All Abstract
All Abstract
All Abstract
A Human Resources Management System (HRMS) is a web based
application that maintains the information such as employee details,
department details, department allocation for employee, attendance
maintenance for employee.
Here Admin is the HR who can add new employee details and he is
responsible for maintaining department details. It has attendance module
through which employee can request for leave and they can take upto 12
days as a casual leave (CL) per year (or) upto 30 days as a privileged leave
(PL) per year. But the conditions are employee can apply for a casual leave
which is not more than 3 days per month or for a privileged leave which
must be more than 3 days.
Users of this Application are
> Employee
Roles of HR are
* Add new employee details and give them a user name, password
* Add/edit/view the department details
* Assign/transfer employee to a particular departments
corresponding employees desk and fixes the problem and updates the
complain register .
Employee can raise problems related to hardware and software.
The manual process has several disadvantages . Some of them are like :
* Sometimes complain is not recorded in complain register . This may
happen if HOD is not available or busy in other job. There is confusion that
who will record the complain if HID is not available . This creates delay in
fixing the problem , which is harmful for the organization.
* Problem is assigned to any engineer who is free as per HOD . There is no
specific way to find workload of engineers .
* It is difficult to find how many problems are assigned to a engineers , what
is his success rate . These information are required at time of yearly
To overcome the problems of manual system, a computerized system is
proposed . Proposed system is web based .Users of the proposed system are
employee , engineers , HOD . Functionality of the new system with respect to
their users are given bellow :
* Each employee has their account in the system with which they can login
* Employee can register any complain (hardware / software ) through the
system. After registering the complain a complain id is generated by the
* Employee can see the status of their problem by using complain id . Status
means they can check who (engineer) is assigned to his problem .
* They can see all complain history raised by him/her.
* Each engineer has their own account by which they can login.
* Engineer can view the problem assigned to him by HOD .
* Engineer can update the status of the problem addressed by him . i. e.
whether it solved or any thing .
Call center
This web-based application is applicable for Call center for Customer Care
Purposes. We are taking Customer care for Hardware problems in a
Computer System.
This project gives online updating for Computer Hardware Problems. The
listed users can use this project as Customer Care Executive and the details
regarding enquires, keyword search, suggestion which are given to caller will
be stored in our project. New keywords are generating for new quires.
Key word Search:
According to the customer enquiry, employee must use the proper keyword
for searching the information from the predefined database. Admin must
decide the keywords with description and stored under DB. If any quires
made by the customer will not match the existing keyword means it will be
consider as pending query.
The new customers can registered their names through their first call
itself and the details regarding them are stored in our DB.
Tender management
This is a portal by through which a organization manages entire tendering
process . Tendering process is a process by which a company/organization
invites contractors / suppliers to supply product or services. A tender is
description of product/service which are required ..Portal has the facility to
register new tender . Contractors/suppliers can show interest to supply by
bidding (qpplying) for the tender. But before applying they must get
registered with the organization . Portal must have the facity to register new
contractors/suppliers. Evry contractor/supplier has their userid and
password(given by the company/organization) for login into the portal.
Users :
Admin Manager(evry admin manager has their own userid/password)
o Can create a new tender
o Can register a new contarctors/supplier . Userid and password for
contractors are given through this step
o Can see list of all bids for a given tender
o Can select o one contractor/supplier for the tender
o Can login to portal to see profile (profile information are entered by admin
manager while creating contractor/supplier)
o Can see the list of all tender
o Can bid (apply for a portal) .While applying they must mention bidding
MNREGA(The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act ) is
a scheme by which unskilled people of rural India are guaranteed to have
100 days of paid work.
Main objective of this project is to manage employments offered through this
scheme .
There are two users of this system : a) BDO (Block Development Officer) b)
Gram Panchayet member
Resume Managemet
Lead Management
This system is used in Educational Institute. Lots of people enquire about
the courses offered by institute . All of them are known as enquiries .System
must have the facility to record all enquiries. Cousellors (employee of the
institute ) follows them up regularly .Every follow up must be entered into
the system,
Center Manager(has own userid/password)
* Can create new course.
* Can see list of all enquiries
* Can see follow up of a particular enquiry
Councilors(There are many coucellors. All of them has there ownuserid
* Can create r a new enquiry.
* Can store follow up details(date of follow up,statusetc) of a particular
* Can create bill .Bill must be created against an enquiry only
Student Registration
An educational institute wants to automate its students registration system .
Institute offers courses on IT subjects. Example of some course are C, C++,
Java, JEE etc. Each course has certain duration, start date, end date, total
number of students for admission.
Develop software which must have following facilities :-
* A data entry screen through which councilor enters data of students who is
taking admission. Screen has fields to accept students name, email id ,
phone no .Choices of courses is available through dropdown list. For every
student who has taken admission , a unique number will be generated by the
system and that will bbe displayed on screen.
* A screen where all course names are given. When councilor selects one of
the course and in another screen total capacity and enrolled student no will
be displayed.
* Registrar can create a new course . For that purpose a screen needs to be
developed which will accept all necessary details for a creating a course and
save them in disk. For every course system must generate a unique course
* Registrar can increase capacity of students . A screen to be developed for
that purpose
Franchise Management
This system will be used to manage organisations franchise and their
customers. In this system, master franchise has some sub-franchises and
then those franchises serve services to their customers (students).