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The Basis of Dust Explosion Protection by R Stahl

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15:15 Uhr

the basics of

Seite 33

dust-explosion protection



18:34 Uhr

Seite 2

Powders or dust like substances are processed or are byproducts of the production process in
many industries.
Whether the dust is useful (e.g. for the production of synthetics, pigments or pharmaceuticals)
or waste, a large majority of dustlike substances pose the danger of fire or possibly even
explosions. Eighty percent of all industrial dusts are combustible, and even a dust layer of 1 mm
in a closed room is sufficient to trigger an explosion when the dust is swirled up and ignited.
These facts, combined with the fact that those affected are not sufficiently aware of the danger
(in contrast to the danger of gas explosions) underlines the importance of preventing dust
explosions. This brochure is intended to help you analyse the danger of a dust explosion in your
facilities and to take the suitable technical and organisational steps to minimise this risk.

R. STAHL Explosion protection



18:34 Uhr

Seite 3


Dust as a Risk Factor

Definitions and Parameters

Directives and Standards



Dust Explosion Protection Measures



Classification of Endangered Areas into Zones



Types of Dust Ignition Protection



Equipment Selection



Installation and Maintenance


Product Overview


R. STAHL Explosion protection



18:34 Uhr

Seite 4

dust-explosion protection

dust as a risk factor

1. Dust as a Risk Factor

As with combustible liquids and the flammable
gas/air mixes that result from them, certain requirements must be fulfilled for a suitable ignition
source to ignite a mix of dust and air and thus
trigger an explosion. No explosion can occur if one
of the following is not present: combustible dust,
air, ignition source.
Dust explosions have different characteristics than
gas explosions and can in some cases be
much more devastating. If a gas/air mix is ignited,
the force of the resulting explosion causes the
gas cloud to dissipate rapidly and thus dilutes the
gas/air mix to a concentration lower than that
necessary for further combustion. Thus, if no
further gas is added, the explosion is over after
several milliseconds.
Figure 1: Explosion Risk Triangle

tinues, and under some conditions chain

reactions such as these sweep through entire
buildings or facilities, destroying them.
As is the case with gases, there are various
ignition sources for dusts, such as sparks from
electrical or mechanical processes, arcs,
open flames, an electrostatic discharge, electromagnetic waves and others.
Figure 2 shows the results of statistical studies in
North America, which examined the distribution
of the ignition sources of dust explosions. It shows
that mechanically produced sparks were responsible in almost one third of the cases. Add to
that the 13 % of explosions caused by open fire
and welding, and it becomes obvious that
many people are not aware of the danger of dust
explosions. Figure 3 shows that a wide variety
of industries are affected, including branches of the
food and wood processing industries, paper and
synthetics production, pharmaceuticals production
and others.
The data given above are confirmed by German
property insurers, who state that on average
there is one dust explosion per day in the Federal
Republic of Germany. Approximately one fourth
of these are caused by dust from food products or
animal feed.

With combustible dusts it is different. If, for

example, a draft of air swirls up a layer of dust in
a small area, the dust, along with oxygen, forms
a combustible dust/air mix. If this mix is ignited by
an ignition source, an explosion is triggered.
The force of the resulting explosion swirls up more
dust, which is in turn ignited. This process con-

R. STAHL Explosion protection



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Seite 5

Figure 2: Ignition Sources of Dust Explosions

Static Electricity 9 %
Smolder Spots 9%
Friction 9 %
Unknown 11,5%

Fire 8 %

Equipment 3,5%
Other 2,5%

Hot Surfaces 6,5 %

Self-Ignition 6 %

Sparks 30%

Welding 5 %

Figure 3: Types of Dusts Involved in Dust Explosions

Wood 34%

Grain 24 %

Other 6%

Paper 2%
Synthetics 14 %
Coal/Peat 10 %

Metals 10%

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Seite 6

dust-explosion protection

definitions and parameters

2. Definitions and Parameters

What does the word dust really mean?
The European Standard EN 50281-1-1 defines it
like this:
Dust consists of small solid particles in the
atmosphere which settle due to their own weight,
but which remain airborne as a dust/air mix
for a time (this includes dust and grit, according to
the definitions in ISO 4225).

In Table 2, the important parameters determining

the combustibility of dust are listed. It is
necessary to assess your technical procedures in
view of potential ignition sources, combustible
volume, operating temperature, etc. Subsequently,
the potential for a dust explosion under the current conditions must be evaluated.
The most important terms in dust explosion protection are listed in Table 1 along with their
definitions. In Table 3, the parameters of some
materials from the various product groups
are given. These technical safety data have been
determined under standard conditions in the
laboratory. As a rule, conditions are in practice
less likely to lead to an explosion, so that the
figures are less alarming.
Be aware that a general term, such as flour dust,
can lead to false assessments. Wheat flour
has different technical safety parameters than rye
flour, for example.

Table 1: Definitions in Dust Explosion Protection

R. STAHL Explosion protection




Explosive Dust

A mix of combustible substances in the form of dust or fibers

mixed with air under atmospheric conditions that, after ignition,
cause the reaction to spread to the noncombusted mix.
(DIN EN 50281-1-1, 3.4)

The condition is that the process

ends only after one reactant has
been entirely consumed.


Mix pressure between 0.8 and 1.1 bar

Mix temperature between -20C and + 60C


Explosive atmosphere in dangerous quantitites. The presence

of a hazardous explosive atmosphere must be assumed if
ignition triggers an exothermal reaction that endangers people,
domestic animals and property (ExRL).

A dust layer of less than 1 mm

on the floor of a normal room is
sufficient to cause a hazardous
explosive atmosphere.



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Seite 7

Table 2: Technical Safety Parameters of Dusts




Size of particle

Dust particles larger than 400 m are not combustible.

Dust particles are combustible when they measure less
than 400 m and up to 20 m

Transportation and processing of large-particle dust often cause

abrasion, producing finer dusts.


As with gases, dust is combustible within certain

concentration parameters:
lower combustibility limit: approx. 2060 g/m 3 air
upper combustibility limit: approx. 26 kg/m 3 air

These parameters vary widely across the spectrum.

Highly combustible dusts can form a flammable mix with
less than 15 g/m 3.

Maximum explosive pressure

In simple closed containers, flammable dusts can cause an

explosive pressure between 6 and 10 bar.

In exceptional cases, such as with light metal dusts, explosive

pressure of up to 20 bar is possible.

KSt -value

This is a classifying parameter that describes the volatility of

the combustion. It equals the figure for the max. speed of
pressure build-up during the explosion of a dust/air mix in a
container measuring 1 m 3.

