Energy Management: Meng Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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Energy Management




Ahamed Amaan Riza
Under the Guidance of
Mr. Upul Jayasinghe
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Northshore College of Business and Technology

Module: Integrated Case Studies (UFCEHL-10-3)


I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Dr Tilak Siyambalapitiya for conducting a
very informative presentation on the topic Energy Management which was very
beneficial to the students pursuing the degree of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
And I would also like to thank Mr. Upul Jayasinghe and all other staff members at
Northshore College of Business and Technology for organizing this lecture for our

This report gives a brief introduction to the concept of Energy Management and how this
applies in various fields such as the household, industry and in the national sense. The
steps that can be taken, to better manage energy are discussed in this report, which would
eventually lead to a better Sri Lanka.

List of Figures......................................................................................................................5
Introduction: What is Energy Management.........................................................................6
Energy Management in the Household................................................................................6
Energy Management in the Industry....................................................................................7
Energy Managers.............................................................................................................7
Energy Accounts..............................................................................................................8
Electricity Load Profile....................................................................................................9
Energy Management in Sri Lanka.....................................................................................10
Electricity Load Profile in Sri Lanka.............................................................................10
Electricity Prices............................................................................................................11
Per Capita Electricity Consumption...............................................................................11
Whats new?...................................................................................................................11
Future of Electricity Generation....................................................................................12

List of Figures
Figure 1: Energy Benchmarks and SEC..............................................................................7
Figure 2: An Energy Account..............................................................................................8
Figure 3: Electricity Load Profile of a ceramic factory.......................................................9
Figure 4: Electricity load profile of Sri Lanka...................................................................10

Introduction: What is Energy Management

The term energy management is a very broad term, which includes any act that is done to
conserve energy which results in conservation of resources and cost savings, these acts
can range from a personal level to the industrial level. Personal levels include switching
off unnecessary lights, using solar panels, using public transport etc. Industry levels
include the improper insulation of steam tubes in industries which leads to high energy

Energy Management in the Household

All electrical appliances at ones home can be categorized based on the rated power input
(measured in Watts) and by the amount of energy it consumes (measured in kilowatt
hours). In a typical household the iron has the highest power rating and the refrigerator
consumes the highest amount energy.
There have been many studies conducted to reduce the energy consumption of the
refrigerator to around 1KWh per day. This can be achieved by making the refrigeration
cycle more efficient by using variable speed drives (VSDs) in driving the compressor
and to have better insulation.
When it comes to lighting, LEDs are not significantly energy efficient than the CFL. The
biggest issue with LEDs is that it does not have a standard, and due to this LED
manufacturing has become a household industry, however a proper branded LED will
have a higher luminous efficacy and would last longer than a CFL bulb, but it would be
more expensive.
The usage of table fans, table lamps and having individual switches for lights are also
efficient ways of conserving energy.

With regards to the usage of television, LED televisions are more energy efficient as
opposed to conventional CRTs when the energy consumed in 1 cm 2 of screen size is
considered. When you replace a 21 CRT TV with a 21 LED TV you will be saving
energy but if you were to replace it with a LED TV of a higher screen size youll end up
using more energy.

Energy Management in the Industry

Energy Managers
Energy managers is a new profession that is coming up gradually and they are being
employed in large scale manufacturing industries. These energy managers measure the
energy that has been used within the factory and compare it with the energy use target in
order to verify if energy has been conserved or not, and based on this, they suggest new
methods that can be employed to better manage energy within a factory or a building.
Energy managers assumes full responsibility for all energy flows, reviews existing
systems and new installations, he prepares briefing reports and knows where to get
assistance for training staff, energy auditing, energy project evaluation and design.
The following curve shows the energy benchmarks and the SEC of a particular hotel in
Sri Lanka. Curves such as this are used by energy managers in commercial facilities.

