Anal Photo

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Chapter 4

Elements of Analytical

Introduction, Concept of Image and Object Space

Photogrammetry is the science of obtaining reliable information about objects and of measuring
and interpreting this information. The task of obtaining information is called data acquisition, a
process we discussed at length in GS601, Chapter 2. Fig. 4.1(a) depicts the data acquisition process.
Light rays reected from points on the object, say from point A, form a divergent bundle which
is transformed to a convergent bundle by the lens. The principal rays of each bundle of all object
points pass through the center of the entrance and exit pupil, unchanged in direction. The front
and rear nodal points are good approximations for the pupil centers.
Another major task of photogrammetry is concerned with reconstructing the object space from
images. This entails two problems: geometric reconstruction (e.g. the position of objects) and
radiometric reconstruction (e.g. the gray shades of a surface). The latter problem is relevant when
photographic products are generated, such as orthophotos. Photogrammetry is mainly concerned
with the geometric reconstruction. The object space is only partially reconstructed, however. With
partial reconstruction we mean that only a fraction of the information recorded from the object
space is used for its representation. Take a map, for example. It may only show the perimeter of
buildings, not all the intricate details which make up real buildings.
Obviously, the success of reconstruction in terms of geometrical accuracy depends largely on the
similarity of the image bundle compared to the bundle of principal rays that entered the lens during
the instance of exposure. The purpose of camera calibration is to dene an image space so that the
similarity becomes as close as possible.
The geometrical relationship between image and object space can best be established by introducing suitable coordinate systems for referencing both spaces. We describe the coordinate systems
in the next section. Various relationships exist between image and object space. In Table 4.1 the
most common relationships are summarized, together with the associated photogrammetric procedures and the underlying mathematical models. In this chapter we describe these procedures and
the mathematical models, except aerotriangulation (block adjustment) which will be treated later.
For one and the same procedure, several mathematical models may exist. They dier mainly in the


T. Schenk: Topics in Photogrammetry



latent image
image space



object space

Figure 4.1: In (a) the data acquisition process is depicted. In (b) we illustrate the reconstruction
degree of complexity, that is, how closely they describe physical processes. For example, a similarity
transformation is a good approximation to describe the process of converting measured coordinates
to photo-coordinates. This simple model can be extended to describe more closely the underlying
measuring process. With a few exceptions, we will not address the renement of the mathematical


Coordinate Systems
Photo-Coordinate System

The photo-coordinate system serves as the reference for expressing spatial positions and relations of
the image space. It is a 3-D cartesian system with the origin at the perspective center. Fig. 4.2 depicts
a diapositive with ducial marks that dene the ducial center FC. During the calibration procedure,
the oset between ducial center and principal point of autocollimation, PP, is determined, as well
as the origin of the radial distortion, PS. The x, y coordinate plane is parallel to the photograph and
the positive xaxis points toward the ight direction.
Positions in the image space are expressed by point vectors. For example, point vector p denes
the position of point P on the diapositive (see Fig. 4.2). Point vectors of positions on the diapositive
(or negative) are also called image vectors. We have for point P

4 Elements of Analytical Photogrammetry


Table 4.1: Summary of the most important relationships between image and object space.
relationship between
measuring system and
photo-coordinate system
photo-coordinate system and
object coordinate system
photo-coordinate systems
of a stereopair
model coordinate system and
object coordinate system
several photo-coordinate systems
and object coordinate system
several model coordinate systems
and object coordinate system

interior orientation

mathematical model
2-D transformation

exterior orientation

collinearity eq.

relative orientation

collinearity eq.
coplanarity condition
collinearity eq.

absolute orientation
bundle block
independent model
block adjustment

7 parameter




Fiducial Center


Principal Point


Point of Symmetry

calibrated focal length

image vector


Figure 4.2: Denition of the photo-coordinate system.

p = yp



T. Schenk: Topics in Photogrammetry

Note that for a diapositive the third component is negative. This changes to a positive value in
the rare case a negative is used instead of a diapositive.


