GI Disorders and Cures
GI Disorders and Cures
GI Disorders and Cures
February 2000
Phytotherapeutic Approaches to
Lower Bowel Disease
by Paul Bergner
This is a condition in which bowel movements occur
infrequently, or in which the feces are hard and small,
or where the passage of feces causes difficulty or pain.
Constipation is a symptom, not a disease, and should be
treated as such. Attempts must be made to find out the
underlying cause, otherwise treatment will not be effective in the long term, or may cause injury. Ideally the
number of bowel movements in a day should be equal
to the number of meals eaten the previous day. This is
often not the case, but there should be at least one good
elimination each day. The stool should be soft but not
loose or runny and should break apart a little in the toilet pan. The color will vary somewhat according to the
diet but generally should be a uniform light brown.
Historical context
Publication Schedule
We regret to remain stuck in the last
millenium when the rest of the world slipped so
gracefully into the current one. We plan to publish our upcoming issues in the following
April 2000
Vol. 11 No. 3
June 2000
Vol. 11 No. 4
August 2000
Vol. 12 No. 1
October 2000
Vol. 12. No 2
Adequate exercise is very important to ensure good
circulation and muscle tone in the pelvic cavity. Any
exercise that gets the legs and pelvis moving will be
good: yoga, walking, running, dancing. The exercise
should be reasonably vigorous and should last at least
20 minutes 3 or 4 times per week.
The urge to defecate should never be suppressed. To
train the bowel to function optimally, it is recommended to develop the habit of going to the bathroom
every morning at a regular time regardless of whether
the defecation urge occurs. Over time the body will
Medical Herbalism
Sometimes dietary and lifestyle changes are insufficient to reverse old patterns of constipation and then a
laxative may be useful. Care should be taken that the
person doesnt become dependent on the laxative.
Laxatives derive their effects in several ways.
Hydrophillic and osmotic laxatives draw water to
themselves and hold it in the colon. This serves to
soften the stool and give it bulk. Osmotic laxatives may
also be called bulking agents or stool softeners. Examples: Plantago ovata (Psyllium), Linum usitasissimum
Contact stimulants irritate the colon wall and cause
it to attempt to evacuate the offending substance. Mineral oil and castor oil are the most common of this type
of laxative.
Bowel wall tonics and stimulants promote regular
and strong contractions of the colonic musculature.
Herbal remedies in this category commonly contain
anthraquinone glycosides. Examples: Rhamnus spp.
(Cascara / Buckthorn), Cassia spp. (Senna), and
Bryonia dioica (White bryony).
Hepatics, cholagogues and choleretics improve
bowel function by activating the liver and gall bladder.
This creates a reflex activation of the bowel and also
tends to improve the tone of the colon musculature.
There are 4 classes of herbal laxative, each stronger
than the last. Only the first 2 are normally used.
Taraxacum off. radix (Dandelion)
Arctium lappa (Burdock)
Rumex crispus (Yellow Dock)
February 2000
Page 3
agents. People who have been taking commercial laxatives should switch to an herbal formula for 1 week, the
dose depending on their individual requirement to ensure 1 bowel movement a day. After this first week the
dosage should be reduced by half for 1 week. Each
week thereafter reduce the dosage by half until the
amount is so small that you can stop altogether. If constipation recurs at any point then go back to the previous weeks dose for a further week then reduce again.
This refers to unusually frequent bowel movements,
or the passage of abnormally soft or liquid stools. It is
often associated with nausea or vomiting and colicky
pain. There are many possible types and causes of diarrhea:
Osmotic diarrhea occurs when there is an excess of
non-absorbable water-soluble substances present in the
bowel leading to retention of water in the stool. Possible causes include lactose intolerance, ingestion of
large amounts of sugars, excessive intake of vitamin C,
over use of laxatives containing magnesium, phosphate, or sulphate, general nutrient malabsorption and
the use of certain antacids containing magnesium. In
this type of diarrhoea the extent and severity is proportional to the amount of the offending substance ingested and the situation is alleviated by cessation of the
intake of the substance.
