Wireless Data Transfer With Mm-Waves For Future Tracking Detectors

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Wireless data transfer with mm-waves for future tracking

D. Pelikana, N. Bingeforsa, R. Brennera, D. Dancilab and L. Gustafssona

Wireless data transfer has revolutionized the consumer market for the last decade generating
many products equipped with transmitters and receivers for wireless data transfer. Wireless
technology opens attractive possibilities for data transfer in future tracking detectors. The
reduction of wires and connectors for data links is certainly beneficial both for the material
budget and the reliability of the system. An advantage of wireless data transfer is the freedom of
routing signals which today is particularly complicated when bringing the data the first 50 cm
out of the tracker. With wireless links intelligence can be built into a tracker by introducing
communication between tracking layers within a region of interest which would allow the
construction of track primitives in real time.
The wireless technology used in consumer products is however not suitable for tracker readouts.
The low data transfer capacity of current 5 GHz transceivers and the relatively large feature sizes
of the components is a disadvantage.Due to the requirement of high data rates in tracking
detectors high bandwidth is required. The frequency band around 60 GHz turns out to be a very
promising candidate for data transfer in a detector system. The high baseband frequency allows
for data transfer in the order of several Gbit/s. Due to the small wavelength in the mm range only
small structures are needed for the transmitting and receiving electronics. The 60 GHz frequency
band is a strong candidate for future WLAN applications hence components are already starting
to be available on the market.Patch antennas produced on flexible Printed Circuit Board substrate
that can be used for wireless communication in future trackers are presented in this article. The
antennas can be connected to transceivers for data transmission/reception or be connected by
wave-guides to structures capable of bringing the 60 GHz signal behind boundaries. Results on
simulation and fabrication of these antennas are presented as well as studies on the sensitivity of
production tolerances.

Multi-gigabit wireless data transfer at 60 GHz

H K Soltveita, R Brennerb, A Sch?ninga and D Wiednera
In this paper we describe the status of the first prototype of the 60 GHz wireless Multi-gigabit
data transfer topology currently under development at University of Heidelberg using IBM 130
nm SiGe HBT BiCMOS technology. The 60 GHz band is very suitable for high data rate and
short distance applications. One application can be a wireless multi Gbps radial data transmission
inside the ATLAS silicon strip detector, making a first level track trigger feasible. The wireless
transceiver consists of a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter includes an On-Off Keying
(OOK) modulator, a Local Oscillator (LO), a Power Amplifier (PA) and a Band-pass Filter
(BPF). The receiver part is composed of a Band-pass Filter (BPF), a Low Noise Amplifier
(LNA), a double balanced down-convert Gilbert mixer, a Local Oscillator (LO), then a BPF to

remove the mixer introduced noise, an Intermediate Amplifier (IF), an On-Off Keying
demodulator and a limiting amplifier. The first prototype would be able to handle a data-rate of
about 3.5 Gbps over a link distance of 1 m. The first simulations of the LNA show that a Noise
figure (NF) of 5 dB, a power gain of 21 dB at 60 GHz with a 3 dB bandwidth of more than 20
GHz with a power consumption 11 mW are achieved. Simulations of the PA show an output
referred compression point P1dB of 19.7 dB at 60 GHz.
Wireless Data Networks

by Kostas Pentikousis, VTT

Most IPJ

readers are familiar with Wireless Local-Area Networks (WLANs; see, for example,
IPJ Volume 5, No. 1). Some may even be familiar with recent developments in Wireless
Metropolitan-Area Networks (WMANs), such as WiMAX. Although nonproprietary WMAN
technologies are still in the standardization phase, the IEEE 802.11 family of protocols has
reached maturity and rendered inexpensive (and often free) WLAN access increasingly popular.
Both WLANs and WMANs provide high-speed connectivity (in the order of tens of Mbps), but
user mobility is restricted. In fact, it is probably more appropriate to talk about "portability"
rather than "mobility" [1] when referring to WLANs and WMANs.
Wireless wide-area networks (WWANs), on the other hand, allow full user mobility but at data
rates typically in the order of tens of kbps. This will change to some extent when thirdgeneration (3G) cellular networks are fully deployed. Still, 3G deployment is slower than
originally anticipated, a development often attributed to the combination of high spectrum
license costs, the recent economic downturn, and high equipment costs. As a result, both
population and geographical coverage tend to be uneven. For example, in Finland, a forerunner
in wireless communications, population coverage is well below the 35-percent level, and
geographical coverage is even smaller.
This article introduces several wireless network technologies, perhaps not so widely known,
which deserve attention when considering how to provide mobile connectivity to field personnel,
introduce machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, or deploy applications that require
always-on connectivity. The approach taken in this article is a bit different from the one typically
followed in the literature: We focus more on higher-level issues, the information that is essential
for application developers, instead of modulation, channel coding, and other lowlevel details.
Unlike WLANs and WMANs, none of the networks surveyed provide data rates in the order of
tens of Mbps. Nevertheless, successful applications can be built even with stringent bandwidth
limitations. For example, online gambling and several gaming applications can be served by
really "thin" networks (and possibly "thick" clients).


TanerArsan, FatihGnay and Elif Kaya
Department of Computer Engineering, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey
Nowadays big data transfers make peoples life difficult. During the big data transfer, people waste so much time.
Big data pool grows everyday by sharing data. People prefer to keep their backups at the cloud systems rather than
their computers. Furthermore considering the safety of cloud systems, people prefer to keep their data at the cloud
systems instead of their computers. When backups getting too much size, their data transfer becomes nearly
impossible. It is obligated to transfer data with various algorithms for moving data from one place to another. These
algorithms constituted for transferring data faster and safer. In this Project, an application has been developed to
transfer of the huge files. Test results show its efficiency and success.

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