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Chapter 1: Introduction

1. Introduction to the Topic

2. Rationale of the Study
3. Objectives of the study
4. Scope of the Study
5. Expected Contribution from the Study

Chapter 1: Introduction

Introduction to the Topic

Every business organization reaches to the customers through their goods or services. To
sell the products to the customers a number of activities are being performed. This is called
marketing and it is an important function. Marketing is the performance of business
activities that directs the flow of goods and services from producer to the customer. It is the
activity that directs to satisfy the human needs through exchange process. Marketing starts
with the identification of a specific need of customers and ends with satisfaction of that
need. For easy understanding these activities are divided in 4 groups for products and 7
groups for services. These elements are product, price promotion, placement for products
and three additional elements for services are process, people and physical evidence. These
are called elements of marketing mix.
Promotion is one of the elements of marketing mix. Promotion decisions are taken
simultaneously with other decisions like finding target group, determining objectives,
budgeting for promotion, launching of new products, distribution etc.. Marketers are
concerned with effective utilization of promotion-mix to increase sales and market share.
Methods of promotion include advertising personal selling, publicity, sales promotion and
packaging. Sales Promotion is the activity that aims directly to influence buyers to buy
products and increase sales. In sales promotion mainly three parties are involved i.e.
consumers, traders and sales force. Sales promotions include incentive offering and interest
creating activities which are generally short term marketing events other than advertising,
personal selling, publicity and direct marketing. The purpose of sales promotion is to
stimulate, motivate and influence the purchase and other desired behavioural responses of
the firms customers.

Kazmi and Batra

The main objective of sales promotion is to increase the sales of products in short term by
influencing behaviour of buyers. Sales promotion methods are many and these are selected
as per the target groups. For this purpose, a sales promotion strategy is to be prepared to
achieve the objectives effectively. The strategy is a game plan that is needed to perform the
tasks effectively and get competitive advantages over others in market. Sales promotion

strategy directs the manager in selection of parties, methods of sales promotion,

implementation of methods and measuring effectiveness of whole efforts regarding sales
promotion. In competitive situation, it is very difficult to increase sales or profit. But with
sales promotion strategy sales can be increased in short term. It explains what, when,
where, who and how to do so that objectives of the planning are achieved. Without the
strategy the task may not be completed effectively. Sales promotion strategy would help to
neutralize the effective of competition and defend the company in the market in performing
the sales related tasks. The importance of sales promotion strategy is increasing day by day
and in future higher level of competition it would increase further.
Indian industry is a fast developing industry. Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) are
more in demand and frequently purchased by customers. These goods include all
consumable goods (other than pulses and grains) and consumers buy at regular intervals in
small quantities. Main items in this category are detergents, soaps, shaving products,
shampoos, toothpastes and brushes, packed food stuffs, household accessories, creams, oils,
tea, coffee etc. The major players in the markets are HUL .Nestle, P & G, Colgate, ITC,
Nirma, Britania, Amul, Emami, Marico and Dabur. Every family spends a large portion of
monthly budget on FMCG products. Contribution of FMCG sector in every economy is
significant. Now, due to globalization, every economy is facing tough competition. Entries
of MNCs and cheaper import have made the situation more difficult. To carry out the
business in this sector, it has become very difficult. Every company has to spend a large
portion of their budget on promotional efforts.
Most of the companies have applied various elements of promotion mix. Promotion mix
elements include advertising, publicity, sales promotion, personal selling and packaging.
Sales promotion is one of them and it is our concerned topic. In present competitive
situation most of MNCs had developed sales promotion strategy in selection of parties,
techniques and managing sales promotion techniques effectively and efficiently. This
strategy provides competitive advantage to the companies in the market to grow, stabilize
and excel in business performance. Therefore, sales promotion strategy is very significant
for companies to earn bread and butter. This attracted me to select and study this topic.

2. Rationale of the Study

In present situation not only in one industry but also all sectors are facing tough
competition. It has become very difficult to grow, stabilize and excel in business
performance. Over and above, business environment is changing drastically. It is very
difficult to predict about future. High degree of risk is involved in it. Sincere and dedicated
efforts are needed in marketing to retain the existing customers and attract the new
customers. It is required to influence the attitude and behaviour of buyers. A lot of
promotional activities are needed. The leading companies are using difference techniques
for promotion. These are advertising, publicity, sales promotion, personal selling and
packaging. These are serving the difference objectives. Sales promotion is one of them and
gives a great impact on customer buying behaviour to increase sales in short term. It
contributes to neutralize the competition effect. To achieve the objective a strategy is needed
for effective application of sales promotion. The contribution of sales promotion strategy is
significant in present time to stay in business in competitive market. The importance of it
attracted my attention to select this topic for research study.

3. Objectives of the study

The study of this topic has been undertaken with a number of objectives. Following are the
objectives of this study:
(a) To understand the concept of promotion, methods of promotion in markets, sales
promotion, need, objectives, importance in competitive situation, and relation with various
promotional methods,
(b) To study the tools or techniques of sales promotion, impact on sales, parties involved in
sales promotion, management of sales promotion measures, need for sales


strategy and its importance, and role of sales promotion strategy in progress of number of
customers, sales volume, profits and progress of the business as a whole.
(c) To understand Indian FMCG sector and find out the practices adopted by the leading
companies regarding sales promotion strategy, their effects and difficulties faced in it by the
selected companies.

(d) On the basis of study, to summarise the findings and give suggestions for further
improvement in sales promotion strategy practices and its contribution in achieving
objectives of sales promotion.
(e) To meet the requirement of Ph. D research study.

4. Scope of the Study

This study is relating to promotion-mix elements out of total marketing efforts. It will cover
mainly sales promotion, methods for sales promotion, parties involved for sales promotion,
combination of promotion methods with sales promotion, sales promotion strategy and its
related concepts. This topic has studied in FMCG sector in world and Indian industry.
Leading companies have been selected on the basis of their market share for the research
study and their comparative study has been carried out. Further, focus is there on future of
sale promotion strategy also. The scope of the study as per the topic is sufficient enough to
meet the requirement of research study.

5. Expected Contribution from the Study

It is expected the study of this topic would contribute in clarifying the all concepts relating
to marketing communication, promotion mix, sales promotion, strategy relating to sales
promotion, impact of sales promotion strategy on sales, profit and profitability of
companies, market share and goodwill of the companies. After study of the topic in depth
the fundamental concepts have been made very clear. The beneficiary from the study of this
topic would be first of all self-researcher, academicians, practicing managers, prospects
researchers and the banks. If these parties refer this research study in future may take
advantage of the finding and suggestions. Academician, practicing managers and research
students may take benefits for academic purpose and on the jobs. The FMCG companies
may implement the suggestions for improvement of sales for achieving sales targets. It can
be said the benefits would be multidimensional for above mentioned parties.

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