Object Space Coordinate Systems

In order to keep the mathematical development of relating image and object space simple, both
spaces use 3-D cartesian coordinate systems. Positions of control points in object space are likely
available in another coordinate systems, e.g. State Plane coordinates. It is important to convert
any given coordinate system to a cartesian system before photogrammetric procedures, such as
orientations or aerotriangulation, are performed.


Interior Orientation

We have already introduced the term interior orientation in the discussion about camera calibration
(see GS601, Chapter 2), to dene the metric characteristics of aerial cameras. Here we use the
same term for a slightly dierent purpose. From Table 4.1 we conclude that the purpose of interior
orientation is to establish the relationship between a measuring system1 and the photo-coordinate
system. This is necessary because it is not possible to measure photo-coordinates directly. One
reason is that the origin of the photo-coordinate system is only mathematically dened; since it is
not visible it cannot coincide with the origin of the measuring system.
Fig. 4.3 illustrates the case where the diapositive to be measured is inserted in the measuring
system whose coordinate axis are xm, ym. The task is to determine the transformation parameters
so that measured points can be transformed into photo-coordinates.


Similarity Transformation

The most simple mathematical model for interior orientation is a similarity transformation with the
four parameters: translation vector t, scale factor s, and rotation angle .
xf = s(xm cos() ym sin()) xt
yf = s(xm sin() + ym cos()) yt


These equations can also be written in the following form:

xf = a11 xm a12 ym xt
yf = a12 xm + a11 ym yt


If we consider a11 , a12 , xt, yt as parameters, then above equations are linear in the parameters.
Consequently, they can be directly used as observation equations for a least-squares adjustment.
Two observation equations are formed for every point known in both coordinate systems. Known
points in the photo-coordinate system are the ducial marks. Thus, computing the parameters of
the interior orientation amounts to measuring the ducial marks (in the measuring system).
1 Measuring

systems are discussed in the next chapter.

4 Elements of Analytical Photogrammetry









Figure 4.3: Relationship between measuring system and photo-coordinate system.

Actually, the ducial marks are known with respect to the ducial center. Therefore, the process just described will determine parameters with respect to the ducial coordinate system xf, yf.
Since the origin of the photo-coordinate system is known in the ducial system (x0 , y0 ), the photocoordinates are readily obtained by the translation


x = xf x0



= yf y0

Ane Transformation

The ane transformation is an improved mathematical model for the interior orientation because
it more closely describes the physical reality of the measuring system. The parameters are two
scale factors sx , sy , a rotation angle , a skew angle , and a translation vector t = [xt, yt]T . The
measuring system is a manufactured product and, as such, not perfect. For example, the two
coordinate axis are not exactly rectangular, as indicated in Fig. 4.3(b). The skew angle expresses
the nonperpendicularity. Also, the scale is dierent between the the two axis.
We have


T. Schenk: Topics in Photogrammetry

xf = a11 xm + a12 ym xt
yf = a21 xm + a22 ym yt



sx (cos( sin())

sy (sin())
sx (sin( + cos())

Eq. 4.8 and 4.9 are also linear in the parameters. Like in the case of a similarity transformation,
these equations can be directly used as observation equations. With four ducial marks we obtain
eight equations leaving a redundancy of two.


Correction for Radial Distortion

As discussed in GS601 Chapter 2, radial distortion causes o-axial points to be radially displaced.
A positive distortion increases the lateral magnication while a negative distortion reduces it.
Distortion values are determined during the process of camera calibration. They are usually
listed in tabular form, either as a function of the radius or the angle at the perspective center.
For aerial cameras the distortion values are very small. Hence, it suces to linearly interpolate
the distortion. Suppose we want to determine the distortion for image point xp , yp . The radius is
rp = (x2p + yp2 )1/2 . From the table we obtain the distortion dri for ri < rp and drj for rj > rp . The
distortion for rp is interpolated
drp =

(drj dri ) rp
(rj ri )


As indicated in Fig. 4.4 the corrections in x- and y-direction are





Finally, the photo-coordinates must be corrected as follows:


= yp dry = yp (1
= xp drx = xp (1


The radial distortion can also be represented by an odd-power polynomial of the form
dr = p0 r + p1 r3 + p2 r5 +


4 Elements of Analytical Photogrammetry



dr p



dry x p


Figure 4.4: Correction for radial distortion.

