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Agarwal, Vidya and Tiwari, Anamika, A Study of Adolescents Perception of Their Health Problem and
Role of Their Parents in Providing Health Education. A Paper Published in Emerging Areas of
Contemporary Indian Education: Bhopal; Academic Book House, 2014.
Agrawal, Babita, Antibacterial Activities of the Extracts and Seed oil of Pongamia pinnata Linn : A
Review. In : Antibactirial Activity in Natural and Synthetic Compounds, Editors: Archana Pandey and
R.K. Gupta, Arivnd Prakashan, Agra, p 13-21, July 2013.ISBN : 978-81-88492-57-2.
Agrawal, Babita, and Poonam Mohan, Pterocarpus marsupium : Medicinal Plant with Antibiotic Potential
In : Antibactirial Activity in Natural and Synthetic Compounds, Editors : Archana Pandey and R.K.
Gupta, Arvind Prakashan, Agra, p 1840191, July 2013. ISBN : 978-81-88492-57-2.
Agrawal, Babita, Sunanda Das and Archana Pandey, Antimicrobial Properties of Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. :
An Overview In : Innovative and modern technologies for sustainable agriculture and rural development.
Editors : A.K. Pndey, Gopal Pandey and Hemlata Pant, Published by Society of Biological Sciences and
Rural Development, Allahabad, p 275-285, 2014. ISBN : 978-81-923494-3-5.
Agrawal, S C, and M Pathak and Effect of NaCl on the formation of hormogones in Oscillatoria limosa: J.
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Agrawal, U.R. (2014): Production of therapeutic proteins/pharmaceuticals proteins by transgenic animals. In:
Innovative and Modern Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development. Pg.261-270,
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Rural Development, Allahabad. ISBN: 978-81-923494-3-5, National
Agrawal, U.R. and Bhowmick, A. (2013). The Challenges in overcoming antibacterial/antibiotic resistance.
In: Antibacterial activity in natural and synthetic compounds. (Edited by Archana Pandey and Ravindra
Kumar) Published by Arvind Prakashan, Agra, india. Chapter 35, pp. 260-265. ISBN: 978-81-88492-572.
Ali, A. A., and Kohli, N. (2013). Social networking: Motives and social impact. Indian Journal of Health
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Anand RK and Yadav HC: On the structure of MHD shock waves in a viscous non-ideal gas, Theor.
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Anand RK: Shock jump relations for a dusty gas atmosphere, Astrophys. Space Sci. (2014), 349 (1), 181195. Doi: 10.1007/s10509-013-1638-4
Anand, J. and Dalal, A.K., Concept, characteristics and process of psychological healing. In G. Misra (Ed.),
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Anand, R. K: Jump relations for magnetohydrodynamic shock waves in non-ideal gas flow Astrophys Space
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Anand, R. K: Shock dynamics of strong imploding cylindrical and spherical shock waves with non-ideal gas
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Aneesh, Mohammad, Ansari, J.A., Ashish Singh, Kamakshi, A. Mishra, S. Verma, Inset Feed slot loaded
patch antenna using RBFNN for Radar and satellite communication, International Conference on Recent
Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Developments [ICRAMID - 2014], pp. 128132, ISBN 978-1-4799-3158-3.
Aneesh, Mohammad, Ansari, J. A., Ashish Singh, Kamakshi, and Saiyed S. Sayeed, Analysis of Microstrip
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Research B, Vol. 58, 35-46, 2014.
Aneesh, Mohammad, Singh, Ashish, Ansari, J. A. Kamakshi, and Saiyed S. Sayeed, Investigations for
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Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 47, 55-63, 2014.
Ansari, J.A., Anurag Mishra, N. P. Yadav, P. Singh and B. R. Vishvakarma, Analysis of L-shaped slot
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Ansari, J.A., Kamakshi, Ashish Singh and Anurag Mishra, Ultra ideband Co-planer microstrip patch
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pp. 1365-1378, 2013.
Ansari, J.A., Kamakshi, Ashish Singh, Mohammad Aneesh, Analysis of L-probe proximity fed annular ring
patch antenna for wireless applications, An International Journal of Wireless Personal Communication
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Ansari, Zafarullah, Jadeed, Urdu masnavi Fun aur Fikri Abad Critical and Research, Publisher : Kitabi
Duniya 2013
Ansari, Zafarullah, Najatnama: An Anthology of self created books, Publisher : Kitabi
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Astalin, P.K. Privatization of Teacher Education in India: Challenges and Remedies, Proceeding of
national seminar on Teacher education in India: present status and future challenges edited by Dr.
Munesh Kumar and Prof. Subhash Chandra Agarwal at Victorious Publishers on march 2014 at Delhi
with ISBN 978-93-84224-004, pp. 85-93.
Synthesis and Chracterization of PVdF-{(NH4)2 [C4H8(COO)2]}: CNT Gel electrolyte for LT fuel cell
application, Proceedings of International Conference on Renewable energy, held on 16-17 Jnauary, 2014.
Baijal, S., Nakatani, C., van Leeuwen, C., and Srinivasan, N. (2013). Processing statistics: An examination
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Bandyopadhyay, B., Srinivasan, N., and Pammi, V. S. C. (2013). Dissociable Effects of Task Irrelevant
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Bandyopadhyay, B., Srinivasan, N., and Pammi, V. S. C. (2013). Dissociable Effects of Task Irrelevant
Emotional Information on Decision Making Under Risk. Neuroscience of Decision Making, 1, 1-8 (DOI:
Bandyopadhyay, D., V. S. Pammi, V. S. C., and Srinivasan, N. (2013). Role of affect in decision making,
Progress in Brain Research, 202, 37-53.
Bhadauria, Sanjeev. Human Dimensions of Security in Indias Internal Security, Perspectives on
Homeland Security, Dr. Hari Saran and Dr. Harsh K Sinha (Eds) Pratyush Publications Delhi, 2013, pp.
56-65, ISBN No. 978-93-82171-01-0
Bhadauria, Sanjeev. Defence and Security Alert, Vol. IV, Issue 6, March, Ocean Media Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi,
2013, ISSN/ISBN No. 0976-206X
Bhargava, M. and Singh, V., Carotenoid: structure metabolism and biotechnology, In current Trends in Life
Science, Chapter 18, 2014, Editor DS Shukla and DK Pandey, JBC Press, New Delhi, India, pp-227-239,
ISBN: 9789381558980.
Bhargava, J N., Information Technology Adoption by SMEs in Health Care Industry in India- Issues and
Challenges under review for publication in International Journal of Management Pratice, Inderscience
Publishers, Switzerland.
Bhima, Kumar.K. The Buddhist Perceptive of Economic Ethics, in Shankar, Jata., Sharma, A.D., Saxena,
Kanchan., Singh, Shailesh Kumar and Charan, Dillep (ed.) Dimensions of Applied Philosophy and
Ethics, New Bharatiya Book Corporation, Delhi, 2013 pp 495-501.
Bhowmik, Nupur. Dispersed megaspores from the Triassic of Nidpur, Madhya Pradesh, India: Nupur
Bhowmik, Neelam Das and Shabnam Parveen, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. (In Press).
Budania, Rajpal, India-Pakistan Politico-strategic Rivalry in the 21st Century, Indian Journal of Politics,
Vol. 47, Nos. 3and4, July-December 2013.
Budania, Rajpal, The Spectre of Terrorism in South Asia: Taking Stock of India-Pakistan Cooperation,
Journal of Social and Political Studies, Vol. IV, No.2, December 2013.
Budania, Rajpal. India-Pakistan Politico-strategic Rivalry in the 21st Century, Indian Journal of Politics,
Vol. 47, Nos. 3and4, July-December 2013
Budania, Rajpal. The Spectre of Terrorism in South Asia: Taking Stock of India-Pakistan Cooperation,
Journal of Social and Political Studies, Vol. IV, No.2, December 2013.
Chakarvorty, M., Niyogi, A. and Pati, J.K. (2013) Heavy metals in urban dust load: chemical analysis
dovetailed with magnetic measurements (November 20-22, 2013), Modern Methods of Chemical
Analysis-Future Trends (MMCA-2013), CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur.
Chakarvoty, M., Pati, J.K., Niyogi, A. and Usmani, M. (2013) The importance of magnetic measurements
dovetailed with chemical analysis for the rapid characterization of heavy metal-bearing urban dust load.
Journal of Indian Chemical Society, v.90, 2111-2114.
Chakarvoty, M., Pati, J.K., Patil, S.K., Shukla, S., Niyogi, A. and Saraf, A.K. (2014) Physical
characterization, magnetic measurements, REE geochemistry and bio-monitoring of dust-load
accumulated during a protracted winter fog period and their implications. Environmental Monitoring and
Assessment, v.186, 2965-2978. (Springer; DOI:10.1007/s1061-013-3594-4)
Chandra, S. and Sahoo, P. K. Impact of globalization on Indian Higher Education, Anvesha, Vol. 2, January
2013. ISSN: 2277-4327.
Chattopadhyaya, U.C. Geochemical studies of the ancient Indian glazed ware Joint-paper along with S.S.
Roy, G.K. Rai, A.C. Pandey. Current Science 106(3), 10 February, 2014: 428-34.
Chattopadhyaya, U.C. Indian humanism paper published in Jrn Rsen (ed.), Approaching Humankind:
Towards an Intercultural Humanism, pp. 139-59. Gttingen: VandR Unipress and Taipei: National
Taiwan University Press. (Summer, 2013)
Chaturvedi A. K., QP-Injective and QPP-Injective Modules, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics,
Accepted (2013). [Indexed in Mathematical Reviews (AMS), ISSN: 0129-2021, Publisher: South East
Asian Mathematical Society and UNESCO Jakarta etc.]
Chaturvedi, A. K., QP-Injective and QPP-Injective Modules, Southeast Asian Bull. Math., Vol. 38, No. 2,
(2014), 191-194.
Chaturvedi, Anoop. Bayesian Analysis of a Linear Model Involving Structural Changes in Either Regression
Parameters or Disturbances Precision (with ArvindShrivastava), Communications in Statistics (Theory
and Methods), Forthcoming, DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2012.725498, ISSN:0361-0926.
Chaturvedi, Anoop. Bayesian Estimation under Extended Balanced Loss Function (with Shalabh),
Communications in Statistics (Theory and Methods), 2014, 43, 42534264,ISSN:0361-0926.
Chaturvedi, Anoop. Robust Bayesian analysis of Weibull failure model (with M. Pati and S. K. Tomar),
Metron, 2014, 72, 77-95, (DOI) 10.1007/s40300-013-0027-7, ISSN: 0026-1424.
Chauhan, D. K., Kumar R, Tripathi D. K., Alamelu D., Rai A. K. (Taylor and Francis). In Situ Monitoring
of Chromium Uptake in Different Parts of the Wheat Seedling (Triticum aestivum) using LIBS.
Spectroscopy Letters.: 47:554563, 2013.
Chauhan, D. K., L: Tripathi, D. K., Prasad Rajendra, An overview of biogenic silica production pattern in
the leaves of Hordeum vulgare Indian Journal of Plant Science. 3(2):167-177, 2014
Chauhan, D. K., Mishra S., Tripathi D. K., Hroudova Z., A potential contribution of achene
micromorphology and phytolith analysis in describing the systematics of genus Bolboschoenus from
India:. Plant Systamatics and Evolution. DOI 10.1007/s00606-014-1128-3, 2014.
Chauhan, D. K., Tripathi D. K., Mishra S., Tiwari S. P., Kumar C. Typological and Frequency Based Study
of Opaline Silica (Phytolith) Deposition in Two Common Indian Sorghum L. Species : Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci. 83(1):97104 (Springer), 2013.
Chauhan, D. K., Tripathi, D. Tripathi D. K., Kumar R.. Comparative Study of Silicified Trichomes of Some
Luffa Mill. Species. National Academy Science Letter: Springer. 37(2):181186, 2013
Chauhan, D.K. Plant Responses to Metal Stress and Emerging Role of Plant Growth Hormones: Focusing on
Auxins, Gibberellins and Cytokinins. Biotic and Abiotic stress of Plants: Gangwar S., Singh, V.P.,
Tripathi, D. K., Chauhan, D.K. Prasad S. M. Maurya J. N. Elsevier. Vol.1:215-248, 2013.
Chauhan, D.K. Role of silicon in enrichment of plant nutrients and protection from biotic and abiotic
stresses. Improvement of Crops in the Era of Climate Change : Tripathi, D. K., Singh, V.P., Gangwar S.,
Maurya J. N., Prasad S. M. Springer. Vol.1: 39-56, 2013.
Chauhan, D.K. Silicon as a beneficial element to combat the adverse effect of drought in Agricultural Crops:
Capabilities and future possibilities: Water Stress and Crop Plants: A Sustainable Approach. In Press.
Wiley, 2014.
Chauhan, D.K. Tripathi, D. K., Singh, V.P, Prasad S. M., and Dubey N. K. Role of Macronutrients in Plant
Growth and Acclimation: Recent Advances and Future Prospective. Improvement of Crops in the Era of
Climate Change: Vol 2: 197-216, Springer. 2014.
Chauhan, D.K., Kumar, D., Singh, V.P., Tripathi, D. K., Prasad S.M. Effect of arsenic on growth, arsenic
uptake, distribution of nutrient elements and thiols in seedlings of Wrightia arborea (Dennst.) Mabb:
International Journal of Phytoremediation. Taylor and Francis), 2014.
Chauhan, D.K., Kumar, D., Tripathi, D. K., Phytoremediation Potential and Nutrient Status of Barringtonia
acutangula Gaerth. Tree Seedlings Grow n Under Different Chromium (CrVI) Treatments Biological
Trace Element Research. DOI 10.1007/s12011-013-9878-2. 2014.
Chauhan, D.K., Kumar, D., Tripathi, D. K., Biogenic Silica (phytolith) production pattern of cotyledonary,
first two and mature leaves of Holoptelea integrifolia Planch., seedlings : 2013. Bionature. 33 (2), 63-70,
Choudhary, S. and Thapa, K. (2013). Recommending interventions for a borderline personality disorder
patient. Psychological Studies, 58(2), 171-178.
Dalal, A.K., A New Paradigm for Integrated Primary Health Care Planning. In Urmi Nanda Biswas (Ed.),
Social Psychology of Health: Issues and Concerns in India (pp. 52-70). New Delhi, 2014: Concept.
Dalal, A.K., Emerging Research Methodology for Indian Psychology. In A. Chadhry and Vanaychandhra
BK (eds.), Perspectives on Indian psychology (pp. 114-125). Bangalore,2013: Jain University Press.
Dalal, A.K., Salience of Indigenous Healing Practices for Health Care Planning in India. In R. C. Tripathi
and Sinha, Y. (Eds.), Psychology, Development and Social Policy in India (pp. 193-210). New
Delhi,2013: Springer.
Dalal, A.K., Striving to Connect with the Roots: A Mentor Makes the Difference. In B.S. Prasad (Ed.),
Consciousness, Gandhi and Yoga: Interdisciplinary, East-West Odyssey of K. Ramakrishna Rao (pp. 199206). New Delhi,2013: D.K. Printworld.
Das, S.; Banik, M.; Gazi, MD. R.; Rai, A.; Kunkri, S.; Rahaman, R., Bound on tri-partite Hardys
nonlocality respecting all bi-partite principles, Quantum Information Processing, 2013, 12, 3033-3041.
Das, Sunanda.Coverpage article..Graphene NayeAnuprayog, Nai Sambhavnayen-pg03-04, pg18-19.June
2014, varsh 44, ank 06 , issn 0970-6607'.Awishkar', National Research Development Corporation,NRDC
Das, Sunanda.Selected, to write a science book under ANUSRUJAN-3 scheme-2014,Council for Science
and Technology (MPCST), Bhopal, MP, by Center for Science Communication ,AISECT university
Dash T. and Kar, B. R. (2014). Bilingual language control and general purpose cognitive control among
individuals with bilingual aphasia: Evidence based on negative priming and flanker tasks. Behavioural
Neurology, 679706.