Secretory diarrhea occurs when the large intestine
secretes rather than absorbs electrolytes and water. Possible causes include the presence of bacterial toxins
(e.g.. from food poisoning or drinking polluted water)
where water is required to wash them away; unabsorbed bile acids after ileal resection; certain
entero-pathogenic viruses; unabsorbed dietary fats in
liver or gall bladder disease; excessive use of
anthraquinone cathartics or other irritating laxatives;
imbalances of certain hormones such as secretin or
calcitonin; or prostaglandin imbalances.
Note that malabsorption syndrome can cause diarrhoea by either of the above mechanisms.
Exudative diarrhea occurs when there is acute or
chronic inflammation in the gastro-intestinal tract leading to copious production of inflammatory exudate.
Short transit time will cause diarrhea because there
is insufficient time for fluid absorption to occur. The
most common causes of this are intestinal resection,
which reduces the surface area of the intestines, and
stress which speeds up peristalsis.
Page 4
Diarrhea may also result from anti-biotic use causing the death of commensal bowel flora.
Medical Herbalism
February 2000
Symptoms include
Pain in the right and / or left iliac fossae and/or in
the hypogastrium.
Pain may be flitting and is typically increased
with food and reduced by defecation
Bowel habits are variable and frequently alternating: diarrhoea especially in the morning, pellet-like
(rabbit dropping) stools, constipation
Excessive flatus
Loud bowel sounds
Weight loss
Lack of energy
Page 5
Page 6
Medical Herbalism
Psychogenic factors are very significant in the causation and the aggravation of IBS and it may be useful
for the sufferer to undergo a course of counseling,
hypnotherapy or psychotherapy in order to learn to deal
with these factors. Relaxing nervines will also be of
Herbal remedies
Intestinal tonics
Anodynes/analgesics as required.
Tonic nervines and relaxants
If the psychogenic factors are very predominant then
the person may be helped by Valeriana off. (Valerian)
and other relaxing nervines and hypnotics
Chamomilla recutita (Chamomile), Melissa off.
(Lemon balm) and Humulus lupulus (Hops) are particularly useful herbs in IBS because they have relaxing
and calming effect on both the digestive system and the
nervous system.
Bulk laxative herbs (Psyllium, Ulmus fulva) may be
taken for both diarrhea and constipation, softening and
bulking a small hard stool and absorbing water and giving form to a very loose stool. In cases of constipation
more water should be taken with the fibre.
February 2000
Diverticular Disease
Diverticulae are pouches or small herniations of the
colonic mucosa through the muscular gut wall. They
may occur anywhere in the colon but are most frequent
in the sigmoid colon. The size varies from 3mm. to over
3cm. in diameter. They are present in up to 40% of persons over the age of 50 years and the incidence rises
with increasing age. Their presence is labeled
diverticulosis. If they become inflamed or infected then
the resulting condition is referred to as diverticulitis.
A diet which is highly refined, high in meats and
consistently low in fibre causes the colon to contract
harder to move matter along. Eventually this increased
intra-luminal pressure may cause herniation of the mucosa through weak spots in the colon wall (usually
where colonic blood vessels pierce the muscle to supply the underlying mucosa). The diverticulae are easily
filled with feces, and because they are only mucosal
and have no musculature they cannot contract to expel
it. Thus a local inflammation occurs which may progress to actual infection. This process may be single or
multiple, and may spontaneously resolve or may cause
frank diverticular disease. As the intraluminal pressure
builds up in the colon, the thin-walled diverticulae can
Page 7
Herbal remedies
colicky nature.
Constipation with bouts of (sometimes bloody)
Rectal bleeding.
Loss of appetite.
Soft bulk laxative
Alteratives & blood cleansers
Pelvic decongestants
Medical Herbalism
Case Study
She was asked to remove the red meat from her diet,
to reduce the chicken to once a week and eat more fish
and vegetable proteins (tofu, beans, nuts, seeds), avoid
all refined grains or cereals and all sweetened foods,
and as much as possible to eat raw or very lightly
10 ml
100 mL
Therapeutic rationale
I decided to attempt to heal the damaged tissue and
if we were not seeing improvement within 2 weeks
then to instigate a different protocol to prepare her for a
week before surgery.
The intention was to sooth the inflamed tissue using
demulcents and to tone and heal the tissue using astringents. Dioscorea was included as an anti-inflammatory
with tissue specificity for the large bowel. Carduus was
included to improve overall liver function and to reduce the possibility of chronic liver damage due to
stagnation and congestion.