The coecients pi are found by tting the polynomial curve to the distortion values. Eq. 4.15 is
a linear observation equation. For every distortion value, an observation equation is obtained.
In order to avoid numerical problems (ill-conditioned normal equation system), the degree of the
polynom should not exceed nine.


Correction for Refraction

Fig. 4.5 shows how an oblique light ray is refracted by the atmosphere. According to Snells law, a
light ray is refracted at the interface of two dierent media. The density dierences in the atmosphere
are in fact dierent media. The refraction causes the image to be displayed outwardly, quite similar
to a positive radial distortion.
The radial displacement caused by refraction can be computed by
dref = K(r + 2 )

2410 h2
2410 H

K =
H 2 6 H + 250 (h2 6 h + 250)H


These equations are based on a model atmosphere dened by the US Air Force. The ying height
H and the ground elevation h must be in units of kilometers.


Correction for Earth Curvature

As mentioned in the beginning of this Chapter, the mathematical derivation of the relationships
between image and object space are based on the assumption that for both spaces, 3-D cartesian


T. Schenk: Topics in Photogrammetry



perspective center



Figure 4.5: Correction for refraction.

coordinate systems are employed. Since ground control points may not directly be available in such
a system, they must rst be transformed, say from a State Plane coordinate system to a cartesian
The X and Y coordinates of a State Plane system are cartesian, but not the elevations. Fig. 4.6
shows the relationship between elevations above a datum and elevations in the 3-D cartesian system.
If we approximate the datum by a sphere, radius R = 6372.2 km, then the radial displacement can
be computed by
dearth =

r3 (H ZP )
2 c2 R


Like radial distortion and refraction, the corrections in x and y-direction is readily determined
by Eq. 4.13 and 4.14. Strictly speaking, the correction of photo-coordinates due to earth curvature
is not a renement of the mathematical model. It is much better to eliminate the inuence of
earth curvature by transforming the object space into a 3-D cartesian system before establishing
relationships with the ground system. This is always possible, except when compiling a map. A map,
generated on an analytical plotter, for example, is most likely plotted in a State Plane coordinate
system. That is, the elevations refer to the datum and not to the XY plane of the cartesian
coordinate system. It would be quite awkward to produce the map in the cartesian system and then
transform it to the target system. Therefore, during map compilation, the photo-coordinates are
corrected so that conjugate bundle rays intersect in object space at positions related to reference



4 Elements of Analytical Photogrammetry

H - ZP





Figure 4.6: Correction of photo-coordinates due to earth curvature.



Summary of Computing Photo-Coordinates

We summarize the main steps necessary to determine photo-coordinates. The process to correct
them for systematic errors, such as radial distortion, refraction and earth curvature is also known
as image renement. Fig. 4.7 depicts the coordinate systems involved, an imaged point P , and the
correction vectors dr, dref, dearth.
1. Insert the diapositive into the measuring system (e.g. comparator, analytical plotter) and
measure the ducial marks in the machine coordinate system xm, ym. Compute the transformation parameters with a similarity or ane transformation. The transformation establishes
a relationship between the measuring system and the ducial coordinate system.
2. Translate the ducial system to the photo-coordinate system (Eqs. 4.6 and 4.7).
3. Correct photo-coordinates for radial distortion. The radial distortion drp for point P is found
by linearly interpolating the values given in the calibration protocol (Eq. 4.10).
4. Correct the photo-coordinates for refraction, according to Eqs. 4.16 and 4.17. This correction
is negative. The displacement caused by refraction is a functional relationship of dref =
f (H, h, r, c). With a ying height H = 2, 000 m, elevation above ground h = 500 m we obtain


T. Schenk: Topics in Photogrammetry












Figure 4.7: Interior orientation and image renement.

for a wide angle camera (c 0.15 m) a correction of 4 m for r = 130 mm. An extreme
example is a superwide angle camera, H = 9, 000 m, h = 500 m, where dref = 34 m for the
same point.
5. Correct for earth curvature only if the control points (elevations) are not in a cartesian coordinate system or if a map is compiled. Using the extreme example as above, we obtain dearth
= 65 m. Since this correction has the opposite sign of the refraction, the combined correction
for refraction and earth curvature would be dcomb = 31 m. The correction due to earth
curvature is larger than the correction for refraction.