Dash, T. and Kar, B. R. (2014). Bilingual language control and general purpose cognitive control among
individuals with bilingual aphasia: Evidence based on negative priming and flanker tasks. Behavioural
Neurology, 679706.
Devi, Sapna and Agarwal Manju: Modeling effects of increasing population and industrialization augmented
pollution on the health of human population, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and
Mechanics, 9(2) 2013, 95-114. (GBS Publisher's and Distributors)
Devi, Sapna, Tiwari Bankteshwer, Kumar Manoj: Predator-prey model with prey refuges: Jacobi stability vs
Linear stability, 2014, International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications.
Devi, Sapna: Effects of prey refuge on a ratio-dependent predator-prey model with stage-structure of prey
population, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2013, 37, 4337-4349. (Elsevier Publications).
Dikshit, A. Bioefficacy of Cinnamomum tamala as a potential source for the management of water borne
bacterial pathogens. Shukla, A.C., Kumar, A., Mishra, R.K., Pandey, A. and Dikshit, A. In Environment,
Biodiversity and Traditional System (eds) Khanna, DR, Solanki, GS and Pathak, SK.; Publisher Biotech
Books, New Delhi (ISBN 978-81-7622), pp 323-332, 2014.
Dikshit, A., A K Tiwari and R K Mishra New medium for rapid diagnosis and determination of antifungal
testing against Malassezia spp.: A Potential Candidate for Industries: Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett. 36(01): 55-64,
Dikshit, A., A Pandey, R K Mishra, V Mishra, A K Tiwari, A K Bajaj Management of cosmetic
embarrassment caused by Malassezia spp. with fruticose lichen Cladia using phylogenetic approach:
Biomed Research International (In Press), 2013.
Dikshit, A., Shukla, S.K., Pandey, A., Kumar, R., Mishra, R.K. Prospects of nano-biofertilizers in
horticultural crops of Fabaceae: Journal of Agriculture situation in India, 2014.
Dikshit, A.Interactions of Nanoparticles (NPs) with Plants: An Emerging Prospective in Agriculture
Industry: Mishra, V., Mishra, R.K., Dikshit, A. and Pandey, A.C. P. Ahmad (Ed): Emerging Technologies
and Management of Crop Stress Tolerance, Volume 1. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12800876-8.00008-4 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 10, 2014.
Dikshit, A.Waste Product of Horticultural Crop as a Potential Source for the Management of Water Borne
Bacterial Pathogens: A Case Study with Citrus aurantifolia (Christem and Panzer).: Kumar, A., Shukla,
A.C., Gupta, R., Fanai. L., Mishra, R.K. and Dikshit, A. Westville Publishing House, New Delhi, ISBN
978-81-85873-97-8 pp- 459-468, 2014.
Dubey, Ruchi. A study of mental health among students in relation to classroom environment. In I. Shukla,
S. Parkar and S. Waghchoure (Eds.) Mental Health: Role of Education. Mumbai: GES College of
Education and Research.(ISBN 978-81-924451-1-3) (Proceedings)
Dubey, Ruchi. Awareness of right to education act among student-teachers. In Proceedings of National
Seminar on Role of Distance Education in Right to Education , held on march, 11-13, 2011 at UPRTOU,
Dubey, Ruchi. Right to education act: Challenges and suggestions. Public Private Participation in Indian
Educational System with Special Reference to the Right to Education. 75-80. Allahabad: SIEMAT (ISSN
: 0972-320X)
Dubey, Ruchi. Teaching self-efficacy among B.Ed. students studying through distance and regular mode- A
comparative study. In A. Husain, A. Masih, I. Husain and H. K. Bhatia (Eds.) Education as a Right
Across Levels: Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies. New Delhi : Viva Books.
Dubey, Ruchi., Determinants of Achievement in English. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 2013.
Dubey, Suresh Chandra. Centring The margins: Six Recent Indian Women Poets. New Delhi: Gaur
Publisher and distributors P.P. 149 in Critical Paradigm (A journal of English Studies P.P.-83-85. ISSN
Dubey, Suresh Chandra. Exiled Among Natives (An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry).Ed. By Charu
Sheel Singh and Binod Mishra. (1) Like a blue necked one (2) Light of Magh Mela Prayag (3) Quest
for close contact (4) Unattached (5) Dispassion. Addhyan Publishers and Distributers. New Delhi110002. ISBN 978-81-8435-393-8.
Dubey, Suresh Chandra. The Mouth of Truth, Prakash Book Depot Bareilly (With A forward by Prof. K. K.
Kapoor. A Collection of Contemporary Poems) ISBN 978- 81-7977 512 7. (Contains Thirty Poems)
Dwivedi, A., A. K. Mittal and S. Dwivedi (2013)An Improved Secure Communication Scheme Using
Adaptive Parameter Synchronization,Security in Computing and Communications: Communications in
Computer and Information Science, 377, 353-365, ISBN: 9783642405754, ISSN: 1865:0929, Springer.
Dwivedi, A., Mittal A. K. and Dwivedi S. An Improved Secure Communication Scheme Using Adaptive
Parameter Synchronization, Security in Computing and Communications: Communications in Computer
and Information Science, 377, 353-365, ISBN: 9783642405754, ISSN: 1865:0929, Springer.
Farneti, R., Dwivedi S., Kucharski F., Molteni F. and Griffies S. M. On the Subtropical Pacific Meridional
Overturning Circulation Variability Over the Second Half of the 20th Century, J. Climate, 27, 7102-7112.
Farneti, R., S. Dwivedi, F. Kucharski, F. Molteni and S. M. Griffies(2014) On the Subtropical Pacific
Meridional Overturning Circulation Variability Over the Second Half of the 20th Century, J. Climate, 27,
Farooqi, N.R., Sufivad: Kuch Mahattavapurna Lekh, Orient Blackswan, New Delhi, 2013.
Farooqi, N.R., Understanding the past: India in the Mirror of History. Anamika Publishers, New Delhi,
Fatima, M., Kesharwani, R.K., Misra, K. And Rizvi, S. I. Protective Effect of Theaflavin on Erythrocytes
http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/649759, 2014.
Fatma, Shahin, Divya Singh, Priya Mishra, Pravin K. Singh, Preyas Ankit and J. Singh, Novel, versatile and
eco-compatible preparation of new 6-(1H-indol-3-yl)-2-oxo-4-aryl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidine-5carbonitriles in water, Journal of Chemical Research(US), 2013, 642-644.
Fatma, Shahin, Divya Singh, Priya Mishra, Pravin K. Singh, Preyas Ankit, Mandavi Singh and J. Singh,
Nucleophilic heterocyclic carbene promoted one pot multicomponent synthesis of New 6-(1H-indol-3-yl)2-oxo-4-aryl-1,2,3,4 tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carbonitrile: An eco-compatible approach with PEG as
biodegradable medium, RSC Advances, 2013, 3, 22527-22531.
Fatma, Shahin, Pravin K. Singh, Preyas Ankit, Shireen, Mandavi Singh and J. Singh, Thiamine
hydrochloride as a promoter for the efficient and green synthesis of 12-aryl-8,9,10,12
tetrahydrobenzoxanthene-11-one derivatives in aqueous micellar medium, Tetrahedron Letters, 2013, 54,
Gopal, J.I., Dwivedi, Priyanka; Sundaram, Shanthi; Prakash, Rajiv
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Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Manuscript ID: ie-2013-008387.R2.
Guha, Debashis, "An Ethical Model for Social Justice to the Tribal Refugees of Damodar Valley and KoelKaro", Social Justice and the Marginals (Ed.) Asish Kumar Saxena, Rawat Publishers, Jaipur, 2013.
Guha, Debashis, Justifcation of the Poltical Ethics Dimensions of Applied Philosophy and Ethics,(Ed.) Dr.
Jata Sankar, et. al., Akhil, Bharatiya Darshan Parisad, 2013.
Guha, Debashis, Review of the Book : Samakaleen Nitishastra (Bengali) by Dr. Santosh Kumar Paul in
Vidyasagar University Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 16, 2013-14.
Gupta, Alka and Neelam Yadav (2013). Nutritional and Antinutritional Factors of Underutilized Boerhavia
Diffusa Leaves Grown In Northern India. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. Volume: Vol 31
Issue 3.
Gupta, Alka, Neelam Yadav and S Gupta (2014).Organoleptic quality of value added food products
developed by Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) flour 10 (2014) in International Journal of Family
and Home Science. Naas rating 3.0.
Gupta, Alka, Neelam Yadav and Sarita Sheikh (2013). Sensory evaluation of formulated products developed
byincorporated underutilized quail grass (Celosia argentea) leaves The Allahabad Farmer Vol. LXIX, (
1): 46 49 Naas Rating 1.6.
Gupta, Bali Ram and Deo Satya (2013); Axisymmetric creeping flow of a micropolar fluid over a sphere
coated with thin fluid film, J. Appl. Fluid. Mech., 6(2), 149-155.
Gupta, Bali Ram and Deo Satya ; Axisymmetric creeping flow of a micropolar fluid over a sphere coated
with thin fluid film, J. Appl. Fluid. Mech., 6(2), 149-155, 2013
Gupta, Ena., Purwar, Shalini., Sundaram, Shanthy and Rai, G. K., Nutritional and therapeutic values of
Stevia rebaudiana:, JMPR, 2013.
Gupta, Mamta : An article published in the Journal The Expression entitled Nationalism, Womens
Emancipation and Tagores Home and the World edited by Ashok Kumar Vol. 6, No. 1, 2014, ISSN :
Gupta, Ravindra Kumar, Priyanka Chawla, Tripathi, Mridula, A.K. Shukla and Archana Pandey. Synergistic
antioxidant activity of tea with ginger, black pepper and tulsi. Int., J. Pharmacy and Pharmaceut. Sci.,
Vol. 6 (5), pp. 477-479, 2014.
Gurtu, Atul and Dr. Rajesh Kumar Pandey Challenges to realize Right to Education : Role of Distance
Education in right to Education School of Education UPRTOU, Allahabad 2013, pp 140-146 ISBN 97893-83328-00-0
Harikant, Vivek Bhadauria, Priyanka Maurya, Pravin K. Singh and J. Singh, A new flavone glycoside from
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Mehdi, M. M., Rizvi, S I, Plasma protein hydroperoxides during aging in humans: Correlation with
paraoxanase 1 (PON1) arylesterase activity and plasma total thiols. Archives of Medical Research 44,
136-141, 2013.
Mehra, Rekha, Jaiswal Shikha, Dixit H.K. 2012. Optical Computing with semiconductor optical amplifier,
optical Engeneering 0091-3286 SPIE Aug, 2012, Vol.51(8),pp080901-1 to 080901-7.
Mehra, Rekha, Jaiswal Shikha, Dixit H.K. 2013. Parity checking and generate circuit with semiconductor
optical amplifier in all optical domain Optic-International Journal of Light and Electron
Optics(2013),Published by Elsevier GmbH, Vol.124(2013),pp4744-4745
Mehra, Rekha, Jaiswal Shikha, Dixit H.K. 2013. Performance analysis of all optical NOR gate at 80Gb/s
Optik-International Journal of Light and Electron optics Published Elsvier Gmbh, Vol.124,pp1672-1675
Mehra, Rekha, Jaiswal Shikha, Dixit H.K. 2013. Ultrafast all-optical 4-bit digital encoders using differential
phase modulation in semiconductor optical amplifier Mach Zehender interferometer configuration,
optical Engineering 0091-3286 SPIE March 2013, Vol.52(3),pp 035202-1 to 035202-05.
Minakshi, Joshi, P.C. Khattri, Prashant and Guha,D. - Sapir. 2013. Emerging Issues in Violence against
Women in Post- disaster Context. In H.K. Bhatt, P.C. Joshi and B.R. Vijayendra (eds.) Exploration in
Indian Medical Anthropology: Disease, Health and Culture. Volume II. Concept. Delhi. ISBN- 13: 97881-8069-988-7
Mishra J. P., Cyber Vidhi : Ek Parichay Ist Ed. 2014 ISBN No. 978-9382676546 published by CLP
Mishra, A., Kumar, S. and Pandey, A K, Scientific validation of the medicinal efficacy of Tinospora
cordifolia, The Scientific World Journal, 2013, 222934, 2013.
Mishra, A., Sharma, A, K., Kumar, S., A K Saxena and A K Pandey, Bauhinia variegata leaf extracts exhibit
considerable antibacterial, antioxidant and anticancer activities. BioMed Research International, 2013,
915436, 2013.
Mishra, Anshuman, Compensatory Discrimination in Favaour of Members of Scheduled Tribes in
Panchayats in Scheduled Areas, Changing Dimensions of Social Justice in the New Global Era Indian
Perspectives, Rajiv Gandhi Chair in Contemporary Studies University of Allahabad, published by
Pentagon Press ISBN No. 978-81-8274-655-8.
Mishra, D.R. Bioaccumulation of Pb, Ni and Zn in some plant species growing in and around a municipal
waste dumpsite at Allahabad, India: A Tripathi, D R Misra, Journal of Solid Waste Technology and
Management, 39: (1), 1-12, 2013.
Mishra, D.R. Floral diversity of Malaka Harhar wetland, Allahabad: D R Mishra, and. A Mohan, Journal of
Andmann Association, Vol.18 (1): 108-112, 2013.
16 | P a g e
Mishra, Giridhar Singh Devraj and Pramod Kumar Yadawa, S.K. Verma and R. R. Yadav, 2013, Study of
Copper/Palladium Nanoclusters using Acoustic Particle Sizer , Platinum Metals Review (UK) (In Press).
Mishra, J. P., ExpressionThe Essence of Copy Right in Book entitled IPR a Pragmatic View published
by Radha Publications, ISBN No. 978-81-74879240.
Mishra, J. P., Right to SD An HR Perspective Published in the Journal of Indian Though and Policy
Research, 1-2 (Sept. 2013-March 2014) pp. 74-88, ISSN No. 2230-7001
Mishra, J. P., Social Justice: The Affirmative Negative, Changing Dimensions of Social Justice in the
New Global Era Indian Perspectives by Rajiv Gandhi Chair in Contemporary Studies University of
Allahabad, published by Pentagon Press ISBN No. 978-81-8274-655-8.
Mishra, M., Upadhayay DK, Mishra SK. Establishing climate information service system for climate change
adaptation in Himalayan region. Current Science.2012. 103 (12).1417-1422. [Indian Academy of
Sciences, India; Impact factor: 1.01]
Mishra, M., Upadhayay, D.K, Mishra, S.K., Establishing climate information service system for climate
change adaptation in Himalayan region. Current Science.2012. 103 (12).1417-1422. [Indian Academy of
Sciences, India]
Mishra, R. K. (2013). Attention in sentence processing: A review. Psychological Studies, 58, 308-317.
Mishra, R. K. (2013). Developmental changes in the allocation of visual attention during sentence
generation: An eye-tracking study. Universitas Psychologica, 12, 1489-1500.
Mishra, R. K. and Singh. N. (2014). Language non-selective activation of orthography during spoken word
processing in Hindi-English sequential bilinguals: An eye tracking study. Reading and Writing: An
Interdisciplinary Journal, 27, 129-151.
Mishra, R. K., Olivers, C. N., and Huettig, F. (2013). Spoken language and the decision to move the eyes: To
what extent are language-mediated eye movements automatic? Progress in Brain Research, 202, 135-149.
Mishra, Vani, Mishra Rohit K., Dikshit Anupam and Pandey Avinash C. "Interactions of Nanoparticles with
Plants: An Emerging Prospective in the Agriculture Industry" "Emerging Technologies and Management
of Crop Stress Tolerance Volume 1 Biological Techniques" by Elsevier USA 2014, ISBN: 978-0-12800876-8DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-800876-8.00008-4.
Mittal, A. K., A. Dwivedi and S. Dwivedi, Parameter Adaptation Technique for Rapid Synchronization and
Secure Communication, European Physical Journal Special Topics (EPJST), doi: 10.1140/epjst/e201402117-y. 2014
Mittal, A. K., A. Dwivedi and S. Dwivedi., Secure Communication Based on Chaotic Switching and Rapid
Synchronization Using Parameter Adaptation, Int. J. of Innovative Computing Information and Control
(In press).2014
Mittal, A. K., Dwivedi A. and Dwivedi S. Parameter Adaptation Technique for Rapid Synchronization and
Secure Communication, European Physical Journal Special Topics (EPJST), doi: 10.1140/epjst/e201402117-y.2014
Mittal, A. K., Dwivedi A. and Dwivedi S. Secure Communication Based on Chaotic Switching and Rapid
Synchronization Using Parameter Adaptation, Int. J. of Innovative Computing Information and Control
(In press).
