that the paper trail is
evidence of independent effort but not incontrovertible proof of either the originality of the
end product or the absence of copying.284
For a comparative overview see Sieber, Legal Protection of Computer Data, Programs and Semiconductor
Products A Comparative Analysis with Suggestions for Legal Policy, in: International Chamber of Commerce
(ed.), International Contracts for Sale of Information Services [1989] , pp. 7 et seq.
See the Austrian, Dutch, Finnish, German, Japanese and Swedish laws.
C. REEDS, op. cit. p. 200.
temporally situated, as are views about the appropriateness of adult sexual interest and
children constitutes pornography. Given this, definitions of child pornography can therefore
be quite complex.
West we tend towards an all embracing view that childhood ends at 18, and seek to extend
legal protection from sexual and labour exploitation to all below that age.
In contrast,
social and physiological insights into what constitutes a child emphasise that it is not simply
a chronological judgement, but it is also a social and cultural statement.
However, assuming a child is involved, what then constitutes pornography? In some
jurisdictions pornography is linked to sexualised behaviour. This can make a critical
difference as to how any given putative example of child pornography is regarded.
Thus, it
is quite possible for a picture to be regarded under laws that emphasise sexual qualities as
child pornography, but to fail to jurisdictions where obscenity or public morality definitions
prevail. Another major difficulty relates to what, in the context of adult images, might be
regarded as erotica. Pictures of this kind would generally be regarded as child pornography
where reference is made to sexual qualities, but might not if obscenity or indecency criteria
are used.
sexually abused. Goldstein (1999) differentiated between pornography and erotica in that the
objects that form erotica may, or may not be, sexually oriented or related to a given child or
children involved in a sexual offence, but the pictures in themselves may be legal.
Demonstrate propriety by convincing children that what the offender wants them to
do is acceptable because he had engaged in a similar way with other children;
In cyberspace preferential sex offenders study the targets of teenagers; they know where
children of preferred age group will be and what sorts of things interest them. 292 Before the
Internet, preferential sex offenders haunted the citizens band and ham radio. The technology
lent itself to use by children. It enabled telecommuincation with many people at the same
time, and did not require a minimum age to use it. Sitting in his or her room, a child could
with other people.293 Depending on whether citizens band or ham radio frequencies were
employed, a child could reach people over considerable distances. On such a basis,
preferential sex offenders often use the latest technology to attract victims.
For instance, an
offender might coax a child his home with an offer to allow the child to play the latest video
Initially, child pornographers were subject to laws in many countries (epically in
continental Europe). Some of them regulated this offence in the national penal codes.
See Id.
See M. FREEARO, Investigating Child Exploitation and Pornography: The Internet, Law and Forensic
Science (Elsevier Academic Press, London), [2005] p. 15.
For example Germany, Spain, Italy and Belgium.
fourth in Miller dictates that for a work to be condemned as absence , one must determine
that, taken as whole, it appeals to the prurient interest, portrays sexual conduct in an patently
offensive way measured by community standards; and lacks serious social value, whether
literary, artistic, political or scientific. 300
Shortly thereafter, the court decided NewYork v. Ferber (1984).
pornography from obscenity and material need to be obscene for it to be illegal child
pornography. The court further distinguished child pornography from obscenity in Osborne v.
Ohio (1990);
requiring protection similar to the one given to minors are also included. In many countries
the liability for hard-core pornography is not limited to child pornography, but also covers
pornography combined with excessive use of violence, sodomy, negrophilia or sexual
presentations involving human secretions. Sometimes depictions not portraying an actual case
of sexual child abuse (e.g. simulated computers animation, so-called "morphing") are also
Some legal systems cover visual depictions of pornography. Other countries include
sound recordings as well. In several legal systems it has been discussed to what extent
depictions on computer networks may be treated the same as depictions on paper. 308 Some
countries have amended their respective laws to include pornographic material on computer
storage devices.309 Therefore, most countries currently penalise storing pornographic material
in computer systems on discs and tapes. 310 Thus, there is consensus that depictions which are
illegal on paper should also be illegal if stored and used on computers. But it is not yet
possible to comment how far the penal provisions can be extended to cover mere depictions
on computer screens as well as video sequences.