Exterior Orientation

Exterior orientation is the relationship between image and object space. This is accomplished by
determining the camera position in the object coordinate system. The camera position is determined
by the location of its perspective center and by its attitude, expressed by three independent angles.
The problem of establishing the six orientation parameters of the camera can conveniently be
solved by the collinearity model. This model expresses the condition that the perspective center C,
the image point Pi , and the object point Po , must lie on a straight line (see Fig. 4.8). If the exterior
orientation is known, then the image vector pi and the vector q in object space are collinear:



4 Elements of Analytical Photogrammetry

H - ZP





Figure 4.8: Exterior Orientation.


As depicted in Fig. 4.8, vector q is the dierence between the two point vectors c and p. For
satisfying the collinearity condition, we rotate and scale q from object to image space. We have
pi =

R q = R (p c)

with R an orthogonal rotation matrix with the three angles , and :


pi =

 cos cos

R =  cos sin + sin sin cos
 sin sin cos sin cos

cos sin
cos cos sin sin sin
sin cos + cos sin sin

sin cos
cos cos


Eq. 4.20 renders the following three coordinate equations.

x =

c =

(XP XC )r11 + (YP YC )r12 + (ZP ZC )r13

(XP XC )r21 + (YP YC )r22 + (ZP ZC )r23

(XP XC )r31 + (YP YC )r32 + (ZP ZC )r33



T. Schenk: Topics in Photogrammetry

By dividing the rst by the third and the second by the third equation, the scale factor
eliminated leading to the following two collinearity equations:
= c

x = c

XC )r11 + (YP
XC )r31 + (YP
XC )r21 + (YP
XC )r31 + (YP

pi = y

YC )r12 + (ZP
YC )r32 + (ZP
YC )r22 + (ZP
YC )r32 + (ZP

p = YP

ZC )r13
ZC )r33
ZC )r23
ZC )r33



c = YC

The six parameters: XC , YC , ZC , , , are the unknown elements of exterior orientation. The
image coordinates x, y are normally known (measured) and the calibrated focal length c is a constant.
Every measured point leads to two equations, but also adds three other unknowns, namely the
coordinates of the object point (XP , YP , ZP ). Unless the object points are known (control points),
the problem cannot be solved with only one photograph.
The collinearity model as presented here can be expanded to include parameters of the interior
orientation. The number of unknowns will be increased by three2 . This combined approach lets us
determine simultaneously the parameters of interior and exterior orientation of the cameras.
There are only limited applications for single photographs. We briey discuss the computation of
the exterior orientation parameters, also known as single photograph resection, and the computation
of photo-coordinates with known orientation parameters. Single photographs cannot be used for the
main task of photogrammetry, the reconstruction of object space. Suppose we know the exterior
orientation of a photograph. Points in object space are not dened, unless we also know the scale
factor 1/ for every bundle ray.


Single Photo Resection

The position and attitude of the camera with respect to the object coordinate system (exterior
orientation of camera) can be determined with help of the collinearity equations. Eqs. 4.26 and
4.27 express measured quantities3 as a function of the exterior orientation parameters. Thus, the
collinearity equations can be directly used as observation equations, as the following functional
representation illustrates.
x, y = f ( XC , YC , ZC , , , , XP , YP , ZP )

exterior orientation object point


For every measured point two equations are obtained. If three control points are measured, a
total of 6 equations is formed to solve for the 6 parameters of exterior orientation.
2 Parameters of interior orientation: position of principal point and calibrated focal length. Additionally, three
parameters for radial distortion and three parameters for tangential distortion can be added.
3 We assume that the photo-coordinates are measured. In fact they are derived from measured machine coordinates.
The correlation caused by the transformation is neglected.

4 Elements of Analytical Photogrammetry


The collinearity equations are not linear in the parameters. Therefore, Eqs. 4.25 and 4.26 must
be linearized with respect to the parameters. This also requires approximate values with which the
iterative process will start.


