CB 3 Letter To DCP Chair

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59 East 4th Street - New York, NY 10003

Phone (212) 533-5300 - Fax (212) 533-3659
www.cb3manhattan.org - [email protected]
Gigi Li, Board Chair

Susan Stetzer, District Manager

May 29, 2015

Carl Weisbrod
Department of City Planning
22 Reade Street 2N
New York, NY 10007
Dear Director Weisbrod:
We write to you today in response to your February 4 letter. Thank you for your
thoughtful review of the Chinatown Working Groups comprehensive proposal for a
Special Chinatown and Lower East River District. As you noted, over 60 communitybased organizations collaboratively worked to develop this plan over a period of many
years. We appreciate your recognition of our desire to preserve the unique character of
Chinatown and surrounding communities as well as the essential need to both preserve
and develop affordable housing.
We recognize that the comprehensive plan in totality is vast in both scope and reach. We
also share your desire to discuss how we can work together to identify targeted areas
where we can advance shared goals and priorities. In particular, we have identified three
specific Subdistricts; Subdistricts A, B and D. These are outlined on the attached plan
document, Proposed Zoning Districts, from the CWGs planning consultant.
The position weve taken on Subdistrict A would address the preservation of the
mixed-use character of the Chinatown core while almost doubling the amount of
housing that can be built currently. Our vote on Subdistrict B would ensure any
additional development on large scale NYCHA properties would not displace
residents, but we do understand the need to look at options for development, with
meaningful community input. CB 3 has not yet taken a position on Subdistrict D, the
East River waterfront, but recognize the potential of this area and will with work with
you to explore how a rezoning could address both affordable housing development and
the communitys concerns.
It is our belief these target areas provide the most prudent starting point to engage in
discussions with the Department of City Planning. Importantly, they also have the
greatest potential for maximizing preservation and development of affordable housing
while ensuring we sustain and support the unique character that defines our community.

Community Board 3 has a track record of success in driving consensus and working with
the City to produce equitable plans that include transformative development, as was the
case with the redevelopment of the Seward Park Urban Renewal Area. We stand ready to
work with you and your staff to advance the Mayors vision for making New York, and
in particular Chinatown and the Lower East Side, equitable, lively and growing
communities for years to come.


Gigi Li
Community Board 3


Edith Hsu-Chin, Department of City Planning

Joel Kolkmann, Department of City Planning
Persephone Tan, Office of New York City Council Member Margaret Chin
Matt Viggiano, Office of New York City Council Member Rosie Mendez


59 East 4th Street - New York, NY 10003
Phone (212) 533-5300 - Fax (212) 533-3659
www.cb3manhattan.org - [email protected]
Gigi Li, Board Chair

Susan Stetzer, District Manager

April 2, 2014

Hon. Carl Weisbrod, Director

Department of City Planning
22 Reade Street
New York, NY 10007

Dear Director Weisbrod:

At its March 2014 monthly meeting, Community Board 3 passed the following resolution:
VOTE: Community Board 3 Resolution Regarding the Chinatown Working Group
(CWG) Plan for SubDistrict A (the Chinatown Preservation Area)
Whereas, Manhattan's Chinatown and its surrounding areas are among the oldest
immigrant neighborhoods in New York City, housing successive groups of immigrants
from Ireland, Germany, China, Italy, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, starting
in the early 1800s; and
Whereas, these diverse immigrant neighborhoods, with their historic tenement
buildings, vibrant streetscapes, and affordable housing built for low-income working
class families shed important light on New York City's past but are also a critical
component in the City's future; and
Whereas, most buildings in SubDistrict A are five to nine stories and mixed use
(stores, restaurants, and sometimes light manufacturing uses below; residential and
commercial uses above); and
Whereas, in the absence of height limits, inappropriate developments (such as large
hotels and condos) are beginning to appear within the SubDistrict; and
Whereas, the CWG plan for Chinatown, as it applies to SubDistrict A (the Chinatown
Preservation Area), provides for an 85 foot height limit; and
Whereas, the CWG plan prohibits certain commercial business such as hotels and big
box stores, requires special permits for bars and clubs, and limits the size of most stores
and businesses to 2,500 square feet; and
Whereas, the CWG plans to add "G" designation to commercial and manufacturing
zoning districts in SubDistrict A, which will protect existing commercial and

manufacturing uses within the district and allows new compatible manufacturing uses;
Therefore be it resolved, Community Board 3 supports the CWG SubDistrict A plan
for purposes of casting our vote as members of the CWG with the following caveats:

Community Board 3 does not support the proposal to allow significant buildings
within the preservation area to transfer their air rights to developments outside
SubDistrict A.
While Community Board 3 generally supports the option, it seeks clarification of
proposed Zoning "Option 1" regarding allowable FAR.

