EIVA Specification

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General introduction ...................................................................................................... 5

Customer samples .......................................................................................................... 6


Offshore engineering & installation ............................................................................ 6


Multibeam survey & hydrography ............................................................................... 7


Barge management & catenary ................................................................................. 8


Pipeline inspection & video integration .................................................................... 10


2D seismic ................................................................................................................ 12


Cable lay operations................................................................................................. 13


Excavation ................................................................................................................ 15


Automated scour monitoring .................................................................................... 16

Software feature matrix ................................................................................................ 18


Modules & features ....................................................................................................... 26


Flexible geodesy ...................................................................................................... 26


Map projection types .......................................................................................... 26


Datum and ellipsoids ......................................................................................... 27


Datum shift ......................................................................................................... 27


Geiod model ...................................................................................................... 28


EPSG ................................................................................................................. 29


Free calculator ................................................................................................... 30


Accurate time tagging............................................................................................... 31


The Box.............................................................................................................. 32


Interfacing .......................................................................................................... 32


Tests .................................................................................................................. 32


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System solution matrix ............................................................................................. 25

Data filtering ............................................................................................................. 33


Observations ...................................................................................................... 33


Full 3D compensation ........................................................................................ 33


Least squares adjustment.................................................................................. 33


Accuracy of least squares.................................................................................. 34


The Kalman filter ................................................................................................ 35


Weighting and robust estimation ....................................................................... 35


Multi Beam Filtering ........................................................................................... 35



Position fix.......................................................................................................... 36


Gyro ................................................................................................................... 36


Motion sensor .................................................................................................... 37


Ultra short base line ........................................................................................... 37


Doppler velocity log ........................................................................................... 38


Multibeam patch test .......................................................................................... 39


Distributed solution ................................................................................................... 39


Realtime monitoring & QC ....................................................................................... 40


Data recording .......................................................................................................... 43


3D Online visualisation ............................................................................................. 44


Onboard and onshore networked solution ......................................................... 45


Real time DTM ................................................................................................... 45


Calibration ................................................................................................................ 36

Barge management & rigmove ................................................................................ 47


Inter vessel communication ............................................................................... 47


3D catenary calculations .................................................................................... 48


Online eventing ..................................................................................................... 49


Online QC ............................................................................................................. 50


Near realtime QC ............................................................................................ 51


The model ....................................................................................................... 51


Redo after processing .................................................................................... 52

Instruments ................................................................................................................... 53

Surface navigation.................................................................................................... 54


Gyro .......................................................................................................................... 54


Motion Sensor .......................................................................................................... 55


Doppler velocity log .................................................................................................. 56


Data acquisition ........................................................................................................ 56


Echosunder & altimeter ..................................................................................... 56

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Depth & bathy sensor ........................................................................................ 57


Pipe & cable tracker ........................................................................................... 57


Magnetometer .................................................................................................... 57


NaviPac Science ................................................................................................ 58


Other inputs ....................................................................................................... 58


Dynamic positioning ................................................................................................. 59


USBL.................................................................................................................. 59


LBL ..................................................................................................................... 59


INS ..................................................................................................................... 59


Remote navigation ............................................................................................. 60


Tracking & others ............................................................................................... 60


Special input ............................................................................................................. 60


Data output ............................................................................................................... 61


EIVA to EIVA ..................................................................................................... 61


Export to other acquisition systems ................................................................... 61


Annotation .......................................................................................................... 62


Seismic operations ............................................................................................ 62


Inter vessel communication ............................................................................... 62


Client specific ..................................................................................................... 63


Generic output and export ................................................................................. 63


Multibeam sonars ..................................................................................................... 63


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Sidescan sonar ..................................................................................................... 64

Data formats .................................................................................................................. 64


Data recording .......................................................................................................... 64


Data overlay ............................................................................................................. 65


Lines & points .................................................................................................... 65


Symbols ............................................................................................................. 66


Charts ................................................................................................................ 66


Models ............................................................................................................... 67

HW & SW requirements ................................................................................................ 68

1 General introduction
The general purpose software suite from EIVA the Navi family is divided into an online
SW suite (for onboard acquisition, recording, QC etc) and an offline processing suite for
onboard and/or ashore data cleaning, processing and reporting.
This document gives a brief introduction to the online software solution and lists the major
features and functions.
The online solution is mainly based on NaviPac and NaviScan, which jointly meet all
demands to online software required for online marine applications, no matter the type of
task or the level of complexity.
Through its flexible configuration and intuitive user interface it is easy to setup geodetic
parameters and select sensor interfaces from a pre-defined list of sensors or alternative
through a user-defined generic driver. Port settings are made easily available and allows for
thorough testing prior to mission.
The software features layout and storage of operator preferred layout and settings. It
supports network solutions and allows dongle-free distribution of Helmsman displays
including real-time 3D visualisation of the survey scenario.

General navigation
Hydrographic and oceanographic surveys
Geophysical 2D seismic surveys
Scientific research
Harbor surveys
Marine construction work
Offshore pipe-laying and inspection
Cable installation and support
Barge, tug and fleet management
Offshore rig operations
ROV, ROTV and AUV tracking and support

NaviPac provides navigation information and positioning calculations in support of any

marine survey project, as well as offshore engineering and construction operations. NaviPac
features comprise among others:

Digital navigation charts

Advanced survey planning
Precise time tagging of sensor data better than 50 sec through use of the EIVA
ATTU time synchronised interface
Input validation (Kalman filtering)

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Support of numerous geodetic parameters

Pre-defined, selectable sensor interface drivers for the most commonly used
User-defined generic I/O drivers
Extensive quality control and warnings/alarms
Tracking of unlimited number of vessels
Specification/identification of any number of vessel/dynamic/antenna offsets
Extensive utility features (e.g. interface tests, geodetic transformation, calibration,
US survey feet etc.)

NaviScan acquires data from all major sonars on the market, including among other
multibeam echosounders, scanning and profiling sonars, conventional sidescan sonars,
pipe-trackers, etc. NaviScan features comprise among others:

Pre-defined, selectable sensor interface drivers for the most commonly used
Interfacing of multiple secondary sensors (position, heading, heave/roll/pitch,
Doppler log, etc.)
Automatically controlled start-of-line, stop-of-line and file naming through interface
with NaviPac
Real-time processing of motion, refraction and tide for on-the-fly data display
Full graphical, scalable sensor displays
Real-time 3D graphical data presentation
High-level applications for complex survey environment

2 Customer samples
This section presents some sample usage of the EIVA online SW. The information and
screenshots are supplied by users.

2.1 Offshore engineering & installation

NaviPac offers a high-accuracy tool for offshore installations, above the water or in the
water column.

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Precise navigation via dual or triple GPS RTK solution

Real time roll/pitch/heading validation via GPS observations in Helmert
Operator guidance for placement in 3D
Dual system setup for fault recovery
INS aiding for UW construction work

Integration with video recording systems

Integrated 3D monitoring
Compensation for variable antenna placement
Leg penetration monitoring

Figure 1 Advanced guidance for pile placement

via gripper including automated zoom and panning.
The solution is heavily used in offshore oil & gas, construction & renewable energy (offshore
windmill installation)

2.2 Multibeam survey & hydrography

One of the most general tasks for the EIVA online SW suite is the hydrographic surveys;
with for example singlebeam, multibeam and sidescan sonars.
The solution is scalable for both small harbour survey boats to large ROV inspection and
MBE vessels.

