Lecture 35 PDF
Lecture 35 PDF
Lecture 35 PDF
Lecture: 35 Superphosphate
Dr. N. K. Patel
Module: 8
Lecture: 35
Superphosphate, Ca(H2PO4)2, also refereed as single superphosphate (SSP), is
the first chemically manufactured commercial fertilizer. John B Lawes named as
superphosphate. Single superphosphate is produced as a combination of rock
phosphate and concentrated sulfuric acid. Approximately equal amounts of the
two ingredients are thoroughly mixed, dried and cured. Chemically, SSP contains
monocalcium phosphate and calcium sulfate. The hardened mass is either ground
or granulated.
The monocalcium phosphate of single superphosphate dissolves in the soil
moisture and the roots absorb phosphoric acid in that form. The rest of the solution of
monocalciumphosphate precipitates in the soil pores and forms different phosphate
compounds which are water-insoluble and do not leach out. A compound like
dicalcium phosphate dissolves in carbonic acid in water and becomes available to
plants, but the insoluble tri-calcium phosphate remains fixed in the soil. Where soil is
markedly acidic i.e., rich in active iron and aluminum monocalcium phosphate gets
converted into insoluble phosphate compounds
2Ca(H2PO4)2 + Fe2O3
Because iron and aluminum phosphates are insoluble, phosphorus does not
available to the plant. That why SSP does not use in acidic soils unless it is limed.
If single superphosphate is applied just before sowing, plants get enough
supply of phosphorus at their critical growing stages. Single superphosphate is not
suitable for top dressing because of its slow movement.
Sometimes, single superphosphate is mixed with lime or dolomite in order to
increase its effectiveness. The production of single superphosphate is on the rise in
tropical countries, like India.
SSP compared to various sulfur-containing fertilizers like DAP and TSP,
significantly increases the grain yield of many agronomical important crops like
wheat, chickpea and groundnut. SSP is compatible to mix with (NH4)3PO4, (NH4)2SO4,
NH4Cl, KCl and K2SO4. Mixtures of SSP with materials containing free lime or CAN or
Module: 8
Lecture: 35 Superphosphate
Dr. N. K. Patel
urea should not be stored for long as they cause reversion of water-soluble
In order to get the maximum benefits, single superphosphate should be
applied to soils deficient in phosphorus as well as sulfur. The time, place and the
quantity of application are critical.
SSP is the principal phosphate fertilizer due to
The production process is simple, requires little skill and small investment
It sets a standard of comparison for other phosphate fertilizers
It supplies two secondary nutrient elements, namely, sulfur and calcium
Despite these advantages, single superphosphate has a low phosphorus
content (16 to 22 % P2O5), and 6 to 10% moisture content which sometimes make SSP
production uneconomical.
Raw Materials
Basis: 1000kg Superphosphate (den process)
Calcium phosphate
= 625kg
Sulfuric acid
= 320kg
= 90kg
= 0.2kWH
= 0.1man-hr
Sources of raw material
Phosphate rock can be obtained and purified as described in Module: 4,
Lecture: 20.
Sulfuric acid can be obtained by contact process as described in Module: 4,
Lecture: 18.
Ca3(PO4)2 + 2H2SO4 + 4H2O
CaH4(PO4)2 + 2(CaSO4.2H2O)
CaF2 + H2SO4 + 2H2O
CaSO4.2H2O + 2HF
4HF + SiO2
SiF4 + 2H2O
3SiF4 + 2H2O
SiO2 + 2H2SiF6
Overall reaction
CaF2.3Ca3(PO4)2 + 7H2SO4 + 3H2O
Module: 8
Lecture: 35 Superphosphate
Dr. N. K. Patel
Block diagram of manufacturing process
Diagram with process equipment
phosphate rock
Sulphuric acid
Pug mill
continuous den
Bagging and
Super phosphate
Module: 8
Lecture: 35 Superphosphate
Dr. N. K. Patel
of phosphorus in water. The increase in the ratio of CaO:P2O5 raises the consumption
of sulfuric acid per unit of P2O5 and decreases the grade. Silica has no adverse
effect and higher chloride content in the phosphate rock is acceptable.
b) Mixing with acid
A finely ground (less than 100 meshes) phosphate rock is mixed with sulfuric
acid in a cone mixer. The commercial concentrated sulfuric acid (77 to 98 %) is
diluted to around 68 to 75% before reacting with the rock.
c) Curing and drying of the original slurry by completion of the reactions
The fluid material from the cone mixer goes to a den where it solidifies owing
to a continued reaction and crystallization of monocalcium phosphate. The
superphosphate is removed from the den after 0.5 to 4 hours. It is still at temperature
of about 100C and plastic in nature.
d) Excavation, milling, and bagging of the finished product
The product from the den is sent to storage piles for final curing of 2 to 6
weeks. During curing, the free acid, moisture and the unreacted rock content
decreases, whereas the available water-soluble phosphorus content increases. As
the reaction approaches completion during curing, the material hardens and cools.