This figure is the basis for calculating pressure discharge surfaces.


The moisture of a dust is an important factor for potential

ignitions and explosions. Although no exact parameters
exist, it is known that a moister dust requires a higher ignition
energy and is less likely to be swirled up.

Minimum ignition energy Emin

The min. energy of an electrical spark which, under defined

conditions, is able to ignite the explosive dust/air mix.

Not every spark is capable of causing ignition. The decisive factor is

whether sufficient energy is introduced into the dust/air mix to trigger
an independent combustion of the entire mix.
A modified Hartmann tube (Figure 5) is used to determine the
minimum ignition energy.

temperature Ti

The lowest temperature of a heated wall that ignites the dust/

air mix upon brief contact.

The shape of the vessel in which the ignition temperature is measured

has proved to be especially critical. It may be assumed that ignition
on differently shaped surfaces is, in practice, only possible at much
higher temperatures. In the case of dust from food products and animal feed, this figure is between 410 and 500 degrees C, depending
on type.

temperature Ts

The lowest temperature of a hot surface on which a

5 mm dust deposit is ignited.

The smouldering temperature describes the ignition characteristics

of thin dust layers. If the layer is thicker, or if the ignition source is
completely buried in dust, the thermal insulation provided by the dust
layer increases, which changes the smouldering temperature entirely, sometimes lowering it considerably, which could trigger an
exothermal reaction. Experiments have shown that the smouldering
temperature decreases nearly linearly as the thickness increases.
Ts is sometimes considerably lower than Ti for an airborne mix of the
same dust. The estimated maximum permissible surface temperature
for electrical equipment may be higher, depending on the dusts
thermal conductivitiy. Unnoticed smoulder spots can be present for
long periods in thick layers of dust and can, if the dust is swirled up,
become effective ignition sources.

R. STAHL Explosion protection



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Seite 8

dust-explosion protection

definitions and parameters

Table 3: Examples of Explosion Parameters for Dusts


Ti [C]

Ts [C]

Emin [mJ]

min [mJ]





Brown Coal






















Figure 4: Determining a Dusts Minimum Ignition Energy

Thus it is impossible to provide generally valid

parameters for a particular kind of dust. There are
wide variations for identical dusts. Depending
on conditions, limit values often cannot be determined exactly; nor then, can the risk of explosion.
The minimum ignition energy can also vary to a
large extent. In Table 3, the limit values for several
products are listed; that is, values that border on
the hazardous. In rare cases, the dust/air
mix in question can also be ignited at considerably
lower temperatures.
Note that it is not possible to directly infer the
minimum ignition temperature from the minimum
ignition energy, and vice versa.
Table 2 includes detailed commentary on the
parameters for dusts.
Functional Description of a Modified
Hartmann Tube (Figure 5):
Not every spark is capable of ignition. The deciding
factor is whether the energy added to the mixture
is sufficient to initiate self-sustaining combustion
of the entire mixture. The modified Hartmann
tube is used as a qualitative test apparatus for
this purpose. At the base of the tube is an
atomising cone which is employed to dispense a
defined quantity of the dust being investigated.
A compressed air blast of 7 bar disperses the
dust in the glass cylinder and the resulting mixture
is then ignited by a spark created between two
A test is considered to be positive if the indication
instrument shows a deflection of the hinged cover
(indication "1" or "2"), or if a dust fire occurs (even
if the hinged cover is not moved, indication "0").

R. STAHL Explosion protection



18:34 Uhr

Seite 9

Figure 5: Modified Hartmann Tube

Hinged Lid



Atomising cone

Test Material

Air (50 ml, 7 bar)

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Seite 10

dust-explosion protection

directives and standards


3. Directives and Standards

Table 4: Dust Explosion Protection Standards

General stipulations

Protection by enclosure
ignition protection tD





prEN 61241-0

Part 15-0


in future
EN 61241-1

Part 15-1-1
0170/0171 Part 15-1

Selection and installation


in future
EN 61241-14

0165 Part 2
0165 Part 2/A2

Testing and maintenance


prEN 61241-17

0165 Part 10-2

> Min. ignition temperature



Part 15-2-1

> Resistance from

dust deposits



Part 15-2-2

> Min. ignition energy



in future at CEN

> Lower combustibility limit



in future at CEN

Classification into Zones



0165 Part 102

Protection by pressurisation


Part 15-4

Protection by intrinsic safety



Part 15-5

Protection by encapsulation


Part 15-8

Testing methods:

R. STAHL Explosion protection

Before the new European directives for explosion

protection (94/9/EC and 1999/92/EC) came into
force, explosion protection regulations in Europe
existed at the national level. Beginning in 1976 the
ExRL, issued by the German insurer BG Chemie,
was valid in Germany; as of in 1978 it was the
DIN (German Standardisation Institute) standard
VDE 0165: Installation of Electrical Equipment In
Hazardous Areas, and finally, from 1980, the
Electrical apparatus for explosive atmosphere,
known as ElexV.
Two zones were defined: Zone 10 and Zone 11.
A design certification was not required.
The minimum requirements for electrical equipment
for plants at risk of dust explosions, to be fulfilled by the manufacturer on his own responsibility,
were stipulated in the regulation VDE 0165/4.66,
without reference to zone classification. The first
attempts to introduce standards for the construction
of electrical devices to be used in areas at risk
of dust explosions were undertaken in the mid-80s
by the IEC.
Although the special risk posed by dust explosions
has long been known, due to devastating
accidents in coal mines, the problem received
widespread attention in Germany only after
the flour dust explosion that completely destroyed
the Rolands Mill in Bremen in 1978.



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Seite 11


After this, design certification of electrical

equipment to be used in Zone 10 became a legal
requirement, along with ElexV of July 1, 1980.
Following action by the IEC, VDE 0170/0171,
Part 13 was drawn up. Based on this standard,
BVS (German Association of Publicly Certified and
Qualified Experts) and now EXAM (formerly known
as DMT) have been certifying electronic devices
for use in Zone 10 since 1980, in co-operation with
legal authorities and the PTB (the German
National Metrology Institute).
Directive 94/9/EC provided a new regulation for
explosion protection in Europe. This directive
(ATEX 95) formulates the requirements to be fulfilled by manufacturers of electrical equipment.
The Explosion Protection Regulation of December
1996 made this directive into German law. In
Annex 1, Directive 94/9/EC mentions, in the course
of an explanation of Equipment Group 2, only the
danger presented by an explosive atmosphere consisting of a dust/air mix, which does not seem
to include dust deposits. The special risk presented
by these dust deposits as a source of dispersal is
only taken into account in the zone classification
insofar as other circumstances, such as a swirling
up of the dust by air currents, could cause an
explosive atmosphere.
The questions of proper use are addressed
by Directive 1999/92/EC (ATEX 137). The current
treatment of dust explosion protection in Directive
1999/92/EC is not very comprehensive and is
limited to a simple definition of zones and a reference to deposits of flammable dust. ATEX 137
was made into German law as part of the Industrial
Safety Ordinance (BetSichV) of September 2002.