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Figure 2 Sample survey setup from JD Contractors: One PC solution with ATTU for
timestamp and full EIVA SW suite including real-time 3D DTM.
NaviScan and NaviPac utilise Total Vertical and Horizontal Uncertainty (TVU/THU) as part
of the real time QC, and store the information with the raw observations.
The data is normally recorded in open EIVA format for further processing in the EIVA suite.
But the system do enable near real-time export to other formats for eg XTF, ASCII, UKOAA
and user configurable formats.
The data can be passed into real time DTM (Online3D) and produce final results as DTM.
Contour curves etc right after the survey has been completed.

2.3 Barge management & catenary

NaviPac is used widely on high-level rig moves, tug management operations and lay barge
controls including anchor management and AHT control.
The system utilises inter-vessel communication based on telemetry and/or WLAN.
Everything is based on standard NaviPac components and gives the operator full flexibility
on the barge and allows the AHT to operate totally hands-free.
NaviPac is operating on more than 150 barges and 375 AHT.

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Figure 3 Helmsmans Display on barge. Including anchor pattern, anchor control view and
barge line status views.
NaviCat is an add-on to NaviPac TMS, and utilises full 3D calculations of anchor chain
catenary calculations.
The catenary model can be used for location planning by estimating all chain curves based
on planned location and anchor pattern. This gives a fast and flexible evaluation procedure.
During real-time operations the NaviCat can monitor up to 16 anchor chains based on
observed location of fairlead, midline buoys and anchor. This includes even real time
evaluation during tug movements.
The calculations are based on configurable chain characteristics, definable weights and
lifters and input of seabed information (DTM or assumed flat seabed)
The system calculates tension on all parts of the chains, and enables operator notification
as alarms or colour schemes.

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Figure 4 2D profile display of anchor chains in NaviCat.

Figure 5 3D chain display and vessel drawings in Online3D.

2.4 Pipeline inspection & video integration

NaviPac and NaviScan are in operation as the workhorse in huge series of pipe and cable
inspection solutions. The is typically high accuracy operations where an ultimate solution is

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Integration of ATTU for the most accurate sensor integration

Dual sensor interfacing
USBL, LBL and INS UW navigation

100% usage of online QC

Full video control and recording via for example NetMC X-OPS
Integration of MBE and pipetracker
Advanced use of PanGeo SBI for high level cable detection
Link to the EIVA offline 3D pipeline inspection tool

Figure 6 NetMC XOPs display with NaviPac overlay and control.

Figure 7 Real time display of MBE, pipeline and ACAD.

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2.5 2D seismic
NaviPac includes a special tool for 2D Seismic operations, where the tool optimises
accurate distance shooting and integration with most general seismic recording systems.

Figure 8 2D Seismic data and operations flow.

NaviPac includes high-level features for

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Survey planning incl. run-in and run-out

Streamer and tail buoy positioning
Gun and COS/CMP calculations
Along line and accumulated distance shooting
Trigger control
UKOOA P2/94 recording
Full recalculation in NaviEdit incl. UKOOS P1/90 and SPS export

Figure 9 Streamer definition.

The EIVA 2D Seismic offers a very high accurate low cost alternative to the more
specialised solutions, and are used worldwide both commercially and in science projects.

2.6 Cable lay operations

NaviPac includes an advanced cable lay option based on the 3D catenary calculation in

Figure 10 2D profile view of cable.

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The brain in the system is the EIVA catenary solution, which performs a full 3D calculation
of the cable in the water column and along the seabed.
The catenary model is based on a 3D particle system and allows full computation of forces
along the chain. This model can be expanded to include external forces such as currents.
The system loads terrain information (DTM, profile or fixed depth) and uses this for the
touchdown estimation and cable curvature calculations.

Figure 11 Overall cable lay display including angular control, cable accounting, touchdown
monitoring and alarm monitor.
The cable lay application is running beside NaviPac (same pc or remote) and it gives the
cable operator the needed displays to monitor cable speed, angle, bending radius etc.
This module is also responsible for the cable accounting, and thus a very important tool.
The cable lay scenario can be connected to NaviPac Online3D, and thus give a user
friendly visualisation of the entire project:

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Figure 12 Online 3D presentation of vessel, cable, seabed and

touchdown point.

2.7 Excavation
EIVAs NaviPac dredging and excavation software includes a 2D and 3D view of the
scanned seabed with the exact real time location of ship, crane and bucket measured by
mounted high precision sensors. The crane operator uses the software for placement of the
bucket, knowing exactly where and how deep to dig, and have live update of the seabed
based on the exact bucket depth and location. This enables the operator to constantly see
when the coverage is complete and the next area can be attacked.

Figure 13 Excavation 2D and 3D operations display.

The precision and real time visualisation offered by EIVAs software has made it possible to
develop new work methods of covering and digging and thus increase speed and quality.
The solution is based on NaviPac for sensor interfacing and 3D navigation and real-time
NaviModel for display and on-the-fly update of terrain. The solution utilises unlimited

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number of points in the data model, and gives the operator optimal quality control and thus
better overall performance.

2.8 Automated scour monitoring

The scour monitoring system provided by EIVA is comprised by two scanning sonars and
optional an acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) with wave option.
The physical installation of the two sonars is
performed with one sonar on each side of the
monopile, each covering an area of >180
degrees. Full seabed search (coverage) of
the area of interest for the scour monitoring
can consequently be obtained by combining
a scan from each of the sensors. This is
illustrated in the figure, where the yellow
rectangles show that the sonars have been
mounted with an approximate heading of 45
( northeast of the monopole) and 225
degrees ( southwest of the monopole),
Figure 14 Scour sonar mounting.

An ADCP can be placed on the seabed

approximately 50 m from the piles. The ADCP is installed in a vertical looking up fashion for
waves and current acquisition.
The complete scour monitoring system has been established and configured to facilitate
that both the ADCP- and the sonar related control of sensors as well as the associated
data-acquisition can take place remotely, from the client office or similar.

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Figure 15 Scanner and ADCP location.

The aim of the EIVA Scour software is that it can be configured and controlled locally,
relative to the remote profiling sensors, for example in the EIVA office, and that the logging
of data can be performed in formats that can be used for further processing and
documentation utilising standard EIVA software. As such the acquisition software must be
executed on a computer with internet access; however, the link to the sensors, employed on
the site is performed via a dedicated VPN-connection.
The acquisition is executed as a 24/7 service with user defined intervals, so the system
guarantees data recording with the required interval.
The data will hereafter be processed in the EIVA Offline SW Suite for time based

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Figure 16 The 3D digital terrain model gives the operator many

possibilities to analyse and visualise the data.

Figure 17 Example scour development over time, showing

periodic patterns every two weeks with 70cm of scour developed
over 6 months.


NaviPac Lt





3 Software feature matrix

24/7 license exception service

License free training version

Graphic & numeric data presentation

Survey meta data management & reporting

System, sensor & sonar calibration

Real-time QC & reporting

UNESCO depth calculations

3D real-time display

Real-time DTM

Features & tools

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Build in simulator

Data acquisition & recording

Networked remote display

Position & data monitoring display

Survey project management

Catenary calculations


2D Helmsman's Display

Anchor handling

Cable overlength

Collision detection

Distance shooting

Fleet management

Line planning

Onshore survey monitoring (network or internet)

Real-time navigation

ROV tracking

UKOOA GPS monitoring

TVU/TPU analysis (Total Vertical Uncertainty)

Sound velocity & CTD calculations

Multibeam acquisition

Sidescan sonar acquisition

Single & multi tidal correction

Sonar waterfall display




NaviPac Lt


Alarm monitoring

Target analysis and management

Multiuser/server license

Survey data reporting

Survey data editing

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Chart manager

Chart layout manager

Digital terrain model (DTM)

Video integration

Volume calculation

GPS and surface navigation

Attitude sensor

Dynamic positioning (USBL, LBL, Remote GPS)

