Callicarpa, Calicanthus, Kerria, Buddleja, Clematis, Vinca and Others) Production Is Marked by A Great
Callicarpa, Calicanthus, Kerria, Buddleja, Clematis, Vinca and Others) Production Is Marked by A Great
Callicarpa, Calicanthus, Kerria, Buddleja, Clematis, Vinca and Others) Production Is Marked by A Great
conservation is a prerequisite for the sustainable development of socio-economic systems. The extinction
of numerous species of plants and animals was based on human actions more or less rational. Nowadays,
the problem of biodiversity conservation goes beyond the limits of scientific directions and is a stringent
objective, a priority of states and international institutions.
In order to achieve performances in this field, it is necessary to continue the research processes in
the field, the monitoring, to intensify the activities on environmental education and training, to increase
public awareness, conservation and rational use of natural resources, to increase energy efficiency and to
reduce the impact of climate change. The natural reservations, public and private parks, green areas of
Republica Moldova, are both providing a source of dendrological biodiversity an essential attribute of
developments and with superior decorative traits. These have a rather complex function ecological role,
equilibrium factor for the environment, social and health providing element for the society
Species of ornamental woody plants (Thuja, Juniperus, Taxus, Chamaecyparis, Buxus, Eonymus,
Callicarpa,Calicanthus, Kerria, Buddleja, Clematis, Vinca and others) production is marked by a great
diversity of species, cultivation practices. The large biodiversity of decorative plants species and their
great movement across the globe have allowed many usages, besides food, such as phytotherapy,
cosmetics, landscaping, etc. The ornamental value of decorative woody plants results from the
morphological characteristics of the plants themselves: size, general habitus of plants, shape, appearance,
size and color of the leaves. The importance of cultivating decorative woody plants with ornamental value
originates from the constant need of man for finding beauty. Since forever, man has been attracted to
nature. Decorative woody plants with ornamental value, along with other decorative plants help fight air
pollution, establishing equilibrium in living spaces. Cultivated by man in green spaces, these plants
extend their utilitarian-social importance. The vegetation in parks, gardens, squares and roads visibly
influences the microclimate of population centers. They clear the air of contemporary life, which, in the
unprecedented development of industry, harms the environment .
Ornamental species propagation technology is achieved by propagation by cuttings, grafting and
tissue culture "in vitro". Biotechnology has become an integrated part of plant breeding, and in recent
years new methods have been developed for the breeding and propagation of important plants in the
agricultural, ornamental and forestry sector. One of the promising methods is multiplication through
modern methods like in vitro techniques.
Tissue culture methods of propagation are already a commercial success for a variety of
horticultural crops. The methods for elite trees include use of buds (terminal, axillary, fascicle) and
plantlet production from stem callus cultures (organogenesis) as well as artificial embryo production from
such callus cultures (somatic embryogenesis).
Decorative woody plants with ornamental value can be considered today as an objective necessity
of life. Many people find untold joy in the company of nature, beauty, either in their small living spaces
or outside, in gardens or parks.