CB 3 Letter To DCP Chair
CB 3 Letter To DCP Chair
CB 3 Letter To DCP Chair
Community Board 3 has a track record of success in driving consensus and working with
the City to produce equitable plans that include transformative development, as was the
case with the redevelopment of the Seward Park Urban Renewal Area. We stand ready to
work with you and your staff to advance the Mayors vision for making New York, and
in particular Chinatown and the Lower East Side, equitable, lively and growing
communities for years to come.
Gigi Li
Community Board 3
April 2, 2014
manufacturing uses within the district and allows new compatible manufacturing uses;
Therefore be it resolved, Community Board 3 supports the CWG SubDistrict A plan
for purposes of casting our vote as members of the CWG with the following caveats:
Community Board 3 does not support the proposal to allow significant buildings
within the preservation area to transfer their air rights to developments outside
SubDistrict A.
While Community Board 3 generally supports the option, it seeks clarification of
proposed Zoning "Option 1" regarding allowable FAR.
Be it further resolved, Community Board 3 will review the final, complete CWG plan
when it has been agreed to by the CWG.
If you have any questions, please contact the community board office.
February 4, 2015
detailed in the proposal approved by the Committee, and be sited so as to preserve the
greatest amount of open space and landscaping that presently exists in the specific largescale planned community development in Subdistrict B so as to potentially accommodate
water detention green infrastructure and retention tanks. There can be no reduction in
open space within that specific large-scale planned community development in
Subdistrict B unless adequate alternative space is provided in that development with the
exception of parking areas which can either be placed below or above grade level in any
new development;
4) It has been certified that no tenant harassment, denial of services or unnecessary
demolition has occurred;
5) Any new non-residential use development or enlargement addresses the community
facility, services and/or commercial use needs of the specific large scale community
development in which the development or enlargement is proposed and will not displace
existing residential units, commercial businesses or community facilities.
WHEREAS, the current underlying zoning is: R7-2-FAR: C2, R0.87-3.44, CF6.5; and
WHEREAS, the proposed underlying zoning is: Where actual FAR is 2.43 or under: Downzone
to - R6/C2 Modified - FAR: C2, R 0.78-2.43, CF 4.8 and - Where actual FAR is over 2.43:
Change to: R7-2/C2 Modified - FAR: C2, R 0.87-3.44, CF6.5
WHEREAS, a key goal of this rezoning proposal is to preserve as a public review process via
ULURP for new development, demolition or enlargements in the Sub-District; so
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, CB 3 supports the Sub-District B rezoning proposal as
updated by the Land Use & Housing Committee at it January 2015 meeting.
Please contact the community board office with any questions.
Map 6-11 provides a comprehensive overview of all of the recommendations and various options for
consideration in each of the Subdistricts of the proposed Chinatown and Lower East River Special District.
Area 2
Area 1
Area 3