Table 5: Comparison of Old IEC 61241 Standards and New Proposals

Number of
Current Standard

New Number


IEC 61241-0

General requirements


IEC 61241-1

Protection by enclosures tD


IEC 61241-1-2

IEC 61241-14

Selection & installation


IEC 61241-2-1

IEC 61241-20-1

Test methods


IEC 61241-2-2

IEC 61241-20-2

Test methods


IEC 61241-2-3

IEC 61241-20-3

Test methods


IEC 61241-3

IEC 61241-10

Zone classification


IEC 61241-4

IEC 61241-2

Protection by pressurisation pD


IEC 61241-5

IEC 61241-11

Protection by intrinsic safety iD


IEC 61241-18

Protection by encapsulation mD


IEC 61241-17

Inspection & maintenance

IEC 61241-19

Repair & overhaul

IEC 61241-1-1


been issued as German standards (see Table 4).

As part of the consolidation of standards dealing
with dust and gas, the goal at the IEC level is to
adapt the numbering of the dust standards to
the IEC 60079 standard series (Table 5). This plan
is laudable, because it would create analogous
standards for gas and dust explosion protection.

CENELEC, the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, has drawn up Standards
EN 50281-1-1 and EN 50281-1-2, which have

R. STAHL Explosion protection



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Seite 12

dust-explosion protection

dust explosion protection measures


4. Dust Explosion Protection Measures

4.1 (Primary) Explosion Protection by Avoiding
an Explosive Atmosphere
The complexity of the processes that can lead to
a dust explosion means that it is extremely
difficult to assess the actual risks in dealing with
combustible dust/air mixes. This makes explosion
prevention measures especially important.
These are generally considered to mean avoiding
or limiting the build-up of a hazardous explosive
atmosphere. One possibility is to reduce the
concentration of the flammable substance to values
below the lower combustibility limit (see
Table 2), such as by mixing it with nonflammable
products. Another possibility is to prevent the
dispersal of combustible substances or at least to
limit it. Both of these measures can be effectively
supported by thorough and regular cleaning and
by implementing suitable construction measures
(see p. 15). If dispersal cannot be avoided, the
surrounding air with its oxygen can be replaced as
a potential reactant by a noncombustible gas such
as nitrogen (inertisation).
However, high operational costs mean that
this method is limited to a small number of special
applications. Should all these measures prove
to be unreasonably costly, there are other effective
explosion protection alternatives available.

R. STAHL Explosion protection

4.2 Explosion Prevention by Avoiding Ignition

This measure prevents the hazardous explosive
atmosphere from being ignited. This can be
achieved by:
> Analysing potential ignition sources
> Determining the necessary extent of protective
> Using suitable equipment
This type of protection involves taking steps to
prevent ignition, which means that potential
ignition sources can be eliminated. A precondition
is that the workflow process in question be
assessed in adequate detail for potential ignition
The type of the protection measures and the level
of safety required depend on the hazard zone.
The probability of the existence of an explosive
atmosphere containing airborne dust and the
zone classification of endangered areas derived
from it are important factors to be considered
when deciding on necessary protection measures
(see Section 5).



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Seite 13


4.3 Constructive Explosion Protection

Constructive explosion protection is a method of
avoiding the dangerous effects of explosions
and/or of reducing the effects of an explosion to a
harmless level. There are several categories:
> Explosion-resistant construction limits an
explosion to the inside of compression-proof
or blast-proof containers which, however,
also means that connected equipment such as
tubes/pipes and decoupling mechanisms
must fulfil the same requirements.
Explosion-resistant containers or apparatus
are those that can withstand many times
the predicted explosive pressure without being
permanently deformed.
Blast-resistant containers or apparatus
are constructed so that they can withstand the
predicted explosive pressure without tearing
open; however, permanent deformations may be
a result. In this case, then, the robustness of
the material may be brought closer to its limits.
> Explosion venting (defined venting by means
of bursting discs, pressure-relief flaps, etc.)
This measure is intended to prevent the build-up
of excessively high explosive pressure in the
inside of containers by prompt release through
certain openings. This measure addresses
only the effects of the explosion, and can be
implemented without additional control
mechanisms. As soon as the static response
pressure is reached or exceeded, an outflow
process from the protected apparatus into the
surrounding area begins. Apart from the
flame and pressure wave, this outflow from the

venting openings, which is a part of explosion

venting, also contains combusted and
non-combusted substances. It must always be
established whether the effects of the explosion
in the location in question can be managed.
> Explosion suppression
This process is generally used in containers and
production facilities for which an explosive
pressure exceeding the explosion resistance of
the container/facility is predicted. The
explosion is suppressed in its initial stages,
before a hazardous rise in pressure can
take place. To accomplish this, an extinguishing
agent is used in the protected area within
fractions of a second of the explosion being
detected. For the suppression of an explosion (use
of extinguishing agent) it is mandatory that
the explosion be detected promptly. In the case
of explosions that begin slowly, the initial
pressure build-up is not adequate for prompt
detection. Additional measures such as optical
fire detectors or supplementary pressure
detectors may be necessary.
> Explosion barriers (prevention of explosion
spread, isolation of devices/facilities)
Isolation as an explosion protection measure
allows the explosion to reach full force, but
prevents it from spreading to other, unprotected
parts of the facility. This is accomplished
by mechanical barriers which immediately block
connecting pathways, or by a barrier consisting
of chemical extinguishing agent(s).

R. STAHL Explosion protection



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Seite 14

dust-explosion protection

zone classification


5. Classification of Dust Explosion Risk Areas

into Zones

Table 6: Zone Definitions

Zone 20

Zone 21

Zone 22

Area in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of flammable

dust is continually or often present.
NOTE: These conditions are usually to be found only inside containers, pipes,
apparatus, etc.
Area in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of flammable
dust may be expected to appear occasionally, caused by normal operations.
NOTE: Also areas in the vicinity of dust removal or work stations where dust
is poured into containers, as well as areas where there are dust deposits
and where a combustible dust/air mix could form in the course of normal
Area in which no explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of flammable
dust can be predicted to occur during nor mal operations, but if it does, it will
take place within a short period.
NOTE: This could also include areas in the vicinity of devices containing dust,
protection systems or components from which dust leaks and forms deposits
(e.g. milling / grinding facilities, from which dust leaks and forms layers).