Miyapuram, K. P., and Pammi, V. S. C. (2013). Understanding Decision Neuroscience - A multidisciplinary
perspective and neural substrates. Progress in Brain Research, 202, 239-266.
Mohammad , Shahid ,Women Empowerment in An Era of Globalisation , in Women Empowerment in the
era of Globalisation (Editor : Sarika Dube), D Publishing House, New Delhi, 2013, pp. 12-21, ISBN 97893-83046-27-0
Mohammad, Shahid., Adhi Abadi ka Sach : Bhartiya Samaj mein Mahilaon ki Sthiti in Tripathi, Mamta
Mani (Ed.) Samkaleen Bhartiya Rajniti ke Mudde : Samasya Evam Samadhan (2013), Bharti Publishers
and Distributors, Faizabad (U.P.), ISBN 978-93-81797-12-9..
17 | P a g e
Moharana, K.C. (2014). Political Economy of Women. In Women and Social Structure (MWG-009).
Pp.252-265, New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Open University.
Moharana, K.C. (2014). Womens Control and Autonomy. In Women and Social Structure (MWG-009).
Pp.220-234, New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Open University.
Moharana, K.C. (2014). Womens Voice and Struggle. In Women and Social Structure (MWG-009). Pp.282296, New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Open University.
Mukherjee A, Mishra, S.K., Ray S. Cigarette smoking and its concomitants: a study among the young adults
in Kolkata, India. The Oriental Anthropologist. 2013. 13 (1). 89-98. [MD Publication, New Delhi]
Mukherjee P, Mishra SK, Ray S. Menstrual characteristics of adolescent athletes: a study form West Bengal,
India. Collegium Anthropologicum. 38 (3): 917-923. [Croatian Anthropological Society]
Mukherjee, A., Mishra SK, Ray S. Cigarette smoking and its concomitants: a study among the young adults
in Kolkata, India. The Oriental Anthropologist. 2013. 13 (1). 89-98. [MD Publication, New Delhi]
Mukherjee, P., Mishra, S.K, Ray S. Menstrual characteristics of adolescent athletes: a study form West
Bengal, India. Collegium Anthropologicum. 38 (3): 917-923. [Croatian Anthropological Society]
Mukherjee, S. andSrinivasan, N. (2013). Attention in preferential choice. Progress in Brain Research, 202,
Mukhopadhyay S, Ganguly N, Mishra SK. Body weight concerns among urban adolescent girls: A micro
level study. Journal of Anthropology. Article ID 264925, 6 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/264925.
Namita, Yadav Puratatvik Avaheshon mein Sangeet kala ka Addhyan Addhyayan Publishes and Distributors
New Delhi ISBN 978-81-8435
Narain, S. Diversity of aquatic and marshy angiosperms in Lakhbahosi Bird Sanctuary Kannauj District
Uttar Pradesh, India. Water and Biodiversity Edited by Uttar Pradesh Biodiversity Board Lucknow, Uttar
Pradesh. Singh, S. M. and 53-60, 2013.
Narain, S. The assessment of desertification control by Fabaceae family of Bundelkhand region, U.P. India.
and R. Singh. Int. J. Pharm. Med. Bio. 2(4): October 2013. www. Ijpmbs.com, ISSN. 2278-5221, 2013.
Nath, Sayantan, Rizvi, S I and Kumar, Munish, microRNA Diagn. Ther. 1, 7596, 2014.
Nath, Siddh, Vidhi Bharti Naya Company Kanoon : Ek Avlokan July-Sept. 2013, Vidhi Bharti Ek
Vyakti Company : Private Company Ka Ek Naya Swaroop Jan-Mar 2014
Niyogi, A., Pati, J.K., Panda, D., Chakarvorty, M. and Usmani, M. (2014) Micro-chemical analysis of
anthropogenic spherules and its role in spherule type discrimination. Journal of Indian Chemical Society,
v.91, 569-573.
Ojha, A.P. bykgkckn tuin dh lkaLd`frd ,oa iqjkrkfRod fojklr^ fok;kUrxZr Hkkjrh; bfrgkl vuqla/kku ifjkn]
ubZ fnYyh }kjk vuqeksfnr ,oa losZojh LukrdksRrj egkfo|ky;] uSuh] bykgkckn esa fnukWad 21and22
fnlEcj 2013 dks v;ksftr jkV~zh; laxksBh esa Prayag as a cultural centre: A fresh Approach fok; ij
kks/ki= izLrqr fd;kA
Ojha, A.P. Tradition, Modernization and Changing Social Structure in India paper published in Tradition
and Modernity the Ideological Conflict in the Writing of History, Edited by A.K. Sinha, New Delhi2013, pp 45-47.
Ojha, A.P. Published a paper, A Case of Dissent within the Fold of the Dharmasastra Tradition, As
Reflected in the Parasara-smriti in History and Archaeology, edited by A.P. Ojha et.el., Allahabad, Vol.
1 No.1 (2013), pp.27-33; ISSN: 2320-0170.
Ojha, K.S. and Gopal R. New Band Systems of SiN Radical, Spectrochimica Acta A 109 (2013) 155-157.
Pal, J.N, Baghor I, in Prehistoric Roots (History of Ancient India, Volume I) (Eds. Dilip K. Chakrabarti and
Makkhan Lal), pp. 372-381. Vivekanand International Foundation and Aryan Books International, New
Delhi. 2014
18 | P a g e
Pal, J.N. Beginning of Agriculture: Northern Vindhyas and the Middle Gangetic Plain, in Prehistory of India
(Ed. M.K. Dhavalikar), A Comprehensive History of India, Vol. 1,Part I, pp. 195-211. Comprehensive
History of India Society and Manohar Publishers andDistributors, New Delhi.
Pal, J.N. New Researches in the Prehistoric Archaeology of the Vindhyas, Puratattva 43: 1-10.
Pal, J.N. ,Ceri Shipton, S. Mishra, K. Paddayya, Sushama G. Deo, J.N. Pal, N. Roseboom,C. Gaillard, M.C.
Gupta and Y. Hou Empirical Differences between the Earlier and Later Acheulian in India in Recent
Advances in Acheulian Culture Studies (Ed. K. Paddayya), pp. 23-36, ISPQS, Pune. 2014
Pal, J.N. First Farmers of the Vindhyas, ICON: Journal of Archaeology and Culture, 1: 1-10. 2014
Pal, J.N. Jhusi (Pratishthanpur), in the texts, Political History and Administration till 200 BC (History of
Ancient India, Volume III) (Eds. Dilip K. Chakrabarti and Makkhan Lal), pp. 525-540. Vivekanand
International Foundation and Aryan Books International, New Delhi. 2014
Pal, J.N. Kausambi, in the texts, Political History and Administration till 200 BC (History of Ancient India,
Volume III) (Eds. Dilip K. Chakrabarti and Makkhan Lal), pp. 551-565. Vivekanand International
Foundation and Aryan Books International, New Delhi. 2014
Pal, J.N. Madhya Pradesh and Adjoining Uttar Pradesh: Palaeolithic Culture of the Belan and Son valleys, in
co-authorship of R.K. varma and V.D. Misra, in Prehistoric Roota (History of Ancient India, Volume I)
(Eds. Dilip K. Chakrabarti and Makkhan Lal), pp. 2014140-162. Vivekanand International Foundation
and Aryan Books International, New Delhi.
Pal, J.N. Microlithic Industries and the Issue of the Mesolithic, in Prehistoric Roots (History of Ancient
India, Volume I) (Eds. Dilip K. Chakrabarti and Makkhan Lal), pp. 245-300. Vivekanand International
Foundation and Aryan Books International, New Delhi. 2014
Pal, J.N. Prehistory of the Middle Son Valley, Man and Environmenti XXXIX (2), pp. 1-12. 2014
Pande, N. (2013). Kartavya: Understanding selfless human acts. Psychology and Developing societies, 25(1),
Pande, N., Psychology and physical disability policies. In R. C. Tripathi and Sinha, Y. (Eds.), Psychology,
Development and Social Policy in India. New Delhi,2013: Springer.
Pandey, Archana -Nabhikiya Urja,Urja Visheshank,Vigyan,Published by Vigyan Parishad Prayag,Ank11,Varsh-98,February 2013,Page No.22-25. ISSN: 373-1200.
Pandey, Archana, Rupali Sethi, Madhulika Pathak and Himanshu Gaur. (2013). Antibacterial activity in
Piper nigrum. Antibacterial activity in natural and synthetic compounds. Pandey A. and Gupta RK (Eds.).
Arvind Prakashan, Shahganj, Agra (India). 359-364. ISBN: 978-81-88492-57-2
Pandey, P.N. and Singh R. In-Silico Analysis of Tghdac3 (Transcription Regulator) as Drug Target in
Toxoplasma gondii, J. Int. Acad. Phys. Sci., Vol. 17, No. 4, 409-418, 2013
Pandey, A (2013): Jal Sankat aur Khadya Chunautiyan in magazine Vigyan ISSN 373-1200.
Pandey, A (2014): Environmental diversity of microbes pp Innovative and modern technology for
sustainable agriculture and Rural Development ISNB 978-81-923494-3 pp 153-155
Pandey, A K and Kumar, S., Perspective on plant products as antimicrobials agents: A review,
Pharmacologia. 4(7), 469-480, 2013.
Pandey, A. K. (2013) Phytochemicals as antimicrobial agents: a future perspective. In: Antibacterial Activity
in Natural and Synthetic Compounds. Eds. A. Pandey and R. K. Gupta, Arvind Prakashan, Agra, India.
pp 1-12. ISBN 978-81-88492-57-2, 2013.
Pandey, Archana - Tan, Man Aur Rasayan. Avishkar, Ank-1, Varsh-43, Page No. 31-33, January, 2013.
ISSN 070-6607.
Pandey, Archana and Krishna Misra. (2013). Antibacterial potential of curcumin and its conjugates.
Antibacterial activity in natural and synthetic compounds. Pandey A. and Gupta RK (Eds.). Arvind
Prakashan, Shahganj, Agra (India). 304-314. ISBN: 978-81-88492-57-2
19 | P a g e
Pandey, Archana and Ravindra Kumar Gupta- Rain Water Harvesting (Versha Jal Sanchayan)- Samay Ki
Maang. Vigyan Parishad Prayag, Jal Visheshank. Ank-10, Varsh-98, Page No. 115-118, January, 2013.
ISSN: 373-1200.
Pandey, Archana, Ravindra Kumar Gupta, Roli Srivastava, Anudita Bhargava and Santosh Kumar Srivastava
(2013) Antibacterial activity of curcumin and piperine in synergism.Chemistry: Role and Challenges,L
C.T. Eusebius and J.Masih(Eds),Greenworld Publication(India),Allahabad.33-36.ISBN:81-7845-089-5.
Pandey, Archana. (2013). Pratioksikarak. Gyan-Vigyan. Mishra KK (eds.). Pub. HomiBhabha Vigyan
Shiksha Kendra, Tata Moolbhoot Anusandhan Sansthan, Mumbai. 44-53.
Pandey, B.K., Shahi A.K. and Gopal R., Synthesis, Optical Properties and Growth Mechanism of MnO
Nanostructure, Appl. Surface Science (2013) accepted
Pandey, B.K., Shahi, A.K. and Gopal, R., Synthesis, Growth Mechanism and Characterisation of Mn(OH)
nano/micro structures, Material Focus (2013) accepted
Pandey, C.D. ^Hkxoku~ lw;Z dk vnHkqr vkpk;ZRoand,d foysk.kkRed v/;;u~^ Journal of the Ganganath
Jha Rastriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Allahabad, 2013.
Pandey, C.D. bykgkckn tuin dh lkaLd`frd ,oa iqjkrkfRod fojklr^ fok;kUrxZr Hkkjrh; bfrgkl vuqla/kku
ifjkn] ubZ fnYyh }kjk vuqeksfnr ,oa losZojh LukrdksRrj egkfo|ky;] uSuh] bykgkckn esa fnukWad
21and22 fnlEcj 2013 dks v;ksftr jkV~zh; laxksBh esa bykgkckn ifj{ks= esa lw;ksZikluk ds ikSjkf.kd
,oa dykokskh; lUnHkZand,d foysk.k fok; ij kks/ki= izLrqr fd;kA
Pandey, C.D. National Seminar on Environmental Challenges and Role of Youth, Women And Other
Marginal Groups sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi in Associate With Sarveshvari P.G. College,
Allahabad, 27th October 2013; oSfnd okaXe; ds _fk;ksa dh i;kZoj.k psruk ,oa vk/kqfud ;qx esa mudh
izklafxdrk^ uked kks/k ys[k izLrqr fd;k A
Pandey, C.D. U.P. History Congress XXIV Session, Department of History, M.G. Kashi Vidyapith Varanasi,
9-10th November 2013; Hkxoku~ v/;;u~^ uked kks/k ys[k i<+k A
Pandey, D.K., Yadav, P.S. S. Agrawal and B.K. Agrawal, 2013, Structural and electronic properties of ZnO
nanoclusters: a B3LYP DFT study, Advanced Materials Research, 650, 29 33.
Pandey, K. B. and Rizvi, S. I. Resveratrol up-regulates the erythrocyte plasma membrane redox system and
mitigates oxidation-induced alterations in erythrocytes during aging in humans. Rejuvenation Research,
16 (3), 232-240, 2013.
Pandey, K., Stevenson, C., Shankar, S., Hopkins, N., and Reicher, S. (2013). Cold Comfort at the Magh
Mela: Social identity processes and physical hardship. British Journal of Social Psychology. Epub
Pandey, K., Stevenson, C., Shankar, S., Hopkins, N., and Reicher, S. (2013). Cold Comfort at the Magh
Mela: Social identity processes and physical hardship. British Journal of Social Psychology. Epub
Pandey, P. N., Polar Coordinate Geometry, Published by Sharda Academic Publishing house, Allahabad,
Pandey, P. N., Gupta M. K., Singh Abhay, On a Hypersurface of a Finsler Space with Randers Change of
Matsumoto Metric," Geometry, vol. 2013, Article ID 842573, 6 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/842573.
Pandey, P. N., Pandey Vaishali and Saxena Shivalika, On special concircular K-Lie-recurrence in special
Finsler spaces, South Asian Journal of Mathematics 2013, Vol. 4 ( 1 ) : 28 -34.
Pandey, P. N., Saxena Shivalika, On an R-Randers mth-root Space, Geometry, vol. 2013, Article ID
649168, 7 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/649168.
Pandey, P. N., Shukla Suresh K., Goswami Anjali, Rheonomic Lagrange Spaces with
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 83(3) (2013), 425 438.
Pandey, P. N., Shukla Suresh K., Lagrange Spaces with
106393, 7 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/106393.
, -metric,
20 | P a g e
Pandey, P.N. and Chaturvedi N. Phylogenetic analysis of gammaproteobacterial arsenate reductase proteins
specific to enterobacteriaceae family, signifying arsenic toxicity, Interdisciplinary Sciences:
Computational Life Sciences, 6(1), 57-62. 2014
Pandey, P.N. and Chaturvedi N. , Phylogenetic analysis of gammaproteobacterial arsenate reductase proteins
specific to enterobacteriaceae family, signifying arsenic toxicity, Interdisciplinary Sciences:
Computational Life Sciences, 6(1), 57-62 (2014).
Pandey, P.N. and Pandey V. On a special concircular Lie-Recurrence in a Finsler space, International Journal
of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 92 No. 3 2014, 359-367.2014
Pandey, P.N. and Pandey V., On a special concircular Lie-Recurrence in a Finsler space, International
Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 92 No. 3, 2014, 359-367.
