Haydée Santamaría, Cuban Revolutionary by Margaret Randall
Haydée Santamaría, Cuban Revolutionary by Margaret Randall
Haydée Santamaría, Cuban Revolutionary by Margaret Randall
Margaret Randall
Margaret Randall
Acknowledgments ix
chapter 4 Moncada 53
chapter 5 War 81
Notes 207
Bibliography 217
Index 221
x | Acknowledgments
In these times of global economic crisis,1 the poor and middle classes of
countries calling themselves capitalist, Socialist, Communist, Social Demo-
cratic, Christian Democratic, monarchist, liberal, Islamist, conservative, or
based on the principle of happiness2 lose jobs and security while small groups
of the powerful rake in more and more of the profit stockpiled by their la-
bor. This gulf between rich and poor, between gluttonous and desperate, has
become so sharp it seems irreversible. Even more troubling to those of my
generation who believed we could change the world, current powers favor
the reverse direction from the one we imagined.
Dramatic climate change and devastating natural disasters, the increas-
ing interdependence of nations, a liberating but also dangerously controlling
information revolution, race and gender manipulation, the intentional com-
plexity of corporate markets with their tricky bundling and devious hedge
funds, the destruction of public education and consequent failure to teach
young people critical thinking, the glorification of violence, fabricated need,
elaborately deceptive official rhetoric, and expertly induced fear: all com-
bine to convince us healthy change is impossible.
Endless wars mask ordinary need and overcome our longing for peace.
Obscene amounts of money buy elections. Pseudopatriotism has taken the
place of reason. The mentally ill are denied the services they require, and
some of them take their frustrations out shooting up schools or other public
places. Whistle-blowers, once respected and protected, are now considered
traitors and exiled or imprisoned. Evil is blamed on anyone different from
ourselves, and a cultivated fear of difference nurtures a racist and xenopho-
bic status quo that keeps mainstream America from asking the complex
questions. Many of those we misunderstand, disregard, and treat as childish
underlings hate us with good reason.
Against this backdrop and through the systematic erasure of historic
memory, few Americans recall that only fifty-five years ago, a small group
of rebels on a Caribbean island ninety miles from the Florida coast ousted a
dictator and took the future of its nation into its hands. A successful social
revolution right offshore! The United States was stunned when it suddenly
lost control of one of its nearest clients. Public officials, unaccustomed to
thinking such a thing could happen, weren’t prepared. The US power struc-
ture wasted no time in devising ways to undermine what it saw as an incon-
gruous and unacceptable upstart.
The United States sought and received help from regional dictators, such
as Somoza of Nicaragua and Trujillo of the Dominican Republic. Members
of Cuba’s owner classes were afraid of losing their fortunes. Churches were
nervous about an atheist imposition (which the revolution, unfortunately,
did nothing to counteract). And an irrational anti-Communism made it easy
for a rapid dissemination of lies and unfounded rumors to spread fear even
among many in Cuba’s middle class.
Inside the United States, the first two Cuban counterrevolutionary or-
ganizations were founded before 1959 had even come to an end: La rosa
blanca (The White Rose) and Milicias obreras anticomunistas (Workers
Anti- Communist Militia). The cia funded them from the beginning. In
March 1960, Eisenhower approved a government program aimed at bringing
down the revolution. It consisted of four parts: sabotage, the introduction
of paramilitary groups to spark an internal uprising, the establishment of a
subversion and intelligence network, and a broad campaign of psychological
warfare. In this same year, the first important group of business owners and
those with large landholdings left the island.
2 | Chapter 1
While the US government’s posture was becoming more and more crim-
inal, many on the American Left, on the other hand, were inspired; their
understanding of this new revolution varied, but they were quick to see in it
the answers their diverse visions conditioned them to understand.
To the United States, prerevolutionary Cuba had been a convenient play-
ground where high-end businessmen could go for a weekend of fun at one of
the US crime syndicate–owned casinos, spend a few hours with a voluptuous
mulata, and drink rum and Coca- Cola oblivious to what life was like for those
who serviced their whims. In old Havana, a US marine had a few too many
beers, climbed a statue of José Martí, and urinated on the patriot’s head. Such
incidents, harmless jokes in the imperialist mind, to Cubans were symbolic
of decades of domination.
For them, their country was a land where a one-crop sugar economy ex-
ploited vast numbers of cane cutters who had work only a few months of the
year. These people were indebted to the company store and subsisted under
miserable living conditions with little access to education and health care.
Sugar, tobacco, and coffee production was in the hands of US companies.
Cuba depended as well on US oil and imports of all kinds. The nation’s raw
materials and human resources meant huge profit for foreign interests, with
a bit trickling down to an ostentatious local oligarchy.