The punishable acts of child pornography include the dissemination, the providing
with and the publishing of child pornography. Moreover, in recent years there is a trend to
extend the penal provisions also to the possession of child pornography. At the moment, some
countries are discussing draft bills incorporating the possession of child pornography in new
penal provisions.311 Thus, the number of countries without any provisions against the
possession of child pornography is decreasing. If the difficulties in prosecuting the authors of
illegal contents in international computer networks continue, the trend to extend criminal
liability to the "consumers" of child pornography may become even stronger.312
The main
actors in this field are the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD),
the Council of Europe, the European Union and recently the P8 and the Interpol. In
addition, the UN, WIPO and GATS have also played an important role. These international
and supranational organisations have significantly contributed to the harmonisation of
criminal law as well as of underlying civil and administrative law in all of the abovementioned areas of computer-related criminal law reform.314
The first comprehensive inquiry into the penal law problems of computer related crimes
on international level was initiated by the OECD. 315 In 1983, a group of experts recommended
that the OECD take the invitation in trying to achieve the harmonization of European
computer crime legislation.316 Thus, the OECD carried out from 1983 to 1985, a study of the
possibility of an international harmonization of criminal laws to address computer related
The study resulted in a 1986 report, Computer Related Crime: Analysis of Legal
Policy which surveyed existing laws and proposals for reform and recommended a minimum
list of abuses that countries should consider penalizing by criminal law. 318
From 1985 until 1989, the select Committee of Experts on Computer Related Crime of
the Council of Europe discussed the issues raised by cybercrime and drafted recommendation
89(9) , which was adopted on September 13, 1989. This recommendation emphasized the
importance of an adequate and quick response to the newly challenge of cybercrime.
In the
guidelines of for national legislatures to review enhance their laws, the Recommendation
featured a minimum list of necessary candidates of such crimes to be prohibited and
prosecuted by international consensus, as well as an optional list that describes prominent
offences on which international consensus would be difficult to reach. 320
In 1990, the English United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and Treatment
of Offenders addressed the legal problems posed by cybercrime.
It produced a resolution
which called for Member States to intensify their efforts to combat computer-related crimes
Information Systems were annexed to the Recommendation. 324 This framework includes codes
of conduct, laws and technical measures. They focus on the implementation of minimum
standards for the security of information systems. 325 However, these Guidelines request that
Member States establish adequate penal, administrative of other sanctions for misuse and
abuse of information systems.
In 1995, the U.N published the United Nations Manuel on the Prevention and Control of
Computer Related Crime.
crimes, substantive criminal law protecting privacy, procedural law, and the needs and
avenues for international cooperation.
Conference on Computer Crime.
existed in the law enforcement community over the propagation of computer crime. Later on,
Interpol held several conferences on the same theme. In the same year also, the Council of
Europe adopted Recommendation No. R (95)13 of the Committee of Ministers to Member
states, spelling out the principles that should guide states and their investigating authorities in
the domain of IT.
operate with investigating authorities, the use of encryption and international co-operation. 330
On April 24, 1997, the European Commission adopted a resolution on the European
Commissions communication on illegal and harmful content on the Internet, supporting the
initiatives undertaken by the Commission and stressing the need for international co-operation
See Eighth U.N Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders. Doc. A/CONF.144/L.11
of 4 September 1990 section 2.
On this point see OECD Recommendation on the Council concerning Guidelines for the Security of
Information Systems [1992].
See OECD, Recommendation of the Council Concerning Guidelines for the Security of Information Systems
See United Nations Manuel on the Prevention and Control of Computer Related Crime.