Table 7: Zone Concept and Effects of ExVO and Directive 94 / 9 / EC

of Dangerous
Explosive Atmosphere D (Dust)

No Effective Ignition
Source During

Equip. Category
in Dir. 94/9/EC

Required for

Zone 20

long-term or

Normal operations
and rare device
breakdowns, in case
of two independent

Category 1D


Zone 21


Normal operations
and frequent device

Category 2D


Zone 22

rare, at short

Normal operations

Category 3D

no (makers

R. STAHL Explosion protection

The classification into zones has proved its effectiveness in gas atmospheres for years. The definition of zones adopted by all of Europe in accordance
with Directive 99/92/EC applies only to
swirled-up dust. Layers and deposits of flammable
dust must be taken into consideration as well,
like all other factors that could lead to the creation
of an explosive atmosphere.
Dust deposits are seen merely as a source of
dispersal for an explosive atmosphere.
Among other sources, EN 50281-3 (Classification
of areas where combustible dusts are or may be
present) or the explosion regulations of BG Chemie
can provide help with the classification.
In Table 7, zone classification and zone definitions
are once again given, as well as the connection
between the zones and the equipment categories
of Directive 94/9/EC.



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Seite 15


Classification According to Cleanliness

of Facility
High clealiness standards are important in dust
explosion protection, as in contrast to gases
a series of dispersals which are below the combustibility limit themselves could lead to a dangerous accumulation of dust (see also 4.1, Primary
Explosion Protection).

Table 8: Cleanliness and Explosion Risk

Degree of

Thickness of
Dust Layer

Period of Time
Dust is Present

Risk of Fire or


zero or




not negligible

shorter than one

working shift



not negligible

longer than one

working shift

Risk of fire, in case

of swirling up
Zone 22

General stipulations in EX-RL (BGR 104) Paragraph

E 1.5 refer to obligatory cleanliness standards.
In the new Classification of areas where
combustible dusts are or may be present according
to IEC 61241-10 and EN 50281-3, the degree of
cleanliness is quantified and included in the classification of the areas (Table 8).

Figure 6: Example of the Classification of Dust Explosion Risk Areas

According to IEC 61241-10
Zone 20 Funnel in sack
emptying station



Zone 21 Immediate vicinity

(radius 1 m)
around loading
Zone 22 Area outside
Zone 21 due to
dust deposits

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Seite 16

dust-explosion protection

dust ignition protection


6. Types of Dust Ignition Protection

The goal of ignition protection is to prevent
excessive temperatures and energies in the form
of sparks, arcs and so forth in a facility.
Currently four types of dust ignition protection
exist (see Table 9):
6.1 Dust Ignition Protection tD
In Europe, this is generally regarded to be the most
important model for power engineering equipment.
EN 50281-1-1 stipulates the ignition protection type
for the constructive explosion protection of
electrical equipment: Protection by Enclosure.
Two dust protection degrees are defined for dust
explosion protection:
1. Dustproof: for the use of devices in
Zone 20, Zone 21 and even in Zone 22 (in the presence of conductive dust).
2. Dust-protected: for use in Zone 22a (where
non-conductive dust is present).
Enclosures as ignition protection function by
limiting the maximum surface temperature of the
enclosure and by limiting dust infiltration
(dustproof and dust-protected enclosures):
> Dustproof enclosure
An enclosure which prevents visible dust
infiltration (IP 6X).
This means that a non-risk area is created inside
the enclosure. Please note that as combustible
dust particles are approx. 20 to 40 m in
size and thus below the gap width required by
EN 50018 for ignition-proof openings. Pressureresistant enclosures are not in themselves
dustproof and must be separately checked and
certified according to their condition.

R. STAHL Explosion protection

> Dust-protected enclosure

An enclosure which does not entirely prevent
dust infiltration, but which does not allow
sufficient dust to enter to cause difficulties with
the safe operation of the equipment. Dust must
not be allowed to accumulate where it could
cause risk of explosion (IP 5X).
The material used for the enclosure is especially
important. It must be subjected to material
tests. The enclosure must provide the necessary
protection from dust in spite of the deterioration of
the material and usual mechanical wear and tear.
Possible materials are:
> Metals (such as coated steel plates, high-grade
steel, light metal)
> Glass (for enclosure parts, eg. viewing panes)
> Moulded plastic
Metals used for this purpose may have to be subjected to an impact test at low temperatures,
as some metals (light metals) have less favourable
mechanical properties at low temperatures than
at higher ones.
In addition, light metal may contain a maximum
of 6 % magnesium, as it otherwise tends to throw
off sparks upon impact with materials such as
rusty iron. Glass must withstand a thermal shock
without cracks or without such extensive damage
that it breaks during a subsequent impact test.



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Seite 17


6.1.1 Enclosures of Moulded Plastic

moulded plastic to become brittle, and thus unable

to provide protection according to IP regulations.

Thermal Resistance
Moulded plastic must certainly fulfil the most
complex requirements. For electrical devices from
Categories 1D and 2D, the temperature index
TI must be known, according to EN 50281. This
figure allows conclusions about the long-term
mechanical properties of moulded plastic to
be drawn. The temperature index is identical to
the 20,000-h point on the thermal resistance
diagram, with a reduction of the bending strength
(tensile strength) of < 50 %. This figure must be
20 K higher than the temperature at the hottest area
of the enclosure. In addition, the moulded plastic
must be proven to have sufficient thermal
resistance for the intended application.
Enclosures or enclosure parts made of moulded
plastic for electrical equipment from the Categories
1D and 2D must be subjected to heat and cold
resistance tests according to EN 50014 (artificial
deterioration). The deterioration process caused by
extreme temperatures must not cause the

For electrical equipment from Category 3D, it is

sufficient for the material to have a TI at least 10 K
higher than the temperature at the hottest area
of the enclosure. Proof of a continuous operating
temperature (COT) which fulfils the same
requirement as the TI is also sufficient. No heat and
cold resistance tests are carried out in this case.