All this got much worse on March 10, 1952, when an ex-president and
general named Fulgencio Batista staged a coup and took power. The left-
center Orthodox Party had been expected to win the upcoming elections,
but Batista put an end to even such modest dreams of reform. The United
States immediately recognized the new government, which it knew would
continue to protect its interests. All over the island, young people were look-
ing for ways to take back their country.
In Havana, a young lawyer named Fidel Castro was able to rally a group
that would later emerge as the July 26 Movement. The name was derived
from the attack 160 of his men and two women launched against Moncada
Barracks, the nation’s second-largest military garrison, in Santiago de Cuba
on July 26, 1953. The action was a military failure but lit the spark that be-
came the Cuban Revolution.
The young revolutionaries, some of whom are featured in this book, gave
a great deal at Moncada: brothers, husbands, fathers, lovers. They also lost
their innocence—but gained immeasurably in dignity. The Cuban people
learned there were those among them committed to sacrificing everything
for justice. Moncada’s survivors, including Haydée Santamaría and Fidel Cas-
Before We Begin | 3
tro, were captured, tried, imprisoned, and eventually released in 1954 and
1955. Fidel found it too dangerous to continue the struggle on home soil and
retreated to Mexico. There he gathered and trained a group of less than a
hundred men. He vowed they would be back in the mountains of his home-
land, fighting or dead, before the end of 1956.
Embarking upon an overloaded and risky sea voyage, the secondhand
yacht they called Granma departed from the Mexican port of Tuxpan and
landed at Las Coloradas beach on Cuba’s eastern coast in the early morning
hours of December 2, 1956. The Santiago underground had planned an up-
rising to coincide with the landing and provide cover for the returnees, but
choppy seas and slow going on the part of the novice sailors made for miscal-
culation. Most of the revolutionaries were gunned down upon arrival. Fidel,
his brother Raúl, Che, and a few others made it into the nearby mountains;
some have said twelve, some sixteen, some only seven. They may have been
able to salvage seven weapons. With these in hand, Fidel famously declared
the war won.
What followed were two years of increasingly well-organized guerrilla
warfare. It would become a model emulated, with varying degrees of success,
by other liberation movements throughout the next two decades. Nothing
like it had been seen in the Western Hemisphere since Haiti’s successful de-
feat of French colonialism in 1804. Finally another small country, exploited
by US imperialism, was demonstrating the courage and capacity to rebel.
Cuba’s revolutionaries, women as well as men, proved brave, strategic,
ingenious, and extremely capable. They built an impenetrable stronghold
in the Sierra Maestra mountains and a perfectly coordinated underground
movement in the cities. In February 1957 they were even able to bring New
York Times reporter Herbert Matthews safely into and out of the mountains,
where he interviewed Fidel and gave worldwide lie to Batista’s claim that the
rebel leader had been killed in the landing.
At first the guerrillas suffered a string of defeats. But they learned from
their mistakes and by the end of 1957 were winning battles, capturing mili-
tary posts, and taking prisoners—whom they treated with a generosity that
set them apart from their adversaries. Fidel and a number of other leaders
demonstrated an unusual integrity. News of the Argentine doctor named
Ernesto “Che” Guevara began to surface. Toward the end of the war, in Sep-
tember 1958, a woman’s platoon went into battle: a first for the times.
From a motley group of visionaries—lost, hungry, and without enough
4 | Chapter 1
weapons to go around—and in a surprisingly short period of time, the rebel
army grew to thousands: several well-trained columns capable of coming out
of the mountains and advancing the length of the country, liberating cities
as they went. Just as important, the Cuban people supported their liberators
in ways rarely seen before or since. Thousands of those who weren’t directly
involved warned the revolutionaries of approaching danger, hid people in
their homes, supplied food and other provisions, carried messages, or simply
stayed silent and out of the way.
On January 1, 1959, Batista and his inner circle fled. The July 26 Move-
ment had won the war. It then continued the sometimes messy job of in-
corporating other progressive forces—those of the old Socialist Party (psp,
Moscow-oriented Communists), the Student Directorate in Havana, and
other groups—into a cohesive governing body and began to construct a so-
ciety that politically, economically, and socially was the antithesis of its pre-
decessor. Had the United States observed a hands-off policy, this would have
been difficult enough. Given the obstacles it devised to bring the revolution
down, the task became titanic.
Fidel was the acknowledged leader, admired and beloved in almost ev-
ery quarter. By February 1959, he was the country’s new prime minister.
In April the casinos were closed and Cuba’s pristine beaches opened to the
public. In May the first agrarian reform law was enacted. An urban reform
law followed. In October a people’s militia was established to protect a revo-
lution already being sabotaged by the United States and disaffected Cubans.