Be it further resolved, Community Board 3 will review the final, complete CWG plan
when it has been agreed to by the CWG.
If you have any questions, please contact the community board office.

Gigi Li, Chair

Community Board 3


Linda Jones, Chair

Land Use, Zoning, Public and Private Housing Committee

Edith Hsu-Chin, Department of City Planning

Joel Kolkmann, Department of City Planning
Matthew Viggiano, Office of Council Member Margaret Chin


59 East 4th Street - New York, NY 10003
Phone (212) 533-5300 - Fax (212) 533-3659
www.cb3manhattan.org - [email protected]
Gigi Li, Board Chair

Susan Stetzer, District Manager

February 4, 2015

Mr. Wilson Soo, Co-Chair

Mr. Antony Wong, Co-Chair
Chinatown Working Group
c/o Community Board #1 Manhattan
49-51 Chambers St., Rm 715
New York, New York 10007

Dear Mr. Soo and Mr. Wong,

At its January 2015 monthly meeting, Community Board 3 passed the following resolution:
VOTE: Community Board 3 Resolution Regarding the Chinatown Working Group (CWG) Plan
for Sub-District B (Community Preservation and Resilience Area) and other NYCHA Properties
WHEREAS, Subdistrict B is characterized as a Planned Community Preservation and Resilience
Area, consisting of large planned housing developments constructed for low and moderate
income New Yorkers along the lower East River in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s; and
WHEREAS, the NYCHA housing developments are built in a unique "tower in the park"
architectural style, characterized by large-scale site plans with significant open space and internal
pedestrian walkways; and
WHEREAS, the Land Use & Housing Committee reviewed the CWG proposal as written, and
proposed revised language which was memorialized by the Committee; and
WHEREAS, the revised proposal insures that in each large-scale planned community
development in Subdistrict B, any new development, demolition or enlargements in the SubDistrict would require a Special Permit (ULURP) based on the findings summarized below:
1) Any new development, demolition or enlargements must be at rents affordable to that
specific large-scale planned community development and will not reduce the total
number of units and total number of legal occupants;
2) New development or enlargements in the specific large-scale planned community
development must relate to the existing buildings or other structures in all manner of
scale and design and will not seriously alter the scenic amenity and the environmental
quality of that large-scale planned community development, or in the alternative, must
include alternative amenities or quality factors approved as part of the plan.
3) New development or enlargements must maximize Climate Change resilience and
adaptation measures relating to built form and permeable surfaces as more specifically

detailed in the proposal approved by the Committee, and be sited so as to preserve the
greatest amount of open space and landscaping that presently exists in the specific largescale planned community development in Subdistrict B so as to potentially accommodate
water detention green infrastructure and retention tanks. There can be no reduction in
open space within that specific large-scale planned community development in
Subdistrict B unless adequate alternative space is provided in that development with the
exception of parking areas which can either be placed below or above grade level in any
new development;
4) It has been certified that no tenant harassment, denial of services or unnecessary
demolition has occurred;
5) Any new non-residential use development or enlargement addresses the community
facility, services and/or commercial use needs of the specific large scale community
development in which the development or enlargement is proposed and will not displace
existing residential units, commercial businesses or community facilities.
WHEREAS, the current underlying zoning is: R7-2-FAR: C2, R0.87-3.44, CF6.5; and
WHEREAS, the proposed underlying zoning is: Where actual FAR is 2.43 or under: Downzone
to - R6/C2 Modified - FAR: C2, R 0.78-2.43, CF 4.8 and - Where actual FAR is over 2.43:
Change to: R7-2/C2 Modified - FAR: C2, R 0.87-3.44, CF6.5
WHEREAS, a key goal of this rezoning proposal is to preserve as a public review process via
ULURP for new development, demolition or enlargements in the Sub-District; so
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, CB 3 supports the Sub-District B rezoning proposal as
updated by the Land Use & Housing Committee at it January 2015 meeting.
Please contact the community board office with any questions.

Gigi Li, Chair

Community Board 3


Linda Jones, Chair

Land Use, Zoning, Public and Private Housing Committee

Joel Kolkmann, New York City Department of City Planning

Persephone Tan, Office of New York City Council Member Margaret Chin

Map 6-11 provides a comprehensive overview of all of the recommendations and various options for
consideration in each of the Subdistricts of the proposed Chinatown and Lower East River Special District.