Table 9: Types of Dust Ignition Protection in the Current Standards





Type of Ignition Protection

Current Status at IEC

Future Status at IEC

Status at CLC

IP cabinet
(tightness and
temperature control)

IEC 61241-1-1

IEC 61241-0
IEC 61241-1

EN 50281-1-1


IEC 61241-4

IEC 61241-2

Intrinsic safety


IEC 61241-11

Moulded compound


IEC 61241-18




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dust-explosion protection

dust ignition protection


Table 10: Summary of Requirements for Electrical Equipment

Requirement for:

Cat. 1 + 2 Zone 20+21

Cat. 3 Zone 22

No dust infiltration in enclosure



No dust infiltration
at cable glands



Propagating brush discharges must be

avoided (in accordance with
DIN VDE 0170/0171 Part 13)

Bleeder resistance 10 9
Breakdown voltage 4 kV
Thickness of layer 8 mm

Laser beam (in accordance with

EN 50281-1-1)

5 mW/mm2 continually
0.1 mJ/mm2 impulses

Ultrasonic beam (in accordance with

EN 50281-1-1)

0.1 W/cm2 / 10 MHz continually

2 mJ/cm2 impulses
0.1 W/cm2 average

Outer connection for potential


as in e

as in n

Plugs, sockets and connectors

(in accordance with DIN VDE 0165,

Isolation with power off except up to 10 A,

250 V; here IP6X sufficient for isolation;
dust must not fall into opening

Light fixtures (in accordance with

DIN VDE 0165, 7.1.3/1991)

Light source with cover, lock or warning

sign; no sodium low-pressure lamps

Air and creepage gaps in

connection components
Certification required

DIN VDE 0110

DIN VDE 0110





Label: CE compliance according

to Directive 94 /9 /EC
Conforms to standards
Surface temp. in C,
(not temperature class)

R. STAHL Explosion protection

Ignition-protection enclosures depend on the
elastomeric gaskets used. These are tested using
the stipulations in Annex B3.3 of EN 50014. This is
a deterioration test using specially shaped test
objects (ISO 48/ ISO 1818) which tests the increase
in hardness of the material. This figure must not
exceed 20 % difference between the initial and the
final figure. Materials that have hardened to a
greater degree may lose their sealing properties.
An electrostatic discharge is a very effective
ignition source. When moulded plastic is used for
enclosures, the outer surface must be prevented
from becoming charged. Otherwise, one of the following types of discharge will occur:
> Spark discharge
These discharges take place between grounded
and ungrounded components and are sufficient
to ignite all gases and vapours, and almost all
> Brush discharge
This is a special form of the corona discharge.
Pipes, elbows, screws, and tools may serve
as electrodes with the maximum field strength.
This type of discharge poses no danger
to most dusts, but caution is warranted with
regard to gases and vapours.
> Propagating brush discharge
This is a discharge of a chargeable material in a
thin layer (< 8 mm) atop a sufficiently conductive
lower layer.



18:35 Uhr

Seite 19


An example: Moulded plastic in the pipes of

pneumatic conveyor systems initially receives a
strong electrostatic charge from friction on
the inside. This charge produces an opposite charge
on the outer side, which is coated with moulded
plastic and dust. This double charge may contain
large amounts of energy. If one short-circuits
both sides of the doubly charged layer, all the stored
energy is violently discharged. This causes
brightly glowing discharge channels to form on the
surface of the moulded plastic. This discharge
may contain several joules of energy, so that nearly
all gases and vapours and the majority of dusts
could be ignited. However, propagating brush discharges are relatively rare in practice.
The following measures can prevent discharges
such as these :
> Adjusting the surface resistance to 10 9 and
grounding the moulded plastic.
> Limiting the breakdown voltage of the nonconductive material to 4 kV.
> Avoiding thicknesses > 8 mm for the non-conductive material.
> Limiting isolated capacities to < 10 pF.
> Increasing humidity to > 65 % in order to
reduce the surface resistance of non-conductive

Table 11: Summary of the Requirements for Rotating Electrical Machines

Requirement for

Cat. 2 Zone 21

Cat. 3 Zone 22

Dust protection of enclosure



Magnesium content in enclosure



Thermal properties of non-metal


as in e

as in n

Bleeder resistance of enclosure,

ventilator cowls

10 9

10 9

Bleeder resistance of the fan at

all speeds

10 9

10 9

Outer connection for potential


as in e

as in n

Dust protection of cable glands



IP protection type for outside ventilator

as in e

as in e

Protective roof for design type V1

as in e

Mounting of ventilator and cover

as in e

Distances in ventilation system

as in e

Magnesium content of fan

Air and creepage gaps in connection
Certification by appointed site

as in e /n



DIN VDE 0110

DIN VDE 0110





CE conformity
Conformity to standards
Surface temperature in C
(not temperature class)

R. STAHL Explosion protection



18:35 Uhr

Seite 20

dust-explosion protection

dust ignition protection


Mechanical Stability
For equipment from Categories 1D and 2D,
mechanical tests are carried out in accordance
with EN 50014. The enclosures must withstand a
high-impact energy of 7 joules.
If the enclosure contains transparent parts, they
are subjected (without protection) to a test with
4 joules or (with protection) to one with 2 joules.
Depending on temperature change resistance,
tests such as these are to be carried out at
a temperature 10 to 15 K higher than the highest
operating temperature and 5 to 10 K below the
lowest operating temperature.
After the mechanical stability test, the protection
type required by IP can be found in Table 10.
In the case of hand-held electrical equipment,
a drop test in accordance with EN 50014 must also
be carried out.

Table 12: Selection of Pressurisation Type of Protection

Equipment in Enclosure

with ignition source during operations

no ignition source during operations


pD not permissible

pD not permissible


Switching off as in

Warning as in


Warning as in

pD not required

R. STAHL Explosion protection

Cable Glands
Supply and measurement cables are connected
to the explosion-protected electrical equipment. The
cable glands must be in accordance with Annex B
of EN 50014. This means that the certified
increased safety cable glands for endangered
areas may be used. It must be noted, however, that
the Ex e cable must only be in accordance with
IP 54, whereas for dust explosion protection, devices
from Categories 1D and 2D must be in accordance
with IP 6X and devices from Category 3D with
IP 5X. In addition, proof of increase in hardness is
required (see Gaskets). This proof can be provided
by the tests mentioned here or by data sheets
from the gasket manufacturer.
6.2 Dust Ignition Protection Type pD
This type of ignition protection, similar to the
pressurisation p, could become important in the
protection of switch cabinets in endangered
areas. For example, equipment of the type pD may
only be used in Zone 21 and Zone 22 (not in
Zone 20). The pre-rinsing required for gas explosion
protection is not allowed for dust explosion
protection, as the swirling up of dust layers could
produce a hazardous explosive atmosphere.
Paragraph 4.3 of the standard explicitly requires
that before the pressurisation device is turned on,
the inside be cleaned of dust that has accumulated whilst it was off.
The measures to be taken in case the pressurisation
device breaks down are classified according
to zone and the presence of operational ignition
sources (see Table 12).