Neighborhood groups called Committees to Defend the Revolution (cdr)
were also set up, creating a nationwide web of “people’s eyes and ears” to
guard against attack.
The next few years would see giant advances in the creation of a more just
society: the nationalization of sugar mills and foreign oil interests, a literacy
campaign that taught almost all Cubans to read and write, the establishment
of free and universal health care, and an emphasis on putting people to work,
building schools, creating day care centers, and retraining domestic workers
and women who had been forced to work in the sex industry so they could
use new skills to seek more dignified employment.
Coca- Cola, the iconic thirst quencher favored by a people deeply im-
mersed in US culture, was no longer the popular soft drink. One of many
commodities that disappeared or were in very short supply, it was replaced
by Son, a substitute that never quite satisfied. More important, because
Before We Begin | 5
shortages appeared and the revolution prioritized equal access, a rationing
system was soon implemented. It affected almost all basic necessities, in-
cluding food and clothing.
When I moved my family to Cuba in 1969, we opted for the ordinary
ration book rather than the special one most foreigners had. I remember
the five of us receiving three-quarters of a pound of meat every nine days,
a liter of fresh milk a day for those under twelve, a can of condensed milk
per person per month, three eggs a week for each of us. Coffee was in short
supply. Nonsmokers, my partner at the time and I traded our cigarette ration
for something more to our liking. My three older children were at boarding
school all week and ate well there, so we were able to invite friends to eat
with us on weekends. When one harvest or another came in, extra potatoes
or vegetables appeared at market. There were lots of jokes about split peas,
and lots of recipes made the rounds, often featuring something that might
have been thrown away to create a new dish or making what we had last as
long as possible. The knowledge that no one in Cuba went hungry mitigated
the stringent rationing. I can’t remember feeling deprived.
Although new global political configurations, the Cold War, and some
important internal errors kept Cuba from the sort of rapid development it
envisioned, making people’s basic necessities rather than capitalist profit the
priority enabled the revolution to fulfill dreams of universal health care, an
educated population, and access to culture and sports. Even today, fifty-five
years later and in its complicated transition to open markets while retaining
its principal socialist gains, what has been maintained is astonishing.
In July 1960, the United States suspended its quota of Cuban sugar; the
Soviet Union immediately agreed to buy that sugar at favorable prices. In
September of that year Cuba nationalized all US banks. In January 1961,
Washington broke diplomatic relations with Havana. The United States in-
creased its program of covert and overt actions against the young revolution
and in April 1961 launched a full-scale military attack, called Bay of Pigs in
the United States and Playa Girón on the island. The Eisenhower and Ken-
nedy administrations expected Cubans to rise up and join the mercenaries.
What happened instead was that they defended their revolution and defeated
the invaders in two days. The 1,200 mercenaries captured were later traded
for $54 million dollars worth of medicine and baby food.
Subsequent years would see the Cuban Revolution developing its unique
brand of socialismo en español (socialism in Spanish). US public intellectual
6 | Chapter 1
and philosopher Susan Sontag 3 visited Cuba in 1969 and wrote perceptively:
“Like all Revolutions, the Cuban one is a reorganization—and a vast release
of human energy [. . .] this release of energy is experienced as ‘liberating.’
Even deprived of the right to go into private business or to see pornographic
films, the great majority of Cubans feel vastly more free today than they ever
did before the revolution.”4 Sontag remarked on the cultural nature of the
revolution, differentiating it from the Old Left models in which changed
relations of production were prioritized above all else. She pointed to Che
Guevara’s “Man and Socialism in Cuba” (1965) and its emphasis on creating
a new consciousness as well as new economic relations.
From its inception, the Cuban Revolution saw itself as part of a global
struggle. Even as it consolidated its own process, it looked to movements
in Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. “Two, three, many Vietnams”
became a rallying cry. Cuba’s goals were full independence and the right to
design a responsive relationship between the people and their leaders. It
contributed a great deal to world revolution, including the extraordinary
generosity of its internationalist contingents of doctors, teachers, soldiers,
and other experts still working in dozens of colonized and underdeveloped
Sontag considered “the greatest discovery of the Cuban Revolution [to
be] the invention of Cuban internationalism, that peculiarly intense form of
fraternal international feeling [. . .]. Havana today,” she wrote, after the rev-
olution’s first decade, “starkly denuded of commodities and comforts as it is,
is vibrant with the conviction of being a world capital. [. . .] One feels more
in the world, more in touch with events, in Havana, capital of this poor small
Caribbean island, than one ever does in such genuinely provincial cities as
Rome or Stockholm.”