BLEECKER and Sub-District E2: BOWERY
Option 1:
Underlying: C6-1G Modified
FAR: C 6, R 4.6, CF 6
Ht. Limit: 85ft
Guaranteed 20% PAH (with 421a tax abatement)
Guaranteed 20% (40% if no 421a) PAH for increase
in R FAR from 3.44 to 4.6
E1 Option 2:
Underlying and Ht. Limit: Same as Option 1
FAR: C 6, R 3.44-4.6, CF 6.5
Guaranteed 20% PAH (with 421a tax abatement)
Bonus to R FAR 4.6 for 20% (40% if no 421a)
additional PAH (if accepted as amendment to Special
Little Italy District Area C by CB2 & CB3)

Proposed Zoning Districts

in the Special Chinatown and Lower East River District


Option 1:
Underlying: C4-4A/G Modified
FAR: C 4, R 4.8-6, CF 4
Ht. Limit: 85ft
Guaranteed 20% PAH (w 421a tax abatement)
In C6-2 and C6-2G: Guarantee 20% PAH (if no 421a)
In C6-1 and R7-2: Additional guaranteed 20% PAH
(40% if no 421a) for R increase from FAR 3.44-4.8
OR Additional guaranteed 25% PAH (45% if no
421a) for R increase from FAR 3.44-6
Option 2:
Underlying: C6-2G Modified
FAR: C 6, R 6, CF 6
Ht. Limit: 85ft
Guaranteed 20% PAH (w 421a tax abatement)
In existing C6-2 and C6-2G: guaranteed 20% PAH (if
no 421a)
In existing C6-1 and R7-2: guaranteed 25% PAH
(45% if no 421a) for R increase from FAR 3.44 to 6

Recommendation Area 2: NORTH OF

Anti-harassment/anti-demolition certification req.
Include as subdistrict A2 of the Chinatown and Lower
East River Special District or adopt provisions similar to
Preservation Area A



Option 1:
Underlying: C6-2A Modified
FAR: C 6, R 7.2, CF 6.5
Ht. Limit: 120ft
Guaranteed 20% PAH (w 421a tax abatement)
In existing C6-2A: Guaranteed 20% (40% if no 421a)
for additional PAH for R increase from FAR 6.02-7.2
In existing M1-5: Guaranteed 30% (50% if no 421a)
PAH for rezoning and increase FAR from 5-7.2
Additional 1 FAR TDR from Area A & Bldgs of Signif.


Area 2
Area 1

Area 3


PAH-Permanent Affordable Housing

Recommendation Area 1: AMENDMENTS TO SPECIAL

Extend 85ft Ht. Limit to other half of Bowery
Anti-harassment/anti-demolition certification req.
Ammend Little Italy to incorporate provisions from the
Chinatown and Lower East River Special District

SPCP District-Special Planned Community Preservation District


Option 1:
Map each development as SPCP District overlay requiring
special permit and ULURP review
Where FAR is 2.43 or under, rezone to R6/C2 Modified
Where FAR is over 2.43, retain R7-2/C2
Option 2:
Add SPCPD special permit findings to Subdistrict B
Underlying: R6/C2 Modified and R7-2/C2 Modified
FAR: C 2, R 0.78-2.43*, CF 4.8 *
and C 2, R 0.87-3.44*, CF 6.5*
*Require Special Permit to achieve maximum zone FAR
Recommendation Area 3: SEWARD PARK NORTH OF
Anti-harassment/anti-demolition certification req.
Option 1:
Underlying: C6-4 Modified; map M1-4 and C2-8 as
FAR: C 10, R 10, CF 10
Ht. Limit: 350ft
Guaranteed 20% PAH (with 421a)
In existing C6-4: Guaranteed 30% (50% if no 421a)
In existing M1-6: Guaranteed 35% (55% if no 421a) for
rezoning M to C thus allowing residential
Additional .5 FAR for culture
Additional .5 FAR for TDR from Area A & Bldgs of Signif.
Option 2:
Underlying, FAR, and Ht: Same as Opt 1 but retain M1-6
Guaranteed 20% PAH (with 421a)
In existing C6-4: Guaranteed 30% (50% if no 421a)
Additional .5 FAR for culture onsite or contrib. to cultural
resources fund
Additional .5 FAR for TDR from Area A & Bldgs of Signif.

Chapter 6 Special Chinatown And Lower East River District


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