Doppler velocity log

Singlebeam echosounder & similar

Pipe & cable tracker

Bathy sensor





NaviPac Lt


GPS tide

Instrument interfacing

Multibeam sonar
Sidescan sonar

Data output


Streamer & tailbuoy - 2D Seismic

Barge management, anchor handling & rig move

Inter vessel exchange: WLAN & Telemetry
Tug & AHT



Serial RS 232/422



Generic I/O drivers

Interfacing type

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A/D converter






NaviPac Lt

EIVA ATTU High precision timetagged data TimeBox

Flexible Geodesy
Map projection definition

Ellipsoid & datum shift (7 parameters, US Nadcon, etc)

ITRF (International Terrestrial Reference Frame)

International scaling (US survey feet etc)

EPSG (European Petroleum Survey Group) database

Geoid model

Data storage and export



EIVA NED - compressed binary XYZ

UKOOA seismic data (P2/94, P1/90)

UKOOA pipeline data

SPS seismic data

XTF - extended Triton format

Generic & fixed ASCII
FAU - Farvandsvsnets exchange format



IRAP - binary seabed format

MBES - German waterways

ACAD drawing (DXF/DWG)

ESRI shape

PDF (& similar reports)

Data display layers

ACAD drawing (DXF/DWG)

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Digital terrain models

Runlines & digitised lines

Microstation DGN
ESRI shape
C-Map charts

(3) (3)

S-57 charts

(3) (3)

ECDIS charts


7C charts



ASCII vector and point files



NaviPac Lt


Geotif images


Data display symbols

2D ASCII HP plotter symbols

3D objects 3DS

ACAD drawing (DXF/DWG)

Special nautical fonts

000 fonts - German waterways

Navigation Kalman filter - incl. DVL integration

Sensor prediction & robust weighing using Kalman filter

Data filtering & cleaning

Sensor spline filter

Asynchronous data interpolation

Sonar range, angle & quality filter

Manual spatial plane cleaning

Automated S-CAN spatial cleaning for large data volumes

Position fix




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Multibeam patch test

NaviPac NPD

NaviScan SBD





NaviPac Lt

Doppler velocity log

Data importing for post processing

Generic ASCII

XTF - extended Triton format

Kongsberg EM files



Hain Nav files

Navlab processed navigation & depth files


POSMV delayed heave

Applanix POSProc


Visualsoft event files

Visualsoft video

NetMC video

Pangeo SAS cubes

Seabed elevation model

FAU - Farvandsvsnets exchange format

Data replay/edit
Survey data header edit (offsets, time, geodesy etc)
Survey data edit on sensor level

Tidal correction

Sound velocity ray bending

CTD Profile depth compensation - UNESCO

Playback & fast review

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Merge third party data processing (delayed heave, INS, )

Spatial data editing: manually & automated




NaviPac Lt


Batch processing

Data reporting

Bathy plot

Digital terrain model (TIN/TRN)

Long/cross profiles

Geocoded images (geotif)



Pipeline inspection report


TVU analysis & report

Density of soundings

Beam count statistics

Data gap analysis

1) Requires special TMS add-on to NaviPac Pro

2) Special tug license
3) Requires license from the supplier (C-Map/7C)
4) Requires special 7C license

PDF reporting

Volume calculation


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Barge management

Basic navigation




Automatic scour monitoring


2D Seismic



3.1 System solution matrix

Cable lay

() () () ()

Cable route inspection




Multibeam survey
Offshore engineering & installation


Pipe lay

() () () ()

Pipeline inspection

Sidescan sonar survey


Singlebeam survey


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4 Modules & features

4.1 Flexible geodesy
The SW suite utilises a flexible solution for setting up the working geodesy.

Figure 18 Traditional Transverse Mercator.


Map projection types

The software utilises the most general projection types used worldwide. Use of projection is
mainly based on user selections rather than typing.

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Transverse Mercator
UTM north
UTM south
Gauss Krueger
National Grid of Great Britain (NGGB)
Gauss Boaga east
Gauss Boaga west
System SBF
System 34
Polar stereographic
UPS north
UPS south
Equatorial stereographic


Oblique stereographic
Rectified Skew Orthomorphic
New Zealand Map Grid
Datum and ellipsoids

The software utilises selected datum by covering list of most common ellipsoids or entering
user defined ellipsoid definition.

Datum shift

The conversion from GPS coordinated (WGS84) to user datum is handled in multiple ways
depending on the local rules. The datum shift is purely applied to the latitude and longitude
as the height is too inaccurate.

Normal Bursa-Wolff 7 parameter (NGO)


Y Ty Rz
Z Tz Ry


Ry X 0 X 0

Rx Y 0 Y 0
PPM Z 0 Z 0

Modified Bursa-Wolff 7 parameter

Rz Ry X 0
X Tx

Rx Y 0
Y Ty 1 /(1 PPM ) Rz
Z Tz
Ry Rx
1 Z 0

Special North Sea

A multi-step operation, which is commonly used in the Norwegian sector of the
North Sea.
Transform from WGS84 to ED87 using a normal 7-parameter (NGO)
If the resulting latitude is below 62 degree, use dedicated algorithm to get from
ED87 to ED50.
If the resulting latitude is above 65 degree, use dedicated 7-parameter
transformation from ED87 to ED5.
If the resulting latitude is between 62 and 65 degree, use a weighted average of the
algorithm and the dedicated 7-parameter.
US Nadcon
The support of US NADCON (between NAD83 and NAD27) is supported by using
the empirical shift models supplied by NOAA. Default files are supplied by EIVA, but
we do recommend that users check the official sites.
The Software supports furthermore a special ITRF (time dependent shift) 7parameters compensation which a.o. is used in the US/Canada region

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Geiod model

The online software includes absolute height correction from GPS ellipsoid height to local
datum (local zero). All methods are based on empirical models which are loaded into the
software and applied to the GPS height:

Figure 19 3D model of the geiod of Denmark. The graphical presentation is made in

NaviEdit and NaviModel 3D point view.

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ASCII file data model defined by Kort and Matrikel Styrelsen in Denmark. KMS is
supporting models for most of the world. The EIVA SW includes test model for
the European Gravimetric (Quasi) Geoid 1997 (EGG97) by importing the binary
geoide file (bin) files. Some details can be found at http://www.ife.unihannover.de/forschung/egg97_e.html
German combined quasi geoid model GCG05 see
Fixed correction



The online Software is expanded so it supports integration with the general geodesy
database from EPSG (European Petroleum Survey Group).
The Online SW includes the most recent version of the EPGS database (SQL Lite Based)
built into the software applications (for efficiency), and it allows the operator to select
between most of the general settings.

Figure 20 Advanced search and selection feature for EPSG support.

This does also mean that the SW supports the ITRF datum which requires more than the
traditional 7 parameter shift.

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Free calculator

The online software utilises a small stand-alone geographical calculator GEOCalc. It is

installed with NaviPac, but can be used dongle free on any computer.

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4.2 Accurate time tagging

Time is critical to all aspects of the survey solution, and to gain the absolute accuracy we
recommend the use of ATTU (Accurate Time Tagging Unit) for the interfacing of critical
sensors (motion sensor, gyro etc).

Figure 21 ATTU flow and usage.

The ATTU is a setup, where time tagging of your survey data is performed by the use of one
or more HW boxes. The ATTU can be placed close to your equipment and thus minimise
the need for long serial cable etc.
One of the ATTUs must be interfaced with GPS time and PPS input for the synchronisation.
This unit can hereafter act as network time server for other ATTUs and the survey
computers (NaviPac and NaviScan).

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The Box

The ATTU is a dedicated computer running a stripped down LINUX kernel. This ensures
that the EIVA firmware on the pc has unlimited access to resources on the pc, and thus
ensure the precise time tagging as requested.
The box is equipped with a web interface or special pc application for configuration, update
and monitoring.