Pandey, P.N. and Pandey V.; On K-Lie-recurrence in a Finsler space, South Asian Journal of Mathematics,
3(6), 402-410 (2013).
Pandey, P.N. and Pandey, V. On K-Lie-recurrence in a Finsler space, South Asian Journal of Mathematics,
3(6), 402-410. 2013
Pandey, P.N. and Saxena S. On an R-Randers mth-root Space, Geometry, Vol. 2013, Article ID 649168, 7
pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/649168.
Pandey, P.N. and Saxena S., On an R-Randers mth-root Space, Geometry, Vol. 2013, Article ID 649168, 7
pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/649168 (2013)..
Pandey, P.N. and Shukla Suresh K. Lagrange Spaces with
106393, 7 pages, doi:10.1155/2013/106393.
Pandey, P.N. and Shukla Suresh K.; Lagrange Spaces with
106393, 7 pages, doi:10.1155/2013/106393.
Pandey, P.N. and Singh R., In-Silico Analysis of Tghdac3 (Transcription Regulator) as Drug Target in
Toxoplasma gondii, J. Int. Acad. Phys. Sci., Vol. 17, No. 4, 409-418 (2013).
Pandey, P.N., Shukla Suresh K. and Goswami Anjali Rheonomic Lagrange Spaces with
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 83(3), 425- 438, doi:10.12732/ijpam,
Pandey, P.N., Shukla Suresh K. and Goswami Anjali; Rheonomic Lagrange Spaces with
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 83(3), 425- 438, doi:10.12732/ijpam, v83i3.5.
Pandey, P.N., Pandey Ritesh and Singh R. N.; Mathematical Model for Malaria Transmission and Chemical
Control, J. Int. Acad. Phys. Sci., Vol. 17, No. 4, 409-418 (2013).
Pandey, P.N., Pandey V. and Saxena S., On special concircular K-Lie-recurrence in special Finsler spaces,
South Asian Journal of Mathematics Vol. 4 ( 1 ) : 28 -34 (2013).
Pandey, P.N., Pandey V. and Saxena, S. On special concircular K-Lie-recurrence in special Finsler spaces,
South Asian Journal of Mathematics Vol. 4 ( 1 ) : 28 -34. 2013
Pandey, P.N., Pandey, Ritesh and Singh, R. N. Mathematical Model for Malaria Transmission and Chemical
Control, J. Int. Acad. Phys. Sci., Vol. 17, No. 4, 409-418. 2013
Pandey, P.N.; Gupta M. K. and Singh A. On a Hypersurface of a Finsler Space with Randers Change of
Matsumoto Metric, Geometry, vol. Article ID 842573, 6 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/842573. 2013
Pandey, P.N.; Gupta M. K. and Singh A., On a Hypersurface of a Finsler Space with Randers Change of
Matsumoto Metric, Geometry, vol. Article ID 842573, 6 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/842573 (2013).
Pandey, Rajesh Kumar fk{kdksa ds o`fRrd fodkl esa v/;kid fk{kk dh izklafxdrk : The Journal of Education
and Indian Perspective (Department of Educaton M. G. Kashi Vidyapith Varansi) Vol V No. -1, March
2013, 47-52, ISSN 0976-934X.
21 | P a g e
Pandey, Rishi Kant (2013): The Holistic View of Religion. Science of Soul, (ISSN: 2278-8751), Vol. IV,
No. 3, Pp. 10 27.
Pandey, Rishi Kant, (2013): J.L. Mackie Ka Ashubha Sambandhi Virodhabhasa?, Samja, Dharma evam
Darana (ISSN: 0974-9764), Vol. XXX, No.1 4, Pp. 23 38.
Pandey, Rishi Kant, Oneness vs. Plurality. Jata Shankar, A.D. Sharma and Kanchan Saxena, (Eds.),
Dimensions of Applied Philosophy and Ethics, (ISBN: 81-8315-212-978-81-8315-212-9), New Bhartiya
Book Corporation, New Delhi, 2013, Pp. 451-460.
Pandey, Rishi Kant, Shankar Darshan Me Mithyatva Ka Yatharthya. A.D. Sharma and S. P. Pandey (Eds.),
Vedanta Darshan Ke Ayam, (ISBN: 81-8315-211-978-81-8315-211-2), New Bhartiya Book Corporation,
New Delhi, 2013, Pp. 198-201.
Pandey, Rishi Kant., Dharma Darshan Ka Anushilan, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, India (In
Press) 2013.
Pandey, Sangita and Kripal, Ram A theoretical analysis of zero field splitting parameters of Mn2+ doped
Diglycine calcium chloride tetrahydrate, Chin. J. Phys., Accepted (July 22, 2013).
Pandey, Sangita and Kripal, Ram Zero field splitting parameters of Cr3+ in lithium potassium sulphate at
orthorhombic symmetry site, Acta Phys. Polon. A 123 (2013)101-105.
Pandey, Vivek Kumar and PrajvalaKurtakoti (2014), Evaluation of GODAS using RAMA mooring
observation from Indian Ocean, Marine Geodesy, 37:1, 14-31, DOI:10.1080/01490419.2013.859642.
Pandhija, Shiwani, Rai Nilesh Kumar, Pathak Ashok Kumar and Rai A.K., (2013), Calibration curve with
improved limit of detection for Cadmium in soil: An approach to minimize the matrix effect in LIBS
analysis, Spectroscopy Letter (Accepted)
Patel, Rahul. Brick Kilns and their Impact on Land Use/Land Cover Change in Jaunpur District of Uttar
Pradesh (India). Research Paper published in The Anthropos (A Journal of Human Spectrum), Vol.3,
No.2:32-37 (Jul-Dec.2013), ISSN: 2319-278X. (On line @www.airo.org.in)
Patel, Rahul. Brick Kilns and their Impact on Land Use/Land Cover Change in Jaunpur District of Uttar
Pradesh (India). Research Paper published in The Anthropos (A Journal of Human Spectrum), Vol.3,
No.2:32-37 (Jul-Dec.2013), ISSN: 2319-278X. (On line @www.airo.org.in)
Patel, Rahul. Comparative Dermatoglyphic Study of Hindu and Muslim females of District Lucknow (India).
Research Paper published in Voice of Intellectual Man (An International Journal), Vol.3, No.2:87-94 (JulDec.2013), ISSN: 2231-6914. (On line @www.indianjournals.com)
Patel, Rahul. Empirical aspects of healing among Indian tribes: a study with special reference to the
Nicobarese of Car Nicobar and the Jaunsarese of Jaunsar-Bawar (Uttarakhand). Research Paper published
in The Social Ion (An International Journal), Vol.2, No.2: 73-84 (Jul- Dec 2013), ISSN: 2319-3581.
Patel, Rahul. Impacts of Tsunami on Socio-Cultural Sphere of Nicobarese: Some Reflections on pre-tsunami
and post-tsunami phase in Car Nicobar. Research Paper published in The Asian Man (An International
Journal), Vol.7, No.1-2:141-150 (Jan- Dec.2013), ISSN: 0974-6366.(On line @www.indianjournals.com)
Patel, Rahul. Koltas and Musahars: An Anthropological inquiry into their socio-economic conditions and
health. Research Paper published in The Social Ion (An International Journal), Vol.3, No.1: 67-74 (JanJune.2014), ISSN: 2319-3581.
Patel, Rahul. Nicobari Janjati Mein Aarthik Sangathan: ek Manav vaigyanik Adhyayan.(in Hindi) Research
Paper published in Samajik Nirvachan, Vol.1, No.1:17-24 (Jan- June.2014), ISSN: 2348-2222.
Patel, Rahul. Self Help Group and its role in womens economic development. Research Paper published in
The Social Ion (An International Journal), Vol.2, No.1:118-125 (Jan- June.2013), ISSN: 2319-3581.
Pathak, D., Bhagabaty, B., Pati, J.K., Rochette, P., and Duorah, K. (2014) Magnetic susceptibility based
classification of Dergaon meteorite. Meteorites, Polish Meteorite Society, Poland (In Press).
Pathak, R. K., A, Gopesh., Joshi, K. D. Ecological assessment of alien fishes in the Ganga river system, India
with special reference to Cyprinus carpio and Oreochromis niloticus . Proc. In the 84th Annual Session
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and a Symposium on Desert Challenges and Opportunities held at Jai Narayan Vyas University,
Jodhpur from Dec. 4-6, 2014, pp 30.
Pathak, R.K., Gopesh, A. and Joshi, K. D. Population structure and sex ratio of Alien fish species Cyprinus
carpio ,var. communis from Yamuna River at Allahabad, 2014, pp. 58.
Pathak, R.K., Gopesh, A., Dwivedi, A.C., and Joshi, K.D. (2014). Age and growth of alien fish species,
Cyprinus carpio, var. communis ( common carp) in the lower stretch of the Yamuna River at Allahabad.
Nat. Acad. Sci. Lett. India 37: 419-422.
Pathak, R.K., Gopesh, A., Joshi, K.D., and Dwivedi, A.C. (2013). Emergence of Cyprinus carpio, var.
communis in the middle stretch of River Ganga at Allahabad. Jour. Inland Fisheries Society (India) 45(2):
Pati, J.K. Impact cratering research and the diagnostic evidences of impact, PLANEX Newsletter, v.3,
pp.10-14. 2013
Pati, J.K. First report of feather features from impact melt breccia, Dhala impact structure, India-a diagnostic
evidence of impact cratering at low shock pressures. Earth Sciences in India: Challenges and Emerging
Trends, Department of Earth Sciences, IIT, Roorkee (November 7-9, 2013).
Pati, J.K. Shock pressures and shock features, National Conference on Application of High Pressure
Techniques and Novel Materials in the Frontiers of Science, (October 25-26, 2013), NCEMP, Allahabad,
Abstract Volume, pp.17-18. 2013
Pati, J.K., and Pati, P. Impact cratering from an Indian perspective, In Ravindra, R. and Sinha, R., (Eds.),
Earth System Processes and Disaster Management (Advances in Earth Sciences Series), Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 213-229p. (ISBN 978-3-642-28844-9). 2013
Pati, J.K., Panigrahi, M.K. and Chakarvorty, M. Granite-hosted molybdenite mineralization from Archean
Bundelkhand craton-molybdenite characterization, host rock mineralogy, petrology, and fluid inclusion
characteristics of Mo-bearing quartz, J. Earth Syst. Sci., v. 123, 943-958. 2014
Pati, J.K., Pruseth, K.L., Chatterjee, R.S., Patel, S.C., Prakash, K., Singh, R.P. and Bhushan, R. (2013)
Another terrestrial Martian blueberries analogue with a difference from Mesoproterozoic Dhandraul
sandstone, Bihariya, Allahabad district, India, Mars Orbiter Mission Workshop (July 26-27, 2013),
PLANEX, PRL, Ahmedabad, Abstract Volume, pp.11-12.
Pati, J.K., Reimold, W.U., Greshake, A., Koeberl, C. and Pati, P. Pseudotachylite breccia veins from Dhala
impact structure, north central India: texture, mineralogy and geochemical characterization, Large
Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution V, Sudbury, Canada. (Abstract No. 3064). (2013)
Prakash, R., Shukla, P., Detection of Sum and Difference Squeezing, IOSR Journal of Applied Physics 1
(2013) 43-47.
Prasad, S. M. Silicon as a beneficial element to combat the adverse effect of drought in Agricultural Crops:
Capabilities and future possibilities. Tripathi, D. K., Singh S., Singh V.P., Chauhan, D. K., Prasad, N. K.
Water Stress and Crop Plants: A Sustainable Approach. In Press. Wiley, 2014.
Prasad, S. M., Plant Responses to Metal Stress and Emerging Role of Plant Growth Hormones: Focusing on
Auxins, Gibberellins and Cytokinins. Biotic and Abiotic stress of Plants. Gangwar S., Singh, V.P.,
Tripathi, D. K., Chauhan, D.K., Maurya J. N. Elsevier. Vol.1:215-248, 2013.
Prasad, S. M., Role of silicon in enrichment of plant nutrients and protection from biotic and abiotic stresses.
Improvement of Crops in the Era of Climate Change. Tripathi, D. K., Singh, V.P., Gangwar S., Maurya J.
N., Chauhan, D.K. Springer. Vol.1: 39-56, 2013.
Prasad, S.M. A Review On Nutritional and Antioxidant Values And Medicinal Properties Of Trigonella
Foenum-Graecum L. Bashri, G., Singh, V.P. Biochem. Pharmacol. 2, (ISSN: 2167-0501), 2013.
Prasad, S.M. An eco sustainable technique to reduce cadmium availability to Amaranthus caudatus grown
under agricultural waste and fertilizer amended soil: Growth and physiological response.Singh, A.
Environ. Eng. Man. J. 112, (Impact factor 1.117), 2013.
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Prasad, S.M. Cadmium induced photoinhibition in cyanobacterium Aphanothece stagnina grown under
various concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus. Singh, M.P.V.V.and Singh, M., J. Biol.Chem. Res.
30, (ISSN: 2319-3077), 2013.
Prasad, S.M. Effect of agro-industrial waste amendment on Cd uptake in Amaranthus caudatus grown under
contaminated soil: An oxidative biomarker response. Singh, A. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 100, 105113
(Impact factor 2.203; Elsevier), 2014.
Prasad, S.M. Foliar Application of Salicylic acid minimizes cadmium induced toxicity in Solanum
melongena L. seedlings through an improved antioxidant system. Singh, S. Biochem. Cell. Arch. 13,
383-393. (ISSN 0972-5075), 2013.
Prasad, S.M. Light intensity alters the extent of arsenic toxicity in Helianthus annuus L seedlings. Yadav, G.,
Srivastava, P.K., Singh, V.P.,. Biol. Trace. Elem. Res. 158, 410421, 2014.
Prasad, S.M. Multineem induced Physiological and Biochemical changes in Nostoc muscorum:
Photosynthesis, Oxidative Biomarker and Antioxidant system. Kumar, J., Singh, M.P.P.V. and Kumar, D.
Biochem. Cell. Arch. 13, 303-310. ( ISSN 0972-5075) , 2013.
Prasad, S.M. Nitric oxide alleviates arsenic-induced toxic effects in ridged Luffa seedlings. Singh, V.P.,
Srivastava, P.K. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 71, 155-163. (Impact factor 2.775; Elsevier), 2013.
Prasad, S.M., Role of Macronutrients in Plant Growth and Acclimation: Recent Advances and Future
Prospective. Improvement of Crops in the Era of Climate Change. Tripathi, D. K., Singh, V.P., Chauhan,
D. K., and Dubey N. K. Vol 2: 197-216, Springer. 2014.
Pundir, P.S. Discrete Gamma Lifetime Model and Its Applications, Jour. Of Stat. (ISSN 2278-2273), 44-58.
Pundir, P.S. On Hybrid censored inverted exponential distribution, International Journal of Current Research
(0975-833X), 4539-44
Purwar, Shalini, Sundaram, Shanthy , Ankit Gupta and Geetika Vajpayee Isolation and In-silico
characterization of Peroxidase isoenzymes from Wheat (Triticum aestivum) against Karnal Bunt (Tilletia
indica), Bioinformation 2014, vol-10, Issue 2, pp. 94-97.
Rahman, Md. Akhlaqur, Chaturvedi, Navaneet, Sinha, Sukrat, Pandey, Paras Nath, Gupta, Dwijendra K.,
Sundaram, Shanthy and Tripathi, Ashutosh, Computational Protein Structure Modeling and Analysis of
UV-B Stress Protein in Synechocystis PCC 6803, Bioinformation, 9(12): 2013, 639-644.
Rai, A.K. Development of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Multidimensional Applications
Proceeding of First National Conference on Trends and Applications in Laser Technology and
Optoelectronics Organised by Amity Institute of Laser Technology and Optoelectronics and Amity
School of Engineering and Technology at Amity University Haryana, Manesar, Gurgaon, Allied
Publishers, 165-169, April 04, 2013 .
Rai, Deepti Agrawal Rahul, Kuma Rohit r, Awadhesh Kumar Rai and Gyanendra Kumar Rai, (2013) Effect
of processing on the magnesium content of Green Leafy Vegetables, J. Applied Spectroscopy, 80,
Number 6.