Many who have written about the Cuban Revolution have pointed to this
internationalism, this sense of being part of a vast human community, this
new consciousness so often mentioned by Che and Fidel, as indicative of
change that is human as well as political. No one in the revolutionary pan-
theon embodied this spirit of politics as a set of human relationships more
than the subject of this book, Haydée Santamaría.
Cuba became an example for people throughout Latin America and the
world; to a great extent it still is. At the same time, its revolution never
stopped aggravating the United States, its powerful neighbor to the north. A
series of US presidents vowed to destroy the beautiful experiment, launch-
Before We Begin | 7
ing an economic blockade, a trade embargo, constant counterrevolutionary
propaganda, outright military attack, and hundreds of covert military and
sabotage actions aimed at bringing the project to failure.
For many years, the United States was able to prevent Cuba’s natural al-
lies from establishing diplomatic or trade relations with the island. The few
nations that defied US threats, such as Mexico and Canada, served as bridges
but were unable to make up for lost revenue. Cuba’s adhesion to the Soviet
Union saved it from early ruin but also tied it to policies that ultimately
proved to be counterproductive. When the socialist bloc imploded in 1989
and 1990, the revolution once more found itself alone.
Although all these maneuvers, actions, and reactions have meant addi-
tional hardship for the Cuban people, the multipronged US campaign has
not worked. The Cold War ended a quarter century ago, but this remnant
of its politics continues: a woolly mammoth in a land of sun and palms.
Despite the fact that sectors of the US business community and increasing
numbers of lawmakers have pleaded for a different approach, a powerful but
aging exile lobby continues to oppose the normalization of relations, holding
US Cuba policy hostage. With slight shifts in one direction or another, the
United States continued in what can only be described as a bully standoff
against a country much smaller and much poorer, a country that wants noth-
ing more than to be left alone to shape the future it has chosen. A relentless
blockade and travel restrictions that are in place to this day have separated
families and attempted to separate ideas.
The revolution itself has not been perfect; it is made of human beings:
brilliant, creative, courageous, and fallible. All it has ever demanded has
been its right, as a sovereign state, to make its own decisions, follow its
own path. The Cuban Revolution’s great achievements have been near-full
employment, universal health care, free education from day care through
university, and subsidized culture and sports. Important (although as yet in-
conclusive) strides toward gender and racial equality have been made. Cuba
alone among nations has been able to stabilize its hiv / aids crisis—no mea-
ger list of accomplishments. Although it is poor, different priorities have
made possible a degree of social change of which we can only dream.
Solidarity with other disenfranchised peoples and a generosity of spirit
almost forgotten in the United States have characterized Cuba since the in-
ception of its revolution. But new values are hard to sustain when faced
with ongoing aggression and the exhaustion that comes when years pass and
promises cannot be kept. The younger generation, with no memory of the
8 | Chapter 1
ravages of the neocolonialist state, has seen a return to a degree of individu-
alism and social fatigue. Some major problems, such as inadequate housing,
have eluded solution. New ones, such as exhaustion and substance abuse,
have emerged.
Currently some 36,000 Cubans emigrate each year, many of them hav-
ing obtained professional degrees at no cost to themselves. Approximately a
third that many return from abroad, but these tend to be older people who
are no longer productive and require considerable state investment in their
health and well-being. As the country transitions from a socialist system to
include certain features of a market economy, corruption has also taken a
toll. The majority of Cubans, however, continue to reject a purely consum-
erist society and the distortions it brings. They are struggling to preserve
the rights and dignity the revolutionaries of 1959 sacrificed so much to win.
The Cuban Revolution’s survival and the level of social welfare it has been
able to provide its people are nothing short of extraordinary. Its continued
existence seems miraculous. Mistakes? Yes, plenty of them. Wrong turns?
Some of those as well. Interested readers can consult hundreds of books on
all aspects of Cuban history and life.5
On December 17, 2014 US President Barack Obama and Cuban President
Raul Castro announced reestablishment of diplomatic relations between the
two countries. Ending the half-century blockade will take an act of Congress,
so the degree of real change will only unfold over time. We wait to see if this
is a change in method or in policy.
My purpose here is not to analyze the revolution’s successes and failures
but simply provide some background for those who may not remember a
moment, 55 years ago, when a tiny island nation challenged a major world
power and threw off the imperialist yoke. I have begun in this way in order
to jog the collective memory, pique the interest of young activists, and set the
stage for the story I want to tell. It is the story of Haydée Santamaría, one of
the extraordinary women who made the Cuban Revolution possible.
Before We Begin | 9
Haydée Santamaría, 1970s. photo by margaret randall.