The vitamin C was used to bowel tolerance as a natural laxative that also supports immune function. Flax
oil was included as an anti-inflammatory.
The dietary changes were intended to facilitate optimum bowel function while exerting as little stress as
possible on the immune system and the liver.
Herbal Formula
Tilia europea (1:3) (Linden)
15 ml
15 ml
10 ml
10 ml
10 ml
Page 9
Medical Herbalism
Coffee abuse, with case study. Botanicals and chronic pain, wth
case study. Chaste-tree side effects debate. Science review:
Ginkgo. Willow Bark and NSAID. Insomnia treatment differentials.
February 2000
Page 11
Spring-Summer 1999
Full set: $98.00
Page 12
Medical Herbalism
Isolated constituents
After Alva Curtis, William Cook was
and simple tinctures (all of which he prethe
fers over the more concentrated forms). He
Physio-medicalists, especially as the author
also describes how to make solid extracts,
of The Physio-Medical Dispensatory
ether extracts, resinoids, alkaloid constituResinoids
(1869). The book served as the primary
ent extracts, and many more forms which
Alkaloid extracts
materia medica and pharmacy text for the
had been popular in previous decades. He
sect until the demise of the last
critically compares the different forms,
Physio-medicalist school in 1915. During
saying which will extract the medicinal
Medicated waters
the period from about 1840-1860, all the
properties of the plant better than others.
medical sects, including the PhysioThe Dispensatory also makes a strong
medicalists were exploring methods to exEssences
and clear stand for vitalism as posed to the
tract active constituents from plants. This
allopathic methods used by the Regulars
may seem surprising today, with contemand many of the Eclectics of the time. It reMedicated plasters
porary herbalists generally opposed to stanmains perhaps the most eloquent herbal
dardized extracts of plants or to drugs. This
text in print in Western herbalism for the
movement in plant pharmacy was driven by
clarity of its advocacy of vitalist herbalism:
the emerging pharmaceutical industry, which arose to
Probably in no field of investigation is there
meet the demands of physicians for medicines that
much proneness to loose observation, and
were easier to dispense and powerful in their action.
statements as in that of medicine.
Eclectic medical physicians during the 1850s and
made complex by the fact of two
1860s tended to use these potent plant extracts in the
forces there always operating in connection
same manner that their Regular physician counterparts
the direct force of the agents, and the responused powerful heroic mineral medicines. With this type
sive actions of the life power. And the many orof practice, Eclectic medicine almost died out, reaching
gans used by the life power, and the diverse
its lowest ebb in 1861. By 1870, John Scudder helped
manners in which it may act through each one
revive Eclecticism with the publication of his Specific
of these organs, greatly increase the intricacy of
Medication, which related the specific actions and
such a study. The physician is in continuous
physiological indications of a wide number of plants.
temptation either to attribute all action to the
Much of the material, including the extensive materia
agent, and thus throw out the important part enmedica, was derived from Physio-medicalist and other
acted by the life power; or else, noticing the
herbal practice rather than prior Eclectic works, and the
February 2000
Page 13
Vinegar Extracts
Cook discusses vinegar extracts in general, and specifically gives methods for vinegar extractions of several herbs. He describes the properties of vinegar itself,
and generally limits his vinegar preparations to herbs
with similar actions to the vinegar medium.
Medical Herbalism
Clinical Trials
Hypericum, drug interactions,
and liver effects
by Paul Bergner
February 2000
Page 15
Clinical Correspondence
Lomatium rash.
We discussed a possible distinctive rash as a side effect to the use of Lomatium dissectum in our Volume
10, Number 4, Fall 1998 issue. The following anecdote,
with photo available online, comes from Henriette
Kress or Finland.
Page 16
Henriette Kress
Thanks you for your issue on Lobelia -- well done!
Ive used lobelia successfully in small to medium
doses to reduce swelling on bruises over bones,
headwounds, and to help prevent miscarriage once contractions have started -- both with great success.
Sasha Daucus
Doniphan, MO
Medical Herbalism
Book Reviews
Native American Ethnobotany by Daniel E.