Rai, G.K. Geochemical studies of the ancient Indian glazed ware Joint paper along with S.S. Roy, U.C.
Chattopadhyaya, A.C. Pandey. Current Science 106(3), 10 February, 2014: 428-34.
Rai, P., Srivastava, M., Singh, J. and Singh, J., NJC "Chitosan/ionic liquid form a renewable and reusable
catalyst system used for the synthesis of highly functionalized spiro derivatives", 3181-3186, 2014.
Rai, Pratibha, Madhulika Srivastava, Jaya Singh and Jagdamba Singh, Molecular iodine: a green and
inclusive catalyst for the synthesis of highly functionalized 1,3,5-trisubstituted pyrazoles in aqueous
medium, RSC ADVANCES, 779 2014.
Ray S, Das B.M, Malakar B, Mishra SK. Biocultural perspective of reproductive and sexual health with
special reference to adolescent male. The Asian Man. 2013. 7 (1and2). 14-28. [Asian Institute of Human
Science and Development, Lucknow]
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Ray, S., Das B.M., Malakar B, Mishra SK. Biocultural perspective of reproductive and sexual health with
special reference to adolescent male. The Asian Man. 2013. 7 (1and2). 14-28. [Asian Institute of Human
Science and Development, Lucknow]
Rizvi, Syed Ibrahim and Neetu Mishra, Traditional Indian Medicines used for the management of Diabetes
Mellitus, Journal of Diabetes Research. Volume 2013.
Ryu, J.; Lee, C.; Zhi, Y.; Rahaman, R.; Angelakis, D. G.; Lee, J.; Zukowski M. Multi-setting GreenbergerHorne-Zeilinger theorem, Physical Review A, 2014, 89, 024103
S Kumar, R Gupta, A M Kalim and A K Pandey, Mitigation of pain and anesthetic drugs, OA Anaesthetics.
2(1), 2, 2014.
Saha, L., Pati, J.K. and Nasipuri, P. (2013) Origin of Corundum in the high magnesium-aluminium
phlogopite-chlorite schist from the Bundelkhand craton, north central India. Earth Sciences in India:
Challenges and Emerging Trends, Department of Earth Sciences, IIT, Roorkee (November 7-9, 2013).
Sahay, Vijoy Shankar, Anthropology in India: In Retrospect and Prospect (L.K. Ananthakrishan Iyer
Sesquicentennial Lecture) in Gautam Kumar Bera and K. Jose SVD (edts.) Anthropology in India:
Retrospect and
Prospect, New Delhi, Abhijeet Publications.
Sahay, Vijoy Shankar, Endangered Cultures and Dialects: Some Empirical Observations. In Endangered
Cultures and Languages in India: Edited by Gautam K Bera and K Jose AVD: Spectrum Publications,
Sahay, Vijoy Shankar, Memories of my Third Visit to the Nicobar Archipelago. In Fieldwork in South Asia:
Edited by Sarit Choudhari and Samita Choudhuri; SAGE India Publication, New Delhi.
Sahay, Vijoy Shankar,Endangered Cultures and Dialects: Some Empirical Observations. In Endangered
Cultures and Languages in India: Edited by Gautam K Bera and K Jose AVD: Spectrum Publications,
Sahay, Vijoy Shankar,Enigma of Indigenous Population in India in K. Jose SVD and Gautam Kumar Bera
(edts.) Remembering the Rebellious Prophet... Professor Stephen Fuchs SVD Memorial Volume, New
Delhi, Abhijeet Publications
Sahay, Vijoy Shankar,Golbalisation, Urbanisation and Migration: Anthropological Dimensions of Trends
and Impacts. In the Oriental Anthropologist Vol. 13, No. 2, New Delhi.
Sahay, Vijoy Shankar,Memories of my Third Visit to the Nicobar Archipelago. In Fieldwork in South Asia:
Edited by Sarit Choudhari and Samita Choudhuri; SAGE India Publication, New Delhi.
Sahney, Manju and Shukla, Vibhasa. On the stem anatomy of Antigonon leptopus H. and A. (Polygonceae):
Phyton Annales Rei Botanicae 53(1):163-168, 2013.
Sahney, Manju and Vibhasa.Stem anatomy of Persicaria Mill. (Polygonaceae):
Sciences. 2(4):.155-16, 2013.
Journal of Plant
Sahoo, Namita Technotronic competency matters in teacher preparation : E-Learning in Teacher Education
Edited Book. Department of Education (CIE) University of Delhi.
Sahoo, Namita, A study of exploring needs of Development of community : Competencies among teacher
trainees : Teacher Education Vol. 47 No. 2 Oct 2013 ISSN 0379-3400.
Sahoo, Namita, Teacher Educators Attitudes towards ICT based Teaching) Quality Education in India
Inputs and initiations, Edited Book : Vol 2 ISBN No. 978-93-5125079-1
Sahoo, P.K. (2013) A critique of NCTE draft regulations for B.El.Ed., D.El.Ed. and M.Ed. programmes,
Research and studies, Vol. 65, ISSN:0084-621.
Sahoo, P.K. (2014) Empowerment of Learner Support Personnel in Distance Mode Teacher Education,
Quality Education in India, vol. 1, ISBN 93-5125-077-6.
Sahoo, P.K. and Chandra, S., A Study of Learning Styles of B. Ed. Trainees of IGNOU, MIER Journal of
Educational Studies Trends and Practices, vol. 3, No. 1. May 2013. ISSN 0976-8203.
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Sahoo, P.K. and Das, B.C., Research in Tribal Education at Primary Stage - A Critique in Patel R.C. and
Mistry H.S. (Eds.) Educational research, New Delhi, 2013: APH Publication, ISBN 978-933-131-735-3.
Sahoo, P.K. and Gupta R. A study of Quality of Primary Schooling in terms of Learners Achievement,
Teacher education, vol. 47, No. 1, ISSN: 0379-3400. (2013)
Sahoo, P.K. and Gupta,R. Work Motivation of Teachers for Quality Primary Education, Quality Education in
India, vol. 1, ISBN 93-5125-077-6. (2014)
Sahoo, P.K. and Kumar, D. Institutional Collaboration in Student Support Services at NIOS, Quality
Education in India, vol. 1, ISBN 93-5125-077-6. (2014)
Sahoo, P.K. and Kumar, S. Development of Professional Competencies among Teacher Trainees through
ODL mode, Quality Education in India, vol. 1, ISBN 93-5125-077-6. (2014)
Sahoo, P.K. and Singh, R. Teaching Effectiveness in Higher Education, Quality Education in India, vol. 1,
ISBN 93-5125-077-6. (2014)
Sahoo, P.K. and Srivastava, M. Functioning of Internal Quality Assurance Cells in Indian Universities,
Quality Education in India, vol. 1, ISBN 93-5125-077-6. (2014)
Sahoo, P.K. et al (2014) Teacher Manegement Issues at Elementary Level, Quality Education in India, vol. 1,
ISBN 93-5125-077-6.
Sahoo, Subhasis,. (with M. Anand) Socio-ethical Concerns in Nanotechnology. In S. D. Sarma and M.
Anand (eds.), Capabilities and Governance of Nanotechnology in Developing Societies: Insights from
India, Ch. 6, pp. 141-160, New Delhi: TERI. 2013
Sahoo, Subhasis., Review of the book Betting on Biotech: Innovation and the Limits of Asias
Developmental State. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2011 in Asian Biotechnology and Development
Review, 15(1): 91-96. 2013
Sahu, Gopal, Is New Riddle of Induction a Form of Rule-Following Skepticism?, Philosophical Papers,
2012, Vol. IX, Pp. 55-68.
Sahu, Gopal, Managing Knowledge: Epistemology in the Information Age in Dimensions of Applied
Philosophy and Ethics, (eds.), Jatashankar et. al., New Bharatiya Book Corporation, New Delhi, 2013, pp.
Sahu, Gopal, Quines Three Indeterminacies, Samdarshan, No. 34, 2012-13, pp.
Sarkar, S., Saha, L., Nasipuri, P. and Pati, J.K. (2014) Late Archean potassic granites from the Bundelkhand
craton, central India. European Geological Union (EGU-2014), Vienna.
Sarkar, S., Sahu, S., Saha, L., Pati, J.K. and Nasipuri, P. (2013) Rheology of the Archean crust: a structural
deformation based study from the Bundelkhand craton, north central India. Earth Sciences in India:
Challenges and Emerging Trends, Department of Earth Sciences, IIT, Roorkee (November 7-9, 2013).
Satyanarayana and Sunil. 2013 Process of Intergenerational relation Ambivalence: A qualitative Inquiry,
Marriage and family Review,49:8, 737-75349:8, 737-753
Saxena, Ashish, Inclusive policies, State Politics and the Marginals: Concerns for Weaker Sections in
JandK State in S.N. Tripathy and O.P. Shukla (eds.), Socio-economic issues on vulnerable people in
India, Abhijeet Publications, New Delhi, 2012.
Saxena, Ashish, 2013. (Ed.). Marginality, Exclusion and Social Justice, Jaipur: Rawat Publications
Saxena, Ashish, 2013. Lucinda Platt: Understanding Inequalities: Stratification and Difference,
International Sociology, 28: 233-236.
Saxena, Ashish, 2013: (Ed.). Contemptuous Marginality A Case of Tribal Gujjar of J&K. In Marginality,
Exclusion and Social Justice, Jaipur: Rawat Publications.
Saxena, Ashish,. (co-authored). Religious Landscape, Low Caste Hindus and the Identity Politics:
Configuration of Socio-Religious Space for Weaker Sections in Jammu City, JandK (India). In Politics
and Religion, VII(1), Belgrade: Centre for Studies of Religion and Religious Tolerance, 2013
26 | P a g e
Saxena, Ashish,. Agrarian Society, Economic Reforms and the Concerns for Marginals: Opportunities and
Challenges from Rural India in K.N.Bhatt and Pradeep Bhargava (eds.), Agrarian change and small
farmers Super markets, Viability and Food policy, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2014
Saxena, Ashish., Globalization and the Transnationalism of Dalit identity: Probings from modern India in
Ajaya K. Sahoo and J.G. Kruijf (eds.), Indian Transnationalism Online, Ashgate Publishing Company,
England, 2014
Shadma, Anjum, Sundaram, Shanthy and Rai, G.K. Antibacterial activity of banana peel (Musa paradisica
variety Bhusaval keli) against pathogenic bacteria, 2014, International Journal of Pharmacy and
Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6.
Shadma, Anjum., Sundaram, Shanthy and Rai, G.K., Nutraceutical application and value addition of banana
(Musa paradisica L. variety Bhusaval Keli) pee: A review, International Journal of Pharmacy and
Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol 6, page no. 81-85, 2014
Shahi, A.K. Pandey B.K., Sinha R.K. and Gopal R. Optical Properties of Cd(OH)2 NPs by P L A in
Aqueous Environment, , Material Focus (2013) accepted
Shahid, Mohammad and Krishna Kumar , Dakshin Asia mein Bahirveshan Evam Dalit: Bhartiya Sandarbh
Dr. Ambedkar Samajik Vigyan Shodh Patrika, vol. 21 (2013), pp. 45-57.ISSN 0973-6654.
Shahid, Mohammad. Adhi Abadi ka Sach : Bhartiya Samaj mein Mahilaon ki Sthiti in Tripathi, Mamta
Mani (Ed.) Samkaleen Bhartiya Rajniti ke Mudde : Samasya Evam Samadhan (2013), Bharti Publishers
and Distributors, Faizabad (U.P.), ISBN 978-93-81797-12-9..
Shahid, Mohammad. Women Empowerment in An Era of Globalisation, in Women Empowerment in the
era of Globalisation (Editor: Sarika Dube), D Publishing House, New Delhi, 2013, pp. 12-21, ISBN 97893-83046-27-0
Shailendra, K. Singh, Dixit, Kritika. and Sundaram, Shanthy, 2014, Algal-based CO2 Sequestration
Technology and Global Scenario of Carbon Credit Market: A Review, American Journal of Engineering
Research, ISSN (e): 2320-0847, ISSN (p): 2320-0936.
Shankar, Jata Atma ka Svarup: Prof. A.C.Mukherjee ki Dristi-Vedant Darshan ke ayam, published by
Akhil Bhartiya Darshan Parishad, 2013.
Shankar, Jata., Edited One Volume of Samaj Dharm Evam Darshan, Quarterly Journal in 2013.
Shankar, S., Stevenson, C., Pandey, K., Tewari, S., Hopkins, N., and Reicher, S. (2013). A calming
cacophony: Two studies on social meaning, social identity and the experience of noise at the Magh Mela
in Allahabad. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 36, 87-95.
Sharma, Shruti, Yadav, Neelam, Singh Alka and Kumar Rajendra. Antioxidant activity, nutraceutical profile
and health relevant functionality of nine newly developed chickpea cultivars (Cicer arietinum L.).
International Journal of Natural Products Research, 2013; 3(2): 44-53.
Sharma, Susheel Kumar and Mouli, T S Chandra, T S Chandra Mouli in Conversation with Susheel Kumar
Sharma, Spectrum, I, ii(July August 2013), pp. 103-109. ISSN 2319-6076.
Sharma, Susheel Kumar and Abidi, Syed Ahmad Raza, An Interview with Susheel Kumar Sharma, The
Criterion: An International Journal in English, IV, 3(June 2013), pp. 1 - 7. http://www.thecriterion.com/V4/n3/Susheel.pdf .
Sharma, Susheel Kumar and Abidi, Syed Ahmad Raza, Susheel Kumar Sharma, Indian English Poet in
Conversation with Syed Ahmad Raza Abidi International Research Reviews, II, 1(Jan March 2013),
pp. 51 52, ISSN: 2319-3204.
Sharma, Susheel Kumar and Abidi, Syed Ahmad Raza, Tte--Tte with Prof S K Sharma: Poetry Appeals
to Sensitive Souls, The Expression: A Refereed Research Journal of English Literature, V, 1(20122013), pp. 46 52, ISSN: 0975-1394.
Sharma, Susheel Kumar and Abidi, Syed Ahmad Raza, To Serve the Cause of the Universe: An Interview
with Susheel Kumar Sharma (Conducted by Syed Ahmad Raza Abidi), Points of View, XX, 1(Summer
2013), pp. 150-165. http://pointsofview.in/current-issue.php, ISSN 0971 - 605X.
27 | P a g e
Sharma, Susheel Kumar and Verma, Rabindra Kumar, Antifeminism in Bernard Shaws Arms and the
Man, The Indian Journal of English Studies, L, (2013), pp. 190-205.
Sharma, Susheel Kumar, O, Beloved, Relationships on a Holiday, Vicious Circle, and Shattered
Dreams, Exiled Among Natives, Ed. Charu Sheel Singh and Binod Mishra, New Delhi: Adhyayan
Publishers and Distributors, 2013, pp. 256-262. ISBN: 978-81-8435-393-8.
Sharma, Susheel Kumar, Seven Poems on the Gulf war, We Want Peace! The Art of Being Human, Vol.
Sharma, Susheel Kumar, The End of the Road and Durga Puja in 2013, Illuminati, IV(2013), pp. 150152.
Sharma, Susheel Kumar, Culture and Literature in a Glo(b/c)al World, Points of View, XX, 2(Winter
2013), pp. 46-85, ISSN 0971 - 605X.
Sharma, Susheel Kumar, Culture and Literature in a Glo(b/c)al World, The Journal of Indian Thought and
Policy Research, IV, 1-2(September 2013- March 2014), pp. 41-73. ISSN 2230-7001.
Sharma, Susheel Kumar, A N Dwivedis Wayward Wanderings, The Journal of Contemporary Literature, V,
1 and 2 (January and July 2013), pp. 87-92.
Shukla ,R. P., Kakkar Vipul, Some characterizations of a normal subgroup of a group and isotopic classes of
Transversals, to appear in Algebra Colloquium.
Shukla R. P. Ordinary and Amplitude Squared Squeezing in Four Wave Mixing Process, Modern Physics
Letters B 27 (2013) Article 1350086 (8 pages)
Shukla R. P., Kakkar Vipul, On the number of isomorphism classes of Transversals, To appear in Proc.