The ATTU can be equipped with up to 3 interface cards with each 8 COM ports. The boards
can be selected as either RS 232, RS 422 or RS 485.
The unit can interface any data input as long as you can define a packet characteristic
allowing the unit to recognise the packet. This can for example be strings ended with
<cr><lf> of binary data starting with <0x90>< 0x90>
The data packets is then encapsulated in a special EIVA telegram (timestamp, identifier and
port identification) and delivered as UDP/IP message on the network.


The requirements for the system was defined to be better than ms, but we have via labtest been able to prove that the system in 99% is significantly better than 50sec and in
100% is better than 100 sec

Figure 22 Field test onboard high-level survey vessel showing timing errors less than 15 s.

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4.3 Data filtering

The online SW uses advanced Kalman Filters and least square computation for the final
result. Data is always recorded as raw observations together with the final calculations,
which means that results can be fine-tuned during processing.
NaviPac gives the user the option to use robust estimation principles both in the least
square module and in the Kalman module. We consider this option of robust adjustment and
filtering a very important improvement in comparison with the classical computation
methods, as blunders are fully automatically and properly detected without time delay and
have no influence on the resulting position determination.


The measurement is preliminarily checked for the presence of blunders. For this purpose
the measurement is compared with its predicted values. The Kalman filter from the
predicted position at the time of measurement computes the latter. The measurement is first
corrected for the projection system and other physical and geometrical aspects.
The difference between measurement and prediction is compared to its standard deviation
(mean square error). A gate of two times the standard value is used. If the difference is
acceptably small, the measurement is preliminarily accepted for further calculations.
Otherwise, the measurement may be either fully rejected or weighted with weight depending
on the magnitude of the difference found (robust estimation).

Full 3D compensation

In using the measurement for positioning, one has to remember that ranges of direction are
usually not measured to the ships reference point for which primary coordinates are
required, but to various antenna positions on the vessel.
Thus the relative position of the antenna to the ships reference point and the roll, pitch and
heading of the vessel must be taken into account. In NaviPac, a rigorous treatment of this
layback is made, and corrections to measured values are avoided. This both speeds up the
computation and eliminates inaccuracies with large layback values or with short ranges, and
is achieved by relating the measurement directly to the proper position.

Least squares adjustment

Most survey solutions are based on multiple sensor inputs and thus introducing the needs
for weighted average of the observations.

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In NaviPac, a weighted least squares adjustment is performed, considering simultaneously

all measurements at one instant in time. If one particular measurement is not available or is
not desired, its weight is set to zero.

Least squares require a linear relationship between the measurements and the unknowns.
For this purpose the observation equations are ruled around the predicted position that
results from the Kalman filter.
The corrections dX, dY resulting from the least squares adjustment are applied to the
predicted position of the ships reference point and the computation is repeated to
compensate for errors in the linearisation. In NaviPac, however, due to the accurate
prediction of the ships position, no new compensation is necessary, and in fact not even a
repetition of the least squares method is necessary. This repetition (iteration) is only
necessary in the presence of blunders. Thus a considerable saving in computation time is

Accuracy of least squares

After least squares adjustment NaviPac estimates both the accuracy of the original
measurement and the adjusted co-ordinates. In commencing the least squares adjustment,
variance and weights were assumed for the individual measurements. Now after adjustment
and the previously assumed variance are converted into the most appropriate variance
estimates. If this variance properly describes the accuracy behaviour of the sensors, the
conversion factor will be a round unity.
The conversion factor, also called variance of unit weight is computed to:

E ( I ) 2 P( I ) 2
Variance 2
(acc 2)
Where E(I) = RC(I) - RA(I)
RC = Range Converted
RA = Range Adjusted
Acc = Total number of measurements.
If this variance factor differs very strongly from unity, and the previously assumed variance
was chosen to the best knowledge, a blunder in the measurements must be suspected.
NaviPac will during the next fix adapt itself to the erroneous sensor using robust
estimations. Thus no interaction of the user is necessary.
Accuracy of the co-ordinates is monitored by computing error ellipse, which shows shape
and direction of the cloud of points that would emerge if the same fix were to be taken a
large number of times. Around 39% of the fixes would be inside the ellipse and 86% inside
two times the error ellipse.

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The Kalman filter

NaviPac uses a Kalman filter to correct adjusted vessel position for an assumed smooth
movement. This is implemented as independent filtering of X and Y co-ordinates or as cooperate filtering. The filtered values can be used to obtain corrected positions or to predict
future positions. Filters may also be applied to data sources, as e.g.gyro or ranges may be
In NaviPac the user is also allowed the option to choose a robust Kalman filter, which
automatically adapts to changing vessel behaviours. This is a very important feature
because it avoids problems with determination of the position at the end of survey lines,
when the vessel starts a turn or with other sudden changes of the ships course.

Weighting and robust estimation

The least squares algorithm in NaviPac is a weighted least squares algorithm, thus allowing
the user to make optimal use of his knowledge of different accuracy of different ranges,
bearings or sensors. It also allows the user to enhance or degrade the influence of
individual measurements on the results. Weight changes may be introduced on-line.
This weighted least squares adjustment is a prerequisite for the possible interpreted
adjustment of all sensor types in NaviPac and it creates a hitherto unique feature to the
user as compared with competitive systems.
Least squares and Kalman filter yield only optimal results in case of purely normal
distribution of the measurements and errors. Any deviation from this normal distribution, e.g.
the presence of blunders in the measurements, makes the classical least squares and
Kalman methods extremely ineffective. In fact, blunders often become completely
unnoticeable in the least square result, although they seriously distort the adjusted position.
Thus, even though the least squares method and Kalman filter have found acceptance in
offshore survey systems, we seriously warn against the uncritical application of these

Multi Beam Filtering

The data acquisition of MBE data in NaviScan offers a series of data filtering mechanisms.
They will mark observations as bad but not erase any data points.
The filtering utilises among other,

Beam quality
Sonar opening angle
Running average and median filters
Min/max range filters

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4.4 Calibration
The software solution incorporates a series of advanced sensor and solution calibration

Position fix

NaviPac includes an advanced position fix tool which can be used for position calibration of
vessel and all dynamic objects in action, both surface and underwater solutions.

Figure 23 Sample position fix layout including error distribution and scatter plot.
The operator may perform data cleaning before utilising the final calibration result. The
outcome can be saved as ASCII report or generated as location waypoints for further use.


NaviPac includes a semi-automatic calibration for vessel and ROV gyro. The solution is
based on a known baseline and continues measuring of gyro vs 2D baseline distance.
The outcome is a resulting correction value (C-O).

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Motion sensor

NaviPac includes a semi-automatic calibration for vessel motion sensor (roll and pitch). The
solution is based on known baseline and continues measuring of roll/pitch vs 3D baseline
The outcome is a resulting C-O value.

Ultra short base line

The software includes a generic USBL calibration tool for applied Ultra Short Baseline
positioning systems. The solution includes

Spin for validation of sensor offsets

Box-in for establishing mount errors and scaling factor
Transponder fix for on-the-fly validation
Range fix for circle-around check

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Figure 24 USBL Calibration data and report display.

The system generates advanced HTML reports for solution hand-out.
The mount errors can either be applied in the software driver or input to the USBL unit.

Doppler velocity log

NaviPac and NaviScan includes an integrated DVL calibration module, which compares the
observed raw track (USBL, LBL or similar) with the speed observations from the DVL.
The calibration computes

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Scale error
Mounting error (yaw)
Recommended filter settings

The mount errors can either be applied in the software driver or input into the DVL unit.