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Seite 21


6.3 Intrinsic Safety iD

The current draft (CD) largely corresponds to the
4th edition of IEC 60079-11:
1999 for gas explosion protected equipment of the
intrinsic safety (i) type.
In the final draft, the paragraphs of Standard
IEC 60079-11 that are directly relevant will
generally be referred to, without being repeated.
This is what is to be expected in practice
when iD equipment is derived from existing and
already tested intrinsically safe equipment.
The preliminary translation of the introduction
to the future standard IEC 61241-11 mentions the
following basic rules:
> Electrical circuits must fulfil the requirements
of Group IIB from IEC 60079-11, in order to avoid
sparks with ignition potential.
> In general, protection factor IP 6X or moulded
compound are required to ensure that air
and creepage gaps are not blocked by dust.
> Operational restrictions for equipment or
components that are not protected by an enclosure
or moulded compound (e.g. non-insulated
sensors). This is intended to prevent a layer of
dust being transferred from the equipment
to combustible dust and being ignited. It is also
meant to prevent heat ignition on the surface
of components.

> Temperature limits on all outer surfaces of

equipment or their components which exceed
the operational limits stipulated in IEC 61241-11.
The surface may consist of an enclosure or a
moulded compound.
Work is continuing on the standard for the intrinsic
safety (iD) ignition protection type, therefore
we refer the reader to current articles in our ExMagazine.
6.4 Encapsulation mD
The dust ignition protection type mD in accordance with IEC 61241-18 is to be adapted
largely from the gas ignition protection type m
stipulated in IEC 60079-18, which is currently
being revised.
Further proceedings on the draft of IEC 61241-18
will therefore be determined by the development
of the new IEC 60079-18.

R. STAHL Explosion protection



18:35 Uhr

Seite 22

dust-explosion protection

equipment selection


7. Equipment Selection
After assessment of the facility and its degree of
risk, the operating company must consider the
following criteria in selecting electrical equipment:
> Determination of the equipment category in
accordance with the zone plan.
> Assessment of the properties of existing dust.
> Maximum permissible surface temperature of
the equipment, taking into consideration the type
of dust and the presence of dust clouds,
as well as the smouldering temperature of dust
The selection of the equipment category can be
carried out as described in Table 13. This defines
the construction of the enclosure in accordance
with the requirements of Paragraphs 4 and 6 of
EN 50281-1-1. The density of the dust tested using
the procedure described in EN 60529 for
Category 1D, must be taken into consideration.

Table 13: Equipment Selection by Category

Type of Dust

Zone 20

Zone 21

Zone 22


Category 1D
Temperature limitation and
excessive dust deposits

Category 1D
or 2D

Category 1D
or 2D


Category 1D
Temperature limitation and
excessive dust deposits

Category 1D
or 2D

Category 1D,
2D or 3D

R. STAHL Explosion protection

The Essential Safety and Health Requirements

from Directive 94/9/EC deal with the problem of
dust deposits in Annex II, Paragraph 1.2.4. In
addition to requiring the removal of dust layers, it
is stipulated that the surface temperature of
equipment and equipment parts be well below the
smouldering temperature of the deposited dust.
An accumulation of heat must be expected and
managed using temperature limitation. Dust deposits
should, if possible, be limited or prevented entirely.
For the equipment manufacturer, this means
the equipment must be produced in such a way
that dust deposits do not arise and/or the equipment
is simple to clean.
> EN 50281-1-2 addresses the selection of electrical
equipment and stipulates that, apart from
the classification into zones, the possibility of the
equipment being covered or completely buried
in dust must be taken into consideration, unless
this situation can be avoided.
> EN 50281 does not currently address the question
of how dust deposits on electrical equipment
influence the safety of the equipment. For
equipment from Category 3D, there is no requisite
check of possible faults. This would mean
that equipment from Category 3D would be subject to a thermal assessment in extreme cases
while entirely buried in dust yet that common
faults need not be taken into consideration.
Zone 21 presents a similar problem. Is the
inside of containers in which combustible dust is
stored also a part of this zone? The situation
is clearer in the case of Zone 20, as per definition
complete burial of the equipment must be taken
into account. Table 13 presents possible solutions
to the problem.



18:35 Uhr

Seite 23


Figure 7: Maximum Permissible Surface Temperatures for Dust Layers Measuring 5-50 mm Thick

The self-ignition of dust deposits is a critical

problem. These processes are often caused by
exothermal reactions involving oxygen from
the surrounding air. It could be a chemical reaction
(oxidation), a physical reaction (adsorbtion) or a
decomposition process (mainly in the case
of organic dusts). Self-ignition is independent of the
temperature of the surrounding area, of the
geometric factors and of the volume of the dust.
The heat produced during decomposition of
materials can produce carbonisation gas, which in
turn can lead to an explosive gas/air mix.
Not every case of dust ignition necessarily leads to
an explosion. Dusts with low pressure build-up
speed may initially burn. Under certain conditions,
an explosion may occur, often in a completely
different location than the ignition. The fire can
spread from the place of origin to other areas by

way of transportation facilities. During this

process, the flames swirl up noncombusted dust ,
which in turn takes deposited dust with it.
A sudden change in the volume of the dust cloud
as it enters a larger room (e.g. a silo) can produce
a hazardous explosive atmosphere. The flames
cause ignition. The smouldering temperature of
a dust layer is determined using the method
from EN 50281-1-2. The determination of an
electrical devices maximum surface temperature
must be done by the manufacturer, with potential
faults taken into consideration. Temperature
limitation measures should be used to manage
these faults (electrothermal protection). The maximum surface temperature is measured according
to the stipulations in Paragraph 10 of EN 50281-1-1.

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dust-explosion protection

equipment selection


Figure 8: Determining the Maximum Surface Temperature

TL Beneath a Dust Layer of Thickness L in mm

R. STAHL Explosion protection

When determining the maximum permissible

surface temperature (dependent on the
surrounding dust), one must take the following
figures into account:
1. Maximum permissible surface temperature
when a dust cloud is present (calculation in
accordance with 6.1 of EN 50281-1-2).
The ignition temperature of the dust must be
taken into account.
2. Maximum permissible surface temperature
when a dust deposit is present. When making
the calculation, one must take the smouldering
temperature (which is dependent on the
thickness of the dust layer) into account:
> For dust deposits up to 5 mm thick, the
calculation must be made in accordance with
6.2.1 of EN 50281-1-2.
> For dust deposits > 5 mm -- 50 mm, the curves
plotted in Figure 7 must be applied.
The redutions in temperature plotted here were
determined empirically for dust deposits of
up to 50 mm on top of electrical equipment. The
curves take into account both the reduction,
specific to dusts, of the smouldering temperature
with increasing deposit thickness, and also a
predictable rise in the temperature of the
electronic device, due to the limited functioning
of the heat removal system. In addition, the
curves include the customary safety reduction of
75 K.
Here it must be stated explicitly that the above
does not take into account an electricaldevice
buried completely in dust.
> Determining a surface temperature for dust
deposits > 50 mm: According to the currently
valid stipulations in Paragraph 6.3 of DIN EN
50281-1-2/VDE 0165 Part 2, if dust deposits of
excessive thickness are present, the equipment
in question must be tested in a laboratory using
the relevant dust (see Annex A of the abovementioned standard, as well as (2) and (7)).