Computing Photo Coordinates

With known exterior orientation elements photo-coordinates can be easily computed from Eqs. 4.25
and 4.26. This is useful for simulation studies where synthetic photo-coordinates are computed.
Another application for the direct use of the collinearity equations is the real-time loop of analytical plotters where photo-coordinates of ground points or model points are computed after relative
or absolute orientation (see next chapter, analytical plotters).


Orientation of a Stereopair
Model Space, Model Coordinate System

The application of single photographs in photogrammetry is limited because they cannot be used
for reconstructing the object space. Even though the exterior orientation elements may be known it
will not be possible to determine ground points unless the scale factor of every bundle ray is known.
This problem is solved by exploiting stereopsis, that is by using a second photograph of the same
scene, taken from a dierent position.
Two photographs with dierent camera positions that show the same area, at least in part,
is called a stereopair. Suppose the two photographs are oriented such that conjugate points (corresponding points) intersect. We call this intersection space model space. In order for expressing
relationships of this model space we introduce a reference system, the model coordinate system. This
system is 3-D and cartesian. Fig. 4.9 illustrates the concept of model space and model coordinate
Introducing the model coordinate system requires the denition of its spatial position (origin,
attitude), and its scale. These are the seven parameters we have encountered in the transformation of
3-D cartesian systems. The decision on how to introduce the parameters depends on the application;
one denition of the model coordinate system may be more suitable for a specic purpose than
another. In the following subsections, dierent denitions will be discussed.
Now the orientation of a stereopair amounts to determining the exterior orientation parameters
of both photographs, with respect to the model coordinate system. From single photo resection,
we recall that the collinearity equations form a suitable mathematical model to express the exterior
orientation. We have the following functional relationship between observed photo-coordinates and
orientation parameters:

x, y = f (XC , YC , ZC
,  ,  ,  , XC , YC , ZC
,  ,  ,  , X1 , Y1 , Z1 , , Xn , Yn , Zn )

mod. pt 1
ext. or
ext. or
mod. pt n


where f refers to Eqs. 4.25 and 4.26. Every point measured in one photo-coordinate system
renders two equations. The same point must also be measured in the second photo-coordinate
system. Thus, for one model point we obtain 4 equations, or 4 n equations for n object points. On
the other hand, n unknown model points lead to 3 n parameters, or to a total 12 + 3 n 7. These
are the exterior orientation elements of both photographs, minus the parameters we have eliminated


T. Schenk: Topics in Photogrammetry







model space

Figure 4.9: The concept of model space (a) and model coordinate system (b).
by dening the model coordinate system. By equating the number of equations with number of
parameters we obtain the minimum number of points, nmin , which we need to measure for solving
the orientation problem.
4 nmin = 12 7 + 3 nmin

nmin = 5


The collinearity equations which are implicitly referred to in Eq. 4.28 are non-linear. By linearizing the functional form we obtain
x, y f 0 +


XC +
YC + +


with f 0 denoting the function with initial estimates for the parameters.
For a point Pi , i = 1, , n we obtain the following four generic observation equations




XC +
YC + +

XC +
YC + +

XC +
YC + +



 ZC + f xi


 ZC + f yi


 ZC + f xi


4 Elements of Analytical Photogrammetry





XC +
YC + +
 ZC + f yi

As mentioned earlier, the denition of the model coordinate system reduces the number of
parameters by seven. Several techniques exist to consider this in the least squares approach.
1. The simplest approach is to eliminate the parameters from the parameter list. We will use
this approach for discussing the dependent and independent relative orientation.
2. The knowledge about the 7 parameters can be introduced in the mathematical model as seven
independent pseudo observations (e.g. XC = 0), or as condition equations which are added
to the normal equations. This second technique is more exible and it is particularly suited
for computer implementation.


Dependent Relative Orientation

The denition of the model coordinate system in the case of a dependent relative orientation is
depicted in Fig. 4.10. The position and the orientation is identical to one of the two photo-coordinate
systems, say the primed system. This step amounts to introducing the exterior orientation of the
photo-coordinate system as known. That is, we can eliminate it from the parameter list. Next,
we dene the scale of the model coordinate system. This is accomplished by dening the distance
between the two perspective centers (base), or more precisely, by dening the X-component.












y base component


z base component

rotation angle about x

rotation angle about y

rotation angle about z

Figure 4.10: Denition of the model coordinate system and orientation parameters in the dependent
relative orientation.