Multibeam patch test

The EIVA software solution utilises an advanced MBE patch test where the operator
automatically or interactively can establish mount errors

Position delay
Dual head alignment

The system also includes intuitive checking routines for sensor offsets and individual sensor
time delays.
The patch test is based on the advanced data model used in NaviModel and allows the user
to perform calibration on all raw observations (and not just the gridded model).

Figure 25 MBE Patch test roll alignment.

4.5 Distributed solution

The EIVA online SW is a client server solution with one master system running interfacing,
acquisition and logging. NaviPac and NaviScan can be located at the same computer or

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running in parallel on two and still share data interfacing and thus minimise cable
The system can be configured with a number of intelligent clients for eg. Helmsmans
Display, ROV Pilot, Survey QC, Rig master, Clients Rep etc.
The remotes are connected to the master via standard TCP/IP network connections, and it
allows easy setup and connection.
Each display can be configured individually and thus gives the operator the ultimate display
and control platform.
The data distribution also includes a lite network protocol for the Online 3D solution. The
need for data throughout is so small that this can be published on an open network and thus
been brought from vessel to office.

4.6 Realtime monitoring & QC

The online SW suite includes a series of data displays helping the surveyors to validate that:

Data is being recorded

A sufficient quality has been obtained
Its safe to move on to next location

To support this, a series of applications and views are available all-over the vessel.

Traditional Helmsmans Display

Figure 26 Traditional display utilizing geocodes image, runline

control status and data views.

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The Helmsmans Display is traditionally the user front-end for most NaviPac
operators. The module includes graphical (map view) and ASCII presentation of all
survey data, and supports import of background information from charts, CAD
drawings, vector drawings and geo-referenced images.
The MBE and Sonar data can be displayed in the graphical map and create realtime
quality and coverage control.

Figure 27 Display with combination of sea charts and ACAD drawings.

3D Data Display
The 3D Helmsmans Display is an alternative solution to the traditional 2D, and
gives the user ultimate display and control for inspection work, IMR, dredging, MBE
QC etc. The 3D display uses a lite network protocol and can thus be used on low
band-width interfaces for on-shore display.
Sensor Data Display
All incoming sensor data can be visualised in real time as ASCII tables, time series
plots and kp plots (data along the survey line).
All graphical displays can be shown on master and remote displays.
MBE Coverage and QC
Evaluation of the quality of the sonar data and checking sufficient data coverage
and intensity is critical for all operations. This is handled in the NaviScan realtime
display and supported remotely by raw data display and coverage in eg.
Helmsmans Display and Online3D:

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Figure 28 NaviScan sonar and QC display.

Sonar display
The NaviScan sonar display gives an excellent tool for sidescan (traditional
sidescan sonars and MBE snippets) evaluation as configurable waterfall display.

Figure 29 NaviScan Sidescan Sonar waterfall.

The system utilises an advanced target management system for target marking,
evaluation and comparison.

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GPS Status
NaviPac supports a full UKOOA GPS monitoring tool for display of status for
realtime QC. The same data fields are available for recording for later use in eg.
Input/Output monitor
The online software utilises special input monitors which via traffic light and input
statistics gives tools for fast problem detections.

Figure 30 Data input monitor.

Raw sensor display

All incoming data can be shown in dedicated raw data windows, which shows
incoming messages and interpreted data, This gives a very efficient tool for trouble
shooting during the mobilisation etc.

4.7 Data recording

NaviPac and NaviScan are normally equipped with each their part of the recording. NaviPac
handles navigation and simple data acquisition (echosounders, magnetometers and
scientific instruments) and NaviScan covers multibeam and sidescan sonars.
The recording is based on raw sensor data, meaning that all data is recorded so a full
computation from the GPS antenna to the seabed can be performed in the offline
processing suite.
The recording also covers computed and filtered observations, which means that you can
get a quick result by just using the computations from online and perform modelling and

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charting. Only in case of problems or external observations a recalculation will be

The data management in the EIVA suite is based on fast throughput, so the offline
calculation can be made instant, and not just as time consuming replay operations.
All data formats are well documented and can be accessed by 3rd party after agreement
with EIVA.

4.8 3D Online visualisation

The Online 3D module is an integrated part of NaviPac, as the module gives what we call
3D Helmsmans Display. The module supports display of static background information
such as runlines, display
lines, 3D drawings,
waypoints, pipelines and
high-level seabed DTM.
The DTM is based on the
quad-tree model from
NaviModel and supports fast
and reliable zoom/panning
via advanced LOD (Level of
Detail) technology and
only the size of the hard
drive sets the limit for the
The module connects to
NaviPac and receives
continuous 3D positioning
Figure 31 3D Touch-down monitoring.
updates including attitude for
display. The object display can be assigned to an advanced 3D drawing by using 3ds files.
If the drawings are proper designed you may even control moving parts (manually) and thus
get a very realistic working scene for eg. ROV pilots
The solution supports various control mechanisms for obstacle avoidance, under keelclearance, 2D depth profiles etc, so it can be used for many operations such as IMR,
construction, decommissioning, tug and barge management or traditional 3D surveys.
The online 3D visualisation plays an important role in the TMS catenary and cable lay

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Onboard and onshore networked solution

The online visualisation module operates as a networked solution and you may use any
Windows workstation on the network.
The system uses a Lite data protocol by exchanging short messages via a centralised
server. The data protocol is open, so 3rd party software might send information to the
modules if requested. Please contact EIVA for further details.
The data can even be distributed on an internet based solution as long as your system
allows a public address of the server pc.
You can try the networked solution yourselves by starting online 3D and connect to
ais.eiva.dk, where you get access to vessels active in the Bay of Aarhus close to the EIVA

Figure 32 Online 3D showing the Bay of Aarhus with AIS tracked from the EIVA location.

Real time DTM

The online 3D can also connect to a NaviScan system and produce the track of the MBE
system on-board. You may even start loading real time data from NaviScan into the online
display and show 3D compensated scans for real-time monitoring and QC.

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Figure 33 Real-time MBE coverage and terrain modelling.

The real time display will follow the filter and compensation settings from NaviScan and thus
give a realistic picture of the expected result. The real-time data can furthermore be added
to a DTM and thus build a fast-track result. This can be useful in dredging, dumping or other
solutions where time is money.
Online 3D is available for both 32 and 64 bit OS, and for real time DTM we do recommend
the use of 64 bit as this give the ultimate performance.

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4.9 Barge management & rigmove

The EIVA Tug Management System (TMS) is an optional add-on software module to the
NaviPac Integrated Navigation software. The TMS supports multi-vessel operations and its
primary applications comprise:
The TMS passes positional data between multiple NaviPac systems by use of telemetry
communication links. This allows the NaviPac system onboard each individual vessel to
track and display all vessels connected. Major features of the TMS module include:


Automatic calculation of barge routes

Monitoring of real-time anchor pattern
Handling of mid-line buoys
Inter-vessel communication via telemetry polling system
High visual impact
Inter vessel communication


Radio modems
Telemetry polling

Standard XF

Figure 34 Data telemetry.