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Seite 25


In the future, manufacturers will have the option,

during the type testing, of determining a surface
temperature TL under a deposit of thickness
L (orientated toward the thickness of the layer
during actual use), which may be stated on
labels (Figure 8). Paragraph 5.2 of IEC 61241-0
states: In addition to the maximum surface
temperature TL in accordance with 5.1, the
maximum surface temperature TL for a specific
layer thickness of dust surrounding the
equipment on all sides may be stated. For the
determination of the temperature TL,
stipulates: The equipment is to be installed
according to the manufacturers directions and
surrounded by a dust layer of thickness L.
The maximum surface temperature under a dust
with a heat conductivity not exceeding
0.003 kcal/m/C/h is to be measured according
to the directions in The operator must
take note of Paragraph of the erection
guidelines 61241-14: When the equipment
has been labeled for a particular layer thickness,
the T5 mm (the smouldering temperature for
a 5 mm layer) must be replaced by the smouldering temperature for thickness L.

The calculations from 1 and 2 must be made

by the operator!
The maximum permissible surface temperature,
depending on the ignition temperature Ti and/or
the smouldering temperature Ts of the surrounding
dust is determined as follows:
1. Maximum permissible surface temperature in
presence of dust clouds Tmax = 2/3 Ti
2. Maximum permissible surface temperature in
presence of dust deposits (5 mm thickness)
Tmax = Ts 75 K
Example: flour
Ti 380C and Ts 300C
Tmax (1) = 2/3 x 380C = 253C
Tmax (2) = 300C 75 K = 225C
Accordingly, the surface temperature of the
electrical equipment in this particular case must
not exceed the value of 225C; this must be
guaranteed by the manufacturer (see Determination of the Maximum Surface Temperature

Figure 9: Explosion Protected Lamp from the 6600 Series for Use in Zone 21 (Category 2D) and Zone 22 (Category 3D).

R. STAHL Explosion protection



18:35 Uhr

Seite 26

dust-explosion protection

equipment selection


Radiation-Emitting Equipment
Visual radiation is a fringe effect in the field
of dust explosion protection. The first factor to be
considered when determining the limit value is:
How high is the power density?
If the power density is 0.1 W/cm 2, no further
assessment is necessary. Signals in pulse form are
assessed according to the energy density. In
addition, however, the energy density as an average
of the pulse-pause ratio must be taken into
account. Besides this, an assessment of possible
faults is to be carried out in order not to exceed the
limit values for equipment from Categories 1D
and 2D. The figure for the pulse-pause ratio,
which is the basis of the calculation, is especially
important. Visible radiation (especially if it is
focussed) can ignite the dust/air mix.
Laser radiation can cause ignition from a great
distance, even when it is not focussed.
Limit values to be observed:
> Power density 5 mW/mm2 for
continuous beam lasers
> Pulse energy density 0.1 mJ/mm2 fr
pulse lasers
In the case of ultrasonic devices (e.g. sensors),
a large percentage of the energy emitted by
the ultrasonic transducer is absorbed by dust.
This causes a heat rise in the dust particles,
which in extreme cases even reach the ignition
temperature. Limit values to be observed:
> Power density 0.1 W/cm2
> Pulse energy density 2m J/cm2

Plugs and Sockets, Plug Connectors

In Zone 20, plugs and sockets are not permitted.
In Zone 21 and Zone 22, for electrical equipment
from Categories 2D and 3D, the following requirements apply:
> Plugs and sockets must be locked in such
a way that they can only be separated when the
power is off, or
> In accordance with 9.2 of EN 50014, plug
connectors must be held together by special
catches and a warning sign affixed to them:
Supplementary Requirements
EN 50281-1-1 contains several supplementary
requirements for specific electrical equipment
from Category 2D which must be taken into
account. Here are some important examples:
> Rotating electrical devices, such as spindlepowered outdoor ventilators used for cooling,
must be surrounded by a protective cover.
> Switching devices with a flammable dielectric
are not permitted. Enclosures must be secured
with circuit breakers or labeled with a sign:DO
panels or other remote-controlled components are
included in them. If a circuit breaker is built-in,
it must disconnect all poles and be set up
so that its contact position is completely visible,
or so that the off position is always shown.
The catch between a circuit breaker and
the cover or door must only permit the door
to be opened when the circuit breakers contacts
are disconnected.
Additional protective enclosures for equipment
whose power is on after the enclosure is opened.

R. STAHL Explosion protection



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> Fuses: unopenable when power is on, or

warning sign for switching devices.
> Lighting: lamps containing loose metallic sodium
(e.g. low-pressure lamps according to EN 60192)
are not permitted.
Connecting Components
As in gas explosion protected areas, electrical
equipment is connected to the outer power circuit
using clamps.

Table 14: Contents of Operating Instructions

According to EN 50281-1-1
> Initial operation
> Application
> Mounting and de-mounting
> Maintenance

The equipment can also be connected using

a cable that is continually connected. Devices with
attached cables are an exception when only one
end of the cable is permanently connected. These
devices must be labeled with the mark X.
The operator must be given instructions for the
unattached end of the cable (e.g. within Zone 21,
the unattached cable end must be plugged into
a device from Category 2D).
Operating Instructions and Labeling
Table 15 shows the labels for electrical equipment
in accordance with EN 50281 and Directive
94/9/EC. Data relevant to explosion protection,
such as equipment group, category and
maximum surface temperature are shown as in the
following example: II 2 D T 135 C.
No division of dusts into temperature classes is
planned. Unlike gases, dusts require a calculational
margin of safety between surface temperature
and ignition (smoulder) temperature. Each device
has a set of operating instructionswhich must
contain the elements shown in Table 14.