Indian Acad, Sc.(Math Sc.), 2013 (Availabe Online).
Shukla S. S. and Yadav Akhilesh, Radical Transversal Lightlike Submanifolds of Indefinite Para-Sasakian
Manifolds, Demonstratio Mathematica, Vol. XLVII, No. 4(2014), 994-1011.
Shukla, D.N., Pandey,V., P.K.Singh, R.K.Mishra, Vandana Srivastava Studies on soil mycoflora of
sugarcane field in central Uttar Pradesh: Archives of Applied Sciences Research. vol. 6(4): 230-237 ISSN
0975-508X, 2014
Shukla, D.N., Raghuvansi Divya, Harendra Singh, Ruby Pandey, Beenu Tripathi Physic-chemical properties
and Corellation Co-efficeient of River Ganga at Allahabad: Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and
Life Sciences, Vol 3 (3):233-240, 2014.
Shukla, D.N., Sharma D. D. K., Y.P.Bharti, P.K.Singh, A. Kumar. Studies on prevalence and identification
of new races of Fusarium moniliforme Sheldon incident of Pokkah Boeng disease from Uttar Pradesh:
Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Health Sciences Vol. 3(2):53-61, 2014.
Shukla, D.N., Singh Bhupendra , S. Singh, Vandana Srivastava Diversity of Aquatic Fungi in Three bank of
Ganga River in Varanasi District of Uttar Pradesh: and D. N. Shukla. Plant pathology Journal, ISSN
1812-5387 (13) 200-202, 2014.
Shukla, D.N., Singh Harendra; Supriya Yadav; Bhupendra K Singh; Bhaskar Dubey; Kiran Tripathi;
Vandana Srivastava Assessment of Geochemical Environment from Study of River Sediments in the
Middle Stretch of River Ganga at Ghazipur, Buxar and Ballia area Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences, Biological Sciences Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci..83(3):371384, 2013.
Shukla, D.N., Srivastava, S., and Vandana Sriastava. Phytoaccumulation of Chromium from aqueous
solution by Eichhornia crassipes (C.Mart.) Solms: Journal of Lalash Science. Vol. 2(1):29-33, 2014.
Shukla, D.N., Y P Bharti, A K Tiwari; A Kumar; Subadas Singh Morphological, physiological and
pathological variation among isolates of Colletotrichum falcatum causing red rot of sugarcane: African
Journal of Microbiology Research Vol. 7, 2013.
Shukla, D.N., Y P Bharti, S K Vishwakarma; A Kumar; Atul Singh; M L Sharma; Physiological and
pathological aspects of some new isolates of Colletotrichum falcatum causing Red RotDisease in
28 | P a g e
Saccharum spp. Complex: Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica.Vol. 47 (1), pp. 3550,
Shukla, D.N., Yadav Arti, P.K. Yadav, S. Srivastava, P.K.Singh, Vandana Srivastava Profitability and
Health Risk Estimation of Rice Cultivation under Wastewater Irrigation from Natural Drainag:.
International Journal of Scientific and research Publication, Vol. 4(3) ISSN 2250-3153, 2014
Shukla, R. P. (With Vipul Kakkar), On the number of isomorphism classes of transversals: Proc. Indian
Acad. Sci(Math. Sci.)123 (3) (2014), 345-359.
Shukla, R. P. Some Characterizations of a Normal Subgroup of a Group and isotopic classes of transversals,
to appear in Algebra Colloquium.
Shukla, R. P., Shailendra Rai, A. C. Pandey Southern and Tropical Indian Ocean SST: A Possible Predictor
of Winter Monsoon Rainfall over South India, Atmos. and Climate Sciences, 3, 440-449. (2013)
Shukla, R.P. and Kakkar, Vipul, On the number of isomorphism classes of Transversals,
Acad. Sc. (Math.Sc.) 123 (3) (2014), 345-359
Proc. Indian
Shukla, S. S. and Verma Uma Shankar, Para- Complex Para- Contact Pseudo- Riemannian Submersions,
Geometry, Vol. 2014, Article ID 616487.
Shukla, S. S. and Yadav Akhilesh, Lightlike Submanifolds of Indefinite Para-Sasakian Manifolds,
Matematicki Vesnik, Vol. 66, 4(2014), 371-386.
Shukla, S. S. and Yadav Akhilesh, Radical Transversal Lightlike Submanifolds of Indefinite Para-Sasakian
Manifolds, Demonstratio Mathematica, Vol. XLVII, No. 4(2014), 994-1011.
Singh ,V. and Singh, D., Glucose oxidase immobilization on guar gum-gelatin dual templated silica hybrid
xerogel, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53, 3854-3860, 2014
Singh K.P., Manish Singh, Shubha Shukla and Madhu Dikshit, Assessment of in-utero Venlafaxine induced,
ROS-mediated, apoptotic neurodegeneration in fetal neocortex and its neurobehavioral sequelae in rat
offspring International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 40: 60-69 (Elsevier )
Singh, A.K., Kulkarni V, Rosati M, Bear J, Pilkington GR, Jalah R, Bergamaschi C, Alicea C, Chowdhury
B, Zhang GM, Kim EY, Wolinsky SM, Huang W, Guan Y, Labranche C, Montefiori DC, Broderick KE,
Sardesai NY, Valentin A, Felber BK, Pavlakis GN. Comparison of intradermal and intramuscular
delivery followed in vivo electroporation of SIV Env DNA in macaques. Hum. Vaccin. Immunother.
(2013) Jun 28;9 (10).
Singh, A.K., Kulkarni, V., Valentin, A., Rosati, M., Alicea, A., Jalah, R., Broderick, K.E., Saradesai, N.Y.,
Gall, S.L., Mothe, B., Brander, C., Rolland, M., Mullins, J.I., Pavlakis, G.N. and Felber, B.K. (2014).
Altered Response Hierarchy and Increased T-Cell Breadth upon HIV-1 Conserved Element DNA
Vaccination in Macaques. PloS one. Vol. 9, e86254. 13.
Singh, Abha. and Modi, Ritu., Positive-self, selfesteem and self-efficacy, Positive Psychology: In the Light
of Indian Tradition (pp.308-315), New Delhi,2013 IAHRW.
Singh, Ashish , Aneesh Mohammad, Kumari Kamakshi, Anurag Mishra and J. A. Ansari, Analysis of Fshape microstrip line fed Dualband antenna for WLAN applications, Wireless network, , Vol. 20, Issue
1, pp 133-140, January 2014.
Singh, Ashish, Ansari J. A., Kamakshi, A. Mishra and Mohd. Aneesh, Analysis of Proximity coupled
Microstrip Patch Antenna, Inter. On Recent advancement in Mechanical Engineering and
Interdisciplinary development Ponjesley College of Engiering Nagercoil, 7-8 March 2014,
Singh, Ashish, Ansari J.A., Kamakshi,Mohammad Aneesh and S.S Sayeed, L-strip proximity fed gap
coupled compact semi-circular disk patch antenna, Alexandria Eng. J. Volume 53, Issue 1, , Pages 61
67, March 2014.
Singh, Ashish, Ansari, J.A., Kumari Kamakshi, Anurag Mishra and Mohammad Aneesh, Compact notch
loaded half disk patch antenna for dualband operation, Annal Telecommunication, Vol.69, pp. 475-483,
29 | P a g e
Singh, Ashish, Ansari, J.A., Kumari Kamakshi, Anurag Mishra, Analysis of Dual Inverted C-Slot Patch
Antenna for Limited Space Applications, International Journal of Proceeding of National Academy of
Science, India Section: Physical Sciences, Vol. 83, pp.175180, 2013.
Singh, D. , S. Fatma, P. Ankit, P. Mishra, S. Singh, S. B. Singh, J. Singh, Microwave induced solvent free
synthesis and antifungal screening of novel spiroheterocyclic systems containing 3,5-diphenyl-7Hthiazolo[3,2-A]pyrimidine and indolin-2-one. 43, 111, 2013
Singh, D.R. A Study of Environmental Awareness among B.Ed. Teacher Trainees in National Referred
Journal Research and Studies (ISSN 0084-621), VOL-64, January, 2014.
Singh, D.R. A Study of Scientific Aptitude among Intermediate Students of Different Boards in MultiDisciplinary Referred Journal Entire Research (ISSN 0975-5020), VOL-6, Issue-1, January 2014, 1418pp.
Singh, D.R. Awareness about Peace Education among Teachers-to-be, Research Dimension (ISSN 09768564), Vol.3, Issue: IV May 2013, pp. 86-90.
Singh, G.G., Chief Justice Power to Appoint Arbitators: Judicial Approach, Amity Law Review Delhi Vol. 9
Singh, K.P and Manish Singh, In utero exposure of Venlafaxine: Impact on maternal, fetal, neonatal weight
and postnatal growth in rat offspring National Academy Science Letters 36 (1): 35-40 (Springer)
Singh, K.P. and Nidhi Tripathi, eratogenic potential of second and third generation antipsychotic drugs
Quetiapine and Aripiprazole. Central European Journal of Experimental Biology 3 (2): (Scholars
Research Library) (In Press)
Singh, K.P. and Nidhi Tripathi, Maternal exposure to Quetiapine: Effects on structural changes in developing
brain and its lasting impact on neurobehavioral impairments in rat offspring. Current
Psychopharmacology 3:1-9 (Bentham Science)
Singh, K.P., Nidhi Tripathi and Manoj Kumar Singh, Effect of gestational exposure to novel antipsychotics
on body weight gain in rats. National Academy Science Letters 37(3): 227-232 (Springer)
Singh, K.P.and Kiran Gupta, Effect of In Utero Exposure of Gabapentin and Valproic Acid on Skeletal
Anomalies in Rat Fetuses National Academy Science Letters 37(2): 117-121 (Springer)
Singh, K.P.and Kiran Gupta, Teratogenic potential, developmental neurotoxicity and neurobehavioural
impairment in rats prenatally exposed to anticonvulsant Gabapentin.
Central European Journal
of Experimental Biology 3(1): 13-24. (Scholars Research Library)
Singh, K.P.and Nidhi Tripathi, Prenatal exposure of a novel antipsychotic aripiprazole: Impact on maternal,
fetal and postnatal body weight modulation in rats. Current Drug Safety 9: 43-48 (Bentham Science)
Singh, M.P., Vishwakarma, S.K. and Srivastava, A.K. 2013. Bioremediation of direct blue 14 and
extracellular ligninolytic enzyme production by white rot fungi- Pleurotus spp. BioMed Research
International. Volume 2013,Article ID 180156, 4 pages (http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/180156)
Singh, N., and Mishra, R. K. Second language proficiency modulates conflict-monitoring in an oculomotor
Stroop task: Evidence from Hindi-English Bilinguals. Frontiers in Psychology, 4:322. (2013).
Singh, N.B, Sunaina, Kavita yadav and Nimisha Amist. Phytotoxic effect of cinnamic acid on cabbage
(Brassica oleraceae var. capitata). Journal of Stress Physiology and Biochemistry. 9 (2) 307-317, 2013.
Singh, N.B. Allelopathic effects of different phonological stages of Cassia occidentalis L. on Parthenium
hysterophorus L: Sanjay Kumar, Deepti Singh and Kavita Yadav . Iranian journal of plant physiology.
3:817-828, 2013.
Singh, N.B. Allelopathic stress produced by bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) Sunaina Journal of Stress
physiology and Biochemistry. 10(2): 5-14. ISSN :1997-0838, 2014.
Singh, N.B. Effects of benzoic acid and cadmium toxicity on wheat seedlings. Kavita yadav. Chilian J.
Agricultural Research. 73 (2), 2013.
30 | P a g e
Singh, N.B. Interactive effects of rice residue and water stress on growth and metabolism of wheat seedlings.
Nimisha Amist, Kavita Yadav. Journal of Stress Physiology and Biochemistry. 10 (3) 232-245. ISSN
:1997-0838, 2014.
Singh, N.B. Kavita yadav Effects of benzoic acid and cadimium toxicity on wheat seedlings. Chilian J.
Agricultural Research. 73 (2). (Impact factor 0.450), 2013.
Singh, N.B. Mitigating effect of activated charcoal against allelopathic stress. Biolife journal.Sunaina 2(1):
407-414. ISSN :2320-4257, 2014.
Singh, N.B., Sunaina Allelopathic potential of ferulic acid on tomato. Tunisian journal of plant production. 9
(1):1-10, 2014.
Singh, N.B.Allelopathic effect of Solanum melongena L. on Vigna radiata L. Deepti, Singh, Kavita Yadav,
Sanjay Kumar and Bihari Lal Journal of Stress Physiology and Biochemistry. 10 (3) 287-296. ISSN
:1997-0838, 2014.
Singh, P. and Rizvi S I, Curcumin activates erythrocyte membrane acetylcholinesterase. Letters in Drug
Design and Discovery 10 (6), 550-556, 2013
Singh, P., Yadav, N., Mishra, P. K. and Sheikh, S. Utilization of rice bran for the development of value
added Indian Sweet. International Journal of Agricultural and Food Science 2013, 3(2): 76-79. (2013).
Singh, P., Yadav, N., Mishra, P. K. and Sheikh, S. Utilization of Rice Bran for Development of Chapatti and
its Glycemic Response in NIDDM Patients. International Research Journal of Pharmaceutical and
Applied Sciences. 3(5):244-248. (2013).
Singh, Pallavi, Devendra kr. . Tripathi, N.K. Shukla, H.K.Dixit Investigation of all optical inverter system
with NRZ and RZ , modulation fomats at 100 Gbit/s, Techinical Gazzete,vol.21(4),pp.757-761,2014.
Singh, Prashant K., Sharma, Prashant K., Kumar, Manvendra, Dutta, Ranu, Sundaram, Shanthy and Pandey,
Avinash C. 2013.Red Luminescent Manganese-Doped Zinc Sulphide Nanocrystals and its antibacterial
study" in Journal of Materials Chemistry B.
Singh, R.P, Choi JW, Tiwari A, Pandey A.C. Functional Nanomaterials for Multifarious Nanomedicine,
Pages 141-198, Advanced Materials Series - Biosensors Nanotechnology, 2014 by Scrivener Publishinh
LLC, Massachustts / John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey, ISBN: 978-1-118-77351-2.
Singh, R.S Prakash, H Degree of polarization in quantum optics through the second generalization of
intensity, Physical Review A 87 (2013) Article 025802.
Singh, S Tiwari, S Pandey, Preeti and R Sanghi, Cassia grandis seed gum-graft-poly(acrylamide)-Silica
hybrid: An excellent cadmium(II) adsorbent, V Advanced Material Letters, 2014, Accepted, published
online on Oct 2014, DOI: 10.5185/amlett.2014.5603
Singh, S. 2014. Green house effect and plant growth Bioherald an International journal of biodiversity
Singh, Shailendra Kumar, Dixit, Kritika, Sundaram, Shanthy., Bioengineering of biochemical pathways for
enhanced photobiological hydrogen production in algae and cyanobacteria International Journal of
Biotechnology and Bioengineering Research, 4, (5) (2013), 511-518.
Singh, Sudhir Kumar, Prashant K. Srivastava, Pandey A.C. Fluoride contamination mapping of groundwater
in Northern India integrated with geochemical indicators and GIS. Water Science and Technology: Water
Supply. DOI:10.2166/ws.2013.160.(2013)
Singh, Sudhir Kumar, Prashant K. Srivastava, Pandey A.C., Integrated assessment of groundwater influenced
by a confluence river system: Concurrence with remote sensing and geochemical modeling. Water
Resource Management, 27:42914313. DOI 10.1007/s11269-013-0408-y.(2013)
Singh, Sudhir Kumar, PrashantSrivastava (2013) Appraisal of land use/land cover of mangrove forest
ecosystem using Support Vector Machine. Environmental Earth Sciences. DOI:10.1007/s12665-0132628-0.
Singh, V and Singh, D., Diatase -Amylase immobilization on sol-gel derived Guar gum-gelatin-silica
nanohybrid, Advanced Material Letters, 5, 17-23, 2014.