Control from barge

All TMS tasks are handled in a TMS master on the barge:

Graphical control from Helmsmans Display and standard interface via the RIGMON
server application
Assigning tugs to anchors

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Controlling anchors
Moving anchors and planning new location
Assigning runlines
Assigning waypoints
Commands to tugs
Remote monitor and control of tug setup (geodesy, offsets, GPS status, )

Automated tug operation

The tug boat display can be operated hands-free


Automatic zoom and pan

Automatic assignment
Automatic steering control
Messages and commands from the barge
State changes
Automatic location and pickup/drop commands are send back to the barge and
hereafter distributed to all other vessels in the operation
Reception and activation of runlines and waypoints
3D catenary calculations

By means of the SW add-on module NaviCat you may add an extra dimension to the anchor
chain handling in the TMS scenario. You will now be able to model the chains, buoys and
anchors in the water column and on the seabed and even see the result in online 3D.
By utilising predefined cables,
MLB (mid line buoys) and
anchor libraries, NaviCat makes
creation, modification and
display of catenaries extremely
easy and intuitive. Each library
allows for maintenance and
extension by the user. During
catenary simulation cable
types, MLBs and anchors can
be replaced / exchanged
dynamically and the effect is
Figure 35 Real-time 3D catenary monitoring.
displayed instantly to the user.
Defined project files can be stored by the user for later re-use of specific set-ups.
Display of catenaries is supported by tools including eg. zooming, measurement, automatic
arranging of catenary profiles, drag-and-drop and dockable windows. In NaviCat, each
catenary is illustrated as a profile along the catenary in a customisable 2D profile display.
Visualisation of catenaries in 3D is handled through integration of NaviPac 3D visualisation

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During catenary simulations, a large number of parameters for the catenary can be
displayed, such as TDP (touch down point), tension and angle at fairlead, tension along
catenary, total length, position of anchor and MLBs, estimated anchor position, display
tension alarms along the catenary and much more.
NaviCat can operate in three modes, manual-, calculation- and online mode. In manual
mode, NaviCat is used as a planning tool where the impact of different set-ups is easily
monitored and visualised. Calculation mode is used for estimation of anchor or tug positions
based on a specified tension or angle at the fairlead. In online mode, NaviCat integrates
with NaviPac which provides positions and status information about the catenaries including
3D views.

4.10 Online eventing

The EIVA online SW includes an online eventing module. The program connects to NaviPac
via network and can be used on one or more workstations at the survey network.
Events are stores in ASCII CSV format for easy access.
The event tablet is user configurable

Button size, location and color

Short cuts
Event recording
Cascading events
Incrementing events

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Figure 36 The online eventing is fully compatible with the offline eventing handled
in NaviModel.

4.11 Online QC
NaviPac and NaviScan include a series of real time QC features such as sensor plots,
alarm handling, 3D depth views and various statistical monitoring. But most of these are
handled as momentary solutions and do not give any proper paper handout.

Figure 37 Data report showing error estimates and

standard deviation.

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4.11.1 Near realtime QC

The Online QC operates on recorded data, and produces line or time based reports
showing graphical and alphanumerical results of the collected data. The reports are
produced as PDF files in a printable format so they can be used as digital tools or hand-out
reports. The reports covers a.o.

Listing of interfaces, mountings and the maximum data gap

Graphical and numerical sensor comparisons
Graphical listing of calculated parameters such as DOL, SMG and DOP
Graphical sensor listing
Graphs as time or kp based
Shaded relief of MBE depth, density and deviation
Data gaps due to missing input or timing problems
Time series plots of GPS status parameters

4.11.2 The model

The OnlineQC monitors the data recording folders after new data (NaviPac, NaviScan,
Kongsberg, alarms, runlines, CTD and tide) and when available (when the file is closed) its
imported directly into a SQL database.

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Figure 38 Online QC data and operations flow.

After the import, the reporting tool is automatically started (end-of-line or time driven) and
the report is generated based on a user defined selection of sensors to be included in the
4.11.3 Redo after processing
A major advantage with this solution is that NaviEdit uses exactly the same database as
online QC, This means that the automated import saves the processors a series of manual
steps prior to the real processing. Another advantage is that the QC report can be
reproduced with the same settings at any stage during the processing based on the
processed data in the database. This will hopefully show that all errors and outliers have
been fixed.

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5 Instruments
NaviPac/NaviScan supports most sensors on the market, and if not found then please
contact us for further check or evaluation of implementation.
An updated driver list can be found below, as its ordered according to the NaviPac sensor
grouping. Please refer to the Help menu in your installation for sensor details.
The data input handles different HW platforms

Direct serial input

Traditional input of sensor data via COM ports. Time accuracy: 1 ms
Serial input via ATTU
High accurate time tagging input from EIVA ATTU units. Time accuracy: 50 s
Networked UDP/IP
Data on network broadcast. Note: To be used for non time critical inputs or
timetagged data (eg. MBE)
Networked TCP/IP
Data on network connection based exchange. Note: To be used for non time critical
inputs or timetagged data (eg. MBE)
ASCII file (output only)
GP_IB IEEE (output only)
Requires special IEEE I/F board only valid for very old instruments
A/D converter (special inputs)

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5.1 Surface navigation

The surface navigation input covers all sensors that supply direct (eg. GPS) or relative
position input (eg tracking system) for the positioning of the primary vessel




Ashtech GPS

GGA special variant of NMEA

Trimble GPS

NMEA plus special Trimble format


NMEA or C&C TRIN format

Geco Prakla GPS

TRINAV and GECO3 format


Special Racal ASCII format


NMEA GGA or Topcon NP format

Applanix POSMV

Binary networked interface

Leica MC1000 GPS

Special Leica Binary Format


Fanbeam range/bearing tracking MKII and MDL

Leica Total Station

3D tracking system via GSI format

Geodimeter ATS600

3D tracking system

AGA Geodimeter

3D tracking system

Topcon Total Station

3D tracking system

Position from USBL

Position vessel via reverted USBL from Kongsberg HiPap,

Edgetech Ore etc

User configurable input

ASCII string with absolute position (latitude/longitude or

easting/northing) or range/bearing

NaviPac and NaviScan will also accept final positions from external integrated systems, but
that will not be the recommended way. Beside this we support a series of older
range/bearing systems like Mikrofix, Polartrack and Syledis.

5.2 Gyro
The online software supports most sensors on the market. Note that the list is more detailed
in NaviPac than NaviScan. This is mainly because low accuracy units may be OK for
navigation purposes but not for hydrography. Please refer to the reference manuals for
detailed list

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Ixsea Halliburton (Phins)


Ixsea Octans

HDT (to be used with the Octans motion drivers)


Binary EM format or $PSXN

Robertseon SKR80

4 bytes binary

Robertson RSG-4





RLG1, RLG2 and Tokimec2


Hggggg.. with gyri in 1/10 degree

S. G. Brown

GGGg heading in 1/6 degree

KVH Tracking


Kongsberg SDP


Anschutz standard 20

Binary Std 20

Honeywell HMR3000





Compass data from RDI PD0


$GPHDT or Topcon specific $PTPSR,ATT


Binary network telegram group 102

RTK Calculated

NaviPac calculated on base of 2 RTK GPS observations

Solo ROV

G<gyro> or H<gyro>

Triton XL Rov


Magnum ROV

: .... <gyro>

Innovator 3


Oceanteam Plough


Heading from USBL

Gyro from USBL system such as HiPap PSIMSNS

Constructed Direction

Gyro defined as baseline between two observations


User controllable heading


From integrated Edgetech 4600

User defined

Free ASCII decoder

5.3 Motion Sensor

The online SW supports most motion sensors on the market. Note that the list is more
detailed in NaviPac than NaviScan. This is mainly because low accuracy units may be OK
for navigation purposes but not for hydrography. Please refer to the reference manuals for
detailed list


Ixsea Octans


Ixsea Halliburton (Phins)



Binary EM format or $PSXN

Seatex MRU

Binary coded data


Standard TSS ASCII format (DMS, TSS, )


TSS332 roll/pitch


P<pitch> R<roll>


RLG1, RLG2 and Tokimec2


PpppppRrrrrr.. with data in 1/10 degree

Dynabase CRU

Binary Atlas Format

KVH Tracking


Kongsberg SDP


Honeywell HMR3000





$PTPSR,ATT - pitch only


Binary network telegram group 102

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Solo ROV


Triton XL Rov


Magnum ROV

: .... <rrrrr> <ppppp>

Innovator 3


Oceanteam Plough


Motion from USBL

Roll/Pitch from USBL system such as HiPap PSIMSNS


From integrated Edgetech 4600


Sensor data from MacArtney Triaxus

User defined

Free ASCII decoder

5.4 Doppler velocity log

NaviPac and NaviScan supports mainly the Teledyne RDI DVL, as this is the most generally
used unit. The modules supports