> Installation
> Electrical parameters
> Specific requirements

Table 15: Labeling of Equipment

EN according to EN 50281-1-1
> Name and address of manufacturer
> Series and type
> Serial number
> Electrical parameters
> Maximum surface temp.T
> Equipment Group, in this case II
> D for dust
> Category
> Testing site and certification no.
(year/Id. no.)
> Year of manufacture

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Seite 28

dust-explosion protection

installation and maintenance


8. Installation and Maintenance

The protective measures described in Section 4
alone are not sufficient to prevent an explosion.
Installation carried out according to requirements,
punctual, correct and consistent maintenance
are all crucial for maintaining safe operations
(DIN EN 50281-1-2 / VDE 0165 :11.99 Part 2).
During installation, the manufacturers
stipulations in the operating instructions must be
followed carefully.
8.1 Installation of Cables and Wires
Selection of Cables and Wires
In general, the customary types of cables and
wires are permitted when they are laid in pipes that
are seamless, held together by screws, or
welded all the way down. Cables and wires whose
construction ensures that they are dustproof
and immune to mechanical wear and tear may also
be used. Examples are:
> Cables and wires with thermoplastic or elastomeric wire insulation, with meshwork or
sheet reinforcement and an outer sheath of PVC
(poly-vinylchloride), PCP (polychloroprene
rubber), or a similar material.
> Cables and wires with a seamless aluminium
sheath with or without reinforcement.
> Mineral-insulated cables and wires with metal
Note: These cables and wires may have to
operated below their nominal rate to prevent the
surface temperature from exceeding the
stipulated values.
> When cables and wires have a protective pipe,
or when there is no danger of mechanical
damage, cables and wires with thermoplastic or
ela-stomeric insulation and a sheath of PVC,
PCP, or a similar material are permitted.

R. STAHL Explosion protection

Laying Cables
> Cables and wires must be placed so that
they cannot become electrostatically charged by
moving dust (friction effect).
> Cables and wires must if possible be laid so
that no large dust deposits can form. Sufficient
access for cleaning must be possible.
> If possible, cables and wires should not be
laid in areas at risk of a dust explosion if they
are not connected to this area.
> If dust deposits form on cables and wires,
preventing free air circulation, a reduction of the
electrical current must be considered.
This applies especially to dusts with a low
smouldering temperature.
> If cables and wires are laid through walls
or other structures, this must be done so as to
prevent combustible dust from accumulating
and penetrating them.
> For movable electrical devices, a suitable cable
type must be used. For these purposes,
often a suitable connection box must be placed
between movable and immovable cables and
> If metal tubes are used, the following must be
ensured: that there is no possibility of wire
damage at the contact points, that the contactpoints are dustproof, that the impermeability
of the connected equipment is not reduced, that
the contact points are included in the potential



18:35 Uhr

Seite 29


Cable Glands
The requirements for dust explosion protected
equipment from Categories 1D and 2D are almost
identical with those for a gas explosion protected
enclosure of the increased safety type. Both
must be in compliance with Annex B of EN 50014.
The only differences are in the type of protection
and in certification:
> Dust-Ex: IP 6X, certification for Zone 20 and/or
Zone 21
> EEx e: IP 54, certification for Zone 1 and Zone 2
Cable glands must be assembled and mounted so
that they do not compromise the equipments dust
protection. They can also be permanently
connected to the equipment, in which case they
are certified along with the equipment.
8.2 Maintenance
In addition to the protective measures already
taken, an organisational plan must be drawn up
for the facility.
> Cleaning, removal of dust deposits.
> Monitoring and maintenance of the safety
> Monitoring the grounding, especially for
the parts of the equipment that could become
electrostatically charged.

8.3 Documentation
EN 50281-1-2, 10.3:
For each facility, plans must be drawn up which
contain the following elements:
> Classification and expansion of the areas at risk
of a dust explosion; the zone classification
and the maximum thickness of the dust deposits
(if > 5 mm) must be given.
> Recording of the type of dust explosion protected
equipment and their labeling, with sufficient
information regarding suitable maintenance.
> Type, location and details of the cable systems.
This task is similar to that required by the EC
Worker Protection Directive 99/92/EC, which
obligates the employer to draw up an explosion
protection document. This document must include
the following:
> Safety assesment of workplace.
> Safety measures in workplace.
> Installed equipment and warning devices.
> Guarantee of proper use of equipment.

These measures serve firstly to reduce the risk

of explosion and secondly to maintain
the effectiveness of the constructive protective
The testing, maintenance and repair of explosion
protected equipment in areas at risk of a
dust explosion may be carried out only by trained
personnel with knowledge of ignition protection
types. (DIN EN 50281-1-2, 12.1)

R. STAHL Explosion protection



18:35 Uhr

Seite 30

dust-explosion protection

product overview


Some Examples of Dust

Explosion Protection
Emergency Lamp

Optical Beacon 6161

Traffic Light 6091

Control Equipment
Series 8040
Lighting and Heating Panel
Series 8146

Control Panels

Safety Barriers
EX i Isolators IS pac

Remote I/O System I.S.1

Plugs and Sockets

R. STAHL Explosion protection

9. Product Overview
R. STAHL has a fully certified product range for
the areas of your facility that present the risk of
dust explosions. We take dust explosion production
just as seriously as gas explosion protection.
We can offer you a specially tailored solution for
almost every application. At a minimum, all dust
explosion protection products comply with the
regulations of Group 3D; that is, they can be used
in Zone 22 (non-conductive dusts).
The following equipment series and systems are
certified for both Zone 21 and Zone 22:
> Lamps Series 6600 and 6608,
Compact Lamps 6100 and 6108
> Tank Inspection Lamp 6122 and Optical
Beacon 6161
> Traffic Light 6091
> Control System ConSig 8040
> Position Switches 8060 and 8070
> Junction and Terminal Boxes Series 8118
> Control Panel and Terminal Boxes Series 8146
and 8125
> Enclosure System CUBEx
> Safety Barriers INTRINSPAK
> Isolators Series IS pac
> Remote I/O System I.S.1
> SolConeX Plugs and Sockets



18:35 Uhr

Seite 31


Your Safety Our Reality

If your facility is faced with the risk of a dust
explosion, R. STAHL offers the expertise you need.
R. STAHL has decades of experience in the field of
electrical explosion protection.
We will be glad to help you solve your safety
problems. In addition to a comprehensive range of
electrical equipment, we offer you expert advice
and training in the dust explosion protection field.
Get in touch with us.
You will find a downloadable list of our dust
explosion protection products in PDF form at :

R. STAHL Explosion protection


18:35 Uhr

Seite 32

VISUELL, Stuttgart


R. STAHL Schaltgerte GmbH

Am Bahnhof 30, 74638 Waldenburg, Germany
Phone +49 7942 943-0
Fax +49 7942 943-4333

ID-NR. 00 006 84 77 0
S-PB-dustex-00-en-04/2004 Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany

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