31 | P a g e
Singh, V Preeti, A Singh, D Singh, J Singh, and A K Pandey, Synthesis and characterization of guar-alginate
hybrid bead templated mercury sorbing titania spheres, International Journal of Biological
Macromolecules, 72, 261-268, 2015. DOI:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2014.08.016
Singh, V. and Malviya, T., Indigeneous medicinal plants of genus Bryonia, In Antibacterial activity in
natural and synthetic compounds, Chapter-20, 2013, Pp-154-159, Editors A. Pandey and R.K. Gupta,
Arvind Prakashan, Agra, ISBN 978-81-88492-57-2.
Singh, V., Ahmed, S., Carboxymethyl cellulose-gelatin- silica nanohybrid: An efficient carrier matrix for
alpha amylase, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 7, 439-44, 2014 (published in April
Singh, V.K., Srivastava, M., Dasgupta, A., Singh, M.P., Srivastava, R. and Srivastava, S. Increased virulence
of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv overexpressing LipY in a murine model. Tuberculosis. 01/2014;
Sinha, Jyoti, Ena Gupta and Ramesh Chandra. Impact of Hurdle Technology on Preservation of Carrot,
International Journal of Biodiversity and Environment. 3(2):119-124. (Dec., 2013)
Sinha, Jyoti, Ena Gupta and Ramesh Chandra. Impact of Hurdle Technology on preservation of carrot,
International Journal of Research and Reviews in Pharmacy and Applied science. 3(4) 476-487. (Aug.,
Sinha, Jyoti, Ena Gupta, Prashasti Tripathi and Ramesh Chandra. Microbial and Sensory Stability of
Cauliflower for 180 days Preserved through Hurdle Technology, Journal of Food Processing and
Technology. 4(9):1 - 4. (Impact factor- 2.61) (Sep. 2013)
Sinha, Jyoti, Ramesh Chandra and Ena Gupta. Microbial, Sensory and Nutritional Stability of Cauliflower
for 180 days through Hurdle Technology, The Allahabad Farmer Journal. 19(2): 15-29. (NASS Rated3.12) (Jan., 2014)
Sinha, R., Mohanta, H., Basu, L., Jain, V., Chakraborty, T., Ghosh, P., Pandey, A. Pati, J.K. and Mukherjee,
S., Geomorphology of the Ganga River. In: Mathur, R.P. and Tare, V. (Eds.) Biodiversity of Ganga,
Springer. (In Press).
Sinha, Sukrat, Bimal ,Sanjiv, Sundaram, Shanthy and Das, Pradeep P, 2013, CD2 biased immune response
skews the SAG mediated therapy for the predominant Th1 leading to a possible cure of experimental
visceral leishmaniasis in BALB/c mice, Frontiers in Immunology.
Sinha, Sukrat, Kumar, Abhay, Sundaram, Shanthy, A comprehensive analysis of LACK (Leishmania
homologue of receptors for activated C kinase) in the context of Visceral Leishmaniasis Bioinformation.
2013, 9(16): 832- 837.
Som, Anup. Causes, consequences and solutions of phylogenetic incongruence. Briefings in Bioinformatics,
May 27(2014).
Som, Anup. Genome-scale approach and the accuracy of phylogenetic methods.Journal of Phylogenetics and
Evolutionary Biology 1 (3), 1000116., 2013
Srinivasan, N. (2013). A Computational Perspective on Visual Attention by John Tsotsos. Current Science,
104(11), 1560-1561.
Srinivasan, N., and Mukherjee, S. Even unconscious thought is influenced by attentional mechanisms.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 37, 40-41. (2014).
Srinivasan, N., Hopkins, N.P., Reicher, S.D., Khan, S.S., Singh, T., and Levine, M. Social meaning of
ambiguous sounds influences retrospective duration judgments. Psychological Science, 24, 1060-1062.
Srinivasan, N., Mukherjee, S., Mishra, M. V., and Kesarwani, S. Evaluating the role of attention in the
context of unconscious thought theory: Differential impact of attentional scope and load on preference
and memory. Frontiers in Psychology, 4:37. (2013).
32 | P a g e
Srivastava Shuchi, Prakash, Satya Gopal R. and Uttam, K. N. Spectroscopic Investigation of Human Finger
Nail by LIBS Technique, Proceedings of National Laser Symposium (NLS-21), BARC, Mumbai, India,
6-9 February, 2013) Page CP-11-16.
Srivastava, Anjana Rural Development in India : ISBN No. 978-93-83842-21-6 in April 2014
Srivastava, Bal Govind and Deo Satya .Effect of the magnetic field on the viscous fluid flow in a channel
filled with porous medium of variable permeability, Appl. Math. Comput., 219, 8959-8964,2013
Srivastava, Deepika., Introduced B.A. - II English Literature Poetry Text (2013-14)An Anthology of English
Verse:Orient Black Swan. Publication, 2013.
Srivastava, Deepika., Introduced B.A. III English Literature Poetry test (2014-2015) Titled perspectives on
Poems from New Literature. Narayan Publishing House, Allahabad
Srivastava, Deepika., Introduced B.A.-II English Literature Prose Text (2013-14)- Anthology of English
Prose.Orient Black Swan. Publication, 2013.
Srivastava, Deepika., Introduced B.A.-II English Literature Prose Text (2013-14), Anthology of English
Prose. Orient Black Swan. Publication, 2013.
Srivastava, Julee, Singh Neeta, On iterative fixed point convergence in uniformaly convex Banach spaces
and Hilbert spaces, Anal. St. Univ. Ovidius Cons. 21(2013), No.1, 167-182.
Srivastava, M., Rai, P. , Singh, J., Bmim(OH)/chitosan/C2H5OH synergy: grinding induced, a new route
for the synthesis of spiro-oxindole and its derivatives RSC Adv., 30592-30597. 2014
Srivastava, Madhulika, Pratibha Rai, Jaya Singh and Jagdamba Singh,Efficient iodine-catalyzed one pot
synthesis of highly functionalised pyrazoles in water, New J. Chem., 302-307. 2014.
Srivastava, Ritesh Kumar, Singh Brijesh K. and Mani Dinesh .Adsorption and Persistence of Ziram
Fungicide in Allahabad Region Soils influenced. Asian Journal of Chemistry 25, 7, 3947-3951.
Srivastava, Ritesh Kumar, Singh, Brijesh K. and Mani, Dinesh. Effect of Organic Matter on Adsorption and
Persistence of Thiram Fungicide in Different Soils. Asian Journal of Chemistry 25, 1, 292-296.,2013
Srivastava, Roli. Synergistic study of antioxidant potential of different spices and their bioactive constituent,
Archana Pandey, Ravindra Kumar Gupta, Reena Lawrence, Kapil Lawrence and Roli Srivastava,
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Research, (IJPSR/RA-3728/02-14)
Srivastava, S and Fatima, A. Spirulina and its huge health BenefitsShodh Sanchar, An International
refereed journal ISSN-2229-3620; Vol 3; issue 9-10; Jan- June 2013.
Srivastava, S and Fatima, A. A study on age of menarche an overview of eating patterns of young girls its
impact on reproductive health of girlsShodh Sanchar. An International refereed journal ISSN-22293620; Vol 3; issue 9-10; Jan- June 2013.
Srivastava, S and Fatima, A. A study on school bags of childrenAsian Journal of Home Science. An
International refereed journal accredited by NAAS. Jrn ID: A198, NAAS Rating 3.1; ISSN-0973-4732;
Vol 8; issue 2; Dec 2013.
Srivastava, S and Fatima, A., prevalence of Anemia in College Going girls of Allahabad presented at MIT
Pune sponsored by IDA on 12-14 Dec 2013.
Srivastava, S. and Fatima, A., A study on age of menarche an overview of eating patterns of young girls its
impact on reproductive health of girlsShodh Sanchar. An International refereed journal ISSN-22293620; Vol 3; issue 9-10; Jan- June 2013.
Srivastava, S. and Fatima, A.,A study on school bags of childrenAsian Journal of Home Science. An
International refereed journal accredited by NAAS. Jrn ID: A198, NAAS Rating 3.1; ISSN-0973-4732;
Vol 8; issue 2; Dec 2013.
Srivastava, S. and Kalsy Manpreet, Asian Journal of Home Sciences, Impact of design enrichment for figure
problems of women Vol 8 ; issue 2, December 2013; Pg 763- 767, an international refereed journal
accredited by NAAS Jrn ID: A198, Rating 3.1 ISSN -0973- 4732
33 | P a g e
Srivastava, Shuchi, Gupta H.C. and Uttam, K. N. Elemental Investigation of Gallstone by LIBS and DC Arc
Optical Emission Spectroscopy, Proceedings of National Laser Symposium (NLS-21), BARC, Mumbai,
India, 6-9 February, 2013) Page CP-11-19.
Srivastava, Shuchi, Tandon P., Singh, Renu H.C. and Uttam K. N., Elemental Composition of Gallstone by
D C Arc Optical Gupta Emission spectroscopy, National Academy Science Letter (accepted, 2013).
Srivastava, Shuchi, Tandon Pavitra, Singh Kumar Renu, S. and Uttam K. N., Investigation of Medical Grade
Water by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Proceedings of National Laser Symposium (NLS-21),
BARC, Mumbai, India, 6-9 February, 2013) Page CP-10-28.
Srivastava, Shuchi, Tandon Pavitra, Singh Renu and K.N.Uttam,Elemental Investigation of River Ganga
Water by LIBS, National Academy Science Letter, 36, 57-60 (2013)
Srivastava, Shuchi, Tandon Pavitra, Singh Renu, S. Kumar and K. N. Uttam, Elemental Composition of
Radish by DC-Arc Optical Emission Spectroscopy, Science and Technology Journal, 1, 41-44 (2013).
Suman, S. Development of a Scale to Assess Adequacy of Organizational Structure. International Journal of
Social Science Studies, 2(1), 121-125. (2014).
Thapa, K., Social Policy and Mental Health: The case of India. In R. C. Tripathi and Sinha, Y. (Eds.),
Psychology, Development and Social Policy in India: Springer,2013
Tiwari, Ashish and Deo Satya ; Pulsatile flow in a cylindrical tube with porous walls: Applications to blood
flow, J. Porous Media, 16 (4), 335-340, 2013
Tiwari, B.K., Kumar, D., Abidi, A.B. and Rizvi, S.I. Efficacy of Composite Extract from Leaves and Fruits
of Medicinal Plants Used in Traditional Diabetic Therapy against Oxidative Stress in AlloxanInducedDiabeticRats ISRN Pharmacology http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/608590,2014.
Tiwari, B.K., Pandey, K.B., Jaiswal, N., Abidi, A.B. and Rizvi, S.I. Anti-diabetic and anti-oxidative effect of
composite extract of leaves of some Indian plants on alloxan induced diabetic wistar rats. Journal of
Pharmaceutical Investigation 44 (3), 205-211, 2014.
Tiwari, H.N., Environmental Law , new edition 2013
Tiwari, K., S. B. Singh, M. Srivastava, P. K. Verma, K. P. Tiwari, J. Singh catalysis A green approach for
Novel one pot synthesis of New Oxindole Derivatives via supramolecular, Supramolecular Chemistry
255262, 2013.
Tiwari, Pushpa. Editor of Journal of History and Social Sciences (jhss.org) Vol IV, Issue I (January June
Tiwari, Pushpa. Editor of Journal of History and Social Sciences (jhss.org) Vol IV, Issue II (July
December 2013)
Tiwari, Pushpa. presented a paper, Historical Archaeology of the Yamuna par region in Allahabad District
in an International Conference on Asian Art, Culture and Heritage on August 21-23, 2013 (Sri Lanka
foundation Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka).
Tiwari, Shipra, Tandon, Pavitra and Uttam K N, Thermodynamical quantities of chalcogenide dimmers (O2,
S2, Se2 and Te2) from spectroscopic data, Journal of Spectroscopy 2013, 1-6 (2013)
Tiwari, Vivek Kumar . Comparing symmetry restoration in the QCD-like three quark flavor models Jan
2013. Under Review Process e-Print: arXiv:1301.3717 [hep-ph]
Tripathi Mridula and Priyanka Chawla, CeO2-TiO2 photoanode for solid state natural dye-sensitized solar
cell, Ionics, ISSN No. 1862-0760, (Springer) (2014).
Tripathi, Bhupesh K., Solution of a class of singular two point boundary value problems by vaiational
method : African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research, Vol. 6, No 3 (2013) 35-39
Tripathi, Devendra kr., Pallavi Singh, H.K.Dixit N.K. Shukla, Design and Performance Study in Mode
Division Multiplexing, ELELIJ,vol.3(3),pp.44-51,Aug,2014.
Tripathi, Devendra kr., Pallavi Singh, H.K.Dixit N.K. Shukla,Design and transmission Performance Study
of Optical TDM up to 3TB/S,IJAECS-Dec,2013-14.
34 | P a g e
Tripathi, Devendra kr., Pallavi Singh, H.K.Dixit N.K. Shukla, Performance Investigation in Optical
OFDM, Carib.J.SciTech,vol,pp116-122,2013.
Tripathi, Devendra kr., Pallavi Singh, H.K.Dixit N.K. Shukla,Design and Performance Study of Next
Generation OOFDM, IJACEE,VOL.1(2) ,Nov,2013.
Tripathi, Devendra kr., Pallavi Singh, H.K.Dixit N.K. Shukla, Study in 1.92,1.28 Tbps,640Gbps DWDM
with SMFs and performance improvement, Communicated,2014.
Tripathi, Devendra kr., Pallavi Singh, N.K. Shukla, H.K.Dixit, Design and performance analysis in
multiuser optical CDMA systemOPTIK (Elsevier),vol.125(17),pp.4998-5001,Sept,2014.
Tripathi, Devendra kr., Pallavi Singh, N.K. Shukla, H.K.Dixit, Study in F.O.C. Multiplexing-TechnologyA-Review, JEET,vol.3(1),pp.1-23,2014.
Tripathi, Devendra kr., Pallavi Singh, N.K. Shukla, H.K.Dixit, Reconfigurable optical add and drop
multiplexers A Review, ECIJ,vol.3(1),pp.1-13,Mar,2014
Tripathi, Devendra kr., Pallavi Singh, N.K. Shukla, H.K.Dixit, Design and Performance Study of Next
Generation OOFDM, IJACEEE,VOL.1(2) Nov,2013.
Tripathi, Devendra kr., Pallavi Singh, N.K. Shukla, H.K.Dixit, Design and performance Study of TripleBand DWDM(160 channels), IJACEEE,vol.2 (1),Feb., 2014.
Tripathi, Devendra kr., Pallavi Singh, N.K. Shukla, H.K.Dixit, Design and Performance Improvement in
32-User Asynchronous OCDMA with SMF, communicated SPRINGER, 2014.
Tripathi, Devendra kr., Pallavi Singh, N.K. Shukla, H.K.Dixit, Optimization and performance study in
DWDM for PONs with Optical ADM, IJARECE, vol.2(6),pp.607-610, June 2013.
Tripathi, Devendra kr., Pallavi Singh, N.K. Shukla, H.K.Dixit, Performance Investigation of the OPFDM
Link over Fiber, Optical and Quantum Electronics (SPRINGER), Published-9may 2014.
Tripathi, Devendra kr., Pallavi Singh, N.K. Shukla, H.K.Dixit, Performance Study of Novel Designed
Hybrid WDM System, vol.2(2),pp-6,JEET,2013.
Tripathi, Devendra kr., Pallavi Singh, N.K. Shukla, H.K.Dixit, Performance Study of Study of MMDWDM
Systems, EEEIJJ, vol.3 (1), pp.11-24, 2014.
Tripathi, Devendra kr., Pallavi Singh, N.K. Shukla, H.K.Dixit, Performance Study of dwdpm Transmission,
International journal of Advance in Engineering Sciences,vol.4(1),2014.