Binary PD0, PD3, PD4 and PD5
Schilling UHDRov

5.5 Data acquisition

The term data acquisition covers generic data input in NaviPac and depth/altitude in
NaviScan. The drivers have been grouped in logic sensors to keep the long list as
understandable as possible

Echosunder & altimeter



Atlas Deso 25


Kongsberg EA

EA200, 300P and 500




NaviSound 2000


L-3 (Elac)

LAZ 4700, LAZ4721 & HS4300

Odom Echotrac

Metric only

Altimeter from RDI DVL

PD0 only

User defined ASCII

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Free definable driver


Depth & bathy sensor




Pressure in PSI

Digiquarts Barometer

Surface pressure for depth reference

Tritech SCU 3

WINSOR Processed

Simrad UK90/94
Ulvertech Bathy
Solo ROV
Magnum ROV
Triton XL ROV


Innovator 3

Depth and range

Seabird Pressure

GPS as height reference


From integrated Edgetech 4600


Sensor data from MacArtney Triaxus

ScanSense PS30


User defined ASCII

Free definable driver


Pipe & cable tracker



Innovatum Pipetracker



NaviPac only


G-880 Censium Magnetometer


EG&G MAG G-866

User defined ASCII

Free definable driver

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NaviPac Science

NaviPac only


NMEA Wind Sensor


Data from ScanFish II and Mini


Raw, processed and current meter

HydroC PAH



Format 0 and 3

Cyclops 7

Simple A/D data from ScanFish or processed ASCII from Triaxus

AMT Oxygen



Aanderaa 4330 Optode

Variable ASCII

User defined ASCII

Free definable driver


Other inputs

NaviPac only


CTC Trencher

Trenching information

Subspection CP


Correocean CP


GSSI Georadar

Scan number

Current from RDI Doppler log

PD0 only

OS-9 JetKnife

Selectable parameters


Selectable parameters

Oceanteam Plough

Selectable parameters

Aanderaa pressure

Water level etc

Feather angle

2D Seismic calculated angle between line and streamer

Distance shooting

2D Seismic statistics on shooting


2D seismic UW streamer QC

Eilersen Tension

Cable lay

Caterpillar data

Cable lay

JD Angle counter

Cable lay

User defined ASCII

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Free definable driver

5.6 Dynamic positioning

Dynamic positioning is handled only in NaviPac, and covers solutions for positioning of
remote vehicles such as ROV, ROTC, AUV and remote vessels.


NaviPac supports most generally used Ultra Short Base Line system, either directly or via



HiPap, APOS, HPR400 (binary or NMEA PSIMSSB)

HPR300 (Binary BCD)
HPR300P (Portable unit)

Ore Trackpoint

TP-II, TP-III and Bats









NaviPac supports most generally used Long Base Line system, either direct or via



APS3, Pharos and Fusion



Nautronix NASNetR




More and more systems are supporting INS, which can be interfaced into NaviPac either via
standard drivers or emulators.





Sprint via NMEA GGA

Hugin FFI




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Remote navigation

Data from remote vessels either via remote navigation input or direct telemetry of GPS


Remote GPS



Special NaviPac exchange protocol


NMEA GGA and HDT merged

Thales Tracks




Century Subsea Spar



User configurable input

ASCII string with absolute position (latitude/longitude or easting/northing)

or relative range/bearing


Input all objects and assigning important items to NaviPac vessels


Tracking & others

This covers range/bearing total stations, tracking systems and other special instruments.


Leica autotrack
AGA Geodimeter

From vessel or from target

Golf III Laser
Leica Disto WH15/WH30

Distance only

Tritech Seaking

Target from sonar

Digicourse tailbouy positioning

Streamer positioning system

Seatrack tail position

Relative GPS information

Sonardyne iUSBL


Trimble CB430

Excavation system

5.7 Special input

The special input is mainly used in NaviPac (a few in NaviScan though) and covers in
general drivers that doesnt match the global structure.

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GPS $..ZDA plus special input of PPS

Trimble UTC

GPS $..UTC plus special input of PPS

NMEA Targets

Radar targets as $RAATM, $RAEST or $PXSPT

Raytheon Radar

Radar targets as


Vessel tracking. Class A & B

NMEA Waypoints

Runline waypoints $..WPL

Osprey Waypoints

Binary BCD data as special binary protocol

Kongsberg Runlines


NaviPac Control

Internal NaviPac communication for TMS and rigmoves

Sercel Nautilus

Special TCP/IP Streamer data

5.8 Data output

The data output is a special tool in NaviPac which allows the operator to distribute data from
the navigation system to other systems onboard or via telemetry to other vessels or onshore


Internal EIVA protocols.



Data to NaviScan

ASCII protocols with position, height, runline control and geodesy


Data to tug boats

Position, anchor pattern etc to AHT

Data to external NaviPac

Position, runline etc to remote NaviPac


Data exchange with environmental sideboat NaviPac

Online 3D

Special lite protocol for Online 3D (NaviModel) via SceneServer

Online Eventing

Position information for Online eventing

EIVA Dredging

Position of bucket and rectangle of cleared area. Special ASCII telegram

for Online3D presentation


Export to other acquisition systems




NMEA protocols exporting position, speed and heading

Triton ISIS

Position, speed etc needed by the ISIS system


Position, speed, depth etc required by the Coda Acquisition system

L3 HydroStar

Special XSE data exchange protocol

L3 HDP4060

Position, heading and speed

Kongsberg SIS

Runline Control $NPR


Controllable NMEA output supporting position, heading, speed, time,

depth and autopilot

Libnitz Lann Video Overlay

Special format supported by Libnitz, Taylor and NEtMC

Outland Video Overlay

Start/stop video, overlay and headers

EMRI Autopilot

Sem200 and similar

Kongsberg DP

NMEA or binary BCD


Special video recording control


Data exchange with CDL MiniPos

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Sonardyne telegram


Rob Track



Special NMEA combination

OS/9 Jetknife

Navigation and raw sensor data


Sensor data and position


Position and runline control


Summary of vessel position and USBL data

Schilling ROV

Runline info to ROV pilot

iXsea ROVINS/Phins




Annotation of traditional recording systems.



Deso 25

Start, Stop and events

Delph 1

Time, position and event

Datasonics Chirp

Time, position and event

Edgetech 260 and 560

Start, Stop, position and events


Start, Stop and events


Start, Stop and events

Klein 595

Start, Stop and events

L3 LAZ4700

Start, Stop and events

L3 LAZ4721

Start, Stop and events

L3 HS4300

Start, Stop, kp and events

Waverly 3700

Start, Stop and events


Seismic operations

Special 2D seismic data exchange.



Geometrics Stratavie Seismograph

Navigation header information of shot point


Special ASCII format


Special ASCII string on shot point


Distance shooting into

Seal Spectra

Spectra and IO formats


Inter vessel communication

Exchange of navigational information with remote vessels.

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Pseudo NMEA









NaviPac special compressed ASCII

Caesar TMS

Special message for tug and anchor info


NMEA $PSIMSSB with position in radians


Client specific

Various export formats made for specific clients or vessels.