The cured product is crushed in a hammer mill or cage mill to a size of about 6 mesh.
e) Granulation
When granular superphosphate is required, the product is granulated before
or after curing. Granulation before curing is advantageous as it requires less steam or
water. After granulation, the product is dried in a direct contact drier and screened.
Super phosphate is manufactured by
1. Batch process
2. Continuous process
1. Batch - den process
Rock phosphate and sulfuric acid in correct quantities are added to a pan
mixer of 1 to 2 tons capacity. After mixing for 2 minutes, the fluid slurry is discharged
into a box den which has 10 to 40 ton capacity. When the den is filled completely
after 1 hour, it is moved slowly to a mechanical cutter which removes thin slices of
product to the conveyor. Some plants have two dens, which are used alternatively.
This set up gives a production rate of 40 tons per hour.
If only igneous rock is available, batch mixing are preferred due to precise
control of mixing conditions available and den can be made tight enough to
Module: 8
Lecture: 35 Superphosphate
Dr. N. K. Patel
Module: 8
Lecture: 35 Superphosphate
Dr. N. K. Patel
Sulphuric acid
phosphate rock
Pug mill
continuous den
Bagging and
Super phosphate
Module: 8
Lecture: 35 Superphosphate
Dr. N. K. Patel
phosphoric acid. The resulting slurry is ammoniated and carbonated and, if desired,
combined with potassium salts and spray-dried to yield a uniform palletized product.
Special grades
A technical variation among superphosphates is the Kotka superphosphate,
a mixture of superphosphate and phosphate rock. It is so named because it was
originally made in Kotka, Finland. It needs little curing and the free acid content is
low. Its effectiveness is equal to fully acidulated superphosphate and raw phosphate
rock applied separately.
Another special grade superphosphate is serpentine superphosphate, a
product obtained by mixing 20% serpentine (a mineral consisting of magnesium
silicate) with 80% single superphosphate. Serpentine supplies magnesium to crops
and improves the physical properties of superphosphate by reaction with free acid.
For serpentine superphosphate to be effective, SSP must contain at least 16%
phosphorus (as P2O5,) soluble in neutral ammonium citrate, of which at least 93 % is
Enriched superphosphate is essentially a mixture of single superphosphate
and triple superphosphate made by acidulation of phosphate rock with a mixture of
sulfuric and phosphoric acids. The grade contains 25 to 35 % phosphorus (as P2O5)
and is useful for application in sulfur deficient areas.
Handling and storage
Powder SSP is not free flowing and has the tendency to cake. Granulated SSP
can be easily handled and uniformly distributed in the field without any problem.
Due to the presence of free acid, single superphosphate is normally bagged
in polyethylene lined HDPE woven bags. Polypropylene woven bags can also be
Ca3(PO4)2 + 2H2SO4 + H2O
The above reaction takes place in two stages. In the first stage, sulfuric acid
reacts with the phosphate rock, forming phosphoric acid and calcium sulfate. In the
second step, phosphoric acid reacts with more phosphate rock, forming
monocalcium phosphate. The first step occurs readily, while the second stage takes
several days.
Since most phosphate rock is fluorapatite, fluorides react with sulfuric acid to
give hydrogen fluoride, which reacts with silica to form silicon tetra fluoride as well as
Module: 8
Lecture: 35 Superphosphate
4HF + SiO2
3SiF4 + 2H2O
Dr. N. K. Patel
SiF4 + 2H2O
SiO2 + 2H2SiF6
Molecular formula
Molecular weight
Elemental analysis
Boiling point
Melting point
Angle of repose
Critical humidity
: CaH4(PO4)2
: 234.05gm/mole
: 16% P2O5 (7%P), 12% S, 21% Ca, 4% phosphoric acid
: White, Gray or brown granular
: Odourless
: 2030C
: 2.22gm/ml
: Solubility in water, HNO3 and HCl
: 260
: 93.7% at 300C
It is the principal carrier of phosphate, the form of phosphorus usable by
plants, and is one of the world's most important fertilizers.
it is low cost source of phosphorous in a wide range of pasture and cropping
Generally mixed with sulfate of ammonia and muriate of potash, but can be
blended with other fertilizers