T. Schenk: Topics in Photogrammetry

With this denition of the model coordinate system we are left with the following functional
x, y = f (ymc , zmc ,  ,  ,  , xm1 , ym1 , zm1 , , xmn , ymn , zmn )

model pt 1
ext. or
model pt n


With 5 points we obtain 20 observation equations. On the other hand, there are 5 exterior
orientation parameters and 5 3 model coordinates. Usually more than 5 points are measured. The
redundancy is r = n 5. The typical case of relative orientation on a stereoplotter with the 6 von
Gruber points leads only to a redundancy of one. It is highly recommended to measure more, say
12 points, in which case we nd r = 7.
With a non linear mathematical model we need be concerned with suitable approximations to
ensure that the iterative least squares solution converges. In the case of the dependent relative
orientation we have
f 0 = f (yc0c , zm0c , 0 , 0 , 0 , xm01 , ym01 , zm01 , , xm0n , ym0n , zm0n )


The initial estimates for the ve exterior orientation parameters are set to zero for aerial applications, because the orientation angles are smaller than ve degrees, and xmc >> ymc , xmc >>
zmc = ym0c = zm0c = 0. Initial positions for the model points can be estimated from the corresponding measured photo-coordinates. If the scale of the model coordinate system approximates
the scale of the photo-coordinate system, we estimate initial model points by







The dependent relative orientation leaves one of the photographs unchanged; the other one is
oriented with respect to the unchanged system. This is of advantage for the conjunction of successive
photographs in a strip. In this fashion, all photographs of a strip can be joined into the coordinate
system of the rst photograph.


Independent Relative Orientation

Fig. 4.11 illustrates the denition of the model coordinate system in the independent relative orientation.
The origin is identical to one of the photo-coordinate systems, e.g. in Fig. 4.11 it is the primed
system. The orientation is chosen such that the positive xm-axis passes through the perspective
center of the other photo-coordinate system. This requires determining two rotation angles in the
primed photo-coordinate system. Moreover, it eliminates the base components by, bz. The rotation
about the x-axis () is set to zero. This means that the ym-axis is in the x y plane of the
photo-coordinate system. The scale is chosen by dening xmc = bx.
With this denition of the model coordinate system we have eliminated the position of both
perspective centers and one rotation angle. The following functional model applies



4 Elements of Analytical Photogrammetry










rotation angle about y

rotation angle about z

rotation angle about x"

rotation angle about y"

rotation angle about z"

Figure 4.11: Denition of the model coordinate system and orientation parameters in the independent relative orientation.

x, y = f (  ,  ,  ,  ,  , xm1 , ym1 , zm1 , , xmn , ymn , zmn )

ext.or. ext.or.
model pt 1
model pt n


The number of equations, number of parameters and the redundancy are the same as in the dependent relative orientation. Also, the same considerations regarding initial estimates of parameters
Note that the exterior orientation parameters of both types of relative orientation are related.
For example, the rotation angles  ,  can be computed from the spatial direction of the base in the
dependent relative orientation.


(bx2 + zm2c )1/2


Direct Orientation

In the direct orientation, the model coordinate system becomes identical with the ground system,
for example, a State Plane coordinate system (see Fig. 4.12). Since such systems are already dened,


T. Schenk: Topics in Photogrammetry

we cannot introduce a priori information about exterior orientation parameters like in both cases
of relative orientation. Instead we use information about some of the object points. Points with
known coordinates are called control points. A point with all three coordinates known is called full
control point. If only X and Y is known then we have a planimetric control point. Obviously, with
an elevation control point we know only the Z coordinate.






