FI-MM Integration Configuration
FI-MM Integration Configuration
FI-MM Integration Configuration
Materials management module is tightly integrated with FI. The integration bridge for Fi
& MM is Goods Receipt. This document explains the configurations involved in FI-MM
Integration and significance of the key fields related to FI-MM Integration
Valuation Classes
In this step, you define which valuation classes are allowed for a material type.
If a user creates a material, he must enter the material's valuation class in the accounting data. The R/3
System uses your default settings to check whether the valuation class is allowed for the material type.
The valuation class is a group of materials with the same account determination. If a transaction is to be
posted to different accounts depending on the valuation class, create an account determination for each
valuation class in the step Create automatic postings.
The valuation classes allowed depend on the material type. Several valuation classes are generally
allowed for one material type. A valuation class can also be allowed for several material types.
The link between the valuation classes and the material types is set up via the account category
The account category reference is a combination of valuation classes. Precisely one account category
reference is assigned to a material type.
Stock account
Consumption account
If the user enters a company code or a plant when entering a transaction, the R/3 System determines the
chart of accounts which is valid for the company code.
You must define the automatic account determination individually for each chart of accounts.
If the automatic account determination within a chart of accounts is to run differently for certain company
codes or plants (valuation areas), assign different valuation grouping codes to these valuation areas.
You must define the automatic account determination individually for every valuation grouping code within
a chart of accounts. It applies to all valuation areas which are assigned to this valuation grouping code.
If the user enters a company code or a plant when entering a transaction, the system determines the
valuation area and the valuation grouping code.
Posting transactions are predefined for those inventory management and invoice verification transactions
relevant to accounting. Posting records, which are generalized in the value string, are assigned to each
relevant movement type in inventory management and each transaction in invoice verification. These
contain keys for the relevant posting transaction (for example, inventory posting and consumption
posting) instead of actual G/L account numbers.
You do not have to define these transaction keys, they are determined automatically from the transaction
(invoice verification) or the movement type (inventory management). All you have to do is assign the
relevant G/L account to each posting transaction.
Account grouping (only for offsetting entries, consignment liabilities, and price differences)
Since the posting transaction "Offsetting entry for inventory posting" is used for different transactions (for
example, goods issue, scrapping, physical inventory), which are assigned to different accounts (for
example, consumption account, scrapping, expense/income from inventory differences), it is necessary to
divide the posting transaction according to a further key: account grouping code.
An account grouping is assigned to each movement type in inventory management which uses the
posting transaction "Offsetting entry for inventory posting".
Under the posting transaction "Offsetting entry for inventory posting", you must assign G/L accounts for
every account grouping, that is, assign G/L accounts.
If you wish to post price differences to different price difference accounts in the case of goods receipts for
purchase orders, goods receipts for orders, or other movements, you can define different account
grouping codes for the transaction key.
Using the account grouping, you can also have different accounts for consignment liabilities and pipeline
Valuation class of material or (in case of split valuation) the valuation type
The valuation class allows you to define automatic account determination that is dependent on the
material. for example: you post a goods receipt of a raw material to a different stock account than if the
goods receipt were for trading goods, even though the user enters the same transaction for both
You can achieve this by assigning different valuation classes to the materials and by assigning different
G/L accounts to the posting transaction for every valuation class.
If you do not want to differentiate according to valuation classes you do not have to maintain a valuation
class for a transaction.
Valuation area:
Stock of a material owned by a company is an asset to the company. Valuation area defines the
organization level at which materials are valuated.
SAP has provided two options for valuation.
1. Valuation at plant level: All materials are valuated at plant level.
2. Valuation at company code level: All materials in all plants of a company are valuated at company code
This setting is defined in t-code OX14.
Valuated stock:
Total valuated stock = Stock in unrestricted use + Stock in transit between storage locations/warehouses
of a plant + Stock in quality inspection.
Material type:
This defines the type of material.
EG: Raw material, Finished goods etc.
Material type is defined during material master data creation.
Movement type:
This defines the type of material movement from one place to other. Movement type enables the system
to find predefined posting rules determining how the stock and consumption accounts are to be posted.
All possible goods movements are already defined by standard SAP
EG: Movement type 101 refers goods receipt
Movement type is entered while posting stock movement related transactions. Most of the time, standard
SAP automatically derives the movement type based on transaction code.
EG: If we go to MIGO, default movement type 101 is displayed by system.
Valuation class:
Valuation class is defined for the combination of plant and material (In Accounting 1 view of material
By Default, Standard SAP defines account modification keys for below transaction keys. User defined
keys can also be defined and respective account determination settings can be maintained.
GBB (offsetting entry for inventory posting)
PRD (price differences)
AUF: for goods receipts for production orders with account assignment
VAX: for goods issues for sales orders without account assignment object
VAY: for goods issues for sales orders with account assignment object
none for goods receipts and invoice receipts for purchase orders
How are the account determination attributes determined for each transaction
Did you observe different set of fields appears for different transaction keys in OBYC while maintaining
G/L account? Yes. This is defined in Rules for the transaction key.
EG: Select transaction key AUM in OBYC and click on "Rules" in toolbar.
You can see that general modification and valuation modifier is active.
If you go to G/L account maintenance for this key, you would see the same fields.
Purchase Order
Goods Receipt
Invoice Verification
AP Invoice
Outgoing Payment
Purchase Order
A PO is the process by which you purchase goods from a supplier (vendor). It forms
a legal contract between the buyer (your Organization) and the vendor. It contains
the list of materials you are buying, quantities, prices and delivery information.
Click on the GR document, and select the FI document icon, as highlighted below
The valuation class can be obtained from the material master, as shown below
The valuation class determines the GL accounts to hit, when a specific transaction
happens. Usually, for a group of materials, a valuation class will be assigned from
MM side in material master data (MM01). In OBYC, as shown above different
transaction keys eg: BSX, WRX..etc) would be defined. These transaction types
determines the type of transaction ( accounting entries).The transaction keys are
assigned to the respective movement types in MM side. In OBYC, for respective
transaction keys the required GL accounts to hit are configured.
Valuation modifier should be enabled to maintain GL accounts plantwise.
Invoice Verification
Here the vendor invoices are validated before any payments are made to them. The
invoice verification is done based on goods receipt and follow a three-way matching
policy (among the invoice, the goods receipt and the PO).
The system not only validates the quantity, but also the value in goods receipt while
doing invoice verification. If there are variances, system creates variance postings.
Variance postings are posted to general ledger which are customized in MM
automatic account determination tables.
Invoice Verification can be posted in T.code: MIRO for the PO created.
As shown below, Invoice has been created for the above PO, as highlighted.
The accounting document for the invoice posted in MIRO is shown above.
For all inventory-related purchases invoice is created based on PO in MIRO
transaction code. For non-inventory related purchases, there wont be any PO or
goods receipt process. Invoice is posted directly in FB60.
Outgoing Payments
Outgoing payments will make the payment to the open vendor invoices. Either it
can be made manually or by using automatic payment program.
Enter the details such as bank account no. from which payment has to be made, as
shown above and click on Process open items icon highlighted above.
Select the appropriate line item (invoice to br paid), activate the item and make
sure that the not assigned amount is zero before posting the payment document.
The accounting entries while payment for the discussed case is shown below. It will
be obtained during simulation.
Automatic Payment can be made in T.code: F110 and the configuration for APP
should be done in T.code: FBZP in prior
Once the invoices (open items) are paid, those open items will be updated as cleared in
T.code: FBL1N (Line item Display)