Domingo Vs CA
Domingo Vs CA
Domingo Vs CA
Domingo vs. CA
226 SCRA 572
Soledad Domingo, married with Roberto
Domingo in 1976, filed a petition for the
declaration of nullity of marriage and separation
of property. She did not know that Domingo had
been previously married to Emerlinda dela Paz
in 1969. She came to know the previous
marriage when the latter filed a suit of bigamy
against her. Furthermore, when she came home
from Saudi during her one-month leave from
work, she discovered that Roberto cohabited
with another woman and had been disposing
some of her properties which is administered by
Roberto. The latter claims that because their
marriage was void ab initio, the declaration of
such voidance is unnecessary and superfluous.
On the other hand, Soledad insists the
declaration of the nullity of marriage not for the
purpose of remarriage, but in order to provide a
basis for the separation and distribution of
properties acquired during the marriage.
ISSUE: Whether or not a petition for judicial
declaration should only be filed for purposes of
The declaration of the nullity of marriage is
indeed required for purposed of remarriage.
However, it is also necessary for the protection
of the subsequent spouse who believed in good
faith that his or her partner was not lawfully
married marries the same. With this, the said
person is freed from being charged with bigamy.
When a marriage is declared void ab initio, law
states that final judgment shall provide for the
liquidation, partition and distribution of the
properties of the spouses, the custody and
support of the common children and the delivery
of their presumptive legitimes, unless such
matters had been adjudicated in previous
judicial proceedings. Soledads prayer for
separation of property will simply be the
necessary consequence of the judicial
Plaintiff Brenda B. Marcos married Wilson
Marcos in 1982 and they had five children.
Alleging that the husband failed to provide
material support to the family and have resorted
to physical abuse and abandonment, Brenda
filed a case for the nullity of the marriage for
psychological incapacity. The RTC declared the
marriage null and void under Art. 36 which was
Whether personal medical or psychological
examination of the respondent by a physician is
a requirement for a declaration of psychological
Whether the totality of evidence presented in
this case show psychological incapacity.
Psychological incapacity as a ground for
declaring the nullity of a marriage, may be
established by the totality of evidence
presented. There is no requirement, however
that the respondent be examined by a physician
or a psychologist as a condition sine qua non for
such declaration. Although this Court is
sufficiently convinced that respondent failed to
provide material support to the family and may
have resorted to physical abuse and
abandonment, the totality of his acts does not
lead to a conclusion of psychological incapacity
on his part. There is absolutely no showing that
his defects were already present at the
inception of the marriage or that they are
incurable. Verily, the behavior of respondent can
be attributed to the fact that he had lost his job
and was not gainfully employed for a period of
more than six years. It was during this period
that he became intermittently drunk, failed to
give material and moral support, and even left
CArino vs Carino
In 1969 SPO4 Santiago Carino married Susan
Nicdao Carino. He had 2 children with her. In
1992, SPO4 contracted a second marriage, this
time with Susan Yee Carino. In 1988, prior to his
second marriage, SPO4 is already bedridden
and he was under the care of Yee. In 1992, he
died 13 days after his marriage with Yee.
Thereafter, the spouses went on to claim the
benefits of SPO4. Nicdao was able to claim a
total of P140,000.00 while Yee was able to
collect a total of P21,000.00. In 1993, Yee filed
an action for collection of sum of money against
Nicdao. She wanted to have half of the P140k.
Yee admitted that her marriage with SPO4 was
solemnized during the subsistence of the
marriage b/n SPO4 and Nicdao but the said
marriage between Nicdao and SPO4 is null and
void due to the absence of a valid marriage
license as certified by the local civil registrar.
Yee also claimed that she only found out about
the previous marriage on SPO4s funeral.
ISSUE: Whether or not the absolute nullity of
marriage may be invoked to claim presumptive
HELD: The marriage between Nicdao and
SPO4 is null and void due the absence of a valid
marriage license. The marriage between Yee
and SPO4 is likewise null and void for the same
has been solemnized without the judicial
notwithstanding the fact that the other may not
have contributed at all.