Moerman. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press, 1998
ISBN 0-88192-453-9
This new incarnation of Dr. Moermans
ethnobotany database, following two previous smaller
publications and a web-based database, is a must-own
book for the student of Native American uses of plants
for medicine or food. Most texts on Native American
ethnobotany cover plants used in a particular region or
by a specific tribe. This 927-page hardbound edition
covers all of North America. This is a secondary reference, a compilation of the primary observations from
more than 200 ethnobotany texts. More than 4000 plant
varieties are included, and are indexed by botanical
name, botanical synonym, usage, and native American
tribe. The strength of the book its comprehensive
scope naturally leads to its weakness: a poverty of detail about the plants and uses. Cataloguing and encapsulating medicinal uses of plants to fit the information
into a database inevitably leads to generalizations and
loss of data that the reader interested in a specific plant
or tribe might consider indispensable. The listings in
Ethnobotany are brief. Although the essential information about plant part, use, and method of preparation
are included, information on dose, or clarification of
terms is often missing. The brief listings may be a disappointment to the medical herbalist looking for practical clinical information, but the book is a good
investment for the reader who does not want to buy an
entire library of ethnobotany books.
Medicinal Plants of the Pacific Northwest: A Digest
of Anthropological Writings About Native American
Uses. Complied by Krista Thie. 1999. ISBN:
0-9624868-3-3 Longevity Herb Company, 1549 West
Jewett Boulevard, White Salmon, Washington, 98672,
USA <[email protected]>
Like Moermans Native American Ethnobotany,
this is a secondary compilation of primary ethnobotany
references. Thie provides much more detail about the
plants and uses, the information expanding to the detail
required for the medical herbalist. Her focus on the species and varieties particular to the Pacific Northwest
make this text indispensable to the student interested in
the plants of that region. Moermans listing on the Bella
Coola use of Devils Club for rheumatism states: Decoction of root bark and stems taken for rheumatism,
February 2000
an adequate listing for an overview. I suspect the medical herbalist would prefer Thies One cupful, three
times a day for one or two weeks was drunk to cure
rheumatism. The herbalist would also like to know
that the decoction was taken in one or two cup doses before and after childbirth for a purgative, which
Moerman does not relate. Moermans description that
the plant was considered poisonous by the Cowlitz is
misleading compared to Thies detail: The Cowlitz
shared how the spines are poisonous and cause inflammation. The book has 209 pages, laminated and
wirebound, and can be ordered with an acccompanying
disk version in word processor format.
Medicinal Wild Plants of the Prairie: An
Ethnobotanical Guide, by Kelly Kindscher. University
Press of Kansas, 1987 ISBN: 0-7006-0526-6
Edible Wild Plants of the Prairie: An
Ethnobotanical Guide. by Kelly Kindscher. University
Press of Kansas, 1992. ISBN: 0-7006-0325-5
Kelly Kindscher is a long-time bioregional and ecological activist from the Prairie region in the Midwest
United States. At one point, he engaged in an
eighty-day walk from Kansas to the Rocky Mountains
to see the region first hand. Kindscher eventually
earned his PhD in plant ecology from University of
Kansas. That sort of commitment has led to what are
unquestionably the two most useful contemporary
books on plants of the Prairie. Medicinal Wild Plants
and Edible Wild Plants have some overlapping material, with some foosd uses listed for plants in the first,
and some medicinal uses in the second. Although either
is a useful stand-alone reference, the two as a set contain exhaustive information on the uses for plant species from this region. Edible Wild Plants contains
information on nomenclature, parts used, food use and
cultivation for more than 90 plants with line drawings
for about half of them. Medicinal Wild Plants contains
information on nomenclature, habitat, Indian use, Anglo folk use, use in medical history, some entries for recent scientific research, and cultivation. Kindscher
frequently cites Eclectic medical use for the plants.
These books are authoritative. Kindscher has thoroughly studied the ethnobotany of each and presented
the most useful information. What is most striking to
me about these books are Kindschers frequent comments revealing that he has personally seen, tested, and
sometimes tested the methods he writes about, something rare in the ethnobotanical literatue of North
Page 17
Northeast School of Botanical Medicine. Comprehensive, practical training in clinical herbalism. Four programs
offered. A six-month three days per week program; a
seven month one weeekend monthly course; Advanced
Western Herbalism Intensive, and a traditional apprenticeship. Main instructor is 7song. Classes focus on constitutional diagnosis, plant identification, materia medica,
first aid skills, student clinic, field trips, medicine preparation and formulation, anatomy and physiology, and community centered herbalism. P.O. Box 6626. Ithaca, NY
14851. 607-539-7172.