Figure 1: Energy Benchmarks and SEC

From this curve it can be seen that when the occupants in the hotel increase the energy
consumption per room reduces. Because when more people start sharing the same energy
system, the cost per unit of service goes down and thus the overall efficiency becomes

Energy Accounts
Any institution should have a good energy account and employ an energy auditor who
would prepare an energy audit, and the institution has to implement the recommendations
of the energy audit.
Shown below is an energy account taken from a leading hospital in Sri Lanka. As it can
be seen this hospital uses 118kWh per day for each patient, which is equal to the monthly
consumption of most households in Sri Lanka.

Figure 2: An Energy Account

Electricity Load Profile

Electricity load profiles can be used as a good indicator to judge what is happening inside
a factory. Shown below is an electric load profile of a ceramic factory in Sri Lanka.

Figure 3: Electricity Load Profile of a ceramic factory

Compared to the profiles of other companies this can be considered as a fairly good one,
which runs for a full 24 hours a day. Shift changes, lunch breaks and tea breaks can be
considered as the causes for not having a completely flat line for the power factor. The
power factor in this company is 0.9.


Energy Management in Sri Lanka

Electricity Load Profile in Sri Lanka
Shown below is the load profile of Sri Lanka on the 8th of April 2015.

Figure 4: Electricity load profile of Sri Lanka

This load profile shows the lack of energy management in Sri Lanka, with a large
difference between the maximum and the minimum gross generation during the day.
Ideally the load profile should be flat, but due to the biological clock of the human being
its not practical to obtain a flat load profile.
In order to obtain a better load profile we can limit the usage of energy during the times
where the peak is present i.e. around 19:00 and to use the times where the peak is at a
minimum to pump water up to reservoirs (pump storage power generation) etc. By taking
steps such as these a better load profile can be achieved.


Electricity Prices
Electricity prices are different based on the purpose of use, commercial and industrial
customers pay much more than household customers. And the price increases with the
electricity usage which encourages energy management. When compared to other
countries, Sri Lankan households use very small amounts of energy averaging at around
70kWh per household per month.

Per Capita Electricity Consumption

In Sri Lanka the per capita electricity consumption is 500kWh for 1 person per year. Sri
Lanka is considered a very good example of lower energy use and a high level of
development as opposed to other countries. Sri Lanka has one of the lowest network
losses in the developing world as electricity theft is a crime that is not tolerated.
The per capita electricity consumption of Saudi Arabia is 10,000 kWh for 1 person per
year, while Norway is 25,000 kWh. When countries in Africa are considered the per
capita electricity consumption is only around 50 kWh for 1 person per year, as only 10%
of the people have electricity.

Whats new?
In the national scene electricity costs are declining in constant terms, there are two
reasons for this, the first is the commissioning of the large coal fired power plant which is
now running smoothly and the second reason is the fact that international oil prices are
Sri Lanka has been producing 60% of its electricity from renewables, this is something
that Sri Lanka can be proud of.
There was once a high probability to find natural gas in Sri Lanka, but the oil company
who was exploring for gas have now left the country after finding 2 active gas finds in
Mannar, this is due to the high cost involved in extracting the gas which makes it
infeasible, bearing in mind that the international prices are reducing.


Presently the electricity demand growth is less, due to the fact that the electricity
consumers in Sri Lanka are very cautions and conserving and also due to the fact that
highly efficient electronic appliances are being introduced to the market, and due to this
the countrys energy intensity is going down.
The amount of energy that is used for a unit of economic output is decreasing in our
country, this is because our economy is moving on to less energy intensive activities.

Future of Electricity Generation

Presently, electricity is being produced by coal power, oil and renewable energy. In the
future it has been decided to use more coal power and renewable energy and to reduce oil
to a bare minimum, which results in a lower cost.


As discussed above energy management is a very important concept that needs to be
understood by every individual as to how important this is. Seminars, workshops and any
other means to bring public awareness has to be done in order make this a reality.
On the industry level, special care needs to be done in order to bring about a flat load
profile and to minimize the wastage of energy as much as possible bearing in mind that
this energy is a valuable resource.
On a national level, much more intensive research needs to be conducted in order to see
whether coal power is the best way to generate electricity and whether it is feasible to
match the increasing energy requirement in the future.
Presently Sri Lanka is not bad when it comes to energy management, but we can always
improve and become much better global citizens.


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