position of perspective center left

, ,

rotation angles left

X"C ,Y"
,Z"C position of perspective center right
, ,

rotation angles right


Figure 4.12: Direct orientation of a stereopair with respect to a ground control coordinate system.
The required information about 7 independent coordinates may come from dierent arrangements
of control points. For example, 2 full control points and an elevation, or two planimetric control
points and three elevations, will render the necessary information. The functional model describing
the latter case is given below:

x, y = f (XC , YC , ZC
,  ,  ,  , XC , YC , ZC
,  ,  ,  , Z1 , Z2 , X3 , Y3 , X4 , Y4 , X5 , Y5

unknown coord. of ctr. pts
ext. or
ext. or


The Z-coordinates of the planimetric control points 1 and 2 are not known and thus remain in
the parameter list. Likewise, X Y -coordinates of elevation control points 3, 4, 5 are parameters
to be determined. Let us check the number of observation equations for this particular case. Since
we measure the ve partial control points on both photographs we obtain 20 observation equations.
The number of parameters amounts to 12 exterior orientation elements and 8 coordinates. So we
have just enough equations to solve the problem. For every additional point 4 more equations and 3
parameters are added. Thus, the redundancy increases linearly with the number of points measured.
Additional control points increase the redundancy more, e.g. full control points by 4, an elevation
by 2.
Like in the case of relative orientation, the mathematical model of the direct orientation is

4 Elements of Analytical Photogrammetry


also based on the collinearity equations. Since it is non-linear in the parameters we need good
approximations to assure convergence. The estimation of initial values for the exterior orientation
parameters may be accomplished in dierent ways. To estimate XC0 , YC0 for example, one could
perform a 2-D transformation of the photo coordinates to planimetric control points. This would
also result in a good estimation of 0 and of the photo scale which in turn can be used to estimate
= scale c. For aerial applications we set 0 = 0 = 0. With these initial values of the exterior
orientation one can compute approximations Xi0 , Yi0 of object points where Zi0 = haver .
Note that the minimum number of points to be measured in the relative orientation is 5. With the
direct orientation, we need only three points assuming that two are full control points. For orienting
stereopairs with respect to a ground system, there is no need to rst perform a relative orientation
followed by an absolute orientation. This traditional approach stems from analog instruments where
it is not possible to perform a direct orientation by mechanical means.


Absolute Orientation

With absolute orientation we refer to the process of orienting a stereomodel to the ground control
system. Fig. 4.13 illustrates the concept. This is actually a very straight-forward task which we
discussed earlier under 7-parameter transformation. Note that the 7-parameter transformation establishes the relationship between two 3-D Cartesian coordinate systems. The model coordinate
system is cartesian, but the ground control system is usually not cartesian because the elevations
refer to a separate datum. In that case, the ground control system must rst be transformed into
an orthogonal system.
The transformation can only be solved if a priori information about some of the parameters
is introduced. This is most likely done by control points. The same considerations apply as just
discussed for the direct orientation.
From Fig. 4.13 we read the following vector equation which relates the model to the ground
control coordinate system:
p = sRpm t


where pm = [xm, ym, zm] is the point vector in the model coordinate system, p = [X, Y, Z]T
the vector in the ground control system pointing to the object point P and t = [Xt , Yt , Zt ]T the
translation vector between the origins of the 2 coordinate systems. The rotation matrix R rotates
vector pm into the ground control system and s, the scale factor, scales it accordingly. The 7
parameters to be determined comprise 3 rotation angles of the orthogonal rotation matrix R, 3
translation parameters and one scale factor.
The following functional model applies:
s )
x, y, z = f ( Xt , Yt , Zt , , , , 

translation orientation scale
In order to solve for the 7 parameters at least seven equations must be available. For example, 2
full control points and one elevation control point would render a solution. If more equations (that
is, more control points) are available then the problem of determining the parameters can be cast as
a least-squares adjustment. Here, the idea is to minimize the discrepancies between the transformed
and the available control points. An observation equation for control point Pi in vector form can be
written as


T. Schenk: Topics in Photogrammetry





Figure 4.13: Absolute orientation entails the computation of the transformation parameters between
model and ground coordinate system.

ri = sRpmi t pi


with r the residual vector [rx , ry , rz ]T . Obviously, the model is not linear in the parameters. As
usual, linearized observation equations are obtained by taking the partial derivatives with respect
to the parameters. The linearized component equations are
The approximations may be obtained by rst performing a 2-D transformation with x, y-coordinates

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