NW Center for Herbal Studies offers a two-year certified
course in Western herbal medicine via correspondence or
on-site classes. 34 lessons. Write for free catalogue.
86437 Lorane Highway, Eugene, OR 97405.
Employment: The Rocky Mountain Center for Botanical
Studies seeks a full or part time professional herbal instructor trained in the western constitutional model to
teach therapeutics, materia medica, pharmacy, and a varied curriculum. Must be willing to relocate to the Boulder/Denver area. Send cover letter and resume to: Marian
Rose, RMCBS, P.O. Box 19254, Boulder, CO,
80308-2254 or [email protected]
Sweetgrass School of Herbalism. Laboratory and field
Phytopharmacy Methods, Plant identification for herbalists. SSH, 6101 Shadow Circle Dr., Bozeman, MT 59715.
Robyns Recommended Reading. A quarterly review of
literature relating to herbalism and phytotherapy. Keep up
to date with books, journals, newsletters, magazines, web
pages, and other sources of information. $15/yr for 4 issues; $20/yr International. U.S. funds only. RRR, 1627 W.
Main, Ste. 116, Bozeman, MT 59715
Australasian College of Herbal Studies, USA offers
Homestudy Certificate Courses, Aromatherapy, Herbal
Medicine, Nutrition, Flower Essences, Iridology,
Homeobotanicals, Natural Therapies, Homeopathy and a
full Diploma in Herbal Studies. Free Prospectus P.O. Box
57, Lake Oswego, OR 97034. 800-48-STUDY
The Herb Growing and Marketing Network An information service for herb businesses and serious hobbyists. Includes The Herbal Connection, a 36-page bimonthly trade
journal; The Herbal Green Pages, annual resource guide
with over 3000 listings; free classified advertising for subscribers and more. Entire package $45/yr. Sample newsletter $4. The Herbal Connection, PO Box 245, Silver
Spring, PA 17575. (717) 393-3295
HerbalGram. Quarterly journal published by the American Botanical Council and the Herb Research Foundation. $29/yr, $52/2 yrs, $70/3 yrs. P.O. Box 144345,
Austin TX, 78720.
Business of Herbs, a bimonthly journal for the herb professional or enthusiast. Features interviews, grower resources, business tips, marketing information, research
and trade news, current events, suppliers, books, and
more. In print since 1983. Subscriptions $24 per year
(USA) Northwind Publications, 439 Ponderosa Way,
Jemez Springs, NM, 87025-8036
Support the Herb Research Foundation, while enjoying
the latest information about herbs. Members receive
HerbalGram subscription and enjoy access to the HRF
herb research files. HRF, 1007 Pearl St., Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80302. (800) 748-2617
The Herb Quarterly. A beautiful magazine dedicated to
all things herbalgardening, medicinals, crafts, folklore,
alternative uses of herbs, and more. Rates: $24/1 yr,
$45/2 yrs, $60/3 yrs. Box 548MH, Boiling Springs, PA
Medical Herbalism
Paul Bergner
Associate Editors
Sharol Tilgner, ND
Steven Dentali, PhD
Contributing Editors
Chanchal Cabrera, MNIMH
Deborah Frances, ND
Jill Stansbury, ND
Copy Editor
Ami Heinrich
303-415-9196 (fax)
[email protected]
Page 18
Medical Herbalism
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Chevallier, Andrew. The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants.
New York: DK Publishing, 1996
Ellingwood, Finley. American materia Medica, Therapeutics
and Pharmacognosy. Portland, Oregon: Eclectic Medical
Publications, 1983 [Reprint of 1919 original]
Kneipp, Sebastian. My Water Cure. 62nd Edition [translation
reprint]. Pomeroy Washington: Health Research, 1972
Piscitelli, SC, Burstein AH, Chaitt D, Alfaro RM, Falloon J.
Indinavir concentrations and St Johns wort. Lancet
Ruschitzka F, Meier PJ, Turina M, Lscher TF, Noll G.
Acute heart transplant rejection due to Saint Johns wort.
Lancet 355(9203)
Stuart, Malcolm [editor]. The Encyclopedia of Herbs and
Herbalism. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1976
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