Tripathi, J., Agrawal, U.R. and Tewari, R.R. (2013): Chromosomal response to cold shock in flesh fly
Sarcophaga ruficornis Fab. (Sarcophagidae: Diptera). International Journal of Pharma and Bioscience
4(1): B, 1057-1061.Impact Factor - 3
Tripathi, J., Agrawal, U.R., Tripathi, M. and Tewari, R.R. 2013. Tissue tolerance to heat and cold shock in
larvae of Sarcophaga ruficornis (Sarcophagidae:Diptera). J. Entomology & Zoology StudiesVol.1(6):710. Impact Factor 0.398, Citation Index 1.
Tripathi, J.,Agrawal,U.R.,Tewari,R.R. and Tripathi,M. (2014): Effect of sodium azide on larval tissues of a
dipteran fly, Sarcophaga ruficornis (Sarcophagidae). J. Entomology and Zoology Studies. 2(2): 87-90.
Tripathi, Mridula and Priyanka Chawla Natural Solid Dye Sensitized Solar Cell- Approach to Green Energy
Proceedings of Intertnational Conference on Health, Environment and Industrial Biotechnology , ISBN
No. 978-9-33-290137-7, 2013.
Tripathi, Mridula and Priyanka Chawla, Biosynthesized Silver Nanoparticles as Antimicrobial Agents,
Innovative and Modern technologies for sustainable agriculture and rural development, ISBN No. 97881-923494-3-5, 2014.
Tripathi, Mridula and Priyanka Chawla, Natural sensitizers for polymer gel electrolytes based dye sensitized
solar cells, Innovative and Modern technologies for sustainable agriculture and rural development, ISBN
No. 978-81-923494-3-5, 2014
Tripathi, Mridula and Ruby Upadhyay, Rang sugrahikrit solar cell., Article
ISSN No. 373-1200, (2013).
35 | P a g e
Tripathi, Mridula, Ruby Upadhyay, Shivangi Trivedi and A.K. Shukla, Use of nanomaterials as
antimicrobial agents in water and waste treatment. Antibacterial activity in natural and synthetic
compounds. ISBN No. 978-81-88492-57-2, (2013).
Tripathi, Mridula, A.K. Shukla, Priyanka Chawla, Ruby Upadhyay and Shivangi Trivedi, Natural PolymerAdvanced Materials for Pharmaceutical Industry, Chem World,Department of Chemistry, C.M.P. Degree
College, (2013).
Tripathi, Mridula, Priyanka Chawla and Kamlesh pandey, Natural Photosensitizers for Solid State Dye
Sensitized Solar Cell, Proceedings of International Conference on Renewable energy, held on 16-17
Jnauary, 2014.
Tripathi, Mridula, Priyanka Chawla and Ruby Upadhyay, Phytochemicals- Future
published in Cure environment Bulletin, ISSN No. 2319-1333, (2013).
Nutrients., Article
Tripathi, Mridula, Priyanka Chawla, Ruby Upadhayay and Shivangi Trivedi Essential Oils from Family
Zingiberaceae for Antimicrobial Activity- A Review Int., J. Pharma, Bio Sci., vol. 4(4); pp. 149-162.
Tripathi, Mridula, Ruby Upadhyay and Priyanka Chawla,, Antimicrobial activity of asparagus racemosus.
Antibacterial activity in natural and synthetic compounds. ISBN No. 978-81-88492-57-2, (2013).
Tripathi, Mridula, Ruby Upadhyay, Ashutosh Pandey, Novel dye based photoelectrode for improvement of
solar cell conversion efficiency, published in Applied solar energy
Journal,( Springer)Volume 49,
Issue 1, pp 54-57 (2013).
Tripathi, R. C., Ghosh, E. S. K. and Kumar, R., The Hindu- Muslim divide: Building sustainable bridges. In
R. C. Tripathi and Sinha, Y. (Eds.), Psychology, Development and Social Policy in India. New Delhi,
2013: Springer.
Tripathi, S., A, Gopesh.. , Joshi, K. D. and A.C. Dwivedi., Food and Feeding attributes of Labeo bata from
lower stretch, India. Proc. 84th Annual Session and a Symposium on Desert Challenges and
Opportunities, held at Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur from Dec. 4-6, 2014 pp 29.
Tripthi, M., Agrawal, U.R. and Tripathi, J. (2013). Allozyme Variation in housefly
populations,Muscadomestica from Allahabad, India. Int.Res.J.BiologicalSci.2(11):37-40. Impact Factor0.3725, Citation index 1
Upadhyay, D. K. and Dalal, A.K. (2013). Growing Up as a Creative Musician: The Role of Psychosocial
Dispositions and Environment. Psychological Studies, 58 (4), 427-436.
Upadhyay, H. S. Philosophy as a way of Life, Sandarshan Vol. 33, 2012-13
Upadhyay, H.S., fof/k vkSj uSfrdrk] Dimensions of Applied Philosophy and Ethics, Edited by Prof. Jata
Shankar and A. D. Sharma, published by Akhil Bhartiya Darshan Parishad, 2013.
Upadhyay, H.S., osnkUr nkZu ds vk;ke] vkRe Kku vkS eks{k] Edited by, A. D. Sharma and Sri Prakash
Pandey, Published by Akhil Bhartiya Darshan Parishad, 2013.
Upadhyay, Pratibha. A Paper. "PEACE A Conceptual Analysis" Published in 'Trends and Thoughts In
Education" Vol. XXV, PEACE, ISSN NO. 973-9920 Published. by Innovative Research Association,
Upadhyay, Pratibha. Paper Responses of undergraduate students on different aspects of University
Campus:A Study Published in Research And StudiesVol.64 ISSN: 0084-621.
Upadhyay, Pratibha., Hkkjrh; f'k{kk esa mnh;eku izo`fk;ka (Emerging Trends in Indian Education) ( Sixth
Edition 2013) Published by Sharda Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad.A new Chapter, ^ekuokf/kdkj f'k{kk* (
Human Rights Education)
Upadhyay, Ruby, Tripathi, Mridula and Ashutosh pandey, Surface modification of Semiconductor
photoelectrode for better photoelectrochemical performance, High Energy Chemistry ,Springer 47,6
(2013) 308-314.
36 | P a g e
Upadhyay, Ruby., Tripathi, Mridula, Ashutosh Pandey and Priyanka Chawla, Performance of CeO2-TiO2
Admixed Photoelectrode for Natural Dye Sensitized Solar Cell, Published in Journal of Solid State
Electrochemistry, (Springer) (2014).DOI 10.1007/s10008-014-2426-y,
Upadhyaya, R.K., Cyber Warfare pp. 1-8, The Cyber Security Threat to India, Dr (Major) S K S
SengarandDr Ashok Kumar Tiwari(Eds.), Chandrakanti Publications, Kanpur, 2013, ISSN/ISBN No.
Usmani, M. and Pati, J.K. (2014) Earth to Mars through Lonar impactites. National Seminar on Recent
Advances in Earth Sciences, (February 22-23, 2014), Sambalpur University, Odisha, Abstract Volume,
Verma Sapna, Ansari J.A. and M.K. Verma, A novel compact multi-band microstrip antenna with multiple
narrow slits, Microwave and optical technology letters, Vol. 55, pp. 1196-1198, 2013.
Verma V, Mehta A, Nandihalli M, Ramachandra CJA, Sequiera GL, et al. (2014) A Systemic Evaluation of
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. PLoS ONE 9(7):e103485.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103485. These
authors contributed equally.
Verma, J., Gopesh, A., and Nautiyal, P., Floristic composition of the epilithic diatoms of the central highland
region of Indian subcontinent. Proceeding "National Seminar on Taxonomy and Ecology of Freshwater
algae", 2014, pp. 47-77.
Verma, J., Nautiyal, P., and Gopesh, A., (2014) : A checklist of diatoms from central highland rivers of
India. Jour. of Threatened Taxa.
Verma, Mudita, Jyotsana Singh, Devinder Kaur, Vandana Mishra and G. K. Rai. (2013). Effect of various
dehydration methods and storage on physicochemical properties of guava powder. Journal of Food
Science and Technology. DOI 10.1007/s13197-013-1020-0. Impact Factor 2.02
Verma, N.P., Sustainable Development In India some reflections PP-17 to 28, Dehardun Law Review Vol 5
Issue one November 2013 ISSN 2231-1157
Verma, Ruchika. Absence of womens needs in the National Mental Health Programme of India published
in International Journal for Health Sciences, Vol. 2 (1), March, 2014.
Verma, Ruchika. Independent versus Relational Selves of women and its impact on reproductive health is
published in International Journal of Research in Sociology and Social Research Vol.1(3), 2013
Verma, Ruchika. Mental Health Needs of Indian Women: A Challenge of the 21st Century published in
International Journal of Psychosocial Research, Vol. 2 (1), July, 2014
Verma, S.K. Singh D.K., Pandey, D.K. .Yadav R.R, Study of Nanostructured Silver Sulphide and its
nanofluid, National Academy Science Letters (Springer) (In press). 2013
Verma, Vinod, Manoj Kumar , R. Hemalatha , Rajesh Kumar, Ravinder Nagpal, J.P. Devraj, Pradip Behare,
G. Mal,B. Singh. Epigenetics, Probiotic Metabolites and Colon Cancer Prevention: An overview of
progress, opportunities and challenges. Med Epigenet 2013; 1: 6069.
Verna, Ruchika, Absence of womens needs in the National Mental Health Programme of India published
in International Journal for Health Sciences, Vol. 2 (1), March, 2014.
Verna, Ruchika, Independent versus Relational Selves of women and its impact on reproductive health is
published in International Journal of Research in Sociology and Social Research Vol.1(3), 2013
Verna, Ruchika, Mental Health Needs of Indian Women: A Challenge of the 21st Century published in
International Journal of Psychosocial Research, Vol. 2 (1), July, 2014
Vishal Srivastava, Pravin K. Singh and Praveen P. Singh, Microwave-mediated incl3-catalyzed threecomponent annelation of thiadiazin ring onto 4-amino-4H-[1,2,4]triazole-3-thiol, Chemistry of
Heterocyclic Compounds, 2014, 50(4), 573,578. (Russian Original Vol. 50, No. 4, April, 2014).
Vivek, B., J. Masih, LCT Eusebius, Pravin K. Singh, J. Singh, A new phytochemical constituent from the
Cassia tora, International Journal of Research in Phytochemistry and Pharmacology, 2013, 3(1), 31-34.
Pravin K. Singh, Deepa Chauhan, Ibadur R Siddiqui and J Singh, A novel versatile strategy for
37 | P a g e
environmentally benign clay-catalysed facile synthesis of N-nucleoside, Indian J Heterocyclic Chemistry.,
April-June 2013.
Yadav, A.B., J M Ramsey, C Kelly, NG McElvaney, D Small, C Taggart, SA Cryan, Bioengineering of
siRNA for treatment of inflammatory lung disease: journal of aerosol medicine and pulmonary drug
delivery 26 (2), a14-a15.
Yadav, A.B., Singh A K, Abhimanyu, Sharma S, Garg R, Bose M, Misra A.,HLA-DRB11501 and VDR
polymorphisms and survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in human macrophages exposed to inhalable
microparticles. Pharmacogenomics. 2013 Apr;14 (5):531-40. doi: 10.2217/pgs.13.12.
Yadav, Awadh Bihari, Amit K Singh, Rajiv Garg and Amit Misra, Single nucleotide polymorphic
macrophage cytokine regulation by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and drug treatment: Pharmacogenomics
2014 Feb;15(4).
Yadav, D. Kripal, R. P. Gnutek, C. Rudowicz, J Systematization of crystal field parameters for trivalent
rare-earth (RE3+) ions at orthorhombic sites in selected laser materials - standardization approach,. Phys.
Chem. Solids 74 (2013)751-758.
Yadav, Dhananjai. E- learning package for Project method of teaching A Comparative Study of two
sample cases, DEI FOERA - A Research Journal in Education ISSN 0974-7966, 2014, pp. 26 -31.
Yadav, Dhananjai. Effectiveness of Teaching in Science at School Level, Journal of Peace Security and
Development, ISSN 2229-6069, Vol. XIX, 2013, pp 53 62.
Yadav, Dhananjai. E-Learning package for Social Studies Teaching Method, 27th AAOU International
Conference, Islamabad, Pakistan, Seminar Proceeding Paper code: 62, Aug, 2013.
Yadav, Dhananjai. Exploring Teachers Competencies to Ensure Education for Sustainable Development,
TEACHER EDUCATION, (a journal of Indian Association of Teacher Educators ISSN 0379-3400),
47(1), 2013, pp. 34 - 41.
Yadav, Dhananjai. Mobile: A Tool of Evolution, Revolution and Innovations in Indian Education, Bi
annual International Research Journal SHODH NAVNEET, ISSN: 2321-6581, Vol. II, 2014, pp. 115120.
Yadav, Dhananjai. Use of Social Media in Professional Development of Teachers, Journal of Media
Studies, ISSN: 0976-1322, 3(1), 2014, pp. 55-62.
Yadav, Dhananjai., Quality Education in India Inputs and Initiatives Vol. II, published by Uppal
Publishing House, New Delhi, 2014.
Yadav, G. C. S. and Shukla, N.K. Contractibility of Simple Scaling Sets, Commun. Math. Anal. 16(1)(2014),
Yadav, Gyan Chandra Singh and Shukla, N.K., Contractibility of Simple Scaling Sets, Commun. Math.
Anal. 16(1) (2014), 31-46.
Yadav, P.S. and Pandey D. K., 2013, Ab-initio study for the optical properties of the most stable Zn m Se n
(m+n=2 to5) nanoclusters, Adv. Sci. Eng. Med., 5, In press.
Yadav, Pramod Kumar, Deo Satya, Yadav Manoj Kumar and Anatoly Filippov; On hydrodynamic
permeability of a membrane built up by porous deformed spheroidal particles, Colloid Journal 75 (5),
611-622. Impact facor-0.735.2013
Yadav, Pramod Kumar, Deo Satya, Yadav, Manoj Kumar and Anatoly Filippov (2013); On hydrodynamic
permeability of a membrane built up by porous deformed spheroidal particles, Colloid Journal 75 (5),
Yadav, R. P., Dwivedi S., Mittal, A. K., Kumar M. and Pandey A. C. Analyzing the LiF Thin Films
Deposited at Different Substrate Temperatures using Multifractal Technique, Thin Solid Films, 562, 126131.
Yadav, R. P., Kumar M., Mittal A. K., Dwivedi S. and Pandey A. C. On the Scaling Law Analysis of Nano
Dimensional LiF Thin Film Surfaces, Materials Letters, 126, 123-125.
38 | P a g e
Yadav, R. P., M. Kumar, A. K. Mittal, S. Dwivedi and A. C. Pandey(2014) On the Scaling Law Analysis of
Nano Dimensional LiF Thin Film Surfaces, Materials Letters, 126, 123-125.
Yadav, R. P., Pandey R. K., Mittal A. K., Dwivedi S., and Pandey A. C., Multifractal Analysis of Sputtered
CaF2 Thin Films, Surface and Interface Analysis, 45, 1775-1780, doi: 10.1002/sia.5321.
Yadav, R. P., R. K. Pandey, A. K. Mittal, S. Dwivedi, and A. C. Pandey., Multifractal Analysis of Sputtered
CaF2 Thin Films, Surface and Interface Analysis, 45, 1775-1780, doi: 10.1002/sia.5321. (2013)
Yadav, R.P., S. Dwivedi, A. K. Mittal, M. Kumar and A. C. Pandey., Analyzing the LiF Thin Films
Deposited at Different Substrate Temperatures using Multifractal Technique, Thin Solid Films, 562, 126131. (2014)
Yadav, Saroj. DET FOERA A research journal in Education. Dayalbagh, Agra. fonskh fk{k.k laLFkkuksa ds
Hkkjr esa izosk ds izfr Lukrd Lrj ds fk{kdksa ,oa fkf{kdkvksa dh vfHko`fRr dk rqyukRed v//k;u p. 138.
Yadav, Saroj., Methodology of Educational Research (joint). Shri Vnod Pustak Mandir, Agra. ISBN- 97893-81602-93-5. 2014.
Yadav, Saroj.Barriers to Inclusive Education in Inclusive Education-Issues and Challenges. By Madhu
Gupta (Editor). Mastermind Publications. Pvt, Ltd, 2014. ISBN -978-93-82782-14-8.