Head Up

Special output for Acergy/Subsea 7 Headup System


Special output for Acergy/Subsea 7 ROVLog System


Special output to Acergy Catenary Monitoring System

Acergy Acq

Special $ACGDAT telegram

Asean Restorer

Special NMEA telegrams

Balder ROV

Position and steering information

Sperre ROV

Dedicated control system

Geosubsea Pipe

Special DVL and sensor output


Special file based output to IOW


Generic output and export

The user defined data export allows you to generate your own data string by combining and
formatting data from all parameters in the current navigation solution.

5.9 Multibeam sonars

All the multibeam echosounders, scanning sonars and interferrometric sonars are interfaced
into the NaviScan part of the online SW.



9001, 9002, 81xx, 81xx-DH,7K, 7K-DH


2000 single and dual head


Raw Ranges


Echoscan and ES3

L3 Hydrostar

XSE format (single and dual head)

Imagenex DeltaT

single and dual head

Blueview 3D

single and dual head

Atlas Fanswwep

FS15, FS20 and Hydrosweep

Benthos C3D
Edgetech 4600
Kongsberg SM2000

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Seaking Profiler

Single and dual head

ST1000 Profiler

Single and dual head

Hyspec modular scanner


MS 1000
Teledyne Odom


5.10 Sidescan sonar

All the dedicated and multibeam echosounder integrated sonars are interfaced into the



8100, 7K SS & 7K Snippets (single and dual head)


2000 single and dual head, Truepix

Atlas Fansweep

FS20 and Hydrosweep



Benthos C3D
L3 Hydrostar



4200 and 4600


MB1 Snippets


872 Snippets

6 Data formats
The online software supports a series of data importers and exporters. For a final list please
refer to the documentation site.

6.1 Data recording

The online software utilises data recording by EIVA defined formats, which is well
documented for further use. The global principle in the EIVA recording is raw data recording
with metadata, which makes it possible to make efficient reprocessing from antenna to the
seabed in the offline software no matter which settings you are using online.

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NaviPac survey format

The survey format is designed for use in the EIVA processing software and includes
all metadata and interpreted and calculated solution. The information is kept at a
level so the results can be re-calculated from GPS antenna to the seabed. The
format is ASCII.
NaviPac general format
The NaviPac general format is an extension of the survey format (but not to be

considered as an alternative) as it contains the same as the above plus copy of all
raw sensor data. The metadata is kept in a more readable format. The format is
ASCII and is normally used for test and troubleshooting.
NaviPac custom format
The NaviPac custom logging is a simple CSV format where operator may design his
own recording. This solution is normally used for testing and simple hand-outs.
NaviPac P2/94
NaviPac supports export of the survey data to the special UKOOA P2/94 format.
This is mainly used for seismic operations.
NaviScan SBD
The NaviScan data recording is based on a binary proprietary format SBD, which
basically consists of a streaming of all the sensor data to disc with metadata,
identifier and timestamp. The SBD format is directly usable in the EIVA offline suite
and can also be read by some 3rd part systems (Caris etc).
NaviScan XTF
The NaviScan data can also be exported to XTF (eXtended Triton Format) as part
of the data recording. This is mainly used for sidescan data as this enables
processing in most mosaic solutions. Please note that NaviScan supports sensors
that isnt defined in XTF, so please contact EIVA before use.

6.2 Data overlay

The most general data display in the software can be combined with external data in both
the Helmsmans Display and the online 3D display.

Lines & points

NaviPac supports runlines, display lines and waypoints based on simple ASICII formats.
The format definition is open and delivered with the SW.

The internal EIVA runline format (RLX) is a simple ASCII protocol defining each
segment by defining start, end, curvature, kp scale, status etc.
We do also support the standard POI (Norwegian Sector) format directly
# 4/4/2011 23:18:14
"+0"; 72; 0.0000; "Meter"
617575.190; 6291694.866; 612292.026; 6296855.276; 0.00179478; 7.38702686;
0.0000; 1; 72
"+29"; 72; 29.0000; "Meter"
617506.306; 6291802.688; 607566.937; 6301511.116; 0.12641270; 14.02046277;
0.0000; 1; 72

Display lines
Display lines can be used as either inactive display lines or as danger zones etc.
The files are defined as simple point to point drawings using a HP Plotter Language.

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Display lines can also be imported from ACAD DXF/DWG.



271454.99 -2


271213.90 -1


259967.86 -1

Waypoints is defined as single point location (multiple can be defined in a line)
defined by position, danger zone and graphical symbol. The waypoint format (WP2)
is simple ASCII format:
"Black"; 499000.000; 6007000.000; 0.000; 0.1; 0.1; 0.1; ""; 0.00; -10.1; "";
0.00; ""; 1; 0.000; 0.000; 0.000; 0; 0.05
"White"; 499000.000; 6006900.000; 0.000; 1.1; 1.1; 1.1; ""; 0.00; -10.1; "";
0.00; ""; 1; 0.000; 0.000; 0.000; 0; 0.05



The presentation of dynamic (vessel, ROV, AUV) and static objects (waypoints) can be
made as simplified symbol (square, triangle, ) or graphical drawing


The 2D drawings are based on a simple ASCII format (called SHP which isnt the
standard shape format) based on HP Plotter language. The format is point to point
drawings with selection of colors and fillings. A small drawing utility /FileAsc) is
supplied with NaviPac.
The drawings can be imported from ACAD DXF/DWG.
A 3D drawing can be assigned to objects in the online 3D display. The drawings
must be in the format called 3DS. Drawings can be produced in a number of
standard tools such as 3DS Max.

NaviPac supports the use of commercial and free charts as background display for the
Helmsmans data window.

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Commercial chart delivered from Jeppesen. The charts can either be based on
systems bought from Jeppesen or own charts compiled with the C-Map. C-Map
require a special dongle from Jeppesen.
Commercial chart delivered from SevenCs. The charts can either be based on
systems bought from the supplier or own charts compiled with the 7C kernel. 7Cs
require a special dongle or license code.


You may use your own S57 (ECDIS) charts via commercial compilers from either
Jeppesen or 7Cs.
Geocoded images
NaviPac supports import of a series of geocoded images (pictures with world
coordinate information) such as Geotif etc. This is license free.
NaviPac supports use of large DXF/DWG drawings on your display by utilising LOD
technology for loading, zoom and pan.

The online displays may use historical or real time data (bathymetric or sidescan) as
background display for guidance and quality control.
The data can either be delivered as final models or build in the Helmsmans Display or
online 3D.The following data is supported.

Final model from NaviModel

Real time or historical data from NaviScan
Realtime or historical data from Kongsberg SIS
Realtime or historical data from L-3 XSE
Realtime or historical data from ASCII XYZ

The data modelling is based on the quad-tree principle from NaviModel and utilises a very
efficient data model which allows fast zoom and panning on unlimited data sizes.

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7 HW & SW requirements
The EIVA online SW solution is built on the windows platform and supports PCs running
Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7. The OS must be delivered in the PRO version. For
configuration of Windows 7, please refer to special EIVA guidelines.
The system requires .NET 4, which is distributed with the EIVA install DVD.
If you are using the online QC feature then the Microsoft SQL server must be installed on
the pc. A free edition of this is supplied with the installation DVD.
The online SW is designed to utilise multiple processors, and we recommend the use of
multiple core pc.
Minimum RAM:

4 GB

Minimum HDD:

500 GB

The software is compatible with both 64 and 32 bit OS, and a few modules utilise the 64 bit
for the optimal performance.
Serial sensor interfacing is either done via the EIVA ATTU or build-in serial interface boards.
The ATTU is interfaced into the online SW modules using a network interface and it requires
no special HW. It may in certain installations be considered if the ATTU network is
separated from the ordinary vessel network. It that case it will require a second network
interface board on the pc.
The online supports most windows compatible interface boards, but it is on Windows 7
important to check for compatibility. EIVA is normally using MOXA or Digiboard solutions for
our installations.

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