See U. SIEBER, op. cit.
On this point see, Council of Europe adopted Recommendation No. R (95)13 of the Committee of Ministers to
Member states, [1995].
Commission presented the European Council with a report on computer-related crime it had
contracted for.332
Some years later, the Council of Europes Committee of Experts on Crime in CyberSpace took his assignment to heart, preparing a Draft Convention on Cybercrime.
preparation of this Convention was a long process; it took four years and twenty-seven drafts
before the final version, dated, May 25, 2001 was submitted to the European Committee on
Crime Problems at its 50th Plenary Session, held June 18-22, 2001.334 Chapter II of this
Convention contains the provisions that are relevant to the issues under consideration in this
article. This Chapter is divided into two sections: Section 1 deals with substantive criminal
law; Section 2 deals with procedural law. According to the Explanatory Memorandum
accompanying the Draft Convention, Section 1 seeks to improve the means to prevent and
suppress computer-or computer related crime by establishing a common minimum standard of
relevant offences. 335
Parties to the Convention would agree to adopt such legislative and other measures as may be
necessary to establish certain activities of cybercrimes under their domestic law. 336
According to Section 1 of Chapter II of the Convention, these activities are: (1) Offences
against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems; (2)
Computer-related offences; (3) Child pornography; (4) Offences related to infringements of
copyright and related rights; (5) provisions governing the imposition of aiding and abetting
and corporate liability.
From their part, the G8, held in May of 2000 a cybercrime conference to discuss how to
jointly crack down on cybercrime.
police, diplomats and business leaders from the G8 states. It drafted an agenda for a follow-up
summit to be held in July.
declared, in pertinent part, that it would take a concerted approach to high-tech crime, such
The communiqu noted that the G8 approach to these matters was set out in an accompanying
document, the OKINAWA Charter on Global Information Society. 340
2.3 Additional Strategies to Fight Cybercrime: Suggestions for Legal Policy
Cumulatively, the national efforts and those of the international organizations have reinforced
each other, achieving a nearly global attention to the problem of cybercrime and terrorism and
promoting international harmonization of legal approaches.341 National efforts to fight
cybercrime tend to be a different levels sophistication and priority, but such efforts are present
in at least 40 major countries. Many of them are developing specialized police capabilities
thought equipment training and laws. International and supranational organizations have
significantly contributed to the harmonization of criminal laws as well as of underlying civil
law in all of the areas of computer related criminal law reform. The European Communitys
power to adopt binding directives opened a new age of legal harmonization in Europe.
See D. SHINDER, op. cit. p. 35.
How laws are made. This area includes how IT professionals can get involved at
the legislative level by testifying before committees, sharing their expertise, and
making opinions known to members of their governing bodies.
How crimes are prosecutes. This area includes how IT professionals can get
involved at the prosecution level as expert witness.
Cybercrime is a persisting international evil that transcends national boundaries in a manner
that renders this form of organized crime a global concern. Cybercrime may take several
forms including online fraud, theft and cyberterrorism. It has been seen that amongst the
major reasons that facilitate the perpetration of this crime is the globalisation of technology
and the revolutionary advancement of ICTs that have impacted on criminal activity.
Broadband, wireless technologies, mobile computing and remote access, Internet applications
and services, software and file transfer protocols are amongst the tools utilized by
cybercriminals to commit their crime. The increasing proliferation in usage of technology
assisted criminal activity and cybercrime merits further attention from the global community
by enacting the necessary legislative provisions and implementing effective technological and
enforcement tools that reduce ICT-facilitated criminal activities. By and large, it is submitted
that cybercrime should be subject to a global principle of public policy that aims at combating
and preventing this form of organized crime through raising global awareness and increasing
literacy rates, coordinating legislative efforts on national, regional and global levels, and
establishing a high level global network of cooperation between national, regional, and
international enforcement agencies and police forces.